• Published 4th Aug 2019
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Space Battleship Yamato: Equestria - Izumichan-995

The Mane 6 find and board a alien spaceship. Follow them as they adventure out into the unknown.

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Chapter 7: Exploring the Unknown

Its a bright and shiny day at the Gleeming Wood Naval Base. Its been a month since the Yamato revealed itself to the world. Only now has the commotion begun to settle. Since the reveal, press confrence and finally the exhibit ponies from all over Equestria have been visiting to check out the new ship. Now that its settled down a bit, fewer and fewer ponies have been visiting to look at the ship. The day has come. Celestia shuts down the exhibition and returns the base over to Vice-Admiral Chester Nimhoof. As they begin to move stuff in, Celestia and her commanders meet in the Central Operations Center.

"Ok Everypony heres the plans." Celestia started off. "I plan to launch the ship in three days. But Luna, Cadence, and I need to speak to our advisors. We'll be gone for a few days then return. Understand?"

"Yes Captain." The other ponies said.

"Thank you all." Said Celestia. "Now, while were gone, Twilight, you will be in charge and acting captain until we return."

"M-me? R-really? Are you sure, princess?" Twilight said.

"Yes. Im sure. After all you'll be the only Alicorn princess onboard while we are gone. And i trust you enough that we'll be ready to lauch around the time we return." Celestia stated.

"I-i understand then princess. I will do my best." Twilight said.

"I have no doubt about it Twilight." Celestia said. "Now after we return we'll be taking the ship out to space but well stay here in our system. First thing were going to test in the warp capabilities of the Wave-Motion Engine." Celstia bring up the solar system on the floor screen below them. It shows thier planet and all the other planets in the solar system. "We will warp to this planet. The humans called it Saturn. Should the jump be successful we will move onto the the weapons test. We've already seen what the shock cannons can do. But we have yet to see what they can fully do when fired at something tougher than dirt. Once we finish with the Shock Cannons, well move onto the ARGO System. Saturn has a ring of space debris surrounding itself so that will be the perfect place to test the ARGO system. Then we'll test the fighters combat efficiency. Lastly after that we'll test the Wave-Motion Gun. Should all tests succeed then we'll return to Equestria. I expect us to be gone for no longer than a day maybe two at most. Is this acceptable to everypony?"

"Indeed princess." The ponies said.

"Excellent. We'll leave for our kingdoms and return before you all know it." Celestia said as Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor join her and smile at the ponies. They then leave, leaving the Mane Six, Spike, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst in the COC. They look at each other.

"Do you really think we can do this? With out the princesses help?" Rarity said worringly.

"Come on Rarity." Rainbow Dash said. "We've handled things bigger than us before."

"It won't be a walk in the park RD. But she is right Everypony. We will get the ship ready to launch so when the princesses return we can launch the next day." Twilight said.

"Right. So what do we need ta do?" Applejack asked.

"We'll we have to make sure that we have enough radiation suits, space suits, and enough supplies to last us the testing. When we test the ships systems, especially the warp and Wave-Motion Gun we will equip all the ponies with radiation suits just in case something goes wrong." Twilight said.

"Right." The others said.

"Rainbow Dash. Make sure to review flight patterns and how to operate the fighters." Twilight said.

"Roger." Rainbow Dash said as she left.

"Fluttershy, make sure the medical equipment is fully functional before we take off so we can heal anyone that gets injured." Twilight said.

"R-right." Fluttershy said as she left.

"Pinkie and Rarity, i need you both to work together to make sure the ship is clean and organized." Twilight said.

"Understood. / Okie Dokie Lokie." Rarity and Pinkie Pie said as they too leave.

"Applejack, i guess it should be obvious but i need the engine at 100% so we can leave push it to its limits and not worry about it blowing back on us." Twilight said.

"Dont worry sugercube. Ah'll make sure the engine is 100% go before we leave." Applejack said as she left with a smile.

"Finally, Starlight and Sunburst. The sensors need to be at 100% and, if you can, try to upgrade them with magic. Dont want us running into anything." Twilight said.

