• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 580 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset's Journey - Alphajeager1

Sunset appears on another earth with no memory and the power of a Kamen Rider

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S2E10 Faded Memories

The Leviathan Phantom roared up to the sky as his heart was destroyed. He lost all of his strength and his flight ability cut off as he died. The Phantom plummeted toward the ground and impacted it, just outside the base of the tower, with a thunderous slam.


The Lady, that Dante and Sunset had met twice now, was walking around the base of the tower. “Ugh!” she flinched in surprise when the giant Phantom crashed into the ground.

Vergil and Arkham

The two of them looked around as they heard a loud crash and felt the ground shake.


The Lady looked at the dust cloud and pointed her handgun into it. Only for her mouth to drop when she saw the giant Phantom corpse. She walked closer to it.

The Phantom’s eyeball started twitching and blood came out of it.

The Lady jumped back and drew the Arsenal Phone, she flipped it open and tapped out a code. THREE! THREE! THREE! THREE! She held the Arsenal Phone over her head as music blared out of the speakers. SYSTEM READY! “HENSHIN!” Then she slotted it into the Arsenal Driver. LET’S HENSHIN! Lines spread from her Driver. ARSENAL! GO! GO! ARSENAL! There was a blast of light came from the lines, transforming her into Kamen Rider Arsenal.

More blood came out of the eye.

Arsenal drew the Phone and tapped out another code. ONE! FIVE! NINE! THREE! Then she returned the Arsenal Phone to her Driver. ARSENAL PISTOL! The Arsenal Pistol appeared in her right glove.

Suddenly, Sunset Shimmer Sparda and her brother, Dante Sparda, exploded out of the eye. As did Kamen Riders Weapon, Grimm, Mega and X.

“Did we really have to get out of that thing through his eye?!” demanded Sunset in disgust.

“We’ve been over this!” replied Dante. “It was the only way out that we could find!”

Neither of them noticed Arsenal behind them.

Dante looked around and saw a sign on the side of the tower.

It looked to be painted from blood and had a jester face under it. The message was simple: “Welcome!” next to which was an arrow that pointed into the tower.

“So this is the next stage,” Dante started walking toward the door.

Sunset wrung some blood out of her hair and moved to follow her brother. Still grumbling about “Bloody eyes.”

Arsenal had enough of being ignored. “Wait!” she shouted at the two Kamen Riders.

Sunset turned around, seeing the other Kamen Rider for the first time. “Hey, Sis!” she cheered.

Dante spun around. “Oh! It’s you!” he smoothed back his hair, attempting to be suave. “Can I interest you in a date this time?” the effect was ruined by the blood coating him.

“I said that I’ve had my fill of crazy,” Arsenal pointed out. “Besides,” she pointed the Arsenal Pistol at Dante’s head. “I don’t date guys who stink like blood,” the humour in her voice took the venom out of her words.

Dante glanced down at himself, then at his sister. He realised what a mess they were. “Dang, we really need a shower,” he held his right hand over his belt buckle. DRIVER ON! The magic circle transformed it into the Gate Driver. Then he punched the Rebellion Ring into the Driver’s left slot. SET! Dante turned his wrist forward, making the Gate Driver’s gate open. OPEN! The Rebellion magic circle appeared from his Driver and moved back through him. R-E-B-E-L-L-I-O-N! Transforming him into Kamen Rider Dante, Rebellion Style.

He drew Ebony as the transformation finished.

Both Kamen Rider’s point their firearms past each other and fired at the Phantoms that had been closing in on them from behind.

Sunset held her right hand over her belt buckle. DRIVER ON! The magic circle appeared and transformed it into the Wizard Driver. PLEASE! Then she pressed down on the left Shift Lever, turning the Hand Author to the left. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! She held her left hand as well as the Giga Ring and the Guardian Ring in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. GIGA PLEASE! “HENSHIN!” shouted Sunset as she pointed her left hand down to the ground. BREAKTHROUGH! The Giga magic circle appeared under her feet and rose up through her. Transforming her into Kamen Rider Symbol Giga Style.

BALL! The Cerberus Phantom Familiar jumped out of a small Guardian magic circle as the Giga Axe appeared from a small Giga magic circle. He leapt onto the Giga Axe and combined with it, transforming it into the Giga Cerberus.

Symbol caught him and pointed him down to the ground. SMASH THE ICE! The full-sized Guardian magic circle appeared under her boots and rose up through her, powering her up into the Giga Guardian Style.

“So tell me,” shouted Dante over the sound of gunfire. “What’s your name?”

Symbol slashed a Pride Phantom with the Giga Cerberus’ hammer side as she pressed her Driver’s left Shift Lever. Then she kicked another Pride Phantom back as she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. She grabbed the second Pride Phantom and threw him into the first Pride Phantom while she held Giga Cerberus so that his collar was aligned with the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL! GIGA CERBERUS C RANK SPELL! She slammed the hammer side of Giga Cerberus into the ground, forming a block of ice. “Here we go!” she slammed the hammer side into the ice block, shattering it and bombarding the Phantoms with ice shards that froze them both over.

SEVEN! NINE! TWO! ZERO! BURST MODE! “I don’t have a name!” shouted Arsenal as she switched the Arsenal Pistol into its burst mode and fired a burst of laser bolts.

Symbol slid the Punch, Drill, High-speed and Furnace Rings onto her right glove and pressed down on her Driver’s right Shift Lever. She punched an Envy Phantom in the throat as she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! PUNCH DRILL HIGH-SPEED FURNACE PLEASE! “I’ve had enough of your lot!” shouted Symbol as the four magic circles appeared under her boots and rose up through her. She was transformed, only the gauntlets on her lower arms and gloves were now pure red.

These are the Punch Gauntlets.

FALCO! GO! T-T-T-TRICKSTER! “So what am I supposed to call you?” asked Dante. EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE! “Because there’s no way I’m calling you sis like Ruby does!” He fired off a barrage of orange feathers from his hand cannons.

“I TAKE OFFENCE TO THAT!” Symbol pressed down on her Driver’s right Shift Lever once as she punched the Envy phantom in the face. Then she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE! “Ha!” fire built up around her right fist as she darted forward and punched the Phantom in the face, sending him flying off into the distance.

FIVE! FOUR! SEVEN! THREE! STICKY BOMB! “I don’t care! Whatever you want!” shouted Arsenal as she pulled out three sticky bombs. She threw them and they exploded, destroying a Sloth Phantom.

“Big mistake,” muttered Symbol as she pressed her Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. She punched a Sloth Phantom back, after taking a blow from him, she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! DRILL MAGIC PLEASE! Flames appeared around her right glove and started spiralling. The fire turned into a drill construct as Symbol punched the Sloth Phantom, boring a hole through his body.

DOLPI! GO! D-D-D-DOLPHI! “Whatever, Lady!” HALF CHARGE! FULLY CHARGED! Dante fired a Chameleon Construct and a construct of the Rebellion Blade, tearing three more Phantoms to pieces. Then he jumped away. “Let’s go, sis!”

“I’m not leaving her in this situation!” Symbol pressed the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever three times and scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! HIGH-SPEED MAGIC PLEASE! She punched through the air, firing several blasts of fist-shaped fire. They arched up and then back down, smashing into the Phantoms and destroying most of them.

Leaving Kamen Rider Arsenal with very little to deal with.

“See ya!” shouted Symbol. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! SWIFT PLEASE! DASH AWAY! SPEED THROUGH THE FIRE AND WIND! Suddenly, the Swift and Firestorm magic circles appeared over her helmet and fell through her, transforming her into the Swift Firestorm Style.

“Farewell, Lady,” called Swift Rudra.

“When we next meet, we shall sing for you and the Young Master once again!” proclaimed Swift Agni.

“Oh God no,” muttered Dante in despair.

MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! GIGA PLEASE! BREAKTHROUGH! SMASH THE ICE! Suddenly, the Giga and Guardian magic circles appeared under Symbol and transformed her into the Giga Guardian Style with Giga Cerberus putting himself together.

“Balls!” Giga Cerberus agreed.

Symbol giggled at her brother’s embarrassment as the group ran over a bridge, through a hole in the wall, across a corridor and through a door on the left end of the corridor.

This took them into the Provisions Storeroom.

“Why is this place full of spiderwebs?” asked Symbol.

“I’ll give you one guess,” replied Dante as he pointed up.

“Please don’t tell me,” muttered Symbol as she looked up.

The roof and walls of the room were covered in spiderwebs with a new type of Phantom crawling down toward the Kamen Riders. They looked like males with grey skin, eight red eyes and a spider sack coming from their behinds. Thie arms were in the shape of praying mantis blades.

These are the Arachne Phantoms.

“These things get uglier and uglier each time,” grimaced Dante.


“Something tells me that my sister does not like spiders,” sweatdropped Dante.

MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! FURNACE MAGIC PLEASE! “DIE DIE DIE!” Symbol roared as the Bombardment Spell Channel fired a spiral of flame that engulfed several more of the Arachne Phantoms, burning them to ash.

MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! BOMBARDMENT MAGIC PLEASE! “MURDER!” Symbol screamed as she shot out three sharp fireballs. They soared through the air and slammed into the Phantoms, burning their way through their bodies at high-speeds.

MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! PUNCH DRILL TERRA FURNACE PLEASE! Symbol continued to fight in her berserker rage. MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE! “GET AWAY FROM ME!” she punched the ground, forming a wall of sharp flames between herself and the Phantoms.

Symbol switched the Punch Ring for the Bombardment Ring and pressed her Driver’s right Shift Lever. Then she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author as the Phantoms started to break through the firewall. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! BOMBARDMENT DRILL TERRA FURNACE PLEASE! She pointed her right glove down to the ground as the Bombardment magic circle appeared under her boots and rose up through her.

She took aim and fired several balls of fire from the Bombardment Spell Channel. “This isn’t killing the spiders fast enough!” chanted Symbol in a mad manner.

“Ok, now she’s lost it,” muttered Dante as he stabbed another Arachne Phantom with the Rebellion Blade.

Symbol pressed down on her Driver’s right Shift Lever twice and then scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Phantoms broke through the wall. MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! DRILL MAGIC PLEASE! She took aim and fired a spiralling blast of fire that incinerated several of the Arachne Phantoms.

Then she saw small white spider creatures coming out of the burnt corpses.

“Oh just great, as if this couldn’t get any worse!” shouted Symbol.

“And you give me grief for saying that?!” demanded Dante.

“Argh! You made me say it!” shouted Symbol in terror.

“What?!” demanded Dante.

“Maybe the universe didn’t hear!” pointed out Symbol.

“I really don’t think we’re talking cause and effect,” replied Dante.

“That’s what the universe want’s you to think!” shouted Symbol.

“What?! Ok!” That’s it! You have officially lost your mind!” replied Dante.

“I have not!” shouted back Symbol.

Kamen Rider X drew out a new Whistle while her Mistress was fighting with her brother. It was blue and the head resembled several foamy bubbles. She slotted it into the X Driver and pressed down her Driver. ACID BURST! She threw out her right glove and fired a stream of acid, it hit the Arachne Phantom and made sparks coming from his body. The Phantom screamed as he clutched his face, the acid had gotten into his eyes.

EARTH TUNE! X shifted into her Earth Tune as she drew out another new Whistle. It was coloured brown and the head was in the shape of a drill. She slashed the, still blinded Phantom several times before loading the Whistle into the X Driver and hitting it. TORNADO FANG! Her sword transformed into a brown drill sword, she held down on the trigger and the blade started spinning, she slashed the Phantom, cutting him clean in half and freeing him.

SILENT TUNE! Another Arachne Phantom came at X from the side as she was covered in a sphere of purple sound. She transformed into the Silent Tune and fired a blast of sound that sent the Phantom rolling away. She drew the next Whistle, it was purple with a triangle for its head. She placed it into the X Driver and pressed down. TRAID THUNDER! Three spheres of lightning appeared around her in a triangle formation. They shot forward and circled the Phantom before surging inward, electrocuting him violently.

EARTH TUNE! Suddenly, X was forced to transform back into her Earth Tune. She drew her sword and block a pair of downward swings from, another Arachne Phantom that had attacked her from the side. She pushed the Phantom back and drew another new Whistle. Its head looked like a pair of buzzsaws. She slotted it into the X Driver and pressed down on it. SPINNING BLADE! A pair of brown spinning buzzsaws appeared and slash ran at the Phantom, slashing him in half. Both halves combusted into brown flames.

Suddenly, X was slashed across the back by the other Arachne Phantom. SILENT TUNE! She quickly changed back into her Silent Tune and shot the Phantom, forcing him back. Then she slotted another new Whistle with several beams on its head into the X Driver before hitting it. RAY SPLASHER! She threw her right glove forward and fired seven beams that tore through the Phantom, destroying him.

“Mission clear,” spoke X for the first time since the battle started.

Dante did not bother to reply to his sister as he punched the Rebellion Ring into the back of the Rebellion Blade. ONE! As black energy covered his sword, Dante slashed the Arachne Phantom twice and punched the Falcon Ring into the Gate Driver’s right slot. ONE! FALCO TRICK! Orange energy covered the Rebellion Blade, mixing with the black energy. Dante pulled the trigger after cutting the Phantom again. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! He teleported in front of the Phantom and slashed upward, firing him up into the air.

“Here we go!” Dante switched the Osiris Ring for the Rebellion Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [b]SET! He turned his wrist back, then forward, making the Gate Driver’s gate close and open. OPEN! The Osiris magic circle appeared from the Gate Driver and moved back through Dante. O-S-I-R-I-S! Transforming him from the Rebellion Style to the Osiris Style.

The Osiris Scythe appeared and he turned the handle. HOOK MODE! Transforming it into the Angel Lift. He hooked it onto the, still airborne, Arachne Phantom and pulled himself up. Thanks to the boost in speed from the Falcon Mantle, he was nothing but a blur as he moved.

Dante switched the Osiris Ring for the Rebellion Ring and punched it into the Gate Driver’s left slot. SET! He turned his wrist back, then forward, closing and opening the Gate Driver’s gate. OPEN! The Rebellion magic circle appeared from his Driver and moved back through Dante. R-E-B-E-L-L-I-O-N! Transforming him back into the Rebellion Style.

Dante punched the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Blade’s Ring slot. ONE! As black magical energy covered the sword, Dante punched the Falcon Ring into the Gate Driver’s right slot. ONE! Orange energy wrapped around the Rebellion Blade as Dante pulled it back. FALCO TRICK! He pressed the trigger and swung down. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! The sword moved fast enough to leave orange and black speed lines in the air as it pulled Dante down. “Breakdown!” The Rebellion Blade cut a black and orange line into the Phantom as he was smashed into the ground.

Dante landed back on the ground as the Arachne Phantom started to get back up. “You’re tougher than the rest of the Phantoms,” he commented as he slammed the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Blade. TWO! Black magical energy covered the sword. “But that won’t save you!” Dante pulled the trigger as he spun around. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! The Rebellion Blade bit into the Phantom several times as Dante finished spinning.

“Time to end this!” shouted Dante as the Arachne Phantom stumbled back in pain. He pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Black energy covered the blade as Dante flipped it into a reverse grip. “One! Two!” he swung the blade twice, firing a pair of energy waves that trapped the Phantom. “Three! OVERDRIVE!” Dante swung the Rebellion Blade, releasing a third wave that destroyed the trapped Phantom.

“Watch it!” shouted Dante. “You nearly hit me!”

