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The Arena

Flora takes a deep breath, "Look, ninjas do not exist anymore in this world. How can I be one of them?"

"Nice retorts, Flora," Sunset folds her claws, "Don't you know that I heard the same voice when I am freeing the prisoner?" Flora steps back as Sunset keeps walking forward, "You really know how to lie to the audience, but not for me."

Flora keeps stepping back until she hits the wall. Looking back at the dragon, she still walks forward to her. Flora yells, "Alright, alright. I was the ninja back in that case."

"Is that so?" Sunset puts her nose against her, "Then why are you helping them."

"Well..." Flora looks around and sighs, "It happens like this."

Flora was stepping inside the boss's room with two guards. Flora was in her ninja costume. The boss asked his minions to go away. Flora sit down as the boss put the tea on the table and sit opposite her.

"So..." The boss started drinking the tea, "You are the ninja that guarded successful many nobles before"

"And civilians," Flora glared at him, "Remember that."

"I see." The boss put down the tea, "Can I know your name?"

"You don't have to know," Flora folded her front hooves, "Tell me your job, or I will leave. I don't have much time."

"Oh, a rush mare," The boss giggled, "You know, I have many ponies who want to kill me. Can you guard me in two nights?"

"Is that so?" Flora rubbed her chin, "Why did they want to hunt you down?"

"Bussiness," The boss giggles, "You know many ponies are jealous about me and want me to die already. Even my job is just the farming job." Flora nodded, stood up and went out of the room. The boss tried to stop her, "Wait, how about the price? We haven't talked about that,"

Flora opens the door, "We will talk about that in two nights later after my job is done." then she closed the door and went out of the room

"And that was two days before you destroy it," Flora rubs her head, "Heck, I don't even know he is the leader of that case. Sorry about that."

Sunset sighs, "Next time, don't stand in my way." Flora nods and Sunset is walking out, "Now, how about we go to enjoy this festival." When the trio is walking out, they don't see others here. "Wait, where did they go?"

Coral points at the Town Hall, "Well, Princess Luna is coming here and all of them have to take her problem." Sunset sighs and all of them walk to the Town Hall to check on others.

Coral and Flora say goodbye to Sunset because they have to do something. Sunset goes to the park to look for others. When she just comes to the park, the dragon sees Zecora is standing under Nightmare Moon's statue and tells a horror story to the fillies and colt. The dragon smiles as she is sitting down under the statue. Suddenly, she hears the kid scream. Sunset goes out and sees that Luna is standing there and watches the small ponies running away from her.

Sunset sighs and goes out of the statue, "You don't look so well, huh?"

Luna yelps and jumps forward, then she looks at the orange dragon, "You make me scared." She breathes heavily for a while then takes a deep breath and sighs, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for someone depressed?" Sunset leans on the statue and folds her claw, "Bet that you don't handle the past, right?"

Luna yells at Sunset, "Nothing I can't handle." Sunset sighs as she just goes away Luna but the blue alicorn drags her back as the orange dragon looks at her in amusement. Luna smiles nervously, "Eh... can you stay with me for a while?"

Twilight and Spike run to the princess of the night because they are worried about her. When they see Sunset, the purple duo sighs in relief. Twilight says, "I am worried about her. I don't know if she can enjoy this festival."

Sunset looks at the blue princess as the princess smiles at them. Sunset shakes her head, "She should be a nightingale this year though."

"Hey," Luna glares at the orange dragon, "I'm not enjoying being a bird, you know."

"But you are quite cute in that form," Spike smiles, making Luna blush, "I got to say that no bird is more beautiful than that. But anyway, you should be enjoying this festival."

Luna nods and they are following the librarians to Ponyville. They lead Luna to do many games like "pick an apple", "Spin the wheel", etc... but everyone around fear her, making her feel bad and run away, ignoring the festival is playing. Luna rushes into the statue and cries in depression. The librarians follow her and see that scene, they decide to hide in the nearby brush and start to talk.

"What should we do?" Twilight asks, "I don't expect that she is still haunted in the past."

"Maybe we should tell her about the Nightmare Moon festival." Spike looks at Luna, "I don't think she knows the spirit of this holiday though."

"I think that's a good idea," Sunset rubs her head, "Twilight, can you lecture her?"

Twilight shakes her head, "I don't think..."

Before Twilight can finish the sentence, Sunset throws the purple unicorn away, making her land on the ground by her face. Twilight glares at Sunset then she looks at the depressed princess. Luna looks at Twilight in the costume and asks, "Twilight, Am I not worthy?"

"No, you are not," Twilight retorts, "Ponies love you."

"Then why are they keep running away from me?" Luna yells at Twilight, "Didn't they see me as a princess?"

"This is the spirit of Nightmare Moon," Twilight explains, "Everypony scares you because they love you. They see you as a princess."

"Really?" Luna wonders, "Didn't they hate me?"

"No," Twilight smiles, "You shouldn't worry about that."

"I see," Luna rubs her chin and wipes out her tear, "I didn't know that. Sorry."

