• ...

Shining's Master

Flash and friends were sitting out watching the stars when a meter came down and hit nearby ground they went over and saw a big fire had started Twilight then said "we have to stop that fire or it will destroy that whole town".

Flash then said "Twilight bend the water from that nearby creek to put out the fire, rainbow scoots use your air bending to keep the fire from spreading, and I'll try to weaken it".

Shining then said "hey what about me?"

Flash then said "um watch Ring tail".

Then Shining said "what am I a fire ferret sitter?"

They put out the fire and saw the meteor and Flash said "wow that looks like some pure metal".

Back with Stygian some guard walked to his cell and threw a bowl of rice into it witch stygian started eating and the guard then said "look at you your a weak degusting old man you do nothing, you say nothing you just eat and role on the dirt like a pig your a disgrace" then the guard left and once he dis stygian got up picked up the bowl and started to eat better.

Back with Flash and friends Flash said "man this people have no idea there village was almost lost last night".

Then Rainbow said "ya the worst thing about being incognito is we don't get hero worship anymore I miss the love".

Scoots then said "me to".

Then Shining said "oh you pore heroes".

Twilight then said "Shining what's wrong you haven't even touched your smoked sea slug".

Shining then said "Its just you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, making things fly around, I can't fly around okay I can't do anything".

Twilight then said "come on that's not true no one can read a map like you can".

Rainbow then said "ya Scoots and I can't read at all".

Flash then said "ya and you come up with ideas all the time and the jokes you tell were not good with that I mean look at Twilights hair I mean what's up with that".

Twilight then grabbed two locks of her hair and said "what what's wrong with my hair?"

Flash then said "oh nothing I was just trying to make a joke".

Then Shining said "you know I appreciate the effort but the fact is each of you are so amazing and special and I'm not I'm just the guy in the group who's normal".

Twilight then said "I'm sorry your feeling that way but I hope you know none of us see you that way" then thought for a minute and said "I know something that will make you feel better".

Later they were at a weapons store and Shining said "Alright" and looked around "maybe something to strengthen my battling hey how about these" as he picked up nunchucks he tried swinging them but hit himself in the face "maybe not" then tried other weapons he tried a spear but spun it to much and it flew away then tried a metal club but it was to heavy then two handed swords, then a bladed chain then after trying a sai he said "wow" as he saw a katana hanging on the wall "that's what I'm talking about".

The shop owner then said "you have a good eye that's an original from Hurricane the greatest sword master and sword maker in earth kingdom history he lives in the big mansion up the road from here".

Flash then said "that's it that's what you needed the whole time Shining?"

Shining then said "a katana?"

Then Flash said "no not the sword a master we all had masters that helped us you should see if you can train with Hurricane".

Twilight then said "that's a great idea I never would have gotten to were I am without master Star swirl".

Scoots then said "we learned from sky bison".

Then Rainbow said "they don't talk but there still good teachers".

Shining then said "it would be nice to be a master sword fighter alright I'll talk to him" Back with Stygian he was lying around when suddenly he started doing sit ups.

Back with Shining he had arrived at the mansion were hurricane lives and nocked then a guy came to the door and said "can I help you?"

Shining then said "I've come to train with the master".

He then said "you should know the master turns almost anyone away what did you bring to prove your worth" shining then looked worried "right well lets get this over with" as he led him inside.

When they reached Hurricane Shining said "master my name is Shining and I wish to be instructed in the way of the sword".

Hurricane then said "Shining that's an unusual name".

Shining then said "oh really in the earth colony's I come from its quite normal".

Hurricane then said "let me guess you've come hundreds of miles from your village were your the best swordsman in town and you think you disserve to learn from the master?"

Shining then said "well I've actually been all over the world and I know one thing for sure I have a lot to learn".

Hurricane then said "your not doing a very good job selling your self".

Then Shining said "I know your butler told me that when I met you I would have to prove my worth but thing is I don't really know if I'm worthy or not".

Hurricane then said "I see well lets find out together how worthy you are I will train you" Then Shining smiled later they were out in the yard of his mansion and Hurricane said "first you must see your weapon as anther part of you body to a normal person the sword becomes a simple weapon but in the right hands it become the most versatile of weapons and just as the imagination is limitless so to are the possibilities of the sword".

Back with Flash he said "so what should we do?"

Twilight the said "Shining was in charge of the schedule so I don't know".

Back with Stygian he was doing pull ups from the top bars of his cell. Back with Shining Hurricane said "a good sword master must keep his mind sharp as well" as he lead Shining to a great place with a water fall "paint this area".

