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Prepare the Nightmare Night.

The night has come and Celestia is trying to remove the dye in her bathroom. Luna just came back from the Caribou nation named Caral. The princess of the night is so stressful when the Caribou always said that the female shouldn't rule the kingdom. It must be a male to rule over it. She remembers that when she just walked through their hall, there were plenty of canons and some kind of metal pole was set in the middle of the city. She tried to ask what it was but no one answered.

Luna comes inside her sister's room and wants to tell her everything she had encountered. When she walks inside the room, Luna hears someone is singing in the bathroom. Heading to the bathroom and opening the door, she is stunned when seeing just like another her as Celestia looks at her.

"Hi," Celestia tries to ask her, "How is the trip to Caral?"

Luna glares at Celestia and grits her teeth, "IMPOSTER," then she blasts her sister. Celestia has to dive inside the pool. Many blasts are shot from Luna and Celestia has to dodge them.

"Wait," Celestia is trying to stop her, "It's me, Celestia."

Luna teleports next to Celestia and points the horn at her, "Prove it."

"Remember when you dye my mane in white," Celestia explains, "And I remember that yesterday you are raiding the kitchen to hide all of my cake,"

"Ho-how did you know that?" Luna glares at her, "Did you spy on me in these days, imposter?"

"How about you become a nightingale when you drink Poison Joke tea?" Celestia looks at her sternly while Luna grasps. "I am the one who put that tea so only we know it."

"It.. Really you." Luna looks up and down to her, "How can you be me like that? Is that your nightmare night costume."

"no," Celestia rolls her eyes, "It's Sunset's prank,"

Luna laughs at that while Celestia just looks at her in amusement. A maid goes through the bathroom and sees there are two Lunas in the bathroom, making the maid grasp then faint. Luna looks at the maid while Celestia shakes her head. She creates a bubble around her head and dives down inside the pool

After a while, Celestia's fur is back to normal. Luna shows her sister the picture when she is Luna and quickly puts it into the album before Celestia takes it.

"Good one, Luna. I will get Sunset next time," Celestia sits on the table, "Anyway, how about you go to Ponyville tomorrow? I guess that you have to interact more with our subject."

"Is that necessary?" Luna tilts her head, "and how about you? Don't you enjoy the holiday?"

"I am already enjoying it today," Celestia giggles, "When I walked through the street and had some meeting, I noticed that many ponies were still scared of you. They are afraid that you will become Nightmare Moon someday."

Luna rubs her chin for a while, "I think you're right." Then she goes out of the room, "I will prepare some costumes to join the holiday."

"No," Celestia shakes her head, "I think you don't need any costume," Luna rubs her head to think while Celestia grins, "Because you are already a costume.' Luna glares at her sister and she goes out of the room.

Twilight, Spike, and Noleg are preparing the costume and candies for tomorrow. The cat is so excited as he is sewing his own costume. All of them are curious about the costume, but they have to wait until tomorrow. Sunset opens the door and sees the trio is preparing the costume.

"Looks like everyone here is preparing for tomorrow." Sunset takes out chalk, "I have to draw a magic circle so I can manage to come back here whenever I want."

"Sounds like a good idea," Spike smiles, "Can we use it?"

"You can," Sunset rubs her head, "If you can swim."

Twilight rolls her eyes, "Who put the teleport circle in the water? Anyway, have you prepared a costume for Nightmare Night."

Sunset rubs her head, "Well, is my robe good for tomorrow?" Twilight and Spike 'facehoof' and sighs. They know that robe is very good in any event like a party, wedding, or even royalty, especially Nightmare Moon, but they won't let the orange dragon use a costume over and over. Sunset looks at them and her spine is shivering, "EH... is that a problem?

"Yes," The purple duo says at the same time. Spike asks, "Don't you have any costume for Nightmare Moon? I know that robe is very good for tomorrow but I can't let you use that costume many times. It's boring."

"Eh..." Sunset rubs her chin, "Can I unjoin the event." Twilight and Spike look at each other, then they grab the orange dragon and drag her out of the library, much as Sunset struggle, "Hey, where do you drag me into?"

"Carousel Boutique," Spike answers sternly, "I won't let you unjoin the event." Sunset folds her claw in disbelief as the purple duo drags her to Carousel Boutique to ask Rarity to make a costume for the orange dragon.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle are preparing the costume for Nightmare Night tomorrow. The door is knocked on as Rarity opens it, revealing that Twilight and Spike are dragging Sunset inside the boutique.

Rarity feels weird and asks, "Why are you dragging her to me? It's already night, you know?"

"Because she refuses to use any other costume than the black robe," Spike explains, "Can you make a costume for her? I will pay for it."

"hmmm...." Rarity looks at the orange dragon who is folding her claws in annoyance, "I'm sure that I have her size cause she let me borrow her robe before."

"I see," Sunset looks at the white unicorn, "How long can you make me a costume?"

"If you have your design right now, I can make it for you," Rarity sighs, "Because I don't have enough time to design another costume."

Sunset draws a phone and gives it to Rarity, "There you go."

Rarity looks at it in confusion, "Eh, what is this? I am unfamiliar with this, "

"Just some images in my head," Sunset lies, "You can do it right?"

"Yes, even though it's weird but quite cool," Rarity giggles as she takes the paper inside. The trio walks outside the boutique and says goodbye to Rarity.

