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Heroes united.

Coral swings the halberd and many changelings have sent flying. The captain of the guard breathes as there are too many of them. She wonders how long this will end. Suddenly, a loud noise is coming as Coral turns to the noise. She sees a large metal cart is moving with two humans aside. Matt and Natalie aid the ponies on the way to the castle. Coral feels amazed at the device. Suddenly, the tank stops as Matt walks to her and asks, "Excuse me, can you show the way to go to the castle? We... lost."

"Eh... Who are you?" Coral stands up, "You seem like a monkey but not much fur."

"My name is Matt, and I am human," Matt gives her a hand, "Nice to meet you."

Coral doesn't know what to say as she stands up, then she shakes his hand, "My name is Coral. The way to go to the castle is not far away, I can show you."

"Good," Matt turns to order, "Hey, we got someone who can show us the way."

"Hop in," shouts Lance from inside the tank, "We must go fast. I don't want the enemy to find a way to counter us soon."

"All right," Matt takes Coral on the tank as the captain 'yelp'. The tank starts moving as Coral nearly falls out of it but Matt manages to catch the captain. The human smiles, "If you want to defend this city, please not show the wrong way,"

"I won't," Coral sighs as she has to trust time, "Just get this ... device to the castle. Celestia needs to help. "

"Celestia? She is in the safe zone," answers Natalie as she jumps on the tank, "Move Lance, we have to go fast," Lance nods as the tank starts going faster.

Sabrina blocks the stop of the bear's paw as Chrysalis is pressing more with her bear claw. When Sabrina takes out her chakram, Chrysalis changes into a bee to dodge her attack. The queen flies behind and changes into the timberwolf to attack her but she receives a slash from Sabrina. The wolf takes back as it changes back to its original form. Chrysalis glares at the changeling as Sabrina gives her a smirk, "I thought that I got a challenge, but all I received is a ton of disappointment."

"You don't make me, faker." Chrysalis hisses as she whistles, many changelings are coming her way as Sunset stands up and cracks her neck. The changeling looks at the orange dragon, "What do you think you are doing, dragon?" Sunset raises her claw, then waves it to her. Sabrina rolls her eyes as she is feeling hurt by the changelings.

Sabrina points at the changeling queen, "We are not done yet. So do me a favor and fight as much as you can."

"You think you can take all of us?" Chrysalis laughs, "You are so arrogant."

Sabrina smiles, "What 'us' are you talking about?" Chrysalis is confused as she looks back at her soldiers and sees that the orange dragon is knocking out her soldiers one by one. Sabrina shakes her head, "Oh, I have a gift for you too." The changeling slams the boomerang. After a while, many magic circles appear inside the castle as Chrysalis is shocked. The orange dragon gives her a smirk as she continues to fight against the changeling soldiers.

Chrysalis doesn't know what to do. Sabrina flicks the boomerang and the magic circles start shooting the flame arrows at her. Chrysalis creates the shield to protect her, but it is too many as the shield is cracking. The changeling queen transforms into a fly and dodges all of the arrows. Sabrina looks around to find the changeling. Chrysalis is going to fly away but when she is flying out of the gate, Sunset catches the fly. Chrysalis is shocked as she turns back to normal and flies to her soldier. The soldiers form the position in front of their queen. Sunset sighs as they rush to the Queen of Changeling.

Twilight and others are running to the element room with the direction of Cadance. There are too many changelings as they are attacking them. After 15 minutes, they manage to go inside the room as all of them are tired. When the purple dragon is taking the Element, the wall suddenly cracks as Chrysalis is flying to another wall. The group is shocked as they can't believe in her eyes. A footstep comes to the hole, the changeling appears with a boomerang and stuff.

The main 6 are ready to fight with the new changeling but Sabrina ignores them as she taunts the queen, "Is that all you got?"

Chrysalis stands up and coughs, "You ... monsters. What are you? A changeling can cast magic without a horn?"

"Actually, that is the dumbest thing I ever heard," Sabrina grins as she is casting the spell. Twilight and Spike feel it as they are in a defensive stance. After a while, another Sabrina appears next to her as all of them are shocked. It holds the chakrams. Sabrina sighs, "Surrender now."

"You think there only me," Chrysalis laughs but the boomerang is slammed next to her as the queen gulps. Chrysalis sees the door as she is finding a way to escape. The group doesn't know who to follow as the changelings are exactly the same. Suddenly, the changeling changes into a bee and flies away.

Sabrina looks at the group as she turns her back. A blast comes from Twilight as Sabrina steps aside and stops. Twilight's horn is glowing and asks, "Who are you? Another Chrysalis."

Sabrina grins, "Look like I won't get away this time, will I?" Sabrina steps on four legs as she feels tired, "So, what do you want?"

"I want you to explain everything," demands Cadance, "To make sure that you are not another Chrysalis."

"Nyo," Sabrina takes the boomerang, "Explain later. You should retrieve your white unicorn," Everyone is shocked while the changeling gives them a smirk. A call from Eldaro as she points the hoof, "What's wrong, Eldaro?"

"I need you to escort the pink alicorn to the white unicorn." commands Eldaro, "He needs a lot of help."

"Fine," Sabrina shuts down and turns to the group, "Follow me if you want to see your unicorn alive," then the changeling goes out. The group looks at each other as they don't know what to do. Twilight takes the elements and follows the changeling. The others sigh and they follow Twilight.

