• ...

The southern raiders

Flash and friends were all Sleeping but when Flash woke up he saw a bomb coming in and air bent it away everyone was woken up but it as air ships came up from the fog Timber and Caramel then used earth bending to open a tunnel and Caramel said "come on this way".

While Flash was Trying to pull Scale into the tunnel but saw Timber head back and said "what are you doing?"

Timber then said "go ahead I'll hold them off something tells me this is a family visit" then ran out.

Flash then said "Timber no".

Then Shining and Twilight came up and Shining said "come on we have to get out of hear".

When Timber got out he saw Gloriosa on the nearest air ship and he said "what are you doing here?"

Gloriosa then said "isn't it obvious I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child" then threw lava at him and he moved out of the way.

Timber then used an earth jump to get up to the air ship but he missed it. Back With the others Flash said "I can't get him to go in there Scale hates tunnels".

Twilight then said "Flash there's no way we can fly out of here".

Flash then said "will have to find a way".

Shining then said "we need to spit up you guys take the tunnel and get to the stolen air ship".

Twilight then said "no the earth kingdom can't separate our family again".

Nightlight then said "it will be okay its not for long this time".

Then Twilight, Rainbow, Scootaloo, Shining, Cadence and Flash all climbed onto Scale's back and Rainbow said "we can escape threw there".

Cadence then said "um there's a lot of lava in that direction".

Flash then said "will make it".

They made it outside and Gloriosa then saw Timber rising up on anther air ship he then jumped to he and this time he made the jump the fought eventually they nocked each other off the ship Scale went back and timber landed in the saddle but Gloriosa was Still falling Timber said "she's not going to make" then gloriosa used a metal cable to grab the side of the cliff "of course she made it".

Later they were camping out and Flash said "wow camping its like the old days".

Timber then said jokingly "if you really want it to feel like old times I could chase you around and try to capture you".

Then they all except Twilight laughed Shining then said "to Timber who knew after all those times he tried to stuff us out today he'd be our hero".

Timber then said "I'm touched but I don't disserve this".

Twilight then said "ya no kidding" then got up and walked away.

Shining then asked "what's with her?"

Timber then said "I wish I knew" then went after her.

Shining then asked "what's with him?"

Timber went over to Twilight and said "this isn't fare everyone else seems to trust me now what is it with you?"

Then Twilight said "oh everyone trusts you now I was the first to trust you back in Canterlot remember and you turned around and betrayed me you betrayed all of us".

Timber then asked "what can I do to make it up to you?"

Twilight then said "you really want to know well maybe you could reconquer Canterlot in the name of the air leader or maybe you could bring my mother back" then she walked away.

Later Timber went to Shining's tent and bumped into Cadence and she said "oops wrong tent".

She was about to leave but Timber said "sorry do you need to talk to Shining to?"

Cadence then said "nope".

Timber went into Shining's tent and then got a weird look on his face when he saw shining had candles and roses in there Shining turned his head to reveal a rose in his mouth and said "hey..." then when he saw who it was he swallowed the rose and said "Timber what brings you here".

Timber then said "your sister she hates me and I don't know why".

Shining then said "oh no Twilight doesn't hate anyone except maybe some people in the earth kingdom... I mean not people who are good but use to be bad I mean bad people who will never be good".

Timber then said "listen I know this may seem out of nowhere but I want you to tell me what happened to your mother".

Shining then said "what why would you want to know that?"

Then Timber said "Twilight mentioned it back in Canterlot and again a few minutes ago when she was yelling at me I think she somehow tied her anger about that to her anger at me".

Shining then said "its not a day I like to remember" (Flashback) Twilight and Shining were Playing when suddenly it started snowing black.

Young Twilight then said "I'm going to find mom".

Then Shining said "many of the warriors had seen the black snow before and knew what it meant an earth kingdom raid but as quickly as they arrived they left I thought we had won but I didn't know what had happened I didn't know we lost our mother" (end Flashback).

Timber then said "wait can you remember any details about the soldiers that attacked your village like what the lead ship looked like?"

Shining then said "ya sea ravens the main ship had flags with sea ravens on them".

Timber then said "the symbol of the southern raiders thanks Shining" then Timber left.

The next morning Twilight exited her tent to see Timber waiting out there and said "your terrible".

Timber then said "I waited out here all night".

Twilight then asked "what do you want?"

Timber then said "I know who killed your mother and I'm going to help you find him".

Later Twilight said to Flash "I need to barrow Scale".

Flash then said "why are you going on a field trip with timber now?"

Twilight then said "yes it is".

Flash then said "oh what's going on?"

Twilight then said "were going to find the man who took my mother from me".

Timber then said "Shining told me the story of what happened I know who did it and know how to find him".

Flash then said "and what do you think these will accomplish?"

Twilight then said "you don't understand" then turned to walk away.

Flash then said "Wait stop I do understand how do you think I felt about the air riders when the stole Scale? how do you think I felt about the earth kingdom when I learned about my people?"

Timber then said "she needs this Flash this is about getting justice".

Then Flash said "I don't think it is it sound more like revenge".

Twilight then said "fine maybe it is maybe that's what I need maybe that's what he deserves".

Flash then said "Twilight you sound like Comet".

