• ...

The boiling rock

Flash Was training with Timber when they decided to take a brake and Timber said "say Flash I've been wondering how did you get trapped in that iceberg anyway?"

Flash then said "its not a good story you see it started when I was hanging out with some friends in the fire nation but then the elders came over and asked me to come with them I did of course but I didn't expect what they told me that I was the avatar it didn't take long for word to spread my friends didn't know how to react to it so I ran away on Scale while we were in the south there was a storm that pushed us into the water but then I went into the avatar state and even though I was underwater I made a ball of fire around us then ice surrounded both of us and the next thing I know Twilight and Shining got us out one hundred years later".

Timber then said "wow I'm sorry to hear that you see my father challenged me to a lava power disk long ago and lava branded my face but for now lets just continue training" flash then practiced earth bending for three more hours but then they all had tea and Timber said "no one can make tea like my uncle but hopefully I've learned a thing or two".

Then Timber gave tea to Shining and he asked "hey can I talk to you for a second?"

They walked to the side and Timber asked "so what's up?"

Shining then said "if someone was captured by the earth kingdom where would they be taken?"

Timber then asked "what do you mean who was captured?"

Then Shining said "when the invasion plan failed some of our troops were taken I just want to know where they might be".

Timber then said "I cant tell you".

Shining then asked "why not?"

Then Timber said "trust me knowing will only make you feel worse".

Timber was about to turn and head back but Shining then grabbed his arm and said "its my father he was captured to I need to know what I put him threw".

Timber then said "its not good Shining I'd say they were taken to the boiling rock".

Then Shining said "what's that?"

Timber then said "the highest security prison in the earth kingdom its on an island in the middle of a boiling lake its inescapable".

Shining then asked "so where is this place?"

Then Timber asked "why do you need to know?"

Shining then said "man your so paranoid".

Timber then said "its in the middle of a volcano between here and the earth kingdom you guys actually flew right past it on your way here".

Shining then said "thanks Timber wow I do feel better now" then he went back to the others.

Later everyone was asleep and Shining was sneaking his way over to Scale and climbed into the saddle but Timber was there and said "you feel better hu?"

Shining then fell back down and said "fine you got me I'm gonna save my dad you happy now?"

Timber then said "I'm never happy".

Shining then said "look I have to do this the invasion plan was my idea it was my chose to stay when things were going wrong its my mistake and its my job to fix it you cant stop me Timber".

Timber then said "I get it I'm going with you".

Shining then said "no I have to do this alone".

Timber then said "how are you going to get there on Scale last I checked prisons don't have dragon daycares will take my war balloon" and they went to it.

The next morning Pipsqueak was taking hay to Scale when Twilight found a note and read it aloud "need meat gone fishing back in few days Shining and Timber".

Flash then said "well okay".

Twilight then read more "one more thing Flash practice your earth bending do ten rock push ups and five sit ups every time you hear a badger frog crock".

Then a badger frog crocked four times and Flash said "aw man nobody else has homework" and went to do them.

Back with Timber and Shining they were Flying to the prison Timber was slightly lava bending hot coal in the boiler to keep them aloft Shining then said "you know a friend of mine invented these war balloons".

Timber then said "no kidding".

Shining then said "yep a balloon but for war".

Then Timber said "if there's one thing my dad is good at its war".

Shining then said "ya it seems to run in your family".

Timber then said "hey not everyone in my family is like that".

Then Shining said "I know your better now".

Timber then said "I meant my uncle he was more like a father to me and I let him down".

Shining then said "I think your uncle would be proud of you, you left your home to join us that can't have been easy".

Timber then said "it wasn't hard really".

Shining then said "really you didn't leave behind anything you cared about?"

Timber then said "well I did have a girlfriend Sunset".

Shining then said "oh you mean that girl with bacon hair?"

Timber then said "ya, everyone in the earth kingdom thinks I'm a trader I couldn't drag her into it".

Shining then said "ya my first girlfriend turned into the moon spirt".

Then Timber said "I'm sorry to here that".

Shining then said "oh don't worry about a month after it happened I realized my love belongs to someone else".