“Die! Yes! Destroy them all!” cackled Symbol.

She was clearly still having a mental breakdown.

“Alright, that is it!” Dante walked over and punched her sister in the helmet.

“Owie!” yelled Symbol in pain. “What was that for?!”

Dante gave her a look.

Kamen Rider Symbol looked down, sheepishly. “I really lost it back there, didn’t it?”

“Big-time,” replied Dante.

“Sorry,” replied his sister sheepishly.

“Water under the bridge,” replied Dante as they ran out of the room.

Symbol shouted in joy.

They found themselves in a room that had a short path, with a small flight of stairs. At that base of the stairs was a tablet.

“Any idea what it says?” asked Dante.

“Yeah,” Symbol translated the runes on the tablet. “Radiate the image sunken in the depths below to open a new path.”

“Well that tells us exactly nothing,” scowled Dante.

“It has something to do with what’s at the top of these stairs, I just know it!” Symbol ran up the stairs.

“Wait up!” Dante followed.

They found themselves staring at a mirror puzzle with a fire wheel at the end of it.

Three hours later

“Well, that took forever,” growled out Symbol as they broke the last mirror and opened a new door at the base of the steps.

When they first failed, they found out that the fire wheel was a reset button.

“It was only three hours,” replied Dante.

“My point exactly!” shouted Symbol as they ran to the bottom of the stairs and through a door that was off to the right.

“Oh come on!” shouted Dante as they dove out of the way of a barrage of arrows.

They were in the Subground Water Vein. It was a long stone path, with an endless drop on either side, inside a cave. On a ledge were several Enigma Phantoms.

“Haven’t seen this lot in a while,” commented Symbol.

“Less talking and more dodging!” shouted Dante.

“Got it!” Symbol switched the Giga and Guardian Rings for the Swift and Firestorm Rings as she avoided several blue arrows. Symbol dodged a red arrow as she pressed down on her Driver’s left Shift Lever. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, she threw herself under another red arrow. SWIFT PLEASE! DASH AWAY! Symbol held her left glove up into the air as the Swift magic circle appeared, it fell down through her, transforming her into the Swift Style. The Swift Blaster dropped out of a smaller Swift magic circle, Symbol caught it.

“To arms!” shouted the Agni Phantom Familiar as he jumped out of a small Firestorm magic circle.

“Not to mention legs!” added the Rudra Phantom Familiar as he jumped out after his brother.

They both jumped onto the Swift Blaster, making it glow red and blue.

Kamen Rider Symbol placed her right glove onto the Swift Blaster and pulled it away, pulling the blue glow off the weapon. When the light cleared, she was holding the Swift Agni and the Swift Rudra.

“Let’s power up!” Symbol pointed both of her guns into the air, the Firestorm magic circle appeared over her helmet and fell through her. SPEED THROUGH THE FIRE AND WIND! She was powered up into the Swift Firestorm Style.

Symbol dodged another red bolt before pressing her Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. “Oh no!” she saw several blue bolts shooting toward her and scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! B RANK SPELL! Her body was covered in yellow magical energy as her visor glowed. Time slowed down as she sped up, Symbol was able to weave between the bolts with ease.

“My turn,” Symbol added the Arrow, Blade and Zoomer Rings to her right glove, then she pressed her Driver’s right Shift Lever. The speed boost started to wear off as she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! ARROW BLADE ZOOMER PLEASE! Then she held her right glove into the air as the three magic circles appeared and fell through her, arming Symbol with the Arrow Bow.

The Kamen Rider pressed her Driver’s right Shift Lever three times. She knocked five arrows out of the air with her energy bolts and scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE! Suddenly, her speed increased to the point that the Engima Phantoms were seeing multiple Kamen Rider Symbols.

They looked at each other, confused.

“That never gets old,” chuckled Symbol as she fired several green energy bolts, striking the Phantoms several times. Then she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author after pressing the right Shift Lever once. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO ARROW MAGIC PLEASE! She pulled back on the Arrow Bow, charging up green energy. “Here we go!” Symbol released the energy, firing eight green arrowheads. They shot through the air and slammed into two of the Engima Phantoms. It was to much damage and they were destroyed.

“Two down,” Symbol took stock of the remaining Phantoms. “Two to go, whoa!” she saw eight more blue arrows shooting toward her. Symbol pressed down on her Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! Then she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author after blocking another arrow. BLADE MAGIC PLEASE! Eight buzzsaws surrounded her like a shield, cutting the rest of the arrows apart and causing them to shatter into blue glass-like shards.

“Enough messing around!” Symbol hit her Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! Then scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Yellow energy covered her body, Symbol pointed the Arrow Bow into the air and pulled back on the string. “Finale,” the Kamen Rider whispered as she slowly aimed the Arrow Bow at the Enigma Phantoms.

They looked at each other, scared from the huge amount of power Symbol was emitting.

“FINAL BLADE!” Symbol released the string, firing a yellow buzzsaw construct that saw through the air and through a Phantom before bouncing back to Symbol, she spun around and kicked the construct, sending it shooting back at the second Enigma Phantom, cutting him in half, both Phantoms exploded.

Weapon jumped back as an Arachne Phantom slashed at her. Only for his mouth to open and his tongue to shoot out. It stabbed into her shoulder pauldron, drawing sparks from the impact point. She removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver and switched out the Whistles. The new Whistle was yellow with the head being brown. She slotted it into the Weapon Driver. G-I-A-N-D-U-J-A! Then she pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into her right palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Weapon slotted the Dust Knuckle back into the Weapon Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour flew out and slammed into the Phantom, driving him back before it connected with Weapon. The sniper rifle and the scythe on her chestplate transformed into a Gatling gun and a briefcase.

The Phantom recovered and fired a web at Weapon, she pressed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver once. H-Y-P-E-R B-R-I-E-F-C-A-S-E! She held out her right glove and a brown briefcase with yellow studs appeared. She used it as a shield to block the web before pulling the Arachne Phantom toward her. W-I-N-D D-U-S-T C-H-A-R-G-E! The Hyper Briefcase was covered in raging green wind. Weapon pulled it back and used it to wack the Arachne Phantom, sending him slamming into the wall with several cuts forming on his body from the intense raging wind.

Then Weapon pressed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver for a second time. F-A-S-H-I-O-N G-A-T-L-I-N-G! There was the sound of machinery shifting as Weapon converted the Hyper Briefcase into the Fashion Gatling. It was a brown Gatling gun with yellow rimming on the barrels and the ammo drum. W-I-N-D D-U-S-T P-O-W-E-R-E-D! Weapon opened fire, firing a barrage of wind bullets that shot through the air and tore the Phantom to pieces.

Symbol patted her on the backplate. “Good job.”

“Thank you, my Master,” replied Weapon.

“My feminine pride will always hate that,” deadpanned Symbol.

Weapon pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver as she dodged a slash from a Pride Phantom. S-C-Y-T-H-E! The Crescent Scythe appeared in her gloves and she blocked several more attacks. The two scythe uses locked weapons. For a minute they were even. C-O-M-B-U-S-T-I-O-N D-U-S-T C-H-A-R-G-E! Only for the Crescent Scythe to be covered in red and black fire. Using the strength boost, Kamen Rider Weapon forced the scythe up and then slashed down, cutting a firey red gash through the Phantom.

Kamen Rider Weapon slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver twice as she kicked the, still on fire, Pride Phantom back. S-N-I-P-E-R! Mechanical shifting noises came from the Crescent Scythe as it transformed into the Crescent Rifle. C-O-M-B-U-S-T-I-O-N D-U-S-T P-O-W-E-R-E-D! Weapon took with her, weapon, and then fired a sniper round. It was black and red, it slammed into the Phantom and exploded violently, slamming the Pride Phantom into one of the gears.