"Roger. We'll do our best." They both said as they left.

"Right. Lets get to work." Twilight said as spike nodded and climbed up onto her back and they leave.


Three days pass and soon the Princesses and Shining Armor return. Theyre surprised that the ship is fully equipped, upgraded, and ready to launch. The royal ponies head up to the bridge and find the divisional commanders hard at work. Twilight notices them and smiles.

"Captain. We are ready to go on your word." Twilight said confidentially.

"I. I can see that. Im impressed." Celestia said as she walks in and to her seat.

"We have everything ready and some of it upgraded. We can leave at any moment you want." Twilight said.

"I see. Thank you very much. All of you." Celestia said. She then picks up the comms microphone and speaks to the crew. "Attention all crew. With the ship all ready to leave, we will depart tomorrow morning. Once we leave, we will test the warp capabilities of the ship and arrive at a planet the humans called Saturn. From there we will test the combat capabilities of the ship. We should be able to return by tomorrow night or the next morning. Thank you all." She gets off the comms.


In the morning, Celestia raises the sun and lowers the moon. Just as the sun is high in the sky the crew is up and ready, all of them super excited. A crowd has gathered on the pier and surrounding woodlands to watch the ship. Personal vessels also come to watch. After the sun is high in the sky, alarms on the ship blare and Celestia returns to her captains chair. The thrusters come to life. The ships horn sounds and the mooring ropes are untied. The ship begins to move away from the pier as ponies cheer and a band plays.

"Luna. Take us out. Nice and easy." Celestia ordered.

"Roger." Luna said as she steeres the ship away from the pier.

Ponies watch in awe as the ship moves from the pier to the mouth of the bay. A few of the ENDF ships escourt her. As the ship nears the mouth luna increases speed. Ponies race along the shore line to keep up with it. As they exit the bay the ponies stop and watch. Luna increases the speed and pulls up on the controls. The ship lifts off and all the ponies cheer and watch in amazement. The ship leaves the sea and keeps climbing higher and higher into the sky. After a while the ship exits the atmosphere and passes the moon. Celestia then gets on the comms.

"Congratulations everypony. We've done. We have left out the planet and are now in space." Celestia said proudly. The ponies cheer all over the ship. After a few minutes the ponies settle. "We will now prepare to test the warp capabilities. All ponies please put on radiation suits and prepare to warp. That is all." She puts the microphone down as the ponies get their radiation suits on. Soon reports begin to flow in as all the ponies have their radiation suits on.

"Captain. All ponies have reported that they have thier radiation suits on." Luna said.

"Copy that." Celestia said.

The commanders put their suits on and gets ready as the alarms blare and the ponies begin to get to their positions and applejack heads to the engine room. Once she arrives she gets a video comm link to Celestia.

"Engine room is ready Princess. We're all ready." Applejack said over the vid com.

"Copy that. Is everypony ready?" Celestia asked her divisional commanders.

"Aye Captain." They all said. Celestia then gets on the ship comms.

"Attention. We will now be testing the warp capabilities of the ship." Celestia said then puts the microphone down. The alarms get faster. "Increase speed to 33 Space knots. Engine to 99% energy output."

"Roger captain. Energy output increasing. 85%.........90%........95%........99%!!" Applejack said

"Speed increasing! 20 S-knots........27.........33......" Luna said.

Outside the main thruster flames turn from orange to blue. It creates a blueish energy tail behind the ship.

"Space-time coordinates achieved. Speed is still increasing. 38......40...." Luna said.

As they go faster ripples of light appears in front of them. But with no time to gawk at it the ship goes faster.

"Countdown to warp has begun." Sunburst said. "10....9.....8....7.....6....5....4.....3.....2......1...."

