• ...

Liner's plan

The big snowballs are rolling to the Newbie. Twilight's horn and hooves glowing, then the earth on the cliff and around the Newbie start raising up, then they are forming into a bridge, blocking all of the snowballs that are rolling to them.

Spike smiles. "Looks like Saddle Abaria have a bridge."

"A bridge under a cliff is a world wonder." Jokes Breaker. "I can invite some tourists to watch this."

Spike laughs. "Twilight is making a world wonder." The purple unicorn slaps his back. Spike turns to her. "Hey, that's just a joke."

"I am not hearing your joking." Twilight speeds her snowboard up. "We have to finish this race."

"You have no joke." Spike rolls his eyes and starts speeding up. "Maybe you like your library more."

Twilight giggles. "Maybe. But a library with two dragons is more beneficial to me."

"Fair enough."

The Newbie starts speeding up to finish this race. On the cliff, some shadows just watch the Newbie skis through the ice road. The shadows just go away.

The audiences are discussing the purple unicorn's ability. Some of them even call her a new witch. Craka looks at the white cat. Amelia slams on the table. "Did someone try to assassinate them?"

"You mean ... those big snowballs are not your doing?" Craka sighs in relief. "I thought you were going so far."

"I am not an idiot to make challenges that can kill anyone." Amelia points at the screen. "That snowball is too much."

"You mean someone is trying to sabotage the marathon." Craka facepalms. "Oh wait, this is a nightmare challenge, not even a marathon anymore."

"I think so, but I didn't think of anyone." Amelia huffs. "Anyway, let the competition continue. I will investigate this."

Craka giggles. "Heh, good luck. Your legs are sticking here." Amelia is creating a clone herself, then the clone flies away. The gray Abyssian sighs. "I wish I had magic."

"You already have one." Amelia pats her head. "You just don't have anyone unlock your mana."

"Really? I can do this?"

"Everyone can." Amelia lies on the table. "You can ask the purple dragon to teach you some."

"I'll pass. I have suffered in his claws."

"You know he is not going to hurt you, right?"

"I know." Craka turns away. "I just don't like to be in the dragon's hug. That makes me feel like I am going to be eaten."

When Craka is going to talk more, a soldier come inside and gives her a letter. The gray Abyssian reads the letter, then gives it to Amelia.

The letter is about Liner, Sandy's father, is going to stop the Newbie to be a champion. Amelia rubs her chin. "Why does Sandy want your sister? If he wants to be a prince, he can follow you."

"I don't know either." Craka taps her finger. "About Sandy, he has had a nice appearance since the beginning. If he wants to court someone, he will succeed."

"... he is reminding me about Succubus." Amelia smirks. "Unlucky for him, this team is going to be champion, then the Minotaur."

"Why are you sure about that?"

Amelia smiles and folds her paws. "Just my instinct."

The Minotaur can finally get out of the challenge cave. The guard looks at them and sees that all of them are very tired and lying on the snow, but they quickly stand up as they just feel cold.

The guard gives them coats to warm themself. Ellios looks at the skateboards and skis and he retorts. "Hey, not fair. None of us can ski."

"Don't worry about that." The guard takes out the skateboard. "These things are enchanted to make sure that everyone can ski, even the ones who have never skied before."

Ellios's eyes widened. "Really?"

The guard nods. "I'm not lying. Not only you, even me have that face."

"Wow... this will be the best marathon I have ever seen."

"Except being chased by a dragon." Teases his teammate.

"Shut up."

The Minotaur starts equipping the tool. After a while, they are ready and start skiing. Ellios just closes his eyes but he finds that he can actually ski.

The Minotaur keeps speeding up. After skiing for a while, they see a bridge is built by earth, which makes them feel amazed. Ellios smiles. "How can they do that?"

Ellios's teammate notices him. "I don't know, but we have to go faster. That orange unicorn are going first place."

"Ah... I know that one is not normal."

The minotaur skiing through the cliff. The road is normal until they see an ice castle is on their way. All of the minotaurs feel amazed with the castle, but also feel shame when they know that this castle is going to melt after the marathon.

"1079... 1080..."

Celestia raises the halberd and slams it down, her sweet is running down like a waterfall. The white alicorn slams it down, then she falls down on the ground and breathes heavily.

The lion checks the white alicorn and sees that she is going too much. Leo shakes his head and pours water on her face, but finds that the water is boiled immediately when touching her body. The white alicorn does not get up.

Touching her mane, Leo pulls out immediately. He feels that the mane is hot like the body, despite her mane is still a rainbow one. Leo rubs his chin and takes a pan with some eggs. The lion starts cooking the omele for him and Celestia. "Ovenestia"

Celestia finds that she is in the black space. "Hello?" Shouts the alicorn but no one answer. Walking for a while, she sees the familiar orange dragon is fighting against a monster to protect her subject. The white alicorn runs to them to protect them but only find that she never reaches their position.

Running for a while, she feels tired and sees Sunset, her old student, is successful slay the monster and everyone around cheers for her. The orange dragon ignores their praises and keeps going forward. Celestia tries to run to her but the distance is further from time to time. Celestia breathes heavily and lies down while Sunset keeps going forward.

Celestia wakes up immediately and breathes heavily. After a while, she smells something nice nearby. Looking around, she sees Leo is having his meal on a stump.

