Avatar the last fire bender, book three Earth

by phantom ghost hunter

First published

The Final story of Flash and friends

Water air earth fire Everyone thinks the avatar is gone but in truth he's alive he and his friends will save the day.


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Flash woke up to and was shocked to see where he was an earth kingdom ship he said "oh no" and then tried to slip away walking through the hallways.

Then someone saw him and said "he's away stop wait".

Flash was running then made it to the deck were he saw ring tail with two guys in earth kingdom armor "ring tail?"

Ring tail then climbed onto Flashes shoulder then he heard Rainbow say "Flash that has to be you" then looked to see her with Scootaloo and Twilight.

Twilight then said "Flash your awake".

Flash then said "are you sure I feel like I'm dreaming".

Twilight then hugged him and said "your not Dreaming your finally awake".

Then a guy in earth kingdom armor came over and said "Flash good to see you back with the living buddie".

Flash Recognized the voice and said "Shining?"

Then as Flash stated falling Scootaloo said "oh no someone catch him he's gonna faint" Twilight got as Scale came over sporting a new saddle.

Meanwhile on a different ship Gloriosa, Timber, Sunset, and Night glider were heading back to the earth kingdom Timber was standing by at the edge when Sunset came up and asked "aren't you cold?"

Timber then said "got a lot on my mind its been so long over three years since I was home I wonder what's changed I wonder how I've changed".

Sunset then said "I just asked if you were cold I didn't ask for your life story" she then hugged him "stop worrying" then kissed him.

Back with Flash he woke up and asked "why are we on an earth kingdom ship? Why is everyone dressed this way? and why am I the only one who's completely out of it".

Twilight then said "you need to take it easy okay you got hurt pretty badly".

Flash then said "how long was I out?"

Twilight then said "A few weeks".

Night light then came over and said "is everything okay?"

Twilight then said "were fine dad".

Night light then looked to Flash and said "I'm night light Twilight and Shining's father".

Twilight then said "He knows who you are I just called you dad didn't I".

Night light then said "I guess you right".

Flash then held out his hand and said "nice to officially meet you chief Night light".

Night light then shook his hand and said "nice to meet you as well".

Twilight then said "great now you guys have finally met so would you mind giving us a little privacy?"

Then Night light said "of course" and walked away.

Flash then asked "are you mad at your dad or something?"

Then Twilight said "what not at all why would you think that?"

Then Flash Said "I don't know" then hunched over in pain.

Twilight then said "maybe we should go up stairs you need some healing" after they went up there Twilight said "Tell me were your pain is most intense" as she water healed his wound were Gloriosa shot that electric metal cable.

Flash then said "a little higher" then Flash had a vision of when Gloriosa shot him then said "wow your defiantly in the right area there".

Then Twilight said "I can feel a lot of twisted energy built up there let me just see if I can..." as she pulled the water away Flash ha another vision.

Flash then said "I didn't just get hurt did I? I was gone but you brought me back".

Twilight then said "I just used the spirit water from the north pole I don't know what I did exactly".

Flash then said "you saved me".

Twilight then You need to rest".

Later in the earth kingdom Two women were talking and they said "your princess has returned Gloriosa cleverly clothed herself as an air nation citizen and entered Canterlot there she found her brother Timber and together they faced the avatar and the avatar fell and the air nation fell Gloriosa's agents quickly took over the city they climbed Canterlot's great mountain and the army's of the earth kingdom surged threw the city securing our victory and now the heroes have returned home Your princess Gloriosa and after three long years your prince has returned Timber" and the crowd cheered.

Back with Flash Shining explained what happened "after what happened in Canterlot we had to get you to safety we flew back to chameleon bay were we found my father and the other water tribe men, the air leader decided he wanted to travel the world incognito so he set off alone, well not completely alone he said he would be alright as long as he has Smokey with him soon the bay was over run with earth kingdom ships rather than fight them all we captured a single ship and made it our disguise since then we've been traveling west we crossed the serpents pass a few days ago we've seen a few earth kingdom ships but none have bothered us".

Flash then asked "so what now?"

Then night light said "we've been working on a modified version of the invasion plan".

Twilight then said "Its Shining's invasion plan".

Night light then said "yes Shining's plan we won't be able to mount a massive invasion without the air leaders army's but the blood moon will still leave the earth kingdom venerable".

Then Shining said "so were planning a smaller invasion just a rag tag team of our friends and ails from around the air nation we already ran into Pipsqueak and trouble shoes" as he pointed to them "and on our way to meet up with dad we found Cheese, and Dinky carrying an injured Comet so we got them to" as he pointed to Dinky and cheese over by the edge of the boat "As for Comet he was to injured to join in the invasion so some of the water tribe men are taking him to the north pole were he will be safe and the healers can help him and the best part is the blood moon isn't our biggest advantage we have a secret, you".

Flash then asked "me?"

Shining then said "yep the whole world thinks your dead isn't that great".

Flash then said "the world thinks I'm dead how is that good news its terrible".

Shining then said "no its great it means the earth kingdom won't be hunting us anymore and even better they wont be expecting you on the night of the blood moon".

Flash then said "no you have no idea this is so messed up" then there was a fog horn from an approaching earth kingdom ship Flash then said "I'll handle this the avatar is back" but when he held up his fist he hunched over in pain.

Then Twilight said Flash wait they don't know were not earth kingdom".

Night light then said "everyone just stay calm Capper and I will handle this" they covered Scale up with a tarp as the ship approached.

The Ships were side by side and the captain of the other ship came onto there's and said "commander why are you off course all western fleet ships are supposed to be headed toward Canterlot to support the takeover".

Night light then said "actually were from the eastern fleet we have orders to deliver some cargo".

The captain then said "eastern fleet well of admiral Torch to let us know he was sending ships our way".

Capper then said "I'm sure admiral torch meant no disrespect".

Then the captain said "I mean how hard is it to write a quick note and send a hawk out?"

Night light then said "next time will send two hawks to be sure you get the message".

They gave a nod and walked away then one of the guys with the captain said "sir admiral Torch has been on leave for two months on quarts island".

The captain then said "what why doesn't anyone ever tell me any thing somethings not right I should have known that I think this is a captured ship just stay quite till were safely back on our ship then will sink it".

Rainbow heard then then got up and said "they know" then she and Scootaloo used there air bending to knock them into the water then cold bending to shatter the bridge then Twilight water bent the ships away from each other. Then they started the ship to get away but the guys on the other ship threw down a rope ladder the captain and the two solders then they chased after them.

Back with Timber he was feeding turtle ducks in the pond but they swam away when Gloriosa came over and said "you seem so down has Sunset gotten to you already although Sunset has been strangely happy since you came back".

Timber then said "I haven't seen dad yet I haven't seen him In three years since I was banished".

Gloriosa then said "so what?"

Then Timber said "so I didn't capture the avatar".

Gloriosa then said "who cares the avatars dead unless you think he somehow survived".

Timber then remembered Twilight telling him about the spirit water then said "no there's no way he could have survived".

Gloriosa then said "well then I'm sure you have nothing to worry about" and she walked away.

Back with Flash they were trying to get away from the earth ship they were throwing lava balls at them which Scootaloo and Rainbow blow back then Scootaloo said "lode the logs" Trouble shoes the packed out a sharpened log which Scootaloo and Rainbow blow at the ship.

Then shining said "well I don't think it can get any worse" then a serpent came out of the water next to them "why dose the universe like to mess with me?"

Rainbow then said "maybe because you make it to easy".

Then a lava rock hit the side of the serpents face and burned off half of its mustache it then got mad and swam over to the other ship and attacked it then Shining said "thank you the universe".

Later they arrived at a dock and Flash was lying on a bed then the others came in and Rainbow said "hey Flash were going into town to buy some dinner want to come?"

Flash felt his stomach growl and he said "sure".

Shining then handed him an arm band and said "here use this to cover your arm mark".

Flash then said "on second thought if I have to hid my mark I'll stay here".

They nodded and left back with Timber he was meeting with his father for the first time in three years he took a breath and went in back with Twilight she was walking to Flashes room and when she got there she said "Flash I brought you some food" then noticed he was gone and said "oh no" then dropped the plate of food. with Flash he was flying away.

Back with Timber he got on his knee's then his father said you've been away for a long time I see the weight of your travels has changed you, you have redeemed your self welcome home son".

Back with Flash he was flying to the earth kingdom when it started raining and that weakened his fire and nocked him into the ocean Back on the ship Twilight ran up to her dad in tears and he asked "what's wrong Twilight?"

Twilight then said "he left Flash left he thinks he has to save the world alone".

Night light then said "you better go find him then".

Later Twilight, Shining, Rainbow and Scoots were taking off on Scale back with Timber earth king Glad mane said "I am proud of you Timber you and your sister took Canterlot and from what she told me you killed the avatar".

Timbers eyes widened at that Back with Flash he was in the water then Fleur de lis as the moon spirit appeared and said "don't give up" as there was a wave that pushed Flash to the Earth Kingdom.

Back With Timber he went to Gloriosa and said "why did you tell father I killed the avatar?"

Gloriosa then said "well I just let you have that glory but you know if the avatar were somehow still alive all that glory would turn to shame".

Back with Flash his friends then found him washed on the shores of the earth kingdom and Twilight hugged him and said "Flash I'm glad your alright".

Then they all got in on the hug Flash then said "I have so much to do"

Twilight then said "I but you will have our help".

Flash then said "thanks you guys".


The Painted Lady

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Flash and his group were at the earth kingdom and Twilight said "we need new cloths so we can blend in".

Flash then said "she's right lets do it".

Later they found cloths someone had hanging out to dry and Twilight said "I don't know these cloths belong to someone".

Then Shining said "Twilight were helping these people by ending the war there grandkids will thank us".

Twilight then said "well alright" they got cloths then Twilight asked "so how do I look?"

Flash said "nice... wait your mothers neckless".

Twilight then said "oh right its obviously water tribe" as she took it off.

Later in town she bought an earth kingdom neckless and Rainbow and Scoots bought headbands Shining then said "Okay lets get moving".

Back With Timber he was talking to a guy and hired him to hunt down the avatar he said "I need you to stop the avatar".

Two days later they were riding on Scale down a river and Flash said "hey guys I think this river is polluted".

Shining then said "well that explains why I cant catch a fish around here" because normally my fishing skills are off the hook get it like a fishing hook".

Rainbow then said "to bad your skills aren't on the hook" and the others laughed at that.

Twilight then said "It looks like will need to go somewhere else to get food".

Flash then said "hey maybe we can get food there" as he pointed to a town built on the river they got on land and Flash covered Scale with a grass tarp then said "now you look just like a little hill with horns bye buddie".

Shining then said "so that's the town it built in the water".

Then a guy nearby on a boat said "sure is my name is Dock mind if I ask who you are?"

Twilight then said "um were form the air nation colonies".

Dock then said "well colonials hop on a give you a lift into town".

Twilight then asked "why do you live in the river".

Dock then said "because were a fishing town or we were until the earth kingdom put in there factory that's were they make all there metal its been gunking up or river ever since now out village is struggling to survive".

They arrived at the town and Flash said "thanks for the ride".

While they were walking threw town Twilight said "look at this place its terrible we have to do something to help them".

Shining then said "sorry Twilight but were on a tight schedule we will help these people after we defeat the earth king".

Twilight then said "I guess your right".

They arrived at a shop and shining said "Dock you work here too?"

Then he said "I'm not dock I'm party favor dock is my brother".

Flash then said "but we just saw you your even wearing the same cloths the only difference is your hat".

Party favor then said "dock works on the docks that's why the call him dock while I work in the mart that's why they call me Party favor".

Flash then said "I don't get it".

Party favor then said "me nether" he then ducked below the counter and came back up with a box then said "now what can I get you?" they looked in the box and then Party favor said "hey I'll give you a special deal if you buy three fish I'll throw in a clam for free".

shining touched a clam and muck came out then he said "um will just take the fish thanks" as he grabbed some fish out and paid for them "do you mind telling your brother we need a ride back to shore?"

Party favor then duck below the counter then Dock came up and said "hey guys Party favor said you need a lift" and they went to the dock.

Twilight stopped when a kid came over and said "can you spare some food?"

Then Twilight handed him a fish as she said "I only wish I could do more".

The next morning Twilight was standing next to Scale And Flash asked "Twilight is there something wrong with Scale?"

Twilight then said "I think he's sick".

Then shining got up ran over and said "What?! That's terrible".

Scootaloo then said "Wow you sure care a lot".

Shining then said "of course now were gonna fall behind schedule" then he saw Twilight and Flash looking at him disapprovingly "and I'm concerned for Scale" as he hugged him.

Rainbow then said "he must have gotten sick form being in the polluted water".

Then Flash said "he doesn't look sick you okay buddie?" Then Scale stuck out his tong and they saw it was purple "that can't be good Twilight can you heal him?"

Twilight then said "It looks like he needs some medicine maybe we can find the right herbs in town".

Later they were back in town and Rainbow said "Is it just me or does this place look different?"

Flash then said "ya people seem happier?" As he saw a kid run past him with a ball laughing.

Then got to the mart and Shining said "hey Party favor what's going on with everyone today?"

Party favor then said "oh something amazing happened last night food was delivered to the village by a mysterious and wonderful person the Painted lady".

Twilight then said "the painted who now?"

Then Party favor said "the painted lady she's part of our town's lore" as he put down a small painted carving of her "they say she's a river spirit who watches over our town in times of need I always thought she was just a legend until now".

Shining then said "see we don't need to help these people they already had someone to help them all we need is medicine for our sick friend".

Party favor then said "medicine? sorry all the medicine we have goes to the factory that's why there are so many sick people here".

Twilight then said "looks like we need to stay another night so Scale can rest".

Then Shining said "I guess your right" then looked at Party favor "you got anymore food to sell?"

Party favor then ducked behind the counter then came back up and said "you'd you like the one headed fish or the two headed fish?"

Shining thought for a minute and said "two headed" then Party favor handed it to him he then turned around to see Twilight looking grossed out "what you get more for you money that way" Then they ran from him.

Later that night fog rolled into town and the Painted lady came secretly into the hospital and healed the ones in there one kid saw her and said "thank you Painted lady" she smiled at the kid then left.

The next morning They went to the mart and Shining said "hey dock is Party favor around?"

Dock then said "let me check" then he ran behind the shop and then Party favor came around the other side.

Party favor then said "hey there back again are you".

Scootaloo then said "we need more food our friend is still sick and we can't leave until he's better".

Party favor then handed them a basket of clams and said "that's to bad if you guys are lucky the Painted lady may visit you in the night and heal your friend".

Shining then said "maybe she come bring us a late night snack and will all have a sing along".

Party favor then said "ya maybe you know last night she visited us again and heeled most our sick folks".

Flash then said "is that why this place seems so festive?" as he saw some people putting up a statue.

Party favor then said "yup its all because of the Painted lady".

Then Twilight said "can you believe how much one village can be effected by one lady? I mean spirit".

Shining then said "well I hope she returns every night because then this place will go back to the way it was"

Twilight then said "why would you say that look at this place".

Then Shining said "ya now but without her they wouldn't be able to fend of them selves if she really wanted to help them she would use her spirit magic to destroy that factory".

Later that night Twilight got up from were she was sleeping and put some hay in her sleeping bag then put on a strange dress and face paint that made her look like the Painted lady then she left was walking away but ring tail saw her woke Flash who said "what is it Ring tail?" Ring tail then pointed to the painted lady leaving "its her hello painted lady spirit" She then turned her head back a little but then ran away but Flash then chased after her "hey I don't mean to bother you but my friend is sick and were on a tight schedule" she went to the water "wait I'm the great bridge between your world and my" Flash followed her threw the water "I'm friends with Po the forest spirit" She was headed for the factory then looked back and thought she lost him but then he appeared right next to her an said "My name is Flash I'm the avatar".

The Painted lady then said "well hello avatar I wish I could talk but I am very busy".

Flash then said "ya I hate that you know your very good looking for a spirit I don't get to meet a lot of spirits but the one's I do not very attractive".

She then said "thank you but".