Then Twilight said "that is different Comet attacked the innocent this man he's a monster".

Shining then said "Twilight she was my mother to but I think Flash might be right".

Twilight then said "then you didn't love her the way I did".

Flash then said "the fire elders use to say revenge is like a two headed rat while you watch your enemy go down your being poisoned yourself".

Timber then said "that's cute but this isn't fire preschool its the real world".

Twilight then said "now that I know I can find him I feel like I have no chose".

Flash then said "Twilight you do have a chose forgiveness".

Timber then said "that's the same as doing nothing".

Then Flash said "no it isn't its easy to do nothing but its hard to forgive".

Twilight then said "its not just hard its impossible" then she walked away.

Later at night she was ready to head out and Flash said "so your just going to take Scale anyway?"

Twilight then said "yes don't try to stop us".

Flash then said "I wasn't planning to this is a journey you need to take you need to face this man but when you do please don't chose revenge let your anger out then let it go forgive him".

Timber then said "okay lets just go".

Twilight then said "thanks for understanding yip, yip!"

After they took off Shining said "you know your pretty wise".

Flash then said "thanks".

Then Shining said "so can I barrow Ring tail for a week".

Flash then got confused and said "why do you need Ring tail?"

Shining then said "I don't know".

While Twilight and Timber were flying Timber said "we need to find the earth navy communication tower all there moments are scheduled by radio and ever tower is updated constantly".

Twilight then said "so once we find the tower we bust in and take the information".

Timber then said "not exactly we need to sneak in and get the info without anyone finding out or else they will warn the southern raiders about us before we reach them" They got in got the info and got out without anyone knowing they were there "looks like there in rote to whale tail island".

Twilight then said "whale tail island here we come".

Later it was sunrise and Twilight was still flying Scale and Timber said "You know you should get some rest will be there in a few hours".

Twilight then said "don't worry I'm not the helpless little girl I was when it happened" (flashback) Young Twilight went to find her mother but when she got there a man was in there with her.

Velvet then said "let her go and I'll give you the information you want".

The guy then said "you heard your mother get out of here".

Young Twilight then said "mom I'm scared".

Velvet then said "go find your dad sweetie I'll handle this".

Young Twilight did so she ran as fast as she could to her dad and said "dad please I think moms in trouble there's a man in our house".

Nightlight then said "Velvet".

(End Flashback) Twilight said "We were to late when we got there the man was gone and so was she".

Timber then said "your mother was a brave woman" later they found the Ship and snuck onboard and attacked the leader he tried to fight back but Twilight used blood bending to stop him Timber then said "think back to your last raid on the southern water tribe".

The guy then said "I do know what your talking about".

Timber then said "don't lie look her in the eye and tell me you don't remember what you did".

Twilight then blood bent him up and looked him in the eyes but after a moment she let go of him and said "its not him".

Timber then said "what do you mean he's the leader of the southern raiders he has to be".

Twilight then said "but he isn't".

Timber then Pushed the guy up against the wall and said "if your not the man were looking for who is?"

The guy then said "you must be looking for Svengallop he retired four years ago".

Later at an earth village Svengallop was working in his garden when a voice yelled "Svengallop!"

Svengallop then said "what is it mother?"

His mother then said "the tomato carrots from your garden are to hard for my gums I need something soft and juicy".

Svengallop then said "would you like something else from the garden?"

His mother then said "forget your stupid garden get down to the market and buy me some real food".

Later Svengallop was heading back after buying the grocery's but was then attacked in the rain Twilight walked up to him and said "do you know who I am?"

Svengallop then said "I'm not sure".

Twilight then said "you better remember me soon!"

Then Svengallop said "yes you were that water tribe girl". (Flashback) Young Twilight went to find her father Svengallop said "now tell me who is the water bender".

Velvet then said "there are no water benders here the earth kingdom took them all away long ago".

Svengallop then said "your lying my sources tell me there's one water bender left in the southern water tribe were not leaving without the water bender".

Velvet then said "if I tell you will you promise to leave the rest of the village alone?" he nodded "its me I'm the last water bender take me prisoner".

Svengallop then said "I'm afraid I'm not taking prisoners today".

(End flashback) Twilight then said "she lied to you she was protecting the real water bender".

Svengallop then said "what who?"

Twilight then said "me!" then water bent a dome with the rain and almost threw ice spikes at Svengallop but stopped.

Svengallop then said "I did a bad thing to you and you disserve revenge but let me ask is that what you want to be like me someone who kills thinking its what they need to do believe me I lay awake many nights wishing I could take that moment back".

Twilight then said "your right as much as I hate you I can't do it" Then they left.

Later they met back up with the others and Flash said "Timber told us what happened I'm proud of you".

Twilight then said "I wanted to do it but I couldn't".

Flash then said "you did the right thing forgiveness is the first step to being healed".

Then Twilight said "I didn't forgive him I'll never forgive him" then looked at Timber and said "but I am ready to forgive you" then she walked away.

Flash then said "Like the elders said to me once violence is never the answer".

Timber then said "then I have a question what are you going to do when you face my father".

Flash was stunned.

Author's Note:

Well thats anther chapter please leave your thought in the coments but for now ghost out.