• Published 4th Aug 2019
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Space Battleship Yamato: Equestria - Izumichan-995

The Mane 6 find and board a alien spaceship. Follow them as they adventure out into the unknown.

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Chapter 8: The Battle of Saturn

The ponies stare at the monitor. The alien commander looks back with his Icy stare. Just moments ago the ponies discovered that they aren't alone in this Galaxy but also that the aliens plan on vaporizing them. Of course this did not sit kindly with Captain Celestia. But one question still plagued her mind.

"Why?" Celestia asked. "Why destroy us?"

"We the Gablion Empire rule this galaxy with an iron fist." The alien said. "We have complete and utter control over everything here. The ancient races of Gamillas, Iscandar, Gatlantis, they all understood our power and submitted. And yet. One race tried to fight back. The humans. They fought against us. How easily they were crushed. Yet their legacy still continued on. It was only after we had destroyed them that we found out that they had hid a ship. Yet to hide i on their own world. We never would have guessed. That ship became the basis of all human ship design. Thus as its legacy, we must destroy it."

"They why eradicate us along with it?" Celestia said. "We attacked you out of self defence because you attacked us first. If you just want to destroy the ship then we would gladdy hand it over."

"Fool. Do you think this is just about a piece of metal?" The alien said as he stared down Celestia. "No. This is about the humans legacy. They chose you as their successors. And by unveiling this ship it proves they chose you. You were the seeds that we missed when we uprooted the plant."

"What? No! We were not chosen! We found the ship by accident!" Celestia said.

"A pitiful attempt to lie." The alien said. "Your civilizations may just be starting out, but do not think that you can misdirect my knowledge. The humans chose you equines to take up their mantle the programmed ypur ancestors to find the ship when the time was right. They hid the ship where you could easily find it. I, the great Emperor Gallixtro, shall see to it that you and the humans legacy is eraced. Permanently." The alien cuts off the comms and the ponies look at Celestia who sits back in her chair to think.

"What a fool. We? The seeds of humanities legacy? We stumbled upon this ship by accident. Its impossible." Celestia begins to mutter to herself. Finally Twilight comes over to comfort their leader.

"Princess. We are who we are." Twilight said comforting. "We chose to raise the ship. We did not do it because some ancient race made us do it. No. We did it because we believed that we could learn more from this ship."

"Shes right." The ponies said.

"If we were compelled to awaken this ship, we wouldn't have argued so much about it." Luna said.

"Yeah. And this thing is the coolest. I love it for what it is, not because im lead to believe it because of some ancient magic." Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight. Everypony." Celestia said as she looked around the bridge at all the smiling faces who are with them. Celestia smiles back. Thank you everypony. And your right. We make our own destiny."

"Yeah!!" They all cheer. Just as the cheers die down an alarm goes off on the sensors. Starlight and Sunburst take a look.

"Speaking of which. Long range sensors have just detected a bunch of warships warping into our system. They're now just passing the last planet the humans dubbed Pluto and will he here within the hour. We count at least one hundred ships."

"Well. They said they want a fight, i say we give them a fight. Luna. Take us up to the astroid rings. Shining, prepare the ARGO system. Rainbow Dash, prepare your fighters for anti-ship attacks." Celestia ordered.

Saluting the ponies return to their stations and Rainbow Dash leaves to prepare her Cosmo Zero and inform her squardron. Alarms blare as the ship fully takes off and begins to raise into the sky of Saturn. Mean while metal projectiles are loaded into vents on the upper deck near the comms and sensor atenna behind the smoke stack. As they leave Saturns atmosphere they enter the rings of Saturn.

"Luna. Cut the engines, we'll drift with the debris. Shining, launch the ARGO spikes. Rainbow, launch your fighters." Celestia said.

"Roger." Luna, Rainbow Dash and Shining said together. Luna cuts the engines and begins to float with the astroids. Shining launches the metal projectiles into several astroids. Rainbow and her squadron take off and take positions in the space debris.

"ARGO system deployed." Shining said.

"Very good. Activate the ARGO system and cloak us." Celestia ordered.

"Roger." Shining said, activating the ARGO system. The spikes activate and create a magnetic field that draws in the asteoids near by. They then use the astroids to cover the ship up and hode in the debris looking like a astroid. "ARGO system operating at full capacity captain. We're disguised."

"Excellent. Wait until they near. Applejack, prepare the engines. Keep them at low power for now so they cant detect us. But at a moments notice we need the engines at combat power." Celestia said over the vid comm.

"Roger that. We've lowered engine output to 10%." Applejack said.

