• Published 4th Aug 2019
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Space Battleship Yamato: Equestria - Izumichan-995

The Mane 6 find and board a alien spaceship. Follow them as they adventure out into the unknown.

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Chapter 4: Roles and crew

Blinking, Spike wakes up, yawning and stretching as he rubs his eyes. He feels a draft and looks over and notices Twilight looking out the window with a listless look. To Spike it wasnt too surprising as a just the other day she, her friends, big brother and royal ponies learned the truth about their pony kind in the past. This put many of them on edge as for the first time in all their lives they were shocked beyond words. Spike gets up and walks over to Twilight.

"Hey Twilight. Good morning." Spike said cheerfully. Twilight didn't respond, just kept looking out the window. "Hey. Twilight." Spike puts a hand on her sholder which startiling Twilight causing her to jump and turn around quickly.

"Oh. Oh sweet Celestia. Geez. Spike. You scared the hay put of me." Twilight said panting for breath.

"Sorry about that. You were just in a daze." Spike chuckled. "Are you ok? I know the other day was shocking to you. Well, to everypony. But normally you would have been all over finding put more facts. Instead you've been in a daze."

"...........yeah. yeah im....im alright. Im just thinking is all. To think that all races today once lived in the shadows of the humans. Including us ponies. It....just has my head in the clouds is all."

"Ill say. Its more like your head hit Cloudsdale and then got stuck up there. Maybe i should tell Celestia that were not ready for her gathering today." Spike said.

"No no. Your right. I need to get my head out of the clouds." Twilight said as she got up and begins to walk. Spike sighs and follows her. Together they head to the royal dinning room. Inside they see Rainbow Dash and Rarity sitting there eating their breakfasts. Twilight sits down next to Rainbow Dash and Spike sits next to Rarity.

"Good morning girls. How are you all doing?" Twilight said cheerfully

"Yeah. Morning." Rainbow said with a smile.

"Good moring Twilight. And good morning to you too Spikey-Wikey." Rarity said as she nuzzled Spike. He giggled and blushed. The pony maids serve Twilight her breakfast. As the four of them eat they talk.

"So. What do you think Princess Celestia wants to talk to us about?" Questioned Rainbow Dash.

"I dont know. We'll have to wait and find out." Twilight said with a slight smile. They continue to eat and talk. After they finish they lwave and heads down to the cavern and into the Yamato. They greet the ponies working on the project. They soon get up to the first bridge where Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy are already ther and talking.

"Good morning everypony." The three ponies and dragon say as they enter. The other return and smile.

"So. Everypony is here now. Expect for Celestia." Stated Luna. "I wonder whats taking her so long."

"She might be busy. After what happened the other day i would think theirs alot on everyponies mind." Said Applejack. The room went silent.

"Yeah. Its been on my mind." Cadence said. "So lets talk about it as we wait. This way we can figure everything out." This heightened all of the ponies and dragon present and they all agree. They sit down in a circle. "Alright. First let's bring together what we know."

"Ill start. So to summirize, when the humans were alive they lived along side our earliest ancestors correct?" Twilight stated.

"Correct." Sunburst said. "From what we know about evolution is that every being starts out like any animal. Unable to talk, use tools, and takes commands blindly and lives off blind instincts. Back when the humans ruled Equestria, or what ever they called it back then, we must have lived along side them like that. Reduced to basic insticts."

"Right." Luna continued. "And about ninety seven thousand years ago we began to evolve after the humans destruction. But they left this ship behind for us to find."

"But why for us? Its not like they knew we would come around." Said Applejack. "What if the gryphons or dragons found the ship first?"

"Then they would have taken it." Stated Sunburst.

"But why keep it here? Why not take it to deep space? Or destroy it?" Applejack questioned.

"AJ, whats bothering you?" Asked Twilight.

"Ah just dont like this. Ah feel like we just opened a door the we shouldnt have." Applejack stated. "The humans were destroyed by a alien race. What not to say that same race might return here and find this here ship? They had fleets of ships and we have just this one. Maybe....maybe we shouldn't be here."