"WARP!!" Luna shouts and pushes on the steering controls and the engine glows bright as the ship impacts the center of the ripples of light. Just as it does the ship enters into a space-time bubble. Slowly the ship enters the bubble and as soon as the ship is engulfed in the bubble all thats left is the blue energy tail that disappears. Inside the bubble, everything has frozen in time. The ponies are frozen in time. But the ship keeps moving in the bubble as it "drops through" the bubble. It impacts the bubbles "bottom" and exits the bubble. Its coated in ice as it exits the bubble but the ice quickly begins to peel off as it comes out. The ponies blink a bit and then gasp as their over the planet called Saturn in a literal blink of an eye.

"W-we're......over.......a different planet!!" They all shout. As they watch the ship begins to decend toward it.

"Luna? Whats going on?" Ask Celestia.

"I. I dont know. Engine isn't responding." Luna said as she presses and pulls on the steering controls and the acceleration lever.

"Energy output is all over the place. 25.....60.....40.....50.......14...." Sunburst said.

"Applejack! Whats going on!?" Celestia yells at the vid com.

"I dont know! The engine isnt outputing the energy correctly! Were diverting the energy that we can to the sub thrusters!" Applejack yelled and began to press buttons.

"Sub-Thrusters online! Deploying stabilizing wings!" Luna cried as she slams a button with her hoof. The stabilizing wings deploy and the sub-thrusters engage. The ship rights itself up yet it keeps decendings into Saturns atmosphere.

"Captain!" Starlight said. Celestia looks over. "Sensors have indicated a solid object direcly ahead! But its too big to be another ship. Its Seventy-two thousand kilometers away. Directly ahead. It's coming into view now!"

The ponies look out of the window and see a huge land mass. They look at it amazed.

"Alright. Luna. Get us to that land mass before we miss it!"

"Huh? Ah! R-roger." Luna said as she steered the ship towards the land mass. It gets closer and closer. "Were going to crash!"

"All ponies! Assume crash position!" Celestia yelled over the emergency coms.

The ponies brace themselves. Luna steeres the ship and it slams into the land masses side and jerks up and then slams down onto the land. The momentum of the ship keeps the ship moving towards the edge of the other side.

"Grrrrrrrr.....LUNA! FIRE THE ANCHOR! PORTSIDE!" Celestia shouted out.

Obeying the order luna launches the port anchor. The rockets on the anchor propelle it through the air. It slams into the land masses ground and sticks. The chain tightens and yanks the ship. It does a small ninety-five degree turn while also flipping. The ship slams back down and keeps skidding. It finally comes to a stop when it slams into a small hill. All the ponies aboard jerk and some fall and slam into the wall of the ship. Celestia looks up and then around, a bit discombobulated. She shakes it off as the other bridge ponies do the same.

"Ugh.....ponies.....condition status." Celestia said.

"Im good. Navigation is slightly damaged." Luna said as she sits up and looks at her monitor.

"Im good." Sunburst said.

"So Am I." Starlight said. "But the sensors are damaged a bit. Well have to manually repair them."

"Im ok." Shining Armor said as he shakes his head. "Tatical is good but has little power. The engines have affected the ships cannons. Not much to spare to fire the positron beams."

"Im just peachy." Said Rainbow Dash. "Ive ordered my ponies to check the fighters out."

"Im good." Twiilight said. "Report saying the sciene facilities are 100%."

"I think im good." Fluttershy said. "Medical facilities are good. Im going to head to the facility just in case anypony needs help."

"Understood. Please do." Celestia said as Fluttershy left.

"Im good. But im going to need a manicure after all that." Rarity said. "Im getting reports of messes all over the ship. Ill have my ponies begin clean up." Rarity said.

"Im good." Cadence said exhaustedly.

"Im okie dokie too." Pinkie Pie said. "Well help rarity as some of the are party supplies spilled out."

"Understood you three. Thank you. Applejack. Status of your division?" Celestia said as she looks at her vid com.

"All ponies are accounted for and uninjured. Were examining the Wave-Motion Engine right now. Well get a report to you as soon as possible." Applejack said over the vid com.

"Understood. Thank you Applejack." Celestia said. "Now. Where are we?" She said and looks out the window.

"Captain." Twilight said. "Upon examination, this land mass doesnt belong here. In fact, it seems as if it was brought here."