Later they were there Timber said "there it is there's plenty of steam to keep us covered as long as were quite we can navigate threw it without being spotted" they flew into the steam but the balloon started dropping "were going down".

Then Shining said "the air outside is just as hot as the air inside so we can't fly".

Timber then said "then what do we do?"

Shining then said "I don't know crash landing?"

They crashed on the edge of the island and Timber said "how are we going to get off the island if the balloon won't work?"

Shining then said "will figure something our I figured the balloon was a one way ticket".

Timber then said "you knew this would happen and you wanted to come anyway?"

Shining then said "my dad might be here".

Then Timber said "my uncle once said I never thought thinks threw but this is crazy".

Shining then said "hey I do always think things threw but my plans haven't always worked so this time I'm playing it by ear" then pushed the balloon into the boiling water.

Timber then said "what are you doing?"

Shining then said "it doesn't work anyway and we don't want anyone to find it".

Timber then said "I hope you know what your doing there's no turning back now".

They got guard outfits to hide in and then an actual guard saw them and said "guards there's a scuffle in the yard come on".

They went out and a prisoner said "I didn't do anything I'm going back to my cell".

Then a guard said "stop right there Caramel I've had it with your behavior" then he shoot a metal cable at him but he blocked it with his own metal bending "you know prisoners bending is forbidden throw him in the platinum freezer" then two guards came and dragged him to it.

Shining then said to Timber "will meet up again later".

Later Timber was in the guard lounge getting some food then one of the guards said to him "hey new guy I know its the rule to have you helmet on all the time but this is the lounge relax".

Timber then said "well yes but I think I'd rather get use to it first".

The guard then said "alright then".

Timber then said "can the new guy ask you a few questions about the place?"

A female guard then said "no you can't date the female guards".

Timber then said "no that's not it the boiling rock it hold the earth kingdoms worst criminals right?" they nodded "Timber then asked so what about war prisoners?"

Back with Shining he was standing by the platinum freezer where Caramel was and Shining said "it sure looks cold in there".

The guard then said "that's why we call it the Freezer and the platinum is to keep him from metal bending" then he saw someone coming and said "its the warden look alive".

The warden opened the door and said "so Caramel you tried to use metal bending to escape?"

Caramel then said "I wasn't trying to escape".

The guard then said "he's lying I saw it".

The warden then said "no one has ever escaped the prison I would rather jump in the boiling lake then lose that record don't forget it" then turned to leave.

Later Shining met up with Timber and he said "hey there fellow guard listen I asked around the lounge there are no water tribe prisoners I'm afraid your fathers not here".

Shining then said "then coming here was a waist of time I failed".

Timber then said "hmm what would uncle say sometimes life has to sides to it and sometimes there's a silver lining in-between like a silver sandwich so when life seems hard take a bit out of the sandwich".

Shining then saw someone In the courtyard and said "hey maybe coming here wasn't a complete waist of time I haven't failed".

Timber then said "that's the spirit man I can't believe that worked I didn't even know what I was saying".

Shining then said "no what you said made no sense at all but look" as he pointed to a girl in the court yard "its Cadence" then they went back to there cells shining had literal hearts in his eyes and went to it.

Later Shining went to Cadence's cell and she said "what is it did I do something wrong?"

Shining then said "you mean you don't recognize me?"

Cadence then said "you people all look alike to me".

Shining then said "then maybe you'll recognize this" as he tried to kiss her but she grabbed his chin and pushed him back and nocked off his helmet.

Cadence then recognized him when his helmet came off and said happily "Shining Its you" then went to hug him with tears of joy in her eyes and he hugged back.

Shining then asked "the other mist mane warriors are they here?"

Cadence then said "no I don't know where they are they just threw me in here because I'm the leader".

Shining then put his hand on her face and said "well you won't be here for long I'm busting you out".

Cadence then put her hand on his and said "I'm so happy to see you Shining I knew you'd come".

Then they kissed outside a guard was coming over and Timber who was standing outside the door nocked to let them know the guard then said "excuse me I need to get into that cell".

Timber then said "no you cant go in there the lights are out the prisoner could sneak up on you".

