> Space Battleship Yamato: Equestria > by Izumichan-995 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Deep Secret Revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So.....we are all in agreement then? She....no....they. All six of them are to join us?" One figure said sitting at a round table. Two others sit opposite of her. "Yes. I agree." "As do I." "Then it is settled. If any of you have objections then let herself speak." The others remain silent. "Then we are all in agreement then. From here on out there is no turning back. Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends are to join us." They all lift there wine glasses in agreement. "We shall begin tomorrow." _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ It is another beautiful day in Ponyville and Princess Twilight Sparkle is enjoying a nice picnic with her friends and, of course, Spike. "Thanks for coming on such short notice girls. I hope i didnt ruin any plans you all made have had." Said Twilight Sparkle. All her friends look over at her and smile. "Oh. Think nothing of it pumpkin. In fact, i needed the time off. Having to design 10 new brands of clothes is really quite tiring." Said Rarity speaking up first. "This four apple and hay sandwich you made is absolutely delicious Applejack." Said Fluttershy. "Why thank you very much Fluttershy. It has 4 kinds of apples with some fresh hay." Applejack responded with a smile and a tip of her hat. "You know what would be better? A FOUR APPLE AND HAY CUPCAKE! No no. A four apple Cherrychanga. Yes. Thats it!" Cried out Pinkie Pie. "Are you serious Pinkie? That......actually, that doesnt sound too bad. What is it, like, four kinds of apples mixed into one of your cherrychangas?" Said Rainbow Dash. "Exactly." Said Pinkie Pie with a smile and a hop. "Would anypony like some fried Rubies?" Asked Spike as he took the doom off a platter he was holding. "No thanks Spike. You can have them." The Mane Six said. Shrugging, Spike sat down and grabbed two of the rubies, one in each claw."Suit yourselves." He begins to shove them into his mouth and eat away. As the other ponies returned to their conversations Spike stopped and covered his mouth and began to retch. The first one to notice was Rarity. "My goodness. Spikey-Wikey. Are you ok?" "Maybe you ate too many of those rubies and got a tummy ache." Teased Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie Pie. This isnt helping." Scolded Applejack as she approach the still retching dragon whose face is as red as a beet. "Come on. Its ok. If yu need to.......well......you know. Just go over to those bushes and do it. We promise we wont-" her speech is cut off as she ducks just in time as a spout of green flame comes out of spikes mouth. "WOAH NELLY!" A pop and a letter comes out and falls into Twilight Sparkles hoof. "A letter? Its from the princess." As she opend the letter every pony, and Spike, gathered around her to get a look. Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I hope this letter reaches you soon. I have some very important buisness to speak to you and your friends. Please come to Canterlot as soon as you can. I have a train ready to pick you all up at the Ponyville Train Station. Please pack enough clothes to last a long journey as well as any necessities that are needed for your daily routines. I await your arrival. Your loving former teacher, Princess Celestia. "My. Something important to speak to all of us? What could it be?" Asked Rarity looking at the letter then to Twilight. The Purple alicorn rolled up the letter and put it into a pocket of her backpack. "I dont know Rarity. But if she said its Important then it must be important. Let all head home and pack our bags and meet up at the train station three hours from now." As the ponies agreed they cleaned up and returned to their respective homes. Twilight and Spike made sure her crystal castle is all cleaned up, Rarity cleared her schedule, Applejack rushed through her chores for the day, Pinkie had to bake the four apple Cherrychangas, Rainbow Dash wrote a quick letter of absence to the Wonderbolts, and Fluttershy found a animal sitter for all her animals. Three hours later everyone but Rarity has shown up. "Where is Rarity?" Said the concerned Twilight "I said to be here in Three hours. Its three minutes past that time." "Well. Maybe she lost time." Said Rainbow Dash. "Or maybe she completely forgot. Right now she might be making a new brand of clothes." Teased Pinkie Pie. This caused Twilight to freak out as she began to run around screaming. "PINKIE!" Cried out the other ponies. Finally Applejack stopped Twilight and made Twilight look into her eyes. "Calm down there Sugercube. Your more riled up than cows who just saw a snake. Ahm sure Rarity is on her way now." Said Applejack trying to settle Twilight down. "But what if Pinkie's right? What if Rarity did forget. What if she really is making a new brand of clothes. What if-" "What if what?" Twilight stops and turns around. There stood Rarity who looks at Twilight curiously. "Im sorry i am late. I couldn't find my back up brush so i had to buy a new one on the way here." "Oh. Phew. You had me worried Rarity." "I do apologize. Now. Are we all ready?" The royal train pulls up and the doors open for the six young mares. They board and the doors shut automatically and the train pulls away. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ A few hours later the Train comes to a stop at the Canterlot Train Station. The doors open the the mares step off the train and heads towards the castle as fast as they can with Spike riding on Twilights back. Once there the guards immediately let them in and are directed to the throne room. Inside Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sit side by side waiting for Twilight. Finally the door swings open and the six mares rush in. They stop and Spike dismounts Twilight. "Princess. We came as fast as we could." "Thank you all for coming on such short notice." Said the pure white alicorn who gazes down at them with a smile. "Has something happened? You asked us to pack for a long journey." "Please. Twilight. I shall explain everything. Follow me. The guards will take care of your belongings as we walk." The mares glance at each other but obey and set their belongings down just as Celestia and Luna come down from the Throne and walk past them. The mares follow behind them. As they walk they soon stop and see Princess Mi Amore Cadenza aka Princess Cadence and her Husband Shining Armor, Twilights elder brother, holding their daughter Flurry heart whos asleep. "Cadence!" Twilight ran over and hugged Cadence then Shining Armor. "What are you two doing here?" "Same reason you are here." "You are?" Said Twilight extremly puzzled. "Indeed. Youll be quite suprised at what your going to see then do." Said Shining Armor. Twilight tilted her head as did the other mares and spike. Celestia softly giggled. "Now then. Follow me." All the ponies follow Celestia in silence. After navigating the maze that is Canterlot Castle they come to a wall with a single painting. "You.....wanted to show us a painting Princess?" Twilight Sparkle asked with an extremely puzzled look as do the other ponies present. "No. Not this. But...something beyond it." Celestia removed the painting using her magic and began to push several of the brick stones in a specific sequence. The young mares watch in amazement as the final brick is pushed and the wall parts revealing a spiraling staircase downwards beneth the castle. "Now. What i want to show you is below. Itll be a little slippery so be careful not to fall down." The mares nod. As they make their way down normal lighting gives way to hanging lights used in construction zones and mines. The ponies mind their steps as the cold staircase is indeed slippery and cold from water. After what seemed like an eternity, all the ponies finally reached a lift that opens up for them. Just as about they are to enter Celestia turns and looks at them. "What your about to see is highly classified." "You mean a super duper secret?!" Pinkie Pie cried out but went meek as the other ponies shot her a glance that told her that this isnt the time. "No Pinkie. A secret even more secret than that. What im about to show you all, you CAN NOT speak of it until i say so. If you say anything, even if you are all saviors and friends to Princess Twilight, I'll be forced to throw you into the dungeon. Understood?" The young mares nod and agree. "Good. Now then. Everyone into the lift." The ponies crowd the lift and Celestia pushs the down button. The lift slowly begins to lower. As it does the lift lowers into a cavern. Hundreds of stalactites hang above them. The cavern is easily thousands of meters long and wide. The young mares look in amazement. They also spy an object on the caverns floor. The lift settles on a ledge about a hundred feet above the caverns floor. "There is something below. That is what i want to show you all." The young mares walk over and peer over the edge. They all gasp at what they see. Below them, stuck in the cavern's floor, stands a tower. A tower that looks strange. It had a dome top and V-shaped windows. Below the tower are two large rectangular boxs roughly the size of a small house. The boxs have three tubes sticking out of each. A tall rectangular box is behind the tower with what looks like to be 3 atenna behind it. The ponies gawk at it. Finally it is Twilight Sparkle that breaks the silence. "Your majesty. Whats. Is that?" "Well. What do you think it is?" The regal alicorn said with a smirk, toying with the young mares. "A tower? Maybe for.....geological survey?" Answered Twilight "I know. A watch tower to help the Wonderbolts coordinate new moves and this is their secret training ground." Said Rainbow Dash with excitement in her voice. "Maybe its a tower to study new ways to plant plants." Applehjack said scratching her mane. "M-maybe its a communication tower. To try and talk with animals underground." Fluttershy meekly said. "I say its a new tower to find jewels for clothings and accessories." Stated Rarity. "Im with Rarity." Said Spike. The other ponies roll their eyes as Rarity kisses Spikes cheek. "Well, i say it a cooking tower to make new cakes from new ingredients from down here." Pinkie Pie excitedly said. "Your all wrong." Said Princess Celestia. The Mane 6 turn around and looks at her. She and Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor have smirks as they know the answer. "Its.........a starship. Although you cant see it now because its buried. It is indeed a starship." "A.........starship?" They all said at once and look back at it. "And its name...." Said Celestia as the mares look back at her. ".....is the Yamato." "Y-Yamato......" The Mane 6 said and they stare back at the tower. > Chapter 2: Reigniting the Yamato > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Is this thing really a starship, Princess?" Asked Twilight. "Because ive never heard of a ship designed like this before. It looks like it wouldnt be able to fly." "Looks can be deceiving my star pupil." Celestiea said as she and the others walked up behind the Mane 6. They turn and look at her in confusion. "But you are right about one thing. WE didnt design this ship." They all gasp and look at the Princess of the Sun in complete shock. "Then who did, your Majesty? Was it the Gryphons? Sea Ponies? Dragons?" Rainbow dash began to spurt out. "No. In fact, we just recenly found out who creasted this vessel. And it wasnt anypony or race that we know of." The ponies let out a huge gasp and their jaws drop. "Do you mean......ALIENS BUILT THIS!?" Cried out Rainbow Dash enthusiasticly. "Maybe aliens built it. Or maybe it was a race who came before us. Or maybe the creators used magic to send it here. We have yet to figure it out. But we do know the race who built it. Ill tell you all about the history of how we found it as we walk. Now come." Celestia turned and began to walk down an inclined path along the ledge. The young mares follow her with Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor bringing up the rear. "So.......first off, how did you find such a thing, your majesty?" Rarity stated as they walked down. "Ah. An excellent place to start off." Celestia said with a bit of excitement in her voice. "Hmmmmm......it was about three hundred years ago....or maybe it was two hundred fifty.....no it was definitely three hundred. Yes. It was three hundred years ago, when i ordered more guest quarters to be implemented. We had to dig down to move the dungeon and cellar to make way for the new quarters. As the miners and workers were mining out the moutain they fell through. The young ponies gasped at that. "Y-you mean.....they fell and......died?" Said Twilight, frightened. "What? No no. No one died." Stated Celestia. "They had pegasus and unicorns so they used their magic and flight to save everyone. The young mares sighed with relief. "Dont scare us like that princess." Said Rainbow Dash. "My apologies. I didnt mean to scare you all." Celestia said with a little giggle then continued her story. "The tunnel they were digging gave way to this cavern. As soon as they found the ship i was immediately informed of it and came down to investigate. I too was in amazement at first sight of it. No one had seen such a thing before. I immediately gave a decree that no pone was to talk about the discovery out of fear of panic since back then many ponies were still very spiritual. They may have seen the ship as a monument to something dark, like demons or dark magic." This sent a shiver down the spines of the mares and look at the princess with disturbed looks. "Oh. Dont give me those looks. It was three hundred years ago. Many ponies were still more superstitious back then. Besides, if it was a monument to something evil then i wouldn't have brought you all without the Elements of Harmony." The young ponies think about it and agree and sigh of relief. Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor try to hide their laughter. "Now then. After I made the decree I had the best scientists and researchers begin to study it. It took us about three years just for us to find a way into the ship. When we discovered it wasn't a monument to evil we began to explore the inside. It was incredible at what we found. As we began to research the interior we learned a great many things. Now then. Who can tell me what happened about two hundred thirty five years ago?" "I know. The Industrial Revolution." Stated Twilight. "Excellent and exactly. Yes and does anypony know why we had such a sudden revolution of new industry and technology?" Questioned Celestia, knowing the young mares would never guess correct. The Mane 6 think long and hard but come up blank. "We dont know, your majesty." Said Twilight. Celestia giggles. "I wouldnt have expected you all to guess correctly. It is because of the Yamato. About fifty years after we gained access to Yamato's interior we had a break through with the new technology we found. New ways to control electricity. New ways to create metals and rare elements. It was such a wealth of knowledge. It was simply incredible. We all owe our advancements in technology to Yamato. Without her we wouldnt have some of the most simpliest of devices such as a microwave, oven or even the sewing machine. It gave us such a wealth of knowledge we owe it everything." They finally reach the caverns floor and the mares look up at the tower. Now that theyre below it it looks a lot bigger than it did above. The mares jaws drop as they look up as the tower, well, towers over them. Rainbow dash flies up and around the structure. She gawks at the structure and looks through one of the windows but cant make out the inside because of the darkness. She flies down and joins with the others. "So, your telling us that everything we have today came from this thing?" Asked Rainbow Dash still skeptical. "Yes Rainbow Dash. Everything. Without Yamato, we probably wouldnt have huge stadiums. Thus the Wonderbolts never would have existed." Celestia said. This completely stunned Rainbow Dash and she gained a new found appreciation for the ship. "But Princess." Twilight asked. Her former teacher turned and looked at her. "Why would you keep it a secret now? And why reveal that secret now?" Surprised but not shocked Celestia smiled. "Yes Twilight. I have a reason for both. Let me answer the former question first as to why i kept it a secret even to this day. And its quiet easy. About a hundred years after we discovered Yamato, we began to reach out and meet new races. Not that we didnt know about them at first. But more along the lines of reaching out to them politically. Gryphons, Yaks, Sea