• Published 4th Aug 2019
  • 1,193 Views, 39 Comments

Space Battleship Yamato: Equestria - Izumichan-995

The Mane 6 find and board a alien spaceship. Follow them as they adventure out into the unknown.

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Chapter 1: The Deep Secret Revealed

Author's Note:

Hi there readers. Welcome to my first ever story. This is my first every fanfic, well writing in general, so if i have any grammical errors or words incorrect i apologize. This story is something that i created after reading other MLP crossover fanfics with Space Battleship Yamato. Hope you like it.

"So.....we are all in agreement then? She....no....they. All six of them are to join us?" One figure said sitting at a round table. Two others sit opposite of her.

"Yes. I agree."

"As do I."

"Then it is settled. If any of you have objections then let herself speak." The others remain silent. "Then we are all in agreement then. From here on out there is no turning back. Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends are to join us." They all lift there wine glasses in agreement. "We shall begin tomorrow."


It is another beautiful day in Ponyville and Princess Twilight Sparkle is enjoying a nice picnic with her friends and, of course, Spike. "Thanks for coming on such short notice girls. I hope i didnt ruin any plans you all made have had." Said Twilight Sparkle. All her friends look over at her and smile.

"Oh. Think nothing of it pumpkin. In fact, i needed the time off. Having to design 10 new brands of clothes is really quite tiring." Said Rarity speaking up first.

"This four apple and hay sandwich you made is absolutely delicious Applejack." Said Fluttershy.

"Why thank you very much Fluttershy. It has 4 kinds of apples with some fresh hay." Applejack responded with a smile and a tip of her hat.

"You know what would be better? A FOUR APPLE AND HAY CUPCAKE! No no. A four apple Cherrychanga. Yes. Thats it!" Cried out Pinkie Pie.

"Are you serious Pinkie? That......actually, that doesnt sound too bad. What is it, like, four kinds of apples mixed into one of your cherrychangas?" Said Rainbow Dash.

"Exactly." Said Pinkie Pie with a smile and a hop.

"Would anypony like some fried Rubies?" Asked Spike as he took the doom off a platter he was holding.

"No thanks Spike. You can have them." The Mane Six said.

Shrugging, Spike sat down and grabbed two of the rubies, one in each claw."Suit yourselves." He begins to shove them into his mouth and eat away. As the other ponies returned to their conversations Spike stopped and covered his mouth and began to retch. The first one to notice was Rarity.

"My goodness. Spikey-Wikey. Are you ok?"

"Maybe you ate too many of those rubies and got a tummy ache." Teased Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie Pie. This isnt helping." Scolded Applejack as she approach the still retching dragon whose face is as red as a beet. "Come on. Its ok. If yu need to.......well......you know. Just go over to those bushes and do it. We promise we wont-" her speech is cut off as she ducks just in time as a spout of green flame comes out of spikes mouth. "WOAH NELLY!"

A pop and a letter comes out and falls into Twilight Sparkles hoof. "A letter? Its from the princess." As she opend the letter every pony, and Spike, gathered around her to get a look.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,
I hope this letter reaches you soon. I have some very important buisness to speak to you and your friends. Please come to Canterlot as soon as you can. I have a train ready to pick you all up at the Ponyville Train Station. Please pack enough clothes to last a long journey as well as any necessities that are needed for your daily routines. I await your arrival.
Your loving former teacher,
Princess Celestia.

"My. Something important to speak to all of us? What could it be?" Asked Rarity looking at the letter then to Twilight. The Purple alicorn rolled up the letter and put it into a pocket of her backpack.

"I dont know Rarity. But if she said its Important then it must be important. Let all head home and pack our bags and meet up at the train station three hours from now."

As the ponies agreed they cleaned up and returned to their respective homes. Twilight and Spike made sure her crystal castle is all cleaned up, Rarity cleared her schedule, Applejack rushed through her chores for the day, Pinkie had to bake the four apple Cherrychangas, Rainbow Dash wrote a quick letter of absence to the Wonderbolts, and Fluttershy found a animal sitter for all her animals. Three hours later everyone but Rarity has shown up.

"Where is Rarity?" Said the concerned Twilight "I said to be here in Three hours. Its three minutes past that time."

"Well. Maybe she lost time." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Or maybe she completely forgot. Right now she might be making a new brand of clothes." Teased Pinkie Pie. This caused Twilight to freak out as she began to run around screaming.

"PINKIE!" Cried out the other ponies. Finally Applejack stopped Twilight and made Twilight look into her eyes.

"Calm down there Sugercube. Your more riled up than cows who just saw a snake. Ahm sure Rarity is on her way now." Said Applejack trying to settle Twilight down.

"But what if Pinkie's right? What if Rarity did forget. What if she really is making a new brand of clothes. What if-"

"What if what?" Twilight stops and turns around. There stood Rarity who looks at Twilight curiously.