The Phantom fell to the ground and got back up weakly. Upon seeing Kamen Rider Weapon approaching, he was covered in an aura of black energy. He shot forward and slashed Weapon several times with his scythe.

Kamen Rider Weapon was caught off guard but quickly recovered. She switched the Combustion Dust Whistle for the Earth Dust Whistle. E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T! Then she removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver. She pressed the right side of it into her right palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Then slammed the Dust Knuckle back into the Weapon Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour flew out of the Driver and slammed back into Kamen Rider Weapon, after knocking the Phantom back. The background of her chestplate transformed into a rocky orange background.

Weapon blocked a pair of slashes, took the third one and spun around, knocking the Phantom back with the bottom of her Crescent Rifle’s shaft. She quickly pressed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver once. S-C-Y-T-H-E! The Cresent Rifle made machine shifting sounds as it transformed back into the Crescent Scythe. E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T C-H-A-R-G-E! Weapon slammed it onto the ground and created a wall of rock, sending the Phantom flying off the edge of the walkway.

“Dante, stop running off ahead!” shouted Symbol.

“Sorry, still getting used to this whole, working together, thing,” replied Dante.

Symbol sighed and ran through the door.

“Wait for me!” cried out Dante as he ran after his sister.

They entered a room that looked like a long corridor, it curved around to the side with several spiralling cogs on each side of it. This is the Rounded Pathway.

“Now this looks familiar,” muttered Symbol.

“Really?” asked Dante.

“Yes, it looks like that cog room in Limbo that one of our first fights together took place in,” replied Symbol.

Dante clearly did not remember.

“It’s the one that you ran into and got us trapped in,” deadpanned Symbol.

“You’re never going to let that go, are you?” asked Dante.

“Maybe in a thousand years,” replied Symbol.

“So that’s a never?” asked Dante.

“Yep,” replied Symbol.

“You can really hold a grudge, can’t you?” stated Dante.

“We did kill Wiseman for killing Mom,” replied Symbol.

“That’s different!” shot back Dante.

With that, the Phantoms in the Rounded Corridor got fed up of being ignored and attacked the group.

“Out of one fight and straight into another,” grumbled Symbol as she switched the Swift and Firestorm Rings for the Giga and Guardian Rings. She pressed down on her Driver’s left Shift Lever. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! Before she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. GIGA PLEASE! Symbol held her left glove down to the ground as the Giga magic circle appeared under her boots. BREAKTHROUGH! It rose up through her and transformed her into the Giga Style. “Come! Giga Cerberus!” Symbol held out her right glove and a smaller Giga magic circle appeared above it as the Giga Axe dropped out of the circle.

BALL! shouted the Cerberus Phantom Familiar as he jumped out of a smaller Guardian magic circle and docked with the Giga Axe, transforming it into the Giga Cerberus.

Symbol pointed him down to the ground and the full-sized Guardian magic circle appeared under her boots and rose up through her. “Let’s power up!” SMASH THE ICE! Transforming her into the Giga Guardian style.

Symbol pressed down on her Driver’s left Shift Lever twice as a Greed Phantom started his summoning. She scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Phantom slammed his coffin into the ground. Symbol held Giga Cerberus horizontal so that his collar was in front of her Driver. MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL! GIGA CERBERUS B RANK SPELL! The axe part of Giga Cerberus was covered in white energy as she pulled it back and slammed it onto the ground, firing a line of ice spikes that soared across the ground and encased the Phantom.

He had already managed to summon his fellow Phantoms across the dimensional plane and they tried to protect him.

Only to be blocked by Dante and Symbol’s Gem Maiden servants.

“Thanks, you lot!” yelled Symbol.

“Thank us by taking that guy out!” shouted Dante.

“I’m already on it!” replied Symbol as she pressed her Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL! Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. GIGA B RANK SPELL! Symbol held up her right glove and curled it into a fist as green energy covered it. Then she slammed it into the trail of ice spikes that caused them to shatter and badly damage the Greed Phantom.

“Now, the finale,” Symbol pressed down on her Driver’s left Shift Lever four times as the Phantom started to recover. Then she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author as the Greed Phantom got back up. He slammed his coffin down onto the ground as Symbol held Giga Cerberus so that he was in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! GIGA! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Arctic energy covered Symbol and was pulled into Giga Cerberus. “CERBERUS HOWL!” Symbol slammed the Hammer part down, firing a line of ice spikes that froze the Phantom once more. Then she slashed upward, firing a vertical crescent of cold energy that tore through the line, absorbing their cold and growing in power, cutting a vertical line into the Phantom. Symbol finished the move by stabbing forward, firing a beam of cold magic that hit the line, detonating the energy and freeing the Phantom.

Kamen Rider Mega ducked under a slash from a Pride Phantom. She drew a new Whistle, it was blue with a missile-shaped head. She slotted it into the Mega Driver and pressed down. DIVE MISSILE! Then she transformed her right glove into a cannon and fired a blue missile. It shot through the air and slammed into the Arachne Phantom, exploding on contact.

FIRE TUNE! Mega shifted into her Fire Tune as the Phantom’s tongue shot out of his mouth and toward her. She slotted a red Whistle with a skull for a head into the Mega Driver. Just before the attack hit, she pressed down. SKULL BARRIER! A red skull appeared around Mega, stopping the attack from hitting her.

LIGHT TUNE! Mega shifted into her light tune as she slotted another Whistle into the Mega Driver. Its head looked like a black hole. She slammed her glove down on the Mega Driver. GRAVITY HOLD! She pointed her sword at the Phantom and then pointed up. The Phantom rose into the air before being slammed into the ground, painfully.

THUNDER TUNE! Then Mega shifted into her Thunder Tune as she slotted a new Whistle into the Mega Driver. Its head was in the shape of a wave, she pressed down on the Driver. WATER WAVE! Her left glove transformed into a cannon, she fired a green bolt of energy that hit the ground and transformed into a giant wave of water. It slammed into the Phantom was washed him into a wall.

Then mega slammed another Whistle into the Mega Driver. It was green and the head looked like three rocks. She pressed down on it as the Phantom started to get back up. POWER STONE! Mega’s right arm turned into a cannon that she used to fire three rocks at the Phantom. They shot through the air and sent him ass over the kettle.

Seeing that it was time to end this, Mega placed her right glove into the Mega Driver. POWER STONE BITE! Green energy was charged into her arm before she fired three rocks that glowed with green energy. They spiralled around each, turning into a green rocky beam that ripped the Arachne Phantom apart.

X had been watching her sister Kamen Rider’s back. She saw a Phantom sneaking up behind Mega and slotted a new Whistle into the X Driver before pressing down on it. GRAVITY WELL! She held out her right glove and fired an orb of blue gravity. The enveloped the Phantom and crushed him, freeing him from the Phantom mind control.

Then, she slotted another Whistle into the X Driver and pressed down. PARASITIC BOMB! A spiked bomb appeared in her right glove, the pulled back her glove and threw the bomb, it latched onto her opponent and caused him to explode.

Suddenly, X was struck from behind by two slashes, she rolled away from her attacker and switched forms. WATER TUNE! She was covered by a sphere of sea-green water as she transformed into the Water Tune. She turned toward the Arachne Phantom as she slammed another whistle into the X Driver. FROST SHIELD! She held out both of her gloves and formed a shield of frost in front of her, stopping the Phantom from attacking her again.

SPIN WHEEL! Then she slammed her glove into the ground, firing a spinning buzzsaw. It shot through the ground and the Arachne Phantom ran away, the buzzsaw followed. The Phantom jumped up and landed on the ceiling, he blew a raspberry at X, only to be sawed through by the buzzsaw from behind.

