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The normal day

Nurse Redheart stretches her body and yawns. Yesterday was a good day for her when she didn't see any problem. Now, she has to go to the veterinary hospital to check the dog.

When the white pony arrives there, she sees the familiar yellow pegasus and a light yellow coat, two-tone blue mane and tail with brown eyes checking the wolf.

Redheart takes the scissors. "All right Fluttershy, Dr. Fauna. We will cut the bandage."

"And I told you to rest, why did you bring your job here?" Fauna glares at her. "You're stubborn, don't you?"

"Don't care."

Redheart starts cutting the bandage. The next scene makes Fluttershy feel sick and has to calm her down to prevent her vomiting when she sees that. Hundreds of maggots are crawling on the wolf's wound. Fauna feels disgusting while Redheart just stands there.

The white pony sighs. "I know that will happen." Then she turns to Fluttershy and Fauna. "Fluttershy, you will prepare a lot of freshwater. Fauna, prepare for IV hydration."

Fluttershy runs outside to prepare the freshwater and Fauna gets some tools for IV hydration while Redheart takes some scissors and some dishes, then checks the wound

After 15 minutes, everything is prepared. Fluttershy and Fauna hold the wolf while Redheart starts washing the wound to take out the maggots. When it is done, the white pony starts cutting the dead meat in the wound.

"... I thought Redheart only treated the pony and some creatures." Wonders Fluttershy. "How can she have that work on animals?"

"I don't know either." Fauna sighs. "When she comes here to get this job, I am surprised when she manages to operate the animal without any problem. So, I have to recruit her."

"Focus please." Redheart is still cutting the dead meat. "Do not take the eyes out of the patients." The white pony pours the infectant solution and wraps bandage on it. Redheart smiles. "We done. Fluttershy, take care of this wolf."

Fluttershy nods and takes the wolf back to her cottage. The white pony sits down and smiles while Fauna is glaring at her. "I told you not to bring yourself to work."

"I don't know." Redheart takes some candy. "But this is some warm up so I'm fine. I am going to visit the hospital …" Suddenly, the white pony sees the angry glares from the light yellow pony. "Nevermind, I will not come to the hospital."

"Good. Now go to rest... and..."

Before Fauna finishes her sentence, a mare rushes into the door. The mare holds a little yellow cat that has something black on its eyes. Fauna facehoofs and sighs.

Celestia is slashing the stone column. It had been two day since the beginning but the column still did not fall. Leo just yawns and lies on the ground.

"Too boring." Says Leo sleepily. "Watching this alicorn is boring."

Celestia does the final slash, then she collapses on the ground. The white alicorn breathes heavily and glares at the lion. "If you are bored, come to help me."

"I can't. Your body is hot like lava." Counters Leo. "I don't want to cook my paw."

Celestia stands up and walks to the lion, then the white alicorn falls on the ground and looks at the lion. Celetia boops his nose. "Why there are two Leos?"

The lion makes her stand up and lean on the tree. Celestia shakes her head and signs in relief because her vision is normal. The lion gives her advice. "If you are too tired, don't lie like that immediately."

Celestia sighs and looks at the sky. "I feel like I am useless."

Leo smiles. "What made you think about that? You are doing well." Leo points at the stone column. "You really chop down that column."

"Stop tricking me, Leo." Celestia turns to the lion. "And tell me what's wrong."

"Ah..." Leo taps his finger on the trump. "Tell me what you feel in two day around."

Celestia nods and sits next to the lion. "I feel like... the more I step forward, the further from Sunset and others. I... I feel useless when I watch others walk away from me."

Leo grins. "I see. You are just scared." Leo pokes the halberd on Celestia's back and whispers near Celestia's ear. "Scared to not be strong enough to protect. Scared to watch your subject bathe in blood, and scared... to be alone." Celestia is frozen with that tone. The lion continues. "Then you are just trying in vain."

Celestia closes her eyes after that sentence. Leo is going to lie next to her but a gust from behind causes him to feel cold as he turns back. He sees the Crescent is covered by the black cloud. The black wolf is looking at him in death glare. "Leo...oooo.."

Leo tries to explain. "Uh... it's not what you think." A thunderbolt strikes next to him. Leo turns and runs away from the angry wolf.

"Come back here." Crescent starts chasing the lion.

Celestia is walking in the blank road, again. The white alicorn feels something is not right when many white orbs are following her.

When she sees a door is blocking her, the white orbs form a key to unlock the door. The white alicorn walks inside and sees a white dragon and a red dragon are walking to a tree and sits down side by side

Celestia can't see their face clearly. When she tries to walk forward, something block her. She just watches the dragons to do meditate. Suddenly, her halberd appeared before her.

Celestia looks at the halberd then raises it. She closes her eyes and then slashes ths blocking. The screen is cracked like a window before her, then she falls down into the shadows.

Celestia opens her eyes and grasps heavily. Look around, she sees Leo is in the Crescent's grisp as the lion is trying to get out in the rain

Celestia stands up and takes the halbers, then walks to the stone column.

Crescent and Leo stop fighting each other and watch the white alicorn. They wonder what she is doing in the rain.