Rainbow Dash is cleaning the sky as usual. Toning is Nightmare Moon so she has prepared the costume for her and Scootallo. The leader of the cleaning sky team comes to her and smiles.

"Good work as always, Rainbow Dash," The leader says, "But don't you think you do too much work for it?"

"Nah," Rainbow Dash waves her hoof, "I can do it in 10 seconds flat."

The leader smiles, "Honestly, I don't know what to do if you leave this team, but you can catch up with your dream if you want."

"Come on," Rainbow flies around the leader, "I will come back even if I join the Wonderbolt. I promise."

The leader shakes his head, "Our work is done here. You can rest now."

"Thank you," Rainbow Dash flies away and heads to the library to prank the purple duo. When she just gets there, she looks around to find Twilight and Spike. She only finds Spike is reading the book on the sofa. Rainbow grins and she takes out a bubble with cold water inside.

Rainbow Dash sneaks into the library and slowly comes close to the purple dragon. Hiding behind the sofa, she flies up and throws the bubble, but she doesn't find the purple dragon anywhere. The cyan pegasus looks around to find the purple dragon, only to find that she is in the iron grips from the purple dragon. Rainbow Dash is struggling out of the grips while Spike just looks at her in amusement.

Spike asks, "What are you doing here? I thought you were cleaning the clouds."

"Eh..." Rainbow Dash is finding the word to retort, "I'm here to visit you."

"WIth a water bubble?" Spike looks at Rainbow Dash and points at the water on the floor. Rainbow looks away as she is still in his grip. Spike glares at her, "Did you try to throw me this water bubble?"

"Yeah..." Rainbow Dash admits, "I try to throw you that. Is that the problem?"

"Actually, you are killing me." Spike answers, making Rainbow look at him, "What? Don't you know how to hurt when you throw cold water on a fire dragon?" Rainbow only shakes her head. Spike sighs, "Fine, next time. Choose some joke that does not hurt everyone, ok?"

"Fine," Rainbow grunts, "Can you let me go? Your grip is uncomfortable here."

"Actually, I don't know how Sunset trains me not to be vulnerable to the cold anymore." Spike lets Rainbow out, "But for me, Noleg gives me a lot of pain in here."

Rainbow asks, "You mean the legless cat?" Spike nods as Rainbow laughs at him, making the dragon glare at her. Rainbow continues, "Come on, he is just the legless cat. How can he make you feel pain."

"How about you go into battle with him?" Spike suggests, "That will make you believe that he is not a normal cat."

"Challenge accepted." Rainbow grins, "I will take him in 10 seconds flat."

Spike rolls his eyes and leads Rainbow to the basement. Spike opens the training room as Rainbow watches him in amazement. "Follow me," Spike waves his claw as Rainbow follows him inside the room. When the cyan arrives, she feels amazed when many crystals are floating on the water. Noleg watches the cyan pegasus from above and jumps to land in front of the cyan pegasus

"Wow," Rainbow Dash looks around, "This place is amazing. I feel like I have a lot of energy," Then she looks at the snowpony, "And that snowpony is not good for decoration."

Spike waves his claw to retort, "That's not the snowpony," The snowpony is shaking and reveals that it is Twilight Sparkle, making the cyan pegasus yelp and jump back. Twilight is shaking furiously and Spike creates a fireball to warm her up. Twilight smiles and sits down to enjoy the heat. Spike sighs, "That is the result of the training."

"And what are you training for?" Rainbow tilts her head, "Is that snow training?"

"No," Spike folds his claw, "Dodge training. And we become snowponies in the training."

Rainbow laughs at this, "How can a cat turn you into a snowpony? This is ridiculous." Then she even laughs more until she receives a snowball from the blue cat. Rainbow jumps up and glares at the blue cat, "What do you want?"

The cat points his wooden sword at Rainbow Dash and 'meows' with her. Rainbow Dash doesn't know what to say, Spike translates, "He wants to battle with you."

"ah," Rainbow looks at the cat, "Bring it on. I will take him in 10 seconds flat." Spike rolls his eyes as he knows that someone will regret that.

Shining Armor is patrolling in Canterlot with his guards. It is very boring because this place is very quiet because not many criminals try to work in this place. When the guards just come to the edge of the city, there are many walls painted by some kind of white paint.

Shining walks close to the painting and yells, "Who did this?" The guards look around as Shining commands, "Go around somewhere nearby, we will find them sooner."

There is a voice from the sky that says, "No need". Shining Armor looks at the sky and sees that a white dragon is landing in front of him and the guards, making them step back. The white dragon says, "I did it. And this painting is mine."

"You are in trouble, dragon," Shining and his guards surround the white dragon, "Prepare to be in jail."

"Then you have to find the proof." The white dragon smiles, "Or else you can't arrest me."

"The painting on the wall is enough for you?" Shining Armor turns back to the walls and finds that the painting is gone, making him and the guards shocked, "What... Where is the painting?"

The white dragon teases, "You should go to the mental hospital," Shining glares at her as the white dragon asks, "Tell me your name, captain. You and I will have a long time to play."

"Captain Shining Armor," The white unicorn grits his teeth, "I will catch you whenever I can."

"I see," The white dragon sits down on the bench and starts playing guitar, "The name is 'White', remember that."

Shining Armor glares at her then he decides to walk out of the white dragon. This will be fun in the future for the white dragon but it will be a headache for the captain.