• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,889 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

  • ...

Wait a Minute I Am What Now?!


The deep growl of the beautiful male gave Applejack such a fright. So much so that her heart stopped beating. Applejack started to gasp and beat her chest. It hurt! It hurt! IT HURT! MAKE IT STOP!

“Shhh… shhh... little one it is all right.” A soft soothing voice pierced through the panic. Warm fur and feathers wrapped themselves around the panicking pony. “Breathe,” the voice said, “breathe in and out. Match my breath. In and out. In and out. In and out. Good, Applejack. Just like your friend Ms. Rainbow Dash. Oh, look there she comes. Hello there, Ms. Dash, could please take your friend to another room so that she may recover?”

Applejack did not want to leave the cocoon that she had made. It was nice and cozy. A safe haven made of fur and feathers. Nothing was going to hurt her here.

“Hey, Applejack, how are you feeling?” Applejack heard Rainbow Dash’s voice coxing her out of her cocoon. It was not going to work. Hrmph. “Applejack, buddy, you got to let go of The First Born. Yer making him uncomfortable. He has a wife you know. And what I can remember she’s the type to stab first. At least our version of her. Hehe. Stabby Twilight. Hilarious.”

“What do you mean Stabby Twilight?” The First Born asked with surprise. “What happened?!”

“Weeeellllll,” Dash said, “it’s a long story. A very funny long story. Hehe. Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like that the thought of Stabby Twilight scares you.”

“It kinda does,” he said, “but I still want to know what happened. So please enlighten me.”

“Ok, ok, but first let’s take care of the stage two clinger you have on you,” Dash laughed. “Applejack, let go! Come on! Oh, sweet Harmony, does she have a grip! Applejack! Let. Go. Of. SOMBRA!!” When Applejack heard the name Sombra she let go. To her absolute surprise she was flying. Applejack finally felt free! It was peaceful for about two seconds then she hit the ground with a crash.

“Ouch! Lay off the haycakes, Applejack!” Dash screeched. Her voice was slightly muffled. Huh? Why was that? “Get off of me! You’re godsdamn too heavy!” Oh! Applejack scrambled off of Dash.

“So sorry, darling, I mean ter lan’ on ya.” Applejack said as she scrambled off her. Dash groaned as she picked herself off the ground and sighed in relief as her back popped with a good stretch. She flapped her wings creating a nice breeze. It was stifling in here. “Why in tarnation is it so damn blasted hot in here? Oh, by the god’s assholes, I’m sweating like a sinner in a church serves over here! Dash, darling, sweetie, couldcha please continue to flap yer wings so we could drum up some breeze in this joint. Thank ya kindly.” She reached up to adjust her hat … Wait… Applejack started to pat her head. Where… Where was her hat? It’s not on her head. It’s not on her head. It’s not on her head! Oh, no! She lost her hat. Panic started to reveal its ugly head. What was she going to do? This was a…

Here I believe that this is yours. In front of her eyes was her hat held by a cat’s claw. Applejack scrambled to grab her hat. With a giggle the hat was lifted just out of her reach. There was the Void floating in the air playing with her hat. They were tossing her hat back and forth between their paws like a ball. A cheshire’s grin danced on the Void’s lips as they looked down on her with contempt. It was like they wanted to play a game with her. A game that she most definitely would lose. But that was her hat! HER HAT! And she was going to get it back!

"Grandparent. It's completely rude of you to mess with my guests like this." He huffed, his fangs slightly barred. "I do not care if you have a mini grudge, this isn't the time to be petty so stop. Give her hat back." His growl shook the ground causing Applejack's to step back in fear. The Void rolled their eyes and with a huff tossed the hat down.

Ah, brat, you are no fun. The Cat sneered. They chuckled as Applejack scrambled to grab it before the belligerent cat changed their mind. But before she could grab her hat red magic encased it, lifting it off the ground. Applejack’s stomach dropped to the ground as she watched flout up in the air. Then it was plopped right on her head. She got her hat! Applejack saw Sombra wink at. Her heart skipped a beat at this jester.

“Now, Void, apologize,” He commanded, his eyes flashed with fury. “You have broken the rule of hospitality and now you must apologize to the one you have offended.” Applejack’s eyes widened as she watched Sombra’s wing point towards her.

“Ahh… er… p-pardon me, g-good s-sir S-Sombra sir,” Applejack stammered while fidgeting with her hat, “but yer don’t haveta go dat far. It’s ‘lright. I’m fine. Can’t we move on? Please?”

“Are you sure?” He tilted his head to the side. Some of his mane covered his left eye, making him look roguish. *Sigh* “Because I can beat them up for you if you want. Just give the word and I will do it!”

HAH!! You just wanted an excuse to fight me!! Admit it!

“Noooo… not at all. Absolutely not. I would… I would never… yeah, your right.”


“But that doesn't mean you don’t deserve it!” Sombra yelled. “Not after you made up the Ethereal rule that got Midnight killed six different times!”

