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Preparing for the next lesson

Snow Storm and Coral Blade are walking to the house that is being built. When they just come there, they see the house has been completed apart, which makes Coral feel amazed when they can complete it in a short time. The minotaur walks to them as Snow Storm feels nervous. When the minotaur looks at Snow Storm, he asks, "Since when did we got a kirin in the town?"

Snow Storm's eyes widen, "What... you know my species? I don't even know what I am."

"... I maybe know why you don't know what you are." Bull walks around the kirin, "Because the kirin disappeared many years ago. They also cut out the social interaction so not everyone knows about them, not even a book."

"Wait," Coral stops him, "How can you know that species if every creature doesn't know about them?"

"Well... Long story but I will tell it short." Bull starts to remember, "I was injured in a forest, then they saved me. When I asked why they are not interacting with other creatures, they didn't tell me."

"That's a good version," Coral looks at him with a bored face, "If I can trust you that. But it seems you know her species, I can trust that story of yours." Coral looks around, "Anyway, where's your Abyssian?"

Bull asks, "Breaker?" Coral nods, "She is preparing someplace to sleep on. She told us that she will sleep all day due to the potion."

"I see." Coral rubs her chin, "Well, then I should ask her fast." Bull nods and he leads them to Breaker to ask about the mercenary gang.

Twilight and Spike sit in the library because this is a tough day for them. Twilight looks at the calendar and sees the "X" signal two days later. Twilight feels weird and rubs her head to remember what days it is. When she doesn't remember, she turns to Spike and asks, "Hey Spike, can you tell me what this "X" signal is here?"

"Why are you asking?" Spike tilts his head in confusion, "It's your birthday. Don't you remember?"

"What?" Twilight's mouth opens as she doesn't believe what she said. When she thinks about what to do for her birthday, a knock on the door interrupts her as the purple unicorn opens the door. She sees Pinkie Pie is standing there and glees at her, making Twilight feel uncomfortable, "Eh... Pinkie Pie, you make me feel creepy here."

The pink earth pony hugs her and yells, "Is that your birthday in two days? I have to prepare the party for you. Just For you."

"Wait..." Spike interrupted, "How can you know that Twilight's birthday is two days later?"

"Well..." Pinkie rushes at the purple dragon, "I just came here to borrow some books to make pizza, then I heard you said that Twilight's birthday is near. I'm so excited." The purple duo looks at each other and sighs. Pinkie comes to hug them, "So, where will you celebrate your birthday?"

"Uhm... just somewhere that our friend can come together. Let's see, Sunset is currently in Canterlot because of the call." Twilight taps her chin and turns to Pinkie Pie, "Also... I don't know if you and others have to go somewhere?"

"Umm... I will ask them later." Pinkie puts her hoof under her chin, "Also, do you have any problem tomorrow?"

"Actually, we have one." Spike rubs his head, "We have to sleep all tomorrow due to the effect of the potions. Sorry if that is disturbing you."

"No... actually, I will be happier about that," Pinkie jumps high and grasps, "Ah... I forgot the cake I baked before I got here. Twilight, give me the book of pizza. Hurry," Twilight looks at the bookshelves and takes out the book, then gives it to the pink pony. Pinkie Pie hugs the purple unicorn tight, "Thank you. See you in the day after tomorrow," then Pinkie Pie runs away at high speed.

Twilight and Spike smile, they sit together and read the book. Suddenly, Spike stands up, "I forgot. How can we make sure that we will be safe tomorrow?"

"I think I have an idea," Twilight walks out of the library, "Come on Spike, we have to go to the guard station." Spike follows Twilight to the guard station.

When they are walking to the guard station, the purple duo sees Applejack and Applebloom are selling their apple and cider, which makes them feel good. The purple duo continues to walk to the station as Twilight wants to ask the guard if they can guard the library in one day. When the purple duo is coming inside the guard, Swift Blue steps in front of them and asks, "DId you come to find Coral?"

"Yes, please," answers Twilight.

The vice-captain nods and he leads the purple duo to the captain's room as he feels quite angry when his captain puts the sleeping pill in that orange juice. Opening the door, they see Snow Storm and Coral Blade are sitting each other on the sofa.

Twilight sees Snow Storm and rushes at her, "Oh my Celestia, what are you?" then she keeps questioning the kirin, making her uncomfortable. Spike rolls her eyes and drags the purple unicorn out of the kirin. Twilight blushes and rubs her head, "Sorry, I am excited to see a new species."

"That's okay," Snow Storm sighs, "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Just asking Coral Blade if she or other guards can guard the library in one day," Spike rubs his head, "It... quite uncomfortable to ask this thing."

Coral answers without hesitation, "Sure, why not?" Snow Storm and Swift Blue look at her in disbelief. Coral Blade looks at them, "What? It's good to guard someplace like the library."

"What's your game, captain?" Swift Blue glares at her, "You don't like the library much."