"Excellent." Celestia said. She then speaks to the crew with the microphone. "All hands may i have your attention please. Our first contact with an alien race has not gone pleasently. They believe us to be humanities legacy. Thus because they believe that they have decreed that all pony kind is to be eradicated."

Talks of worry begin to shoot about.

"But i will tell you this, my fellow ponies." Celestia continued. "We will NOT lie down for these aliens. We are not some by product of humanities revenge. We are ponies! We are Equestrians! We make our destiny! Our destiny was not chosen by a race one hundred fifty thousand years ago! We make our destiny! We make our fate! We will not just let them trample us! If they want to destroy us then we will meet them head on! We wont surrender! We wont lose! We. Will. Prevail!"

The ship is then filled with cheers and the stomping of hooves. The crew gets ready for a fight. Ponies race to their positions and prepare for an attack.

After several minutes the fleet appears, lead by a large dreadnought battleship. They near Saturn but their sensors dont detect the Yamato.

"Sir. The enemy ship is not appearing on our scanners." The Gablion sensor officer said.

"Then they have fled to their planet. We will move in on Zegata base and secure it for rebuilding." The commander said.

The fleet begins to turn towards saturn. Meanwhile, on the Yamato the crew wait as the ships near. The sound of the sensors are the only sound can be heard as it sends out pings that tell the ponies where the enemy is.

"Enemy ships closing in. At 1:32, 40 degrees up, 75 thousand KM out." Sunburst said.

"Shining. Wait on my signal." Celestia said. Shining nods. The ship goes dead quiet as only sunburst voice and the ping of the sensors are the only noise aboard.

"70TKM............60TKM..........50.............." Sunburst says. Shinings hoof hovers over the ARGO launch button.

"Not yet...." Celestia said causing shining to yank his hoof back.


"Captain?" Twilight said anxiously.

"20......18.....16......14.....12....10." Sunburst said.

"NOW!!" Celestia yelled.

Immediately Shining slams his hoof down on the button and the astroids come apart and form a ring around the ship. At the same time Applejack increases the engine output to 75%. The Gablion fleet is caught off guard. As they panic they begin to crash into each other.

"FIRE!" Celestia ordered.

Shining opens fire with the shock cannons.

"Luna! Forward. Take us into the fleet! Rainbow Dash take off too!" Celstia said.

Luna smiles and puts the thrusters to full and charges the ships. Rainbow Dash and her squadron also ignite their engines and opens fire with missiles and torpedos. As they charge into the fleet shining keeps firing the shock cannons as well as starts firing the missiles from the smoke stack, port and starboard sides and torpedos at the bow. The number of Gablion ships rapidly begin to decrease. The emperor watches on from his throne room on the Gablion planet and snarles as his fleet is widdled down. The Gablion dreadnought moves to intercept, firing it's forward beam cannons. The dreadnought beams bounce off the hull. As the ships near each other on a collison coarse the Yamato's side thrusters engage and move the ship to the side and the hulls scrape each other as they pass by.

"Got you." Celestia said. The Yamato's secondary cannons cannons open fire ballistic shells. The Type-3 shells have long timed fuzes. The cannons keep fireing filling the dreadnought with Type-3 shells. As the ships move away the type-3 shells detonate and destroy the dreadnought. As the Yamato pulls away the Emperor watchs from his throne room. He then orders the second wave to move in. The fleet is soon destroyed with the only damage being the scraping of on the side of the ship. The ponies cheering is cut short as a loud sensor warning is sounded.

"Starlight! Whats is it!?" Celestia said.

"I-i dont understand. Theres something large on the sensors. Bigger. Much bigger than the base we destroyed." Starlight looked at her monitor. "I-incoming!!"

A huge orange beam narrowly misses the Yamato. And the fighter squadron. It impacts a huge astroid in the astroid belt and immediately blows it to dust.

"W-what was.....that?" Celestia said, astonished.

"Captain.........look......" Shining said.

All the ponies look out of the windows. Towering before them is a huge space station like city. A dome like base is used as its foundation. They gawk at it and looks at it.

"What.......is this......thing?" Celestia said.

"Captain. Analysis confirms. This is the thing that fired that beam at us. But........it's huge. As big as Australiponie." Starlight said.

"In......credible........" Celestia said. They watch as the station moves closer.

On the space station the leader clicks his tongue as he sits on his chair and faces a screen. He has a wine glass in one hand and he's holding his pet in the lower arms.

"Missed huh? Bring us in closer. We wont miss this time." He said snarkly.

"Yes Admiral-Governer." A attendant said.

"Orders capatain?" Shining said.

"Right. We can let that thing fire again. I think this is a good time to test fire the Wave-Motion Gun." Celestia said.

The ponies look at her in surprise.

