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The Puppetmaster

Flash and Friends were siting around a campfire and Shining was trying to tell a story but it wasn't that good Twilight then said "I have a better story it happened to my mom long ago when my mother was a little girl her whole village was burred in a snow storm my mother then realized she hadn't seen her best friend Crystal in a while so mom and some others went to check on her family when they got there no one was home just the fire flickering in the fire place while the men went out to search mom stayed in the house while she was alone she heard a voice its so cold and I can't get warm mom turned and saw Crystal standing by the fire she was blue an must have frozen mom ran outside to find help but when everyone came back she was gone".

Scootaloo who was shaking in fear said "where did she go?"

Twilight then said "no one knows Crystal's house stands empty to this very day but sometimes people see smoke coming up from the chimney like little Crystal is still trying to get warm".

Rainbow then said "wait guys did you hear that? I hear people calling for help" as she said that the other Twilight, Flash and Shining were huddled together in fear and Scootaloo was shaking.

Shining then said "nice try".

Rainbow then said "no I'm serious".

Twilight then said "Rainbow stop your sister is already scared enough".

Rainbow then sat next to Scootaloo and felt her shaking and said "oh sorry sis but I really do hear someone".

Then Scoots stopped shaking and said "wait I hear it to wait I just stopped".

Then a someone said "hello children" they all screamed and huddled up but then a woman came out of the shadows and said "Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you my name is Chrysalis you children shouldn't be out in the forest by yourselves at night I have an inn nearby why don't you come back there for some ice tea and warm beds".

Shining then said "yes please".

Later they were at her inn and Twilight said "thanks for letting us stay here for the night you have a lovely inn".

Chrysalis then said "aren't you sweet you know you should be careful people have been disappearing in those woods you were camping in".

Shining then said "what do you mean disappearing?"

Chrysalis then said "when the moon turns full people walk in and they don't come out who wants more tea?" then saw the looks on there faces and said "don't worry your all completely safe here why don't I show you to your rooms and you can get a good nights rest?". Later they all were in separate rooms except for Rainbow and Scootaloo who asked for one they could share in Shining's room he was having a hard time sleeping but he eventually did fall asleep the next morning he was on the floor when a shadow appeared over his face and said "wakey wakey time to go shopping" as he saw Chrysalis there.

Later they were all in the market and Chrysalis bought some fish then Twilight said "that guy in the fish stand really seems to like you maybe we should go back and see if he will give us some free sausage".

Chrysalis then said "you would have me use my charm to take advantage of that poor man I think you and I are going to get along great".

with the others they over heard someone talking to a fruit stand owner and said "I'm out of bananas you see I sent my employee to get more but its a two day trip and tomorrow is the full moon I cant lose anther delivery boy".

Shining then said "people disappearing in the woods weird stuff during full moons this just smells like spirit world stuff".

Flash then said "maybe if we take a little walk around town we can find out what the people did to the environment to make the spirits mad".

Shining then said "and then you can settle this little mystery avatar style".

Chrysalis then said "why don't you take those things back to the inn I have a couple of errands I need to run".

later they were back at the in and Shining said "that Chrysalis seems a little strange like she knows something or she's hiding something".

Twilight then said "that's ridiculous she's just a nice woman who offered us a place to stay she kind of reminds me of grandmother".

Shining then thought about it and said "I'm gonna take a look around".

Shining was headed up stairs and Twilight said "Shining wait you can't just snoop around someone's house".

Then Shining said "it will be fine".

Then came up to the only locked door in the attic and Twilight said "Shining stop".

Shining managed to pick the lock and the only thing in there was a small chest then Chrysalis appeared behind them and said "I'll tell you what's in the box".

They were a little frightened by her but she went over picked up the box and opened it then all she pulled out was a comb and Shining said "an old comb?"

Chrysalis then said "its my most prized possession its the last thing I own from growing up in the southern water tribe" Twilight and Shining's jaws dropped at that.

Twilight then said "your from the southern water tribe."

Then Chrysalis said "just like you"

Twilight then asked "how did you know?"

