• ...

Operation over and troublemakers.

Redheart is preparing to shock the filly's heart as the heart stops beating. Shocking one time, the heart is still not beating. "Again." The doctors prepare to charge the electricity and Redheart shocks the filly again. 'Why the heart didn't beat... no... she won't die here. She is too young to die.' Redheart keeps shocking the heart.

After the fifth electric shock, the heart is beating again as the white mare breathes heavily. Slime turns to her. "Do you have enough energy to continue?"

"Help me to connect the artery. If we fail, she will die."

Slime nods and all of them start connecting the artery. The old stallion looks at her cutting and sees that the artery strings are not cut nearly. Slime is going to ask her but the white mare keeps connecting the artery without problem. The old stallion is going to ask her after the operation.

Slime is sitting in a room and still surprised after the operation. The old stallion is confused about Redheart's operation skill. She is improving so fast, maybe too fast. When the old stallion is watching Redheart document, the door opens and another old unicorn is walking inside the room.

Looking at the door, he sees the familiar light yellow stallion with blue hair walking inside. Slime sighs. "What are you doing here, Yellow Sigh? I don't want to argue with you."

The yellow stallion takes the seat and starts to ask. "All right, I will ask you directly." Slime puts down the document as the yellow stallion asks. "Where did you get her?"

Slime answers. "Just the time I moved here, plus two years."

"And how long until she starts to operate on the patient?"

"Two years ago." Slime rubs his head, "I remember that she started operating on the patient two years ago."

"Only two years?" Yellow Sigh turns away. "I hope you are joking." Slime shakes his head as the yellow unicorn glares at her. "You know two years are not enough to have that workmanship."

Slime stands up and yells at him. "I am surprised here too, alright?" Yellow is silent as Slime sits down. "I can't believe it. The operation finished in only 5 hours and 30 minutes while the normal one lost at least 15 hours. You and I are watching a crazy operation that is made by a nurse."

Yellow is silent. He takes the cup of tea to calm himself. The unicorn says. "That skill... not anypony can do it

"That's why I have to ask her where she got those improvements." Slime leans on the chair. "It's very complicated."

"So, any abnormality when she started operating two years ago."

"Let me think." Slime rubs his head. "She always feels sleepy in the morning and tries to take a nap when she has free time. Honestly, this is normal because she is a nurse so she has to take the nurse job."

Yellow is shocking. "Nurse? Are you serious?" Slime nods as the yellow pegasus 'tsk' and turns away. "You know what? Even Canterlot doctors deserve to carry her saddle with that skill. Did she even have a degree?"

"Eh yeah." Slime throws Yellow the document. "She passed the medical college with an excellent score, and only lost one year and a half to complete it, but she always calls herself a nurse."

Yellow looks at the document and feels something not right about this mare. He stands up and leaves the green stallion alone in the room.

Craka and Spike are running to the crowd to see what happens. When they get there, they see Sunset is standing next to the Abyssian bodies lying next to her with many injuries. The orange unicorn notices the gray Abyssian and comes to her.

"Bet that I'm in big trouble, right." Sunset turns to the gang lying on the ground. "But the thing is that gangs work like the black credit."

"Oh... if this is work like a black credit, you won't be in trouble." Craka walks closer to the gang and sees 'the house is burning' medal. "Wow, you really know how to choose a gang to mess with."

"Hmm..." Spike flies to the Abyssian. "How so?"

"She is messing with 'The house of the dead' gang." Craka stands up. "We are trying to stop them but they are hiding so well, so we can't sweep them off."

"I see." Sunset smiles. "I head to another shop, see ya."

The orange unicorn throws the bag of money to the stallion that sells the fabric and walks away. Before the stallion can retort, the orange unicorn teleports away. Spike sighs. "Guess that you will be a little busy."

"Not much." Craka whistles loudly. After a while, many black coat soldiers appear before the gray Abyssian. Craka orders. "You, take these criminals to jail. We can have some info"

The soldiers bow and they start to tie the criminal. One of them even buys a hay cart to carry the criminals away. Spike is going to walk away from the Abyssian but he feels her paw is wrapping him. The purple dragon sighs. "Fine. I give up."

"That's the spirit. Now, we will go to the pyramid." Craka rubs her face against his back. "Now let's go."

Craka starts to walk to the pyramid with the baby purple dragon in her hold. The group starts dismissing them because they have nothing to see here. Suddenly, his stomach is glowing. The purple dragon suggests. "How about we get something to eat? I'm starving."

"Good idea." Craka heads to a food shop. "Come on, we will have some specialties of our country."

"You can be a travel guide instead of a princess."

"Don't tease me like that." Craka giggles. "We will have some lunch." Then the gray Abyssian carries the purple dragon to the food store.

