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The talk

Slime is enjoying the music on the radio while relaxing after the operation. Redheart comes inside the room and shakes her head as the old stallion doesn't even notice her. The mare throws a book at him, making the old stallion fall down the ground.

Slime gets up. "Why are you so violence? This is not how you treat an old stallion."

"Not you." Redheart glares at him. "I have an important thing to say."

"Fine," Slime gets up. "No wonder you don't have any stallions following you." Redheart raises the board as Slime hides behind the chair. "All right, all right, I give up." Slime takes a seat and coughs. "All right, what's the problem?"

"I think I see a cirrhosis patient." Redheart takes a seat. "I'm not sure but when I see the filly has fully responded to the call too long, I have my suspicions."

"You're right about that." Slime nods. "Let me talk with her parents to see more clearly. If she has cirrhosis, we will have an operation tomorrow. Now, I am going to sleep."

Redheart sighs. "I wish that I have unlimited stamina."

"I wish that you have a lover." Slime points at her."Oh wait, your lover is patient. You can never have another one."

Redheart takes out a knife. "I think I know why I should take an operation knife with me." Slime's face is blued and he turns away from the white mare. Red Heart goes out. "See you again, doctor. We will talk about that filly later."

"See ya."

Redheart closes the door while the old stallion just turns on the radio and listens to the music. The old stallion feels relaxed after the hard work.

Last night in the Breaker's room. The librarians played a night game with the queen of Saddle Arabia. After losing too much time, the queen decided to quit playing and said that the librarians had to enjoy breakfast with her tomorrow.

Sunset wakes up and rubs her head by her hoof. Hoof? She looks at her hoof and sighs. The orange unicorn looks around the room and doesn't see Spike anywhere. Sunset walks around to find the purple dragon and sees a baby purple dragon with wings is sleeping.

Sunset shakes the baby dragon, "Hey hey, wake up."

The baby dragon yawns and opens his eyes. He turns to Sunset. "Oh Sunset," He yawns and rubs his eyes. "Why are you an unicorn again? And why are you so tall today?"

"Because you are shorter?" Sunset tilts her head. "You should look in the mirror."

The baby dragon stretches his body to make him conscious. The baby dragon flies to the bathroom to wash him up. When he looks at the mirror, he sees himself. "Eh, is this mirror broken, or I am a baby dragon?" The dragon rubs his eyes and touches his body. He screams out loud, making others wake up.

Twilight quickly runs to the bathroom. 'Spike, are you okay?" and sees the baby dragon. Twilight shakes her head. "Spike, where are you? Don't foalnap a random baby dragon like that."

"It's me, Twilight," The purple baby dragon flies in front of the purple unicorn. "I am Spike."

"Prove it." Twilight boops his nose. "And you're cute."

Spike folds his claws. "Haha... nice one, Twilight. You give me a book at every birthday party ." Twilight is shocked when she hears that. The purple dragon boops her nose, "Pay back."

"How... How can you be a baby dragon?" Twilight turns to Sunset. "And who brings the Poison Joke here?"

"I am." Amelia comes inside the room through windows. "I heard that this flower can change someone so I put it on you."

Sunset glares at her and points at Breaker, "And why aren't you choosing her?"

"Hey," Breaker slaps her hoof. "I don't like that flower too. It turned me into a Diamond Dog last time."

"I wonder what you will look like." Amelia takes out the Poison Joke. Breaker opens the door and runs out of the room quickly. The white cat starts chasing her. "Come back here, I want to see you as a dog."

The librarian looks at each other as they don't know what to do now. They decide to meet the queen in their current state and hope that the queen doesn't mind for this.

Redheart leads the filly's parents to a room. When they get there, they see Slime sleeping on the sofa. Redheart shakes her head and gets him up, then she throws him out of the sofa. The old stallion grunts and gets up, he glares at the white mare, "Hey, don't need to be violence like that."

"Get up, please. The parent is there." Redheart points at the parents. "You have to wake up"

"Fine." Slime takes a seat. "Please sit down." The parents take the seat. "Let's not waste time. I will ask you some questions about your filly."

"What for?" asks the stallion. "Our foal was diagnosed by the royal doctor one week ago. You don't need to do that again" Redheart puts some cups of tea on the table. The stallion smiles, "Thank you."

"Heh, interesting." Slime takes the cup. "So, has your foal had an operation before? I mean, in the past."

"She is." The mare nods. "When she was born, she had to have the operation to save her life."

"Can I ask what that operation is?" Slime takes a note. "Sorry, if I ask"

The mare answers, "It's about narrowing of the hepatic ducts." Slime turns to Redheart immediately as the white mare nods and runs out of the room. The mare asks, "What's wrong?"

"I got your filly treatment." The old stallion puts down the note as the parents feel something not right. "Your filly got

"What!?" The stallion stands up. "Impossible. The royal doctor said that my filly is just getting jaundiced."

