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The battle

When Twilight and Spike just interact with each other, they grin as Spike is pinning Twilight's shield. Twilight lightens her horn and blasts the purple dragon, making Spike jump back and counters with his fire breath. Twilight creates an iceberg to block the fire, the fire is slid into two sides. Twilight sighs in relief but she hears something in her iceberg. The iceberg is broken and a fist appears before her face. No time to react, the fist contracts to her nose and Twilight is flown backward. Spike looks at the purple unicorn as Twilight gets up, she rubs her nose and feels hurt.

Twilight whines, "Ouch, you don't know how to be nice with a mare, right?"

Spike prepares himself for the next attack, "If that is another mare, I will be nice. If that's you, I like to be tough rather than be nice."

Twilight glares at him as she creates many ice pieces of paper. Spike looks at them and is confused. Twilight stomps her hoof and those pieces are flying toward the purple dragon. Spike tries to breathe the fire to melt them all but it is too much, the dragon puts his claws before his face to protect. When it is done, Spike puts the claws down and he sees a book is flying toward his face and interacting with his chin, making him fall down on the ground.

Spike rubs his chin and stands up, "No wonder Sunset is terrified about your book." Then he forms many fireballs and floats in the air.

Twilight smiles, "She should." and the purple unicorn forms many ice books on the air, "And you should too." Then the purple duo charge at each other.

The impact of the purple duo causes the smoke at their spot. The audience is silenced to watch the battle while the Shining is worried about her sister. Sunset just looks at the smoke while the symbol on her forehead keeps glowing bright. Cadance notices that and asks, "Your forehead. Why is it glowing? Is something wrong?"

Sunset looks at Cadance, "Maybe. They are fighting everything they got." Cadance looks back at the arena and she sees many flashes and explosions in the smoke. The princess of love is worrying about them, as her friends, while Sunset and Noleg look at each other and nod, Noleg takes out a sword while Sunset is just watching them. They are preparing the worst thing they can imagine about the purple duo.

When the smoke is fading, everyone on the stage is looking at the smoke. The smoke reveals that a badly injured unicorn and an injured dragon are lying on the floor. They stand up and breathe heavily. The purple duo glares at each other. Twilight's horn is glowing while her front hooves are glowing too. After that, four giant ice balls appear in front of her. Spike's claw is glowing as he looks at the purple unicorn. The ice balls are combined together. After a while, they are forming some kind of snake.

Spike takes a deep breath, "What are you doing?"

Twilight gives no answer and the ice ball is complete. An ice dragon appears, making Sunset and Noleg a surprise. The purple unicorn looks at Spike and grins, "I won't lose with my assistant," Then the ice dragon flies toward Spike, leaving a smoke at Spike's spot. Twilight's vision is becoming blurred, but she shakes her head to wake up herself. When the smoke is fading, she doesn't see Spike anywhere. Panicking, the purple unicorn looks everywhere to find her assistant.

Suddenly, the ground is moving and Spike is coming from the ground. Twilight is surprised while Spike charges at her and electrocutes the purple unicorn. Twilight is too tired to dodge. She is electrocuted and fainted after that. Spike is carrying the fainted unicorn as the refugee waves the flag, "Spike wins the semi-final" Everyone cheers at the dragon as Spike just carries Twilight inside.

The MC announces to everyone, "Now we will take a rest to fix the hole on the wall," Shining Armor and others look around and see a big hole in the wall, which makes them shudder. Sunset and Noleg sigh in relief. The group comes inside the competitors' zone to visit the purple unicorn.

Twilight opens her eyes and sees that she is in the hospital. When she tries to get up, she gets hurt a lot. Spike puts his claw to stop her as the purple unicorn rolls away from him, making the dragon sigh.

"You don't have to be like that," Spike rubs his head, "I Just put all I got to like the promise."

"But you have defeated me," Twilight huffs, "I won't let it go you know,"

"Fine, I will get us somewhere to eat." says Spike as Twilight rolls again to look at the purple dragon, "oh Celestia, I will regret this,"

"And you have to invite Sunset," Twilight glees, "Agree?"

Spike rolls his eyes and nods. He takes out a book and gives it to Twilight. The purple unicorn looks at the book and sees that it is the newest book she wants to get. She hugs the book and looks at the purple dragon, "Thank you."

"Your welcome," Spike is writing in his notebook, "I know you want that but not enough money." Then he gives her a smirk, "I know you too well, Banklight Sparkle."

Twilight smacks the purple dragon and starts reading the book. When she just opens the first page, the door opens and Shining Armor rushes to Twilight and hugs her tight, "Twilight, I am so worried about you."

"Shining," Twilight is trying to breathe, "I can't breathe," Shining releases her and blushes while others just laugh. Twilight looks at the orange dragon with a sad face, "Sorry for losing."