Seeing three more Arachne Phantoms drop down from the ceiling, X decided to end the fight by placing her right glove into the X Driver’s mouth. SPIN WHEEL BITE! Green energy was infused into her right glove. She pulled back her left fist and punched the ground. A green buzzsaw sprouted out of the ground, right under one of the Arachne Phantoms, sawing straight through it. Then the buzzsaw transformed into eight bolts of green energy, four of each pierced through the other two Phantoms, destroying all three of them.

With the battle over, the group ran into another room. It was a huge cave with a waterfall at the other end.

“That looks like a way to get clean,” Dante pointed out.

“Yeah, but there’s no way to reach the water,” Symbol showed him how he was wrong.

“Bummer,” sulked Dante.

“Hey look at this,” Symbol ran over to a statue in the corner of the room, along the same wall as the door and a second door. There were runes inscribed into it.

“Any idea what it says?” asked Dante.

“Give me a second,” replied Symbol. “Restore the mask’s scared energy and the power to part the oceans will be yours,” she read.

“MINE!” shouted Dante as he jumped a gap and came back with a gun.

“Another gun?” demanded Symbol.

“Yep!” replied Dante, cocking it.

The gun was a high calibre rifle, it was coloured black with a wooden stock and loading cock.

This is the Spiral.

“I’m going to enjoy playing with this!” cackled Dante.

“Let’s go,” Symbol rolled her eyes.

They ran through the door and into the second half of the Rounded Pathway.

“Why did I see this coming?!” demanded Symbol as they were attacked by Phantoms.

“Shut up and fight!” shouted Dante.

“No room for the Bombardment Spell Channel in here,” muttered Symbol as she added the Punch, Drill, Terra and Furance Rings to her right glove before pressing her Driver’s right Shift Lever. Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! PUNCH DRILL TERRA FURNACE PLEASE! However, the second the transformation was finished she was struck by three Pride Phantoms that the Greed Phantom had called to battle.

“All right, enough is enough!” shouted Symbol as she pressed her Driver’s right Shift Lever four times and scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! FURNACE MAGIC PLEASE! She flicked her wrist and a coil of fire materialized around her, sending the Pride Phantoms into the air.

Symbol switched the Giga and Guardian Rings for the Advance Ring and pressed down on her Driver’s left Shift Lever. The Phantoms fell back to the ground as she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS! ADVANCE PLEASE! Symbol held her left glove out in front of her as the Advance magic circle appeared and moved back through her. “COME! ADVANCE TIMER!” yelled Symbol as she held her right arm into the air.

TO BATTLE! MY MISTRESS! A black blur zoomed into the corridor and attacked the Phantoms before slamming into Symbol’s right forearm guard, transforming into the Advance Timer. ADVANCE TIME!

Symbol turned the dial. SET UP! Then she hit the thumb inward. START! The Advance Timer started ticking.

Symbol ran toward a Pride Phantom and pressed down on her Driver’s left Shift Lever. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and punched a Phantom in the face. ADVANCE C TIER SPELL! The emitters on her forearm guards glowed as she punched the Pride Phantom in the stomach, firing a beam of yellow energy that freed him from being controlled.

Symbol saw that the Advance Timer had already reached the red section and pressed the thumb inward. BREAKER ADVANCE! The Advance Breaker magic circle appeared in the air and Breaker jumped out of it.

Breaker jumped into the air and pressed down on her Driver’s left Shift Lever three times before scanning her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL! Red energy covered her right fist as the emitters on her shin guard hummed. She punched down and slammed her fist into the ground, firing a red shockwave that through the two remaining Pride Phantoms into the air.

Symbol noted that the Advance Timer’s clock hand had reached the blue section. She pressed the thumb inward again. “Here we go!” BLOCKER ADVANCE! The Advance Blocker magic circle appeared in the air and Blocker jumped out of it.

But she had nothing to do as Symbol and Breaker did not need protection at the moment.

Dante had gone on ahead was already fighting another Enimga Phantom. He switched the Falcon Ring for the Dolphin Ring and punched it into the Gate Driver’s right slot. DOLPI! He held his right glove out to the side. GO! Then he dove through the Dolphin magic circle as it appeared. D-D-D-DOLPHI! Dante rolled to one knee as he drew out Coyote A.

He pumped the pump-action shotgun. PUMP IT! He took aim as blue energy gathered around the barrel. SHOOT IT! “Yeah!” Dante pulled the trigger, firing a blue dolphin construct that shot through the air and whacked the Phantom with its tail, sending the Phantom shooting into the air.

“Let’s switch it up!” Dante swapped the Dolphin Ring for the Chameleon Ring and punched it into his Driver’s right slot. CHAMELEON! He held his right glove out to the side. GO! “Woah!” then he jumped through the Chameleon magic circle as it appeared, narrowly avoiding a red arrow that the livid Phantom at had shot at him. S-S-S-SWORDMASTER! Dante landed on the other side of the magic circle as the Dolphin Mantle transformed into the Chameleon Mantle.

Dante took aim with Coyote A and pulled back on the pump. PUMP IT! Dante took aim as green energy gathered around the barrel. “Let’s do this!” he pulled the trigger. SHOOT IT! He fired a chameleon construct that shot through the air and pierced through the Enigma Phantom and caused him to explode.

Suddenly, a red arrow slammed into Dante from the side and sent him flying through the air. “What on earth,” he got back to his boots and glared at the Enigma Phantom that had just shot him from the side. “I’ll need more power for this one!” he swapped the Chameleon Ring for the Buffalo Ring and pressed it into the Gate Driver’s right slot. BUFFA! He held his right glove out to the side. GO! Then he let the Buffalo magic circle pass through him. R-R-R-ROYAL GUARD! Transforming his mantle into the Buffalo Mantle as he grinned at the Phantom.

Dante drew Coyote A and pumped the pump. PUMP IT! He took aim as red energy gathered around the barrel. SHOOT IT! Dante pulled the trigger and fired a buffalo construct that rampaged toward the Phantom. He shot several energy arrows at the construct, but it just ploughed through them and trampled over him.

Not finished yet, the Phantom got back up. FALCO! GO! T-T-T-TRICKSTER! There was a flash of orange light. PUMP IT! SHOOT IT! Right before an orange falcon construct picked up the Enigma Phantom and dropped him into the endless drop, a pillar of white light signalled his destruction a second later.

“Requesting assistance,” required Kamen Rider Weapon.

“Request approved!” Kamen Rider Grimm appeared and drop kicked the Phantom in the face, forcing him back. She pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L B-I-T-T-I-N-G! Black mist covered her arms as the Gorilla Gauntlets appeared around her forearms. She ran forward and tried to punch the Phantom twice, but he was able to dodge with ease. A-U-R-A A-M-P-L-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N A-T-T-A-C-K! The Gorilla Gauntlets glowed with blinding white light that stunned the Phantom long enough for Grimm to land a solid hit, sending him flying back through the air.

The Phantom got back up and charged at Grimm, transforming into a streak of black energy from the Kamen Rider’s point of view as he rocketed toward her.

S-N-I-P-E-R! E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T P-O-W-E-R-E-D! Suddenly, a bolt of orange energy slammed into the ground and a wall of rock appeared. The Phantom slammed into it and his aura deactivated.

Grimm glanced at Weapon and nodded to her. Thanking her through the small hivemind.

W-I-N-D D-U-S-T! R-E-A-D-Y! F-I-S-T O-N! Weapon replied with a: “Your welcome.”

D-R-A-G-O-N R-A-G-E! R-E-A-D-Y! F-I-S-T O-N! Grimm transformed and the cross on her faceplate opened up as she turned to the Phantom.

Who now looked incredibly scared as he faced down two Kamen Riders without his upgraded form.

Both of which pressed their Knuckles into their Driver three times. C-R-E-S-C-E-N-T R-O-S-E R-I-S-E U-P! B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L M-A-S-S-A-C-R-E! Kamen Rider Weapon made green wind cover the Crescent Rifle as she fired a green wind round. It shot through the air and drill through the heart of the Pride Phantom.