"Are you sure captain?" The ponies said.

"Yes." Celestia said.

"To fire the Wave-Motion Gun we'll have to power down many of the ships systems, including the ships defence system." Shining said.

"I know. Lets get away from the ship. Luna take us away. Rainbow Dash, have your fighters return immediately." Celestia said.

"Roger. Returning." Rainbow Dash said. The fighters speed up and begin to return. One-by-one the fighters return to the ship as Luna begins to steer the ship away. In the engine room ponies evacuate the engine room and Applejack comes up to the bridge and sits at her monitor. Soon all the fighters are aboard and the ship is far away enough that Luna turns the ship around. With the ship lined up with the space station the most of the power is turned off. Celestia gets on the comms.

"Attention. We are about to fire the Wave-Motion Gun. All ponies are to assume shock positions." Celestia said. Alarms begin to blare and the ponies prepare and brace themselves.

At the bow of the ship, the barrel cover opens. And the lights go out as all power is diverted to the Wave-Motion Gun with even the alarm going silent. Every scrape of power goes to the Wave-Motion Gun.

"Navigation. Hand over control to Tactical." Celestia said

"Roger. Handing comtrols over to tactical." Luna said as she lets the steering controls go.

"Assuming ship controls complete." Shining said as a small, pistol like target designator comes up.

"Sunburst. Status of the enemy battle station?" Celestia said.

"Holding position. That super laser must be recharging the entire station." Sunburst said.

"Copy that. Gun calibrated. Ready." Shining stated.

"Prepare the engine. Disconnect it from the thrusters." Celestia said.

"Roger. Preparing Wave-Motion Engine. Disconnected from thrusters confirmed. Pressure increasing." Applejack said.

"Roger. Shining. Remove the safety locks." Celestia ordered.

"Roger. Safety locks disarming." Shining said and tapped a few buttons. In the engine room, four rods retract from the wall infront of the engine. "Target scope: open." A monitor appears infront of target designator, a HUD activates showing the position of the barrel.

"Pressure increasing rapidly. 95%...100%....110%...120%. Maximum pressure in the engine confirmed." Applejack said.

"Command center located. In the middle, up 4 degrees." Starlight said.

"Copy. Readying cannon." Shining said as he pulls back a firing hammer on the pistol. And aims up at the location Starlight specified.

"All crew, prepare to fire. Tint the windows and apply anti-shock/flash goggles." Celestia ordered. The windows tint to a darker color and all the ponies on the bridge put on goggles that darken it even more.

Outside at the muzzle of the gun, a small blue ball of energy begins to form and build power. Its so powerful that the particles being charged can be seen with the naked eye.

"Firing in 20 seconds." Shining stated as he lines up the gun perfectly.

"Beginning countdown to complete Saturation: 10....9....8....7..." Applejack said. Outside, the muzzle keeps building power to the point the blue ball of energy begins to come out of the muzzle itself. "6.....5.....4.....3.....2....1."

"Fire!" Cried celestia.

Shining pulls the trigger and the hammer on the small gun pushes forward while in the engineering room the the Wave-Motion Engine pushes forward hard and connects to the barrel of the gun giving it more power. Intantly the small blue ball of energy expands nearly five times as big then shoot out a huge blue and white beam of energy. It creates a huge flash of light, brighter than lighting itself. As the beam travels towards the battlestation the elections and radiation creates lighting as it moves. To decrease pressure in the gun the Wave-MotionEngine moves back a bit to vent and a large dust cloud sweeps into the engine compartment. The stations govener watches in shock and horror as the beam travels towards the station. The ponies watch as the beam travels and strikes the station and blows the entire station to bits. The fireball that is caused is so large it could engulf an entire ocean. As the flash from the cannon and explosion recends Celestia takes her goggles off and watches with a sad yet cold stare at the dust and fire cloud they have created. Slowly power returns to the ship and monitors come back on. The ponies take off their goggles and watches at the horror they have just unleashed.

"That.....was..........wow........this is incredible! With this weapon that Gablion Empire is as good as dust!" Cried out Rainbow Dash. "We can beat them. No doubt. We just have to-"

"NO!" Celestia said and all the ponies except for Shining looks at her. "Our target was just the military complex. Instead.....we just destroyed an entire continent."

With this revelation Rainbow Dash lands and looks out at the fire and dust storm. Shining himself is particularly tramatized. He watchs as the debris of the station is destroyed in the fire ball. The ponies look out at it as the sweet taste of victory turns to sadness as they come to relize a certain fact: there were more than just military personal on board the station.

Author's Note:

This is undoubtly going to be my favorite chapter. This was a lot of fun to write. Hope you all love it as much as i did.