• Published 4th Aug 2019
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Space Battleship Yamato: Equestria - Izumichan-995

The Mane 6 find and board a alien spaceship. Follow them as they adventure out into the unknown.

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Chapter 6: Yamato and the Public

Above the lands of Equestria a ship flies above. Not just a ship but a Starship. Just a few hours ago, the ship named Yamato was buried underground by an ancient race. Now its once again soaring above the planet. Since the launch its been parading across all of Equestria. From Manehatten to Los Pegasus. From the Crystal Empire to Appleloosa. The Yamato went everywhere and where it went every pony would gasp and watch it in awe. When it passed Cloudsdale many pegasi would fly with it and watch it only to return when they got tired or ventured too far. As the day was ending Luna lowered the sun and rose the moon.

"Excellent job. Thank you Luna." Celesstia said. "Take us to Horseshoe Bay."

"Roger." Luna said as she accelerates a bit and decends.

They soon arrive over Baltimare. Luna takes the ship out to sea a bit but the swings it around and slows down as she decends the ship.

"Gently now dear sister. Set her into the sea gently." Celestia said.

"I know." Luna said as she slows the Yamato down and gently settles the ship down into the sea. After a huge splash Luna slows it down to a few nautical knots as she traverses the ship towards Horseshoe Bay and Gleeming Wood Naval Base. As they near the bay they see it's blocked by warships who turn their guns on the Yamato. One of them fires a warning shot that whizzes pass the bridge. The lead ship then contacts the Yamato.

"This is Vice-Admiral Chester Nimhoof of the Equestrian Naval Defence Force (ENDF) Battleship Trotting Grace. You are an unregistered vessel that has caused damage to Equestria. You have 60 seconds to respond with your name, rank and purpose. If you do not we will fire to kill." The voice said. Immediately answering, Celestia picks up a the microphone.

"This is Princess Celestia aboard Space Battleship Yamato. I am transmitting the royal clearence code now." Celestia said as she types a code into her console and sends it.

"Code received. Please wait while we verify it. Do not alter your coarse or speed." Nimhoof said. After a few seconds he respond. "Code checks out. The fleet is standing down. Welcome to Gleaming Wood Naval Base your majesty. Quite an entrance you made there your majesty."

"Affirmative Vice-Admiral. Thank you for your cooperation. See you pier-side. Over and out." Celestia said as she hangs up the radios microphone. Luna guides the ship towards the bay. The fleet moves and makes a way for the ship. Luna slows the ship down more as they glide into the bay. On the pier ponies are lined up to watch the new and strange ship comes into view. Already news reporters ponies are there to watch.

As they near Celestia gets on the ship comms. "Attention. Tatical and Engineering ponies are to report to the top deck to moor the ship alongside the pier."

Ponies begin to scramble and get on the top deck. As they near the pier mooring lines are tossed to the ship and the ponies tie the ship along side the pier. Already the reporters are taking pictures of the ship and writing in their notebooks. Bridges are brought over and placed on the ship for ponies to disembark. The ponies watch the door. It opens and the ponies gasp and the cameras go off as the four princesses step out first. They hold up their hoofs to block the bright flashes of the cameras. The reports begin to bombard the princesses with questions. It isnt until Celestia lit her horn up and shot offf a firework kind of magic did the reporters fall silent.

"Everyone. Please. I know your all confused and in shock. But tonight is not the night to discuss this. I promise you at Twelve O'clock tomorrow I will hold a press conference on what this ship is, where it came from, everything will be reveled." Celestia said. With that decree the reporters left. Celestia gave a sigh of relief.

"Princess. Was that wise to do? Its too soon for a press conference." Twilight said concerned.

"I believe so Twilight. The sooner we can get word out about this, the sooner we can leave." Celestia stated.

"Very well." Twilight said.

