• ...

More complicated

Sunset is running through the Everfree forest to arrive at the Castle of two Sisters. She sees many guards are standing around the castle as a soldier runs inside it to do something. Sunset decides to sneak inside the castle.

There are a very big hall inside it with Celestia is sitting in the throne. Sunset is amazed about this hall before it is become a ruin. The soldier bows to her and reports. "Your majesty, there is a dragon appears in the village nearby. This one can use magic."

Celestia stands up. "Really?"

"I am not lying, Your Majesty. That dragon created a wall to block our arrow."

"Send all the soldiers to capture that dragon immediately, we have to do a science test before he or she can get out of this Equestria."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The soldier runs outside the castle immediately. Sunset sighs and decides to sneak around the castle. There are many maids and guards working inside. Sunset decides to enter a door to avoid their seeing.

Entering the room, she sees a long staircase inside. The orange dragon knows that she is in the basement. Walking for a while, she sees a lot of bookshelves inside that are full of the books. "Wow, Twilight is going to love this."

The orange dragon looks around to see if some books are important. Suddenly, she sees a book is put on the pedal in the middle of the blank space. Sunset feels weird and decides to take the book but an electric runs through her body. The orange dragon takes the book, despite being electrocuted.

Sunset sits down on the chair and starts reading the book. She realizes that this is a diary. The orange dragon starts reading.

February 10th

The dragons that have a long body with many claws suddenly attack some of the village. I have to make sure that they are saved.

March 1st
Thanks to the soldiers with their fighting spirit, the dragons are being pushed back but my soldiers are gone before my eyes. For the record, I have lost more than ten thousand of them but I know these dragons will be back.

March 15th
A gray unicorn named Simple wants to borrow my power to craft an artifact to fight against the dragons. I have a warning about the downside but he simply accepts that.

April 10th

Simple reported that the artifact will be ready in ...

A blast is coming to the orange dragon. Sunset quickly ducks and looks at the source, she sees Celestia is pointing her horn at her. The white alicorn keeps shooting at the dragon. Sunset quickly flips the table and runs away but Celestia appears in front of the dragon to block her escape. Sunset quickly slide under th3 white alicorn and disappears from her sight with the book. She hides behind a bookshelf

When the orange dragon disappears, Celestia shouts. "Surrender now, dragon. I know you are hiding behind these bookshelves."

No response. The alicorn closes her eyes and casts a spell to feel her presence. She realizes that the orange dragon is behind her. Celestia tries to turn around but Sunset is already grabbing her horn and puts the claw near Celestia's neck. The white alicorn is going to shout but the dragon's tail is wrapping her mouth. Sunset starts to drag the alicorn to another room as Celestis is struggling to get away from her grasp. Feeling annoyed, the orange dragon tied the white alicorn up with ropes and blocks her horn with a fire ring, then she carried the white alicorn to the high tower.

Sunset sighs in relief because she finally can have peace. The alicorn is struggling against the bond. Sunset sighs and unwraps the tail. Celestia yells at the dragon. "What do you want?"

Sunset decides to be silent and continues reading. Celestia is trying to grasp the book by her mouth. Sunset pats Celesia's head. "Look like my little pony want this book a lot." Then the orange dragon rubs Celestia's neck. "Tell me, what artifact are you going to craft?"

"Like if I am going to tell you, dragon."

"Okay, I am going to find out anyway." Sunset sits down. "Feel free to scream, I have cast a spell to make sure that the voice can't go outside."

Celestia glares at the orange dragon as she wants to punch this dragon. Sunset puts her legs on Celestia's back and continues reading.

Twilight returns to the library. She doesn't know what to do with her friend. Amelia looks at her and raises her paw but Spike catches the paws and shakes his head. Amelia sighs and returns to lie on the sofa.

Spike notices the white feather next to her and asks. "Did Princess Celestia just come here?"

Amelia looks at the feather. "Geez, I should hide this feather. Celestia is relaxing in a 'bush' next to this library."

"What bush?" Spike faceclaws. "Oh snap, she is on the tree. I will get there "

"Should you get your purple unicorn first? I assume that is more important." Amelia folds her paws. "That unicorn is nothing without you, Spike."

"What do you mean? She can take care of herself alone." Spike huffs. "You should watch your mouth."

Amelia giggles. "I sense it too well. Anyway, good luck."

Spike rubs his head as he doesn't know what the white cat means. The purple dragon goes upstairs and sees Twilight is digging her face into the pillow and keeps saying. "What should I do? What should I do? ''. Spike rolls his eyes and picks the purple unicorn up. The unicorn hugs him tight immediately. "What should I do, Spike? My friends are not normal anymore."

"That your 'normal', not their 'normal' right now." Spike sits down. "I hope that they can keep their old talent."

"Old talent... that's it. I know what to do." Twilight stands up and prepares something. "Thank you so much, Spike."

