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Preparing the case and a mysterious thing

Snow Storm walks to the meeting room because Coral calls her. When the kirin just goes inside, she sees the coral pony is sleeping. Snow Storm rolls her eyes and wakes her up. The captain yawns and looks at the kirin, then she hugs the kirin like a pillow and continues to sleep. Snow Strom glares and she levitates a cup of water and drops it on the pony, making the captain gasp. Coral finds that she is hugging the kirin as Snow Storm glares at her.

"Awww..." A voice comes from the door as the duo turns to it. Flora is standing there with the food and drink. She teases, "You two are very cute when you like that."

"Not funny," Snow Storm gets off the captain's hug, "Anyway, what are you calling me for?"

"Oh," Coral stands up as Flora puts the food on the table, "I have a mission for you," then she points at a minotaur, "You will investigate this guy. This guy is always near the position where one of the ponies is kidnapped,"

"I see." Snow Storm rubs her chin, "But why not you or Flora?"

"Nah..." Coral Blade waves her front hoof, "I can be a bait if I want, but you are just a newbie here so you will do the most simple mission."

"Fine," Snow Storm rolls her eyes, "Tell me where he is?"

Flora points at herself, "He will be in my play. Don't worry, you two will be my play for free."

Snow Storm sighs as she walks to her room to prepare for the mission. Looking around, she doesn't find her blackcoat anywhere. The kirin is panicked as she tries to find the coat. When she searches under the bed, someone drags her out. Coral looks at the kirin with a disappointed look. The kirin tilts her head as Coral says, "Never use this ..." the pony takes out the blackcoat, "Thing to do the spying job."

"What?" retorts the kirin, "That is the best one to spying."

"Nah..." Coral Blade rejects, "You are in the theater, you know. Everypony will dress like a noble and you dress like a mystery mare? I bet that the minotaur will run away."

"You're right." Snow Storm puts out the blackcoat, "So... what will I wear?"

"Flora will prepare something you can wear." Coral Blade drags the kirin out of the room as Snow Storm sighs. She admits what the captain said before is right. Coral Blade opens the door as the kirin sees that there are a lot of dresses with any style: fancy, creepy,... which makes the kirin amazed. The captain gives her a smirk and drags her into the room to dress her up. This will be a long day for the kirin

Sunset arrives at the blacksmith as she looks inside. She sees the blacksmith miss some swords that she crafts faily. Lemon Heart rolls his eyes and he puts the big bag of bits on the stage. Sunset grins and takes it.

"I see that you already sold 2 swords." Sunset looks at the swords, "So... I bet that the sword is very... popular?"

"Indeed," Lemon Heart walks to the swords, "Some of them even pay higher than price. I know why," Sunset looks at him with a stern look. Lemon takes another bag of bits, "Fine, this is 2000 bits more."

"Thank you." Sunset starts walking inside, "So... did you prepare the material?"

"I always have the material to do the job." Lemon Heart smiles, "Hey... do you know what this is?" Lemon takes out a yellow stone with a perfect rhombus shape. Sunset is surprised when she sees this stone. Lemon rubs his head, "This is one of the things that my wife left before she was gone."

Sunset quickly turns to the old pony, "Then show me what it is. I think I know those things."

Lemon Heart nods as he leads the orange dragon upstairs. Sunset quickly takes one of the swords that she crafted before and follows the old pony. When the old pony leads to a room and opens the door, Sunset sees a table have eight small square rocks. Each one has a symbol on it. Sunset looks at them closely and it is clearly a magic rune. Taking a look, the orange dragon sees that it writes, 'Alternative or Intelligent Artifact?' Next to the table is a big chest. Sunset examines it and finds that it is locked by a magic lock.

"Impressive?" asks Lemon Heart, "Honestly, I don't know what that table is doing?"

"..." Sunset silents for a while then asks, "Your wife loves magic, right?"

"How can you know?" Lemon Heart waves his front hoof, "She very loves magic, even if she was a pegasus."

"Just a guess," Sunset sits down, "Can I ask your wife's name?"

"You are very curious about her, right?" Lemon smiles, "Her name is Butter Cube."

" I see." Sunset looks at the table, "So... Do you know what this thing is?"

"No idea." Lemon shakes his head, "The last thing she said is 'let a mage dragon use this. I assume that the dragon will open a new gate of magic,'." Lemon rubs his chin, "I don't believe that thing a bit before seeing you, you can use it table if you know the password."

"Any suggestions?"

"Just one suggestion," Lemon sighs, "Her real name," then the old pony walks out of the room, leaving the orange dragon with the table. Sunset turns to the table and examines it. The table also has hole shapes like a sword and some buttons. The orange dragon also sees a hole with some kind of liquid that she can feel the mana in it.

Wipe out the dust to see clearer, the orange dragon sees that there is a number is carved on it. The number is '02 12 02 02'. The dragon finds these numbers are quite familiar to her as she doesn't remember clearly about this, but she remembers that Lance had already said about these numbers. The orange dragon decides to walk out of the room to remember these numbers.