Eldaro is sitting on the table with the sniper rifle as he is watching the battlefield. He sees the defense did very well. Suddenly, the white alicorn comes to him as she is curious about the old man. The old man sighs and asks, "I thought you should lie on there longer,"

"Don't underestimate me like that," Celestia huffs, "Anyway, what are these... artifacts? I don't know any of these things."

"Just a simple weapon makes for human, or ... bipedal creature," explains Eldaro as he is leaning on the chair, "Now all we do is sitting here and enjoy the victory,"

"How can you be sure that we are going to win?" asks Celestia, "I don't know if my soldiers will be standing still or not."

Eldaro sighs, "Three hours," Celestia turns to the old man, "Three hours is too long for a siege attack. The changeling will be pushed back soon, and if Natalie success to activate those magic circles, a dead-end to them," then he takes out the wine, "Want some?"

"Maybe," Celestia sits next to him as the old man gives her the cup. Celestia watches the city as she sighs, "I am feeling useless in this battle. Thank you for your help."

"That's nothing," Eldaro puts the cup on the table, "At least that blue alicorn did a good job."

"That's my sister," Celestia grasps, "She's still in there?"

"Don't worry. She will be fine," Eldaro tries to calm her down, "How about we watch this battle like a movie?"

"I think I don't have a better idea," Celestia drinks some wine, "Ah, this thing is better than I thought. Can I know your name, human? My name is Celestia, co-ruler of this country."

"The name Eldaro, I'm just a retired general of Earth(en)." Eldaro smiles as he sees the guards are countering the shapeshifting spell of changeling. "I'd admit that your soldier finds a way to counter this spell quite fast."

"I know. That's why I call all of the captains in charge," Celestia takes a sip, "This is the wedding day though."

"Now this is the time I would say surprised," Eldaro turns to the white alicorn, "What do they want from a wedding? Political targets?"

"Love," explains Celestia, "They want the love emotion of ours to convert their magic."

"That's new." Eldaro smiles, "I am in another world anyway, so I can't retort. Shall we watch your castle on fire?"

"I don't complain," Celestia sips wine as the duo continues to watch and talk.

Lance is driving the tank in front of the castle. When they are moving, many ponies around feel amazed at what they are seeing as many changelings rush to the vehicle. Natalie creates the shield around the tank while Matt, Coral and Anna prevent them from here. When the tank is in front of the castle, Natalie gives signs to stop.

"We're here," Natalie walks to the center of the circle, "Finally,"

"You should activate now," Lance comes out of the tank with a box and runs to the mage, "We will protect you," Coral raises her front hoof as Lance turns to her, "Yes?"

"What magic circle are you talking about," Coral looks around, "I don't see any. Even on the ground."

"Oh, right," The others look at each other and nod. Natalie puts her hand on the ground and starts to activate it. After a while, a light appears on the ground and Coral is shocked. Natalie looks at the ponies and sighs, "That orange lizard, why did see draw these things?"

"I heard you, Natalie," says a voice from the castle as all of them turn to the voice. Sunset slowly walks out of the door as the Team is shocked. Sunset smiles, "Long time no see." All of them rush to hug her as Coral is confused. When they release her, they drag her to the center of the circle as Sunset sighs. Lance presses the button of the box. The box is changing into a turret as Coral is amazed about the turret. Lance takes out the laptop as Sunset says, "You know there is no internet in this world, right?"

Lance slams his head at the screen as he yells, "Oh come on, why did you shoot me down like that?" The others laugh as Coral is still confused. Lance sighs, "Fine. I will throw them away."

Sunset grins as she kneels down and puts her claw on the floor. The orange dragon closes her eyes as the Team nods. They stand around Sunset as Coral sighs and stands with them. Sunset's body appears with magic letters on her body and the floor starts shining light. Coral Blade is surprised when she sees that. Matt points at the pony, "I think she is doing something, just get out of the surprise and help us." Coral Blade shakes her head and raises her halberd.

The ground is shining bright. The disguised changeling is being revealed due to the spell. Chrysalis is no exception as she is shocked when she sees that. Flying up and trying to figure out the source of the light. She sees the Team with Coral Blade as the queen flies closer. Chrysalis sees Sunset is casting the spell, then she commands her soldiers to attack them.

The group is successful in cleaning Shining Armor, who have a curse. The captain first shocks when he sees Sabrina. After explaining for a while, he understands that as he is lying down. When the floor is shining, Sabrina runs out of the door and sees the orange dragon. The others run outside and see that too.

"What in tarnation!" yells Applejack, "Don't tell me this is her doing."

"It is," Sabrina puts the boomerang down, "Looks like the siege is going to be over."

"What... how?" asks Shining, "I don't know what kind of spell is that, but I'm sure that the orange dragon can't be that strong, right?"

"I... I am wondering that thing too," Sabrina focuses on the orange dragon, "How strong you are now, Sunset?" The orders just sit down and watch the dragon.

Eldaro looks at the city that is shining bright as another big magic circle is floating around the city. Celestia is surprised when she sees that as the old man takes a sip, "Look like we are going to watch the ending part of the movie." Celestia looks at the old man as she just watches her city shining bright.