The purple unicorn leaves the library immediately. Spike is surprised at her speed, then he sits down and sighs. The purple dragon feels something not right as he lies on the bed. Amelia flies to the bedroom and shakes her head. "Like I said, she is nothing without you. This is the first time I see a strong bond like this."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard about you two from Sunset." Amelia sits on Spike's belly. "A strong string can't be cut by the strongest scissors."

"Geez, I don't know what it means, honestly." Spike picks the cat up. "And Twilight can do it by herself, even without me. She solves her friend's problem without my help."

Amelia grins. "Really? Why I see everytime she is going to be insane and have unsolvable problem, you come to her and solves it like writing a children's book." Spike drops the cat immediately. The white cat stands up. "What is she to you, mr. Trying to retort?"

"Uhmm... a best friend?" Spike rubs his head. "Honestly, I don't know."

"Hmm..." the white cat turns away. "Well... I should cook something. See you later."

Spike remembers something and asks. "Wait. Where's Sunset? I didn't see her after breakfast." Amelia stops, then continues flying to the kitchen. The purple dragon grabs her tail. "What have you done to her?"

Amelia lies. "Nothing. She is just helping the hospital with her potion."

Spike quickly counters. "Her potion didn't advertise widely. The hospital is still beware of her potion."

Amelia pulls her tail out and flies to the kitchen but Spike follows her. Suddenly, an electric runs through his body. Spike is being knocked down while a black cat is looking at him.

The black cat pats his head. "This guy is still annoyed. Even in his reincarnation life."

"I know. He spots the problem too fast." Amelia sighs. "I can't lie to him though."

Diana grins. "Look like I should play with this 'string', but after that. We should prepare yourself."

"I'm on it." Amelia ties the dragon up by the glue. "This will keep him for a while."

Amelia and Diana fly to the basement. Things must be prepared.

Twilight is running to Fluttershy's spot with the box that has the Element of Harmony inside. She sees Fluttershy is shaping the balloons for colts and fillies. After a while, the yellow pegasus sits on the chair and looks at the ground. Twilight comes to her and asks. "Hi Fluttershy, what's happened?"

"Oh...eh.. hi Twilight. Sorry for looking like this." Fluttershy sighs. "I just feel something is missing inside. Like.... this isn't me."

"Maybe you should go home and take a rest." Twilight smiles. "You seem tired."

"You're right...ummm... I feel a little tired right now."

Twilight and Fluttershy head to the cottage. When they arrived at the cottage, they see a bear chasing all other animals. Fluttersy grasps and flies in front of the bear. The bear roars at her. Fluttershy simply stares at the bear. The brown bear looks into her eyes, then lies next to the yellow pegasus, like it is begging for something.

Fluttershy sighs in relief. "Phew, they are just starving. Can you help me to prepare food, Twilight."

Twilight pretends to be shocked. "How can you know that? They are talking to you."

"Hmm... I.. actually don't know."

Fluttershy goes inside and sees the animals are fighting each other. Fluttershy sees that as Twilight casts a spell to stop their moving. The yellow pegasus starts talking to the animal and feeding them. The yellow pegasus feels happy inside

Fluttershy feels something weird inside. "Why am I so happy? Is this... what I want? Yes.. this is what I am."

Her body is covered by a white aura. Twilight quickly wears the pegasus the Element of Harmony. The light is exploded and Fluttershy drops on the ground. After a while, she wakes up and looks around, then she asks Twilight. "Twilight, what's happening?"

Twilight hugs Fluttershy. "You're back." Then she releases the yellow pegasus. "Come on, we have to help others."

Fluttershy rubs her head in confusion but she follows the purple unicorn to help others.

Spike opens his eyes and tries to stand up, but he can't. Look at his limbs, they are stuck by some kind of glue. The purple dragon quickly uses his ice spell to freeze the glue but it absorbs his spell. Spike tries to use the fire spell and it absorbs his spell again.

The purple dragon looks around and whistles. An owl is flying to him as Spike begs the owl to help. The owl takes a cup of water and pours it on the glue. The glue is melting. Owlicious continues to pour the water on the glue until Spike is free.

The purple dragon runs to the training room because he feels the big mana is focusing on it. Walking inside, he sees Sunset is tied up on the tree and wearing the Alicorn Amulet. Spike runs to her but a sword is flying to him, making him stop. The sword is flying and comes back to a black cat.

Diana raises her paw. "You should be like that, Spike. You know we are her friends."

"And what kind of friend forces a creature wearing a cursed amulet, Diana
" Spike glares at her. "I will take her back."

"A 'no' to me." Diana spins the sword. "And you know what is my title, right?"

"And you won't do that." Spike forms an ice spear. "That sword can't kill anything."

"Mine mine ~, this talk makes me annoyed." Diana points the sword at him. "Especially you, Spike. You really 'remind' me of that white dragon."

"And I will get her back." Spike covers his claws with ice. "With great pleasure."

Diana and Spike start rushing at each other while Amelia is just watching the duo. This thing is more complicated than usual.