Amelia is taking the book from the bookshelf. They are all about the culture and location of this country. She takes it to the purple unicorn and reads them together. The purple unicorn is sitting with the familiar brown Abyssian, who is currently sleeping.

Breaker yawns and stretches her body. "Come on Twilight, you need to go out instead of staying in this library and read a book about my country."

Twilight retorts. "But I know nothing about your country. So I have to read this to know more."

Amelia points at the book. "You know what? You don't have much money to buy so..."

Amelia starts levitating the purple unicorn and flies out of the library. The purple unicorn is squirming in the air while everyone around looks at them and starts murmuring about the cat. Breaker sighs. "You know what? I will carry her so you don't have to make attention around."

"You're right." Amelia throws the purple unicorn to the brown Abyssian as Breaker catches her.

Twilight glares at the white cat. "Don't toss me like that." The purple unicorn jumps down. "Anyway, I didn't see any problem with your mother, or is it too soon to see?"

"I hope that is the first case." Breaker sighs. "You already know the reason why I'm leaving, right?"

Twilight taps her chin. "Well... I know the reason."

"Let's go. I'm starving."

Breaker leads Twilight and Amelia to somewhere to eat. When they get there, they see a group of ponies and Abyssians going toward them. The trio is confused to know what happens. The group starts separating into two and a cart appears. The cart opens and a yellow Abyssian wearing luxury accessories comes out and walks to the trio.

Breaker knows this guy and glares at him as the yellow Abyssian kneels before her. "Lady Ethna. I have waited for you a long time."

Breaker turns away from him. "What are you doing here, Sandy? I have nothing to tell you."

"I come here to get you." Sandy stands up and grins. "You will become my wife."

"And who decides that? Even my mother can't force me to this." Breaker folds her paw. "I assume that you will force my mother to do something."

"Oh, why should I force your mother?" Sandy puts his paw to his chest. "I promise that I won't force anything on you."

"Then can you stay away from me?" Breaker huffs. "I have the tourists to lead here."

Sandy looks at the purple unicorn and the white cat. The Abyssian gives them a smirk. "Look like a princess like these outsiders a lot. I respect that." The yellow Abyssian bows to her and turns back to the cart. His groom starts carrying the cart and goes away.

The purple unicorn glares at that while Amelia just smiles. The white cat lies on her back and says. "He will do something. I sense that."

Twilight nods. "Me either. Anyway, my stomach is demanding food. Can we go?"

"Sure." Breaker points at the small store. "This is my favorite store. Come on, I will show you the good specialist food of our country."

Twilight and Amelia follow the brown Abyssian to go inside the small store. The purple unicorn is worried about Breaker when that yellow Abyssian comes to annoy her.

Ametia is working with a lot of papers on the board. She is hoping that her daughters will not get in trouble because of something.

A soldier with black coat jumps from the window and reports. "Your majesty. One of your guests caught some members of the gang. We are ready to raid their hideout."

"Really?" Ametia puts down the paper. "Who is this?"

"The orange unicorn one," The soldier takes out the paper that has information about the gang. "I believe that this is just one of them. Anyway, when we're spying on her, she seems to realize our present."

Ametia is flipping the paper, then gives it back. "Raid this base immediately."

The soldier writes something on the paper and throws it out of the window. One of them catches it and jumps down to the ground. The soldier turns back to the queen. "About Breaker, she is followed by Sandy, once again."

"Bet that he is being rejected by my daughter, right?" Ametia sighs. "That's my fault when I forced her to marry him before."

"You shouldn't blame yourself like that. It's happened and nothing can change it." The soldier looks outside the window. "Anyway, Craka is sticking with that purple dragon though. I admit that he is so cute."

"Don't urge me to cuddle with you." Ametia giggles. "He is not just like that."

"I know, I know. That's all the report."

"Very good. Now, you can go. Keep your eyes on my daughter, alright."

The soldier jumps out of the windows and leaves the queen alone with the papers. When Ametia sits down and goes to continue the work.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupts her as the queen sighs in frustration. "Come in". The door is opened and a old yellow Abyssian with black stripe on his face is coming inside. Ametia sighs. "What now, Liner? You want to make your son with my older daughter I guess."

"Yes." The Abyssian sits down. "I want my son to marry her, so they can be happy with each other."

"That depends on my daughter." Ametia shakes her head. "I don't want to influence her happiness again."

The old Abyssian grins and smiles. "You can say anything good about my son to your daughter"

"I said..." The queen slams the table. "Do... not ... influence her happiness again."

The old Abyssian stands up and goes out of the room. The queen sighs in relief when that annoying Abyssian finally goes out of the room.

Liner takes out the bag of money and writes something on it, then he puts it inside the trash and goes out of the castle. Some creatures with some rag on their body go to the trash and take it, then they read the message. The creatures go inside immediately to prepare some weapons.