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Sombra's comet part 2 the old Masters

Outside the tavern Scale and Cloud chasers mole were at each other until they came out and Cloud chaser said "okay now will need something with the avatars scent on it".

Twilight then said "I had Flash's staff".
Cloud chaser then held it up to her mole the mole sniffed around but then stopped and wined then Shining said "what does that mean?"

Cloud chaser then said "it means your friend is gone".

Rainbow then said "we know he's gone that's why were trying to find him".

Cloud chaser then said "no I mean he's gone he doesn't exist".

Back on the island Flash said "where am I the spirit world?" then he air bent "no my bending works just fine maybe if I climb to the top of the island I can see were I am".

Back with the others Shining said "What do you mean Flash doesn't exist do you mean he's dead?"

Cloud chaser then said "no if he were dead there'd be a body we could track wow its a real head scratcher".

Timber then said "wait there's one other person who can help us defeat the earth king I'll be right back with a smell sample".

Two minutes later he was holding it and Shining said "what you kept your uncle sweaty sandal".

Scootaloo then said "I think its kind of sweet".

Cloud chasers mole then came up to the sandal and Cloud chaser then said "lets do this" and her mole then went racing".

Timber then said "hey wait up". as they climbed onto scales back they went a long way until they reached the base of Canterlot mountain.

Cloud chaser then said "your uncles somewhere up there can't be to far" then she left.

Timber then said "its been a long day lets camp here and start in the morning".

Back with Flash he had reached the top of the island and said "this doesn't look like normal rock" he then tried to bend it "its not made of earth I feel lost I wish I had Rock hoof wait I do have Rock hoof" he then got in a meditation position and then a blue light came from him and stopped in front of him as it took the form of Rock hoof.

Rock hoof then said "your right Flash all of the past avatars the wisdom is there when you need it".

Flash then said "Rock hoof what is this place?"

Rock hoof then said "I don't know Flash but I sense you are lost in more ways than one".

Flash then said "I didn't tell my friends this but I don't know if I can take someone's life".

Rock hoof then said "when I confronted Sombra I thought I could end it peacefully but it didn't work if I had taken action I could have stopped the war before it started you must do it I offer this wisdom to you Flash".

Back with the others they were suddenly surrounded by ice they got up and saw four old people and one of them said "well what do we have here?"

Rainbow then said "what's going on were surrounded by old people"?

Twilight then said "not just old people these are great masters and friends of ours except who are you?" as she looked at the only woman there.

She then said "my name is Meadow brook you don't know but I was the one Flash went to for help when you and your brother were sick".

Twilight then said "oh ok" then looked at Starswirl and "master Starswirl".

Starswirl then said "its good to see old my old student but how about a hug for your new grandfather".

Twilight then said "that's great you and grandmother must be so happy to be together again".

Starswirl then said "I made her a new betrothal necklace and everything".

Shining then went over to anther one and said "master Hurricane".

Hurricane then said "hello shining".

Cadence then said "so wait how do you all know each other?"

Magnus then said "all old people know each other don't you know that".

Hurricane then said "were all a part of the same ancient secret society a group that transcends the divisions of the four nations".

Timber then said "the order of the white lotus".

Magnus then said "that's the one".

Meadow brook then said "the white lotus has always been about beauty and truth about a month ago a call went out that we were needed for something important".

Starswirl then said "It came from a grand lotus your uncle Stygian of the earth kingdom".

Scootaloo then said "that's who were looking for".

hurricane then said "then will take you to him".

Magnus then said "wait there's someone missing from your group someone very important where is he"?

Shining then said "we can't find Flash anywhere".

Magnus then said "oh well I'm sure he will be here when its time".

Back on the island Flash said "avatar Mist mane I need your wisdom".

Then Mist mane appeared in front of him and she said "in my day my home was threatened by a man known as black shadow so to save it I separated my home from the mainland and created Mist mane island then Black shadow fell to his doom I did not kill him but I would have done anything to save my home I offer yo this wisdom Flash".

Flash then said "I know I shouldn't have called Mist mane".

Back with the others Shining asked "So magnus how did you escape your imprisonment in Cloudsdale?"

Magnus then said "oh I didn't escape everyone else did it happened like this I was in Cloudsdale waiting for just the right moment when it happened I looked up and saw a blood moon and knew it was time so I broke open my imprisonment and I blow all the earth benders out".