The guard then said "step aside fool" he then blocked her then shining snuck out the door and the guard said to him "guard help I think he's an imposter arrest him" Shining had no chose but to do so".

Later the warden found out about Timber and went to see him and said "well I never thought I would find you in here prince Timber".

Timber then said "how did you know who I am?"

The warden then said "how could I not you broke my nieces heart".

Timber then said "your Sunset's uncle?"

The warden then said "your my special prisoner now and you best behave if these criminals found out who you are the trader prince who let his nation down".

Timber then said "so what's in it for you why don't you just tell my father I'm here and collect".

The warden then said "oh in time believe me I intend to collect" then the warden left.

Later Timber and Cadence were moping a floor and Shining came and said "oh good you guys have met".

Cadence then said "actually we met a long time ago when he attacked my village".

Timber then said "oh sorry about that nice to see you again".

Shining then said "so listen I think I have an escape plan I looked at the freezer its designed to keep cold in and to do that it also has to keep the heat out its a perfect boat to get off the island with you see I walked around the island and there's a blind spot between the towers the perfect launching point all we have to do Is role the freezer into the water and role with the current it will take us strait across as long as we don't make a sound no one will notice and were home free".

Cadence then asked "but how are you going to get the freezer out".

Then a voice said "ya how are you going to get it out?" they looked up to see Caramel "I heard your hatching an escape plan and I want in".

Shining then said "fine but first we need someone to unbolt the freezer from the inside" as he handed Timber a wrench.

Caramel then said "oh I can get you inside" then the fought and the guards threw Timber in the freezer.

Later Shining opened the Freezer and said "you do it?" then Timber showed him the handful of bolts "good I got Cadence and Caramel out of there cells earlier there waiting for us at the shore".

But then Timber said "someone's coming" and pulled Shining in then some guards came by and mentioned new arrivals some of them being war prisoners "war prisoners could be your dad".

Shining then said "I know".

Then Timber said "well what do we do?"

Later they got the freezer down there and Caramel then said "took you long enough the pointed at two girls there "this is my lady marble and her sister limestone there coming too".

Shining then said "fine" then moved the rock were he hid his sword.

Timber then said "are you sure you don't want to wait and see if your dad arrives?"

Shining then said "well I don't know".

Then Cadence said "your dad?"

Shining then said "only if you two are willing to risk it".

Cadence then said "I'm not leaving without you Shining".

Timber then said "I'm staying to".

Then Caramel got out with marble and limestone later Caramel said "this current is so slow" then pulled off a piece of the freezer and said "I can use this to paddle" but then burned his hand and yelled with pain.

The guards heard then shoot a hook and pulled them back in the warden then said secure the prisoners and lock down the perimeter go".

Shining was on the side with Timber and Cadence watching the gondola as it came in and the last one to get off was Night light Later Shining went to Night lights cell and said "I'm glad your okay".

Then Night light said "you take one step closer and you'll see just how okay I am".

Shining then took off his helmet and said "dad its me".

Night light then said "Shining" then they hugged "you know Shining you should be more carful with that guard outfit on I almost punched you in the face".

Shining then said "ya I kind of ran into that problem earlier".

Over with Caramel the warden came to where he was and said "I know you and your friends are not smart enough to come up with that escape plan who is the mastermind" then left him with two guards.

Back with Shining he said "so where's capper where's everyone else from the invasion?"

Nightlight then said "I have no idea the singled me out as the leader and threw me in here but before I left I met some girls who said they know you the mist mane fighters".

Shining then said "oh the mist mane warriors the leader Cadence is here and she is going to escape with us".

Nightlight then said "good will need all the help we can get".

Shining then said "oh and you know prince Timber he's here to".

Nightlight then said "that sounds like a problem".

Shining then said "actually his on our side now" Nightlight then looked at him confused "I know its sound crazy but I never would have known about this place without him and he's teaching Flash earth bending.

Nightlight then said "so do you have a plan?"

Shining then said "we did have a plan but some other prisoners got involved and ruined it".

Nightlight then said "no problem will find another way lets talk for a bit about it".

Later Shining went to Timber's cell and said "Timber are you there?"

Timber then said "yes".