This got the other thinking. They look down and thats when the doors to the elevator open.

"Because i think its nesessary." They look up and see Celestia. "Sorry. I over heard everything. I arrived just as you all began to talk about this and I didnt want to barge in. Applejack. I have full confidence in us and this ship. As i told you before, Luna, Cadence, and I didnt come to the conclusion of us boarding and raising the ship with ease. We talked about it for months. We knew that if there were other civilizations out there then they could attack us and easily defeat us. I have the confidence that if we were to run into trouble that we would be able to defeat it together. Like always. After all, you six stopped Nightmare moon. You defeated Chrysalis. You destroyed Sombra. You resealed Discord. You reimprisoned Lord Tirek. You've all done feats that many would concider impossible. I have all the confidence in the world that what were doing is the right course of action."

The ponies look at each other and nod.

"Your right Princess. The ship might not have been made for use but we sure as tartarus will make it ours!" Twilight confidentiality said. "The humans may have built the ship and the humans may not have imagined we take but we are! We will make them proud that a worthy race has come along and succeeded them! Right!?"

"Right!!" Called out all the ponies but Applejack. They look at her as she thinks. Then she gets up and smiles.

"We will succeed where they have failed. I like that idea. Im in." Applejack said with a tilt of her hat. The ponies cheer and embrace.

"Excellent. So. Are we al ready to get this thing started?" Ask Celestia.

"Yeah!" They all cheered and backed up.

"Good. Alright." Celestia said getting a bit more serious. "The reason i called you is to give out your roles. Which department will you be in while aboard the ship."

The ponies nod with nervousness.

"Lets start with Twilight. Please step forward and in front of me." Celestia said. Twilight obeyed and walked up to Celestia. "You are to be the head of the Science and Technology division. You will be the lead scientist pony aboard the vessel. Spike, you are her assistant like always please."

"Thank you princess. I wont let you down." Twilight said confidentially.

"Neither will I." Stated Spike. Smiling Celestia uses her magic and floats a pair of books to them.

"Here. These are manuals of all the equipment they have for the sciene department. If you need anything please put in a requisition form." Celestia said.

"I understand Princess." Twilight and Spike said as they return to their place.

"Next is Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer." Celestia said. Nervously Sunburst walks over, shaking and a bit stiff but Starlight walks over unfazed. "Sunburst. Starlight Glimmer. You two will be in charge of the Sensors division together." Celestia said as she floated 2 manuals to them. The ponies look at her confused.
"I....we dont understand your majesty. Why put two of us in charge of a division?" Asked Sunburst with Starlight nodding.

"Easy. Sunburst, your understand of magic is second to none. You can create spells and help teach spells to other ponies." Celestia said. She then looks at Starlight Glimmer. "And Starlight Glimmer, your one of the best spell casters in all of Equestria. With Starlight Glimmer running the sensors with her magic and even maybe amplifing it, Sunburst can read the sensor readings and make judgements from it. Pairing you two together to run the sensors division together seemed like the best pair to do so."

"I see. Fair enough Princess." They both said. They bowed and returned to position.

"Next is Fluttershy." Celestia said. Fluttershy meekly walks over. "Fluttershy youll be in charge of the medical division. Your care for animals and other ponies is astounding."

"I-i see. I will do my best Princess." Fluttershy said as she takes her manual and returns.

"Next is Applejack." Celestia said as Applejack walks over. "You will be in Engineering. You will maintain the Wave-Motion Engine. I chose you for this position because of your hard work on your farm will come in handy should something happen to the engine."

"Ah understand Princess. Ah'll make sure to keep the engine in tip-top shape." Applejack said proudly as she took her manual under her hoof.

