• Published 4th Aug 2019
  • 1,191 Views, 39 Comments

Space Battleship Yamato: Equestria - Izumichan-995

The Mane 6 find and board a alien spaceship. Follow them as they adventure out into the unknown.

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Chapter 9: Returning to Equestria.

All the ponies look on in shock, disbelief, awe, and some in grief. What they see is almost unbelievable. A space station, big as a country, just turned to dust and fire by a 333 meter ship. But the calamity the ponies in the hull see on the monitors is nothing compaired, to the ponies watching on the bridge who saw the entire station get blown to bits. Shining Armor is especially traumatized. An entire country of people, wiped out in the blink of an eye. Celestia stands up and addresses the entire crew over a video com to all of the monitors on the screen.

"Attention, all mares and gentlecolts. What you are witnessing is not a joke. Nor is it a lie. Our test of the Wave-Motion Gun was a success. But one that has caused great damage. Our target was only the military portion of the station. But we destroyed the entire station. Let me assure you all that this was an accident. With this kind of destructive forepower, we must becareful not to do this again."

The ponies mutter with each other. Meanwhile Cadence walks over and pulls Shining Armor away and takes him to their cabin. The ponies on the bridge watch as they leave then Twilight looks back at Celestia.

"What do we do now captain?" Twilight asks.

"We return to Equestria. And then-" Celestia said but is cut off when their coms are jacked again and Emperor Gallixtro appears again but this time on all the monitors on the ship. "You. What do you want? You sent a battlestation against us. Just a small ship. Why? You knew there were civilians and non-combatants on that battlestation didnt you?"

"Do not play a fool. Of course i did." Gallixtro said.

"You purposely sent a battlestation the size of a continent loaded with civilans into battle!?" Celestia said in a rage.

"Civilians are expendable when put to good use. After all its still a success for me. Many of your crew is demoralized. It may have cost me a battlestation. But that was not my best weapon nor was it my most powerful. We will crush you, your planet, and your pitiful ship." Gallixtro said.

"Not if we stop you first." Celestia said. The ponies all over the ship gasp at Celestia's comment.

"Are you saying you want to battle?" Gallixtro said.

"No. Im saying that the ponies of Equestria are declaring war on the Gablion Empire." Celestia stated. The ponies watch in amazemnt as there hasn't been a full war since Sombra took over the Crystal Empire over a millennia ago. But everypony knew the look on Celestias face ment that she was serious. "You made us kill innocent civilians just to demoralize us. Your one of the worst. Worse than King Sombra and Lord Tirek. You want to destroy us just because we succeeded the humans. Then you are a narrow sighted fool. You murderer your own people just to gain a small, insignificant token victory. However, we will fight back! We will gain our freedom from your fear! We will not back down! We will fight you till you surrender! We will hold the line! We will be victorious!" Through her speech, many ponies agree and rise up, inspried by their leader. Gallixtro begin to slowly clap.

"A most enthusiasticly speech. But one with little meaning. You are a fool to believe that a race born from an insignificant race that we crushed before can defeat us is almost a joke. We will defeat you. And when we do, ill enjoy the sights and sound of your planet being blown up and the screams of the few who curse your name during their deaths. I will tell you this now. It will be three months until my fleets are assembled in a way that we can destroy you in the most hummiliating way. Once we do, i will hang your skin on my trophy wall. Shardd of your crystalized planet will make a perfect chandelier in my palace. And your ship will make a fine target practice ship." Gallixtro said.

"Then we will fight back with everything against you." Celestia said with confidence.

"We shall see." Gallixtro said. He then cuts the communications.

Celestias stares at the screen then sighs and lookst at Twilight and the other ponies on the bridge.

"Do you think i made the right choice?" She asked them all. After a brief silence Twilight speaks first.

"Im behind the idea of us going to war. That emperor wants to exterminate our planet just because we have succeeded the humans. We have every right to go to war with him." Twilight answered. The other ponies join in and agree.

"Thank you all." Celestia said. "We will return to Equestria. Regroup and prepare for the Gablion Empire to attack. Once they do, we will counter attack and defeat them."

"Right!" All the ponies said.

"Excellent. Luna, take us home." Celestia stated.

Luna startes the thrusters and takes off. They enter warp and returns to their planet and decends back down and into Horseshoe Bay. They land into the sea and cruise into the bay. Already ponies are along the shore and at the naval base cheering the ship back. As the ship docks at the pier, reporter ponies are struggling to get to the ship, only the naval personel are holding them back. As the ponies disembark the reporters go ballistic, wanting stories and exclusives. Celestia and the other commander ponies move past them and into the base, there they all sit around a table.

"So, we have three months to prepare for the Gablion to attack us. An entire empire worth of ships. And we only have the Yamato." Twilight started. "If i may say, i don't think we stand a chance. Plus theres also the fact that the empire could just bypass us and attack Equestria directly."

"Yes. We have much to think about. One solution is to build more Shock Cannon turrets but make them land base to defend the planet while we take the Yamato straight to the Empires home planet. The issue is we dont know how to build the Shock Cannons." Celestia stated.

"Another Solution is to have Yamato stay in orbit around the planet and defend it while also studying it. The issue is that, again, the Yamato is just one ship against a fleet. If they massed attack us then several ships could easily pass the ship and attack the planet itself." Luna said.

"Not many choices are there. If only we had more information on the enemy and the Yamato." Twilight said sadly. The ponies look down in depression. After a minute the ponies look up as they begin to hear voices from beyond the doors.

"Sir you cant be here. Please leave. I will call security."

"I need to see them. I have terrific news."

"Then please make an appointment. We cant have you- Hey!"

"Sorry! Gotta go!"