Ponies, we began to negotiate and talk. If i were to make public the existence of the Yamato then the other races would find out about her. Then there would be fighting over her. The technological advances she possesses is unparallel. Second to none. Thus its entierly reasonable that they would want to keep this for themselves. We had to keep her a secret." "I see. That is a reasonable reason to keep her a secret. But why show us now?" Twilight said. "Well, for two reasons. One, after your transformation to a Alicorn, Luna, Cadence and I met to discuss whether or not to include you in the secret of the ship. Well, the answer was simple and easy. We indeed chose to include you on the first day however as to the reason why it took us so long to reveal the Yamato to you is a bit hard. We had to talk and discuss something super important." "And whats that?" Blurted out Rainbow Dash. "It was to discuss the possibility of raising the ship and make her alive again." Stated Celestia with a serious face. The Mane 6 gasp the biggest gasp, bigger than even the gasp they had when they first saw the Yamato. "R-r-raise the ship?" They all stammered. "A-as in.....pull her out and.......let her fly?" "Yes. We believe its 100% possible. It requires a ridiculous amount of power. More power than the three of us could pull off." She said as she looked at Luna and Cadence. "So. Not even three Alicorns could power this ship?" Asked Rainbow Dash abit sad now. "No. We tried. And we couldnt move her at all. We needed more power. And thats where you six come in." Celestia said as she turned back to the six young mares. The Mane 6 stare at each other. "Us? All of us?" They all said. "Yes. And that is what took us so long. Because we believe that if we combine your Elements of Harmony with our regal magic it should be enough to power the ship and get the engine running." Stated Celestia. The young mares look at each other then nod. "We'll try it." Said Twilight. "I bet it'll look so cool as i fly next to it." Rainbow dash said excitedly. "It could provide me with new ideas for a new brand of clothes." Rarity said looking at the tower trying to imagine new clothes. "I-i guess it might be possible to find new animals around the world and help them." Stated Futtershy. "Oh oh. Maybe it can help us develop new party equipment. Aaaaaaand i can throw a cool party for it when it leaves." Pinkie Pie said getting all excited she began to bounce higher. "Well, i guess it might be possible to help with bringing us new plants and farming equipment." Said Applejack but still was a bit skeptical on how this could help anypony. "Good. Now. Let us head to the engine room. The elements of Harmony are located in a a safe there." Celestia said as she turned away and began to lead the young mares. She lead them to a hole down into another cave below the cavern. "This is how we found the entrance to Yamato." "More stairs? How did you find this? More cave ins?" Rainbow Dash snarkly said. "Actually. Yes Rainbow Dash." Celestia said with a smirk as she one uped Rainbow Dash. "Wait. I was just being smart. Your serious?" Rainbow Dash said a bit surprised. "Yes. But again no one got hurt. We found the way in when a unicorn used his magic to scan the ships surroundings and found the way in. Then it took us some time to dig down to the next level. But we did it. And we found.......THIS." They come to the bottom. A ton of laterns make it look like its day down here. But what surprised the young mares is what they see. A saucer like object with wings on it. And a few meters from it a protrusion is sticking out of the ceiling of the cavern. The saucer and protrusion are also painted differently. The top was painted dark grey yet the bottom was painted red. The saucer is also opened up with two staircases connected to it. "This. This is how you got in?" Said Applejack still astonished. "Yes. And it wasnt easy. When we first found it we hard a hard time getting access to it. However, a unicorn, pegasus and earth pony was able to pry it open and unlock the hatch." Celestia said as she walked over. Inside they can hear other ponies talking and some come walking in and out. They bow slightly as they pass the royal ponies and Mane 6. Celestia leads them to the one of the staircases and stands to the side. "Please. Head up. We'll follow after you." Celestia said with a smile. The ponies hesitate a bit but then head up into the ship. The inside is all metal and dull grey. But upon entering the structure it feel like the mares have stepped into a whole new world. Everything looks different yet also familiar. The royal ponies follow them. Celestia smiles. "So, what are your first impressions on being on a alien ship?" Celestia said with a smile. "Well.....its so exciting. To step onto a physical piece of history is incredible." Said Twilight with some excitement in her voice. "Well i think its dull on the inside. These halls could use some colors." Stated Rarity. "Its ok i guess. I think this thing can't go faster than me." Said Rainbow Dash. "Well....its interesting. But i still dont know. It could use something more." Said Applejack still skeptical. "Its exciting. I wonder if we can see other animals." Fluttershy said. "Well i think it's super duper exciting. So exciting i want to through a big party!" Pinkie Pie said enthusiastly. Clestia giggles and comes infront of the mares. "Later Pinkie Pie. For now we need to make our way to the engine room." Nodding the ponies follow Celestia. As they walk to the engine room ponies step aside and greet the ponies as they pass. "Um.....a bit late of a question your majesty." Said Twilight. "But may i ask who these other ponies are?" "Oh. Yes. Of course. I apologize. They are researchers that ive hired and brought in to study the Yamato. We have about three dozen ponies studing the Yamato. They too have sworn an oath to secrecy. But most of the ship remains blocked off. So they study how to open up these areas without damaging the ship while also trying to find out functions and translate the languages. Most of the researchers are stationed in the engine room." "I see." Said Twilight as they pass a unicorn who bows to them. After a bit Celestia opens a door and they enter into a large area. Its pretty open but a large cylinder object sits in the middle of the ship. "This is the engine room." Celestia stated as she steps aside to allow the ponies to walk in. They walk in, single file and look at the engine. "THATS the engine? It doesnt look like an engine at all." Said Rainbow Dash. "Where are the pistons? The cylinders? Where are the axle?" "There arent any Rainbow Dash." Celestia said and the other ponies look at her. "From what we've been able to translate this engine is called the Wave-Motion Engine and it runs on Wave-Motion energy." Only Twilight looks at her in surprise while everyone looks at her confused. "It states that this engine creates Wave-Motion energy to propelle and power the ship." "Whats Wave-Motion energy?" Asked Applejack. "Wave-Motion energy is basically a energy formed from Wave-motion." Everyone looks at Twilight. "Theoretically, wave-motion energy is created when a higher dimension is compacted to a smaller size. The energy that is released from the act of the higher dimension being compacted is Wave-Motion energy. In a way it is a combination of gravitational waves and tachyons. But this is all theories that havent been proven yet. Are you saying the creators have proven these theories?" "That was a lot of egghead stuff Twilight." Said Rainbow Dash still confused. Twilight sighs. "Ok. Think of Wave-Motion energy to be a kind of super energy generated by a worm hole in a way." "Oooooooooohhh.......whats a worm hole?" Rainbow Dash said still highly confused. Groaning Twilight begins to get annoyed. Celestia clears her throat making the Mane Six look at her. "Thank you Twilight. However to start the engine it requires a lot of power. More than Luna, Cadence and I can output. So." Using her magic Celestia floats a safe over and opens it and brings the chest with the Elements of Harmony out and gives each of the Mane Six their appropriate element. "We need you three to assist us. We'll use all our powers to power the engine and hopefully itll be enough to start the engine. Got it?" "Right!" The six mares said. The nine ponies move into position, forming a line along the catwalk the ponies built. It goes Cadence, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Celestia, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and finally Luna. The researchers take position to record, document and analyze the engine. One pegasi points to the middle section between the two flywheels. "Aim here everypony. We calculate this is the best spot." He says then flies to his position. All the scientists give the signal their ready. Other ponies watch from the catwalks. Celsetia puts on a serious face. "Is everypony ready?" Said Celestia with determination. "Right! / Ready! / All good!" The ponies said. "Fire!" With a huge flash of light magic shoots out of the Elements of Harmony while Cadence, Luna and Celestia fire a beam of their magic. It all convenes on the point the pegasi determined. Spike cheeres them on, trying to give them the courage to fight on and keep it up. As they keep pouring on the power the flywheels creak and twitch. The ships own lighting comes on. "We've done it!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. "Not yet! Dont stop! We're not done yet!" Celestia yelled. Nodding Rainbow Dash refocused and continued to pour power on. The flywheels slowly begin to groan as they slowly begin to spin. The scientists watch their monitors closely as bars begin to raise. More and more the flywheels spin. After a while though the ponies begin to tire. "O-ok. Everyone. Thats enough." Celestia tiredly said. The ponies stop fing their beams of magic. Everyone is tired. The flywheels are spinning a bit but soon the groan and slowly come to a stop. The ships lighting also goes out. Feeling defeated the ponies lower their head in sadness and defeat. "All that power. And still it requires more? Maybe.......this is impossible without the creators orignal ways." Celestia said sadly. But the ship wasn't finished. Suddenly with a huge bang, a loud clank, and a long, ear piercing groan the engine room shudders and flywheels come back to life and begin to spin faster and faster. All the ponies look at the engine with hope in their eyes. Soon the flywheels stabilize and the monitors read energy is being produced. The ships own lighting comes on and monitors that were once cold and blank now turn on and began to display information. The scientists begin to cheer. Many hugging each other while others bump hooves. Celestia herself has one of the biggest smiles that anypony has ever seen. Luna and Cadence smile at each other while the Mane Six cheer with the scientists. Celestia stands up at the catwalks edge and speaks using voice amolification magic to speak over the engine and cheering scientists. "Everyone. Good job. Thank you so much for your hard work. Because of all of you the Wave-Motion Engine once again is operating under its own power. Its thanks to Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony for helping us restart the engine." The scientists cheer for all nine ponies with Spike cheering for them too. The ponies smile down and wave their hooves and thank everyone. > Chapter 3: Exploring and History of the Yamato > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blinking a few times, Twilight wakes up and sits up yawning. She rubs her eyes and looks around. Shes in a guest room in Canterlot Castle. A few feet away Spike is asleep in his, ahem, dog bed. She gets up and sits at her mirror and begins to brush her mane. Just a few hours ago she had been celebrating with all her friends, the other three Alicorns princesses, her big brother, and many other scientist ponies. They were celebrating because she, her firends, and the three other princesses restarted the engine onboard a ancient, alien starship called the Yamato. For a few hours after that they had a small celebration. Although Pinkie Pie had wanted to through a huge party, Princess Celestia said no and to hold off until something bigger. After brushing her mane she wakes up Spike. "Hey. Spike. Wake up. Its morning. Time to get up. We got a busy day ahead of us." Spike wakes up and yawns sitting up. "Ok ok. Im up. Good morning Twilight." "Yes. Good Morning Spike." They head off to the royal dinning hall. After being served their breakfast they are told that everyone else is already wide awake. In a small panic Twilight hurridly eats her pancakes and then grabs Spike. She trots a bit fast to where she believes everyone is. Arriving at the same painting had showed her and her friends a day earlier she presses the bricks in the same sequence and hurries down the stone stairs, nearly slipping a few times. She reaches the lift just as it arrives with a scientist pony on it. He bows to her and holds the gate open for her as she steps in and heads down. Upon arriving in the cavern she notices it is much more lively than it was yesterday. She hurries down to the second cavern and onto the ship where she finds Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor and all her friends in the engine room. "Haa. Haa. Haa. Sorry for oversleeping." Twilight said as she gasps for breath. "It's quite alright." Celestia said with a warm smile. "We all had a overly exciting and tiring day yesterday so it's understandable." Celestia walks away and into the monitor room. The Wave-Motion Engine was still running and many ponies are studying it. Twilight looks around then looks at Cadence and Shining Armor. "Where Flurry Heart?" She asks. "Oh. We have some maids taking care of her. I dont think she'd like the noise down here." Answered Cadence. "True. True. Good point." Nodded Twilight. Soon Celestia waves everypony over. All the ponies enter the Monitor room and closes the door, blocking most of the engines noise. "Yes Princess?" "We've discovered something incredible." A scientist pony presses a button and a hologram of the ship appears in the middle of the room, projected by a projector above them. The Yamato looks like a ship but at the aft end, instead of a propeller and rudder like other ocean going vessels, it has a large cone thruster and two smaller thrusters below the main thruster. The ponies stare in amazement, even Luna, Cadence, and Shining armour. "So.......this is what the ship ACTUALLY looks like?" Stated Rainbow Dash. "It looks more like a battleship, than a actual Starship. I was expecting something more angular and scientific like starships in the movies." "I'm sure we all were Rainbow Dash." Celestia answered. "But this is what the ship actually looks like. The full name of the ship, in the creators tongue, is Uchuu Senkan Yamato which roughly translates into Equestrian as Space Battleship Yamato. " "U-u-u-uuuuu-uchuu. S-s-s-s-sem-seeennn.........grrrrr...forget it. Thats quite a mouthful. I think ill just stick with Yamato." Rainbow Dash said. Many of the other agreed. "Yes. Well. This is called a holorgram. A 3D visual representation of the ship. But thats not all." Celestia nodded to the scientist who presses another button and the ship seperates into different parts. The ponies watch in amazement. "Woah. Now Ah have ta admit. Thats is mighty cool." Applejack said with a bit of excitement. "Yeah. Cool. P-princess. What did you do?" Asked Twilight. "Well, all these parts are different sections of the ship. The original users used this hologram to keep an eye on the status of each section it seems. For example." Celestia said and used her hoof to press the engine room section of the hologram. It glows red while the rest stay blue. A tag appears with a line drawn that connects a box to the engine room section. In the box it reads: Wave-Motion Engine room. Status: Active. "This is the engine room. Where we are currently located." "Then what's this?" Rainbow Dash asked as she presses one of the gun turrets. It goes red and the engine room back to blue. A tag connected to the turret pops up showing its name and status. It says: First Shock Cannon Turret. 