"Thank you Applejack." Celestia said generously. Apple jack returns to her position. "Next is Cadence and Pinkie Pie." Cadence walked over while Pinkie Pie hopped over. "You two have a unique abilities to connect to other ponies and make them happy. Thus you two will form the Moral, Events, and Party division. Your jobs are simple. You are to keep the moral of the crew high and happy as well as plan any celebratory events."

"Thats easy enough." Said Pinkie Pie as she takes her book and balances it on her head.

"It wont be that easy but we'll do our best wont we." Cadence said as she took her own book.

"Yeppie deppie." Said Pinkie Pie as they returned.

"Im sure the crew will be in good hands." Celestia said. "Next is Rarity.

Rarity steps forth. "Im quite nervous. I dont know what services youll need for a clothes designer such as myself."

"Well. Thats rather simple." Celestia said. "You are to lead the Beautification division."

"The Beautification division. I like the sound of that." Rarity said cheerfully.

"You are to keep the ship and its crew in a clean and workable state as well as making the ship more homely as possible. Plus i need you to design the uniforms." Celestia stated.

"I understand. Thank you so much." Rarity happily stated and she walked over to her position.

"Next is Luna." Celestia said. Luna walks over.

"You are to lead the Navigational division as well as my First Mate." Celestia said. The ponies gasp but smile with Luna in shock.

"M-me.....as your First mate?" Luna said completely Shocked.

"Yes. Your a good leader as well. At night you patrol the dream relm and helps ponies sleep better. Im sure they'll feel safe with the both of us making decisions together." Stated Celestia.

"I see. I understand. I accept the position as First mate." Luna said with alot of confidence as she took her manual.

"Thank you Luna." Celestia said as she walks back. "Next is Shining Armor." Shining walks over. "As a royal guard yourself, there is only one position for yourself. The Tactical division. You'll be in charge of the ship during battle. Cannons, torpedos, missiles, shields, everything during a battle."

"Sounds fair to me." Shining Armor said as he took his manual.

"We all will be counting should we need your services." Celstia said.

Shining Armor salutes her. "I will do my best." He returns to his position.

"I have no doubt about it. Finally. Rainbow Dash. Hm?" Celestia looks over and sees Rainbow Dash kind of down. "Is something wrong Rainbow Dash?"

"Oh. Its nothing. Its just........i wanted to fly the ship. It seemed like me." Rainbow Dash said as she floated over.

"Oh Rainbow Dash. I didnt give you the Navigational position because i have a better position for you." Celestia said comforting.

"Yeah?" Said Rainbow Dash skeptically.

"You are to lead the air division." Celestia said proudly. This gets Rainbow Dash's attention. "The humans didnt have wings so they couldn't fly. Thus they constructed machine to fly them. The ones stored on here are the fighting kind. Some of them have weapons on them while others are for transport. Its your job to manage the transport when not in combat. But during combat you will pilot one of the machines and lead the other fliers into combat."

"That........sounds......so........COOL!!!" Shouted Rainbow Dash enthusiastly as she flew up a bit and did a loop.

"Excellent." Celestia said with a smile as she hands Rainbow Dash her manual. Rainbow Dash fliats back to her position with a huge smile on her face.

"Alright everyone. Attention please." Celestia said and everypony and dragon looks at her. "Now that we have all of the roles that are assigned i have a big announcement. In a few days time, about a week from today, i want the ship ready to be launched. All equipment stocked, engines primed, the ship spick and span, food ready, everything ready."

The ponies and dragon gasp a bit but then smile. "We understand Princess.....no, Captain." They all said. Celestia is taken back but smiles.

"Thank you all. We will gather the crew a few days before the launch so they can get settled in. Please dont forget to read the manual." Stated Celestia.

"Aye aye captain!" The ponies and dragon said.

"Thank you all. Now. Lets get to work!" Stated Celestia

"Yeah!" They all yelled enthusiastly. The ponies and dragon leave to read over their manuals and prepare for the big day.

Author's Note:

Welcome to chapter 4. This is easily the hardest chapter to write to date because it was difficult to follow up on last chapter. But i did it. Hope you enjoyed it.