Balance, boy! The Void hissed as they began to passed in the air. Their arms flailing as they went on a tangent. Balance! It was for the Balance! How else was I meant to keep the Balance with those creatures with my power! They have MY POWER, they screeched, pointing to themselves with each word, MY MAGIC, running through them! And unfortunately, so do you. So, I just bequeathed some of my duties to them, so they WON’T GO INSANE!! IT WAS NOT MY FAULT THAT HER DEATH CREATED THE BARRIER THAT I NEVER WANTED!!

“Ok, ok, don’t have to screech at me,” Sombra complained as he rubbed the base of his ear in feigned pain, “Well, damn, my head hurts. Thaaannnkkks. It was very much appreciated. Good job.”

Sarcasm is strong with this one. The Void rolled their eyes. Where did you learn that? Your mother?

"Why yes, yes, I did! Now pray tell where you learn that?" With a flap of his wings, Sombra hovered in the air. His smirk failed to hide a sneer as he got in The Void's face. The Void hissed, their paw extended to lash at Sombra only to miss. Sombra snorted as he swiped his wing at The Void in retaliation. And that what started the battle of the gods. The Battle of Hisses and Snorts. Applejack watched with rapid attention. She just couldn’t look away.

“Ack!” Applejack squeaked when felt something brush across her shoulder causing her to jump at least ten feet into the air. She growled at the manic laughter she heard as she picked herself off the floor. There she was, her so called friend Dash, rolling on the floor laughing. Applejack rolled her eyes at her friend.

“Sorry, sorry,” Dash apologized as she wiped the tears from her eyes with her wing, “but it was kinda funny. Anyways can you help me up?”

“No, stay there and wallow,” Applejack huffed.

“Come on, AJ,” Dash whined, “help a friend out? Please? I promise to not to laugh at you about this situation for the next three days!” Dash then proceeded to give her most charming smile and Applejack, being the sucker she was for that dazzling smile, forgave Dash. “Only this time, sugar,” Applejack winked as she extended her hoof to help Dash up.

“Ooo, don’t I love it when you call me sugar,” Dash shivered.

“Now, now, don’tchu get al’ flirty wit me al’de sudden, darling,” Applejack said, smacking Dash upside her head, “save that for Fluttershy.”

“Ahh, come on, AJ,” Dash whined, rubbing her head, “You know she’s all googly eyed for Discord and vis versa. You can’t be in the same room with them without feeling like a third wheel. It’s absolutely gross.” Dash then proceeded to make gaging noises, then dodged another head swipe from Applejack. They both made eye contact and then busted out laughing. My what a ridiculous situation they have found themselves in.

“Hey, Applejack, how are you holding up?” Dash asked after a few bouts of laughter. Luckly the sounds of hisses and snorting had quite down so Applejack could hear her better.

“Whateva, do ya mean?”

“I mean having your past life’s memories playing around in your head like one of those picture shows Rarity takes us to?” Dash asked, tilting her head to the side. “Like… grrr… like I still have... these moments where they affect me and it kinda feels like I'm me but not me. Dang't, I'm not making sense, am I?"

“Kinda… though, sugar, I only just woke up,” Applejack said as she adjusted her hat, “so I haven’t had the chance to experience what ya talkin about, ya hear?”

“Yeah, I hear you,” Dash said with the goofiest grin plastered on her face, “but you just called me sugar. Hehe.” Dash’s feathers fluffed in clear attraction.

“AH, SHAWT UP, YA HALF EATEN CORNBREAD!” A flustered Applejack whacked Dash upside her head, “Stawp wit dem flirtin’, Ms. Dash, we are in a precarious situation!"

“Are we?” Dash asked as she looked around. “It looks like the fight is finished. Right now, they’re just givin’ each other death stares. Let’s go before they start fightin’ again.” Dash got up and started walking away. After a few steps she looked back, “Are you comin’? I know where Fluttershy and Discord are. I think they are havin’ tea?" With a shrug, she strolled to the door. Applejack scrambled to her hooves and followed. Dash started to whistle a jaunty tune that Applejack hadn’t heard since her past life of Pumpkin. She started to hum along as they walked down the crystalline halls. Words formed on to her lips as tune came forth from her memories. At the top of her lungs, she sang;

“Stay, in my shelter
Beneath, a bed of stone
Though tides, pull me under
I'll be carried, carried home
Grey shorelines, break the silence”

Dash joined in singing,
“With songs of rivers flow
And I see you, cross the ocean
But I will never go, I will never go
But I will never go…….”

“I will never goooooo!!!” Discord sang off tune at the top of his lungs with his right claw in the air. Fluttershy was sitting at a white metal table with him with her ears covered. It seemed that she still had a hard time listing to his terrible singing.

“Ouch, Oh Great Chaotic One, canna ye turned down de singin’, please,” Dash complained as she rubbed her ear, “me ears are bleedin’ because all de caterwauling!”

