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Mercenaries and tornado making.

."Meow meow (Wake up, Fluttershy. We have a tornado to make.) Noleg is walking to the yellow pegasus's room, but he doesn't see Fluttershy there. Looking outside, he finds that the yellow pegasus is training hard. Noleg jumps down from the window and jumps on Fluttershy's back, "Meow (I thought you're hiding)

"Oh... Sorry, but I can't hide from you, Noleg." Fluttershy is pushing up by her wings, "Not...after you throw me to the river. I'm still... terrified about this."

"Meow meow (Don't worry, I will leave you alone after the tornado making."

"Can you leave me to training here? I have to be ready for the tornado."

Noleg nods and he decides to go to the park to enjoy the sunshine. Looking at the sky, he wonders what the purple duo is doing. Yesterday, he heard that the purple duo with an Abyssian goes to Applejack's farm to do something. The blue cat stands up and runs to Sweet Apple Acres to see what happens there.

When Noleg arrives at the farm, he sees many traps are set on the farm, mostly in the apple trees field. The cat walks around to look for the purple duo. Jumping on the tree, he sees the purple duo with Breaker are hiding on the tree. "Meow" he calls as the group looks behind. The group sighs in relief as Noleg jumps on Twilight's back and rests there.

"Oh Celestia," Spike rubs his head, "I remember when I ride on your back, it is so comfortable."

"Not anymore, Spike," Twilight giggles and smacks the purple dragon, "You are too big now for riding a pony,"

Breaker giggles, "Honesty, I wonder what your relationship is between you two. You are not simply best friends."

"Well, we stopped figuring that thing out last year," answers Twilight, "As long as we can live together. We are happy,"

"Hey," yells Spike as Twilight and Breaker turn to him. Spike points at a group of three griffins who are carrying oil. "I think they are. I see the lighter on their back."

Twilight looks at the griffins, then looks at others, "All right. Split up. We will attack when they are panicking."

Breaker and Spike nod as they jump from tree to tree to start the operation. One of the griffins hears the tree is moving and the leaves are falling. He wonders, "Today is very windy, right?"

"Focus," The leader gives the griffin the bottle of oil, "We have to do fast. Got it?"

All of the griffins split up and start doing the job. One of the griffins is going to the spot but suddenly, a hole on the ground makes him fall into it as he is shocked. He tries to fly up but he can. Look at his wings, there is glue sticking the wings to his body. He tries to flap his wings but he can't. "Gotcha ~" A voice from the above causes his attention. Looking up, he sees the Abbysian is giving him a smirk. He looks down and accepts his fate.

Another griffin is walking to the gate of the entrance of the farm and looks around. When she sees no one there, he starts walking to the spot but a rope grabs her hind legs. The griffin's eyes widen. After that, she finds that she is hanging by the rope that ties her hind leg. When she tries to untie, more ropes wrap around her claws to prevent her from untying herself. The female griffin is struggling hard but she can't. When she looks up, she sees a purple dragon is looking at her. "Sorry but I can't let you do that," says Spike as the female griffin glares at him.

The leader is walking into Applejack's house. Looking through the window, it's empty. The griffin grins as he knows the apple family is focusing on fixing the storage. When he succeeded to break the window, he opens it but suddenly, a bucket is flying toward him. The griffin quickly dodges the bucket.

When he just laughs at them, the griffin gets hit by another bucket. Frustrating, he throws the bucket away and jumps inside the house. Putting the claw on the floor, 'crack' and he looks down, then he yells out loud when a bear trap grabs his claw. After a while, he manages to put out the trap, and standing up, he sees the Apple family in there with brooms and shovels. He gulps as the Apple family charges at him.

Twilight is lying on the roof as she hears the leader yelling in pain. Spike and Breaker go up and take two captives to the roof. Twilight stands up, "Looks like we got them all."

"Yeah," Spike pokes at the griffin's break, "They are quite easy to catch though," the female griffin tries to bite him but the purple dragon puts out his fingers.

Breaker sighs, "We will take them to the guard. I'm sure that the captain will have some words with them," then she looks down and sees the griffin is thrown out of the window as Applejack drags him inside, "After... calm your friend down." Twilight and Spike look at each other and nod.

Coral is enjoying her break time in her room. The captain was still uncomfortable when she got caught yesterday. A knock on the door interrupts her, "Come in." The door is opened, Swift Blue and Snow Storm are coming inside the room. Coral tilts her head, "So... what are you doing here?"

"Well, we have decided...," Swift Blue points at the kirin, "...To approve Snow Storm to be your assistant. Don't worry, she accepts the role."

"What?" Coral stands up, "No way, I refuse."

"Sorry, but you can't beat many, captain. All of the guards in this station accept it." Swift Blue gives her a smirk as Coral glares at the pegasus. The vice-captain pats Snow Storm's back, "You will be her assistant. Come and take a seat."

The kirin nods and sits down on the sofa while Swift Blue goes out of the room. Coral Blade looks at the kirin as Snow Storm stands up and walks next to Coral, making the captain feel uncomfortable. Coral asks, "So... what is your job?"

"Make sure that you will be here at the time of work," answers the kirin, "and help you to work."