Chrysalis then said "I heard you talking around your campfire".

Shining then asked "why didn't you tell us?"

Then Chrysalis said "I wanted to surprise you I got all this food today so I could fix you a big water tribe dinner of course I cant get all the ingredients I need here but ocean cumquats are a lot like sea cucumbers you know".

Twilight then said "I knew I felt a bound with you right away".

Shining then said "and I knew you were keeping a secret so I guess we were both right but I'm sorry we were sneaking around".

Chrysalis then said "apology accepted now lets get cooking". Later Flash brought food out to Scale and Ring Tail and after the food was fixed Chrysalis said "who wants five fish stew?" then they all raised there hands and chrysalis then water bent stew into there bowls.

Twilight then smiled and said "your a water bender I've never met another water bender from our tribe".

Chrysalis then said "that's because the earth kingdom wiped them all out I was the last one".

Shining then asked "so how did you end up here?"

Chrysalis then said "I was stolen from my home it was over sixty years ago when the raids started they came again and again each time rounding up more of our water benders and taking them captive we did our best to hold them off but our numbers dwindled as the raids continued finally I to was captured I was lead away in chains the last water bender of the southern water tribe they put us in terrible prisons here in the earth kingdom I was the only one who managed to escape".

Shining then asked "how did you get away? and why did you stay in the earth kingdom?"

Chrysalis then said "I'm sorry its to painful to talk about anymore".

Twilight then said "we completely understand we lost our mother in a raid".

Chrysalis then said "oh you poor things".

Then Twilight said "I can't tell you what it means to meet you its an honor your a hero".

Chrysalis then said "I never thought I would meet another southern water bender I'd like to teach you what I know so you can carry on the southern tradition when I'm gone".

Twilight then said "yes, yes of course to learn about it would mean every thing to me".

The next morning Chrysalis and Twilight were taking a walk and Chrysalis said "growing up in the south pole water benders are completely at home surrounded by ice, snow and the sea but as you probably noticed on your travels that isn't the case wherever you go".

Twilight then said "I know when we were stranded in the dessert I felt like there was almost nothing I could do".

Chrysalis then said "that's why you must learn to control water wherever it is did you know that you can even pull water out of thin air" she then did just that "you see Twilight there's water in places you never think about".

Over with the others they were over looking a valley and Flash said "this has to be one of the nicest looking earth kingdom towns I've ever seen I don't see anything that would make a spirit mad".

Rainbow then said "maybe the moon spirit is just mean".

Then Shining said "the moon spirit is a gentle loving lady she rules the sky with compassion and lunar goodness".

Then Flash saw a passerby and said "excuse me sir can you tell us anything about the spirit that's been taking people?"
The guy then said "only one man ever saw it and lived its old man orange".

Scootaloo then said "were does old man orange live?"

Back with Twilight she and Chrysalis were in in a flower field and Twilight said "wow these flowers are beautiful".

Chrysalis then said "there called ruby lilies and they only bloom a few weeks a year but there one of my favorite thing about living here like all plants like all living things there filled with water".

Twilight then said "you know I once met a water bender who lived in a swamp and he controlled vines by bending the water inside them".

Chrysalis then said "you can take it even further" then pulled water out of the flowers and sliced threw a boulder.

Twilight then said "that was incredible" then looked at the dry flowers "its a shame the lilies though".

Then Chrysalis said "there just flowers when you a water bender in a strange land you do what you have to in order to stay alive tonight I will teach you the greatest form of water bending ever it can only be done during a full moon when your bending is at its peak".

Twilight then said "But isn't that dangerous I thought people have been disappearing around here during a full moon".

Chrysalis then said "oh Twilight two master water benders under a full moon I don't think we have anything to worry about".

Later with the others they had arrived at old man oranges house and Flash said "Old man orange?"

The guy then hit his finger with a hammer and said "ouch kid what is it and why does everyone call me that I'm not that old".

Shining then said "we wanted to ask you about the moon monster did you get a good look at the spirit that took you".