“Hey! I have you know that my dear Fluttershy thinks my singing is beautiful!” Discord cried out in mock horror. He conjured up pearls around his neck just so he could clutch them. Dash just shook her head and said, “It sure doesn’t look that way to me, Oh Chaotic One! It looks like she’s covering her ears!”

Discord’s eyes widened, “Say it ain’t so, Fluttershy!”

“Ummm….” Fluttershy stammered as she looked for an out, but none were given, “Umm... ahh… w-where i-is P-Pinkie Pie?”


Sombra was crushing me! All because of a dang twig snap! Not fair!

“Show yourself!” He growled. A squeak was heard as the ground shook. Out the rustling jeweled leaves of the bush came a very timid…

“Luna!” I squealed and swiftly escaped Sombra's hold to pounce on the adorable blue alicorn. “I missed you! How are you, my friend?!” Her bell like laughter bounced along the leaves as we started to roll around on the ground. I heard hoof steps coming towards us. I looked up to find Sombra shaking his head at us.

“You know, Miss Luna, I nearly killed you.” He grumbled, “You should be more careful next time.”

“Yes, sir, sorry, sir,” A contrite Luna apologizes, “It will not happen again.”

“Ahh, now you're making me feel bad," Sombra said as scratched the back of his head, “here let me help you both up.” Red magic engulfed me and Luna, lifting us up gently into the air. Pink and purple leaves tickled my nose, causing me to sneeze.

“Harmony blesses you,” Luna said, her hooves softly touch the ground as I was placed onto Sombra’s back. I scrambled up his neck and placed my chin right between his ears. I heard him grunt but did not make a move to move me. His velvety soft ears tickled my face as they swiveled. I am a hat. I make a good hat. Hehe.

“Your thoughts are interesting, Little mate,” Sombra said, “And you do make a good hat. Very good hat that is very bad for my neck. Luna, shall we?” Sombra then started walking through the garden of bejeweled leaves and rainbow flowers. He did not wait for the small alicorn. I heard soft hoof steps follow along behind.

“I noticed something interesting,” Luna broke the peaceful quiet that fell upon us, “Midnight, why do I smell peaches when I am with you? It was there last time I was with you.”

“You smell it too?” Sombra asked in surprise. “I thought that I was losing my since of smell!” I have no idea what they are talking about. All I smell is my sweat and the spicy scent of my mate. Hmm… he smells so good. I smashed my nose right in the area in-between, feeling his silky mane brush against my cheeks. I always wanted to do that, but never felt like I could. But see now that he was my mate, I can plant my face into his mane anytime that I want. Oh, the privileges. This was the life. I wonder if he would let me braid his mane?

“Oh, most certainly, my Lord,” Luna quipped, interrupting my thoughts in the process, “I was quite surprise having smelled peaches along side her usual smell of lemongrass and lavender. It seems that we are…”

“Why are we talking about the way I smell?!” I squeaked, muffled by Sombra’s mane. “It’s embarrassing.” I tightened my grip on Sombra’s neck, causing him to grunt. I buried my face further into his mane but stopped when I felt a tell-tell vibration I knew well. The jerk was laughing! He had the audacity to laugh at me! And Luna too. The betrayal!

“I am so sorry but…” Luna didn’t even finish because she was laughing too hard. Jerks. The lot of them. See if I care then. I don’t see what was funny. And I genuinely wanted to know why my smell was important. I mean I stink! I haven’t had a bath since the night before and I am sore!

"Did someone say peaches?!" Came a squeal in the distance. Before I knew it, silver magic rapped itself around me and lifted me off Sombra’s neck. The trees and flowers became a glittery rainbow blur as I was whisked towards my new destination. Dang alicorns and their magic. I should never gotten involved with them in the first place. Then again, I would have never met my mate. But times like this as I am zooming in the air at Harmony’s knows how fast, I am reminded that alicorns will do whatever they want. I should just let it be. Sigh…

Silver wings enveloped my sight as they encased me. A squeal rang into my ear, causing me to go deaf momentarily. The world started spinning all of a sudden as the wings opened up. Strong arms held me in place as the world spun around and around and around. Oh, sweet Harmony, I am going to be sick! A black blur came crashing through the rainbow streaks. A sparkly navy blur followed right behind it.

“Mother!” Sombra’s voice cut through the squeals. “Stop! You are making my poor mate sick!” The spinning stopped and my stomach was now in my mouth. The gentle sound of wings flapping in the wind was heard as I tried to keep my nonexciting breakfast down. Harmony just drew me closer.

“But, Sombra, sweetie,” Harmony whined, “I am so excited! I am going to be a grandma!”

“Wait… what do you mean?” I groaned. The world has not stopped spinning. It’s still spinning!

“Why, my beautiful daughter of mine,” Harmony chirped, “you are with child! Congratulations!”

“Wait! Wait a minute!” I said. “I am what now?!”

Comments ( 4 )

Every second of waiting for this chapter was worth it.:pinkiehappy::heart:

Thank you so much!! You just made my day!! Just out of curiosity what was your favorite part of the chapter?

How midnight react to what armony says

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