Cadence then said "wow you took back your whole city all by yourself".

Magnus then said "so what about you kids did you do anything interesting on the night of the Blood moon?"

Shining and Timber both looked at each other and said "no we didn't".

Back with Flash he said "I need to look deep inside myself".

He focused and then an unknown avatar appeared and said "I am avatar clover when I was young I was always a go with the flow avatar the world was find everyone worked out there own problems but then I lost the woman I love to discord the face stealer it was my fault had I been more active I could have saved her Flash you must actively shape your own destiny and the destiny of the world I offer you this wisdom Flash".

Back with the others they had arrived at a campsite and magnus said "welcome to old people camp".

Timber then said "where is he"?

Hurricane then said "your uncle is in there prince Timber". Timber went in and saw his uncle asleep so he sat there and waited.

Back with Flash he said "all these past avatars there expecting me to end a life I guess I have no choice I have to kill the earth king".

Later back with the others Stygian had woken up and saw his nephew and Timber said "uncle I know I'm probably the last one you want to see right now but I'm sorry I betrayed you".

Stygian then hugged Timber and said "you did not betray me you were just lost but now you have found your way back to your rightful destiny and you found me".

Timber then said "it wasn't that hard you give of a strong scent".

Back with Flash he woke up and saw land and said "wait is it just me or are that land getting bigger wait its not getting bigger" he the flew to the top of the highest tree and looked behind "the whole island is moving" he then got into the water and saw a giant clawed fin then when back to the surface and said "its the biggest creature on earth I have to swim around and find its face".

Back with the others Timber said "uncle your the only person besides the avatar who can defeat the earth king".

Stygian then said "no Timber a brother attacking a brother only for power the only way for the war to end peacefully is for the avatar to defeat the earth king".

Timber then said "then will you take your rightful place as the earth king"?

Stygian then said "no Timber someone new must take the thrown an idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor it has to be you prince Timber".

Timber then said "unquestionable honor but I've made so many mistakes".

Stygian then said "yes you struggled you suffered but you have always followed your own path you restored you own honor and only you can restore the honor of the earth kingdom".

Timber then said "I'll try uncle".

Rainbow then said "well what if Flash doesn't come back"?

Stygian then said "Sombra's comet is almost a pawn us Flash will come when I was a boy I had a dream that I would take Canterlot but know I will reclaim it in the name of the air leader".

Cadence then said "so that's why you gathered the members of the white lotus".

Stygian then said "yes Timber you must return to the earth kingdom so that when the earth king is defeated you can take the thrown and restore peace and order but Gloriosa will be there".

Timber then said "I can handle Gloriosa".

Stygian then said "not alone you'll need help".

Timber then said "your right Twilight how would you like to help me put Gloriosa in her place".

Twilight then said "it would be my honor".

Shining then asked "what about us what's our destiny today"?

Stygian then said "what do you think"?

Shining then said "I think we need to stop that fleet of airships".

Later Rainbow Scootaloo and Cadence were on a strange critter and hurricane said "nothing runs or swims faster than a giant eels hound" then he gave shining a map "the air ship base is on a small island just off the air nation shore you should be able to intercept the fleet in a days journey".

Shining then said "thank you" then climbed onto the eel hound".

A few feet away Timber and Twilight were on Scale and Timber said to his uncle "so after the war is over and I take the thrown what are you gonna do"?

Stygian then said "after I reclaim Canterlot in the name of the air leader I am going to reclaim my tea shop everyone today destiny is our friend I know it".

Back with Flash his swam around and found the animals face it the raised its front paw for Flash to stand on and its face came out of the water he then said "a lion turtle maybe you can help me everyone even my own past lives are expecting me to take someone's life but I don't know if I can do it".

The lion turtle then said "a true mind can weather lies and illusions a true heart can tuff the voice of hatred without being harmed since beginning less time light has battled darkness in the void but always yield to purify light" as it was saying this it raised its other paw to Flash and gave off a light "wait for him he will come".

Over with Glad mane he said "Its time for this world to end in lava and a new world born from the coals". Then the comet arrived.


Author's Note:

Wow that took me some time but please leave your thoughts in the comments below but for now ghost out.