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The Avatar and the Earth king

While Flash was sleeping he saw Rock hoof who said "Flash it's time you learned about earth king Sombra you need to understand how the war began if you want to know why meet me on my home island on the day of the summer solstice".

Over with Timber he was sleeping when woke to a noise outside he went to see but only found a note he read it aloud "you need to know the story of your great grandfathers demise it will reveal your own destiny".

The next morning with Flash and friends they had arrived at the island Back with Timber he was looking at the panting of earth king Sombra when Gloriosa walked by and Timber said "hey I need to ask you something what do you remember about our great grandfathers history?"

Gloriosa then said "Timber something strange going on with you earth king Sombra began the war of course he spent his early years preparing for it he was as patient as he was cleaver he famously waited for the comet later renamed Sombra's comet and used it to begin his full scale invasion on the world in the end he died a very old and successful man".

Back with Flash he was meditating on a rock and met up with Rock hoof. Back with Timber he was lying on his bed and looked at the scroll then threw it on a lantern saying "what dose it mean?" then on the light more text appeared and he read it aloud "the earth sages key to history in the catacombs". he then then went there and snuck his way in and found the scrolls.

Back with Flash he meet with Rock hoof who said "come Flash".

Flash then asked "were are we going?"

Rock hoof then said "to visit my past our shared past".

Back with Timber he was reading the scroll it spoke of Sombra practicing earth bending with Rock hoof Back with Flash Rock hoof was showing him the same thing and Flash said "you were friends with earth king Sombra?"

Rock hoof then said "back then he was prince Sombra and he was my best friend".

In the Flashback Rock hoof saw a beautiful woman and couldn't take his eyes off of her and Sombra said "say something to he".

Rock hoof tried but couldn't the Rock hoof showing Flash then said "time flies when your young".

Flash then said "you don't have to tell me".

Rock hoof then said "Don't worry it gets better now come with me".

Later in the Flashback they were at a party and Flash asked "wait who's party is this?"

Rock hoof then said "Sombra and I shared many things including a birthday".

In the flashback the girl Rock hoof saw earlier was at the party and looked at him with a smile then Elders walked in and Sombra asked "did something happen to my father?"

One of the elders then said "no prince Sombra we are not here for you we're here to announce the identity of the next avatar" then there where whispers in the crowd "it is our honor to serve you avatar Rock hoof".

Much later Rock hoof had to leave in order to master the other elements then Sombra walked in and said "hey why aren't you packed yet avatar?"

Rock hoof then said "I started packing but then the elders told me I wont need worldly possessions any more".

Sombra then said "oh".

Then Rock hoof said "its coming so fast everything is going to be different now".

Sombra then took off his broach and gave it to him "Here I hope your at least allowed to have his".

Rock hoof then said "but this is a royal artifact only to be worn by the crown prince".

Sombra then said "I want you to have it".

Rock hoof then put it on then they shook hands. Later Flash said "hey were almost at the northern fire city".

Rock hoof then said "this was my first stop on my journey its where I was trained to master fire bending and also were I meet an old friend of yours Smart cookie".

Flash then said "no way I can't believe you were friends with Smart cookie like I was".

Rock hoof then said "some friendships grow strong they can even transcend life times" then they moved on "after my years mastering fire bending I traveled to the northern water tribe to master water bending it was challenging but In time I mastered it as well" then they jumped again "I moved on to the air nation my air bending master said I'm compromising stubborn blunt but he was a life long friend" They moved on again "It was bitter work but the results were worth it".

Back with Timber he was still reading his great grandfathers notes and they said "it was twelve years before I saw Rock hoof again by then he was a full fledge avatar and I had changed as well".

Back in the flashback Rock hoof said "Sombra or should I say earth king".

Sombra then said "customary that my subjects bow before entering" Rock hoof looked stunned but then he said "but your the exception" then they hugged.

Rock hoof then told Flash "after all these years he was still my best friend and a few months later he was my best man" In the flashback Rock hoof was getting married.

Flash then said "Rock hoof its that girl that didn't know you".

Rock hoof then said "yes I was persistent when love is real it finds a way and if being the avatar doesn't help your chances with the ladies I don't know what will".

In Sombra's mind "on the wedding day Rock hoof looked at a brighter tomorrow but me I had my own visions".

Sombra Pulled Rock hoof over for a talk and he asked "what's on your mind?"

Sombra then said "I've been thinking about the state of the world lately".

Rock hoof then said "Sombra its my wedding have some cake dance with someone lighten up".