"Well," Twilight looks at Ponyville, "We have a Nightmare Moon festival to join."

"I think I have an idea." Luna flies to Ponyville and prepares her plan. Sunset and Spike watch them and follow them to see what they are doing.

Coral walks to her station and sleeps. She is enjoying the peaceful day of Nightmare Night. Suddenly, a knock on the door wakes her up as she yawns. The captain opens the door and sees Shining Armor is there. Shining Armor looks at her sleepy face as he huffs.

"I thought that you have to take responsibility like a captain," Shining glares at her, "Not slacking like that."

Coral gives him a smirk, "Say someone who got tricked by a white dragon," Shining grasps as Coral looks at him, "So what are you doing here? Captain Shining Armor, the one who got love from a princess."

Shining feels hot inside when the earth pony is like that, but he has to stay calm, "I come here to ask your help."

"Oh," Coral sits on the chair, "Interesting. What is it?"

"Just a code that the white dragon gives me," Shining Armor takes out the paper and gives it to the coral mare. Coral Blade takes it and watches it while Shining continues, "We have to decode it or else that white dragon will paint for it."

"Then no," Coral gives him back, "you know that I suck at decoding right? Why don't you give it to your soldier, the one who is good at decoding?"

Shining takes the paper, "Because no one in my army is good at decoding."

"Nice..." Coral glares at Shining, "This is the result of me keeping retorting when I suggest you add somepony like this." Shining looks away as Coral continues, "Seriously, I don't think you are fit as a captain."

"And why do you think I am not fitting as a captain?" Shining grits his teeth, "You are the second one to talk to me like this."

"Because you are a unicorn and have some lucky achievements so you only need two years to get this position." Coral looks at him and taunts, "While I have to work like hell in seven years to receive this position. And you know what is so funny?" Coral stands up and walks out of the door, "The guard recruiters are still biased for unicorns when most of the guards are them. What a joke!"

"ENOUGH!" Shining yells at Coral as she stops and turns to Shining. Shining looks at Coral, "Do you think who you are? What achievement you have received to climb this position, huh?" Coral walks inside the room, then she takes out the garbage and drops it. There are a lot of banners and medals. Shining takes one of them and realizes what it is, "This... This is an honor medal? How..." Then he lifts a banner, "This is... "Then he looks at Coral, "Why did you throw all of them in the garbage?"

"Because for me, they are just metal and paper. Nothing more," Coral is walking out of the room, "For me, honor is in the heart, not the name." Shining doesn't know what to say as Coral closes the door and says, "I have to go home to help my dad. See you again, captain." Then the coral mare walks off the station, leaving Shining Armor alone.

The Nightmare Night is over with some music from the DJ - Ponj3 and Sunset had sung a song named "Nightmare night" to end the festival. Ponies around are terrified when Luna in the Nightmare Moon costume has scared them all. Adding the ghost effect, the music was very terrifying for the ponies.

Sunset now is sleeping with the purple duo and Noleg, ignoring the sunshine lighting her eyes. Twilight and Spike wake up and prepare themself. After breakfast, Spike and Noleg are going inside the training room while Twilight is sitting on the sofa. When Twilight just opens the door, a paper is slapped into her face, making her grasp, and take it off.

Spike walks out of the basement, "I hope you are alright for yesterday."

"I'm alright," Twilight shudders, "Except for the performance of Sunset, I'm still terrified of her when she changes into the red dragon at the end of the song."

"I know right?"

Spike notices the paper and he takes it. It is about the arena in Diamond Dog mine. Spirit is going to the library and asks, "Sorry, did you see my paper here?"

"You mean this one," Spike points at the paper as Spirit nods. Spike asks,"Why did you want an arena in your mine?"

"If you think this is like a bloody arena, then no." Spirit shakes his head, "This one is just for sport. Any kill will be justice following the law."

"I see," Spike gives him the paper, "There you go."

"Keep it," Spirit is going to close the door, "I just want to invite the Champion to this arena." then he closes the door, making the purple duo confused

Spike reads the law on the paper and sees that it is just a sport like Spirit says. Noleg jumps on the paper, making the purple dragon jump back. "Hey, What are you doing?" The blue cat points at the purple duo then points at the paper. Spike asks, "You want me to participate in this one?" Noleg nods

"I don't think I am fitting this one." Twilight retorts, "I have work to do anyway."

"Sorry," A voice from upstairs makes anyone look at it. Sunset is yawning and heading to the kitchen for breakfast. Sunset looks at them, "I think Noleg's suggestion is good. He can check how is the training"

"But but..." Twilight is going to retort but a wooden sword nears her neck, making her gulp. Twilight turns back to the blue cat, "Alright, we will join it. Happy?" Noleg 'meows' as Twilight turns to the orange dragon. "Hey, Spirit is inviting you to the arena. Do you want to come?"

"Tell him that I reject," Sunset goes to the kitchen, "I'm just bored when no one there can match me. That's all."

"I see." Spike heads to the training room to prepare the arena with Twilight and Noleg. Tomorrow will be a testing day for the dragon and unicorn.