After two hours Shining was done and said "how's this?"

Hurricane then said "well done". Later Hurricane had Shining fight his butler with wooden swords, and then push boulders, then trim a hedge. Later Shining was fighting the butler again and managed to nock the wooden sword out of the butlers hands.

Back with Stygian he was doing push ups while clapping one of the guards heard him and went to see it but just saw him clapping and said "crazy old man" and left.

Back with Flash Twilight said "so where do we go next?"

Flash then said "I don't know Shining's the one who always reads the map".

Hurricane said "you have learned well there is no more for me to teach you, you are ready for a real sword".

Then Shining said "so your going to give me one of yours?"

Hurricane then said "no your sword is an extension of yourself so tomorrow you will make your own sword" Then shining smiled. The next morning Hurricane said "choosing your material is the first important step in sword making you must trust your skill with life choose carefully".

Shining then looked through the material then got an idea and said "master would it be alright to got out and find the right material for my sword?"

Hurricane then said "I wouldn't have it any other way".

Later Shining was back with the others and said "guys I need your help with something" as he lead them to the meteor.

Back with Stygian he was siting on the floor of his cell then started to do push ups with his feet in the air. Back with Flash and friends they were pushing the meteor to the mansion when they got there Hurricane came out and said "whos this"?

Shining then said "oh these are my friends other good earth kingdom folks master do you think we can make a sword out of a meteor?"

Hurricane took a look at the meteor and then said "hmm you will make a sword like no other". Later Shining was shoveling coal onto the fire while the butler brought over a hammer and hit the meteor but it was so strong it wouldn't brake it took a few hours but they eventually broke off enough of it to make a sword they put the pieces in a fire proof bucket and placed it in the fire, Shining was pumping the fire to make it stronger the next morning they pulled the bucket out of the fire and pored the liquid metal into the mold after n hour Hurricane then stared to hammer it on an anvil then cool it in a barrel of water then sharpen it. Hurricane then said "Shining when you first arrived you were unsure you even doubted yourself but I saw something in you right away I saw a heart as strong as a lion turtle and twice as big and as we trained it wasn't your skills that impressed me no it was your creativity" As he handed shining the sword he made with a scabbard "These are the traits that define you".

Shining then said "I'm sorry master your wrong I am not worthy I'm not who you think I am I am not earth kingdom I am southern water tribe I lied so I could learn swordsmanship from you I'm sorry".

Hurricane then said "I'm sorry too" as he pulled out his sword and attacked.

The others then tried to help Shining but he then said "no this is my battle alone".

Back with Stygian a guard brought him food and said "you used to be our top general the pride of the earth kingdom and look at you now" as he dropped the tray of food Stygian then reached out and grabbed the apple then after the guard left Stygian got up and untied his sash reveling his muscles then as he ate the apple he was doing one armed pull ups.

Back with Shining he and Hurricane were going at it Hurricane then said "excellent using your agility battling an older opponent smart" then Shining got up on a ledge "Excellent use of terrain using the high ground" pushed Shining back and chased after him threw bamboo, Shining pulled bamboo trees over to wake him but he cut threw them and said "yes use your surroundings make them fight for you". He then chased Shining back to the field and Shining then nocked dust into his eyes blocking his vision "cleaver strategy" then turned his head to listen, Shining tried to sneak away but he stepped on a twig and Hurricane heard it then went over and nocked the sword out of Shining's hand his friends then ran over to try and help but Hurricane then said "stop excellent work Shining" then his butler then threw the scabbard for his sword and Hurricane held up his sword were the scabbard went on it "I'm a little to old to be fighting the avatar".

Flash then said "how did you know it was me?"

Hurricane then said "I've been around seen some things of course I knew from the beginning that Shining was water tribe" then got a cloth to clean the dust off his eyes "Next time you want to pretend to be an earth kingdom citizen you might want to use a different name try Lee its quite common".

Twilight then said "But why would you train someone from the water tribe".

Hurricane then said "the way of the sword doesn't belong to anyone nation the way of arts belongs to all" he the handed Shining's Sword to him and said "Shining keep practicing and you will become a great swordsman maybe even better than me".

Shining nodded later they were heading out when the butler called out to them "wait the master wants you to have this as a reminder" as he handed him a little bag then went back.

Shining open the bag and Twilight asked What is it?"

Shining then said "its a pai sho tile white lotus".

Flash then remembered Meadowbrook but didn't say anything about it he just said "well no time to dwell on that lets get moving".


Author's Note:

Well thats that but still more to go please leave you thoughts in the coments but for now ghost out.