Then Flash said "you seem kind of familiar to".

She then said "a lot of people say that".

Flash then said "no you really seem familiar".

Then the painted lady said "look I really should get going".

Then Flash used air bending to blow her hat off then saw who she was and said "Twilight?"

Twilight then put the hat back on and said "hey Flash".

Flash then said "your the painted lady but how?"

Twilight then said "I wasn't at first but I was just trying to help the village but since everyone thought that's who I was I guess I just kind of became her".

Flash then said "So you've been sneaking out at night wait is Scale even sick?"

Then Twilight said "He might be sick of the purple berries I've been feeding him but other than that he's fine".

Flash then said "I can't believe you lied to everyone so you could help these people".

Twilight then said "I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have".

Then Flash said "no that's great you like a secret hero".

Twilight then said "well if you want to help there's one more thing I have to do".

Later they were at the factory and Flash said "you want to destroy this factory?"

Twilight then said "I know Shining was just kidding but it is a good idea getting rid of this factory is the only way to help these people permanently" They went inside and destroyed all the equipment then the factory itself later they went back to the others and saw they were awake "hi Shining we were just out on a morning walk".

Shining then said "Oh really as he held up her sleeping bag and dumped hay out of it "I know your the Painted lady I know you've been sneaking out at night and I know you've been lying about Scale being sick and feeding him purple berries" as he pointed to Scootaloo sticking out her tong and Rainbow holding a bag of berries "Twilight you put our whole mission in jeopardy were leaving now" A few minutes later they were packing things when they heard motors they went up to see earth kingdom solders headed to the town "Ugh what did you do?"

Twilight then said "I kind of destroyed there factory".

Shining then said "you what!?"

Then Twilight said "It was your idea".

Shining then said "I was joking I said to use spirit magic" then face palmed "did you even think this through? the armies gonna blame the village there headed there right now for revenge".

Twilight then said "well what was I supposed to do?"

Then Shining said "leave do nothing".

Twilight then said "no I will never ever turn my back on people who need me I am going down to help them by down whatever I need to".

Shining then grabbed her shoulder and said "wait I'm coming too".

Twilight then said "I thought you didn't want to help".

Shining then said "you need me and I will never turn my back on you".

Twilight then said "Shining you really do have a heart" and hugged him.

Later down I the village one of the solders said "I thought we could live as neighbors together in peace but I guess I was wrong you steal our food our medicine and you destroy our factory".

Then party favor said "we didn't do any of that".

Then Dock said "ya the Painted lady brought us food she's the one who healed our sick not your medicine".

The solder then said "oh right the mysterious Painted lady did that and I suppose she drew the army symbol on your containers too" then threw a Painted lady carving at the canister "this is a town of thieves and liar's" then he pulled out rocks and started lava bending to attack the town "where is your painted lady now?" The villagers looked scared when he said "were going to cure the world of this village".

Then they tried to light an oil tank but a gust of wind kept putting it out a female solder then said "were is it coming from".

Then they noticed a thick fog and a kid said "its the painted lady she's coming".

The solder then said "there is no painted lady".

Then they heard strange sounds and the female solder said "what is that sound?"

Another solder then said "maybe it is her".

Then a bit of the fog moved to reveal her standing on the water then she jet forward to the village the lead solder then said "do something" and pushed the other to solders at her as they walked to her Rainbow and Scootaloo were under the dock and blew up threw the cracks and they ran away "stand your ground" Then the Painted lady used the water to nock over two of there boats then the other solders got on the remaining boats and jetted away "I'll take care of you myself" then as he threw lava at her wind came up and pushed her into the air then more wind pushed the solder into the water.

Then painted lady then came out of the water next to him and said "leave this village and never return" then he swam to a boat that came over and the solders pulled him on then they left.

She then went back to the dock as Shining, and Flash came up and Rainbow and Scoots came out from under the docks Dock then came up and said "thank you Painted lady me and my brother are really in your debt" then saw her face paint came off and said "wait I know you your not the Painted lady your that colonial girl you've been tricking us your a water bender".

Then a guy said "how dare you act like our Painted lady".

Shining then got in front of her and said "maybe she is a water bender but she was just trying to help you because of her that factory wont be polluting your river and the army is gone you should be down on your knees thanking her".

Twilight then said "Shining its okay" then looked at the crowd "I shouldn't have pretended to be someone I'm not but it doesn't matter if the Painted lady is real or not but your problems are real this river is real you can't wait around for someone to help you, you have to help yourself".

Dock then said "she's right but what should we do?"

Then Scootaloo Said in a different voice "maybe we can clean the river".

Dock then said "ya we can clean the river" then he walked up to Twilight and said "thank you, you know your not so bad for a water bender".

Shining then said "you wouldn't mind keeping that a secret by the way would you?"

Then Dock said "no problem keeping my mouth shut is my personal specialty my brother party favor on the other hand he's a blabber mouth".

Twilight then said "so Dock are you going to help us clean?"

Dock then said "no ma'am I'm going to get my other brother Clean sweep he loves cleaning rivers" he then switched hats and then said "all right I'm Clean sweep lets get some river cleaning done".

Flash then came up and said "a ha I knew it you were the same guy your the shop owner and the boat guy".

Clean sweep then said "oh you must be talking about my brothers Dock and Party favor".

Flash then said "no I just saw you, you just switched hats and called yourself a different name".

Clean sweep then said "you know who does that my brother Dock he's crazy".

Flash then said "oh forget it".

Ten hours later the river was clean and the gang was resting for the night while Twilight went to the water she was looking down at the water when she saw it ripple the looked up to see her the true Painted lady who then said "thank you" then disappeared and Twilight smiled.


Shining's Master

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Flash and friends were sitting out watching the stars when a meter came down and hit nearby ground they went over and saw a big fire had started Twilight then said "we have to stop that fire or it will destroy that whole town".

Flash then said "Twilight bend the water from that nearby creek to put out the fire, rainbow scoots use your air bending to keep the fire from spreading, and I'll try to weaken it".

Shining then said "hey what about me?"

Flash then said "um watch Ring tail".

Then Shining said "what am I a fire ferret sitter?"

They put out the fire and saw the meteor and Flash said "wow that looks like some pure metal".

Back with Stygian some guard walked to his cell and threw a bowl of rice into it witch stygian started eating and the guard then said "look at you your a weak degusting old man you do nothing, you say nothing you just eat and role on the dirt like a pig your a disgrace" then the guard left and once he dis stygian got up picked up the bowl and started to eat better.

Back with Flash and friends Flash said "man this people have no idea there village was almost lost last night".

Then Rainbow said "ya the worst thing about being incognito is we don't get hero worship anymore I miss the love".

Scoots then said "me to".

Then Shining said "oh you pore heroes".

Twilight then said "Shining what's wrong you haven't even touched your smoked sea slug".

Shining then said "Its just you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, making things fly around, I can't fly around okay I can't do anything".

Twilight then said "come on that's not true no one can read a map like you can".

Rainbow then said "ya Scoots and I can't read at all".

Flash then said "ya and you come up with ideas all the time and the jokes you tell were not good with that I mean look at Twilights hair I mean what's up with that".

Twilight then grabbed two locks of her hair and said "what what's wrong with my hair?"

Flash then said "oh nothing I was just trying to make a joke".

Then Shining said "you know I appreciate the effort but the fact is each of you are so amazing and special and I'm not I'm just the guy in the group who's normal".

Twilight then said "I'm sorry your feeling that way but I hope you know none of us see you that way" then thought for a minute and said "I know something that will make you feel better".

Later they were at a weapons store and Shining said "Alright" and looked around "maybe something to strengthen my battling hey how about these" as he picked up nunchucks he tried swinging them but hit himself in the face "maybe not" then tried other weapons he tried a spear but spun it to much and it flew away then tried a metal club but it was to heavy then two handed swords, then a bladed chain then after trying a sai he said "wow" as he saw a katana hanging on the wall "that's what I'm talking about".

The shop owner then said "you have a good eye that's an original from Hurricane the greatest sword master and sword maker in earth kingdom history he lives in the big mansion up the road from here".

Flash then said "that's it that's what you needed the whole time Shining?"

Shining then said "a katana?"

Then Flash said "no not the sword a master we all had masters that helped us you should see if you can train with Hurricane".

Twilight then said "that's a great idea I never would have gotten to were I am without master Star swirl".

Scoots then said "we learned from sky bison".

Then Rainbow said "they don't talk but there still good teachers".

Shining then said "it would be nice to be a master sword fighter alright I'll talk to him" Back with Stygian he was lying around when suddenly he started doing sit ups.

Back with Shining he had arrived at the mansion were hurricane lives and nocked then a guy came to the door and said "can I help you?"

Shining then said "I've come to train with the master".

He then said "you should know the master turns almost anyone away what did you bring to prove your worth" shining then looked worried "right well lets get this over with" as he led him inside.

When they reached Hurricane Shining said "master my name is Shining and I wish to be instructed in the way of the sword".

Hurricane then said "Shining that's an unusual name".

Shining then said "oh really in the earth colony's I come from its quite normal".

Hurricane then said "let me guess you've come hundreds of miles from your village were your the best swordsman in town and you think you disserve to learn from the master?"

Shining then said "well I've actually been all over the world and I know one thing for sure I have a lot to learn".

Hurricane then said "your not doing a very good job selling your self".

Then Shining said "I know your butler told me that when I met you I would have to prove my worth but thing is I don't really know if I'm worthy or not".

Hurricane then said "I see well lets find out together how worthy you are I will train you" Then Shining smiled later they were out in the yard of his mansion and Hurricane said "first you must see your weapon as anther part of you body to a normal person the sword becomes a simple weapon but in the right hands it become the most versatile of weapons and just as the imagination is limitless so to are the possibilities of the sword".

Back with Flash he said "so what should we do?"

Twilight the said "Shining was in charge of the schedule so I don't know".

Back with Stygian he was doing pull ups from the top bars of his cell. Back with Shining Hurricane said "a good sword master must keep his mind sharp as well" as he lead Shining to a great place with a water fall "paint this area".

After two hours Shining was done and said "how's this?"

Hurricane then said "well done". Later Hurricane had Shining fight his butler with wooden swords, and then push boulders, then trim a hedge. Later Shining was fighting the butler again and managed to nock the wooden sword out of the butlers hands.

Back with Stygian he was doing push ups while clapping one of the guards heard him and went to see it but just saw him clapping and said "crazy old man" and left.

Back with Flash Twilight said "so where do we go next?"

Flash then said "I don't know Shining's the one who always reads the map".

Hurricane said "you have learned well there is no more for me to teach you, you are ready for a real sword".

Then Shining said "so your going to give me one of yours?"

Hurricane then said "no your sword is an extension of yourself so tomorrow you will make your own sword" Then shining smiled. The next morning Hurricane said "choosing your material is the first important step in sword making you must trust your skill with life choose carefully".

Shining then looked through the material then got an idea and said "master would it be alright to got out and find the right material for my sword?"

Hurricane then said "I wouldn't have it any other way".

Later Shining was back with the others and said "guys I need your help with something" as he lead them to the meteor.

Back with Stygian he was siting on the floor of his cell then started to do push ups with his feet in the air. Back with Flash and friends they were pushing the meteor to the mansion when they got there Hurricane came out and said "whos this"?

Shining then said "oh these are my friends other good earth kingdom folks master do you think we can make a sword out of a meteor?"

Hurricane took a look at the meteor and then said "hmm you will make a sword like no other". Later Shining was shoveling coal onto the fire while the butler brought over a hammer and hit the meteor but it was so strong it wouldn't brake it took a few hours but they eventually broke off enough of it to make a sword they put the pieces in a fire proof bucket and placed it in the fire, Shining was pumping the fire to make it stronger the next morning they pulled the bucket out of the fire and pored the liquid metal into the mold after n hour Hurricane then stared to hammer it on an anvil then cool it in a barrel of water then sharpen it. Hurricane then said "Shining when you first arrived you were unsure you even doubted yourself but I saw something in you right away I saw a heart as strong as a lion turtle and twice as big and as we trained it wasn't your skills that impressed me no it was your creativity" As he handed shining the sword he made with a scabbard "These are the traits that define you".

Shining then said "I'm sorry master your wrong I am not worthy I'm not who you think I am I am not earth kingdom I am southern water tribe I lied so I could learn swordsmanship from you I'm sorry".

Hurricane then said "I'm sorry too" as he pulled out his sword and attacked.

The others then tried to help Shining but he then said "no this is my battle alone".

Back with Stygian a guard brought him food and said "you used to be our top general the pride of the earth kingdom and look at you now" as he dropped the tray of food Stygian then reached out and grabbed the apple then after the guard left Stygian got up and untied his sash reveling his muscles then as he ate the apple he was doing one armed pull ups.

Back with Shining he and Hurricane were going at it Hurricane then said "excellent using your agility battling an older opponent smart" then Shining got up on a ledge "Excellent use of terrain using the high ground" pushed Shining back and chased after him threw bamboo, Shining pulled bamboo trees over to wake him but he cut threw them and said "yes use your surroundings make them fight for you". He then chased Shining back to the field and Shining then nocked dust into his eyes blocking his vision "cleaver strategy" then turned his head to listen, Shining tried to sneak away but he stepped on a twig and Hurricane heard it then went over and nocked the sword out of Shining's hand his friends then ran over to try and help but Hurricane then said "stop excellent work Shining" then his butler then threw the scabbard for his sword and Hurricane held up his sword were the scabbard went on it "I'm a little to old to be fighting the avatar".

Flash then said "how did you know it was me?"

Hurricane then said "I've been around seen some things of course I knew from the beginning that Shining was water tribe" then got a cloth to clean the dust off his eyes "Next time you want to pretend to be an earth kingdom citizen you might want to use a different name try Lee its quite common".

Twilight then said "But why would you train someone from the water tribe".

Hurricane then said "the way of the sword doesn't belong to anyone nation the way of arts belongs to all" he the handed Shining's Sword to him and said "Shining keep practicing and you will become a great swordsman maybe even better than me".

Shining nodded later they were heading out when the butler called out to them "wait the master wants you to have this as a reminder" as he handed him a little bag then went back.

Shining open the bag and Twilight asked What is it?"

Shining then said "its a pai sho tile white lotus".

Flash then remembered Meadowbrook but didn't say anything about it he just said "well no time to dwell on that lets get moving".


The beach

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Timber, Gloriosa, Sunset and Night glider were on a boat headed for quartz Island and Night glider said "I can't wait to spend time on quartz island its gonna be great hanging out on the beach and do nothing".

Timber then said "doing nothing is a waste were being sent on a forced vacation I feel like a kid".

Gloriosa then said "lighten up so dad wants to meet with his advisers alone without anyone else around don't take it personally".

Night glider then said "doesn't your family have a house on quartz island?"

Gloriosa then said "we used to come every summer when we were kids".

Timber then said "that was a long time ago".

Later when they arrived at the island they met up with two old women and they said "welcome to quartz island kids" then led them to were they would be staying.

Timber then quietly said "It smells like old lady in here".

Sunset then said "gee I wonder why".

Night glider saw a picture of two women on the wall and said "who are these beautiful women?"

Then one of the old ladies said "can't you tell?"

Then the other one said "its us cheery and orange" as the assumed the position on the poster and Timber almost threw up.

Later in there rooms Night glider said "Wow I love the sea shell bedspread"

Sunset then said "are you kidding It looks like the beach threw up all over the place".

Later Orange said "we know your upset that you were forced to come here".

Cheery then said "but quarts island is a magical place".

Then they both said "it can help you understand yourself and each other"

Cheery then said "the beach has a special way".

Orange then continued "of smoothing out the most ragged of edges".

Later they were headed to the beach when a guy came up to Night glider and said "hey you need some help unpacking?"

Night glider then said "sure" then handed him her bag "thanks" He then pulled out her mat and laid it down for her she laid down on it then said "could you move over a bit to the..." he then used his shadow to shade her "perfect".

Over with Timber he and Sunset were siting side by side when he saw a shell picked it up and said "hu check this out meh" then threw it.