Celestia looks at the stone column, then she closes her eyes. After a while, Leo and Crescent feel Celestia's halberd is shining bright and her body is changing. The white alicorn's mane and tail is becoming fire. The ground is shaking

I don't know what you are chasing. Celestia opens her eyes and raises her halberd. or what have you done? But I will not depend on anyone, especially you The white alicorn waves the halberd to others side. After a while, two big stone columns fall down, the trees around are burned. not anymore and she slams the halberd on the ground. The ground is cracked, and then a long trail is running on it

The white alicorn returns to her original form and lies down. The stones are falling down to Celestia. Leo and Crescent rescue her without any problem.

Leo and Crescent look at the stone column and the trail on the ground. Leo comments. "Uncontrol power. This is a good step."

Crescent nods. "I agree. She nearly catches Luna in this state."

"The next step is hard. I don't know what to do with this flame." Leo looks at Celestia, who is fainting. "Wonders if she can meet many 'sword users' around the world."

"She can, actually." Crescent pokes at Celestia's mane and it's hot. "She is a ruler. So she can meet those stronger opponents."

"... beside that witch. I don't know who." Leo rubs his chin. "Maybe we can just leave her there for a while."

Crescent points at the flame. "I will take out these flames. Don't even do that again before me."

Leo rolls his eyes. "Fine."

Leo takes Celestia to the tree and let her rest there. Looking at Celestia, she is still wanting to train more. Leo shakes his head and reads a book under a tree.

Redheart looks at the cat, then looks at the magenta mare, who is covered in scratch wounds.

Redheart asks. "Are you fighting with mommy cat or something?"

The magenta mare blushes and rubs her head. "Yes. When I just came here, I saw that the cat couldn't see anything so I decided to look closer and saw this. I feel bad but the mommy cat doesn't want me to come close so... I decided to steal it."

Fauna shakes her head while Redheart laughs. "Wow, I like that spirit. What's your name?"

"My name is Calendar."

Redheart nods. "We will check its eye. Please sit down and wait."

Redheart and Fauna check the black thing on the cat's eyes. After a while, Redheart and Fauna find out about this cat problem.

Fauna rubs her chin. "So, we have to operate?"

Redheart points at Calendar. Fauna walks to the magenta mare as the mare stands up. "What's the problem, doc."

Fauna answers. "It's just... this little cat hasn't opened its eyes for about one month. So the uncerations were formed and its cause moist and formed the black thing on its eyes. Like this. "

Calendar waves her hoof. "Then if you can do anything, please help that cat. I can pay money for this."

"Are you sure? It is not your cat."

"It will be my cat after this." Calendar stands up. "I will head to the mother to make it as my pet."

"I think you shouldn't go there." Fauna points at the bandage on the mare. "You stole this kitten, right?

"Eh... right." Calendar rubs her head. "I will wait."

Redheart starts to take the black things off the cat's eyes. The eyes nearly don't have its irises. Fauna makes the cat sleep. Redheart starts antiseptic on the cat's eye to take a look closer. They realize that its cornea is degenerating and nearly broken.

Redheart nods. "Prepare the 'recovering cornea' operation."

Calendar sees the doctor is pushing the cat inside. The magenta mare leaves the vet and takes a deep breath. Suddenly, she sees a Calico cat glaring at her and it is going to attack her. The mare gulps and is going to run away, but the cat jumps at her too quickly.

When the cat comes close, a white aura is covered around it and levitates. Calendar sighs in relief and sees the familiar white cat is floating.

Calendar stands up. "Thank you so much. I think I am not going to live."

Amelia looks at the cat, which is trying to get out her grips and hisses at the white cat. The white cat turns to Calendar. "What are you doing here and why does this cat want to kill you?"

Calendar rubs her head. "Well, I am going to live here. I got a house for myself. For the second question, well... I stole her kitten."

"That's why this cat wants to kill you." Amelia leviates the cat on the mare's head. "Should I release this?"

"Wait wait wait. That kitten is blinded and I have to do that to get treatment." Calendar points at the vet. "The doctors in here will be my witness."

"Next time. Talk to this cat first, then you can do it."

Calendar counters. "I don't know cat language. How can I talk about it?" Calendar looks at the mother cat. "At least it's cute."

"Look like you want her, right? I will talk to her first."

Calendar nods and sits down while Amelia levitates the cat and starts talking to it.

Breaker is lying on the table as the quest board is completely empty. She doesn't know this guild works too effectively. The door opens and sees the familiar white Abyssian come inside.

When the white Abyssian want to talk, she ducks to dodge a knife from Breaker, then she jumps back to dodge Breaker's slam.

Breaker glares at her. "What are you doing here, Snow? Come here to get me back again?

Snow waves her paws. "Hey hey... don't be like that, princess Ethna." The knife is thrown near her face and her cheek is bleeding. "That was unexpected."

"A seer can't predict that? Now you'll die."

"Stop. I just want to join your guild, okay?"

Breaker puts the knife down and goes inside to take the paper, then gives it to her. "Fill it."

Snow nods and starts filling it. The white Abyssian giggles. "You give up too early."

"You can predict my next move anyway." Breaker points at the rank board. "F rank."

"Fine. I knew it anyway. '' Snow looks at the board and sees one quest left. It is about taking a manticore's tail. Snow licks her lips. "I take this."

"Oh, then ask the Guild Master to go with you." Breaker points outside. "Two more than one, right?"

"No. I want to go alone." Snow leaves the guild. "See you later, Ethna."

Breaker sighs as she lies on the table again. Things are not so comfortable now.