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Sombra's comet part 1 the Lava lord

Timber had taken everyone to his families old Summer home on Quarts island and he was training Flash in earth bending when they stopped Twilight said "doesn't it seem weird that were hiding from the earth king in his own house?"

Timber then said "I told you my father hasn't come here since our family was actually happy and that was a long time ago its the last place anyone would think to look for us" then turned to flash and said "Rock lift" Flash lifted a large boulder "now kick it" Flash did so.

Later after training for a while Twilight said "who wants a nice cool glass of pineapple juice?"

Flash then said "oh count me in" then went over and got a glass.

Timber then said "you know you really shouldn't be lounging around the house all day" then walked away.

Shining then said "maybe Timbers right laying around the house has made us pretty lazy but I know just the thing to change that beach party". Later Shining, Cadence, Twilight, Rainbow, Scoots, and Flash were all at the beach enjoying them selves Rainbow and Scoots were using light air bending to move sand and make sand castles, Flash was making a sand sculpture of Scale, Cadence was tanning, Twilight was water surfing, and Shining was sculpting some weird looking thing.

Then Timber appeared and was throwing lava at them Flash then said "what are you doing?" as Twilight came to shore.

Timber Then said "teaching you a lesson" as they went up to the house.

Then Twilight stopped him and said "what's wrong with you!?"

Timber Then said "What's Wrong with me? What's wrong with all of you? how can you sit around having beach parties when Sombra's comet is only three days away? Why are you all looking at me like I'm crazy?"

Flash then said "about Sombra's comet I was actually going to wait until after the comet comes to fight the earth king".

Timber then said "after?"

Then Flash said "I'm not ready I'm still a long way from mastering earth bending".

Timber then said "so you all knew Flash was going to wait?"

Shining then said "honestly if Flash fights the earth king now he will lose".

Then Twilight said "the whole point of fighting the earth king before the comet was to stop the earth kingdom from winning the war but they pretty much won win they took Canterlot it can't get any worse".

Timber then said "Your wrong its about to get worse than you can imagine" (flashback) "the day before the blood moon my father asked me to attend an important war meeting it was what I dreamed about and wanted for so long my father had finally excepted me back".

(FLASHBACK)Earth King Glad mane then said "welcome prince Timber we've been waiting for you" Timber then took a seat next to his father "general the report".

The general then said "thank you sir you see Canterlot is still under our control however air bending rebels have prevented us from gaining complete victory of the air nation".

Glad mane then said "what is your recommendation?"

The general then said "our armies are spread to thin once the blood moon is over and the invasion defeated we should transfer more forces to the air nation".

Glad mane then said "prince Timber you lived among the air nation citizens do you think that sending more tropes will stop these rebellions?"

Timber then said "the people of the air nation are quick and light on there feet as long as they have hope they can withstand anything".

Glad mane then said "yes your right we will have to destroy there hope".

Timber then said "well that's not exactly what I..."

Then Gloriosa said "I think you should take there hope and lava melt it into nothing along with the rest of there land".

Glad mane then said "yes your right Gloriosa Sombra's comet is almost here on that day the comet will give us the power of one hundred volcanos no bender will stand a chance".

The general then said "what are you suggesting sir?"

Glad mane then said "when the comet last came my grand father earth king Sombra used its power to wipe out the fire nation now I will use its power to end the air nation permanently from our air ships we will pull lava into there lands that will destroy everything and from the ashes a new world will be born a world in which all the lands are earth kingdom and I am the supreme leader or every thing".

(END FLASHBACK) Timber then said "I wanted to speak out at his horrible plan but I'm ashamed to say I didn't my whole life I struggled to gain my fathers love and expectance but once I had it I realized I lost myself trying to get there I forgot who I was".

Twilight then said "I cant believe this".

Then Shining said "I always knew the earth king was bad but his plan is plan evil".

Flash then said "what am I gonna do?"

Timber then said "I know your scared and I know your not ready to save the world but if you don't defeat the earth king when the comet comes there won't be a world to save".

Flash then said "why didn't you tell me about your dads plan sooner?"

Timber then said "I didn't think I had to I thought you were still going to fight him during the comet no one told me you decided to wait".

Flash then said "this is not good its really bad".

Twilight then said "Flash you don't have to do this alone".

Then Scootaloo said "ya if we all fight the earth king together we can take him down".

Flash then said fighting the earth king is going to be the hardest thing we ever done together but I wouldn't want to do it any other way" Then they group hugged. Later that night Flash was resting when a island appeared in the distance Flash then went to the island in his sleep.

The next morning everyone was getting ready to leave Shining said "I think that's everything".

Rainbow then said "no its not where's Flash?"

They went around the entire island to find him but didn't later they were sitting on the steps and Timber said "we have a real problem here Flash is nowhere to be found and the comet is only two days away" they noticed they were all looking at him "what is it?"

Twilight then said "well your the one who always finds Flash".

Timber thought for a moment and said "I have an idea". Later they were flying to the air nation.

Meanwhile in the earth kingdom Gloriosa was walking with earth king Glad mane and he said "Gloriosa I need you to stay behind".

Gloriosa then said "what?! But it was my idea to melt the air nation".

Glad mane then said "don't be upset after all I want you to be the new leader of the earth kingdom".

Gloriosa then said "me earth queen Gloriosa it does have a nice ring to it but what about you?"

He then said "earth king Glad mane is no more after the world is reborn in lava I will be the supreme ruler of the world from now on I will be known as the lava lord" Then a new flag with a volcano was raised behind him.

Back with the Timber and the others they had arrived at an air nation tavern and Twilight asked "why are we here?"

Timber then said "cloud chaser" as he pointed to her.

Shining then said "oh ya the bounty hunter with the giant mole".

Cadence then said "mole her skin is flawless".

Shining then said "no not that kind of mole she has a giant mole that she rides around on".

Timber then said "yes and that mole is the only animal that can track Flash's scent from anywhere in the world".

They walked over to her and she said "oh grate its prince pouty where's your creepy grandpa?"

Timber then said "he's my uncle and he's not here".

Cloud chaser then said "so what do you want?"

Timber then said "we need your help to find the avatar".

Cloud chaser then said "doesn't sound to fun".

Timber then said "does the end of the world sound like fun".

mean while on the island Flash woke up and said what were am I".


Author's Note:

Finally I got the chapter done what will happen next will see but for now ghost out.