48 cm caliber positron cannon. Status: Inactive. "Wow. So it really is a cannon turret." The ponies approach and begin to take turns looking at different sections that may intrest them. Finally Celestia has an idea. "Alright everyone. How about we all choose a place we want to visit and then take a tour of the ship together. Our final destination will the the bridge." Celestia said. The ponies agree and begin to choose where they want. Celestia then leads the group as they all visit the sections the ponies chose. They first started with Rainbow Dash and her choice of the fighter launch bay. Inside this section is a large rotating carousel with dozens of stange vehicles on it. The ponies look around in awe especially Rainbow Dash. Next up is Twilight and the Science and Technology Lab. Then Pinkie Pie and the mess hall. Rarity and the Radio Station. Shining Armor and the port missile launchers. Cadence and the crew quarters. Applejack and the Port Observation Dome. Fluttershy and the Medical Bay. Luna and the Automatic Navigation Room. And finally Spike and the second Shock Cannon Turret. Everything amazed the ponies to no end. Everywhere they went it was incredible. They soon made it to the first Bridge of the ship. They entered by using 2 elevators. Its still dark as no pony had been inside the bridge yet. As they approach the consoles in the middle of the room Fluttershy gives out a shriek and hides behind Rainbow Dash. "Woah. What wrong Fluttershy?" Asked Rainbow Dash as she looked at her friend. Flutter shy points to something behind them. They all turn and see a multiple pairs of eyes staring at them. Feeling a bit scared the ponies manage to turnnon the lights to see who it is. As the lights come on they all laugh except for fluttershy whos srill hiding. Finally Twilight comfort her. "Its ok Fluttershy. Its just a painting. Take a look." Twilight said. Fluttershy poke her head put and looks at the painting. It has several stange creatures on it. The Yamato and a planet is in the background. "Oh. Hee hee. Yes. A painting. Of course. Silly me." Fluttershy stood back up and smiles a bit. Twilight lookes at a plaque under the painting and reads it aloud. "Pictured above are five of the original crew that made the One year trip to and from Planet Iscandar. From the left: Lieutenant Commander Shiro Sanada, Lieutenant Commander Hikozaemon Tokugawa, Vice-Admiral Juzo Okita, Lieutenant Susumu Kodai, and Lieutenant Yuki Mori. This painting is dedicated to all those who made the one year journey to and from Iscandar to save Mother Earth." Twilight read. The ponies look at the painting in amazement. "So.....your saying......that these are the creatures that original built and piloted the Yamato?" Said Rainbow Dash. "They look so strange." "Indeed. No horn or even a wing. No mane either. How did these creatures live?" Stated Rarity. "I don't know. But its amazing isn't it. These are the original crew members. I wonder what it was like back then. To live on the Yamato back then." Twilight said with a large smile. "By the way, Twilight." Rainbow Dash said smuggly. "How were you able to read the paintings plaque?" "I studied the language from the translations thus far. I think i got most of it right." Twilight answered back. "Egghead." Rainbow Dash said. Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash with annoyance. "Maybe you should study sometime. You could learn a thing or two about knowledge, musle brain." Twilight said. This annoyed Rainbow dash as she got up in Twilights face. "Who are you calling a muscle brain, egghead!?" Yelled Rainbow dash. Before they can get into a fight Celestia cleared her throat and the two ponies reacted and looked at her. "Come now you two. No need to fight. We are on the verge of a great discovery. Please make up. Both of you have talents of your own. Rainbow Dash, Twilight just likes to study. You know this. No need to call her an egghead. And Twilight, Rainbow may speak before thinking but you dont have to call her a muscle brain." Celestia said. They sigh and nod and apologize to each other. "Im sorry for calling you an egghead." Said Rainbow Dash. "And I'm sorry for calling you a muscle brain." Twilight answered back. They rejoin the other ponies. "So now what your majesty?" Asked Twilight. "Well, the Engine room said this was the First bridge. So i was hoping to find a master control over the ship or a record of the ships logs at the least." Celesstia said. The ponies nod and begin to look around. They check all the monitors on the bridge but with little success. Finally Twilight finds something. "Hey. I found something!" Twilight yelled out. The ponies come over to the captains helm where shes at. "It looks like it maybe the ships logs. But its protected. Hm............i wonder.....it needs a password." "A password? Great. We might as well just be guess passwords." Said Rainbow Dash. "Hmmm........or maybe not." Twilight stated with curiousity. "Say what now." Rainbow Dash said. "Well. There something here. A note from the captain. It says the password is something that we have but not always see. Something that can save but never guarantee. That when darkness falls and everything is lost, this one thing is the light that will shine and lead our way." Twiilight said. "What is this a quiz now?" Rainbow Dash said. "I believe thats an easy answer." Luna said and every pony looks at her. "Its simple. Hope." After some thinking Twilight smiles. "Thats it. Hope. We dont always see it but during dark times we know we have it. And no matter what happens it will always light our way. That is brilliant Princess Luna. How did you know it was so easy?" "Well......." Luna glances at Celestia. "I once was lost in darkness. My jelousy of my sister got the better of me. But. I stil clung onto the hope of one day reunitinfg with my sister." The ponies look at Luna in amazement and then smile with Celestia shedding a tear. She walks over and huge Luna. "Oh sister. Thank goodness that hope shone through. Im glad to have my sister back." Celestia said. They hug for a bit and then break and stand next to each other as Twilight types in the creatures native word for hope. It unlocks and they get everything. Operations manuals, Ships logs and records, and finally books about the former crew and their world. The only problem was that they were in the language of the original creators. With a heavy sigh the ponies look at the books that are unreadable to them. "I guess. We'll have to wait. To translate all of these. Which could take a long time." Celestia said sadly. The other ponies feel down. "Is there any way to speed it up?" Asked Applejack. "I dont think so." Celestia sadly said. This got the ponies down even more. "Maybe i can help." A voice said behind them. All the ponies turn and see both Sunburt and Starlight Glimmer standing next to the elevator. "Sunburst?! Starlight?! What are you two doing here?" Twilight said completely shocked. "Oh. Princess Celestia called for us yesterday." Starlight said as she and sunburst join the other ponies. "We arried early this morning and were amazed to see such a thing." "I invited them as soon as we got the Wave-Motion Engine running. I thought that we may need their help. Im pleased to say that we do." Celsestia said getting her hopes back up. "Leave it to us your majesties." Sunburst confidentiality said with a smile. "To translate all of this will be easy as a children picture book. I hope." "Yeah. You didnt have to add that last bit you know." Said Rainbow Dash. Sunburst gives a slight nervous chuckle. Twilight moves out of their way and Sunburst begins to change all of the material infront of him while Starlight Glimmer helps him. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ A few hours later they finish up. "Alright. Done and done. Ive learned the entire alphebet of the previous creators and can help anypony with translating." Sunburst confidentiality stated. "Thank you so much Sunburt and Starlight Glimmer." Celestia said as the ponies walk over. Twilight takes Sunburst place and looks at the ships record. "This. This is incredible." Twilight said. "What is sugercube?" Asked Applejack. "Well. These records. Its more like a captains log of the ship. It has many of its moments written here. And if im reading this correctly, this is like a super warship." Twilight said. The ponies look at each other in confusion. "What do you mean?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It means that this ship was made to combat even the worst threats even if it has to do it by itself." Twilight said. "So your saying that this ship can pretty much tackle any amount of tasks BY ITSELF?" Question Applejack. "Pretty much, yes. But....darn some of the story is missing." Said Twilight. "Not missing but lost. It appears that its been hundreds of thousands of years since anyone has touched this ship. I believe that some of the story was lost. Shame." Sunburst said. "Well? What does it say now? Please read it to us." Luna said anxiously. "Oo. Story time!? I love story time! Wait! Let me get some popcorn!" Pinkie said excitedly. She runs out of the room and returns within seconds with several buckets of popcorn and cups of soda. "Ok im back!" Sunburst looks at her astonished. "How did you........so fast." "It Pinkie Pie. Just roll with it." Said Rainbow Dash. The other mares nod. "Alright then." Stammered Sunburst still completely astonished. Twilight clear her throat. "So...from what im reading here it goes like this. In the year 2191, the race calling themselves humans, made contact with a extraterrestrial race called Garmillas. But war soon broke out and the humans began to lose rapidly. The Yamato was built by the human as an ark for surviving humans to flee their planet called Earth that had been turned into a uninhabitable planet due to bombardment from the Gamillas weapons. However another extraterrestrial race called the the Iscandarians made contact and said that they had technology to reverse the effects of the bombardment and return Earth to its former state. But Iscandar was too far away thus the leader and one of the last surviving Iscandarians, Queen Starsha, provided Wave-Motion technology to the humans. Thus the ship and its crew took a near one year long, round trip journey to reach the planet of Iscandar and retrieve the Cosmo Reverse System in 2199. They faced hardships along the way including.....wow......a mutiny of extremists. As well as large fleets of Gamillas ships and the Garmillas Leader himself. However in less than one year the ship returned and revived the earth back to original state." "Wow. The ship and her crew acomplished all of that in less than one year? Fascinating." Clestia said. "I must say that is quite a feat." Luna said enthusiasticly. "That.....is.......so.....cool!" Cried out Rainbow Dash. "Wait. Theres two more entries here. The rest are sadly lost." Said Twilight. "Really! Awesome." Rainbow Dash ash said enthusiasticly. "This next entry takes place about three year later. After the defeat of the Garmillas Empire, the Garmillas people reunified under a new flag, made peace with earth and even formed a alliance with the humans. Together they confronted the Gatlantis Empire. While they stopped the first wave it came at a heavy cost." "So thats why the ship is here? It crashed?" Asked Rainbow Dash interrupting Twlight. "No. Just listen. At the time, Yamato was replaced by another kind of starship called the Andromeda. It was supposed to be more powerful than Yamato. However the crew of the Yamato experienced a call from a far away planet to recieve a new power. While originally not allowed to go, the crew stole the Yamato and took the journey by themselves. This was smart as the Gatlantis Empire invades again and begins to destroy the Human-Garmillas fleets. But just as they reach Earth Yamato returns with the new power and destroys the Gatlantis Empire." "Woooooooowwwwwwww.......that was...EPIC." Squealed Rainbow Dash. "I bet that was a huge flank kicking they did. Hee hee." "In a way. Yes. They did lose some of thier crew though." Twilight sadly said. "Oh........." Rainbow Dash calmed down and looked down. "I guess it wasn't all good." "Yeah. Sorry to spoil your enthusiasm Rainbow Dash." Twilight softly said. "Its ok. Whats the last entry." Rainbow Dash asked. "Actually the last entry is about how the ship got here." Twilight answered. The ponies stare deep in thought. "WHAT!?" They all said together and at once in huge surprise. "Yes. Some of it was lost but here is what im getting at." Twilight said as she resumed. "After a unknowingly number of years the humans began to lose in another war. But they believed Yamato to be too old and unfit for duty so they placed it as a reserve ship. However this became their undoing as the new threat kept advancing faster and faster until they reached Earth and began to attack. Knowing full well that the human race was doomed they hid the Yamato. Burying it in hopes that another worthy race would come along and find her and use her to destroy the new threat." Twilight looks up at all the shocked faces. After a moment of silence Rainbow Dash speaks first. "So....what your saying is that the humans hid the ship on their home planet right? THIS ship. The one were in right now?" She said. "Well......yes. This planet was once home to the human race." Answered Twilight. It takes a few minutes for everyone to comprehend what they just heard. "Well......this just changed the entirety of all pony history. " Celestia said still in complete shock. "And your certain this is whats written?" She asked looking at Sunburst. "As far as i know, yes. We translated it as best as we could." Sunburst answered. "Theres a time stamp here. It reads that its been about one hundred fifty nine thousand, seven hundred sixty eight (159,768) years since they buried the ship." Stated Twilight as she looks at the time stamp at the end of the entry. "So this ship has been buried here for over one hundred fifty thousand years? And it still works. Most incredible." Luna said completely flabbergasted. "What i know of our history, written and documented evidence of pony kind began around ninety seven thousand years ago. In other words it was around sixty two thousand, seven hundred sixty eight years since the humans end that we began. Thats not possible as evolution takes a lot longer." Stated Celestia. "Hmmmm.......if i may make a hypothesis here your majesties." Stated Sunburst. "I dont think we evolved ninety seven thousand years ago." "What do you mean?" Celestia asked. "Well, it just a theory on evolution. But i think that our earliest ancestors lived ALONG SIDE the humans. But they evolved first so we couldn't evolve until they were out of the picture." Sunburst stated. Everyone gasps. "D-do you think its possible?" Asked Fluttershy. "Its a possibility. I dont know for sure yet though but i wouldnt count it out." Answered Sunburst. "This completely changes pony kind as we know it." Stated Twilight. After a moment of silence Celestia speaks. "Mention this to no one for now. This is another secret that can not be let out. We're done for the day. Ill take a copy of all these books and look through them my self. The morning after tomorrow, two days from now, everypony gather back in here and well talk more. Thank you all for your hard work." Celestia said. Although she acted like nothing had happened it was clear she was disturbed by what she had just heard. As the ponies break up and go thier seperate ways Rainbow dash catches up to Applejack. "So......what do you think AJ?