They hear the spund of hooves clopping on the floor as the sounds get closer. Suddenly the doors burst open and a male, gray earth pony with glasses, a sweater, frazzled white mane and a atom cutie mark enters the room.

"Princesses! Thank goodness i found you all. I have such great news to tell you!" The pony spouted.

"Yes. Well.....um......that would be great Mister......." Celestia said in confusion.

"Oh. Yes. Sorry. My name is Bill Neigh. Im a physics professor." The pony said.

"Right. Mister Neigh. Well we are in the middle of a meeting and can not be disturbed. So if youd kindly leave." Celestia said.

"I know how the Yamato operates and how to build more." Bill Neigh said in a hurry.

The ponies look at him in disbelief. Just as guards come to remove him Celestia stops them and stands up and walks over.

"How do you know this?" Celestia asked.

"Uhhhh.....hee hee........well.........i uh.......kinda snuck into the cavern were the Yamato was burried." Bill said nervously.

Celestia looks at him in both surprise and anger.

"I had the cavern blocked off and under guard. How in the world did you get past the guards." Celestia said.

"Oh. Well. Its kinda easy when you can disguise yourself as a scientist and have the cutie mark to prove it." He said still nervous. "B-but the main thing is, is that i found another room where the humans left many things about the Yamato. If we can build the industry nesessary to build more ships, then i can help them. We could have a fleet of Yamato's." Bill said getting excited.

After some thought Celestia nodded.

"Show us the way." Celestia commanded

Bill smiled brightly and turned around.

"With much pleasure." Bill said and began to walk away as the other ponies begin to follow him.

They leave the base and takes a airship to the large opening near Canterlot moutain. They arrive just as Luna finishes setting the sun and raising the moon. They exit the airship and look down the hole from which the Yamato had created when it first emerged. Its too dark to see so they all agree to sleep the night and venture to the location in the morning.

After a good nights rest, Celestia raises the sun and lowers the moon, the ponies wake up, eat their breakfast and follow Bill down into the cavern. After about an hour of walking the ponies arrive at the cavern where the Yamato once layed. Where once there was a cavern floor, now just a huge hole in the ground. The ponies look at Bill with disappointment and doubt.

"Soooooooo.........theres this room you found?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well.....over there." Bill said as he points to the other side of the cavern where a cliff ledge. "Here. I know how to get across."

All of a sudden he begins to walk across a ledge alog the caverns wall. The ponies begin to follow him with nervous steps. Slowly but surely the ponies make it to the ledge. As soon as they reach the cliff ledge they loom around but dont see an entrance.

"So? Wheres this room again? I dont see anything but rock." Rainbow Dash said.

Grinning Bill walks over and pushes some stones aside revealing a door.

"It was hidden before the launch. My guess is that if others that are unworthy to crew Yamato were to find the ship, they wouldn't have the plans to make other ships." Bill said conclusively.

"I see that does make sense." Celestia said.

The ponies look around the room. Its completely white with tables all around with papers and data disks on them. The ponies look at them while Bill sets up a huge blueprint on a board.

"Here. See? A diagram of the Yamato. And so many things about her too." Bill said excitedly.

"This is indeed incredible Bill." Celestia said.

"And look here. Notes, schematics, and blueprints of all the ships weaponery and the Wave-Motion Engine." Bill said excitedly.

Celestia, Luna and Twilight walked over and began to examine the documents. Its indeed the schematics and blueprints of the weapons and Wave-Motion Engine. The ponies look over the paperwork.

"Indeed. With these documents we could make new ships and even build planet based weapons to fend off any attacks from the Gablion and any other space faring races." Twilight said.

"Yes. Ingenious. Bill. This is a discovery rivaling that of Yamato herself." Celestia said with a smile. "With this we could defend the planet from the Gablion Empire while we are gone."

"Yes. Thats right. While we are gone defeating the Emperor Gallixtro, we can build fleet of ships or build cannons on land to defend the planet." Luna said enthusiasticly.

"Bill Neigh? Im putting you in charge of science Maintenance of all space vessels of Equestria." Celestia said.

"Woah. Wait. Really? Me? In charge of all space vessels?" Bill said amazed.

"Yes. You will be the lead designer, lead foreman, and lead director of any and all projects that are connected with the construction, advancement and maintence of any and all space vessels and weaponery." Celestia said.

"W-wow. Im honored. This is a huge honor. Thank you so much." Bill said as he smiles brightly.

"Indeed. Now, we need you to get to work immediately. A aggressive race called the Gablion Empire wants to destroy our race and planet because we are the successors to the humans. Thus we need to counter-attack them but we cant leave without leaveing Equestria open to attack. We need you to get to work either building ships or building turrets to defend the planet." Celestia said.

"Not to worry Princesses. I uh.....snuck in a day after tou unveiled Yamato. So......ive been studying all the papers since then. I have a good grasp on how to mass produce the weapons to defend our beloved home." Bill said with a look of utmost confidence.

"Then i entrust you to do so. If you pull this off, we all will owe you a great debt of gratitude." Celestia said.

"No worries Princesses. I wont let you down." Bill said.

Celestia smiled. "Good. Now, lets get started."

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Sorry for the long wait. Had a lot to do away from the keyboard and it was hard to come up with a follow up to last chapter. But now its up and hope you all like it.

Comments ( 5 )

Yeah. I know. This was my first story. My 2nd SBY story is a lot better with many improvements.

yo is this story dead or what???

aaawwww....i JUST found this story..and it looks like the story itself might be dead??


THAT WAS AWESOME...cause i DO NOT remember the main wave cannon being THAT powerful.

Come on man don't let this story be dead it's getting really really interesting to read 🤯🤯🤯

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