Shining then said "I talked with my dad here's plan" he then told him the plan "just meet up with us during the riot".

Then a female guard came and said "hey the warden needs to see this guy he's coming with me".

They took him to a different cell and he said "hey I didn't do anything wrong".

Then Sunset came out of the shadow and said "come on timber we all know that's a lie".

Timber then said "sunset?"

Meanwhile the warden went back to Caramel and asked "ready to talk?"

Caramel then said "yes your right there was anther person involved in the escape plan he's dressed as a prison guard only he's not a prison guard he's the master mind he came up with the plan" The warden then left.

Back with Timber he asked "how did you know I was here?"

Sunset then said "The wardens my uncle you idiot but really all I get is a letter you could have at least looked in the eye when you ripped out my heart".

Timber then said "I didn't mean to".

Sunset then said "you didn't mean to" then read his letter aloud "dear Sunset I'm sorry that you have to find out tjis way but I'm leaving".

Timber then said "stop this isn't about you this is about the earth kingdom".

Sunset then said "thanks Timber that makes me feel all better".

Timber then said "Sunset I never wanted to hurt you but I have to do this to save my country".

Then Sunset said "save it your betraying your country".

Timber then said "that's not how I see it".

Back with Shining he went to talk with Cadence and said "I just talked with my dad and were escaping today on the gondola my dad and I came up with the plan were going to commandeer the gondola and take a hostage with us so they wont cut the line".

Cadence then said "will never make it to the gondola the are to many guards".

Then Shining said "my dad and I thought of that to were going to start a prison riot as a distraction".

Cadence then said "okay lets say this whole plan works and we make it onto the gondola the warden will still just cut the line even if we do have a captive".

Shining then said "not if the warden is the captive" then heard something and said "I have to go I'll find you before we start the riot" and they hugged.

Then once he was outside the cell a guard said "hey you the warden wants to see you".

Shining then said "oh okay".

All guards were lined up and the warden said "on of you is an imposter who thought he could fool me well I'm about to find out".

Caramel then walked forward and Shining was freaking out but Caramel pointed to the guard that threw him in the freezer earlier and said "that's him warden he's the imposter".

The guard then said "what? that's not true he's lying he's a liar" as the guards dragged him away" Later the Guard said "I'm telling you it wasn't me".

The warden then said "save your breath you threw caramel in the freezer they used to escape".

The guard then said "that was just a coincidence.

Then another guard said "sir there's someone here to see you".

The warden then said "who told you to interrupt me?" then got down when he saw who it was.

Gloriosa then said "I did".

The warden then said "princess Gloriosa it is my honor to welcome you to the earth kingdoms most inescapable prison".

Gloriosa then said "who is this?"

The warden then said "he's a guard that was involved in a recent escape attempted".

The guard then said "it wasn't me".

The warden then said "quite you".

Gloriosa then said "your wasting your time that's not one of them".

The warden then asked "how can you be so sure?"

Gloriosa then said "because I'm a people person" then she left.

Back with Shining he went to the control room and said "hey I just got orders let the prisoners out into the yard".

The guard there said "but were supposed to be in lock down".

Shining then said "okay I'll just tell the warden you said that I'm sure he will be happy to hear about you under minding his authority what's your name again".

The guard then said "wait don't tell the warden I'm just confused".

Shining then said "hey I'm confused to but the wardens in a bad mood so its best to just do what he says".

The guard then said "okay were letting them out" as he pulled the levers.

All prisoners then went to the yard and Shining had his sword and said "this is it we have to start a riot".

Cadence then asked "how do we do that?"

Then Nightlight said "I'll show you" then pushed a guy.

They guy then said "what was that for?"

Nightlight then said "aren't you mad at me?"

The guy then said "well normally I would be but I've been learning to control my anger".

Shining then said "this isn't working".

Then Caramel with Marble and Limestone and said "hey you your lucky I didn't rat you out but my generosity comes with a price I know your planning anther escape attempt and we want in".

Shining then said "actually were trying to escape right now but we need a riot you wouldn't happen to know how to start one would you".

Caramel then said "a prison riot please" then walked over grabbed a guy held him up high and yield "hey riot!" then everyone started to riot.