Grimm dashed forward at high speed as a dragon made out of golden fire coiled around her right Gorilla Gauntlet. She pulled back her fist and punched the Phantom as the dragon bit down, causing the Phantom to explode into golden flames.

They ran through the door and found themselves back in the Provisions Storeroom.

Dante picked up a piece of purple rock with black veins running through it called the Ambrosia.

“Hey, isn’t this the room, we, just, left,” Symbol trailed off as Arachne Phantoms dropped down.

“Here we go again,” Dante rolled his eyes.

“DIE!” Symbol went berserk once more as she pressed down on the Advance Timer’s thumb twice. BOUNDER ADVANCE! BLASTER ADVANCE! ADVANCE WEAPON TIME! Both the Advance Bounder and the Advance Blaster magic circles appeared in the air as the Advance Timer’s clock hand started its second rotation. Bounder and Blaster jumped out of their respective magic circles.

Bounder pressed her Driver’s left Shift Lever. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL! The emitters on her forearm guards lit up as she darted forward and punched one of the Arachne Phantoms with enough force to send him flying off his feet.

Blaster hit her Driver’s left Shift Lever twice and then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BLASTER B TIER SPELL! A ring of purple energy spheres appeared around her and shot through the air. They arched around and slammed into Phantom that Bounder had just sent flying, freeing him from the Phantom Mind’s control.

Symbol saw that the Advance Timer’s clock hand had reached the yellow section once more after completing its second lap. She pressed the thumb inward. ARTEMIS! All five od the Advance magic circles appeared. Symbol and her Advance Style Clones reached into the circles and pulled out their Artemis weapons.

Symbol spun the chamber and then snapped the Advance Artemis closed. ADVANCE MATCH STRIKE! Green energy with cold wind lapping off it appeared around the blade part of the Advance Artemis. “MURDER!” she roared as she slashed down, cutting through a spiderweb and freezing one of the Arachne Phantoms before hitting it and causing the Phantom to shatter.

Breaker followed her Leader’s lead and snapped the Breaker Artemis closed after giving the barrel a spin. BREAKER MATCH STRIKE! She got to one knee and took aim, firing six bullets of sharp water that shot through the air. They impacted one of the Arachne Phantoms and drilled three holes through his body, causing him to go free.

Blocker blocked a slash from an Arachne Phantom and kicked him back before she opened the Blocker Artemis. She spun and barrel and then snapped it closed. BLOCKER MATCH STRIKE! Blue energy gathered around the barrel of the Blocker Artemis as she pulled the trigger, firing a blue beam, the head of which looked like a chainsaw.

It acted like one as well.

The attack hit one of the Arachne Phantoms and sawed through him. Cutting him in half and causing him to explode.

Bounder dodged away from a slash as another Arachne Phantom tried to cut through her. She pulled open the Bounder Artemis and spun the chamber before snapping it closed. BOUNDER MATCH STRIKE! She took aim and fired a blast of wind that moved at high speed. It surrounded the Phantom and cut his head off.

“Spiders, make it stop!” Symbol saw the Advance Timer had reached the red section as it started on its third rotation. She pressed the thumb inward. ANGI AND RUDRA CLAWS! The Agni-Rudra Avatar appeared behind Breaker and wrapped its arms around her. There was a flash of red light as the Agni-Rudra claws appeared.

She pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once as she avoided a slash from another Arachne Phantom. Then she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL! Breaker covered the Agni-Rudra Claws in fired and wind as she darted forward and slashed upwards, cutting six lines through the Phantom and causing him to explode.

Blaster pulled open the Blaster Artemis and then slammed it shut once she had spun the chamber. BLASTER MATCH STRIKE! She took aim as purple energy built up around the barrel of the gun weapon. She pulled the trigger, firing hundreds of tiny bullets that shot through the air and destroyed three of the Arachne Phantoms at once.

Kamen Rider Grimm jumped over a slash from another Arachne Phantom and kicked him in the back of his head. She landed on the ground and punched the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. B-E-O-W-U-L-F T-E-A-R-I-N-G! There was a blast of black mist as Grimm’s legs transformed into a pair of Beowulf legs. She darted forward and kicked the Phantom before dashing around and kicking him in the behind. D-R-A-G-O-N R-A-G-E B-A-T-T-L-E! Suddenly, Kamen Rider Grimm blurred around the Phantom, kicking at him from all sides. Eventually, the Arachne Phantom went flying off to the side.

ERROR! “Why will you not die?!” shouted Symbol madly from off to the side.

Then Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the Grimm Driver and switched out the Beowulf Whistle for the Berginel Whistle. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L! She pressed the Aura Knuckle into her palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Before she reconnected the Knuckle to the Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour flew out and then slammed into her, transforming the Beowulf on her chest plate into a Beringel Grimm.

Then she pressed the Knuckle into her Driver twice as the Arachne Phantom started to get back up. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L T-E-A-R-I-N-G! Grimm held out her right glove and a banana appeared in it. D-R-A-G-O-N R-A-G-E B-A-T-T-L-E! The second command kicked in and Grimm threw the banana on the ground. It exploded into a golden dragon that wrapped around the Phantom and threw him into a wall with great force.

She removed the Aura Knuckle from the Grimm Driver and switched the Dragon Rage Whistle for the Aura Amplification Whistle. A-U-R-A A-M-P-L-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N! She pressed the Knuckle into her palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Then Grimm slammed the Knuckle back into the Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour shot out of the Weapon Driver and knocked the Phantom down once more before transforming Grimm.

The Phantom got up and fired another spiderweb at Grimm as she pressed the Knuckle into her Driver twice. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L T-E-A-R-I-N-G! She held out her right glove and another banana bomb appeared in it. A-U-R-A A-M-P-L-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N B-A-T-T-L-E! Grimm threw the bomb and it exploded in bright white, incinerating the spiderweb and blinding the Phantom once more.

The Phantom threw in the metaphorical towel and exploded into a white mist.

Meanwhile, Mega slotted a Whistle into the Mega Driver and pressed down. AIR SHOOTER! She fired a tornado along the ground that destroyed five Arachne Phantoms by picking them up and flinging them onto sharp metal spikes that littered the walls of the room.

ERROR! “DIE! DIE! DIE!” Symbol chanted madly from off to the side as she continued to fight like a berserker.

“She really has lost it!” shouted Dante.

“NO! I HAVE NOT!” roared Symbol madly.

With that, the battle of the Provisions Storeroom was over.

Symbol dashed out of the room at such speed that if this was a cartoon, Dante was sure she would have let an outline where she had just been standing.

“Well, she’s,” Dante searched for the right word. “Eager,” he said at last.

“ALRIGHT!” shouted Symbol. “I’M SCARED OF SPIDERS! I ADMIT IT!” she roared into the air.

“That was kind of obvious,” deadpanned Dante as he ran past his sister.

Symbol grumbled under her breath.

They ran back into the Rounded Pathway and were assaulted by Phantoms once more.

“It’s one fight straight into the other!” Symbol pressed the Advance Timer’s thumb inward. CERBERUS MOUTH! The Cerberus Avatar appeared and moved around Blaster before phasing through her chest plate, coming out as the three Cerberus Mouths.

Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice and then scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author as the left Cerberus Mouth glowed. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BLASTER B TIER SPELL! The glowing Cerberus Mouth fired a ball of fire that shot through the air and slammed into one Enimga Phantom, burning him free.

Bounder hit her Driver’s left Shift Lever three times and then scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BOUNDER A TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shin guards glowed as she shot forward and rammed her right shoulder pauldron into an Enigma Phantom, breaking through him and causing him to shatter into panels of glass-like light.