"Royal doctor is not. The diagnosation can be wrong." Slime takes the note. "One week ago, that royal doctor said that she got jaundice. I believe that this is not that simple."

"Impossible." The stallion slams the table and yells. "The treatment is going the right way. You see that she doesn't have jaundice anymore?"

"I have to suspect that." Slime spins the note. "I don't know why ponies take the degree to judge the experiment of creatures, especially our job." Slime puts the note down." Every wrong diagnosis will cause a disaster. I will prove that how wrong is he, or she." The stallion is silenced as Slime continues. "Because of the treatment is not in the right way, her brain is affected by that sickness."

"How can you be sure about that?" retorts the mare. "Are there any symptoms?"

Slime explains. "Redheart had been there yesterday. She told me that when she tried to called the filly, the filly doesn't respond. After called many time, she actually answers Redheart." The mare and stallion are silenced as Slime turn to the stallion. "If she doesn't have right treatment, she can only live in 2 weeks, or 1 month is max."

The stallion asks. "So if she is discharged from hospital, she will die sooner." Slime nods in agreement as the stallion sits down in shock. His wife is silent for a while. The stallion sighs, "Why... Why is everything so bad with our daughter."

The mare starts to tell a story. "My daughter is a good mare, she is smart and has some good friends. But... 2 years ago, she didn't want to go to school. I know she doesn't want to make her friend affected by jaundice." The mare sighs. "I hate this thing."

"I can treat her." Slime folds his front hooves. "We will talk later. See ya." The old stallion walks out of the room.

The mare looks at the ground as her tears start falling from her eyes. She starts to cry and her husband is calming her down.

Ametia is waiting for the guest in the dining room. When the maids are organizing the food, the gray Abyssian comes inside the room and takes a seat. Craka sees the food is more than usual.

The gray Abyssian feels weird and asks. "Why is there more food than usual? Is there any guest coming today?"

"While yes." Ametia waves her right paw. "But the guess is quite... unusual. I hope you can ... eh... comfortable."

Craka tilts her head. "And who is it?"

The door is opened and the librarians with Breaker are walking inside the dining room. Ametia is looking at them and feels weird when she sees an orange unicorn and a baby dragon instead of two big dragons. Breaker comes to America and whispers to explain what happened. The queen nods in understanding.

Craka walks to the baby dragon and looks at him. Spike feels something not right. Suddenly, the gray Abyssian comes to hug him tightly. "Oh, this one is so cute. I never thought dragons can be this cute." Spike is struggling to get out of the grasps as the gray Abyssian rubs her head against his back. "You can be my pillow."

"Sorry, but I am not a pillow." Spike jumps down and climbs on Twilight's back. "I am a dragon."

Craka huffs and goes back to her seat. Ametia smiles because that version of her is better than the dragon form. Ametia smiles. "Welcome to Saddle Abaria castle. Please take a seat."

Sunset nods. "Thank you." The orange unicorn takes the knife by her hoof and cuts the vegetable. "I like the food here."

"Thank you." Ametia smiles. "You are a weird unicorn too. Normally, they will use their magic to have dinner. You use hooves."

"Well, I'll get used to it." Sunset giggles. "Will I go to jail after this?"

Breaker chuckles while Ametia glares at her. "No you are. Now you should enjoy the food here. We have the best curry in this world."

"Sure." Sunset has a taste from the curry and feels good. "Wow, it's good. I never thought I would have this."

"Hope you enjoy it." Breaker points at Twilight. "Someone is going to be on fire."

Sunset turns to the purple unicorn and sees that she is breathing hard due to the spicy. The purple unicorn is begging for milk as Spike takes the milk to give her. Sunset sighs in relief. "Nevermind."

The queen turns to Amelia and asks. "So, you are a flying talking cat? I am surprised when you come here with them." Then she asks white cat. "What are you? You are not a simple cat."

Amelia folds her paw. "How can you be sure about this?"

Ametia gives her a smirk. "Can fly and can talk are not simple. I bet that you can use power too."

Craka and Breaker turn to the white cat as Amelia looks at them. 'I never thought she could look through me like this. She is causing the pressure' The white cat lies. "I can only fly, not anything else."

"I see." Ametia puts down the cup. "Sorry for asking."

"I don't mind." Amelia flies to the orange unicorn. "Can we go around this country? I can't wait for a tour."

"I will do it." Craka hugs Breaker. "We will give you a tour." Then the gray Abyssian drags her sister out of the room. The librarians and Amelia follow her.

Ametia sighs as she snaps her finger. Many black coat creatures are jumping down from the roof and bows to the queen. Ametia demands. "Follow them and learn about our guests. They are not simple than I thought." The black coat jumps out the window to do the mission.