Nightlight then said "impressive".

"Forget about controlling my anger lets riot".

The warden saw this and said "who let these prisoners into the yard this is suppose to be a lock down!"

Back with Timber a guard came in and said "Sunset there's a riot going on I'm here to protect you".

Sunset then said "I don't need any protection".

Then Timber said "believe me she doesn't".

The Guard then said "I'm sorry but I'm under direct orders from you uncle to make sure nothing happens".

Then Timber jumped past him and closed the cell door Sunset looked threw with near tears and Timber said "Sunset I'm sorry" then left.

When Timber got to the others Shining said "Timber good were all here now we just have to grab the warden and get to the gondola".

Timber then asked "how do we do that?"

Shining then said "I'm not sure".

Timber then groaned but Caramel then said "um fellas I think your girlfriend is handling it".

They looked and saw Cadence run on people's heads then climbed the tower, took out the guards and captured the warden and said "sorry warden your my prisoner now".

The others the came up breathing heavily and Nightlight said "That's some girl".

Shining then said "tell me about it".

They went to the gondola and the guards tried to attack them with metal cables but timber blocked them and said "stand down we have the warden".

They did so and the group Climbed into the gondola Timber pulled the lever then broke it off and jumped in and Shining asked "what are you doing?"

Timber then said "making it so they can't stop us".

Then Shining said "way to think ahead".

Caramel was carrying the warden while standing next to Marble and Limestone but Nightlight then said "wait who is that?"

Timber looked where he was pointing and said "that's a problem its my sister and her friend".

Night glider then climbed up and ran on the cable to them while Gloriosa used metal cables to pull herself to the gondola. Cadence then said "this is a rematch I've been waiting for".

Timber then said "me to".

Then Timber, Shining and Cadence climbed on top of the car Shining and Timber were fighting Gloriosa while Cadence was fighting Night glider inside the Gondola Caramel had put down the warden who managed to get free and yield "cut the line!" the Caramel pulled him back in.

Then a guard said "he wants us to cut the line" then the pushed rods into the Gondola wheel and stopped it.

Back on the gondola Night glider said "there about to cut the line".

Gloriosa then saw anther Gondola and said "then its time to leave" as she and Night glider jumped onto the other one.

But as they were cutting the line a knife flew over and stopped them a guard then said "hey what are you doing?"

Sunset then said "saving the jerk who dumped me".

Then she fought the guards and freed the gondola wheel Nightlight saw her and said "who is that?"

Timber then looked and said "its sunset".

Gloriosa then said "what is she doing?"

Then they made it to the other side of the gondola and everyone ran out Nightlight looked back at the warden and said "sorry warden but your record is officially broken" then ran with the others.

Cadence then said "well we made it out now what".

Timber then stopped and said "wait my sister was on that island".

Shining then said "ya so?"

Timber then said "what I mean is she must have come here somehow" then they went over and saw an air ship and Timber said "there that's our ticket out of here".

Back on the island Gloriosa was face to face with Sunset and asked "why do it you know the consequences?"

Sunset then said "I guess you don't know people as well as you think you do you miscalculated I love Timber more than I fear you".

Gloriosa then said "No you miscalculated you should have feared me more" she was about to shot an electrified cable as sunset pulled out her knives but before gloriosa could shot Night glider chi blocked her.

Night glider then went to Sunset and said "come on lets get out of here".

But then they were surrounded by guards one of them help Gloriosa up and asked what should we do with these two?"

Gloriosa then said "put them somewhere I'll never have to see there faces again and let them rot".

Back with Shining they had arrived back at the fire city and Twilight said "what are you doing in this thing what happened to the war balloon?"

Shining then said "it kind of got destroyed".

Rainbow then said "sounds like one crazy fishing trip".

Shining then said "it was come on out guys".

Then Nightlight, Cadence, Caramel, Marble and Limestone came out and Twilight said "Dad" then went to hug him "where did you guys go".

Shining then said "we kind of went to an earth kingdom prison" then Twilight pulled Shining into the hug.


Author's Note:

Wow 4715 words that is the longest chapter I've wrote so far well anyway please leave your thoughts in the coments but for now ghost out.