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Alicorn Amulet and a problem in Ponyville

Sunset wakes up and sees that the sunlight is feeling weird today. Looking outside, she sees the clouds are arranging like caro. The orange dragon picks the purple unicorn up when she is sleeping and makes her look outside, then she shakes her rapidly.

Twilight is shocked and glares at Sunset. "What are you doing?"

"Look at outside."

Twilight turns outside and sees many ponies are in despair while the cloud is like caro. Twilight grasps and looks at the book.

Amelia sees the scene and asks. "Someone messing outside, right?" The white cat gives Sunset a white sword. "Here is your sword that you forgot in the blacksmith. Honestly, this is the most crazy sword you ever craft."

Sunset puts Twilight down. The purple unicorn wakes Spike up immediately and tells him what happens. The purple duo quickly go downstairs to find the way to solve the problem.

Amelia watches the orange dragon, who is reading a book on the bed. The white cat sighs. "Don't you have to help Twilight to solve her problem?"

"I want her to solve it herself." Sunset flips another page. "Anyway, how is your trip to Diamond Dog mine?"

"Quite great." Amelia smiles. "I have eaten a lot of fishes inside there."

"Bet that you stole money to buy them, right?"

Amelia glares at her. "Hey, why should I have to do that? I am not poor enough to do that." The white cat coughs. "Anyway, my sister and I want to talk with you in the training room."

"Sure. But can we talk here instead in the training room?"

Amelia shakes her head. Sunset sighs and goes to the training room. When she comes inside, she sees a black cat with a flower bed with water inside. Looking carefully, she sees the flower bed has light color flowers on the left while the dark color flowers on the right.

Sunset feels weird and asks. "Are you making a bed for you two and Noleg? I suppose it is too big, Diana."

The black cat is floating in the air and boops her snout. "It is not for us."

"Then for who?"

Diana grins. "For someone who I am talking to."

Sunset takes her staff and quickly turns around but Amelia has already put her paw on the dragon's forehead. The orange dragon falls down on the ground and unconscious. Amelia sighs in relief. "Wow, we nearly have a battle between this stubborn dragon and us."

"Her mana is still unstable, but I think she knows that." Diana folds her paw. "Do you have that artifact?"

"Yes." Amelia takes out the Alicorn Amulet. "Why did you want this thing?"

"You really know that she is having too much mana inside, right?" Diana huffs. "The things she did to prevent a 'nuclear bomb' in Atlas, I still hate her."

Amelia puts Sunset on the bed, then wears the Alicorn Amulet on the orange dragon. Amelia looks at the artifact. She feels the anger, the envy inside this amulet, then the white cat releases it. "Anger, envy and pride. This thing is like use for war."

"War? This world have a world war?"

"I don't know, but one of the ponies named Sombra has the same kind of mana with this amulet." Amelia looks at Sunset. "Lucky that he is dead now. We shouldn't worry about that."

"You mean Sombra and this artifact are related." Diana rubs her chin. "Someone will know about this."

"Celestia." Amelia circles her paw and a light magic circle appears on Sunset. "A 1000-year-old alicorn like her will know something about it."

"I see." Diana does the same and a dark magic circle appears under Sunset. "Do you think someone will resurrect Sombra?"

"An ugly creature named Discord can do that." Amelia puts her paw on Sunset's chest. "He is dangerous because he is the symbol of chaos in this world, like you."

"Interesting." Diana giggles and puts her paw on Sunset's chest. "Anyway, I see this artifact can't be destroyed by outside force."

"Let's hope this orange dragon can break this artifact."

Amelia and Diana start transferring their mana to Sunset, reveal her mana vein, then they put the orange dragon on the tree and tie her with a vine. Diana shakes her head. "Nice prank. She will kill you when she wakes up."

Amelia shakes her head and sits on the bed to guard the orange dragon.

Sunset wakes up and finds that she is in a forest. Rubbing her head, the orange dragon starts wandering around. After 15 minutes, she sees a village. The village seems small, just as large as Ponyville.

Sunset starts entering the village. When the villagers see her, they scream out loud and run away. Sunset feels weird and decides to go deeper. Any house she passes by, the pony will shut all the doors. "Weird, I thought..."

Suddenly, a rope is wrapping around her as the orange dragon looks at the side. She sees Applejack hold the rope and tries to pull her. Sunset quickly yanks her rope and cuts it. Suddenly, many arrows are shot at her. Sunset creates an earth wall to block the arrow. Looking up the wall, she sees many royal guards are running to her.

The orange dragon looks at Applejack as the orange pony is terrified. Sunset quickly teleports to the nearby roof and hides in there. When the royal guards come to the orange pony, they check Applejack and ask. "Did that dragon hurt you, miss?"

"No... I was just surprised and terrified when I saw a dragon that can do magic." Applejack gulps. "I think we should report it to Princess Celestia."

The royal guards look at the earthwall that Sunset just made, then they run to a camp. After a while, a pigeon is flying from the camp and flies to the castle in the forest. Sunset looks at it. 'Weird, these things seem familiar but nothing. That castle... am I in the old age?' The orange dragon flies away and heads to the castle of two sisters to find the answer.