Then a guy saw the shell picked it up then saw Night Glider and ran in front of the guy shading her and handed her the shell and she said "wow thanks" as she excepted "this shell this is so pretty."

The guy then said "not as pretty as you are".

The guy shading her then moved and said "that shells not so great".

Night glider then said "um shade, Shade!"

Back with Timber he had gone to get ice cream he handed one to Sunset and said "you know its really hot here".

Then the ice cream fell of the cone and onto her leg and she said "thank this is refreshing".

Gloriosa then saw volley ball and smiled then said "hey beach bums were playing next" then saw Night glider being fanned by two big guys and shaded by anther "Night glider get over here!" Night glider then walked on her hands over to her Timber then ripped off his shirt which caused some girls to look at him with loving eyes.

They played and won then two guys came up and one said to Night glider "you know I'm having a party tonight you should come by".

Night glider then said "sure I love parties".

The other guy then said "your friends can come to".

Later they were back at the place they were staying and orange asked "why didn't you tell them who you were?"

Gloriosa then said "because I was wondering we always have people worship us".

Then night glider said "and you should".

Gloriosa then said "I know and I love it but just once I want to see how normal people treat us if the don't know who we are".

Cheery then said "like waves washing away the footprints on the sand quartz island gives everyone a clean slate ember island reveals the true you" then they both left.

Later they were at the house and knocked the guy came to the door and said "your a little early no ones here yet".

Gloriosa then said "I heard you would be partying from dusk till dawn its dusk so were here".

The guy the said "but that's just an expression".

Gloriosa then said "we are the perfect party guests we arrive right on time".

He then lead them in and said "listen my dad is an admiral he doesn't know I'm having this party so don't mess anything up".

Later they left the party Timber was walking along the shore then saw his families house and went up to it where he found some old pictures of his family and shed a tear a picture of his mother. Over with Flash they were sleeping when they woke up to a strange noise and looked to see a big looking guy who then threw lava at them they tried to fight back but he was to strong so they just escaped on scale. Back with Timber he was sitting on the steps of his families house when Gloriosa came up and said "I thought I would find you here".

Timber then said "those years we spent here seem so long ago so much has changed".

Gloriosa then said "come down with me this place is the worst".

Timber went down with her and met up with Night glider and Sunset and asked her "are you cold?"

Night glider then said "I'm freezing".

Then Timber said "I'll make a fire there's plenty of things to burn up there".

Later Timber had thrown a picture of his family on a lava pile to make a fire and Night glider asked "what are you doing?"

Timber then said "what does it look like I'm doing?"

Night glider then said "but its a panting of your family".

Timber then said "you think I care".

"I think you do".

Timber then said "you don't know me so why don't you just mind your own business".

Night glider then said "I do".

Then Timber said "no you don't your stuck in your little Night glider world were everything is great all the time".

Sunset then said "Timber leave her alone".

Then Timber mocked her and said "circus freak".

Gloriosa laughed for a minute then Night glider said "yes I'm a circus freak go ahead and laugh all you want but you want to know why I joined the circus?"

Gloriosa then said "here we go".

Night glider then said "do you have any idea what my home life was like growing up with six sisters who all look like me it was like I didn't even have my own name I joined the circus because I was scared of spending the rest of my life as part of a matched set at least I'm different now circus freak is a complement".

Sunset then said "guess that explains why you nee ten boyfriends to".

Night glider then said "I'm sorry what?"

Sunset then said "you never had a boyfriend growing up I guess now your trying to make up for it".

Night glider then said "wow Sunset what's your excuse you were an only child for fifteen years and with even all that attention even your aura is just as dark as ever".

Sunset then said "I don't believe in auras".

Timber then said "ya you don't believe in any thing".

Sunset then said "well I'm sorry I can't be as crazy as the rest of you".

Timber then said "I'm sorry too I wish you would be crazy for once instead of keeping your feeling bottled up all the time".

Sunset then said "what do you want a heart felt speech about how hard my child hood was well it wasn't my family was rich I got what I wanted as long as I behaved mother always said to do so with my dad career on the line".

Night glider then said "can we stop all this negativity is bad for your skin you'll break out".

Timber then said "break out worry about bad skin I am not that lucky my father decided to teach me a permanent lesson on my face for so long I thought that if my dad excepted me I'd be happy I'm back home now my dad talks to me he even thinks I'm a hero everything should be perfect right I should be happy not but I'm not I'm angrier than ever and I don't know why".

Gloriosa then said "then there's just one simple question you need to ask yourself who are you angry at".

Timber then said "no one I'm just angry".

Sunset then said "ya who are you angry at Timber?"

Timber then said "I don't know".

Gloriosa then asked "is it dad?"

Then Timber said "no".

Night glider then asked "your uncle?"

Then Gloriosa asked "me?"

Timber then said "no".

Sunset then said "Then who are you angry at?"

Gloriosa then said "answer the question Timber".

Timber then yield "I'm angry at myself" then rocks went flying in the air.

Gloriosa then asked "why?"

Then Timber said "because I'm confused because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore".

Gloriosa then said "your pathetic".

Then Sunset said "I know one thing I care about I care about you" then they kissed.


The Avatar and the Earth king

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While Flash was sleeping he saw Rock hoof who said "Flash it's time you learned about earth king Sombra you need to understand how the war began if you want to know why meet me on my home island on the day of the summer solstice".

Over with Timber he was sleeping when woke to a noise outside he went to see but only found a note he read it aloud "you need to know the story of your great grandfathers demise it will reveal your own destiny".

The next morning with Flash and friends they had arrived at the island Back with Timber he was looking at the panting of earth king Sombra when Gloriosa walked by and Timber said "hey I need to ask you something what do you remember about our great grandfathers history?"

Gloriosa then said "Timber something strange going on with you earth king Sombra began the war of course he spent his early years preparing for it he was as patient as he was cleaver he famously waited for the comet later renamed Sombra's comet and used it to begin his full scale invasion on the world in the end he died a very old and successful man".

Back with Flash he was meditating on a rock and met up with Rock hoof. Back with Timber he was lying on his bed and looked at the scroll then threw it on a lantern saying "what dose it mean?" then on the light more text appeared and he read it aloud "the earth sages key to history in the catacombs". he then then went there and snuck his way in and found the scrolls.

Back with Flash he meet with Rock hoof who said "come Flash".

Flash then asked "were are we going?"

Rock hoof then said "to visit my past our shared past".

Back with Timber he was reading the scroll it spoke of Sombra practicing earth bending with Rock hoof Back with Flash Rock hoof was showing him the same thing and Flash said "you were friends with earth king Sombra?"

Rock hoof then said "back then he was prince Sombra and he was my best friend".

In the Flashback Rock hoof saw a beautiful woman and couldn't take his eyes off of her and Sombra said "say something to he".

Rock hoof tried but couldn't the Rock hoof showing Flash then said "time flies when your young".

Flash then said "you don't have to tell me".

Rock hoof then said "Don't worry it gets better now come with me".

Later in the Flashback they were at a party and Flash asked "wait who's party is this?"

Rock hoof then said "Sombra and I shared many things including a birthday".

In the flashback the girl Rock hoof saw earlier was at the party and looked at him with a smile then Elders walked in and Sombra asked "did something happen to my father?"

One of the elders then said "no prince Sombra we are not here for you we're here to announce the identity of the next avatar" then there where whispers in the crowd "it is our honor to serve you avatar Rock hoof".

Much later Rock hoof had to leave in order to master the other elements then Sombra walked in and said "hey why aren't you packed yet avatar?"

Rock hoof then said "I started packing but then the elders told me I wont need worldly possessions any more".

Sombra then said "oh".

Then Rock hoof said "its coming so fast everything is going to be different now".

Sombra then took off his broach and gave it to him "Here I hope your at least allowed to have his".

Rock hoof then said "but this is a royal artifact only to be worn by the crown prince".

Sombra then said "I want you to have it".

Rock hoof then put it on then they shook hands. Later Flash said "hey were almost at the northern fire city".

Rock hoof then said "this was my first stop on my journey its where I was trained to master fire bending and also were I meet an old friend of yours Smart cookie".

Flash then said "no way I can't believe you were friends with Smart cookie like I was".

Rock hoof then said "some friendships grow strong they can even transcend life times" then they moved on "after my years mastering fire bending I traveled to the northern water tribe to master water bending it was challenging but In time I mastered it as well" then they jumped again "I moved on to the air nation my air bending master said I'm compromising stubborn blunt but he was a life long friend" They moved on again "It was bitter work but the results were worth it".

Back with Timber he was still reading his great grandfathers notes and they said "it was twelve years before I saw Rock hoof again by then he was a full fledge avatar and I had changed as well".

Back in the flashback Rock hoof said "Sombra or should I say earth king".

Sombra then said "customary that my subjects bow before entering" Rock hoof looked stunned but then he said "but your the exception" then they hugged.

Rock hoof then told Flash "after all these years he was still my best friend and a few months later he was my best man" In the flashback Rock hoof was getting married.

Flash then said "Rock hoof its that girl that didn't know you".

Rock hoof then said "yes I was persistent when love is real it finds a way and if being the avatar doesn't help your chances with the ladies I don't know what will".

In Sombra's mind "on the wedding day Rock hoof looked at a brighter tomorrow but me I had my own visions".

Sombra Pulled Rock hoof over for a talk and he asked "what's on your mind?"

Sombra then said "I've been thinking about the state of the world lately".

Rock hoof then said "Sombra its my wedding have some cake dance with someone lighten up".

Then Sombra said "I know I know but just hear me out right form the start I was destine to be earth king and although we didn't know it you were destine to be the avatar its an amazing stroke of fate that we know each other so well isn't it together we could do anything".

Rock hoof then said "ya we could".

Sombra then said "our kingdom is enjoying an unprecedented time of piece and wealth the people are happy were so fortunate in so many ways".

Then Rock hoof asked "where are you going with this?"

Sombra then said "I've been thinking we should share this prosperity with the rest of the world in our hands is the most successful empire in history its time we expanded it".

Rock hoof then said "no the four nations are meant to be just that four".

Then Sombra said "Rock hoof you haven't even stopped to consider the possibilities".

Rock hoof then said "there are no possibilities this is the last I want to hear about this" Then walked away.

The Spirit Rock hoof then said to Flash "that was my first big test as the avatar unfortunately it was many years before I learned that Sombra had gone ahead with his plan despite my warning".

The flashback Rock hoof then went to Canterlot and found an earth flag were the air one should be he then went up to the palace to find Sombra there and Rock hoof said "I see the colony Sombra how dare you occupy air nation territory".

Sombra then said "how dare you a native of the earth kingdom addressing your king like this your loyalty is to our nation first anything less makes you a trader".

Rock hoof then said "don't do this Sombra don't challenge me it will only end badly" Sombra didn't say anything "its over" Rock hoof then turned around to leave but Sombra then got up and threw a boulder at him which he then busted then went into the avatar state and air bent Sombra onto his back Then said "I'm sparing you Sombra I'm letting you go in the name of our past friendship but I worn you even a single step out of line will result in your permeant end".

Sombra nodded and Rock hoof flew away then The spirit Rock hoof said to Flash "Sombra and I didn't speak or see each other for twenty five years after our battle I spent most of my spare time here at my home".

In the flashback the volcano started to erupt Rock hoof then got his wife and child out of there and they made it to the boats but Rock hoof stayed to stop the volcano In Sombra's scroll it said "Rock hoof's island was a mile away but I could still feel it rumbling and see the black smoke I had never seen anything like this catastrophe".

On the Island Rock hoof was doing everything he could to stop it but couldn't Then went into the avatar state but it was still to much but then Sombra appeared and said "need a hand there's not a moment to waste" they tried.

Rock hoof was lying on the ground out of the avatar state and said "Sombra please".

Sombra then said "with you out of the way my plans are suddenly set in stone" then left.

Rock hoof then died from the toxic gas the volcano spat out. Then there was a vision of a new born and Flash asked "who is... wait that's me isn't it".

Rock hoof then said "yes Flash soon you will bring peace and restore balance to the world".

Back with Timber he was reading the last scroll and it said "with Rock hoof gone and the great comet returning the timing was perfect to change the world I knew the next avatar would be born to the fire nation so I wiped out the entire fire nation somehow the new avatar escaped me I spent the remainder of my life searching in vain I know he's out there the earth kingdoms greatest threat the last fire bender".

Timber then finished reading and said "that can't be it where's the rest of it" the next morning he went to stygian in his cell and said you sent this didn't you I found the secret history which by the way should be renamed the history most people already know the note said I needed to know about my great grandfathers death but he was still alive in the end".

Stygian then said "no he wasn't".

Timber then said "what are you talking about?"

Then Stygian said you have more than one great grandfather prince Timber Sombra was your fathers grandfather your mothers grand father was avatar Rock hoof".

Timber's eyes widened an he said "why are you telling me this?"

Stygian then said "because understanding the struggle between your two great grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself evil and good are always at war inside you Timber it is your nature your legacy but there is a bright side what happened generations ago can be resolved now by you because of your legacy you alone can cleanse the sins of our fathers and the earth kingdom only you along with all the strife have the power to restore balance to the world" he then moved a brick in the wall and pulled out something then gave it to Timber and said "this is a royal artifact it is to be worn by the crown prince".

Timber looked shocked as he held it. Back with Flash Twilight said "You mean that after all that Rock hoof and Sombra went throw even after Rock hoof showed him mercy he betrayed him like that".

Scootaloo then said "Its like these people are born bad".

Flash then said "no that not it at all I don't think that was the point of what Rock hoof showed me at all".

Shining then asked "then what was the point?"

Flash then said "Rock hoof was just as much Earth kingdom as Sombra was right if anything there story proves that anyone's capable of great good and great evil even the earth king and the earth kingdom have to be treated like there worth giving a chance and I also think it was about friendships".

Rainbow then asked "Do you really think friendships can last more than one life time?"

Flash then said "I guess so".


The Puppetmaster

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Flash and Friends were siting around a campfire and Shining was trying to tell a story but it wasn't that good Twilight then said "I have a better story it happened to my mom long ago when my mother was a little girl her whole village was burred in a snow storm my mother then realized she hadn't seen her best friend Crystal in a while so mom and some others went to check on her family when they got there no one was home just the fire flickering in the fire place while the men went out to search mom stayed in the house while she was alone she heard a voice its so cold and I can't get warm mom turned and saw Crystal standing by the fire she was blue an must have frozen mom ran outside to find help but when everyone came back she was gone".

Scootaloo who was shaking in fear said "where did she go?"

Twilight then said "no one knows Crystal's house stands empty to this very day but sometimes people see smoke coming up from the chimney like little Crystal is still trying to get warm".

Rainbow then said "wait guys did you hear that? I hear people calling for help" as she said that the other Twilight, Flash and Shining were huddled together in fear and Scootaloo was shaking.

Shining then said "nice try".

Rainbow then said "no I'm serious".

Twilight then said "Rainbow stop your sister is already scared enough".

Rainbow then sat next to Scootaloo and felt her shaking and said "oh sorry sis but I really do hear someone".

Then Scoots stopped shaking and said "wait I hear it to wait I just stopped".

Then a someone said "hello children" they all screamed and huddled up but then a woman came out of the shadows and said "Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you my name is Chrysalis you children shouldn't be out in the forest by yourselves at night I have an inn nearby why don't you come back there for some ice tea and warm beds".

Shining then said "yes please".

Later they were at her inn and Twilight said "thanks for letting us stay here for the night you have a lovely inn".

Chrysalis then said "aren't you sweet you know you should be careful people have been disappearing in those woods you were camping in".

Shining then said "what do you mean disappearing?"

Chrysalis then said "when the moon turns full people walk in and they don't come out who wants more tea?" then saw the looks on there faces and said "don't worry your all completely safe here why don't I show you to your rooms and you can get a good nights rest?". Later they all were in separate rooms except for Rainbow and Scootaloo who asked for one they could share in Shining's room he was having a hard time sleeping but he eventually did fall asleep the next morning he was on the floor when a shadow appeared over his face and said "wakey wakey time to go shopping" as he saw Chrysalis there.

