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The crystal heart

Twilight and Spike are searching the information about the crystal heart. When Twilight finds it, she drags the purple dragon as Spike reads it.

Twilight bounces, "this crystal will save this crystal empire,"

"But... Is it too high to grab it?" Spike looks at her as Twilight glares at him and points at his wings. Spike points at the book, "Sombra uses a shield spell to make sure that no one can grab it,"

"Hmm..." Twilight takes the book and read, " It's say there is a way under the throne room, but nopony can open it,"

"Well, Sombra is the unicorn who uses the dark spell anyway. I remember when Sunset said that don't make the mana control you," Spike shudders, "This maybe an example of mana controlling,"

Twilight looks at the purple dragon as Spike steps back. Twilight takes his claw and drags him out, "Spike, you are genius. I think I know how to open it,"

"Okay... I hope that Sunset is not fighting with Sombra right now," Spike huffs, "I don't want to have a corpse in the ground,"

Twilight puts her face near him, "You worry about her?" Spike is blushed and turns away. The purple unicorn sighs, "we... Will talk about it later,"

"Uh sure," Spike rubs his head and follows the purple unicorn to the throne room.

Sombra is firing many dark crystals at the orange unicorn, but an ice wall rises up and blocks all of the crystal. The gray unicorn forms a crystal sword and teleports behind the orange unicorn, but two backhooves slam into his chest and the gray unicorn is slammed into a tree and coughs some blood. He stands up and glares at the orange unicorn.

"Who are you?" Sombra points the sword at her, "You can escape mind controlling and have no problem to fight with me,"

"The name's Sunset Shimmer," the orange unicorn stands in the defense stance, "I just want to visit princess Cadance and others."

"You..." Sombra grits his teeth, "you are the one who stands in my way. I was very close to killing Celestia, but you... You..." Sombra slams his forehooves and many black crystals are floating beside him.

Sombra breathes heavily as Sunset rubs her head. She tilts her head and asks, "I don't know much. I haven't seen you around but anyway... '' Sunset's horn is glowing," but that doesn't mean I can't stop you."

Sombra fires all the crystals and changes into the black mist. The orange unicorn slams her forehooves and the ice wall appears to block the crystal. Sombra flies around Sunset's horn and many black crystals all around her horn, causing her unable to use magic by horn.

Sombra flies above Sunset, changes into normal and swings the black crystal sword as he is sure that this unicorn will die. Sunset suddenly teleports as the black unicorn is surprised and slams his body to the ground, then he looks up and sees Sunset is dropping her hooves to him. Sombra quickly teleports out of the slam as Sunset looks at him.

Sombra glares at the orange unicorn, "How... How can you spell without your horn?"

Sunset takes out her staff as the gray unicorn steps back. The staff is on fire as Sunset smiles, "Wyvern Slash: Wing of the dragon," and she swings the staff. A flame dragon wing is flying to the gray unicorn at high speed. Sombra manages to dodge it but his left cheek is cut. Looking behind, he sees the flame wing cut through a large boulder. The orange unicorn stands on two backhooves and points the staff at Sombra, "Have enough?"

"You... Monster," Sombra steps back, "What are you?"

Sunset spins the staff, "Just a unicorn that can walk by two hooves," Sombra steps back as the orange unicorn walks toward him. The thing will be funny for Sunset.

Twilight and Spike go to the throne room as Spike looks around but finds nothing. Twilight aims her horn at the throne as it is glowing dark and blasts the purple ray at the throne. The floor is shaking and a long stair. Twilight sighs and she is going to walk too long but Spike grabs her and puts the purple unicorn on his back.

Twilight glares at him, "Don't scare me like that."

"I like that sound," Spike grins and starts flying down as Twilight huffs. After 5 minutes, they manage to land on the ground.

Looking around, they only see a door. Spike goes to open it but he can't. Twilight starts analyzing the door and sees a weird hole. Twilight blasts the purple ray. Spike feels the door can open right now.

Twilight opens the door as the light is coming out to blind her. Shaking her head and opens her eyes, she sees the familiar library and sees Sunset and Spike are standing there.

Twilight asks, "Why am I here? What's happening?," Sunset gives her a basket.'' Why did you give me this?"

Spike answers, "We don't need you anymore," Twilight jumps back as the purple dragon opens the door, "You fail to save the Crystal Empire. We are so disappointed. Now, get out."

Spike pushes the purple unicorn away as Twilight is shocked, "No,no no..." And she breathes heavily. A light comes from the library as Twilight covers her eyes.

Twilight goes out the door and breathes heavily. When she sees the purple dragon, who is trying to comfort her. The purple unicorn hugs him tight and cries as Spike hugs back and asks, "What's happened?"

"Please don't leave me, okay?" Twilight hugs him tight as Spike strokes her mane. Twilight smiles and feeling comfortable.

Spike looks at the door, "So, what is inside?"

"I don't know," Twilight turns to the door, "I see what I am scared most,"

Spike stands up and walks inside the door, ignoring Twilight, who is trying to stop him. After a while, Spike comes out and hugs Twilight right. The purple unicorn pats him to comfort him. After a while, Spike turns to the door, "I wish Sunset is here,"

"And she will break this door," Twilight puts her hoof on the door, "If this door is not a way, then which way will we go?" Twilight looks around as she doesn't see anything. Twilight rubs her chin and blasts the white ray at the hole. The hole becomes white and Twilight slowly walks inside the door as Spike follows her.

