• ...

The new guard

The house is burning and everypony is trying to shut down the fire. Flora is standing in front of the house and she tries to rush inside but the firefighters are trying to stop her from going inside the building.

"Let me in," Shouts Flora, "My parents are still in there."

"No, you can't," The firefighter is pushing back the actress, "The fire is too strong right now. We can't let you go inside. It's too dangerous. Flora ignores the warning and jumps over the firefighter, making him surprised, "No, wait." The actress is going inside the building. The firefighter turns to his teammate, "I and another one go inside the building. The others keep putting out the fire," then the firefighters go inside the building.

Flora is running inside the building and tries to reach her parents' bedroom. Chandeliers are dropping into her but Flora rolls forward on the ground to dodge it. When she gets to her parent's room and opens the door, she sees her parents are covered in blood. "Mom... Dad..." The earth pony runs to his parents and sees that they are all dead with the thrust at their neck. "NO...No..." Flora steps back and doesn't believe what she sees.

"Like what you see, Flora Blossom?" says a voice from behind. Flora looks behind and sees the familiar zebra is standing on the wall, "I hope you like this scene."

"Why?..." Flora's tears are dropping, "Why did you do this?"

"I'm just following what my boss told me so." The zebra jumps down and throws the kunai in front of the earth pony, "You should be more mature than that."

"Liar," Flora throws the kunai at the zebra as he just steps aside to dodge, "You always be a liar. I want the truth, Zelban."

"This is the truth, Flora," Zelban jumps on the window, "This is the truth. You don't believe me."

"Then why are your tears falling?" Flora points the sword at his eyes, "I want the truth, right now. Why did you do this?"

Zelban wipes his tears and grins, "Find me in our treehouse. You know the place." Then the zebra jumps out of the building

Flora snaps her eyes open and breathes heavily. The nightmare still haunts that white mare. Flora takes a deep breath and murmurs, "Just a nightmare. He's gone." Looking at the clock, it points at 3 a.m. Flora sighs and goes to the bathroom to wash her face, then the actress jumps on the roof to stargaze. Suddenly, a carrot is thrown into his face as Flora looks down, she sees Coral is waving her hoof to her.

Coral Blade takes the ladder and climbs up to her, "Hey Flora, why don't you sleep?"

"I can't sleep." Flora lies on the roof, "Just a nightmare."

Coral takes out bread and throws it to Flora, "Eat up. You can't sleep anytime soon, and you will need coffee later.

"Thank you," Flora takes a bite, "Anyway, why are you still waking up? Is that your... punishment?

"No..." Coral sits next to the mare, "One of my guards goes to Appleloosa to visit his parents. And I heard that there will be a new guard tomorrow."

"Oh, take care of the newbie?" Flora drinks some water, "I hope he or she is not your counter."

"Nah, no one can counter my skipping work," Coral takes a bite of the cake, "But I also heard that no captain will accept her due to her appearance. I find that ridiculous so I accept her coming to my place."

"I see." Flora stands up and stretches herself, "I think it's time to go. You shouldn't be here."

Coral looks at the sun and it is rising, "Yeah, I come back to the station." Then the captain jumps from the roof as Flora smiles. She jumps roof to roof to start patrolling."

Celestia stretches herself to prepare for the training. When she is having her breakfast with Luna, the guard comes to her room and announces, "Princess, the dragon is here. Shall we take her in?"

"Sure," Celestia nods, "I want to have breakfast with that dragon, send her in."

The guard nods and he comes outside. After a while, the orange dragon comes inside the room and rubs her head. When she sees the Sisters, she asks, "What are you calling me for, Celly?"

Celestia replies, "Oh, I just remember my old student. Here, sit down and eat with us," Sunset rolls her eyes as the maid comes inside and puts the food on the table.

Sunset sighs and sits down, "So, why are you calling me?"

"You know..." Celestia smiles, "We want to know how to defend ourselves. I hope you can help me."

"Eh... You know Shining Armor can help you with that," Sunset starts taking a folk, "He maybe can train more effectively than me."

"Liar," retorts Luna, "Cadance told us that you train Twilight and Spike become more competitive than every guard. What can you say?"

Sunset sighs, "Fine, I will train you." Celestia smiles at that but suddenly she feels a strange air from the orange dragon as she glances at them, "However, in training, mercy is a luxury word for me. I hope you are ready."

"Sure..." Luna looks away from her, "I guess."

"Great," Celestia glees, "I will prepare a training room."

"With some condition," Sunset looks outside, "First, no one is allowed to go inside that room. Not even royalty. This is a secret training and no one will know it." Luna feels weird about this and she is going to retort but Celestia puts her hoof on her sister and smiles, then the white alicorn turns to orange dragon and nods in agreement. Sunset coughs and continues, "Oh right, the second thing that you will buy anything I ask for training."

"..." Celestia glares at the orange dragon, "If you buy for yourself, you have to pay the money, deal?"

"Deal," Sunset and Celestia shake their hoof/claws. "All right, prepare a room, I will think of the lessons for you two." Celestia nods and she goes outside to prepare the room.

Noleg wakes up in Fluttershy's house as he prepares to wake the yellow pegasus up. When the blue cat just comes upstairs, Fluttershy isn't there anymore. Noleg huffs and jumps down on the windows. Looking around the garden, the blue cat sees nothing in there. Suddenly, he finds the hoofprints that lead to a tree. Noleg sighs and walks to the tree.