Later they were all in the market and Chrysalis bought some fish then Twilight said "that guy in the fish stand really seems to like you maybe we should go back and see if he will give us some free sausage".

Chrysalis then said "you would have me use my charm to take advantage of that poor man I think you and I are going to get along great".

with the others they over heard someone talking to a fruit stand owner and said "I'm out of bananas you see I sent my employee to get more but its a two day trip and tomorrow is the full moon I cant lose anther delivery boy".

Shining then said "people disappearing in the woods weird stuff during full moons this just smells like spirit world stuff".

Flash then said "maybe if we take a little walk around town we can find out what the people did to the environment to make the spirits mad".

Shining then said "and then you can settle this little mystery avatar style".

Chrysalis then said "why don't you take those things back to the inn I have a couple of errands I need to run".

later they were back at the in and Shining said "that Chrysalis seems a little strange like she knows something or she's hiding something".

Twilight then said "that's ridiculous she's just a nice woman who offered us a place to stay she kind of reminds me of grandmother".

Shining then thought about it and said "I'm gonna take a look around".

Shining was headed up stairs and Twilight said "Shining wait you can't just snoop around someone's house".

Then Shining said "it will be fine".

Then came up to the only locked door in the attic and Twilight said "Shining stop".

Shining managed to pick the lock and the only thing in there was a small chest then Chrysalis appeared behind them and said "I'll tell you what's in the box".

They were a little frightened by her but she went over picked up the box and opened it then all she pulled out was a comb and Shining said "an old comb?"

Chrysalis then said "its my most prized possession its the last thing I own from growing up in the southern water tribe" Twilight and Shining's jaws dropped at that.

Twilight then said "your from the southern water tribe."

Then Chrysalis said "just like you"

Twilight then asked "how did you know?"

Chrysalis then said "I heard you talking around your campfire".

Shining then asked "why didn't you tell us?"

Then Chrysalis said "I wanted to surprise you I got all this food today so I could fix you a big water tribe dinner of course I cant get all the ingredients I need here but ocean cumquats are a lot like sea cucumbers you know".

Twilight then said "I knew I felt a bound with you right away".

Shining then said "and I knew you were keeping a secret so I guess we were both right but I'm sorry we were sneaking around".

Chrysalis then said "apology accepted now lets get cooking". Later Flash brought food out to Scale and Ring Tail and after the food was fixed Chrysalis said "who wants five fish stew?" then they all raised there hands and chrysalis then water bent stew into there bowls.

Twilight then smiled and said "your a water bender I've never met another water bender from our tribe".

Chrysalis then said "that's because the earth kingdom wiped them all out I was the last one".

Shining then asked "so how did you end up here?"

Chrysalis then said "I was stolen from my home it was over sixty years ago when the raids started they came again and again each time rounding up more of our water benders and taking them captive we did our best to hold them off but our numbers dwindled as the raids continued finally I to was captured I was lead away in chains the last water bender of the southern water tribe they put us in terrible prisons here in the earth kingdom I was the only one who managed to escape".

Shining then asked "how did you get away? and why did you stay in the earth kingdom?"

Chrysalis then said "I'm sorry its to painful to talk about anymore".

Twilight then said "we completely understand we lost our mother in a raid".

Chrysalis then said "oh you poor things".

Then Twilight said "I can't tell you what it means to meet you its an honor your a hero".

Chrysalis then said "I never thought I would meet another southern water bender I'd like to teach you what I know so you can carry on the southern tradition when I'm gone".

Twilight then said "yes, yes of course to learn about it would mean every thing to me".

The next morning Chrysalis and Twilight were taking a walk and Chrysalis said "growing up in the south pole water benders are completely at home surrounded by ice, snow and the sea but as you probably noticed on your travels that isn't the case wherever you go".

Twilight then said "I know when we were stranded in the dessert I felt like there was almost nothing I could do".

Chrysalis then said "that's why you must learn to control water wherever it is did you know that you can even pull water out of thin air" she then did just that "you see Twilight there's water in places you never think about".

Over with the others they were over looking a valley and Flash said "this has to be one of the nicest looking earth kingdom towns I've ever seen I don't see anything that would make a spirit mad".

Rainbow then said "maybe the moon spirit is just mean".

Then Shining said "the moon spirit is a gentle loving lady she rules the sky with compassion and lunar goodness".

Then Flash saw a passerby and said "excuse me sir can you tell us anything about the spirit that's been taking people?"
The guy then said "only one man ever saw it and lived its old man orange".

Scootaloo then said "were does old man orange live?"

Back with Twilight she and Chrysalis were in in a flower field and Twilight said "wow these flowers are beautiful".

Chrysalis then said "there called ruby lilies and they only bloom a few weeks a year but there one of my favorite thing about living here like all plants like all living things there filled with water".

Twilight then said "you know I once met a water bender who lived in a swamp and he controlled vines by bending the water inside them".

Chrysalis then said "you can take it even further" then pulled water out of the flowers and sliced threw a boulder.

Twilight then said "that was incredible" then looked at the dry flowers "its a shame the lilies though".

Then Chrysalis said "there just flowers when you a water bender in a strange land you do what you have to in order to stay alive tonight I will teach you the greatest form of water bending ever it can only be done during a full moon when your bending is at its peak".

Twilight then said "But isn't that dangerous I thought people have been disappearing around here during a full moon".

Chrysalis then said "oh Twilight two master water benders under a full moon I don't think we have anything to worry about".

Later with the others they had arrived at old man oranges house and Flash said "Old man orange?"

The guy then hit his finger with a hammer and said "ouch kid what is it and why does everyone call me that I'm not that old".

Shining then said "we wanted to ask you about the moon monster did you get a good look at the spirit that took you".

The guy then said "I didn't see any spirit just felt something come over me like I was under control it forced me to start walking to the mountain I tried to fight it but I couldn't control my own limbs it just about had me into a cave up there I looked at the moon for what I thought would be the last time I see it but then the sun started rising and I could control myself again a so I just high tailed it away from that mountain as quick as I could".

Shining then said "why would a spirit want to take people to a mountain?"

Rainbow then said "oh no I did hear people calling for help up there the missing villagers must still be there".

Later they were on the mountain Rainbow and Scoots were following the sound". With Twilight Chrysalis said "can you feel the power the full moon brings for generations it had bestowed water benders with its glow allowing us to do incredible things I've never felt more alive".

Back with the others they were running threw the woods when they came to a cave Scootaloo then said "this is the place".

Shining then said "I can't see any thing down there".

Then Rainbow said "that's why you have us lets go" they ran threw there and came to a wooden door which Rainbow and Scoots air bent down then went forward to see the people in platinum chains.

One of them then said "were saved".

Flash then said "I didn't know the spirits made prisons like this who brought you here?"

Then anther guy said "it was no spirit it was a witch".

Shining then said "what do you mean?"

A girl chained there then said "she seems like a normal old woman but she controls people like a bender controls the elements".

Shining then gasped "Chrysalis!"

Then a guy said "yes the inn keeper".

Shining then said "I knew there was something creepy about her".

Then Flash said "we have to stop Chrysalis".

Rainbow then said "scoots and I will get these people out of here go" as scoots was using a hair pin to pick the lock.

Back with Twilight Chrysalis said "what I am about to show you I discovered in the earth prison the guards were always carful to keep any water away form us the pumped dry waterless air kept us in cages above the ground before giving us any water they made sure to bind our hands and feet so we couldn't bend yet each month I felt the full moon enriching me with its energy there had to be something I could do to escape then I released that were there is life there is water the rats that run across the floor of my cage were nothing more than skins filled with liquid and I spent years developing the skill that would lead to my escape blood bending controlling the water in anther ones body enforcing your own will over there's once I had mastered the rats I was ready for the men and during the next full moon I walked free for the first time in decades my cell unlocked by the very guards who kept me imprisoned once you prefect this skill you can control anything or anyone".

Twilight then said "but to reach inside someone and control them I don't know if I want that kind of power".

Chrysalis then said "the chose is not yours the power exists and it is your duty to use the gifts you've been given to win this war Twilight they tried to wipe us out our entire coulter your mother".

Twilight then said "I know".

Chrysalis said "then you should understand what I'm talking about were the last water benders of the southern tribe we have to fight these people when ever we can wherever they are with any means necessary".

Twilight then said "its you your the one who's making people disappear during the full moons".

Chrysalis then said "they threw me in prison to rot along with my brothers and sisters they disserve the same you must carry on my work".

Twilight then said "no I won't use blood bending and I won't allow you to keep attacking this town" then she couldn't control herself.

Chrysalis then said "you should have learned the skill before you turned against me its impossible to fight your way out of my grip I control every mussel every vein in your body".

But then Twilight regained control and said "your not the only one who draws power from the full moon my bending is more powerful than yours chrysalis your skill is useless on me" then she pulled water out of the grass and started to fight her.

Twilight had the upper hand but then Flash and Shining appeared and Shining said as he pulled out his sword "we know what you've been doing Chrysalis".

Then Flash said "give up your out numbered".

Chrysalis then said "no you've out numbered your selves" then took control of them and made them attack Twilight.

Shining then said "Its like my body has a mind of its own stop it arm".

Twilight then froze them both to trees and said "sorry guys".

Flash then said "its okay".

Then Chrysalis said "don't hurt you friends Twilight and don't let them hurt each other" she then pulled Flash and Shining toward each other but then stopped and the regained control they looked to see Twilight was controlling Chrysalis. Then Rainbow, Scoots and the villagers she trapped came up the Villagers cuffed her But before they carried her away she said "my work is done congratulations Twilight your a blood bender" then they carried her away and Twilight started crying.

The night of red sky

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Flash and friends had arrived on an island and Shining said "this is it the official meeting point".

Rainbow then asked "how did you pick this place?"

Then Shining said "my dad and I found it on a map its uninhabited and the harbor surrounded by cliffs seems like the perfect place".

Twilight then said "nice choice Shining".

Then Scootaloo said "ya and tomorrow night Flash will go avatar state and beat the earth king?"

Flash then said "sorry but since Gloriosa shoot that electric cable in my back my seventh chakra was locked cutting off my connection to the avatar state but we can defeat them anther way".

Then the next day ships arrived and night light come Shining then asked "dad were you able locate everyone?"

Night light then said "I did but I'm a little worried Shining these men aren't exactly the worrier type" as he pointed to silver shill and Bra burn came down.

Silver shill then said "wow this is incredible" then pointed to a rock and said "what you recon that is some kind of earth kingdom explosive trap?"

Bra burn then said "its just a rock shill".

Night light then said "is it just me or are those guys a little loose?"

Then Capper said "I just wish they would were pants".

Then more people came off the boat including Thunderlane and his brother Rumble, and Twilight said "Rainbow Scoots this is Rumble when we met him the earth kingdom controlled his town and forced him to hid his air bending".

Then two women hugged Rainbow and Scoots and Rainbow said "what the".

Spitfire then said "good to see you two again".

Scootaloo then said "Spitfire, Fleet foot why are you here?"

Fleet foot then said "from now on the wonder bolt due use there bending for good".

Rainbow then said "that's great but can you put us down?"

Then Spitfire said "oh sorry" and they put them down.

Back on one of the ships there was a big bang Night light and Shining then went to see Feather weights father come out coughing and Feather weight role down liking his fingers with Pipsqueak, Trouble shoes, Dinky, and Cheese Shining then asked "was that a new invention?"

Feather weights father then said "yes but it seems the incendiary power of peanuts proof to be to strong".

Shining then said "your making peanut bombs?"

Then Trouble shoes said "there destructive".

Pipsqueak then said "and tasty".

Shining then asked "were you able to complete work on the plains I sent you?"

Feather weights father then said "yes I was and I think the earth kingdom will be quite surprised".

Back with Stygian a guard said "I bet your tired of being in this cell old man well to bad your never stepping outside these walls again".

Back with the others Night light said "let me clarify a few points for everyone tonight is the night of red moon and I want to thank you all for your self sacrifice and courage there are two steps to the invasion to gain sea access to the earth kingdoms capital we have to get past our first obstacle here the grate gates of Sombra next we have to reach the shore fight past there battle skills to the watch tower if we do that its up to the royal palace at that point the blood moon will begin".

Spitfire then said "um I'm confused why are we going before the blood moon isn't the point to do it during the blood moon".

Night light then said "the blood moon only lasts seventeen minutes that's not enough time to pull off the whole invasion and the royal palace Is heavily guarded by earth benders so that is where we will need the blood moons advantage the most when this is finished the avatar will have defeated the earth king we will have control of the earth kingdom capital and this war will be over" Then the crowd cheered they had and hour before they had to go so they were preparing Twilight was filling four canteens with water, Shining was sharping his sword and wearing a southern water tribe wolf helmet Rainbow and Scoots were putting on light weight clothing Scale was wearing dragon armor and Flash was meditating Back with Timber he was taking off his royal attire and then wrote a letter for Sunset Back with Flash they had departed and Night light said "there they are the great gates of Sombra".

Twilight then said "I don't see any gates".

Then Capper said "Twilight you and the swamp benders create a fog for cover".

Bra burn then said "we will sneak by those gate like we snuck past that earth kingdom blockade".

Then they created the fog but then metal nets came out of the water blocking them Earth benders on jet skis then came up to them and Night light said "everyone below deck" Then said to Shining "lets hope your invention works". They all made it below deck just as earth solders come on board they looked but didn't find anyone on any of the ships but under the ships strange machines and Scale with an air bubble around his head were swimming forward inside on of them Night light said "you really you really outdid yourself son".

Shining then said "Well I just came up with the idea Feather's dad did all the work".

Feather weights dad then said "oh don't sell yourself short it was your idea to use water bending to make the subs sink and float brilliant unfortunately there is one problem I couldn't fix the subs have a limited air supply before we land on the beaches we will need to resurface".

Back with Stygian The female guard brought him lunch and said "this time I brought you an extra bowl of rice".

Stygian then said "thank you, you have been so nice to me since I was put in your kind gestures have made my days in this cell better I think you should take tonight off".

She then said "what?"

Stygian then said "you don't look well maybe you should go home and rest".

Then she said "no I feel fine".

Stygian then said "trust me it is better if you were not here tonight" She then left.

Back with Flash and the others they were at the surface and Flash said "so this is it hu?"

Shining then said "are you ready to tell the earth kingdom the avatar is alive?"

Flash then said "I'm ready".

Then Rainbow said "I hope you kick some major earth king butt Flash".

Night light then said "everyone listen up the next time we resurface it will be on the beach so stay alert and fight smart brake times over back in the subs".

Then everyone but Twilight and Flash went in then twilight said "Flash we've been through so many things together and I've seen you do great things I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm proud of you".

Flash then said "everything is going to be different after tonight isn't it.

Twilight then said "yes it is".

Flash then said "what if I don't come back?"

Twilight then said "Flash don't say that of course you will come back" Then Flash kissed her she was surprised at first but then returned it Then Flash flew off.

Shining then came out and said "Twilight what are you doing its time to submerge".

Twilight then said "what oh right I'm on it" then jumped onto Scales head and water bent an air bubble and they submerged.

Back with Timber he was in Sunsets room and put the letter on her bed and said "I'm sorry Sunset" then left.

Back with the others they were almost at the beach and night light said "this is it air benders get ready its going to be a rough ride".

The earth benders saw them and shoot harpoons into the water only one got hit which a swamp bend used ice to stop the leak but they were being pulled out of the water but twilight and Scale then came out and twilight cut the chain dropping the sub back into the water. Then they shot torpedo's at grates and went through them they arrived at the beach and sent out platinum tank looking things and ones with tubs of water and the troops went in they shoot ice at the towers that were shooting metal spikes and froze them they even took out the earth tanks when Bra burn said "were a man down were in tarnation is Shy beak?"

Then a creator made of sea weed with a wooden mask came out the water and attacked the earth soldiers and Silver shill said "hey Sky beak where you been".

Then the center of the creator opened up and reviled him and he said "sorry it takes a while to collect this much sea weed".

They were still fighting hard and Shining was going on with his sword back with Flash he was at the center earth city and went into the palace and yelled "the avatar is back" but then saw there was no one there the looked around to find no one.