When the purple duo walks inside, they see a long stair that goes up to the top. The purple duo looks at each other. Spike puts Twilight on his back as the purple dragon starts flying. After a while, Spike feels tired and lands on the nearby stair and looks up. Spike sees that it is way too high as he sighs, "How high is this stair?"

Twilight looks up and sees the stairs are very high. The purple unicorn rubs her chin to think the fastest way to go to the top. After a while, Twilight climbs on Spike's belly and stands on it.

Spike tilts his head, "What are you doing?"

"Just some kind of spell," Twilight's horn and hooves are glowing as Spike is feeling something is not right.

After a while, all of them are flipped and Spike start sliding down while Twilight is balance on it. Spike yells, "I hate you, Twilight," as Spike's body is sliding down to the top.

Shining Armor is taking Cadance to the throne room. When the couple comes inside, they see the yellow potion with a message on the potion. Shining comes to take the potion and read the message, 'Dear my best brother, if you see this potion, please give it to Cadance. It will help her to stay awake all day.'

Cadance looks at it and decides to drink the potion. She feels that all hunger is going away and she doesn't feel sleepy anymore. When she finishes it, she takes a paper, looks at it carefully and sees that write, 'Warning: after you stay awake in 24 hours, you will sleep in the next 24 hours.' Cadance gulps when she sees this warning as Shining looks at it. He pats the pink alicorn to comfort her.

The pink alicorn decides to go to the balcony to watch her subject. She sees Applejack and Rainbow Dash participate in a show, Rarity is sewing the hat and Pinkie Pie is telling jokes to make them laugh.

Suddenly, Cadance is feeling something impacts her as she looks up. Shining walks to her and asks, "What happens, honey?"

Cadance answers, "I feel something slams into my big shield. I am hoping that Sombra is not trying to break my shield,"

Shining smiles, "I think he can't do this," and looks up. He sees something is flashing in and out. The white unicorn is curious about what is it? But he turns to the pink alicorn, " I think just a flash. Let's go inside and check if something wrong," Cadance nods and she follows her husband to go inside.

Sombra is dodging Sunset's slash, but he still gets hit and bleeding on his front hoof. He tries to blast Sunset but the orange unicorn just slaps it away and charges at him. The gray unicorn quickly creates a crystal sword and blocks it as he tries to recoil back, but due to the orange unicorn's strength and the fire of her staff, he quickly slaps it away.

Sunset lands on the shield and spins the staff. Sombra looks at her, "you... You are stronger than before?"

"Sure," Sunset points at the gray unicorn, "I will send you to the Tartarus, where you never feel pain anymore," Sombra's eyes widen as he quickly slams the sword at the shield, cause it break apart and the unicorns going down.

Sombra quickly changes into the black mist to go away, but he finds that he can't move and is being inhaled by something. The gray unicorn looks back at Sunset as the orange unicorn is spinning her staff to create the tornado. When Sombra is close to her, he quickly changes into his original form and tries to thrust Sunset. Sunset catches the sword and kicks at his belly. The gray unicorn coughs as they are falling in the air.

When they are nearly on the balcony, the unicorns quickly teleport away. Sombra breathes heavily as he looks around, "Sombra?" A voice comes behind as Sombra looks behind. He sees Cadance is glaring at him while Shining Armor points the sword at him. Cadance stands up, "How did you come inside my shield?"

Sombra is going to answer but he feels something is not right. The gray unicorn teleports away as the staff is slammed at his spot. Sombra tries to stab the orange unicorn, but the orange unicorn manages to kick him, making the gray unicorn fly up in the air. When he drops near the floor, he receives a punch from Sunset and sends it flying into the wall.

Cadance and Shining Armor are surprised at the orange unicorn while Sunset complains, "I though he is strong as Arkon,"

"In your dream," Amelia pats her head, "you should finish him soon. I see you can finish him right now," many dark crystals are flying at them as the white cat raises her paws to stop them in mid air. The pink alicorn is amazed while the white cat continues lying on Sunset's head.

The tyrant king is furious now and many dark crystals are rising from the floor. Sombra summons many black swords and points at Sunset. "You will die," and he launches the sword at the orange unicorn.

After sliding on Spike's body, the purple duo manages to reach the top of the tower as Spike is getting up with many bruises on his body.

Spike glares at Twilight, "Don't use me as a skateboard again."

"Relax," Twilight points at the crystal heart. " We're here,"

Spike points at Twilight, "You owe me big time," Twilight and Spike are going to claim the crystal heart. Suddenly, many dark crystals rise from the floor and surround them. Twilight quickly pushes Spike away as the crystals become a cage, trapping Twilight inside. Spike tries to punch the cage but to no use. He yells, "you okay, Twilight?"

" I'm okay," the purple unicorn tries to teleport away but she is slammed into the cage, "I can't teleport out."

Spike looks at the crystal heart as the black crystal tries to reach the heart. Spike quickly grabs it and shouts, "I will be back, Twilight. Hold on," then he starts flying away.