Then Sombra said "I know I know but just hear me out right form the start I was destine to be earth king and although we didn't know it you were destine to be the avatar its an amazing stroke of fate that we know each other so well isn't it together we could do anything".

Rock hoof then said "ya we could".

Sombra then said "our kingdom is enjoying an unprecedented time of piece and wealth the people are happy were so fortunate in so many ways".

Then Rock hoof asked "where are you going with this?"

Sombra then said "I've been thinking we should share this prosperity with the rest of the world in our hands is the most successful empire in history its time we expanded it".

Rock hoof then said "no the four nations are meant to be just that four".

Then Sombra said "Rock hoof you haven't even stopped to consider the possibilities".

Rock hoof then said "there are no possibilities this is the last I want to hear about this" Then walked away.

The Spirit Rock hoof then said to Flash "that was my first big test as the avatar unfortunately it was many years before I learned that Sombra had gone ahead with his plan despite my warning".

The flashback Rock hoof then went to Canterlot and found an earth flag were the air one should be he then went up to the palace to find Sombra there and Rock hoof said "I see the colony Sombra how dare you occupy air nation territory".

Sombra then said "how dare you a native of the earth kingdom addressing your king like this your loyalty is to our nation first anything less makes you a trader".

Rock hoof then said "don't do this Sombra don't challenge me it will only end badly" Sombra didn't say anything "its over" Rock hoof then turned around to leave but Sombra then got up and threw a boulder at him which he then busted then went into the avatar state and air bent Sombra onto his back Then said "I'm sparing you Sombra I'm letting you go in the name of our past friendship but I worn you even a single step out of line will result in your permeant end".

Sombra nodded and Rock hoof flew away then The spirit Rock hoof said to Flash "Sombra and I didn't speak or see each other for twenty five years after our battle I spent most of my spare time here at my home".

In the flashback the volcano started to erupt Rock hoof then got his wife and child out of there and they made it to the boats but Rock hoof stayed to stop the volcano In Sombra's scroll it said "Rock hoof's island was a mile away but I could still feel it rumbling and see the black smoke I had never seen anything like this catastrophe".

On the Island Rock hoof was doing everything he could to stop it but couldn't Then went into the avatar state but it was still to much but then Sombra appeared and said "need a hand there's not a moment to waste" they tried.

Rock hoof was lying on the ground out of the avatar state and said "Sombra please".

Sombra then said "with you out of the way my plans are suddenly set in stone" then left.

Rock hoof then died from the toxic gas the volcano spat out. Then there was a vision of a new born and Flash asked "who is... wait that's me isn't it".

Rock hoof then said "yes Flash soon you will bring peace and restore balance to the world".

Back with Timber he was reading the last scroll and it said "with Rock hoof gone and the great comet returning the timing was perfect to change the world I knew the next avatar would be born to the fire nation so I wiped out the entire fire nation somehow the new avatar escaped me I spent the remainder of my life searching in vain I know he's out there the earth kingdoms greatest threat the last fire bender".

Timber then finished reading and said "that can't be it where's the rest of it" the next morning he went to stygian in his cell and said you sent this didn't you I found the secret history which by the way should be renamed the history most people already know the note said I needed to know about my great grandfathers death but he was still alive in the end".

Stygian then said "no he wasn't".

Timber then said "what are you talking about?"

Then Stygian said you have more than one great grandfather prince Timber Sombra was your fathers grandfather your mothers grand father was avatar Rock hoof".

Timber's eyes widened an he said "why are you telling me this?"

Stygian then said "because understanding the struggle between your two great grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself evil and good are always at war inside you Timber it is your nature your legacy but there is a bright side what happened generations ago can be resolved now by you because of your legacy you alone can cleanse the sins of our fathers and the earth kingdom only you along with all the strife have the power to restore balance to the world" he then moved a brick in the wall and pulled out something then gave it to Timber and said "this is a royal artifact it is to be worn by the crown prince".

Timber looked shocked as he held it. Back with Flash Twilight said "You mean that after all that Rock hoof and Sombra went throw even after Rock hoof showed him mercy he betrayed him like that".

Scootaloo then said "Its like these people are born bad".

Flash then said "no that not it at all I don't think that was the point of what Rock hoof showed me at all".

Shining then asked "then what was the point?"

Flash then said "Rock hoof was just as much Earth kingdom as Sombra was right if anything there story proves that anyone's capable of great good and great evil even the earth king and the earth kingdom have to be treated like there worth giving a chance and I also think it was about friendships".

Rainbow then asked "Do you really think friendships can last more than one life time?"

Flash then said "I guess so".


Author's Note:

Wow thats anther chapter done please leave your thoughts in the coments but for now ghost out.