"Im sorry i am late. I couldn't find my back up brush so i had to buy a new one on the way here."

"Oh. Phew. You had me worried Rarity."

"I do apologize. Now. Are we all ready?" The royal train pulls up and the doors open for the six young mares. They board and the doors shut automatically and the train pulls away.


A few hours later the Train comes to a stop at the Canterlot Train Station. The doors open the the mares step off the train and heads towards the castle as fast as they can with Spike riding on Twilights back. Once there the guards immediately let them in and are directed to the throne room. Inside Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sit side by side waiting for Twilight. Finally the door swings open and the six mares rush in. They stop and Spike dismounts Twilight. "Princess. We came as fast as we could."

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice." Said the pure white alicorn who gazes down at them with a smile.

"Has something happened? You asked us to pack for a long journey."

"Please. Twilight. I shall explain everything. Follow me. The guards will take care of your belongings as we walk."

The mares glance at each other but obey and set their belongings down just as Celestia and Luna come down from the Throne and walk past them. The mares follow behind them.

As they walk they soon stop and see Princess Mi Amore Cadenza aka Princess Cadence and her Husband Shining Armor, Twilights elder brother, holding their daughter Flurry heart whos asleep.

"Cadence!" Twilight ran over and hugged Cadence then Shining Armor. "What are you two doing here?"

"Same reason you are here."

"You are?" Said Twilight extremly puzzled.

"Indeed. Youll be quite suprised at what your going to see then do." Said Shining Armor. Twilight tilted her head as did the other mares and spike. Celestia softly giggled.

"Now then. Follow me." All the ponies follow Celestia in silence. After navigating the maze that is Canterlot Castle they come to a wall with a single painting.

"You.....wanted to show us a painting Princess?" Twilight Sparkle asked with an extremely puzzled look as do the other ponies present.

"No. Not this. But...something beyond it." Celestia removed the painting using her magic and began to push several of the brick stones in a specific sequence. The young mares watch in amazement as the final brick is pushed and the wall parts revealing a spiraling staircase downwards beneth the castle. "Now. What i want to show you is below. Itll be a little slippery so be careful not to fall down." The mares nod.

As they make their way down normal lighting gives way to hanging lights used in construction zones and mines. The ponies mind their steps as the cold staircase is indeed slippery and cold from water. After what seemed like an eternity, all the ponies finally reached a lift that opens up for them. Just as about they are to enter Celestia turns and looks at them.

"What your about to see is highly classified."

"You mean a super duper secret?!" Pinkie Pie cried out but went meek as the other ponies shot her a glance that told her that this isnt the time.

"No Pinkie. A secret even more secret than that. What im about to show you all, you CAN NOT speak of it until i say so. If you say anything, even if you are all saviors and friends to Princess Twilight, I'll be forced to throw you into the dungeon. Understood?"

The young mares nod and agree. "Good. Now then. Everyone into the lift."

The ponies crowd the lift and Celestia pushs the down button. The lift slowly begins to lower. As it does the lift lowers into a cavern. Hundreds of stalactites hang above them. The cavern is easily thousands of meters long and wide. The young mares look in amazement. They also spy an object on the caverns floor. The lift settles on a ledge about a hundred feet above the caverns floor.

"There is something below. That is what i want to show you all." The young mares walk over and peer over the edge. They all gasp at what they see. Below them, stuck in the cavern's floor, stands a tower. A tower that looks strange. It had a dome top and V-shaped windows. Below the tower are two large rectangular boxs roughly the size of a small house. The boxs have three tubes sticking out of each. A tall rectangular box is behind the tower with what looks like to be 3 atenna behind it.

The ponies gawk at it. Finally it is Twilight Sparkle that breaks the silence.

"Your majesty. Whats. Is that?"

"Well. What do you think it is?" The regal alicorn said with a smirk, toying with the young mares.

"A tower? Maybe for.....geological survey?" Answered Twilight

"I know. A watch tower to help the Wonderbolts coordinate new moves and this is their secret training ground." Said Rainbow Dash with excitement in her voice.

"Maybe its a tower to study new ways to plant plants." Applehjack said scratching her mane.

"M-maybe its a communication tower. To try and talk with animals underground." Fluttershy meekly said.

"I say its a new tower to find jewels for clothings and accessories." Stated Rarity.

"Im with Rarity." Said Spike. The other ponies roll their eyes as Rarity kisses Spikes cheek.

"Well, i say it a cooking tower to make new cakes from new ingredients from down here." Pinkie Pie excitedly said.

"Your all wrong." Said Princess Celestia. The Mane 6 turn around and looks at her. She and Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor have smirks as they know the answer. "Its.........a starship. Although you cant see it now because its buried. It is indeed a starship."

"A.........starship?" They all said at once and look back at it.

"And its name...." Said Celestia as the mares look back at her. ".....is the Yamato."

"Y-Yamato......" The Mane 6 said and they stare back at the tower.