"Secret," Coral Blade hugs the kirin, "Truth me. This is important."

"Okay... I will trust you this time." Swift Blue nods, "Besides this station still working even if you are here or not."

"Thank you very much." Twilight turns out the door, "I will wait," then the purple duo goes out without hesitation. Coral smiles as she returns to her desk to work.

Celestia and Luna are trying to stand up. They got a hard training about dodging. Sunset is sitting on the bench and checking the result. It seems that they are dodging well, which makes her smile. When Celestia and Luna manage to stand up, they take a deep breath.

Luna glares at the orange dragon, "That's hurt Sunset, Why did you cast a large fireball like that? In that surprised?"

Sunset points the pen at the white alicorn, "You two did well. I will change the lesson tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Celestia rubs her chin, "I have to welcome Rarity on that day."

"Oh, don't worry. I just called you to buy the camping equipment." Sunset takes the papers, "Just for camping."

"And what for?" Celestia looks at Sunset sternly, "You are not simple like when you are still a unicorn,"

Sunset puts her finger to Celestia's mouth, "I just call you two to relax and buy the camping equipment. Just to prepare your energy for the next lesson."

Celestia and Luna look at each other and sigh, they start going out. The orange dragon follows them. When they are just coming out, the Sisters look back and don't see Sunset anywhere. They walk to the medical room to rest for a day before Sunset's lesson is here.

When they are going inside the medical room, many doctors panic and start taking care of the sister. The Sisters start to relax but suddenly, Cadance is coming inside the room and watches the Sisters.

Cadance says in frustration, "I can't believe it. Many nobles come inside the court just to raise the tax to build their own thing."

Celestia looks at her, "That's why I call you to take the court in two weeks before you can actually rule the Crystal Empire," then she sighs, "Nothing is easy, Cadance. There are plenty of nobles use their power to call us something for themself."

"I know," Cadance turns to the Sisters, "Anyway, is your training good?"

"Quite good," answers Luna, "Now the coach will let us take a rest tomorrow and wants us to buy camping equipment."

"I see..." Cadance rubs her chin, "You two should take a rest. I will go to my room because that white dragon just paint over the North of Canterlot."

"Good luck," Celestia grins at the pink alicorn, "I hope you can catch her," Cadance huffs and walk out of the room. The Sisters smile and close their eyes to sleep.

Coral walks to the library to check if something happens. When she comes inside, a familiar white kirin is there to wait for her as she is reading a book about the mystical creatures on the planet. Coral smiles and walks to the bedroom to check the purple duo. When she opens the door, she sees the purple duo is hugging each other and sleeping, which makes the captain giggles in the cuteness scene.

"It is very rude to watch somepony is sleeping, you know?" Coral turns to the voice as the kirin walks close to the captain. The kirin turns to the door and sees that scene. Coral gives her a smirk as Snow Storm blush, "Eh... that's ... not count," then she quickly walks downstairs.

Coral Blade walks to the kitchen and opens the fridge. There is plenty of food and drinks there. Coral decides to take some and cook. After fifteen minutes, Snow Storm smells something nice in the kitchen. When the kirin goes inside, she sees Coral is putting the food on the table.

Snow Storm glares at her, "Captain, this is not the way we guard here," then her stomach is glowing to demand the food. The kirin sits on the table and covers her face in embarrassment.

Coral gives her a smirk, "Look like someone is hungry ~" The kirin glares at the captain as Coral puts the food down, "here you go, eat up."

Snow Storm huffs and starts eating the food. Coral Blade sits beside her to start eating. When they finish, the duo goes to the main room to take the book. Suddenly, Snow Storm feels something wrong with her body. She can't move her legs or claws as the captain grins and shakes her head. The kirin glares at her, "What did you do this time?"

"You are the most annoying I ever countered," Coral puts a bottle of the pill on the kirin's nose. Snow Storm's eyes widen as she knows this kind of pill. The captain walks out of the library, "See you later, my assistant. Swift Blue will come here any time and I will enjoy the arena," and Coral closes the door. Snow Storm looks at the roof and sighs in frutration.

Celestia leads a white unicorn to her room as Rarity feels so excited. Celestia looks at her and smiles, "Don't be so excited. I have a job for you later."

"I know." Rarity smiles, "But I feel so excited to come here."

Celestia giggles as this scene reminds Twilight and Sunset when they are still filly. The white alicorn leads Rarity to a high tower and opens the door. Inside the room, there is enough furniture with royalty style. Rarity looks inside and feels so pretty. She quickly jumps on the bed and lies there. Celestia giggles, "Enjoy your time here, I will talk about the job tonight."

Celestia closes the door and walks outside of the room, then she meets Luna and the Sisters go outside to buy the best campfire equipment as they don't know what Sunset will do with these things. They just only hope the next lesson will not be at the Tartarus level like the previous lesson cause they still shudder about it when they think of them.