Back with the others the swamp benders stayed by the subs but everyone else went upward they made it pretty far then night light said "Twilight is something wrong?"

Twilight then said "yes is that Flash?" as she pointed to him.

Shining then said as Flash landed "Please tell me your here because the earth king gave up".

Flash then said "he wasn't home nobody was the entire palace city was empty".

Shining then said "they knew".

Then Flash said "its over the earth king is probably long gone far away on some remote island were he will be safe".

Shining then said "no my instincts tell me he wouldn't go to far he would have a secret bunker somewhere he could go to be safe but still close enough to lead his army".

Then Flash Shining and Rainbow took off on Scale and found a cave and Shining said "looks like we have ten minutes to find the earth king".

They found someone and he said "the earth king is just down the hall".

Back outside the Blood moon was starting with Flash they made it to the room but the only one inside was Gloriosa and she said "so your alive that's fine I've known about the invasion for months".

Back with Timber he went to see his father and said "I'm ready to face him".

He went in and Glad mane said "prince Timber what are you doing here?" Then the blood moon started.

Timber then said "I'm here to tell the truth".

Glad mane then said "tell the truth during a blood moon this should be interesting guards leave us".

Timber then said "first of all in Canterlot it was Gloriosa who got the avatar not me".

Glad mane then asked "why would she lie about that?"

Timber then said "because the avatar is not dead he survived".

Then Glad mane said "what!?"

Timber then said "in fact he's probably leading this invasion he could be on his way here right now".

Glad mane then said "get out your useless".

Then Timber said "that's anther thing I'm not taking orders from you anymore".

Glad mane then said "you will obey me or this defiant breath will be your last!"

Timber then took out his swords and said "think again I am going to speak my mind and you are going to listen". Back with Flash they were battling Gloriosa but she had shadow bolts battling for her which they fought hard. Back with Timber he said "for so long all I wanted was for you to accept me I thought it was my honor that I wanted but really I was just trying to please you, you my father you banished me just for talking out of term my father who lava branded my face how can you justify that?"

Glad mane then said "it was to teach you respect".

Timber then said "it was wrong".

Glad mane then said "you learn nothing".

Then Timber said "no I've learned everything and I had to learn it on my own growing up I thought the earth kingdom was the greatest civilization in the world but somehow the war was our way of showing our greatness to the world what an amazing lie that was the people of the world are greatly frightened by the earth kingdom they don't see our greatness they only see horror they hate us and we disserve it we created a time of fear in the world".

Glad mane then said "your uncle has gotten into you hasn't he?"

Timber then said "yes he has".

Back with Flash they were still fighting Gloriosa's shadow bolts eventually they stopped the two Shadow bolts when Rainbow used cold bending to freeze them but Shining then said "wait rainbow Flash stop don't you see what she's doing she's playing with us".

Gloriosa then said "hey I'm giving a good fight".

Then rainbow said "your just trying to distract us from our goal until we run out of time".

Shining then said "we have to find the earth king on our own somehow".

Gloriosa then said "so Shining is your name right my favorite prisoner used to mention you all the time she was sure you were going to come and rescue her but of course you never came and she gave up hope".

Shining shed a tear and ran up to her drawing his sword and said "where is Cadence!?"

Back with Timber he said "after I leave here today I'm going to free uncle Stygian from his prison and beg for his forgiveness he's the one who's been a real father to me".

Glad mane then said "that's just great maybe he can pass down the ways of failure to you".

Timber then said "and I've come to an even more important chose I'm going to join the avatar and help him defeat you".

Glad mane then said "really your a full blown trader and now why wait you've got your swords why don't you just do it now".

Then Timber said "because I know my own destiny taking you down is the avatar's destiny" then put his swords away "goodbye".

Glad mane then said cowered "you are brave enough to face me but you only do it during the blood moon if you were brave you would stick around till the blood moon ends don't you want to know what happened to your mother?"

Timber then turned around and listened outside the blood moon was almost over and Timber said "what happened that night?"

Glad mane then said "your grand father wanted me to end you my own son I was going to do it but your mother found out and said she would protect you no matter what she proposed a plan that in which I became earth king and your life would be spared your mother did treasonous things that night she knew of it and excepted the punishment for her treason she was banished".

Timber then said "so she's alive".

Glad mane then said "maybe now I realize that banishment is to merciful penalty for treason your penalty will be far steeper" then the Blood moon ended and Glad mane threw lava at Timber which he then threw back and nocked Glad mane off his feet when Glad mane got back up Timber was gone.

Back with Flash Gloriosa said "sounds like the earth bending is back on" then pushed Shining back "the earth kings room is down the hall way on the right I'm sure he will be more than happy to see you now".

Shining then said "I blew it".

Flash then said "its not your fault Shining she had everything planed out".

They went back outside and everyone saw balloons in the air feather weights dad then said "my own invention this is terrible".

Then bigger balloons rose behind them and went to the beach and destroyed the subs Shining then said "oh no how are we going to get out of here now?"
Night light then said "were not the youngest of us will escape on Scale".

Back with Timber he was headed for his uncles cell not noticing the guards all nocked out and when he got there the cage was broken and Stygian was gone he then grabbed the guard there and said "what happened?"

The guard then said "your uncle got out he was incredible like a one man army".

Timber then left and back with the others the younger ones were on Scale including Flash, Twilight, Shining, Rainbow, Scoots, Feather weight, Pipsqueak, Rumble, and Dinky.

Twilight then said "bye dad".

Then Shining said "we won't be apart for to long this time I promise".

Then they took off on Scale but didn't know Timber was following them in a war balloon Flash said "I know a place where we will be safe for a while the South western fire city".

The south western fire city

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Flash and his friends were riding on Scale when they reached the south western fire city built into the side of a cliff where Timber was climbing into them then had a flashback of being there with his uncle then saw Flash and his friends coming and went to hid. With Flash feather weight said "its so different from the eastern fire city I wonder if there are ant secret rooms".

Then Rumble said "lets go check it out".

Flash was headed after them but Twilight said "hold on Flash we need to talk about some things".

Flash then said "what is it?"

Then Twilight said "we need to decide what were gonna do now since your the avatar you should be a part of this".

Flash then said "okay so what's the new plan?"

Shining then said "well if you ask me the new plan is the old plan you just need to master all four elements and confront the earth king before the comet comes".

Flash then said "o ya good plan except that where am I suppose to find an earth bending teacher".

Meanwhile Timber was thinking how to approach them but came up with nothing and said "how am I suppose to convince these people I'm on there side what would uncle do?" he then thought about what Stygian would say.

Later back with Flash then they saw Timber and he said "hey guys" they were ready to fight but then Scale licked him which Flash found odd "I know you guys are surprised to see me here".

Shining then said "not really since you follow us everywhere".

Timber then said "right well um anyway what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed and I'm good now and oh and I can teach earth bending to you".

Rainbow then said "you want to what now".

Twilight then said "you can't possibly think we would trust you do you".

Shining then said "ya all you've ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Flash".

Timber then said "I've done some good things after all in Canterlot when you went into the room where your dragon was but he was gone didn't you notice that the broken chains looked off likes someone metal bent them?" then Scale licked him.

Scootaloo then said "hmm Scale seems to like him".

Shining then said "he probably just covered himself in honey so Scale would lick him or something".

Timber then said "I can understand why you wouldn't trust me and I know I've made mistakes I was wrong to try and capture the avatar I'm sorry I attacked the water tribe and I never should have sent that bounty hunter after you".

Shining then said "wait you sent that guy after us?"

Timber then said "Flash why aren't you saying anything you said we could have been friends".

Flash then thought for a moment and said "there's no way we can trust you after everything you've done we will never let you join us".

Twilight then said "you need to get out of here now".

Then Timber said "very well but if you ever change you mind my campsite is not to far from here" then he left. Later Timber was talking to himself and said "I cant believe how stupid I am I mean what was I thinking telling them I sent that bounty hunter after them why didn't I just say Gloriosa did that they would have believed that seriously".

Back with Flash Twilight said "why would he try to fool us like that?"

Shining then said "obviously its some kind of trap".

Then Twilight said "this is just like what happened when we were imprisoned together in Canterlot".

Flash then said "I have a confession to make remember when you two were sick and I got could by Garble?"

Then Shining said "and you made us suck on frozen frogs how could I forget I had a wart on my toing for a month".

Twilight then said "Shining I looked at it and told you there was nothing there".

Flash then said "anyway when Garble had me chained up it was timber who came in and got me out he risked his life to save me".

Twilight then said "no way I'm sure he only did it so he could capture you for himself".

Rainbow then said "I've got to say your crazy in the family he was raised in he could have turned out a lot worse I think your letting your hurt feelings keep you from thinking clearly".

Twilight then said "easy for you to say you and your sister weren't there when he used my mothers necklace to track us".

Shining then said "or when he attacked Mist mane Island".

Flash then said "or when he attacked me at the earth temple".

Twilight then said "why would you two try to defend him?"

Scootaloo then said "because your all forgetting one important detail Flash needs an earth bending teacher we can't think of anyone in the world to do the job then one comes in the front door and you turn him away!"

Flash then said "I'm not having Timber as my earth bending teacher".

Later Rainbow and Scoots went to talk to Timber but he couldn't see them in the dark and threw a rock wave at them and Rainbow said "hey what was that for lets get out of here" and they left.

Timber then yelled "why am I so bad at being good!?"

Later Rainbow and Scoots were back with the others and told them what happened and Shining said "Timber is to dangerous to leave on his own".

Flash then said "I hate to go look for a fight but okay".

but before they could the bounty hunter appeared again and almost got them but Timber stopped him and said "hey stop I don't want you hunting the avatar anymore" Flash saw this and was amazed "the mission Is off if you don't stop attacking I wont pay you" he grabbed Timber and said "okay I'll pay you double to stop" then he started to attack Timber and nocked him off the side.

Twilight couldn't get a clean shot but Shining then took out his boomerang and said "don't fail me this time buddie" then threw it and it hit him but he got back up and Shining then said "aww man".

But when he tried to attack again he brought down the place he was standing and Timber then climbed up and Flash said "I can't believe I'm saying this but thanks Timber".

Timber then said "Listen I know I didn't explain myself very well yesterday but I've been threw a lot in the past few years its been hard but I realized that I had to go threw all of those things to learn the truth I thought I had lost my honor and somehow my father could return it to me but I know now no one can give you your honor its something you earn for yourself all I want now is to play my part in ending this war and I know my destiny is to help you restore balance to the world".

Flash then said "I think you are suppose to be my earth bending teacher".

Timber then said "thank you".

Then Flash said "hold on I still have to ask my friends if its okay" he turned around and Rainbow, Scoot and Shining nodded.

Twilight thought for a minute then said "fine but I'm watching you Timber".

The boiling rock

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Flash Was training with Timber when they decided to take a brake and Timber said "say Flash I've been wondering how did you get trapped in that iceberg anyway?"

Flash then said "its not a good story you see it started when I was hanging out with some friends in the fire nation but then the elders came over and asked me to come with them I did of course but I didn't expect what they told me that I was the avatar it didn't take long for word to spread my friends didn't know how to react to it so I ran away on Scale while we were in the south there was a storm that pushed us into the water but then I went into the avatar state and even though I was underwater I made a ball of fire around us then ice surrounded both of us and the next thing I know Twilight and Shining got us out one hundred years later".

Timber then said "wow I'm sorry to hear that you see my father challenged me to a lava power disk long ago and lava branded my face but for now lets just continue training" flash then practiced earth bending for three more hours but then they all had tea and Timber said "no one can make tea like my uncle but hopefully I've learned a thing or two".

Then Timber gave tea to Shining and he asked "hey can I talk to you for a second?"

They walked to the side and Timber asked "so what's up?"

Shining then said "if someone was captured by the earth kingdom where would they be taken?"

Timber then asked "what do you mean who was captured?"

Then Shining said "when the invasion plan failed some of our troops were taken I just want to know where they might be".

Timber then said "I cant tell you".

Shining then asked "why not?"

Then Timber said "trust me knowing will only make you feel worse".

Timber was about to turn and head back but Shining then grabbed his arm and said "its my father he was captured to I need to know what I put him threw".

Timber then said "its not good Shining I'd say they were taken to the boiling rock".

Then Shining said "what's that?"

Timber then said "the highest security prison in the earth kingdom its on an island in the middle of a boiling lake its inescapable".

Shining then asked "so where is this place?"

Then Timber asked "why do you need to know?"

Shining then said "man your so paranoid".

Timber then said "its in the middle of a volcano between here and the earth kingdom you guys actually flew right past it on your way here".

Shining then said "thanks Timber wow I do feel better now" then he went back to the others.

Later everyone was asleep and Shining was sneaking his way over to Scale and climbed into the saddle but Timber was there and said "you feel better hu?"

Shining then fell back down and said "fine you got me I'm gonna save my dad you happy now?"

Timber then said "I'm never happy".

Shining then said "look I have to do this the invasion plan was my idea it was my chose to stay when things were going wrong its my mistake and its my job to fix it you cant stop me Timber".

Timber then said "I get it I'm going with you".

Shining then said "no I have to do this alone".

Timber then said "how are you going to get there on Scale last I checked prisons don't have dragon daycares will take my war balloon" and they went to it.

The next morning Pipsqueak was taking hay to Scale when Twilight found a note and read it aloud "need meat gone fishing back in few days Shining and Timber".

Flash then said "well okay".

Twilight then read more "one more thing Flash practice your earth bending do ten rock push ups and five sit ups every time you hear a badger frog crock".

Then a badger frog crocked four times and Flash said "aw man nobody else has homework" and went to do them.

Back with Timber and Shining they were Flying to the prison Timber was slightly lava bending hot coal in the boiler to keep them aloft Shining then said "you know a friend of mine invented these war balloons".

Timber then said "no kidding".

Shining then said "yep a balloon but for war".

Then Timber said "if there's one thing my dad is good at its war".

Shining then said "ya it seems to run in your family".

Timber then said "hey not everyone in my family is like that".

Then Shining said "I know your better now".

Timber then said "I meant my uncle he was more like a father to me and I let him down".

Shining then said "I think your uncle would be proud of you, you left your home to join us that can't have been easy".

Timber then said "it wasn't hard really".

Shining then said "really you didn't leave behind anything you cared about?"

Timber then said "well I did have a girlfriend Sunset".

Shining then said "oh you mean that girl with bacon hair?"

Timber then said "ya, everyone in the earth kingdom thinks I'm a trader I couldn't drag her into it".

Shining then said "ya my first girlfriend turned into the moon spirt".

Then Timber said "I'm sorry to here that".

Shining then said "oh don't worry about a month after it happened I realized my love belongs to someone else".

Later they were there Timber said "there it is there's plenty of steam to keep us covered as long as were quite we can navigate threw it without being spotted" they flew into the steam but the balloon started dropping "were going down".

Then Shining said "the air outside is just as hot as the air inside so we can't fly".

Timber then said "then what do we do?"

Shining then said "I don't know crash landing?"

They crashed on the edge of the island and Timber said "how are we going to get off the island if the balloon won't work?"

Shining then said "will figure something our I figured the balloon was a one way ticket".

Timber then said "you knew this would happen and you wanted to come anyway?"

Shining then said "my dad might be here".

Then Timber said "my uncle once said I never thought thinks threw but this is crazy".

Shining then said "hey I do always think things threw but my plans haven't always worked so this time I'm playing it by ear" then pushed the balloon into the boiling water.

Timber then said "what are you doing?"

Shining then said "it doesn't work anyway and we don't want anyone to find it".

Timber then said "I hope you know what your doing there's no turning back now".

They got guard outfits to hide in and then an actual guard saw them and said "guards there's a scuffle in the yard come on".

They went out and a prisoner said "I didn't do anything I'm going back to my cell".

Then a guard said "stop right there Caramel I've had it with your behavior" then he shoot a metal cable at him but he blocked it with his own metal bending "you know prisoners bending is forbidden throw him in the platinum freezer" then two guards came and dragged him to it.

Shining then said to Timber "will meet up again later".