They reboard the ship. That night the ponies retire for the night and heads to their cabins with only a few of the ponies staying up to keep an eye on the ship. In the morning Celestia rose the sun and set the moon. As the time approached the ponies began to get ready for the press confrence. A long table with mics is placed on the pier. Stands are also built for the guests. Soon guests begin to arrive. Reporters have their notebooks and cameras at the ready. As soon as twelve O'Clock hits the ships door opens and Celestia and the other divisional commanders step out. Once again the cameras begin to flash. They walk over to the table and sits down. After a bit the cameras settle down and Celestia stands and begins to speak. Reporters record her words.

"My fellow earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi. I will now address what you see behind me. What you see is a remnant of a ancient race that inhabited Equestria before us ponies." Celestia said.

The reporters listen in shock and awe. Some of them drop their pencils in their shock.

"Over one hundred fifty thousand years ago a race called the humans ruled this planet. They built the this ship which they named Yamato. During their downfall the humans buried the Yamato to pass it onto the next worthy race. Three hundred years ago, we stumbled upon the ship under Canterlot Castle. Since then we have been studying the ship. We have learned all matter of new technological advacements. Many of the technology we have today came from the study of Yamato. Over a week ago Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends aided Luna, Priness Cadence and me in restarting the Yamato's engines. We plan on further studying the ship to keep improving our technology. I hope that yesterday, when we burst out of the the moutain yesterday, that no pony was hurt or too disturbed. If so i will compensate you for anything. But from tomorrow we will hold an exhibit of the ship for the public. We will bring many things from inside for the populace to view. Please understand that this ship is a time capsule of information and technology. We wish to use it to improve technology to benefit all of Equestria and beyond."

The reporters write everything down. Many of them still stunned and shocked but others still writing everything down. After a while they finish.

"We will now begin to answer questions." Stated Celestia.

At that moment the reports begin to raise their hooves and shout out questions. For a few hours the reports have nothin but questions. Soon it all ends and the reporters leave. After they doo Vice-Admiral Chester Nimhoof approaches Celestia.

"Princess. May I have a word?" He asks.

"Yes Vice-Admiral. How may i help you?" Said Celestia.

"Its about what you said earlier. The exhibit." Nimhoof said. "While i approve of the idea and fully endorse it, i do not approve of it on being on the bases grounds. Must we open our doors to the public?"

"Do not worry Vice-Admiral." Celestia said comforting. "They will only be able to visit the pier, not any of the buildings. They will have a one-way walk to the tents and back. They can only stay in the tent area. Anypony found outsode the area will be punished to the fullest extent of the wall."

"I see. Fair enough then princess." Nimhoff said.

"Thank you Vice-Admiral." Celestia said with a smile.

That night ponies set up a tent with tables inside. In the morning theres a huge line of ponies. The night before, train, hot air ballons, carriages, and airship tickets were sold out within minutes of the news being released. They wait in anticipation. Ponies bring out items from the inside to show off. They gate opens and the ponie come rushing in. So many in fact that the naval personal stationed at the base come out to police and keep the crowd calm. As the crowd goes through they stare in awe of the ship and in amazement of the technology they have brought out of the ship. Celestia and the other division commanders watch in from the bridge.

"Do you think this is a good idea Princess?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight. You asked me this the other day." Celestia said.

"No i mean. Is this a good idea to allow ponies to see all this. This is really advanced stuff they are looking at. Invaluable equipment. Just one of those things can advance technology by decades. I just question if this is a good idea to let civilians to see these technologies out in the open." Twilight said concerned.

"I understand your concern Twilight. I really do. But we must reassure the ponies that we plan to use the ship to advance our technological intrests and not to use the ship to attack or dominate. Please. Understand this Twilight." Celestia said.

"Yes princess. I understand." Twilight said.

"Good. Now lets go down there." Celestia said as she turned and left. As they opened the door the flash of cameras blinded them as a new chapter opens in Equestrian history.

Author's Note:

Hello again. This was the most entertaining chapter to write. Not my favorite out of all of them thus far. But dont leave just ye. I promise the next chapter will grab your attention. I promise.