"Don't worry," Sunset waves her claw, "I am happier than before when you lose. You know how am I terrifying with that ice book,"

Twilight glares at her, "Ughhh, I hate you so much, Sunset. You are the worst teacher I ever have,"

"And you are my bookworm student," counters Sunset, making Twilight blush while others just giggle, "If you want that ice dragon to hit the target, you should calculate about the possibility the opponent can dodge or not."

Rainbow flies near the orange dragon, "Come on, Sunset. You don't have to be like that. Twilight and Spike were fighting so great but you don't have a cheering word or something."

Pinkie bounces to the orange dragon, "Yeah, That's so mean." Sunset rolls her eyes and pushes the two ponies to Twilight, then she goes out of the room. Cadance and Shining Armor look at each other and nod, then they go outside because they have something to ask the dragon.

When the couple just go outside of the room, they see Sunset with her elemental balls flying around the orange dragon. Cadance feels amazed while Shining just goes in front of the orange dragon.

Sunset feels weird and asks, "Yes, captain. I don't want to mess with the guards from now on."

Shining Armor glares at the orange dragon, "What have you done with my sister? She was not like this while she was still in Canterlot."

Sunset dispels her balls, "I see. You don't want to say that Twilight is changing so much. That's fine." Then the orange dragon takes out the list, "And what is this for me? I'm just teaching her the basics of magic but she is using it too well."

"Too well?" Shining glares at her, "Too well? You just turn my sister into a monster. Now, I bet that she can take all of the guards right now."

"Maybe," Sunset flips another page, "But I don't care."

Shining just silents as Cadance pulls him back. Cadance looks at the orange dragon and sighs, "Sorry for my fiance. Can you share a little bit about your magic."

"..." Sunset closes the book, "Why would you care?"

"Because..." Cadance waves her front hoof, "I just curious when I saw Twilight's hoof can glow like her horn. Is it possible that she can cast her magic without horn,"

"She can now," answers Sunset, because Shining Armor and Cadance grasp, "I don't want her to depend on her horn to cast magic."

Shining doesn't know what to say. He walks into Twilight's room as Cadance just watches her future husband go inside. Sunset shakes her head. The princess of the love worries about him, "Is he going to alright?"

"Don't know," Sunset just takes the paper, "I don't know much about him though."

Cadance nods and she follows Shining Armor inside the room. When she just comes inside the room, she sees a blue cat is performing the show, making everyone in the room laugh and clapping. The nurse comes inside and sees that the cat is making noise in the hospital. The nurse grabs Noleg and throws him out of the room, making everyone in the room feel bored. Noleg gets up as Sunset gives him a smirk. The blue cat jumps on the orange dragon's head and sleeps there.

Sunset looks at the board, "Wonder if Spirit can take Flora or not."

"Come on, Swift Blue," Coral is struggling to get out of the rope, "You don't have to do that."

"Then how about you always skip your work and push it on me?" retorts the blue pegasus as Coral looks away in embarrassment, "That's right, I know you are going to skip your work to watch your friend."

"You know the reason," Coral huffs, "Then can I go now?"

"No," Swift Blue shakes his head and pulls out the calendar. It has the "X" and "O" in there, "You see. This week you have skipped three days from now, do you think we will let you go?" Coral slaps her face into the table while Swift Blue is just sitting on the sofa.

Coral puts her face on the table and grunts, "So, do we have any case? I'm bored here."

"Finally," Swift Blue is standing up and takes out the newspaper. The pegasus slams on the table, "Watch,"

Coral looks at the newspaper and sees that many ponies and fillies have disappeared. It happens in Manehattan and Appleloosa. Coral stands up, "... another pony trafficking I guess."

"Close," Swift Blue walks around, "Not only pony but other creatures, but they will avoid dragoness in this case."

"You know where they will go?" Coral tilts her head, "If we know the place they will transport these creatures, it will be easier."

"None," Swift Blue shakes his head, "And you know why they avoid the dragoness?"

"Cause an orange dragon had taken down a big slavery case I guess," Coral cuts the rope and puts her face on her hoof, "I don't know if that dragon is so effective for other criminals."

"You guess right." Swift Blue pours the coffee into the cup, "An orange dragon had slain down two big criminal cases before. That makes them avoid the dragoness."

"Let me ask you something," Coral goes to take the coffee, "How in Tartarus you can know these things? You work for them?"

"Nah," Swift Blue waves his front hoof to reject, "I got a friend who has eyes over the Equestria. That's why I know these things."

"Did you pay for that information?" Coral folds her front hooves, "I bet that is a lot of bits."

"Wrong again," Swift Blue gives her a smirk, "You should pay more attention to watching your soldier, not trying to skip your word if you have a chance."

"If I skip my work, our soldiers are still the same," retorts Coral, "Because you all get used to it." Then Coral coughs, "Anyway, we will increase patrolling in many days and nights. Starting from now."

"Yes, madam," Then the pegasus runs out of the room. Suddenly, he stops as he comes back to the room and finds that his captain is not there anymore. Swift Blue sighs and starts patrolling