Later Timber was in the guard lounge getting some food then one of the guards said to him "hey new guy I know its the rule to have you helmet on all the time but this is the lounge relax".

Timber then said "well yes but I think I'd rather get use to it first".

The guard then said "alright then".

Timber then said "can the new guy ask you a few questions about the place?"

A female guard then said "no you can't date the female guards".

Timber then said "no that's not it the boiling rock it hold the earth kingdoms worst criminals right?" they nodded "Timber then asked so what about war prisoners?"

Back with Shining he was standing by the platinum freezer where Caramel was and Shining said "it sure looks cold in there".

The guard then said "that's why we call it the Freezer and the platinum is to keep him from metal bending" then he saw someone coming and said "its the warden look alive".

The warden opened the door and said "so Caramel you tried to use metal bending to escape?"

Caramel then said "I wasn't trying to escape".

The guard then said "he's lying I saw it".

The warden then said "no one has ever escaped the prison I would rather jump in the boiling lake then lose that record don't forget it" then turned to leave.

Later Shining met up with Timber and he said "hey there fellow guard listen I asked around the lounge there are no water tribe prisoners I'm afraid your fathers not here".

Shining then said "then coming here was a waist of time I failed".

Timber then said "hmm what would uncle say sometimes life has to sides to it and sometimes there's a silver lining in-between like a silver sandwich so when life seems hard take a bit out of the sandwich".

Shining then saw someone In the courtyard and said "hey maybe coming here wasn't a complete waist of time I haven't failed".

Timber then said "that's the spirit man I can't believe that worked I didn't even know what I was saying".

Shining then said "no what you said made no sense at all but look" as he pointed to a girl in the court yard "its Cadence" then they went back to there cells shining had literal hearts in his eyes and went to it.

Later Shining went to Cadence's cell and she said "what is it did I do something wrong?"

Shining then said "you mean you don't recognize me?"

Cadence then said "you people all look alike to me".

Shining then said "then maybe you'll recognize this" as he tried to kiss her but she grabbed his chin and pushed him back and nocked off his helmet.

Cadence then recognized him when his helmet came off and said happily "Shining Its you" then went to hug him with tears of joy in her eyes and he hugged back.

Shining then asked "the other mist mane warriors are they here?"

Cadence then said "no I don't know where they are they just threw me in here because I'm the leader".

Shining then put his hand on her face and said "well you won't be here for long I'm busting you out".

Cadence then put her hand on his and said "I'm so happy to see you Shining I knew you'd come".

Then they kissed outside a guard was coming over and Timber who was standing outside the door nocked to let them know the guard then said "excuse me I need to get into that cell".

Timber then said "no you cant go in there the lights are out the prisoner could sneak up on you".

The guard then said "step aside fool" he then blocked her then shining snuck out the door and the guard said to him "guard help I think he's an imposter arrest him" Shining had no chose but to do so".

Later the warden found out about Timber and went to see him and said "well I never thought I would find you in here prince Timber".

Timber then said "how did you know who I am?"

The warden then said "how could I not you broke my nieces heart".

Timber then said "your Sunset's uncle?"

The warden then said "your my special prisoner now and you best behave if these criminals found out who you are the trader prince who let his nation down".

Timber then said "so what's in it for you why don't you just tell my father I'm here and collect".

The warden then said "oh in time believe me I intend to collect" then the warden left.

Later Timber and Cadence were moping a floor and Shining came and said "oh good you guys have met".

Cadence then said "actually we met a long time ago when he attacked my village".

Timber then said "oh sorry about that nice to see you again".

Shining then said "so listen I think I have an escape plan I looked at the freezer its designed to keep cold in and to do that it also has to keep the heat out its a perfect boat to get off the island with you see I walked around the island and there's a blind spot between the towers the perfect launching point all we have to do Is role the freezer into the water and role with the current it will take us strait across as long as we don't make a sound no one will notice and were home free".

Cadence then asked "but how are you going to get the freezer out".

Then a voice said "ya how are you going to get it out?" they looked up to see Caramel "I heard your hatching an escape plan and I want in".

Shining then said "fine but first we need someone to unbolt the freezer from the inside" as he handed Timber a wrench.

Caramel then said "oh I can get you inside" then the fought and the guards threw Timber in the freezer.

Later Shining opened the Freezer and said "you do it?" then Timber showed him the handful of bolts "good I got Cadence and Caramel out of there cells earlier there waiting for us at the shore".

But then Timber said "someone's coming" and pulled Shining in then some guards came by and mentioned new arrivals some of them being war prisoners "war prisoners could be your dad".

Shining then said "I know".

Then Timber said "well what do we do?"

Later they got the freezer down there and Caramel then said "took you long enough the pointed at two girls there "this is my lady marble and her sister limestone there coming too".

Shining then said "fine" then moved the rock were he hid his sword.

Timber then said "are you sure you don't want to wait and see if your dad arrives?"

Shining then said "well I don't know".

Then Cadence said "your dad?"

Shining then said "only if you two are willing to risk it".

Cadence then said "I'm not leaving without you Shining".

Timber then said "I'm staying to".

Then Caramel got out with marble and limestone later Caramel said "this current is so slow" then pulled off a piece of the freezer and said "I can use this to paddle" but then burned his hand and yelled with pain.

The guards heard then shoot a hook and pulled them back in the warden then said secure the prisoners and lock down the perimeter go".

Shining was on the side with Timber and Cadence watching the gondola as it came in and the last one to get off was Night light Later Shining went to Night lights cell and said "I'm glad your okay".

Then Night light said "you take one step closer and you'll see just how okay I am".

Shining then took off his helmet and said "dad its me".

Night light then said "Shining" then they hugged "you know Shining you should be more carful with that guard outfit on I almost punched you in the face".

Shining then said "ya I kind of ran into that problem earlier".

Over with Caramel the warden came to where he was and said "I know you and your friends are not smart enough to come up with that escape plan who is the mastermind" then left him with two guards.

Back with Shining he said "so where's capper where's everyone else from the invasion?"

Nightlight then said "I have no idea the singled me out as the leader and threw me in here but before I left I met some girls who said they know you the mist mane fighters".

Shining then said "oh the mist mane warriors the leader Cadence is here and she is going to escape with us".

Nightlight then said "good will need all the help we can get".

Shining then said "oh and you know prince Timber he's here to".

Nightlight then said "that sounds like a problem".

Shining then said "actually his on our side now" Nightlight then looked at him confused "I know its sound crazy but I never would have known about this place without him and he's teaching Flash earth bending.

Nightlight then said "so do you have a plan?"

Shining then said "we did have a plan but some other prisoners got involved and ruined it".

Nightlight then said "no problem will find another way lets talk for a bit about it".

Later Shining went to Timber's cell and said "Timber are you there?"

Timber then said "yes".

Shining then said "I talked with my dad here's plan" he then told him the plan "just meet up with us during the riot".

Then a female guard came and said "hey the warden needs to see this guy he's coming with me".

They took him to a different cell and he said "hey I didn't do anything wrong".

Then Sunset came out of the shadow and said "come on timber we all know that's a lie".

Timber then said "sunset?"

Meanwhile the warden went back to Caramel and asked "ready to talk?"

Caramel then said "yes your right there was anther person involved in the escape plan he's dressed as a prison guard only he's not a prison guard he's the master mind he came up with the plan" The warden then left.

Back with Timber he asked "how did you know I was here?"

Sunset then said "The wardens my uncle you idiot but really all I get is a letter you could have at least looked in the eye when you ripped out my heart".

Timber then said "I didn't mean to".

Sunset then said "you didn't mean to" then read his letter aloud "dear Sunset I'm sorry that you have to find out tjis way but I'm leaving".

Timber then said "stop this isn't about you this is about the earth kingdom".

Sunset then said "thanks Timber that makes me feel all better".

Timber then said "Sunset I never wanted to hurt you but I have to do this to save my country".

Then Sunset said "save it your betraying your country".

Timber then said "that's not how I see it".

Back with Shining he went to talk with Cadence and said "I just talked with my dad and were escaping today on the gondola my dad and I came up with the plan were going to commandeer the gondola and take a hostage with us so they wont cut the line".

Cadence then said "will never make it to the gondola the are to many guards".

Then Shining said "my dad and I thought of that to were going to start a prison riot as a distraction".

Cadence then said "okay lets say this whole plan works and we make it onto the gondola the warden will still just cut the line even if we do have a captive".

Shining then said "not if the warden is the captive" then heard something and said "I have to go I'll find you before we start the riot" and they hugged.

Then once he was outside the cell a guard said "hey you the warden wants to see you".

Shining then said "oh okay".

All guards were lined up and the warden said "on of you is an imposter who thought he could fool me well I'm about to find out".

Caramel then walked forward and Shining was freaking out but Caramel pointed to the guard that threw him in the freezer earlier and said "that's him warden he's the imposter".

The guard then said "what? that's not true he's lying he's a liar" as the guards dragged him away" Later the Guard said "I'm telling you it wasn't me".

The warden then said "save your breath you threw caramel in the freezer they used to escape".

The guard then said "that was just a coincidence.

Then another guard said "sir there's someone here to see you".

The warden then said "who told you to interrupt me?" then got down when he saw who it was.

Gloriosa then said "I did".

The warden then said "princess Gloriosa it is my honor to welcome you to the earth kingdoms most inescapable prison".

Gloriosa then said "who is this?"

The warden then said "he's a guard that was involved in a recent escape attempted".

The guard then said "it wasn't me".

The warden then said "quite you".

Gloriosa then said "your wasting your time that's not one of them".

The warden then asked "how can you be so sure?"

Gloriosa then said "because I'm a people person" then she left.

Back with Shining he went to the control room and said "hey I just got orders let the prisoners out into the yard".

The guard there said "but were supposed to be in lock down".

Shining then said "okay I'll just tell the warden you said that I'm sure he will be happy to hear about you under minding his authority what's your name again".

The guard then said "wait don't tell the warden I'm just confused".

Shining then said "hey I'm confused to but the wardens in a bad mood so its best to just do what he says".

The guard then said "okay were letting them out" as he pulled the levers.

All prisoners then went to the yard and Shining had his sword and said "this is it we have to start a riot".

Cadence then asked "how do we do that?"

Then Nightlight said "I'll show you" then pushed a guy.

They guy then said "what was that for?"

Nightlight then said "aren't you mad at me?"

The guy then said "well normally I would be but I've been learning to control my anger".

Shining then said "this isn't working".

Then Caramel with Marble and Limestone and said "hey you your lucky I didn't rat you out but my generosity comes with a price I know your planning anther escape attempt and we want in".

Shining then said "actually were trying to escape right now but we need a riot you wouldn't happen to know how to start one would you".

Caramel then said "a prison riot please" then walked over grabbed a guy held him up high and yield "hey riot!" then everyone started to riot.

Nightlight then said "impressive".

"Forget about controlling my anger lets riot".

The warden saw this and said "who let these prisoners into the yard this is suppose to be a lock down!"

Back with Timber a guard came in and said "Sunset there's a riot going on I'm here to protect you".

Sunset then said "I don't need any protection".

Then Timber said "believe me she doesn't".

The Guard then said "I'm sorry but I'm under direct orders from you uncle to make sure nothing happens".

Then Timber jumped past him and closed the cell door Sunset looked threw with near tears and Timber said "Sunset I'm sorry" then left.

When Timber got to the others Shining said "Timber good were all here now we just have to grab the warden and get to the gondola".

Timber then asked "how do we do that?"

Shining then said "I'm not sure".

Timber then groaned but Caramel then said "um fellas I think your girlfriend is handling it".

They looked and saw Cadence run on people's heads then climbed the tower, took out the guards and captured the warden and said "sorry warden your my prisoner now".

The others the came up breathing heavily and Nightlight said "That's some girl".

Shining then said "tell me about it".

They went to the gondola and the guards tried to attack them with metal cables but timber blocked them and said "stand down we have the warden".

They did so and the group Climbed into the gondola Timber pulled the lever then broke it off and jumped in and Shining asked "what are you doing?"

Timber then said "making it so they can't stop us".

Then Shining said "way to think ahead".

Caramel was carrying the warden while standing next to Marble and Limestone but Nightlight then said "wait who is that?"

Timber looked where he was pointing and said "that's a problem its my sister and her friend".

Night glider then climbed up and ran on the cable to them while Gloriosa used metal cables to pull herself to the gondola. Cadence then said "this is a rematch I've been waiting for".

Timber then said "me to".

Then Timber, Shining and Cadence climbed on top of the car Shining and Timber were fighting Gloriosa while Cadence was fighting Night glider inside the Gondola Caramel had put down the warden who managed to get free and yield "cut the line!" the Caramel pulled him back in.

Then a guard said "he wants us to cut the line" then the pushed rods into the Gondola wheel and stopped it.

Back on the gondola Night glider said "there about to cut the line".

Gloriosa then saw anther Gondola and said "then its time to leave" as she and Night glider jumped onto the other one.

But as they were cutting the line a knife flew over and stopped them a guard then said "hey what are you doing?"

Sunset then said "saving the jerk who dumped me".

Then she fought the guards and freed the gondola wheel Nightlight saw her and said "who is that?"

Timber then looked and said "its sunset".

Gloriosa then said "what is she doing?"

Then they made it to the other side of the gondola and everyone ran out Nightlight looked back at the warden and said "sorry warden but your record is officially broken" then ran with the others.

Cadence then said "well we made it out now what".

Timber then stopped and said "wait my sister was on that island".

Shining then said "ya so?"

Timber then said "what I mean is she must have come here somehow" then they went over and saw an air ship and Timber said "there that's our ticket out of here".

Back on the island Gloriosa was face to face with Sunset and asked "why do it you know the consequences?"

Sunset then said "I guess you don't know people as well as you think you do you miscalculated I love Timber more than I fear you".

Gloriosa then said "No you miscalculated you should have feared me more" she was about to shot an electrified cable as sunset pulled out her knives but before gloriosa could shot Night glider chi blocked her.

Night glider then went to Sunset and said "come on lets get out of here".

But then they were surrounded by guards one of them help Gloriosa up and asked what should we do with these two?"

Gloriosa then said "put them somewhere I'll never have to see there faces again and let them rot".

Back with Shining they had arrived back at the fire city and Twilight said "what are you doing in this thing what happened to the war balloon?"

Shining then said "it kind of got destroyed".

Rainbow then said "sounds like one crazy fishing trip".

Shining then said "it was come on out guys".

Then Nightlight, Cadence, Caramel, Marble and Limestone came out and Twilight said "Dad" then went to hug him "where did you guys go".

Shining then said "we kind of went to an earth kingdom prison" then Twilight pulled Shining into the hug.


The southern raiders

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Flash and friends were all Sleeping but when Flash woke up he saw a bomb coming in and air bent it away everyone was woken up but it as air ships came up from the fog Timber and Caramel then used earth bending to open a tunnel and Caramel said "come on this way".

While Flash was Trying to pull Scale into the tunnel but saw Timber head back and said "what are you doing?"

Timber then said "go ahead I'll hold them off something tells me this is a family visit" then ran out.

Flash then said "Timber no".

Then Shining and Twilight came up and Shining said "come on we have to get out of hear".

When Timber got out he saw Gloriosa on the nearest air ship and he said "what are you doing here?"

Gloriosa then said "isn't it obvious I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child" then threw lava at him and he moved out of the way.

Timber then used an earth jump to get up to the air ship but he missed it. Back With the others Flash said "I can't get him to go in there Scale hates tunnels".

Twilight then said "Flash there's no way we can fly out of here".

Flash then said "will have to find a way".

Shining then said "we need to spit up you guys take the tunnel and get to the stolen air ship".

Twilight then said "no the earth kingdom can't separate our family again".

Nightlight then said "it will be okay its not for long this time".

Then Twilight, Rainbow, Scootaloo, Shining, Cadence and Flash all climbed onto Scale's back and Rainbow said "we can escape threw there".

Cadence then said "um there's a lot of lava in that direction".

Flash then said "will make it".