"Meow meow (Come out, Fluttershy. I know you there)." Nothing happens, the blue cat takes out the sword and goes to slashes the tree but Fluttershy gets out of her disguise and stops the cat. The blue cat looks at her, "Meow meow (There you are)

"Eh hi Noleg, nice day," Fluttershy smiles nervously, "Eh... So what are you looking for?"

"Meow meow (You know today is a testing fly day)" Noleg points at outside, "MEOW MEOW (Get outside already). Fluttershy yelps and she runs to the park to test the flying. Nolegs runs to follow her.

When the duo comes to the park, The purple duo and Rainbow Dash are there to test all of the pegasi in Ponyville. "8.5," says Twilight, and Spike writes into the paper. "Next, please," One of the pegasi is preparing the fly. Fluttershy feels nervous. Noleg smiles at her and the duo goes to the park to test the flying. Twilight notices them, "Oh hi Fluttershy, you come to test flying?"

"Umm... I think so." Fluttershy feels so nervous about this, "So...uhmm... my turn?"

"8.1" calls Spike as Twilight writes into it. Spike turns to the yellow pegasus, "Sure, that is the last pegasus beside you."

Fluttershy steps on the starting line as she gulps. She looks at the blue cat as Noleg 'meows' to cheer her up. The yellow pegasus gulps and flaps her wing, then she closes her eyes and starts flying. A silence is happening as Fluttershy opens her eyes. Twilight and Spike feel nervous while Noleg shakes his head in disappointment.

Spike rubs her head, "Eh... Fluttershy, your result is... 2.4"

Fluttershy grasps when she hears that while Noleg jumps beside her, "Meow meow (Don't worry. We will do it again. This time I will help you)

"How?" Fluttershy wonders, "My result is so bad and how can I improve it?"

Noleg ignores her whining as he tries to tell Twilight and Spike to start again. The purple duo looks at the cat as he points at the yellow pegasus and points at the starting line. Twilight knows what he means and she looks at the pegasus, "You want to start again, Fluttershy?"

"Ummm... yes," Fluttershy goes to the starting line, "I don't know if I can change the result."

Noleg jumps behind the yellow pegasus, much as the purple duo is confused. He takes out a fake head, it is Sunset's head. When the flag is waved to start, the blue cat jumps on the pegasus's back as Fluttershy yelps. She turns around and sees Sunset is there. Fluttershy is terrified and she flies as fast as she can. Her flying makes a lot of pegasis' mouths hang there. Fluttershy breathes heavily at the finish line and glances at Noleg.

"Noleg," Whines Fluttershy, "You make me scared. You know I am still scared of Sunset."

"Meow meow (That's why I made it. Really realistic, right?" Noleg takes off the fake head and grins, "Meow maow meow (I am going to enjoy this)"

"Don't do that again, I don't want to have a heartache." Suggests Fluttershy as she stands up to look at the purple duo. When she just turns to them, Rainbow is near her face. , "Eh... yes, Rainbow Dash?"

"Fluttershy, you are amazing." Rainbow Dash hugs her, "I don't believe that you can do that."

"Yes," Spike nods, "Your result is 8.9, near Rainbow Dash."

Fluttershy's mouth hangs there as the yellow pegasus doesn't believe what she is hearing. The yellow pegasus checks the wind scaling machine and it points at the near '9' point. Noleg yawns and he jumps on Twilight's back to relax. Twilight smiles, "You are amazing Fluttershy."

"Yeah, we will have a good tornado for captain Spitfire." Rainbow Dash hugs the yellow pegasus, "I will wait for you in two days later, Fluttershy."

Everyone cheers at Fluttershy as she doesn't know what to say. Now, she has to join to create a tornado for Ponyville, which she never does here.

All of the guards, except the pegasi guards, are sitting in a room as Coral walks to them with a black coat pony. Coral walks on the stage with the pony as she presents the new guard to her guards.

"All right," Coral coughs, "Today we got an ... eh... abnormal guard coming to join us. She will be with us today, any questions?" The captain sees a hoof raising, Coral notices it and points at the guard, "Yes?"

"Can I ask what kind of abnormal? Does she always find a way to skip work like you, captain?" Everyone giggles as Coral glares at that guard. The guard continues, "And why does she have to cover herself?"

"Oh... that is the reason why any captain don't want to have her," Coral looks at the new guard, "Now, time to show anyone your appearance,"

The new guard nods and reveals her appearance. Everyone in the room is shocked when they see her. The guard has some scales on her face and some on her back. A red big horn on her forehead and the tail is different. The new guard nods, "Hello everypony, my name is Snow Storm. I came here to become a Ponyville guard."

Snow Storm gulps as she expects that everyone will scare her. The guards look at each other then they rush to her to ask her "what are you?" or "why are you here?" in exciting faces. Coral slams her front hoof on the floor and creates a small earthquake. Everypony comes back to their seat as Coral coughs, "Oh right, you know her name. Who will introduce her to the job and her work." Everyone raises their hoof to volunteer. Coral sighs and points at a random guard, "You will guide her. Careful about them."

The pony is excited and she drags Snow Storm to the other room. Everyone grumbles as Coral gives them a smirk, "All right. Dismiss and take care of our new guard."