When she just comes out, she sees Lemon Heart is kicking Blue Blood out again, which makes her feel weird. The orange dragon asks, "Aren't you afraid that the prince will punish you?"

"No..." Lemon Heart shakes his head, "He has a crush on my daughter because she is... strong. Yeah, too strong like my wife."

"Wow," Sunset walks out, "So... good luck dealing with that prince. I have no business with your stuff this time. See ya."

Celestia is making a campfire while Luna is making the tents. When they are done, the white alicorn starts making the wooden spear from the tree as Luna looks at her curiously.

Luna asks, "How can you know about these things?"

"Please, sister." Celestia starts walking out of the river, "I have read a book about the surviving. You should prepare first before taking a lesson."

Luna feels jealous of her sister as Celestia tries to catch the fish. Luna says, "So... what can I do?"

Celestia turns to her sister, "Simply, you will go inside the jungle to collect some fruit and herbs. We will need some." Luna rubs her chin to think, then she stands up and walks inside the jungle. Celestia stops her, "Wait, you have to keep your track here. I'm afraid that you will be lost."

Luna sighs in annoyance as her sister keeps commanding her. The blue alicorn takes a branch to track the campfire as the blue alicorn walks inside the jungle with a bag. Noleg is watching them from the tree and keeps writing on the paper. He jumps from tree to tree to follow the blue alicorn. After 30 minutes, the blue alicorn collected many fruits and mushrooms. She decides to go back to the camp, but suddenly something is moving inside the brushes. Luna feels that it is not safe at all, so she decides to go back as fast as she can.

When the blue alicorn is going to run, a pack of timberwolves is surrounding her. Luna's horn lightens and prepares to fight if something bad happens. The bigger timberwolf walks in front of its pack and howls, then all of the other timberwolves start attacking her. Luna is trying to dodge the slash, the bite, or everything they give to her, and she manages to dodge them all. Luna takes a deep breath and creates a fire circle around her. The timberwolves step back due to the fire as Luna walks backward slowly. After a while, she doesn't see the wolves anymore.

Celestia is struggling to catch the fish because they are moving too fast. The white alicorn is frustratingly stabbing at the water but she accidentally stabs her front hoof, makes her scream out loud, and jumps back on the land to take the medical equipment. Luna looks at her sister and sighs, "Looks like the two of us are struggling, right?"

"I'm afraid it is," Celestia wraps the bandage around her wounds, "I have been stabbed by my own spear."

"And I got chased by timberwolves," continues Luna as the Sister sighs. Luna looks at the river, "Why don't you use magic to catch the fish? It is easier than using the spear."

Celestia facehoofs, "Ah, I forgot that I have magic. Why did I use levitate to grab the spear?" Luna giggles as Celestia looks around, "Anyway, did you succeed?"

"Indeed," Luna takes out the bag and it is full of fruits. Celestia smiles as the blue alicorn looks at the fruit, "So... what will we do tonight? I'm afraid that the wolves will hunt us in the night."

"And mosquitoes," Celestia rubs her chin, "We can't wait for the night."

Luna walks around to think as Celestia goes back to catch fish. She is successful at catching fish when she uses magic. The blue alicorn suddenly stops and turns to her sister, "Hey, how about we build a house?"

"Really, sister?" Celestia looks at her sister, "I agree that we got wood and we can make a stone axe to chop down the tree, but how can we find enough rope to build?"

"Let me think about how to make a rope," Luna looks at the forest, "I will be back."

"Be careful sister," Celestia is worried, "I don't know if the wolves will come back for you." Luna smiles and she goes into the forest to take the material to make the rope.

Sunset stretches her body as she makes a lot of swords today and it fails, again. The orange dragon sighs and walks to the park to take a rest. On the way to the park, she sees a baby crib near the slope with a mare nearby. When she is going to ignore it, the orange dragon hears the scream from the mother as she looks back. The baby crib is running fast down the slope. Sunset sighs and flies fast in front of the crib. When she lands on the road, she uses one claw to stop the crib. The cribs have stopped as Sunset sighs, then orange dragon gives it back to the mother and walks away

Sunset sits on the bench and looks at the sky to think about the numbers. She is trying to remember what Lance said about these numbers. "Uh, can't think about it." Sunset decides to return to the library to continue studying magic. When she just gets up, a familiar cyan pegasus is floating in front of the dragon. Sunset tilts her head, "What?"

Rainbow Dash points at her, "You are taking my best scene to be a hero." Sunset rolls her eyes and just goes past her without responding. The cyan pegasus flies in front of her, "Hey, I am talking to you."

"Should I send you to the hospital?" Sunset rubs her head as the cyan pegasus glares at her, "Knock it off. This 'hero' scene is nothing but painful you know."

"But it cools to me." Rainbow Dash flies up high, "I want to be a hero..." Then she turns back to the orange dragon and finds that she is gone, "Hey, that's impolite." This will be a headache for Sunset.