"Brought here?" Celestia said and looks at Twilight.

"Yes captain." Twilight said. "In fact this land mass is huge. About half the size of Equestria."

"Incredible." Celestia said.

"If i may. I wish to leave the ship and investigate the land mass." Twilight asked.

"What? No. Denied. We need you here to help with bringing the ship back to operational status." Celestia said.

"Princess." The other ponies said. "We can handle it. I dont think the science can help us. Most of the work is strictly divisional specific."

After some thinking celestia sighs and then looks at Twilight.

"Very well." Celestia said. "You have permission to take a single team oit to investigate the area."

"Oh oh. Thank you princess." Twilight said excitedly.

"BUT!!" Celestia said strictly. "Only you and assistant may leave. And you will be escourted by a tatical officer. NO ONE leaves the others visions. And take only samples of peaceful things. No violent or dangerous samples. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!?"

"Yes Captain." Twilight said as she leaves.

Twilight chooses another pony named Beaker and a tatical division pony named FireSheild. Togther they put on EVA suits and heads out. Using ropes, they lower themselves to the ground. Twilight looks at the soil. Not that different from the soil of Equestria. But the plants all around are strange. Strange looks, strange colors, strange shapes, just strange. As the ponies move into the land mass they take samples as they move. Meanwhile the ponies are busy repairing the Yamato. Despite everything the ship went through, the hull of the ship doesnt even have a scratch.

Hours pass and soon Twilight and the other two ponies come to something strange. They stare at a metal door. After some talking they open the door and heads in. Meanwhile on the Yamato, the repairs are nearing completion. The ship is cleaned up, fighters fixed up, ponies healed and mended, navigation ready and sensors nearly up. Only the engine is still confusing the ponies. But soon the sensors come online.

"Alright. Sensors are online.......wait......something is wrong....." Starlight said.

"What do you mean wrong?" Celestia said worridly.

"S-ships! We have ships inbound!" Starlight shouted. "At 12 o'clock!" They look out and a line of ships appears, six ships appear.

"I. I dont think their friendly captain." Shining Armor said. Just as he said that one of the ships fires a red beam at them. It just misses the Yamato. The ponies on that are working on the outside hurry inside.

"Yeah. Definitely not friendies! Captain! We need to return fire!" Shining said.

"Yes! Definitely! Open fire!" Cried Celestia.

"Princess!" A voice from the video com came. It was Applejack. "We havent fixed the engine yet!"

"But we have eneimies inbound." Celestia said.

"We can spare some energy. But you'll only get 3 main turret shots." Applejack said.

"Copy. I got a plan." Said Shining Armor.

"Then do it. All ponies. We are entering combat status. Assume combat positions." Celestia said over the ships comms.

Alarms begin to blare and ponies scramble to combat positions. Tatical ponies enter the turrets to keep an eye on the cannons. Shining Armor begins to program the turrets. The enemy ships begin to split up, three ships on each side. The bow turrets track the port ships while the stern turrets move and track the starboard ships.

"The main turrets will fire the positron beams to take put the large ships while the smaller turrets will take put the smaller ships put with ballistic shells." Shining said.

As the ships near they keep firing but the shields and hull absorb and deflect the shots. The smaller turrets load Type-3 ballistic shells. Finally one of the main turret fires and three positron beams fly out. They begin to spin and then forms onto one just as it strikes the ship and immediately blows it up. Then the second and third fires and takes out the last two large ships. As the smaller ships turn and begin to retreat the two secondary cannons fire their ballistic shells. All six pierce the ships hull, three shells per ship. The time layed fuzes begin to countdown then explode and rip the ships apart. They crash onto the ground as the last one escapes.

"One got away." Shining said.

"It matters little right now. We have a team of ponies out there. Get Twilight and her group on the comms now. I want them back ASAP." Celestia said.

Nodding Shining tries to get her on the radio. But only gets only static. He looks at Celestia disturbed and worried. Also getting worried Celestia contacts Rainbowdash in the hangar.

"Rainbowdash. This is urgent." Celestia said in a near panic. "Send out a transport to find Twilight and her team. We cant get ahold of them."