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "Ah dont know what to think RD. Its.....hard to process what we just heard." Answered Applejack a bit solemn. "Then.........what do you think about all of this?" Rainbow Dash asked akwardly. Applejack look up with a serious face. ".......ah think.......we just opened a door. A door that maybe should have stayed shut for all eternity." > Chapter 4: Roles and crew > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blinking, Spike wakes up, yawning and stretching as he rubs his eyes. He feels a draft and looks over and notices Twilight looking out the window with a listless look. To Spike it wasnt too surprising as a just the other day she, her friends, big brother and royal ponies learned the truth about their pony kind in the past. This put many of them on edge as for the first time in all their lives they were shocked beyond words. Spike gets up and walks over to Twilight. "Hey Twilight. Good morning." Spike said cheerfully. Twilight didn't respond, just kept looking out the window. "Hey. Twilight." Spike puts a hand on her sholder which startiling Twilight causing her to jump and turn around quickly. "Oh. Oh sweet Celestia. Geez. Spike. You scared the hay put of me." Twilight said panting for breath. "Sorry about that. You were just in a daze." Spike chuckled. "Are you ok? I know the other day was shocking to you. Well, to everypony. But normally you would have been all over finding put more facts. Instead you've been in a daze." "...........yeah. yeah im....im alright. Im just thinking is all. To think that all races today once lived in the shadows of the humans. Including us ponies. It....just has my head in the clouds is all." "Ill say. Its more like your head hit Cloudsdale and then got stuck up there. Maybe i should tell Celestia that were not ready for her gathering today." Spike said. "No no. Your right. I need to get my head out of the clouds." Twilight said as she got up and begins to walk. Spike sighs and follows her. Together they head to the royal dinning room. Inside they see Rainbow Dash and Rarity sitting there eating their breakfasts. Twilight sits down next to Rainbow Dash and Spike sits next to Rarity. "Good morning girls. How are you all doing?" Twilight said cheerfully "Yeah. Morning." Rainbow said with a smile. "Good moring Twilight. And good morning to you too Spikey-Wikey." Rarity said as she nuzzled Spike. He giggled and blushed. The pony maids serve Twilight her breakfast. As the four of them eat they talk. "So. What do you think Princess Celestia wants to talk to us about?" Questioned Rainbow Dash. "I dont know. We'll have to wait and find out." Twilight said with a slight smile. They continue to eat and talk. After they finish they lwave and heads down to the cavern and into the Yamato. They greet the ponies working on the project. They soon get up to the first bridge where Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy are already ther and talking. "Good morning everypony." The three ponies and dragon say as they enter. The other return and smile. "So. Everypony is here now. Expect for Celestia." Stated Luna. "I wonder whats taking her so long." "She might be busy. After what happened the other day i would think theirs alot on everyponies mind." Said Applejack. The room went silent. "Yeah. Its been on my mind." Cadence said. "So lets talk about it as we wait. This way we can figure everything out." This heightened all of the ponies and dragon present and they all agree. They sit down in a circle. "Alright. First let's bring together what we know." "Ill start. So to summirize, when the humans were alive they lived along side our earliest ancestors correct?" Twilight stated. "Correct." Sunburst said. "From what we know about evolution is that every being starts out like any animal. Unable to talk, use tools, and takes commands blindly and lives off blind instincts. Back when the humans ruled Equestria, or what ever they called it back then, we must have lived along side them like that. Reduced to basic insticts." "Right." Luna continued. "And about ninety seven thousand years ago we began to evolve after the humans destruction. But they left this ship behind for us to find." "But why for us? Its not like they knew we would come around." Said Applejack. "What if the gryphons or dragons found the ship first?" "Then they would have taken it." Stated Sunburst. "But why keep it here? Why not take it to deep space? Or destroy it?" Applejack questioned. "AJ, whats bothering you?" Asked Twilight. "Ah just dont like this. Ah feel like we just opened a door the we shouldnt have." Applejack stated. "The humans were destroyed by a alien race. What not to say that same race might return here and find this here ship? They had fleets of ships and we have just this one. Maybe....maybe we shouldn't be here." This got the other thinking. They look down and thats when the doors to the elevator open. "Because i think its nesessary." They look up and see Celestia. "Sorry. I over heard everything. I arrived just as you all began to talk about this and I didnt want to barge in. Applejack. I have full confidence in us and this ship. As i told you before, Luna, Cadence, and I didnt come to the conclusion of us boarding and raising the ship with ease. We talked about it for months. We knew that if there were other civilizations out there then they could attack us and easily defeat us. I have the confidence that if we were to run into trouble that we would be able to defeat it together. Like always. After all, you six stopped Nightmare moon. You defeated Chrysalis. You destroyed Sombra. You resealed Discord. You reimprisoned Lord Tirek. You've all done feats that many would concider impossible. I have all the confidence in the world that what were doing is the right course of action." The ponies look at each other and nod. "Your right Princess. The ship might not have been made for use but we sure as tartarus will make it ours!" Twilight confidentiality said. "The humans may have built the ship and the humans may not have imagined we take but we are! We will make them proud that a worthy race has come along and succeeded them! Right!?" "Right!!" Called out all the ponies but Applejack. They look at her as she thinks. Then she gets up and smiles. "We will succeed where they have failed. I like that idea. Im in." Applejack said with a tilt of her hat. The ponies cheer and embrace. "Excellent. So. Are we al ready to get this thing started?" Ask Celestia. "Yeah!" They all cheered and backed up. "Good. Alright." Celestia said getting a bit more serious. "The reason i called you is to give out your roles. Which department will you be in while aboard the ship." The ponies nod with nervousness. "Lets start with Twilight. Please step forward and in front of me." Celestia said. Twilight obeyed and walked up to Celestia. "You are to be the head of the Science and Technology division. You will be the lead scientist pony aboard the vessel. Spike, you are her assistant like always please." "Thank you princess. I wont let you down." Twilight said confidentially. "Neither will I." Stated Spike. Smiling Celestia uses her magic and floats a pair of books to them. "Here. These are manuals of all the equipment they have for the sciene department. If you need anything please put in a requisition form." Celestia said. "I understand Princess." Twilight and Spike said as they return to their place. "Next is Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer." Celestia said. Nervously Sunburst walks over, shaking and a bit stiff but Starlight walks over unfazed. "Sunburst. Starlight Glimmer. You two will be in charge of the Sensors division together." Celestia said as she floated 2 manuals to them. The ponies look at her confused. "I....we dont understand your majesty. Why put two of us in charge of a division?" Asked Sunburst with Starlight nodding. "Easy. Sunburst, your understand of magic is second to none. You can create spells and help teach spells to other ponies." Celestia said. She then looks at Starlight Glimmer. "And Starlight Glimmer, your one of the best spell casters in all of Equestria. With Starlight Glimmer running the sensors with her magic and even maybe amplifing it, Sunburst can read the sensor readings and make judgements from it. Pairing you two together to run the sensors division together seemed like the best pair to do so." "I see. Fair enough Princess." They both said. They bowed and returned to position. "Next is Fluttershy." Celestia said. Fluttershy meekly walks over. "Fluttershy youll be in charge of the medical division. Your care for animals and other ponies is astounding." "I-i see. I will do my best Princess." Fluttershy said as she takes her manual and returns. "Next is Applejack." Celestia said as Applejack walks over. "You will be in Engineering. You will maintain the Wave-Motion Engine. I chose you for this position because of your hard work on your farm will come in handy should something happen to the engine." "Ah understand Princess. Ah'll make sure to keep the engine in tip-top shape." Applejack said proudly as she took her manual under her hoof. "Thank you Applejack." Celestia said generously. Apple jack returns to her position. "Next is Cadence and Pinkie Pie." Cadence walked over while Pinkie Pie hopped over. "You two have a unique abilities to connect to other ponies and make them happy. Thus you two will form the Moral, Events, and Party division. Your jobs are simple. You are to keep the moral of the crew high and happy as well as plan any celebratory events." "Thats easy enough." Said Pinkie Pie as she takes her book and balances it on her head. "It wont be that easy but we'll do our best wont we." Cadence said as she took her own book. "Yeppie deppie." Said Pinkie Pie as they returned. "Im sure the crew will be in good hands." Celestia said. "Next is Rarity. Rarity steps forth. "Im quite nervous. I dont know what services youll need for a clothes designer such as myself." "Well. Thats rather simple." Celestia said. "You are to lead the Beautification division." "The Beautification division. I like the sound of that." Rarity said cheerfully. "You are to keep the ship and its crew in a clean and workable state as well as making the ship more homely as possible. Plus i need you to design the uniforms." Celestia stated. "I understand. Thank you so much." Rarity happily stated and she walked over to her position. "Next is Luna." Celestia said. Luna walks over. "You are to lead the Navigational division as well as my First Mate." Celestia said. The ponies gasp but smile with Luna in shock. "M-me.....as your First mate?" Luna said completely Shocked. "Yes. Your a good leader as well. At night you patrol the dream relm and helps ponies sleep better. Im sure they'll feel safe with the both of us making decisions together." Stated Celestia. "I see. I understand. I accept the position as First mate." Luna said with alot of confidence as she took her manual. "Thank you Luna." Celestia said as she walks back. "Next is Shining Armor." Shining walks over. "As a royal guard yourself, there is only one position for yourself. The Tactical division. You'll be in charge of the ship during battle. Cannons, torpedos, missiles, shields, everything during a battle." "Sounds fair to me." Shining Armor said as he took his manual. "We all will be counting should we need your services." Celstia said. Shining Armor salutes her. "I will do my best." He returns to his position. "I have no doubt about it. Finally. Rainbow Dash. Hm?" Celestia looks over and sees Rainbow Dash kind of down. "Is something wrong Rainbow Dash?" "Oh. Its nothing. Its just........i wanted to fly the ship. It seemed like me." Rainbow Dash said as she floated over. "Oh Rainbow Dash. I didnt give you the Navigational position because i have a better position for you." Celestia said comforting. "Yeah?" Said Rainbow Dash skeptically. "You are to lead the air division." Celestia said proudly. This gets Rainbow Dash's attention. "The humans didnt have wings so they couldn't fly. Thus they constructed machine to fly them. The ones stored on here are the fighting kind. Some of them have weapons on them while others are for transport. Its your job to manage the transport when not in combat. But during combat you will pilot one of the machines and lead the other fliers into combat." "That........sounds......so........COOL!!!" Shouted Rainbow Dash enthusiastly as she flew up a bit and did a loop. "Excellent." Celestia said with a smile as she hands Rainbow Dash her manual. Rainbow Dash fliats back to her position with a huge smile on her face. "Alright everyone. Attention please." Celestia said and everypony and dragon looks at her. "Now that we have all of the roles that are assigned i have a big announcement. In a few days time, about a week from today, i want the ship ready to be launched. All equipment stocked, engines primed, the ship spick and span, food ready, everything ready." The ponies and dragon gasp a bit but then smile. "We understand Princess.....no, Captain." They all said. Celestia is taken back but smiles. "Thank you all. We will gather the crew a few days before the launch so they can get settled in. Please dont forget to read the manual." Stated Celestia. "Aye aye captain!" The ponies and dragon said. "Thank you all. Now. Lets get to work!" Stated Celestia "Yeah!" They all yelled enthusiastly. The ponies and dragon leave to read over their manuals and prepare for the big day. > Chapter 5: Crews and Launching > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the sun shining brightly down on the beautiful city of Canterlot, Twilight walks back to her guest room with Spike in tow. They have just returned from picking up some of their items from the Castle of Friendship. Six days have passed since Celestia assigned all the ponies their assigned positions aboard the Yamato. With launching day approaching all the ponies have been memorizing their manuals, fixing equipment, modifing equipment to work with pony anatomy, studying the equipment to see how they work, and finally learning the names and skills of the crew that will be joining them. Twilight and Spike return to their room and get all of thier belongings and heads down to the ship. Today they're moving all of their stuff onto the ship. As they board the ship there are more ponies working on the ship to prepare it for departure. They head to to their sleeping quarters as senior officers get their own quarters. After making everything nice as possible they head to the bridge. On the bridge they find Luna, Shining Armor and Starlight Glimmer at their stations. "Hello everypony." Said Twilight. "Good afternoon Twilight." They said. "Are you ready?" Shining Armor said. "Just about. We just moved everything from the castle onto the ship." Answered Twilight. "What about you BBBFF." "Yes. Well." He clears his throat. "Celestia gave Cadence and I a double room. And we moved everything we need to the room." The others look at him and giggle. "I-it's not funny. It's embarrassing. Well...a bit. But.......you know." Said Shining Armor, blushing hard. "We're sorry Shining Armor." Said Luna. "We werent laughing at you. We just dound it funny that my sister would do such a thing." "Yeah. It is a little silly. Speaking of which where is Captain Celestia?" Asked Twilight. "Oh. Shes up in her quarters." Said Luna. Just then the elevators open and the others come in. "Hey Everypony." Said Applejack. "Hello everypony." Shining Armor, Twilight, Luna, Starlight and Spike said back. "So i guess were all ready then. I mean for the rest of the crew." Said Cadence. "Correct." A voice came from above them. Celestia comes down sitting on her captains chair and looks at everypony. "Tomorrow the crew will assemble and be brought aboard the Yamato. I hope that in three days time we can have everypony trained and ready for launch." "May ah ask a question your majesty?" Said Applejack. "When we launch this here ship, almost everypony in Canterlot and ponyville will see it and Ah'm sure they wont stay quiet about it." "I know Applejack. Thats why after we launch, i plan to show off the ship." Said Celestia as everypony looks at her in shock. "Um.....Sister. What do you mean by showing off the ship?" Asked Luna a bit concerned. "Well, i want to take it and fly it around Equestria. Since the ship has been sitting here for over one hundred fifty thousand years, i think its best to let it fly for a bit. Afterwards we'll let her rest and land her in Horseshoe Bay at Gleaming Wood Naval Base near Baltimare. I want to intoduce everypony to this historic ship." Said Celestia. "Does that sound acceptable to everypony here?" They all agree. "Thank you all." Celestia said. "I hope everypony is ready for tomorrow." "Princess." Twilight said as she step forward. "What will happen to the ship after we land her near Gleaming Wood NB?" "Well, after some rest and the excitement dieing down, I believe that we should take the ship on a galatic cruise of our solar system. We will test everything out there. Warp drive, shock cannons, the Asteroid Ring Generated Offence (ARGO) system and the Wave-Motion Cannon." Celestia stated. "A cruise?" Everypony and deagon present said in shock. "Yes. But dont get me wrong. As i said its just a test. Well take her no father than to the last planet in our solar system and back. Thats all." Celestia said. The others sigh with relief. "What. Did you all think we would take a true adventure to some unknown Galaxy?" Celestia giggles. "A bit." Everypony and Spike said. After a small laugh as they settle down. "Now, as i said before, tomorrow the crew will arrive and they will board the ship to begin thier training." Said Celestia. "I want you all to help them learn everything there needs to know while aboard the ship. Can you all do that?" "Aye Captain!" They all shouted. "Excellent. I have good faith that this ship will be ready to launch in good time. Dismissed." Celestia said. The captains chair rides the rail and takes Celestia back up to her captains quarters. The other ponies leave to get some rest and prepare for tomorrow. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The next day, the cavern below the ship is crammed with ponies. Most of them gawking and talking about the ship and what they just saw as they entered the cavern above them. Others introduce themselves to other ponies, talk about what they're doing here, which division they're in, or what they think is going to happen. After a while a microphone turns on and lights shine down revealing Princess Celestia and the other divisional leads. They are all dressed in the uniforms of their divisions. Each division has a color code: Tatical - Red. Science - Purple. Beautification - Blue. Engineering - Orange. Moral & Events - Pink. Navigational - green. Medical - white with red trim. Flight - gray with yellow trim. Sensors - Yellow. While Celestia wears a Captains jacket similiar to the Royal Equestrian Naval captain coat with some adjustments. Celestia softly taps the microphone to see if it works. The speakers register the taps. Nodding Celestia steps up to the microphone. "Greetings everypony. Welcome to your new posts. I apologize for the sudden summoning letter i sent out and i promise you all that you will be compensated appropriatly but today is a extremly important date. What you saw above is part of a starship built long long ago by a race that once in habitated Equestria. They named it: Yamato. During their downfall they hid this ship away to pass it onto a worthy race. About three hundred years ago we discovered the ship here in this state. Since then we've been working and studying the ship." Celestie says as the ponies look at her shocked and in awe. "Over a week ago Princess Twilight and her friends aided Luna, Priness Cadence and me in restarting the ships engines. Today, the ship sits here ready to launch. But to launch her we need a crew. All of you ponies are that crew. I wont sugercoat it, the work will be hard, and youll be away from your family and friends. But, the pay is good, and you'll be making history. We need you but this is all your choice. If you wish, you can back out you can. It is your choice. If you wish to stay then please line up with your division commander. Thank you all." After some talking and thinking, the ponies begin to line up withe the division commanders. They begin to introduce themselves to their respective commanders. After they recieve their cabin rooms and a pass card. They then begin to board the ship and find their way to their cabins. All of the ponies board the ship and begin to settle in. After a while they head to their posts to learn what their duties are. With bright smiles Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Cadence, Shining Armor, Luna, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst begin to teach them their duties and roles. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Three days pass by in a instant and the crews have grasped their duties and roles to serve the ship. The day has come to launch the ship. All day ponies have been checking everything over, making sure nothing wont break or fall during launch. Once everything was double then tripled checked the ponies report into their division commanders. On the first bridge, reports begin to come in. The division commander assure Captain Celestia. "Tatical division is good." Shining Armor said. "Science and Technology division is locked down and ready." Twilight said assuingly. "All fighters and transports tied down. Were good to go." Said Rainbow Dash. "Wave-Motion Engine is operating at nominal capacity." Said Applejack over a video comm link from the engine room. "The Moral of the crew is good. All party and event supplies are tied down." Cadence and Pinkie Pie said together. "All medical system online and ready to assist if something goes wrong." Fluttershy meekly said. "All sensors are online and ready." Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer said together. "All corridors and stations have been cleaned and are spick and span." Rarity stated. "Navigation is online. We're ready to launch at any time." Luna said. "Copy that." Celestia gets on the comms and talks over the loudspeaker. "All hands prepare for lift off." The alarms begin to blare as ponies rush to their respective positions. "Applejack. Bring the engine up to power. We need it at full power to launch." Celestia ordered. "Aye aye." Applejack said. She and the other engineering ponies pull on levers and push buttons as they increase the engines power. "Wave-Motion Engine power increasing. 75%..........80%.........85%...." "Captain. All stations have reported in that all ponies and supplies are in position and ready for launch." Luna said. "Roger. Prime the thrusters. Luna." Ordered Celetia. "Copy." Luna said as she flipped some switches and the thrusters being to ignite. "Energy levels: 100%!" Cried out Applejack as the engines got louder and louder. "Thrusters have begun to engage! We're good to go!" Cried out Luna. "Loosen the ship!" Celestia cried out. Outside the earth shaked and the ground begins to sink as the cavern floor slowly gives way. On monitors all the ponies begin to watch in amazement as the floor sinks and it reveals the ship. "This is......" Rainbow Dash said as she and the others watch out from the bridge. "Yes...........the Yamato." Celestia said. A large ship like frame begins to appear. 2 more main turrets. 2 anchors at the bow. Fighter Catapults are revealed at the stern pointing to the rear. The main and secondary thruster also comes out as it heats up and glows orange. "SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO! LAUNCH!!!" Cried out Celestia. "Space Battleship Yamato. Launch." Repeated Luna. She pulls up on the controls and smaller thrusts ignite under the ship. As the entire 333 meter ship raises up the caver floor fully gives away and falls into the planet. "We have launched captain. Wave-Motion Engine seems stable. Instructions?" Said Luna "The Moutains walls are too thick. We wont be able to break out by ramming. Shining Armor. Prepare to fire the main cannons." Celestia said looking at him. He turns in hin chair to look at her. "Are you sure? Is i miss or something goes wrong, we could collapse the moutain." Shining said. "I know. Starlight, Sunburst. Find a spot for us to blast that wont endager any pony outside of the moutain." Ordered Celestia. They nod and runs a scan on the moutain. "Spot located. Fire at one hundred seventy (170) degrees from north, ten (10) from south at 34 degrees of elevation." Sunburst said. "Are you all sure? Thats pretty close to both ponyville and two sets of railroad tracks." Stated Shining Armor. "Were one hundred percent sure." Starlight and Sunburst said together. "Alright. Turning the ship. Preparing shock cannons." Said Shining Armor. More alarms sound off as ponies in the tatical division arrive at the cannons. Using small side thrusters at the bow and stern, Shining pivot turns the ship as the main and secondary cannons move into position to starboard and raise in elevation. "Position and elevation achieved." "FIRE SHOCK CANNONS!!" Ordered Celestia. "FIRE!!" Shouted Shining Armor. All five cannons fire. In a bright flash, blue and white beams shoots out of all fifteen barrels from the five turrets. Nine large beams and six smaller beams. They strike the wall and keeps going. The beams begin to carve out a tunnel until they burst out of the ground above. The blast from the beams cause a huge dust cloud and gets the attention of every pony. They look at the the bright blue beams that just shot put from the ground. Suddenly the ground begins to rumble and shake. They watch as suddenly a huge ship comes out from the ground at high speeds. It sends large boulders, soil, and dust into the air. The ponies watch as the ship keeps rising into the air. "8000........9000.......10,000 feet achieved. Leveling out. Deploying air stabilizing wings." Stated Luna. The ship levels out and wings deploy on the port and starboard sides of the hull. "Wings deployed and altitude achieved." "Copy that." Celetia said as she picks up the speaker for the ships comms. "Attention all hands. We did it. Space Battleship Yamato has launched." The ship is filled with cheers. "A most spectacular job everypony!" Everypony cheers on the bridge as the Yamato flies off into the distance. > Chapter 6: Yamato and the Public > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Above the lands of Equestria a ship flies above. Not just a ship but a Starship. Just a few hours ago, the ship named Yamato was buried underground by an ancient race. Now its once again soaring above the planet. Since the launch its been parading across all of Equestria. From Manehatten to Los Pegasus. From the Crystal Empire to Appleloosa. The Yamato went everywhere and where it went every pony would gasp and watch it in awe. When it passed Cloudsdale many pegasi would fly with it and watch it only to return when they got tired or ventured too far. As the day was ending Luna lowered the sun and rose the moon. "Excellent job. Thank you Luna." Celesstia said. "Take us to Horseshoe Bay." "Roger." Luna said as she accelerates a bit and decends. They soon arrive over Baltimare. Luna takes the ship out to sea a bit but the swings it around and slows down as she decends the ship. "Gently now dear sister. Set her into the sea gently." Celestia said. "I know." Luna said as she slows the Yamato down and gently settles the ship down into the sea. After a huge splash Luna slows it down to a few nautical knots as she traverses the ship towards Horseshoe Bay and Gleeming Wood Naval Base. As they near the bay they see it's blocked by warships who turn their guns on the Yamato. One of them fires a warning shot that whizzes pass the bridge. The lead ship then contacts the Yamato. "This is Vice-Admiral Chester Nimhoof of the Equestrian Naval Defence Force (ENDF) Battleship Trotting Grace. You are an unregistered vessel that has caused damage to Equestria. You have 60 seconds to respond with your name, rank and purpose. If you do not we will fire to kill." The voice said. Immediately answering, Celestia picks up a the microphone. "This is Princess Celestia aboard Space Battleship Yamato. I am transmitting the royal clearence code now." Celestia said as she types a code into her console and sends it. "Code received. Please wait while we verify it. Do not alter your coarse or speed." Nimhoof said. After a few seconds he respond. "Code checks out. The fleet is standing down. Welcome to Gleaming Wood Naval Base your majesty. Quite an entrance you made there your majesty." "Affirmative Vice-Admiral. Thank you for your cooperation. See you pier-side. Over and out." Celestia said as she hangs up the radios microphone. Luna guides the ship towards the bay. The fleet moves and makes a way for the ship. Luna slows the ship down more as they glide into the bay. On the pier ponies are lined up to watch the new and strange ship comes into view. Already news reporters ponies are there to watch. As they near Celestia gets on the ship comms. "Attention. Tatical and Engineering ponies are to report to the top deck to moor the ship alongside the pier." Ponies begin to scramble and get on the top deck. As they near the pier mooring lines are tossed to the ship and the ponies tie the ship along side the pier. Already the reporters are taking pictures of the ship and writing in their notebooks. Bridges are brought over and placed on the ship for ponies to disembark. The ponies watch the door. It opens and the ponies gasp and the cameras go off as the four princesses step out first. They hold up their hoofs to block the bright flashes of the cameras. The reports begin to bombard the princesses with questions. It isnt until Celestia lit her horn up and shot offf a firework kind of magic did the reporters fall silent. "Everyone. Please. I know your all confused and in shock. But tonight is not the night to discuss this. I promise you at Twelve O'clock tomorrow I will hold a press conference on what this ship is, where it came from, everything will be reveled." Celestia said. With that decree the reporters left. Celestia gave a sigh of relief. "Princess. Was that wise to do? Its too soon for a press conference." Twilight said concerned. "I believe so Twilight. The sooner we can get word out about this, the sooner we can leave." Celestia stated. "Very well." Twilight said. They reboard the ship. That night the ponies retire for the night and heads to their cabins with only a few of the ponies staying up to keep an eye on the ship. In the morning Celestia rose the sun and set the moon. As the time approached the ponies began to get ready for the press confrence. A long table with mics is placed on the pier. Stands are also built for the guests. Soon guests begin to arrive. Reporters have their notebooks and cameras at the ready. As soon as twelve O'Clock hits the ships door opens and Celestia and the other divisional commanders step out. Once again the cameras begin to flash. They walk over to the table and sits down. After a bit the cameras settle down and Celestia stands and begins to speak. Reporters record her words. "My fellow earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi. I will now address what you see behind me. What you see is a remnant of a ancient race that inhabited Equestria before us ponies." Celestia said. The reporters listen in shock and awe. Some of them drop their pencils in their shock. "Over one hundred fifty thousand years ago a race called the humans ruled this planet. They built the this ship which they named Yamato. During their downfall the humans buried the Yamato to pass it onto the next worthy race. Three hundred years ago, we stumbled upon the ship under Canterlot Castle. Since then we have been studying the ship. We have learned all matter of new technological advacements. Many of the technology we have today came from the study of Yamato. Over a week ago Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends aided Luna, Priness Cadence and me in restarting the Yamato's engines. We plan on further studying the ship to keep improving our technology. I hope that yesterday, when we burst out of the the moutain yesterday, that no pony was hurt or too disturbed. If so i will compensate you for anything. But from tomorrow we will hold an exhibit of the ship for the public. We will bring many things from inside for the populace to view. Please understand that this ship is a time capsule of information and technology. We wish to use it to improve technology to benefit all of Equestria and beyond." The reporters write everything down. Many of them still stunned and shocked but others still writing everything down. After a while they finish. "We will now begin to answer questions." Stated Celestia. At that moment the reports begin to raise their hooves and shout out questions. For a few hours the reports have nothin but questions. Soon it all ends and the reporters leave. After they doo Vice-Admiral Chester Nimhoof approaches Celestia. "Princess. May I have a word?" He asks. "Yes Vice-Admiral. How may i help you?" Said Celestia. "Its about what you said earlier. The exhibit." Nimhoof said. "While i approve of the idea and fully endorse it, i do not approve of it on being on the bases grounds. Must we open our doors to the public?" "Do not worry Vice-Admiral." Celestia said comforting. "They will only be able to visit the pier, not any of the buildings. They will have a one-way walk to the tents and back. They can only stay in the tent area. Anypony found outsode the area will be punished to the fullest extent of the wall." "I see. Fair enough then princess." Nimhoff said. "Thank you Vice-Admiral." Celestia said with a smile. That night ponies set up a tent with tables inside. In the morning theres a huge line of ponies. The night before, train, hot air ballons, carriages, and airship tickets were sold out within minutes of the news being released. They wait in anticipation. Ponies bring out items from the inside to show off. They gate opens and the ponie come rushing in. So many in fact that the naval personal stationed at the base come out to police and keep the crowd calm. As the crowd goes through they stare in awe of the ship and in amazement of the technology they have brought out of the ship. Celestia and the other division commanders watch in from the bridge. "Do you think this is a good idea Princess?" Twilight asked. "Twilight. You asked me this the other day." Celestia said. "No i mean. Is this a good idea to allow ponies to see all this. This is really advanced stuff they are looking at. Invaluable equipment. Just one of those things can advance technology by decades. I just question if this is a good idea to let civilians to see these technologies out in the open." Twilight said concerned. "I understand your concern Twilight. I really do. But we must reassure the ponies that we plan to use the ship to advance our technological intrests and not to use the ship to attack or dominate. Please. Understand