"All...right," Coral stands up, "Thirsty? I will make orange juice,"

Snow Storm takes a book, "Thanks, captain," The kirin sits down on the table as Coral starts making orange juice. After 15 minutes, she puts in two glasses of orange juice. Snow Storm smiles as she continues to read the book.

"So..." asks Coral, "What are you anyway? You seem neither a pony nor a dragon."

Snow Storm sighs, "I am figuring out about that. I feel so weird when I am very different from others," then the kirin looks at her claws, "I... don't even know who my parents are."

"That's okay," Coral pats her back, "Take a drink. You will feel better."

"Thanks, captain." Snow Storm takes the glass. When the kirin is going to drink it, the door is suddenly opened as Swift Blue comes inside. Snow Storm puts down the glass and asks, "Oh, what happens?"

"The librarians with an Abyssian drags the criminals here." Swift Blue breathes heavily and looks at the orange juice, "Can I have that juice? I'm feeling thirsty here."

"Sure," Snow Storm gives Swift Blue the orange juice. Coral is going to stop him from drinking but it is too late. Swift Blue is already drinking it all. When the vice-captain puts down the glass, he feels so dizzy then falls down on the ground as Coral facehoofs. Snow Storm checks the pegasus and sees that he is sleeping, then she turns to the captain, "Did you try to get me to sleep?"

"Eh...no?" Coral glees. Snow Storm glares at her. She lightens her horn to pull Coral's ear and drags outside. Coral yells, "Hey..ouch... What are ... ouch ... you doing?"

"To punish you," Snow Storm drags the captain to the prison room as Coral keeps yelling along the way, making the guards around laugh at the captain. Coral is feeling so embarrassed and wants to take revenge on the kirin.

Breaker says goodbye to the purple duo and they walk to the park to prepare for the tornado. They have to go to the library to get tornado scaling equipment. When they get there, there are plenty of Wonderbolt members. Looking around, they see Fluttershy is here too as the blue cat jumps on her back.

Rainbow Dash walks to the yellow pegasus, "I thought that you will hide under the bed like before."

"Eh... no..." Fluttershy looks at the blue cat, "Not ...quite."

"Come on," Rainbow Dash hovers her front hoof around the yellow pegasus, "We will make a big tornado ever," Fluttershy blushes as Rainbow Dash walks to others, "Well... I have to check if all of the pegasi in the town is here."

Fluttershy takes a deep breath and steps forward. Noleg smiles and jumps out of the yellow pegasus's back, then jumps to Twilight's back. Twilight and Spike prepare the equipment while Rainbow Dash is going to call the team.

The flag is waved and all of the pegasi start flying around. "Come on," Twilight is watching the tornado meter as it is increasing time by time. After a while, the storm meter stops at 700 points as Spike checks the meter and finds that it is nothing wrong. The purple duo looks at the tornado and finds that they are quite exhausted. Some of them are even going to fall out of the tornado. Spitfire, Twilight, and Spike are going to rescue some of them but the pegasi keep flying.

Noleg watches the tornado and sees Fluttershy is exhausted too. He 'meows' loudly as Fluttershy yelps and flies faster. The yellow pegasus keeps flapping her wings to fly faster and faster. Every pegasus inside is surprised when a weak pegasus like Fluttershy can do that. They don't want to lose her so they start increasing the speed. The purple duo looks at the tornado meter increasing, 750, 800, 850... and keeps going. Spitfire stands up and admires the tornado.

Rainbow Dash sees her team is exhausted. She makes a sigh to tell that stop but she realizes that the tornado can't be stopped. The cyan pegasus has no choice but to keep flying. The tornado keeps spinning until it explodes. All of the pegasi fly around the town, then they shout in excitement.

Rainbow Dash lies there and looks at the sky, "That was the best tornado in my life."

"Indeed, it is," Rainbow Dash looks up and sees Spitfire is there. The cyan pegasus stands up and acts normally. Spitfire smiles, "I see you and that yellow pegasus have potential. Keep it up. I may recruit you to the Wonderbolt." then Spitfire goes to her team, "Let's go. We've done here."

Rainbow Dash flies up and is exciting. The cyan pegasus doesn't believe what she just heard. Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy walk to Rainbow Dash. Spike congrats, "You know. You can be a Wonderbolt someday."

"Of course," Rainbow Dash puts her face near him, "I will become a Wonderbolt. I will," then she flies on high and enjoys the moment.

Coral sits down with Snow Storm as Coral's ear feels hurt after being dragged by the kirin. After taking testimony, they find the thing they are going to do but are being prevented by someone. Coral also finds out that they are in the Blue Gang, the mercenary organization. When Coral wants to know who hired them, they don't talk.

Snow Storm puts the tea on the table, "Here is the tea for our naughty captain."

Coral glares at the kirin, "Hey! I am not a foal," Snow Storm giggles as Coral just rolls her eyes, "Anyway, you know something about these mercenaries?"

"No, not even their organization." Snow Storm shakes her head, "Maybe we should ask someone named Breaker."

"I see." Coral stands up, "Let's go. we will find out." Then the captain walks out of the room. Snow Storm follows her to support her as she knows the case is far from over.