Blocker performed an offensive combat role as she opened the Blocker Artemis and then snapped it closed after spinning the chamber. BLOCKER MATCH STRIKE! A light blue chainsaw construct covered the sword-gun weapon as Blocker shot forward and slashed through three Pride Phantoms. The blue lines she had cut into them sparked before they exploded, taking out all three Phantoms.

The Phantom’s lives got even worse as Symbol saw that the Advance Timer had completed its fourth rotation. She pressed the thumb inward. ADVANCE COMBINATION TIME! Symbol and her four Advance Clones were pulled into the air, their magic circles appeared behind them as the clones were absorbed into Symbol, transforming her into the Full Advance Style.

Symbol landed back on the ground, now in her upgraded fusion form. Seeing an Enigma Phantom charging up his bows, she pressed her Driver’s left Shift Lever once. Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! FULL ADVANCE D TIER SPELL! The Phantom fired three light blue arrows of energy that shot through the air shattered against a circle-shaped shield construct that Symbol summoned on her right arm.

Symbol pressed her Driver’s left Shift Lever once. “Here we go!” she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! FULL ADVANCE D TIER SPELL! Symbol thrust her left glove forward as it glowed. “Take this!” she fired a beam of yellow light that shot through the air and washed over the Phantom, a powerful explosion zoomed through the area as the Phantom was freed.

Suddenly, sparks flew from Kamen Rider Symbol’s shoulder pauldrons. “Argh!” she spun around a saw an Enigma Phantom that had spawned behind her. “What a dirty trick!” she pressed her Driver’s left Shift Lever twice and scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! FULL ADVANCE C TIER SPELL! Yellow energy wrapped around her right glove as Symbol darted forward. She took a red arrow to the chest plate before she was able to punch the Phantom with enough force to send him flying into the air where he exploded.

“You’re surprised that a Phantom used a “dirty trick”?” asked Dante, making finger quotes.

“Of course not!” shouted Symbol as she ducked behind a gear, avoiding several arrows from another two Enigma Phantoms that had just risen out of the ground.

“Good, I just want to make sure that you weren’t losing it,” replied Dante as he got back to his own fight.

“He really knows how to get me mad!” pouted Symbol as she pressed the Advance Timer’s thumb inward again. FULL ADVANCE ARTEMIS! She reached into the magic circle and pulled out the Full Advance Artemis.

“Time to get to work!” she opened the first chamber, spun it and then snapped it closed. VERY NICE! ADVANCE STRIKE! Symbol pulled the trigger as she slashed down, releasing a vertical crescent of water that shot through the air and cut through one of the Enigma Phantoms.

The second Enigma Phantom looked at his fellow Phantom as he exploded and then back at Symbol. He gulped as she charged.

X pressed a Whistle into the X Driver, dodged a slash from a Lust Phantom and pressed down on her Driver. RAY SPLASHER! She took aim at the Phantom and fired seven beams that shot through the air and slammed into him. He tried to dodge, but there was no room in the corridor.

Then X held her right glove into the X Driver, letting it bite down and channel purple energy into her glove. RAY SPLASHER BITE! She pointed her gloves up and fired a purple glass container. The Phantom’s eyes went wide in panic as the container fired over twenty beams of purple light. They shot down and hit him like hailstones, freeing him from the Phantom Hivemind.

Dante had been keeping his sister and her Gem Maiden Servants covered by keeping up the pressure on the Enigma Phantoms at the end of the pathway.

He was also having a great time with the Spiral.

He held down the trigger and took aim. POWER SHOT! As Dante released the trigger, he was blown back by the force of the bullet leaving the barrel. It tore through the air and ripped through the Phantom’s head.

“Whoa! This thing is powerful!” commented Dante.

“It looks like a high calibre gun!” shouted Symbol as she backed away from a Sloth Phantom. “What did you think it was going to do?! Tickle the Phantom’s to death?!” she shouted.

“No,” replied Dante. “But I didn’t think it would be that powerful,” muttered Dante.

Symbol gave him a look.

“Well, at least not powerful enough to knock me on my ass,” replied Dante.

The fight continued.

Dante switched the Rebellion Ring for the Arbiter Ring and punched it into the Gate Driver’s left slot. SET! He turned his wrist back, then forward, closing and opening his Driver’s gate. OPEN! The Arbiter magic circle appeared from him Driver and moved back through him. A-R-B-I-T-E-R! Transforming Dante into the Arbiter Style.

He took aim with the Spiral and squeezed the trigger once more. POWER SHOT! Red energy gathered within the barrel before Dante released the trigger. This time he was driven back several feet, a column sized beam of energy shot out of the spiral. It washed over the Enigma Phantom and caused a powerful explosion to ripple through the area.

“It’s still more powerful than I thought it would be,” commented Dante.

“Once again: It’s a high calibre rifle!” shouted Symbol as she saw her brother was being a dummy.

“Did you just insult me?” asked Dante.

“No,” shouted back Symbol.

“Could have sworn I just heard someone call me a dummy,” muttered Dante.

“That’s how it’s done!” Dante crossed his arms.

The group ran back into the Subterranean Lake.

“So what now?” asked Dante. “Do we have to backtrack some more?”

They were about to do that when Kamen Rider Symbol’s sharp eyes caught sight of something. “Look! Over there!” she pointed to a pathway that was behind the waterfalls.

“Was that there before?” asked Dante in shock.

“I don’t think so, well that path sure as heck wasn’t!” replied Symbol.

They ran through the waterfall.

“That’s cold!” shouted Symbol, shivering in shock.

The group was instantly under siege by Phantoms.

Symbol rolled her eyes as she pulled open the Full Advance Artemis’ first chamber and then snapped it closed. VERY NICE! ADVANCE STRIKE! She darted forward, protecting herself with a shield construct as the Gluttony Phantom fired a blast of sand at her. She jumped into the air and the blade of the Full Advance Artemis glowed. “HA!” she slashed down, cutting a glowing yellow line through the Phantom that caused him to explode into ash.

Symbol ducked as a Sloth Phantom teleported behind her. “Nice try!” she rolled forward and away from the Phantom. She pulled open the first chamber of the Full Advance Artemis as then snapped it closed once more. VERY NICE! ADVANCE STRIKE! She fired a chain from the gun that stabbed through the Sloth Phantom. He tried to teleport away, but the chain had sealed his abilities. He was pulled toward Symbol and then slashed with a blade that was glowing icy blue. Ice spread from the slash and froze the Phantom, who shattered when he hit the ground.

Suddenly, a Lust Phantom arrived in his Upgraded Form. He slashed Symbol several dozen times in the blink of an eye but failed to do a lot of damage. “Not bad, but I’m still better!” She pulled open both the first and the second chambers of the Full Advance Artemis before snapping them both closed. VERY NICE! DOUBLE ADVANCE STRIKE! The blade of the Full Advance Artemsi glowed as Symbol slashed down, firing a vertical crescent of water before she darted forward. The Lust Phantom was able to avoid the crescent, but that left him open. Kamen Rider Symbol covered the blade of the Full Advance Artemis in a fiery drill construct before stabbing it into the Lust Phantom, he was sent skipping across the ground, on fire, before he exploded in a massive ball of crimson plasma.

Symbol dodged a slash from a Pride Phantom and kicked him away. Then she saw that the Advance Timer had completed its final rotation. “Time to shine on!” Symbol pressed the thumb inward. FULL ADVANCE FORMATION! She was pulled into the air and the two Avatars appeared around her. The Agni-Rudra Avatar wrapped his arms around her and transformed into the Agni-Rudra Claws. Meanwhile, the Cerberus Avatar phased through Symbol’s backplate and transformed into the three Cerberus mouths.

Symbol pressed down on her Driver’s left Shift Lever once and then scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! FULL ADVANCE D TIER SPELL! The Three Cerberus Mouths each spat out a huge ball of fire that roared through the air and engulfed the Pride Phantom, burning him to freedom.