The guy then said "I didn't see any spirit just felt something come over me like I was under control it forced me to start walking to the mountain I tried to fight it but I couldn't control my own limbs it just about had me into a cave up there I looked at the moon for what I thought would be the last time I see it but then the sun started rising and I could control myself again a so I just high tailed it away from that mountain as quick as I could".

Shining then said "why would a spirit want to take people to a mountain?"

Rainbow then said "oh no I did hear people calling for help up there the missing villagers must still be there".

Later they were on the mountain Rainbow and Scoots were following the sound". With Twilight Chrysalis said "can you feel the power the full moon brings for generations it had bestowed water benders with its glow allowing us to do incredible things I've never felt more alive".

Back with the others they were running threw the woods when they came to a cave Scootaloo then said "this is the place".

Shining then said "I can't see any thing down there".

Then Rainbow said "that's why you have us lets go" they ran threw there and came to a wooden door which Rainbow and Scoots air bent down then went forward to see the people in platinum chains.

One of them then said "were saved".

Flash then said "I didn't know the spirits made prisons like this who brought you here?"

Then anther guy said "it was no spirit it was a witch".

Shining then said "what do you mean?"

A girl chained there then said "she seems like a normal old woman but she controls people like a bender controls the elements".

Shining then gasped "Chrysalis!"

Then a guy said "yes the inn keeper".

Shining then said "I knew there was something creepy about her".

Then Flash said "we have to stop Chrysalis".

Rainbow then said "scoots and I will get these people out of here go" as scoots was using a hair pin to pick the lock.

Back with Twilight Chrysalis said "what I am about to show you I discovered in the earth prison the guards were always carful to keep any water away form us the pumped dry waterless air kept us in cages above the ground before giving us any water they made sure to bind our hands and feet so we couldn't bend yet each month I felt the full moon enriching me with its energy there had to be something I could do to escape then I released that were there is life there is water the rats that run across the floor of my cage were nothing more than skins filled with liquid and I spent years developing the skill that would lead to my escape blood bending controlling the water in anther ones body enforcing your own will over there's once I had mastered the rats I was ready for the men and during the next full moon I walked free for the first time in decades my cell unlocked by the very guards who kept me imprisoned once you prefect this skill you can control anything or anyone".

Twilight then said "but to reach inside someone and control them I don't know if I want that kind of power".

Chrysalis then said "the chose is not yours the power exists and it is your duty to use the gifts you've been given to win this war Twilight they tried to wipe us out our entire coulter your mother".

Twilight then said "I know".

Chrysalis said "then you should understand what I'm talking about were the last water benders of the southern tribe we have to fight these people when ever we can wherever they are with any means necessary".

Twilight then said "its you your the one who's making people disappear during the full moons".

Chrysalis then said "they threw me in prison to rot along with my brothers and sisters they disserve the same you must carry on my work".

Twilight then said "no I won't use blood bending and I won't allow you to keep attacking this town" then she couldn't control herself.

Chrysalis then said "you should have learned the skill before you turned against me its impossible to fight your way out of my grip I control every mussel every vein in your body".

But then Twilight regained control and said "your not the only one who draws power from the full moon my bending is more powerful than yours chrysalis your skill is useless on me" then she pulled water out of the grass and started to fight her.

Twilight had the upper hand but then Flash and Shining appeared and Shining said as he pulled out his sword "we know what you've been doing Chrysalis".

Then Flash said "give up your out numbered".

Chrysalis then said "no you've out numbered your selves" then took control of them and made them attack Twilight.

Shining then said "Its like my body has a mind of its own stop it arm".

Twilight then froze them both to trees and said "sorry guys".

Flash then said "its okay".

Then Chrysalis said "don't hurt you friends Twilight and don't let them hurt each other" she then pulled Flash and Shining toward each other but then stopped and the regained control they looked to see Twilight was controlling Chrysalis. Then Rainbow, Scoots and the villagers she trapped came up the Villagers cuffed her But before they carried her away she said "my work is done congratulations Twilight your a blood bender" then they carried her away and Twilight started crying.

Author's Note:

Wow that took time but I fineshed anather chapter please leave your thoughts in the coments but for now ghost out.