this Twilight." Celestia said. "Yes princess. I understand." Twilight said. "Good. Now lets go down there." Celestia said as she turned and left. As they opened the door the flash of cameras blinded them as a new chapter opens in Equestrian history. > Chapter 7: Exploring the Unknown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its a bright and shiny day at the Gleeming Wood Naval Base. Its been a month since the Yamato revealed itself to the world. Only now has the commotion begun to settle. Since the reveal, press confrence and finally the exhibit ponies from all over Equestria have been visiting to check out the new ship. Now that its settled down a bit, fewer and fewer ponies have been visiting to look at the ship. The day has come. Celestia shuts down the exhibition and returns the base over to Vice-Admiral Chester Nimhoof. As they begin to move stuff in, Celestia and her commanders meet in the Central Operations Center. "Ok Everypony heres the plans." Celestia started off. "I plan to launch the ship in three days. But Luna, Cadence, and I need to speak to our advisors. We'll be gone for a few days then return. Understand?" "Yes Captain." The other ponies said. "Thank you all." Said Celestia. "Now, while were gone, Twilight, you will be in charge and acting captain until we return." "M-me? R-really? Are you sure, princess?" Twilight said. "Yes. Im sure. After all you'll be the only Alicorn princess onboard while we are gone. And i trust you enough that we'll be ready to lauch around the time we return." Celestia stated. "I-i understand then princess. I will do my best." Twilight said. "I have no doubt about it Twilight." Celestia said. "Now after we return we'll be taking the ship out to space but well stay here in our system. First thing were going to test in the warp capabilities of the Wave-Motion Engine." Celstia bring up the solar system on the floor screen below them. It shows thier planet and all the other planets in the solar system. "We will warp to this planet. The humans called it Saturn. Should the jump be successful we will move onto the the weapons test. We've already seen what the shock cannons can do. But we have yet to see what they can fully do when fired at something tougher than dirt. Once we finish with the Shock Cannons, well move onto the ARGO System. Saturn has a ring of space debris surrounding itself so that will be the perfect place to test the ARGO system. Then we'll test the fighters combat efficiency. Lastly after that we'll test the Wave-Motion Gun. Should all tests succeed then we'll return to Equestria. I expect us to be gone for no longer than a day maybe two at most. Is this acceptable to everypony?" "Indeed princess." The ponies said. "Excellent. We'll leave for our kingdoms and return before you all know it." Celestia said as Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor join her and smile at the ponies. They then leave, leaving the Mane Six, Spike, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst in the COC. They look at each other. "Do you really think we can do this? With out the princesses help?" Rarity said worringly. "Come on Rarity." Rainbow Dash said. "We've handled things bigger than us before." "It won't be a walk in the park RD. But she is right Everypony. We will get the ship ready to launch so when the princesses return we can launch the next day." Twilight said. "Right. So what do we need ta do?" Applejack asked. "We'll we have to make sure that we have enough radiation suits, space suits, and enough supplies to last us the testing. When we test the ships systems, especially the warp and Wave-Motion Gun we will equip all the ponies with radiation suits just in case something goes wrong." Twilight said. "Right." The others said. "Rainbow Dash. Make sure to review flight patterns and how to operate the fighters." Twilight said. "Roger." Rainbow Dash said as she left. "Fluttershy, make sure the medical equipment is fully functional before we take off so we can heal anyone that gets injured." Twilight said. "R-right." Fluttershy said as she left. "Pinkie and Rarity, i need you both to work together to make sure the ship is clean and organized." Twilight said. "Understood. / Okie Dokie Lokie." Rarity and Pinkie Pie said as they too leave. "Applejack, i guess it should be obvious but i need the engine at 100% so we can leave push it to its limits and not worry about it blowing back on us." Twilight said. "Dont worry sugercube. Ah'll make sure the engine is 100% go before we leave." Applejack said as she left with a smile. "Finally, Starlight and Sunburst. The sensors need to be at 100% and, if you can, try to upgrade them with magic. Dont want us running into anything." Twilight said. "Roger. We'll do our best." They both said as they left. "Right. Lets get to work." Twilight said as spike nodded and climbed up onto her back and they leave. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Three days pass and soon the Princesses and Shining Armor return. Theyre surprised that the ship is fully equipped, upgraded, and ready to launch. The royal ponies head up to the bridge and find the divisional commanders hard at work. Twilight notices them and smiles. "Captain. We are ready to go on your word." Twilight said confidentially. "I. I can see that. Im impressed." Celestia said as she walks in and to her seat. "We have everything ready and some of it upgraded. We can leave at any moment you want." Twilight said. "I see. Thank you very much. All of you." Celestia said. She then picks up the comms microphone and speaks to the crew. "Attention all crew. With the ship all ready to leave, we will depart tomorrow morning. Once we leave, we will test the warp capabilities of the ship and arrive at a planet the humans called Saturn. From there we will test the combat capabilities of the ship. We should be able to return by tomorrow night or the next morning. Thank you all." She gets off the comms. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the morning, Celestia raises the sun and lowers the moon. Just as the sun is high in the sky the crew is up and ready, all of them super excited. A crowd has gathered on the pier and surrounding woodlands to watch the ship. Personal vessels also come to watch. After the sun is high in the sky, alarms on the ship blare and Celestia returns to her captains chair. The thrusters come to life. The ships horn sounds and the mooring ropes are untied. The ship begins to move away from the pier as ponies cheer and a band plays. "Luna. Take us out. Nice and easy." Celestia ordered. "Roger." Luna said as she steeres the ship away from the pier. Ponies watch in awe as the ship moves from the pier to the mouth of the bay. A few of the ENDF ships escourt her. As the ship nears the mouth luna increases speed. Ponies race along the shore line to keep up with it. As they exit the bay the ponies stop and watch. Luna increases the speed and pulls up on the controls. The ship lifts off and all the ponies cheer and watch in amazement. The ship leaves the sea and keeps climbing higher and higher into the sky. After a while the ship exits the atmosphere and passes the moon. Celestia then gets on the comms. "Congratulations everypony. We've done. We have left out the planet and are now in space." Celestia said proudly. The ponies cheer all over the ship. After a few minutes the ponies settle. "We will now prepare to test the warp capabilities. All ponies please put on radiation suits and prepare to warp. That is all." She puts the microphone down as the ponies get their radiation suits on. Soon reports begin to flow in as all the ponies have their radiation suits on. "Captain. All ponies have reported that they have thier radiation suits on." Luna said. "Copy that." Celestia said. The commanders put their suits on and gets ready as the alarms blare and the ponies begin to get to their positions and applejack heads to the engine room. Once she arrives she gets a video comm link to Celestia. "Engine room is ready Princess. We're all ready." Applejack said over the vid com. "Copy that. Is everypony ready?" Celestia asked her divisional commanders. "Aye Captain." They all said. Celestia then gets on the ship comms. "Attention. We will now be testing the warp capabilities of the ship." Celestia said then puts the microphone down. The alarms get faster. "Increase speed to 33 Space knots. Engine to 99% energy output." "Roger captain. Energy output increasing. 85%.........90%........95%........99%!!" Applejack said "Speed increasing! 20 S-knots........27.........33......" Luna said. Outside the main thruster flames turn from orange to blue. It creates a blueish energy tail behind the ship. "Space-time coordinates achieved. Speed is still increasing. 38......40...." Luna said. As they go faster ripples of light appears in front of them. But with no time to gawk at it the ship goes faster. "Countdown to warp has begun." Sunburst said. "10....9.....8....7.....6....5....4.....3.....2......1...." "WARP!!" Luna shouts and pushes on the steering controls and the engine glows bright as the ship impacts the center of the ripples of light. Just as it does the ship enters into a space-time bubble. Slowly the ship enters the bubble and as soon as the ship is engulfed in the bubble all thats left is the blue energy tail that disappears. Inside the bubble, everything has frozen in time. The ponies are frozen in time. But the ship keeps moving in the bubble as it "drops through" the bubble. It impacts the bubbles "bottom" and exits the bubble. Its coated in ice as it exits the bubble but the ice quickly begins to peel off as it comes out. The ponies blink a bit and then gasp as their over the planet called Saturn in a literal blink of an eye. "W-we're......over.......a different planet!!" They all shout. As they watch the ship begins to decend toward it. "Luna? Whats going on?" Ask Celestia. "I. I dont know. Engine isn't responding." Luna said as she presses and pulls on the steering controls and the acceleration lever. "Energy output is all over the place. 25.....60.....40.....50.......14...." Sunburst said. "Applejack! Whats going on!?" Celestia yells at the vid com. "I dont know! The engine isnt outputing the energy correctly! Were diverting the energy that we can to the sub thrusters!" Applejack yelled and began to press buttons. "Sub-Thrusters online! Deploying stabilizing wings!" Luna cried as she slams a button with her hoof. The stabilizing wings deploy and the sub-thrusters engage. The ship rights itself up yet it keeps decendings into Saturns atmosphere. "Captain!" Starlight said. Celestia looks over. "Sensors have indicated a solid object direcly ahead! But its too big to be another ship. Its Seventy-two thousand kilometers away. Directly ahead. It's coming into view now!" The ponies look out of the window and see a huge land mass. They look at it amazed. "Alright. Luna. Get us to that land mass before we miss it!" "Huh? Ah! R-roger." Luna said as she steered the ship towards the land mass. It gets closer and closer. "Were going to crash!" "All ponies! Assume crash position!" Celestia yelled over the emergency coms. The ponies brace themselves. Luna steeres the ship and it slams into the land masses side and jerks up and then slams down onto the land. The momentum of the ship keeps the ship moving towards the edge of the other side. "Grrrrrrrr.....LUNA! FIRE THE ANCHOR! PORTSIDE!" Celestia shouted out. Obeying the order luna launches the port anchor. The rockets on the anchor propelle it through the air. It slams into the land masses ground and sticks. The chain tightens and yanks the ship. It does a small ninety-five degree turn while also flipping. The ship slams back down and keeps skidding. It finally comes to a stop when it slams into a small hill. All the ponies aboard jerk and some fall and slam into the wall of the ship. Celestia looks up and then around, a bit discombobulated. She shakes it off as the other bridge ponies do the same. "Ugh.....ponies.....condition status." Celestia said. "Im good. Navigation is slightly damaged." Luna said as she sits up and looks at her monitor. "Im good." Sunburst said. "So Am I." Starlight said. "But the sensors are damaged a bit. Well have to manually repair them." "Im ok." Shining Armor said as he shakes his head. "Tatical is good but has little power. The engines have affected the ships cannons. Not much to spare to fire the positron beams." "Im just peachy." Said Rainbow Dash. "Ive ordered my ponies to check the fighters out." "Im good." Twiilight said. "Report saying the sciene facilities are 100%." "I think im good." Fluttershy said. "Medical facilities are good. Im going to head to the facility just in case anypony needs help." "Understood. Please do." Celestia said as Fluttershy left. "Im good. But im going to need a manicure after all that." Rarity said. "Im getting reports of messes all over the ship. Ill have my ponies begin clean up." Rarity said. "Im good." Cadence said exhaustedly. "Im okie dokie too." Pinkie Pie said. "Well help rarity as some of the are party supplies spilled out." "Understood you three. Thank you. Applejack. Status of your division?" Celestia said as she looks at her vid com. "All ponies are accounted for and uninjured. Were examining the Wave-Motion Engine right now. Well get a report to you as soon as possible." Applejack said over the vid com. "Understood. Thank you Applejack." Celestia said. "Now. Where are we?" She said and looks out the window. "Captain." Twilight said. "Upon examination, this land mass doesnt belong here. In fact, it seems as if it was brought here." "Brought here?" Celestia said and looks at Twilight. "Yes captain." Twilight said. "In fact this land mass is huge. About half the size of Equestria." "Incredible." Celestia said. "If i may. I wish to leave the ship and investigate the land mass." Twilight asked. "What? No. Denied. We need you here to help with bringing the ship back to operational status." Celestia said. "Princess." The other ponies said. "We can handle it. I dont think the science can help us. Most of the work is strictly divisional specific." After some thinking celestia sighs and then looks at Twilight. "Very well." Celestia said. "You have permission to take a single team oit to investigate the area." "Oh oh. Thank you princess." Twilight said excitedly. "BUT!!" Celestia said strictly. "Only you and assistant may leave. And you will be escourted by a tatical officer. NO ONE leaves the others visions. And take only samples of peaceful things. No violent or dangerous samples. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!?" "Yes Captain." Twilight said as she leaves. Twilight chooses another pony named Beaker and a tatical division pony named FireSheild. Togther they put on EVA suits and heads out. Using ropes, they lower themselves to the ground. Twilight looks at the soil. Not that different from the soil of Equestria. But the plants all around are strange. Strange looks, strange colors, strange shapes, just strange. As the ponies move into the land mass they take samples as they move. Meanwhile the ponies are busy repairing the Yamato. Despite everything the ship went through, the hull of the ship doesnt even have a scratch. Hours pass and soon Twilight and the other two ponies come to something strange. They stare at a metal door. After some talking they open the door and heads in. Meanwhile on the Yamato, the repairs are nearing completion. The ship is cleaned up, fighters fixed up, ponies healed and mended, navigation ready and sensors nearly up. Only the engine is still confusing the ponies. But soon the sensors come online. "Alright. Sensors are online.......wait......something is wrong....." Starlight said. "What do you mean wrong?" Celestia said worridly. "S-ships! We have ships inbound!" Starlight shouted. "At 12 o'clock!" They look out and a line of ships appears, six ships appear. "I. I dont think their friendly captain." Shining Armor said. Just as he said that one of the ships fires a red beam at them. It just misses the Yamato. The ponies on that are working on the outside hurry inside. "Yeah. Definitely not friendies! Captain! We need to return fire!" Shining said. "Yes! Definitely! Open fire!" Cried Celestia. "Princess!" A voice from the video com came. It was Applejack. "We havent fixed the engine yet!" "But we have eneimies inbound." Celestia said. "We can spare some energy. But you'll only get 3 main turret shots." Applejack said. "Copy. I got a plan." Said Shining Armor. "Then do it. All ponies. We are entering combat status. Assume combat positions." Celestia said over the ships comms. Alarms begin to blare and ponies scramble to combat positions. Tatical ponies enter the turrets to keep an eye on the cannons. Shining Armor begins to program the turrets. The enemy ships begin to split up, three ships on each side. The bow turrets track the port ships while the stern turrets move and track the starboard ships. "The main turrets will fire the positron beams to take put the large ships while the smaller turrets will take put the smaller ships put with ballistic shells." Shining said. As the ships near they keep firing but the shields and hull absorb and deflect the shots. The smaller turrets load Type-3 ballistic shells. Finally one of the main turret fires and three positron beams fly out. They begin to spin and then forms onto one just as it strikes the ship and immediately blows it up. Then the second and third fires and takes out the last two large ships. As the smaller ships turn and begin to retreat the two secondary cannons fire their ballistic shells. All six pierce the ships hull, three shells per ship. The time layed fuzes begin to countdown then explode and rip the ships apart. They crash onto the ground as the last one escapes. "One got away." Shining said. "It matters little right now. We have a team of ponies out there. Get Twilight and her group on the comms now. I want them back ASAP." Celestia said. Nodding Shining tries to get her on the radio. But only gets only static. He looks at Celestia disturbed and worried. Also getting worried Celestia contacts Rainbowdash in the hangar. "Rainbowdash. This is urgent." Celestia said in a near panic. "Send out a transport to find Twilight and her team. We cant get ahold of them." "Roger." Rainbow Dash said. A few minutes later, a transport craft leaves the bottom hangar with a crew of tatical ponies aboard. Meanwhile, inside the facility, Twilight, Beaker, and FireShield are studying the facility. "This is incredible. So much info." Twilight said as she studies a monitor. "Indeed. But.....its strange.......i feel like we're being watch." Beaker said. "It does feel strange.....hmmm.....wait.......this data.....oh no. Watch out!!" Twilight yelled as she pulls Beaker and FireShield away with her magic. Laser bolts impact the floor where they were. Suddenly a large number alien beings. They stood up on two legs. They had four arms and three eyes. Purple scaley skin. And hair on the top of their head. "Very nice." Said one of them. They could speak Equestrian. "However. Now you and your planet will be destroyed." "We wont let you." Twilight said. She and FireSheild use their magic and blasts the aliens away. They then run out as the aliens get up and follow them. As they get out of the facility the transport sees them and flies down. They quickly climb on and the transport flies off just as the aliens come out and opens fire on the transport. It takes scratches but no pony is hurt. The transport retuns to the Yamato and Rainbow Dash greets her friend. "Hey Twilight. What happened out there? The transport is scratch up." Rainbow Dash said. "We were attacked by aliens." Twiilight said. "Ah. You too huh?" Rainbow Dash said. "You guys too? I see." Twilight said. Twilight then gives her samples to Beaker to take back to the labs. Then she and Rainbow head up to the bridge. As soon as she gets up to the bridge all the ponies rush over to her and hugs her. Twilight tells her what the aliens said about destroying their planet. "I see. Then we must prepare ourselves. Starlight, Sunburst where did the the last ship end up?" Celestia said. "It ended up about two hundred kilometers north of us. Then it disappeared." They said together. "It must be underground. Hiding. Like the facility we were in. They must hide all their equipment under ground." Twilight said. "I see. But two hundred kilometers is quiet far. Too far for the cannons to fire." Shining Armor said . "Then lets go after them varmits." A voice came from behind Twilight. The ponies look up and see Applejack. "Reporting in Captain Celestia. The Wave-Motion Engine is 100% functional. It seemed the stress of the warp strained it since it was its first warp in over one hundred fifty thousand years." "I see. Thank you Applejack. Its good to go now?" Celestia said. "Aye captain." Applejack said. "Good. Then heres the plan. Were going to take off and destroy the base with the cannons." Celestia said. "Aye aye." They all said and hurried to their posts. Alarms begin to blare again. "All hands. We are once again entering combat status. Prepare to attack." Celestia said over the comms. Ponies rush to their combat positions. Tactical ponies once again enter the turrets and man the cannons. "Bring the engines up to 60%." Celestia called to the engineering room. "Aye. Engines to 60%" Applehjack said and brought the Wave-Motion Engine output to 60% "Engine output stable." Luna said. "Launch the Yamato! Retract the anchor!" Celestia ordered. "Roger!" Luna said. She launches the Yamato and the anchor retracts from the ground. The Yamato takes off and rises up into the air and begins to approach the base. As soon as their in range they turn to port and the turrets turn to the starboard side. They load the type-3 ballistic shells. They open fire and the shells impact the base and begin to blow up. They dont stop firing until the base is on fire but in the distance the smaller ship has escaped. The Yamato gives chase but soon the ship warps away. "Not good. They'll warn their allies." Celestia said. "They wont. We already know." A voice from a speaker came. Suddenly the large bridge monitor comes to life and a well decorated Alien appears. He has all sorts of medals on his chest and he is well groomed. Despite his well groomed look and upkeep he has a stone cold ice stare. "We are the Gablion Empire. And we will eradicate that eye sore of a ship once and for all. Then we will eradicate all life on your planet." > Chapter 8: The Battle of Saturn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ponies stare at the monitor. The alien commander looks back with his Icy stare. Just moments ago the ponies discovered that they aren't alone in this Galaxy but also that the aliens plan on vaporizing them. Of course this did not sit kindly with Captain Celestia. But one question still plagued her mind. "Why?" Celestia asked. "Why destroy us?" "We the Gablion Empire rule this galaxy with an iron fist." The alien said. "We have complete and utter control over everything here. The ancient races of Gamillas, Iscandar, Gatlantis, they all understood our power and submitted. And yet. One race tried to fight back. The humans. They fought against us. How easily they were crushed. Yet their legacy still continued on. It was only after we had destroyed them that we found out that they had hid a ship. Yet to hide i on their own world. We never would have guessed. That ship became the basis of all human ship design. Thus as its legacy, we must destroy it." "They why eradicate us along with it?" Celestia said. "We attacked you out of self defence because you attacked us first. If you just want to destroy the ship then we would gladdy hand it over." "Fool. Do you think this is just about a piece of metal?" The alien said as he stared down Celestia. "No. This is about the humans legacy. They chose you as their successors. And by unveiling this ship it proves they chose you. You were the seeds that we missed when we uprooted the plant." "What? No! We were not chosen! We found the ship by accident!" Celestia said. "A pitiful attempt to lie." The alien said. "Your civilizations may just be starting out, but do not think that you can misdirect my knowledge. The humans chose you equines to take up their mantle the programmed ypur ancestors to find the ship when the time was right. They hid the ship where you could easily find it. I, the great Emperor Gallixtro, shall see to it that you and the humans legacy is eraced. Permanently." The alien cuts off the comms and the ponies look at Celestia who sits back in her chair to think. "What a fool. We? The seeds of humanities legacy? We stumbled upon this ship by accident. Its impossible." Celestia begins to mutter to herself. Finally Twilight comes over to comfort their leader. "Princess. We are who we are." Twilight said comforting. "We chose to raise the ship. We did not do it because some ancient race made us do it. No. We did it because we believed that we could learn more from this ship." "Shes right." The ponies said. "If we were compelled to awaken this ship, we wouldn't have argued so much about it." Luna said. "Yeah. And this thing is the coolest. I love it for what it is, not because im lead to believe it because of some ancient magic." Rainbow Dash said. Twilight. Everypony." Celestia said as she looked around the bridge at all the smiling faces who are with them. Celestia smiles back. Thank you everypony. And your right. We make our own destiny." "Yeah!!" They all cheer. Just as the cheers die down an alarm goes off on the sensors. Starlight and Sunburst take a look. "Speaking of which. Long range sensors have just detected a bunch of warships warping into our system. They're now just passing the last planet the humans dubbed Pluto and will he here within the hour. We count at least one hundred ships." "Well. They said they want a fight, i say we give them a fight. Luna. Take us up to the astroid rings. Shining, prepare the ARGO system. Rainbow Dash, prepare your fighters for anti-ship attacks." Celestia ordered. Saluting the ponies return to their stations and Rainbow Dash leaves to prepare her Cosmo Zero and inform her squardron. Alarms blare as the ship fully takes off and begins to raise into the sky of Saturn. Mean while metal projectiles are loaded into vents on the upper deck near the comms and sensor atenna behind the smoke stack. As they leave Saturns atmosphere they enter the rings of Saturn. "Luna. Cut the engines, we'll drift with the debris. Shining, launch the ARGO spikes. Rainbow, launch your fighters." Celestia said. "Roger." Luna, Rainbow Dash and Shining said together. Luna cuts the engines and begins to float with the astroids. Shining launches the metal projectiles into several astroids. Rainbow and her squadron take off and take positions in the space debris. "ARGO system deployed." Shining said. "Very good. Activate the ARGO system and cloak us." Celestia ordered. "Roger." Shining said, activating the ARGO system. The spikes activate and create a magnetic field that draws in the asteoids near by. They then use the astroids to cover the ship up and hode in the debris looking like a astroid. "ARGO system operating at full capacity captain. We're disguised." "Excellent. Wait until they near. Applejack, prepare the engines. Keep them at low power for now so they cant detect us. But at a moments notice we need the engines at combat power." Celestia said over the vid comm. "Roger that. We've lowered engine output to 10%." Applejack said. "Excellent." Celestia said. She then speaks to the crew with the microphone. "All hands may i have your attention please. Our first contact with an alien race has not gone pleasently. They believe us to be humanities legacy. Thus because they believe that they have decreed that all pony kind is to be eradicated." Talks of worry begin to shoot about. "But i will tell you this, my fellow ponies." Celestia continued. "We will NOT lie down for these aliens. We are not some by product of humanities revenge. We are ponies! We are Equestrians! We make our destiny! Our destiny was not chosen by a race one hundred fifty thousand years ago! We make our destiny! We make our fate! We will not just let them trample us! If they want to destroy us then we will meet them head on! We wont surrender! We wont lose! We. Will. Prevail!" The ship is then filled with cheers and the stomping of hooves. The crew gets ready for a fight. Ponies race to their positions and prepare for an attack. After several minutes the fleet appears, lead by a large dreadnought battleship. They near Saturn but their sensors dont detect the Yamato. "Sir. The enemy ship is not appearing on our scanners." The Gablion sensor officer said. "Then they have fled to their planet. We will move in on Zegata base and secure it for rebuilding." The commander said. The fleet begins to turn towards saturn. Meanwhile, on the Yamato the crew wait as the ships near. The sound of the sensors are the only sound can be heard as it sends out pings that tell the ponies where the enemy is. "Enemy ships closing in. At 1:32, 40 degrees up, 75 thousand KM out." Sunburst said. "Shining. Wait on my signal." Celestia said. Shining nods. The ship goes dead quiet as only sunburst voice and the ping of the sensors are the only noise aboard. "70TKM............60TKM..........50.............." Sunburst says. Shinings hoof hovers over the ARGO launch button. "Not yet...." Celestia said causing shining to yank his hoof back. "40TKM............30......." "Captain?" Twilight said anxiously. "20......18.....16......14.....12....10." Sunburst said. "NOW!!" Celestia yelled. Immediately Shining slams his hoof down on the button and the astroids come apart and form a ring around the ship. At the same time Applejack increases the engine output to 75%. The Gablion fleet is caught off guard. As they panic they begin to crash into each other. "FIRE!" Celestia ordered. Shining opens fire with the shock cannons. "Luna! Forward. Take us into the fleet! Rainbow Dash take off too!" Celstia said. Luna smiles and puts the thrusters to full and charges the ships. Rainbow Dash and her squadron also ignite their engines and opens fire with missiles and torpedos. As they charge into the fleet shining keeps firing the shock cannons as well as starts firing the missiles from the smoke stack, port and starboard sides and torpedos at the bow. The number of Gablion ships rapidly begin to decrease. The emperor watches on from his throne room on the Gablion planet and snarles as his fleet is widdled down. The Gablion dreadnought moves to intercept, firing it's forward beam cannons. The dreadnought beams bounce off the hull. As the ships near each other on a collison coarse the Yamato's side thrusters engage and move the ship to the side and the hulls scrape each other as they pass by. "Got you." Celestia said. The Yamato's secondary cannons cannons open fire ballistic shells. The Type-3 shells have long timed fuzes. The cannons keep fireing filling the dreadnought with Type-3 shells. As the ships move away the type-3 shells detonate and destroy the dreadnought. As the Yamato pulls away the Emperor watchs from his throne room. He then orders the second wave to move in. The fleet is soon destroyed with the only damage being the scraping of on the side of the ship. The ponies cheering is cut short as a loud sensor warning is sounded. "Starlight! Whats is it!?" Celestia said. "I-i dont understand. Theres something large on the sensors. Bigger. Much bigger than the base we destroyed." Starlight looked at her monitor. "I-incoming!!" A huge orange beam narrowly misses the Yamato. And the fighter squadron. It impacts a huge astroid in the astroid belt and immediately blows it to dust. "W-what was.....that?" Celestia said, astonished. "Captain.........look......" Shining said. All the ponies look out of the windows. Towering before them is a huge space station like city. A dome like base is used as its foundation. They gawk at it and looks at it. "What.......is this......thing?" Celestia said. "Captain. Analysis confirms. This is the thing that fired that beam at us. But........it's huge. As big as Australiponie." Starlight said. "In......credible........" Celestia said. They watch as the station moves closer. On the space station the leader clicks his tongue as he sits on his chair and faces a screen. He has a wine glass in one hand and he's holding his pet in the lower arms. "Missed huh? Bring us in closer. We wont miss this time." He said snarkly. "Yes Admiral-Governer." A attendant said. "Orders capatain?" Shining said. "Right. We can let that thing fire again. I think this is a good time to test fire the Wave-Motion Gun." Celestia said. The ponies look at her in surprise. "Are you sure captain?" The ponies said. "Yes." Celestia said. "To fire the Wave-Motion Gun we'll have to power down many of the ships systems, including the ships defence system." Shining said. "I know. Lets get away from the ship. Luna take us away. Rainbow Dash, have your fighters return immediately." Celestia said. "Roger. Returning." Rainbow Dash said. The fighters speed up and begin to return. One-by-one the fighters return to the ship as Luna begins to steer the ship away. In the engine room ponies evacuate the engine room and Applejack comes up to the bridge and sits at her monitor. Soon all the fighters are aboard and the ship is far away enough that Luna turns the ship around. With the ship lined up with the space station the most of the power is turned off. Celestia gets on the comms. "Attention. We are about to fire the Wave-Motion Gun. All ponies are to assume shock positions." Celestia said. Alarms begin to blare and the ponies prepare and brace themselves. At the bow of the ship, the barrel cover opens. And the lights go out as all power is diverted to the Wave-Motion Gun with even the alarm going silent. Every scrape of power goes to the Wave-Motion Gun. "Navigation. Hand over control to Tactical." Celestia said "Roger. Handing comtrols over to tactical." Luna said as she lets the steering controls go. "Assuming ship controls complete." Shining said as a small, pistol like target designator comes up. "Sunburst. Status of the enemy battle station?" Celestia said. "Holding position. That super laser must be recharging the entire station." Sunburst said. "Copy that. Gun calibrated. Ready." Shining stated. "Prepare the engine. Disconnect it from the thrusters." Celestia said. "Roger. Preparing Wave-Motion Engine. Disconnected from thrusters confirmed. Pressure increasing." Applejack said. "Roger. Shining. Remove the safety locks." Celestia ordered. "Roger. Safety locks disarming." Shining said and tapped a few buttons. In the engine room, four rods retract from the wall infront of the engine. "Target scope: open." A monitor appears infront of target designator, a HUD activates showing the position of the barrel. "Pressure increasing rapidly. 