They made it outside and Gloriosa then saw Timber rising up on anther air ship he then jumped to he and this time he made the jump the fought eventually they nocked each other off the ship Scale went back and timber landed in the saddle but Gloriosa was Still falling Timber said "she's not going to make" then gloriosa used a metal cable to grab the side of the cliff "of course she made it".

Later they were camping out and Flash said "wow camping its like the old days".

Timber then said jokingly "if you really want it to feel like old times I could chase you around and try to capture you".

Then they all except Twilight laughed Shining then said "to Timber who knew after all those times he tried to stuff us out today he'd be our hero".

Timber then said "I'm touched but I don't disserve this".

Twilight then said "ya no kidding" then got up and walked away.

Shining then asked "what's with her?"

Timber then said "I wish I knew" then went after her.

Shining then asked "what's with him?"

Timber went over to Twilight and said "this isn't fare everyone else seems to trust me now what is it with you?"

Then Twilight said "oh everyone trusts you now I was the first to trust you back in Canterlot remember and you turned around and betrayed me you betrayed all of us".

Timber then asked "what can I do to make it up to you?"

Twilight then said "you really want to know well maybe you could reconquer Canterlot in the name of the air leader or maybe you could bring my mother back" then she walked away.

Later Timber went to Shining's tent and bumped into Cadence and she said "oops wrong tent".

She was about to leave but Timber said "sorry do you need to talk to Shining to?"

Cadence then said "nope".

Timber went into Shining's tent and then got a weird look on his face when he saw shining had candles and roses in there Shining turned his head to reveal a rose in his mouth and said "hey..." then when he saw who it was he swallowed the rose and said "Timber what brings you here".

Timber then said "your sister she hates me and I don't know why".

Shining then said "oh no Twilight doesn't hate anyone except maybe some people in the earth kingdom... I mean not people who are good but use to be bad I mean bad people who will never be good".

Timber then said "listen I know this may seem out of nowhere but I want you to tell me what happened to your mother".

Shining then said "what why would you want to know that?"

Then Timber said "Twilight mentioned it back in Canterlot and again a few minutes ago when she was yelling at me I think she somehow tied her anger about that to her anger at me".

Shining then said "its not a day I like to remember" (Flashback) Twilight and Shining were Playing when suddenly it started snowing black.

Young Twilight then said "I'm going to find mom".

Then Shining said "many of the warriors had seen the black snow before and knew what it meant an earth kingdom raid but as quickly as they arrived they left I thought we had won but I didn't know what had happened I didn't know we lost our mother" (end Flashback).

Timber then said "wait can you remember any details about the soldiers that attacked your village like what the lead ship looked like?"

Shining then said "ya sea ravens the main ship had flags with sea ravens on them".

Timber then said "the symbol of the southern raiders thanks Shining" then Timber left.

The next morning Twilight exited her tent to see Timber waiting out there and said "your terrible".

Timber then said "I waited out here all night".

Twilight then asked "what do you want?"

Timber then said "I know who killed your mother and I'm going to help you find him".

Later Twilight said to Flash "I need to barrow Scale".

Flash then said "why are you going on a field trip with timber now?"

Twilight then said "yes it is".

Flash then said "oh what's going on?"

Twilight then said "were going to find the man who took my mother from me".

Timber then said "Shining told me the story of what happened I know who did it and know how to find him".

Flash then said "and what do you think these will accomplish?"

Twilight then said "you don't understand" then turned to walk away.

Flash then said "Wait stop I do understand how do you think I felt about the air riders when the stole Scale? how do you think I felt about the earth kingdom when I learned about my people?"

Timber then said "she needs this Flash this is about getting justice".

Then Flash said "I don't think it is it sound more like revenge".

Twilight then said "fine maybe it is maybe that's what I need maybe that's what he deserves".

Flash then said "Twilight you sound like Comet".

Then Twilight said "that is different Comet attacked the innocent this man he's a monster".

Shining then said "Twilight she was my mother to but I think Flash might be right".

Twilight then said "then you didn't love her the way I did".

Flash then said "the fire elders use to say revenge is like a two headed rat while you watch your enemy go down your being poisoned yourself".

Timber then said "that's cute but this isn't fire preschool its the real world".

Twilight then said "now that I know I can find him I feel like I have no chose".

Flash then said "Twilight you do have a chose forgiveness".

Timber then said "that's the same as doing nothing".

Then Flash said "no it isn't its easy to do nothing but its hard to forgive".

Twilight then said "its not just hard its impossible" then she walked away.

Later at night she was ready to head out and Flash said "so your just going to take Scale anyway?"

Twilight then said "yes don't try to stop us".

Flash then said "I wasn't planning to this is a journey you need to take you need to face this man but when you do please don't chose revenge let your anger out then let it go forgive him".

Timber then said "okay lets just go".

Twilight then said "thanks for understanding yip, yip!"

After they took off Shining said "you know your pretty wise".

Flash then said "thanks".

Then Shining said "so can I barrow Ring tail for a week".

Flash then got confused and said "why do you need Ring tail?"

Shining then said "I don't know".

While Twilight and Timber were flying Timber said "we need to find the earth navy communication tower all there moments are scheduled by radio and ever tower is updated constantly".

Twilight then said "so once we find the tower we bust in and take the information".

Timber then said "not exactly we need to sneak in and get the info without anyone finding out or else they will warn the southern raiders about us before we reach them" They got in got the info and got out without anyone knowing they were there "looks like there in rote to whale tail island".

Twilight then said "whale tail island here we come".

Later it was sunrise and Twilight was still flying Scale and Timber said "You know you should get some rest will be there in a few hours".

Twilight then said "don't worry I'm not the helpless little girl I was when it happened" (flashback) Young Twilight went to find her mother but when she got there a man was in there with her.

Velvet then said "let her go and I'll give you the information you want".

The guy then said "you heard your mother get out of here".

Young Twilight then said "mom I'm scared".

Velvet then said "go find your dad sweetie I'll handle this".

Young Twilight did so she ran as fast as she could to her dad and said "dad please I think moms in trouble there's a man in our house".

Nightlight then said "Velvet".

(End Flashback) Twilight said "We were to late when we got there the man was gone and so was she".

Timber then said "your mother was a brave woman" later they found the Ship and snuck onboard and attacked the leader he tried to fight back but Twilight used blood bending to stop him Timber then said "think back to your last raid on the southern water tribe".

The guy then said "I do know what your talking about".

Timber then said "don't lie look her in the eye and tell me you don't remember what you did".

Twilight then blood bent him up and looked him in the eyes but after a moment she let go of him and said "its not him".

Timber then said "what do you mean he's the leader of the southern raiders he has to be".

Twilight then said "but he isn't".

Timber then Pushed the guy up against the wall and said "if your not the man were looking for who is?"

The guy then said "you must be looking for Svengallop he retired four years ago".

Later at an earth village Svengallop was working in his garden when a voice yelled "Svengallop!"

Svengallop then said "what is it mother?"

His mother then said "the tomato carrots from your garden are to hard for my gums I need something soft and juicy".

Svengallop then said "would you like something else from the garden?"

His mother then said "forget your stupid garden get down to the market and buy me some real food".

Later Svengallop was heading back after buying the grocery's but was then attacked in the rain Twilight walked up to him and said "do you know who I am?"

Svengallop then said "I'm not sure".

Twilight then said "you better remember me soon!"

Then Svengallop said "yes you were that water tribe girl". (Flashback) Young Twilight went to find her father Svengallop said "now tell me who is the water bender".

Velvet then said "there are no water benders here the earth kingdom took them all away long ago".

Svengallop then said "your lying my sources tell me there's one water bender left in the southern water tribe were not leaving without the water bender".

Velvet then said "if I tell you will you promise to leave the rest of the village alone?" he nodded "its me I'm the last water bender take me prisoner".

Svengallop then said "I'm afraid I'm not taking prisoners today".

(End flashback) Twilight then said "she lied to you she was protecting the real water bender".

Svengallop then said "what who?"

Twilight then said "me!" then water bent a dome with the rain and almost threw ice spikes at Svengallop but stopped.

Svengallop then said "I did a bad thing to you and you disserve revenge but let me ask is that what you want to be like me someone who kills thinking its what they need to do believe me I lay awake many nights wishing I could take that moment back".

Twilight then said "your right as much as I hate you I can't do it" Then they left.

Later they met back up with the others and Flash said "Timber told us what happened I'm proud of you".

Twilight then said "I wanted to do it but I couldn't".

Flash then said "you did the right thing forgiveness is the first step to being healed".

Then Twilight said "I didn't forgive him I'll never forgive him" then looked at Timber and said "but I am ready to forgive you" then she walked away.

Flash then said "Like the elders said to me once violence is never the answer".

Timber then said "then I have a question what are you going to do when you face my father".

Flash was stunned.

Sombra's comet part 1 the Lava lord

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Timber had taken everyone to his families old Summer home on Quarts island and he was training Flash in earth bending when they stopped Twilight said "doesn't it seem weird that were hiding from the earth king in his own house?"

Timber then said "I told you my father hasn't come here since our family was actually happy and that was a long time ago its the last place anyone would think to look for us" then turned to flash and said "Rock lift" Flash lifted a large boulder "now kick it" Flash did so.

Later after training for a while Twilight said "who wants a nice cool glass of pineapple juice?"

Flash then said "oh count me in" then went over and got a glass.

Timber then said "you know you really shouldn't be lounging around the house all day" then walked away.

Shining then said "maybe Timbers right laying around the house has made us pretty lazy but I know just the thing to change that beach party". Later Shining, Cadence, Twilight, Rainbow, Scoots, and Flash were all at the beach enjoying them selves Rainbow and Scoots were using light air bending to move sand and make sand castles, Flash was making a sand sculpture of Scale, Cadence was tanning, Twilight was water surfing, and Shining was sculpting some weird looking thing.

Then Timber appeared and was throwing lava at them Flash then said "what are you doing?" as Twilight came to shore.

Timber Then said "teaching you a lesson" as they went up to the house.

Then Twilight stopped him and said "what's wrong with you!?"

Timber Then said "What's Wrong with me? What's wrong with all of you? how can you sit around having beach parties when Sombra's comet is only three days away? Why are you all looking at me like I'm crazy?"

Flash then said "about Sombra's comet I was actually going to wait until after the comet comes to fight the earth king".

Timber then said "after?"

Then Flash said "I'm not ready I'm still a long way from mastering earth bending".

Timber then said "so you all knew Flash was going to wait?"

Shining then said "honestly if Flash fights the earth king now he will lose".

Then Twilight said "the whole point of fighting the earth king before the comet was to stop the earth kingdom from winning the war but they pretty much won win they took Canterlot it can't get any worse".

Timber then said "Your wrong its about to get worse than you can imagine" (flashback) "the day before the blood moon my father asked me to attend an important war meeting it was what I dreamed about and wanted for so long my father had finally excepted me back".

(FLASHBACK)Earth King Glad mane then said "welcome prince Timber we've been waiting for you" Timber then took a seat next to his father "general the report".

The general then said "thank you sir you see Canterlot is still under our control however air bending rebels have prevented us from gaining complete victory of the air nation".

Glad mane then said "what is your recommendation?"

The general then said "our armies are spread to thin once the blood moon is over and the invasion defeated we should transfer more forces to the air nation".

Glad mane then said "prince Timber you lived among the air nation citizens do you think that sending more tropes will stop these rebellions?"

Timber then said "the people of the air nation are quick and light on there feet as long as they have hope they can withstand anything".

Glad mane then said "yes your right we will have to destroy there hope".

Timber then said "well that's not exactly what I..."

Then Gloriosa said "I think you should take there hope and lava melt it into nothing along with the rest of there land".

Glad mane then said "yes your right Gloriosa Sombra's comet is almost here on that day the comet will give us the power of one hundred volcanos no bender will stand a chance".

The general then said "what are you suggesting sir?"

Glad mane then said "when the comet last came my grand father earth king Sombra used its power to wipe out the fire nation now I will use its power to end the air nation permanently from our air ships we will pull lava into there lands that will destroy everything and from the ashes a new world will be born a world in which all the lands are earth kingdom and I am the supreme leader or every thing".

(END FLASHBACK) Timber then said "I wanted to speak out at his horrible plan but I'm ashamed to say I didn't my whole life I struggled to gain my fathers love and expectance but once I had it I realized I lost myself trying to get there I forgot who I was".

Twilight then said "I cant believe this".

Then Shining said "I always knew the earth king was bad but his plan is plan evil".

Flash then said "what am I gonna do?"

Timber then said "I know your scared and I know your not ready to save the world but if you don't defeat the earth king when the comet comes there won't be a world to save".

Flash then said "why didn't you tell me about your dads plan sooner?"

Timber then said "I didn't think I had to I thought you were still going to fight him during the comet no one told me you decided to wait".

Flash then said "this is not good its really bad".

Twilight then said "Flash you don't have to do this alone".

Then Scootaloo said "ya if we all fight the earth king together we can take him down".

Flash then said fighting the earth king is going to be the hardest thing we ever done together but I wouldn't want to do it any other way" Then they group hugged. Later that night Flash was resting when a island appeared in the distance Flash then went to the island in his sleep.

The next morning everyone was getting ready to leave Shining said "I think that's everything".

Rainbow then said "no its not where's Flash?"

They went around the entire island to find him but didn't later they were sitting on the steps and Timber said "we have a real problem here Flash is nowhere to be found and the comet is only two days away" they noticed they were all looking at him "what is it?"

Twilight then said "well your the one who always finds Flash".

Timber thought for a moment and said "I have an idea". Later they were flying to the air nation.

Meanwhile in the earth kingdom Gloriosa was walking with earth king Glad mane and he said "Gloriosa I need you to stay behind".

Gloriosa then said "what?! But it was my idea to melt the air nation".

Glad mane then said "don't be upset after all I want you to be the new leader of the earth kingdom".

Gloriosa then said "me earth queen Gloriosa it does have a nice ring to it but what about you?"

He then said "earth king Glad mane is no more after the world is reborn in lava I will be the supreme ruler of the world from now on I will be known as the lava lord" Then a new flag with a volcano was raised behind him.

Back with the Timber and the others they had arrived at an air nation tavern and Twilight asked "why are we here?"

Timber then said "cloud chaser" as he pointed to her.

Shining then said "oh ya the bounty hunter with the giant mole".

Cadence then said "mole her skin is flawless".

Shining then said "no not that kind of mole she has a giant mole that she rides around on".

Timber then said "yes and that mole is the only animal that can track Flash's scent from anywhere in the world".

They walked over to her and she said "oh grate its prince pouty where's your creepy grandpa?"

Timber then said "he's my uncle and he's not here".

Cloud chaser then said "so what do you want?"

Timber then said "we need your help to find the avatar".

Cloud chaser then said "doesn't sound to fun".

Timber then said "does the end of the world sound like fun".

mean while on the island Flash woke up and said what were am I".


Sombra's comet part 2 the old Masters

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Outside the tavern Scale and Cloud chasers mole were at each other until they came out and Cloud chaser said "okay now will need something with the avatars scent on it".

Twilight then said "I had Flash's staff".
Cloud chaser then held it up to her mole the mole sniffed around but then stopped and wined then Shining said "what does that mean?"

Cloud chaser then said "it means your friend is gone".

Rainbow then said "we know he's gone that's why were trying to find him".

Cloud chaser then said "no I mean he's gone he doesn't exist".

Back on the island Flash said "where am I the spirit world?" then he air bent "no my bending works just fine maybe if I climb to the top of the island I can see were I am".

Back with the others Shining said "What do you mean Flash doesn't exist do you mean he's dead?"

Cloud chaser then said "no if he were dead there'd be a body we could track wow its a real head scratcher".

Timber then said "wait there's one other person who can help us defeat the earth king I'll be right back with a smell sample".

Two minutes later he was holding it and Shining said "what you kept your uncle sweaty sandal".

Scootaloo then said "I think its kind of sweet".

Cloud chasers mole then came up to the sandal and Cloud chaser then said "lets do this" and her mole then went racing".

Timber then said "hey wait up". as they climbed onto scales back they went a long way until they reached the base of Canterlot mountain.

Cloud chaser then said "your uncles somewhere up there can't be to far" then she left.