The lion waves his paw. "Hey, my oven is waking up."

"Oven? What do you mean?" Celestia sits beside the lion. "Don't tell me you use me as an oven." Leo nods as Celestia just gulps. "This is a joke, right?"

"I hope it does." Leo signs. "Your body's hot like a lava. Why can't I use that like an oven?"

Celestia glares at the lion. "Hey, this is my body. You shouldn't use me like that without my permission."

"Hard to tell." Leo smirks. "Have a nice dream?"

"No." Celestia shakes her head and sits down. "I saw that Sunset Shimmer protects my subject again." Then she sighs. "Why do I feel so uncomfortable about this?"

Leo is cutting the beef. "Let me guess. You try to chase her but you feel like you and that witch never reach each other, right?"

"You're right. I'm feel helpless when trying to reach her." Celestia turns away. "In the Canterlot invasion, I nearly died because of Chrysalis, but Sunset and her friend saved my life while Twilight and her friend defended my country." Celestia puts her face on the stump. "When my sister came back and wanted to destroy the world. Once again, Sunset, Twilight and others bring my sister back."

"You are thinking too much." Leo finishes his meal. "Remember, you are a ruler of a country. Everyone will die because of your life."

"But that's not what I want." Celestia slams on the stump. "What I want less depends on my soldiers."

"They are not soldiers." Leo grins. "They are heroes."

Celestia sighs. "Whatever. How about we keep training?"

"How about you take a rest?" Leo pats her head. "You are pushing so far."

Celestia retorts. "But I want..."

Suddenly, she feels heavy on her body and lies on the ground. The white alicorn tries to get up but she can't. Leo walks closer to the alicorn. "I said that you will take a rest."

"What... what did you do?"

Lep puts the white alicorn on his back. The alicorn is surprised when his fur is so comfortable and sleeps. Leo looks at the mountain and runs to it.

Sandy is running to the challenge cave. He and his team are running fast to the gate. The yellow Abyssian is frustrating when all of his tool to cheat this marathon are completely useless this year.

When they are running to the gate, the guard stands there and gets up.

He announces. "Welcome..."

Before the guard can finish his sentence, Sandy yells at him. "Stop announcing already, we are not free to hear your work."

"Oh well." The guard takes out the box. "Do you mind wearing these pendants for your own safety?"

Sandy and his teammate, wearing the pendants, quickly go inside the room. They see the room with a long road, no trap, no enemy, nothing. Sandy laughs. "Is this really a challenge? Come on, let's finish this fast."

The Rich is running fast to the end. Suddenly, a white orb flies above them and reveals a tsunami symbol, which makes them confused.

A shadow overlaps them as the Rich turns back, they see a big wave is coming to them. The Rich runs fast in panic. They see a ladder come from the floor. The Rich quickly climbs up and the tsunami hits the ground, make the room in flood.

Sandy sighs in relief but the white orb reveals the grasshopper symbol. Looking forward, they see a lot of grasshoppers flying toward them very fast, like arrows. Sandy and his team quickly jump down the water and dive to dodge these grasshoppers. The room is not simple like Sandy though.

The audience and Craka are stunned when they look at the grasshoppers. The white cat looks at Craka and knows that something happened in the past, but she keeps lying on the table and waits for the responses.

Craka's paws are shaking and turning to the white cat. "Are... these grasshoppers real?"

Amelia shakes her head. "No. They will turn into water after that." Amelia pats Craka's back. "I'm sorry."

"No... no need." Craka shakes her body. "I just... remind myself of something not good."

Amelia spins her paws."Let me guess. You witnessed many corpses that were too thin. You saw they are just the bones that are covered by skin."

Craka turns away. "Ho... How do you know about this so well?"

"Because the grasshopper storm always causes that." Amelia starts walking around. "They eat everything. Every single tree and food."

"You're right." Craka slams on the table. "We have this storm once per year, and we have to spend a lot of money to hire many mages to stop that disaster."

"Oh." Amelia sits on Craka's shoulder. "Honestly, you can do it without magic."

"We can? How?"

Amelia giggles. "Just use smoke to chase them away. And I don't believe that your country doesn't have ducks. They will eat grasshoppers."

"Thank you for your advice. I will try that." Craka turns to the mic . "Oh crap."

"What's wrong?"

"The mic is on."

"Eh... something will happen?"

"I think not." Craka laughs. "Anyway, how about we turn back to the race? I believe that we have our job."

Amelia giggles and takes the mic. "Anyway, the Rich is ..."

The tall brown Abyssian stands up and runs to the finance department to cancel all of the mage costing, then she advises to buy many things to cause smoke.

Ametia turns to the guard and tells them to announce to all of the farmers who raise the ducks to come to a city that will be suffering from the grasshopper storm. They will get a reward if they come to help them.

Liner throws the cup away and is very angry about this cat when Amelia will make him lose a lot of money for that because the old Abyssian wants the grasshopper storm to happen.

Liner turns to his servant and whispers. "Tell assassins to kill that cat. I don't want her to interrupt my business anymore."

His servant bows and walks away from the room. One of the guards feels something is not right and he decides to follow the servant. After walking for a while, he finds out Liner's servant is talking to a group of black coat figures and announces to assassinate Amelia.

After the black coat figures jump away, the guard starts running to the competition to tell Liner about the plan of Liner. The race is not simple anymore.