95%...100%....110%...120%. Maximum pressure in the engine confirmed." Applejack said. "Command center located. In the middle, up 4 degrees." Starlight said. "Copy. Readying cannon." Shining said as he pulls back a firing hammer on the pistol. And aims up at the location Starlight specified. "All crew, prepare to fire. Tint the windows and apply anti-shock/flash goggles." Celestia ordered. The windows tint to a darker color and all the ponies on the bridge put on goggles that darken it even more. Outside at the muzzle of the gun, a small blue ball of energy begins to form and build power. Its so powerful that the particles being charged can be seen with the naked eye. "Firing in 20 seconds." Shining stated as he lines up the gun perfectly. "Beginning countdown to complete Saturation: 10....9....8....7..." Applejack said. Outside, the muzzle keeps building power to the point the blue ball of energy begins to come out of the muzzle itself. "6.....5.....4.....3.....2....1." "Fire!" Cried celestia. Shining pulls the trigger and the hammer on the small gun pushes forward while in the engineering room the the Wave-Motion Engine pushes forward hard and connects to the barrel of the gun giving it more power. Intantly the small blue ball of energy expands nearly five times as big then shoot out a huge blue and white beam of energy. It creates a huge flash of light, brighter than lighting itself. As the beam travels towards the battlestation the elections and radiation creates lighting as it moves. To decrease pressure in the gun the Wave-MotionEngine moves back a bit to vent and a large dust cloud sweeps into the engine compartment. The stations govener watches in shock and horror as the beam travels towards the station. The ponies watch as the beam travels and strikes the station and blows the entire station to bits. The fireball that is caused is so large it could engulf an entire ocean. As the flash from the cannon and explosion recends Celestia takes her goggles off and watches with a sad yet cold stare at the dust and fire cloud they have created. Slowly power returns to the ship and monitors come back on. The ponies take off their goggles and watches at the horror they have just unleashed. "That.....was..........wow........this is incredible! With this weapon that Gablion Empire is as good as dust!" Cried out Rainbow Dash. "We can beat them. No doubt. We just have to-" "NO!" Celestia said and all the ponies except for Shining looks at her. "Our target was just the military complex. Instead.....we just destroyed an entire continent." With this revelation Rainbow Dash lands and looks out at the fire and dust storm. Shining himself is particularly tramatized. He watchs as the debris of the station is destroyed in the fire ball. The ponies look out at it as the sweet taste of victory turns to sadness as they come to relize a certain fact: there were more than just military personal on board the station. > Chapter 9: Returning to Equestria. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the ponies look on in shock, disbelief, awe, and some in grief. What they see is almost unbelievable. A space station, big as a country, just turned to dust and fire by a 333 meter ship. But the calamity the ponies in the hull see on the monitors is nothing compaired, to the ponies watching on the bridge who saw the entire station get blown to bits. Shining Armor is especially traumatized. An entire country of people, wiped out in the blink of an eye. Celestia stands up and addresses the entire crew over a video com to all of the monitors on the screen. "Attention, all mares and gentlecolts. What you are witnessing is not a joke. Nor is it a lie. Our test of the Wave-Motion Gun was a success. But one that has caused great damage. Our target was only the military portion of the station. But we destroyed the entire station. Let me assure you all that this was an accident. With this kind of destructive forepower, we must becareful not to do this again." The ponies mutter with each other. Meanwhile Cadence walks over and pulls Shining Armor away and takes him to their cabin. The ponies on the bridge watch as they leave then Twilight looks back at Celestia. "What do we do now captain?" Twilight asks. "We return to Equestria. And then-" Celestia said but is cut off when their coms are jacked again and Emperor Gallixtro appears again but this time on all the monitors on the ship. "You. What do you want? You sent a battlestation against us. Just a small ship. Why? You knew there were civilians and non-combatants on that battlestation didnt you?" "Do not play a fool. Of course i did." Gallixtro said. "You purposely sent a battlestation the size of a continent loaded with civilans into battle!?" Celestia said in a rage. "Civilians are expendable when put to good use. After all its still a success for me. Many of your crew is demoralized. It may have cost me a battlestation. But that was not my best weapon nor was it my most powerful. We will crush you, your planet, and your pitiful ship." Gallixtro said. "Not if we stop you first." Celestia said. The ponies all over the ship gasp at Celestia's comment. "Are you saying you want to battle?" Gallixtro said. "No. Im saying that the ponies of Equestria are declaring war on the Gablion Empire." Celestia stated. The ponies watch in amazemnt as there hasn't been a full war since Sombra took over the Crystal Empire over a millennia ago. But everypony knew the look on Celestias face ment that she was serious. "You made us kill innocent civilians just to demoralize us. Your one of the worst. Worse than King Sombra and Lord Tirek. You want to destroy us just because we succeeded the humans. Then you are a narrow sighted fool. You murderer your own people just to gain a small, insignificant token victory. However, we will fight back! We will gain our freedom from your fear! We will not back down! We will fight you till you surrender! We will hold the line! We will be victorious!" Through her speech, many ponies agree and rise up, inspried by their leader. Gallixtro begin to slowly clap. "A most enthusiasticly speech. But one with little meaning. You are a fool to believe that a race born from an insignificant race that we crushed before can defeat us is almost a joke. We will defeat you. And when we do, ill enjoy the sights and sound of your planet being blown up and the screams of the few who curse your name during their deaths. I will tell you this now. It will be three months until my fleets are assembled in a way that we can destroy you in the most hummiliating way. Once we do, i will hang your skin on my trophy wall. Shardd of your crystalized planet will make a perfect chandelier in my palace. And your ship will make a fine target practice ship." Gallixtro said. "Then we will fight back with everything against you." Celestia said with confidence. "We shall see." Gallixtro said. He then cuts the communications. Celestias stares at the screen then sighs and lookst at Twilight and the other ponies on the bridge. "Do you think i made the right choice?" She asked them all. After a brief silence Twilight speaks first. "Im behind the idea of us going to war. That emperor wants to exterminate our planet just because we have succeeded the humans. We have every right to go to war with him." Twilight answered. The other ponies join in and agree. "Thank you all." Celestia said. "We will return to Equestria. Regroup and prepare for the Gablion Empire to attack. Once they do, we will counter attack and defeat them." "Right!" All the ponies said. "Excellent. Luna, take us home." Celestia stated. Luna startes the thrusters and takes off. They enter warp and returns to their planet and decends back down and into Horseshoe Bay. They land into the sea and cruise into the bay. Already ponies are along the shore and at the naval base cheering the ship back. As the ship docks at the pier, reporter ponies are struggling to get to the ship, only the naval personel are holding them back. As the ponies disembark the reporters go ballistic, wanting stories and exclusives. Celestia and the other commander ponies move past them and into the base, there they all sit around a table. "So, we have three months to prepare for the Gablion to attack us. An entire empire worth of ships. And we only have the Yamato." Twilight started. "If i may say, i don't think we stand a chance. Plus theres also the fact that the empire could just bypass us and attack Equestria directly." "Yes. We have much to think about. One solution is to build more Shock Cannon turrets but make them land base to defend the planet while we take the Yamato straight to the Empires home planet. The issue is we dont know how to build the Shock Cannons." Celestia stated. "Another Solution is to have Yamato stay in orbit around the planet and defend it while also studying it. The issue is that, again, the Yamato is just one ship against a fleet. If they massed attack us then several ships could easily pass the ship and attack the planet itself." Luna said. "Not many choices are there. If only we had more information on the enemy and the Yamato." Twilight said sadly. The ponies look down in depression. After a minute the ponies look up as they begin to hear voices from beyond the doors. "Sir you cant be here. Please leave. I will call security." "I need to see them. I have terrific news." "Then please make an appointment. We cant have you- Hey!" "Sorry! Gotta go!" They hear the spund of hooves clopping on the floor as the sounds get closer. Suddenly the doors burst open and a male, gray earth pony with glasses, a sweater, frazzled white mane and a atom cutie mark enters the room. "Princesses! Thank goodness i found you all. I have such great news to tell you!" The pony spouted. "Yes. Well.....um......that would be great Mister......." Celestia said in confusion. "Oh. Yes. Sorry. My name is Bill Neigh. Im a physics professor." The pony said. "Right. Mister Neigh. Well we are in the middle of a meeting and can not be disturbed. So if youd kindly leave." Celestia said. "I know how the Yamato operates and how to build more." Bill Neigh said in a hurry. The ponies look at him in disbelief. Just as guards come to remove him Celestia stops them and stands up and walks over. "How do you know this?" Celestia asked. "Uhhhh.....hee hee........well.........i uh.......kinda snuck into the cavern were the Yamato was burried." Bill said nervously. Celestia looks at him in both surprise and anger. "I had the cavern blocked off and under guard. How in the world did you get past the guards." Celestia said. "Oh. Well. Its kinda easy when you can disguise yourself as a scientist and have the cutie mark to prove it." He said still nervous. "B-but the main thing is, is that i found another room where the humans left many things about the Yamato. If we can build the industry nesessary to build more ships, then i can help them. We could have a fleet of Yamato's." Bill said getting excited. After some thought Celestia nodded. "Show us the way." Celestia commanded Bill smiled brightly and turned around. "With much pleasure." Bill said and began to walk away as the other ponies begin to follow him. They leave the base and takes a airship to the large opening near Canterlot moutain. They arrive just as Luna finishes setting the sun and raising the moon. They exit the airship and look down the hole from which the Yamato had created when it first emerged. Its too dark to see so they all agree to sleep the night and venture to the location in the morning. After a good nights rest, Celestia raises the sun and lowers the moon, the ponies wake up, eat their breakfast and follow Bill down into the cavern. After about an hour of walking the ponies arrive at the cavern where the Yamato once layed. Where once there was a cavern floor, now just a huge hole in the ground. The ponies look at Bill with disappointment and doubt. "Soooooooo.........theres this room you found?" Rainbow Dash said. "Well.....over there." Bill said as he points to the other side of the cavern where a cliff ledge. "Here. I know how to get across." All of a sudden he begins to walk across a ledge alog the caverns wall. The ponies begin to follow him with nervous steps. Slowly but surely the ponies make it to the ledge. As soon as they reach the cliff ledge they loom around but dont see an entrance. "So? Wheres this room again? I dont see anything but rock." Rainbow Dash said. Grinning Bill walks over and pushes some stones aside revealing a door. "It was hidden before the launch. My guess is that if others that are unworthy to crew Yamato were to find the ship, they wouldn't have the plans to make other ships." Bill said conclusively. "I see that does make sense." Celestia said. The ponies look around the room. Its completely white with tables all around with papers and data disks on them. The ponies look at them while Bill sets up a huge blueprint on a board. "Here. See? A diagram of the Yamato. And so many things about her too." Bill said excitedly. "This is indeed incredible Bill." Celestia said. "And look here. Notes, schematics, and blueprints of all the ships weaponery and the Wave-Motion Engine." Bill said excitedly. Celestia, Luna and Twilight walked over and began to examine the documents. Its indeed the schematics and blueprints of the weapons and Wave-Motion Engine. The ponies look over the paperwork. "Indeed. With these documents we could make new ships and even build planet based weapons to fend off any attacks from the Gablion and any other space faring races." Twilight said. "Yes. Ingenious. Bill. This is a discovery rivaling that of Yamato herself." Celestia said with a smile. "With this we could defend the planet from the Gablion Empire while we are gone." "Yes. Thats right. While we are gone defeating the Emperor Gallixtro, we can build fleet of ships or build cannons on land to defend the planet." Luna said enthusiasticly. "Bill Neigh? Im putting you in charge of science Maintenance of all space vessels of Equestria." Celestia said. "Woah. Wait. Really? Me? In charge of all space vessels?" Bill said amazed. "Yes. You will be the lead designer, lead foreman, and lead director of any and all projects that are connected with the construction, advancement and maintence of any and all space vessels and weaponery." Celestia said. "W-wow. Im honored. This is a huge honor. Thank you so much." Bill said as he smiles brightly. "Indeed. Now, we need you to get to work immediately. A aggressive race called the Gablion Empire wants to destroy our race and planet because we are the successors to the humans. Thus we need to counter-attack them but we cant leave without leaveing Equestria open to attack. We need you to get to work either building ships or building turrets to defend the planet." Celestia said. "Not to worry Princesses. I uh.....snuck in a day after tou unveiled Yamato. So......ive been studying all the papers since then. I have a good grasp on how to mass produce the weapons to defend our beloved home." Bill said with a look of utmost confidence. "Then i entrust you to do so. If you pull this off, we all will owe you a great debt of gratitude." Celestia said. "No worries Princesses. I wont let you down." Bill said. Celestia smiled. "Good. Now, lets get started."