Timber then said "its been a long day lets camp here and start in the morning".

Back with Flash he had reached the top of the island and said "this doesn't look like normal rock" he then tried to bend it "its not made of earth I feel lost I wish I had Rock hoof wait I do have Rock hoof" he then got in a meditation position and then a blue light came from him and stopped in front of him as it took the form of Rock hoof.

Rock hoof then said "your right Flash all of the past avatars the wisdom is there when you need it".

Flash then said "Rock hoof what is this place?"

Rock hoof then said "I don't know Flash but I sense you are lost in more ways than one".

Flash then said "I didn't tell my friends this but I don't know if I can take someone's life".

Rock hoof then said "when I confronted Sombra I thought I could end it peacefully but it didn't work if I had taken action I could have stopped the war before it started you must do it I offer this wisdom to you Flash".

Back with the others they were suddenly surrounded by ice they got up and saw four old people and one of them said "well what do we have here?"

Rainbow then said "what's going on were surrounded by old people"?

Twilight then said "not just old people these are great masters and friends of ours except who are you?" as she looked at the only woman there.

She then said "my name is Meadow brook you don't know but I was the one Flash went to for help when you and your brother were sick".

Twilight then said "oh ok" then looked at Starswirl and "master Starswirl".

Starswirl then said "its good to see old my old student but how about a hug for your new grandfather".

Twilight then said "that's great you and grandmother must be so happy to be together again".

Starswirl then said "I made her a new betrothal necklace and everything".

Shining then went over to anther one and said "master Hurricane".

Hurricane then said "hello shining".

Cadence then said "so wait how do you all know each other?"

Magnus then said "all old people know each other don't you know that".

Hurricane then said "were all a part of the same ancient secret society a group that transcends the divisions of the four nations".

Timber then said "the order of the white lotus".

Magnus then said "that's the one".

Meadow brook then said "the white lotus has always been about beauty and truth about a month ago a call went out that we were needed for something important".

Starswirl then said "It came from a grand lotus your uncle Stygian of the earth kingdom".

Scootaloo then said "that's who were looking for".

hurricane then said "then will take you to him".

Magnus then said "wait there's someone missing from your group someone very important where is he"?

Shining then said "we can't find Flash anywhere".

Magnus then said "oh well I'm sure he will be here when its time".

Back on the island Flash said "avatar Mist mane I need your wisdom".

Then Mist mane appeared in front of him and she said "in my day my home was threatened by a man known as black shadow so to save it I separated my home from the mainland and created Mist mane island then Black shadow fell to his doom I did not kill him but I would have done anything to save my home I offer yo this wisdom Flash".

Flash then said "I know I shouldn't have called Mist mane".

Back with the others Shining asked "So magnus how did you escape your imprisonment in Cloudsdale?"

Magnus then said "oh I didn't escape everyone else did it happened like this I was in Cloudsdale waiting for just the right moment when it happened I looked up and saw a blood moon and knew it was time so I broke open my imprisonment and I blow all the earth benders out".

Cadence then said "wow you took back your whole city all by yourself".

Magnus then said "so what about you kids did you do anything interesting on the night of the Blood moon?"

Shining and Timber both looked at each other and said "no we didn't".

Back with Flash he said "I need to look deep inside myself".

He focused and then an unknown avatar appeared and said "I am avatar clover when I was young I was always a go with the flow avatar the world was find everyone worked out there own problems but then I lost the woman I love to discord the face stealer it was my fault had I been more active I could have saved her Flash you must actively shape your own destiny and the destiny of the world I offer you this wisdom Flash".

Back with the others they had arrived at a campsite and magnus said "welcome to old people camp".

Timber then said "where is he"?

Hurricane then said "your uncle is in there prince Timber". Timber went in and saw his uncle asleep so he sat there and waited.

Back with Flash he said "all these past avatars there expecting me to end a life I guess I have no choice I have to kill the earth king".

Later back with the others Stygian had woken up and saw his nephew and Timber said "uncle I know I'm probably the last one you want to see right now but I'm sorry I betrayed you".

Stygian then hugged Timber and said "you did not betray me you were just lost but now you have found your way back to your rightful destiny and you found me".

Timber then said "it wasn't that hard you give of a strong scent".

Back with Flash he woke up and saw land and said "wait is it just me or are that land getting bigger wait its not getting bigger" he the flew to the top of the highest tree and looked behind "the whole island is moving" he then got into the water and saw a giant clawed fin then when back to the surface and said "its the biggest creature on earth I have to swim around and find its face".

Back with the others Timber said "uncle your the only person besides the avatar who can defeat the earth king".

Stygian then said "no Timber a brother attacking a brother only for power the only way for the war to end peacefully is for the avatar to defeat the earth king".

Timber then said "then will you take your rightful place as the earth king"?

Stygian then said "no Timber someone new must take the thrown an idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor it has to be you prince Timber".

Timber then said "unquestionable honor but I've made so many mistakes".

Stygian then said "yes you struggled you suffered but you have always followed your own path you restored you own honor and only you can restore the honor of the earth kingdom".

Timber then said "I'll try uncle".

Rainbow then said "well what if Flash doesn't come back"?

Stygian then said "Sombra's comet is almost a pawn us Flash will come when I was a boy I had a dream that I would take Canterlot but know I will reclaim it in the name of the air leader".

Cadence then said "so that's why you gathered the members of the white lotus".

Stygian then said "yes Timber you must return to the earth kingdom so that when the earth king is defeated you can take the thrown and restore peace and order but Gloriosa will be there".

Timber then said "I can handle Gloriosa".

Stygian then said "not alone you'll need help".

Timber then said "your right Twilight how would you like to help me put Gloriosa in her place".

Twilight then said "it would be my honor".

Shining then asked "what about us what's our destiny today"?

Stygian then said "what do you think"?

Shining then said "I think we need to stop that fleet of airships".

Later Rainbow Scootaloo and Cadence were on a strange critter and hurricane said "nothing runs or swims faster than a giant eels hound" then he gave shining a map "the air ship base is on a small island just off the air nation shore you should be able to intercept the fleet in a days journey".

Shining then said "thank you" then climbed onto the eel hound".

A few feet away Timber and Twilight were on Scale and Timber said to his uncle "so after the war is over and I take the thrown what are you gonna do"?

Stygian then said "after I reclaim Canterlot in the name of the air leader I am going to reclaim my tea shop everyone today destiny is our friend I know it".

Back with Flash his swam around and found the animals face it the raised its front paw for Flash to stand on and its face came out of the water he then said "a lion turtle maybe you can help me everyone even my own past lives are expecting me to take someone's life but I don't know if I can do it".

The lion turtle then said "a true mind can weather lies and illusions a true heart can tuff the voice of hatred without being harmed since beginning less time light has battled darkness in the void but always yield to purify light" as it was saying this it raised its other paw to Flash and gave off a light "wait for him he will come".

Over with Glad mane he said "Its time for this world to end in lava and a new world born from the coals". Then the comet arrived.


Sombra's comet part 3 into the volcano

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Timber and Twilight were riding Scale to the earth kingdom and Twilight said "Timber don't worry about Gloriosa we can take her".

Timber then said "I'm not worried about her I'm worried about Flash what if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father what if he loses".
Twilight said "Flash wont lose he will come back he has to".

At the earth kingdom Gloriosa was losing it she banished one of her maids for nothing. Over with Shining and the group Cadence said "its hard to believe but the comet looks beautiful".

Then Rainbow said "ya its to bad the earth king wants to use it to destroy everything" then they arrived at the sight and climbed some rocks to see the air ships were taking off.

Scootaloo then said "oh no we have to stop them hold on" as she and Rainbow air bent them onto one of the air ships.

Back with Gloriosa her shadow bolts were talking to her and she said "you aren't planning on betraying me are you?"

then the head shadow bolt said "no the shadow bolts are loyal only to you".

Gloriosa then said "you know I bet that is exactly what you told Caballeron before you turned against him and started working for me your all banished get out and send the next group in to".

Back with Shining and the others they had arrived at the airships cockpit and Rainbow and Scootaloo took out the pilot and co pilot and then blew them out the window Then Shining said "good work you two now to take control of this ship Cadence take the wheel."

Then Cadence said "now what are we going to do about the crew"?

Then Shining said "I've got an idea" the went on the intercom and said "attention everyone please head to the drop area for cake on someone special's birthday" then said to Cadence "take us down to the water."

Down in the drop area someone said "hey do you know who's birthday it is ?"

then a trap door opened and they all fell into the water then shining looked at the lead balloon and said "earth king glad mane here we come" and they sped up to him.
Back with Gloriosa to of her ladies came in and one said "princess why have you banished half of your servants all your Shadow bolts".

Gloriosa then said "none of them could be trusted they would betray me just like Sunset and Night glider did".

Then both of the ladies then said "Gloriosa we are concerned about you maybe it would be best to postpone your coronation".

Gloriosa then said "which one of you said that?!" Then the ladies both pointed at each other "there only one way solve this you two must fight each other I order you to battle lava power disk".

Then they both said "but were not earth benders".

Gloriosa then said "fine you are banished but you can stay".

Back at Canterlot Magnus said "Canterlot the white lotus is here".

Then star swirl said "here to set you free".

Stygian then said "only once every hundred years can an earth bender experience this kind of power" he took a breath then used earth bending to break the wall surrounding the mountain top city then pushed them up to it. Star swirl then got on a roof and water bent wave down then froze it as Hurricane slide down the ice and was cutting there spears with his sword and Meadowbrook was throwing potions that were having unique effects and Magnus was blowing solders away.

Back with Gloriosa she was getting mad with her hair and then picked up a pair of scissors and said "all right hair prepare to meet your doom" as she cut it.

Back with the air ships they had reached the air nation and were were starting to lava melt the land then over on a rock Flash then shot rocks at the lead air ship then glad made stopped lava bending and saw him then Glad mane jumped to him as the air ship went down back with Shining Cadence then asked "what just happened?"

Shining then said "its Flash he's back".

Glad mane then said "after generations of earth kings failed to find you the universe delivers you to me as a gift"

Flash then said "please listen to me it doesn't have to get ugly you have the power to end this now".

Glad mane then said "yes I do I have all the power in the world" as he threw lava at Flash and they started battling.

Cadence then said "should we help him"?

Shining then said "the earth king is Flashes we have to take out those other airships".

Then Scootaloo said "how?"

Shining thought for a minute and said "air ship slice" then they set the air ship to crash into the others as they went to the top of it then Shining ,Rainbow ,and Scoots were on anther air ship but Cadence was on a different one "Cadence".

Cadence then said "I'm okay just finish the mission".

Back with Gloriosa they were outside bout to crown her earth queen but then Timber and Twilight appeared and Timber said "sorry but your not becoming ruler today I am".

Gloriosa then said "your joking right".

Timber then said "why don't you find out with lava power disk".

Gloriosa then said "alright then".

Then Twilight said "no she knows she cant take both of us so she trying to separate us".

Timber then said "I know but can tell somethings wrong with her she going and this way no one else has to get hurt" and the started battling.

Back with the others Flash was still fighting Glad mane and shot a huge rock at him then was about to throw lava but stopped then Glad mane kept fighting with lava, metal and earth then knocked Flash down into the water Flash then went to defense mode and created an earth shell around him self.

Back with Timber he said "no electric metal today whats the matter afraid I'll throw it back".

Gloriosa then said "I'll show you electric metal" but threw it at twilight then timber jumped in between Twilight then ran to him to help but Gloriosa got in the way.

Back with Flash Glad mane was trying to brake open his defense and was almost throw.


Sombra's comet part 4 avatar Flash

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Glad mane was still trying to crack open Flash's guard. Back with Shining, Rainbow, and Scoots they went to the back of an airship and Shining said "Rainbow use cold bending to weaken this fin then Scoots will blow it to a turning position that will cause the ship to spiral and slam into the others".

Rainbow then said "got it" and they both did it.

Shining then said "did I ever mention how great it is that you two invented cold bending".

Scoots then said "you could mention it a few more times".

Then metal benders came out to attack and they went to the bottom of the ship shining then threw his boomerang at a guard to there right and his sword to the left he then said "goodbye space sword" as his sword fell to the ground then more metal benders appeared "Rainbow, Scoots I don't think boomerang is coming back this time goodbye".

Then anther airship hit from the bottom and they landed on it scoots then asked "how did that happen did boomerang come back"?

Shining then said "no cadence did" as he saw her steering the air ship.

Back with Flash Glad mane had broken threw his def fence and Flash was pushed towards a rock that went into the wound from were Gloriosa shot electric metal and Flash saw the past avatars as rocks fell on him Glad mane then said "come on out young man your about to..." as Flashes arm came out and grabbed him by the chin with the mark glowing Flash then came out of the rocks with his eyes glowing Glad mane tried to throw lava at him but Flash used air bending to push the lava and Glad mane back.

Flash then went into the air and the ring of fire appeared around him but this time there was also a ring of water earth and a bubble of air Glad mane then tried to get away back in Canterlot the white lotus was fighting strong and Stygian used a small lava disk to burn the earth flag of of the air symbol back with Flash Glad mane was trowing rock while trying to get away but Flash used power air blast to brake the rock back with Twilight she was trying to stop Gloriosa when she saw platinum chains and a platinum grate over water and got an idea she grabbed the chains and lore Gloriosa onto a grate she then water bent up and froze water around of both of them then slowly melted parts of it she as removed Gloriosa's gauntlets and chained her to the grate the sent the water back down she then ran to Timber and stated to heal him he then said "thank you Twilight" Gloriosa was screaming with rage then started to cry.

Back with Flash he was still chasing down Glad mane but then had him trapped by rocks he then said with the voice of all avatars "earth king Glad mane you and your four fathers have devastated the valleys of this world and now you shall pay the ultimate price" then he was about to strike with all elements but then stopped and came out of the avatar state "no I won't end it like this".

Glad mane then said "even with all the power in the world your still weak" as he was about to attack but Flash trapped him again then put one hand on his shoulder and anther on his head then his body started to glow blue and Glad mane was glowing red but the red started to go onto Flash but right when the blue was about to disappear it started to glow brighter and the blue spread to Glad mane then it stopped.

Glad mane then tried to fight but he couldn't bend he said "what did you do"?

Flash then said "I took your earth bending away you can't use it to hurt anyone ever again" then Flash turned around and used water bending to cool all the lava.

Later Shining and the other showed up and he said "oh man Flash I knew you could do it".

Cadence then asked "so did you do it?" as she pointed to Glad mane.

Glad mane then said "I'm still alive".

Flash then said "I found a better way I took his bending away for good".

Then Scoots asked "who told you how to do that?"

Flash then said "a giant lion turtle".

Rainbow then said "you have the craziest adventurers when you disappear don't you".

A few hours later Timber was preparing for his coronation when someone said "need some help?"

Timber looked and said "Sunset they let you out of prison"?

Sunset then said "my uncle pulled a few strings and it helps that there is a new earth king but don't brake up with me again" then they kissed.

Outside everyone was talking Twilight and Shining then saw Nightlight and ran to him who said "its good to see you both to I heard what you two did and I couldn't be more prude".

Then Cadence with the other Mist mane warriors came up and Shining said "there's my favorite warriors so how does it feel to be back in uniform"?

Then anther warrior said "it feels grate".

Shining then said "wait Night glider?"

Cadence then said "its okay shining shes one of us now".

Then dinky came over and said "well I'm glade this is over now I need to get back to finding my sister".

One of the warriors saw her and recognized her and said "Dinky!?"

Dinky looked her over and said "amethyst is that you"?

She then said "yes it is" then they broke into tears and hugged one anther".

Back inside Timber and Flash were prepared to face the crowd Timber came out first as a gong went off and the crowd cheered Timber then said "Please the true hero is the avatar" as Flash came out "this is an historic day on this day the hundred year war is finally over however one hundred years of fighting has left the land wounded but with the avatars help we can get it back on track".

Timber then sat down as crown was placed on his head and the guy said "all hail earth king Timber" and the crowd cheered.

Later back in Canterlot they were at Stygian's tea shop when Twilight and Flash went out they looked at each other and kissed.