Twilight seems broken when all of her friends seem fine with their new cutie mark. Rainbow becomes a flower seller with Rose and her peers. Fluttershy is selling the balloon. Applejack is becoming a gem digger and a gem examiner in Diamond Dog mine. Rarity is invited by Vinyl Scratch for a show and Pinkie Pie is selling her apple pie. This is chaos for the purple unicorn.

"I can't believe it. I think they will be bad at what they do." Twilight puts her head on Spike's shoulder. "This is a nightmare."

"Because they are not the same?" Spike points at colts and fillies, who are playing with Fluttershy. "They are the same, but different jobs."

"But... but... but..." Twilight sighs. "Can we cast that spell back?"

Spike takes out the book and reads. "Well, the spell was only used 1 time for one years. Wow, longer than Sunset's flame chain, 1 time for 6 months."

"What!? Oh, come on." Twilight digs herself on Spike's back as the purple dragon rolls his eyes. Twilight asks. "So... Can we go to Fluttershy's cottage? I think it will change since Fluttershy sells her balloon."

"Then we should go."

Spike and Twilight head to Fluttershy's cottage to see what happens there. When they open the door, a shadow rushes to them. Spike quickly punches it, makes it cough and rolls in pain. Twilight looks closer to the cottage and sees all of the animals are looking at them in a hungry look.

The purple duo quickly closes the door and looks at others, then they run away from the cottage. Spike breathes heavily and guesses. "I think Fluttershy selling her balloon makes all of the animals starve inside."

"Let's check the other places. I think they will change when they do different jobs. Let's go."

Spike and Twilight run to the Carousel Boutique and find that no one is here. The purple duo decides to check the room and hear Sweetie Belle's voice murmuring about how her sister changes so much. She wants her sister back. The purple duo promises to bring her sister back.

Spike and Twilight go to the Sweet Apple Acres and Applebloom says the same as Sweetie Bell. She doesn't accept Pinkie Pie as her new sister. The thing is not more difficult for the two.

Amelia is sitting on the chair and reading a book in the main room. Behind her, there are a lot of books. The white cat throws another book away and puts her paws on her head. She finds nothing from this artifact or how old is this amulet. Suddenly, the chair is falling down and the white cat is rolling on the ground.

When she stands up, she sees the pedestal is showing up from the floor. Curiously, Amelia flies to the pedestal and sees a book on it with the title. 'Ancient title in Equestria'. Feeling weird, the white cat picks up and opens it. Many pages are torn due to the old book. Amelia keeps flipping the page until the last pages of the book are still intact. It is about the Alicorn Amulet.

Amelia flips fast and sees that all of the page of this artifact still remains. The white cat starts reading it.

The Alicorn Amulet

This amulet is a very powerful being. It boosts the magic power of any creature in this world. This thing can corrupt and control the wearer due to its power. The wearer starts feeling more powerful than usual, but he or she will slowly lose control and start doing their goal in negative way

The source : 700 years ago, when the pony tribe was threatened by a long body with scale dragons. An unicorn wanted to craft an artifact to save the pony tribe. That pony named Simple. Simple had borrowed an alicorn's magic power to craft this artifact.

When he was done crafting, he went to the frontline and wore the Alicorn Amulet to stop the dragons. Simple managed to stop the dragons from killing the pony tribe but the cost was that the unicorn was corrupted and wanted to rule a kingdom. The alicorn that gives him power has to seal the artifact and tries to save the unicorn but it's too late. Simple had been completely corrupted , even though he wore the amulet off. The alicorn can't do anything but kill him.

200 years later, that unicorn had come back and enslaved all of the ponies in the old Crystal Empire. The alicorn had to fight him again and defeated him, bringing peace to the crystal pony.

Amelia closes the book and sees a familiar white alicorn is watching her. The white cat wants to put the book down but a yellow aura stops her. Amelia flies to the unicorn's horn but a halberd stops her. The white cat grunts and teleports the book away, making Celestia surprised.

Amelia folds her paws and asks. "So... you are the one who crafts Alicorn Amulet indirectly?"

"You can say that." Celestia turns away. "I don't want to remember when Simple sacrificed himself for the pony tribe because the dragons can control thunder and rain."

"Bet that thunder dragon really hates the pony." Amelia taps her finger. "And he is a fallen hero."

"You can say that." Celestia covers her face with her mane. "I have to kill him. Have... to."

"I see."

The white alicorn sits on the sofa as the white cat sits on Celestia's back and starts comforting her. Celestia smiles. "Thanks, I appreciate that."

"Sunset said no wrong." Amelia comments. "You have a concrete face."

"How is your trip here? Chaos?"

"Yes, and Discord is very happy about that." Celestia facehoofs. "I can't believe that Twilight casts that spell."

"Just wait to see Twilight and Spike finish that spell." Amelia leans on Celestia's back. "You are really a cat mint."

Celestia rolls her eyes and rubs Amelia's chin. The white alicorn feels so relaxed when rubbing a cat. Now, Amelia and Celestia will wait for the purple unicorn to solve her own problem.