"Roger." Rainbow Dash said.

A few minutes later, a transport craft leaves the bottom hangar with a crew of tatical ponies aboard.

Meanwhile, inside the facility, Twilight, Beaker, and FireShield are studying the facility.

"This is incredible. So much info." Twilight said as she studies a monitor.

"Indeed. But.....its strange.......i feel like we're being watch." Beaker said.

"It does feel strange.....hmmm.....wait.......this data.....oh no. Watch out!!" Twilight yelled as she pulls Beaker and FireShield away with her magic. Laser bolts impact the floor where they were. Suddenly a large number alien beings. They stood up on two legs. They had four arms and three eyes. Purple scaley skin. And hair on the top of their head.

"Very nice." Said one of them. They could speak Equestrian. "However. Now you and your planet will be destroyed."

"We wont let you." Twilight said. She and FireSheild use their magic and blasts the aliens away. They then run out as the aliens get up and follow them. As they get out of the facility the transport sees them and flies down. They quickly climb on and the transport flies off just as the aliens come out and opens fire on the transport. It takes scratches but no pony is hurt. The transport retuns to the Yamato and Rainbow Dash greets her friend.

"Hey Twilight. What happened out there? The transport is scratch up." Rainbow Dash said.

"We were attacked by aliens." Twiilight said.

"Ah. You too huh?" Rainbow Dash said.

"You guys too? I see." Twilight said. Twilight then gives her samples to Beaker to take back to the labs. Then she and Rainbow head up to the bridge. As soon as she gets up to the bridge all the ponies rush over to her and hugs her. Twilight tells her what the aliens said about destroying their planet.

"I see. Then we must prepare ourselves. Starlight, Sunburst where did the the last ship end up?" Celestia said.

"It ended up about two hundred kilometers north of us. Then it disappeared." They said together.

"It must be underground. Hiding. Like the facility we were in. They must hide all their equipment under ground." Twilight said.

"I see. But two hundred kilometers is quiet far. Too far for the cannons to fire." Shining Armor said .

"Then lets go after them varmits." A voice came from behind Twilight. The ponies look up and see Applejack. "Reporting in Captain Celestia. The Wave-Motion Engine is 100% functional. It seemed the stress of the warp strained it since it was its first warp in over one hundred fifty thousand years."

"I see. Thank you Applejack. Its good to go now?" Celestia said.

"Aye captain." Applejack said.

"Good. Then heres the plan. Were going to take off and destroy the base with the cannons." Celestia said.

"Aye aye." They all said and hurried to their posts. Alarms begin to blare again.

"All hands. We are once again entering combat status. Prepare to attack." Celestia said over the comms.

Ponies rush to their combat positions. Tactical ponies once again enter the turrets and man the cannons.

"Bring the engines up to 60%." Celestia called to the engineering room.

"Aye. Engines to 60%" Applehjack said and brought the Wave-Motion Engine output to 60%

"Engine output stable." Luna said.

"Launch the Yamato! Retract the anchor!" Celestia ordered.

"Roger!" Luna said. She launches the Yamato and the anchor retracts from the ground.

The Yamato takes off and rises up into the air and begins to approach the base. As soon as their in range they turn to port and the turrets turn to the starboard side. They load the type-3 ballistic shells. They open fire and the shells impact the base and begin to blow up. They dont stop firing until the base is on fire but in the distance the smaller ship has escaped. The Yamato gives chase but soon the ship warps away.

"Not good. They'll warn their allies." Celestia said.

"They wont. We already know." A voice from a speaker came. Suddenly the large bridge monitor comes to life and a well decorated Alien appears. He has all sorts of medals on his chest and he is well groomed. Despite his well groomed look and upkeep he has a stone cold ice stare. "We are the Gablion Empire. And we will eradicate that eye sore of a ship once and for all. Then we will eradicate all life on your planet."

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Phew. So far one of my favorite chapters to write. We finally get into the action. Small spoiler, the next chapter is going to much more fun to write.