Suddenly, a Sloth Phantom teleported behind Symbol and tried to slash her from behind, she turned around and grabbed his scythe with lightning-fast speed. Using her free glove, she pressed her Driver’s left Shift Lever twice and then scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! FULL ADVANCE C TIER SPELL! Ice gathered around all three of the Cerberus Mouths as Symbol punched the Phantom in the face. He had no time to recover as the three Cerberus Mouths each fired a huge beam of ice, they spiralled around each other, merging into a single beam that froze him solid. “Take that and this!” Symbol kicked the Phantom, shattering and freeing him.

Suddenly, a Gargoyle Phantom struck her from behind. “Haven’t seen any of you in a while,” commented Symbol, dryly.

“That’s because we were stuck in that Leviathan Phantom!” called out Dante as he forced a Pride Phantom back.

“I know that, Dante!” Kamen Rider Symbol called back.

“Then why did you say it?!” demanded Dante as he forced the Phantom off and kicked him in the face.

“It just felt like something good to point out!” called out Symbol.

“It was obvious!” shouted Dante.

“In your mind!” yelled Symbol.

While they argued, Weapon punched a Phantom back.

She quickly pressed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. S-N-I-P-E-R! The Crescent Rifle appeared in a flash of red energy, she pointed it at the Lust Phantom and fired a beam of red energy that cut through the air.

Only for the Phantom to spin to the side, avoiding the bullet as he ran toward Weapon.

He was too late.

W-A-T-E-R D-U-S-T P-O-W-E-R-E-D! The second command kicked in and Weapon fired another bullet that turned into a tidal wave, washing the Phantom away and slamming him into a wall, causing him to explode and become free of the Phantom Mind’s control.

Weapon saw three Pride Phantoms rushing at her. She dodged under the first scythe and removed the Dust Knuckle from the Weapon Driver. She jumped over another scythe, using the Phantom that was wielding it as a booster pad, while she switched out the Crescent Rose Whistle for the Crocea Mors Whistle. C-R-O-C-E-A M-O-R-S! She slid across the ground, avoiding another scythe slash as she pressed the Knuckle into her palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Then she slammed the Knuckle back into the Driver as the Phantoms closed in around her from all sides. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared from the Weapon Driver, knocking one of the Pride Phantoms back, letting Weapon run forward, escaping the other two Phantoms. She ran into the suit and transformed.

She quickly pressed the Knuckle into her Driver again. S-W-O-R-D! The Knight Sword appeared in a flash of white light. She gripped it in one glove and slashed the first Phantom, then she spun around, hacking at the other two Pride Phantoms, sparks flew from their bodies as they fell back out of sword range.

Or so they thought.

W-A-T-E-R D-U-S-T C-H-A-R-G-E! With a mental command, the second command activated. Water covered the Knight Sword and extended it, Kamen Rider Weapon spun around, carving a blue line into each of the Phantoms. Water leaking out of the glowing blue cuts and wrapped around the three Pride Phantoms, crushing all of them and freeing them.

“Mission clear,” Kamen Rider Weapon spoke for the first time since the fight started.

Grimm had been fighting just as hard as her sister Kamen Rider.

She dodged a slash from a Pride Phantom and punched him in the face before slamming the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L B-I-T-T-I-N-G! The Gorilla Gauntlets appeared in a flash of black mist. She pulled one of them back and punched the Phantom in the face. C-O-P-Y-C-A-T A-T-T-A-C-K! The second command activated as a rock clone appeared behind the Phantom. Grimm pulled back her fists and struck the Phantom in the chest with a double palm strike. The rock clone copied her actions. The force of the two blows resonated within the monster and caused the Phantom to shatter.

Suddenly, Grimm was struck from behind by a Lust Phantom. She spun on the spot, attempting to backhand the Phantom with one of the Gorilla Gauntlets. Only for the Phantom to dodge with ease. Grimm pressed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L T-E-A-R-I-N-G! The Gorilla Gauntlets vanished in black mist, which then materialized a banana bomb. C-O-P-Y-C-A-T B-A-T-T-L-E! Grimm pulled back her left arm and threw the banana bomb. It spiralled through the air, acting like a shuriken as it sawed through the Phantom and then exploded, destroying him in a flash of black light.

Suddenly, a Sloth Phantom appeared a slashed Grimm from behind, he was already in his upgraded form, so when Grimm threw a bomb at him, he was able to teleport it back to her. Damaging her with her own attack.

Grimm was cut across the chest armour as she removed the Knuckle from her Driver. She switched out the Copycat Whistle for the Lightning Channel Whistle after managing to duck under a blow from the teleporting Phantom. L-I-G-H-T-N-I-N-G C-H-A-N-N-E-L! She pressed the Aura Knuckle into her palm and then used it to punch the Sloth Phantom in the face. R-E-A-D-Y! As the Sloth Phantom recovered she slotted the Aura Knuckle back into the Grimm Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour flew out and slammed into the Sloth Phantom, forcing him to teleport away as it moved back into Grimm.

Grimm dashed forward and slammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L T-E-A-R-I-N-G! The Gorilla Gauntlets reappeared in a blast of black mist. Grimm waiting for the exact right moment.

It came as the Sloth Phantom teleported in front of her.

L-I-G-H-T-N-I-N-G B-O-L-T! She punched him and sent a pink lightning bolt through him, causing the Phantom to get fried from the inside out.

“Mission clear,” spoke Grimm.

The group ran through the caravans and quickly came to a door, in which an image of a nude female was carved.

“I’m not sure I should be seeing this,” muttered Symbol as she turned away.

“It looks like something can be placed in her hand,” Dante reached around and placed the Ambrosia into her palm.

The door lifted up, revealing a second door behind it.

“Let’s go,” they moved through the door and arrived in the sunken opera house.

As they walked in, a swarm of bats converged into the shape of a female. She wore the standard Gem Maiden Uniform, that was completely black with her lower body being heavily armoured while her upper body would have been left exposed, had it not been for her suit. Her hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail.

“Welcome sir,” she said in an inviting purr. “Is this your first time here?”

“Yeah it is,” replied Dante. “You’ll be nice to me, won’t you?”

She cupped his cheek with one hand. “Of course I will,” she chuckled.

“ACHO!” at that moment, Symbol was forced to dispell her transformation as cold blood on her body became too much.

“Oh, you poor dear!” cried the woman. “So cold and soaked with blood, you look so miserable.”

“I feel about as good as I look,” Sunset confirmed.

“There’s a shower in the back that you can use to get clean,” she explained. “I’ve got some old clothes in there as well.”

“Thanks,” Sunset ran off through the door.

“You have a shower in here?” asked Dante.

“Of course, Master Sparda and Mistress Eva were not savages,” replied the woman.

“What does my old man and my Mom have to do with that?” asked Dante.

“They were the ones that put us here in order to prevent anyone from using the tower,” then the woman realised what Dante had just said. “What, your mother?! Your-” she suddenly bit Dante.

“Ow!” he yelped.

“-the son of my Master and Mistress, what are you doing here?!” demanded the woman.

“Long story, my power-obsessed brother is trying to use this tower to open the door to the Phantom world,” replied Dante.

“Why would do he do that?” asked the woman.

“As I said he’s obsessed with gaining power,” replied Dante.

“But he would have had to come through here in order to get get to the control room,” replied the Gem Maiden.

“Then he has clearly found another way through the tower,” came Ruby’s voice.

Dante turned to his sister and stared.

Sunset was now wearing a black long-sleeved dress with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves. She wore a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front and around her skirt was a red trim. Sunset also wore a pair of thick black stockings and black combat boots. The boots had red laces and trims around the top with red soles. Her cloak was now fastened to her shoulders by a pair of cross-shaped pins. She wore a large silver brooch which was pinned to a wide black belt that was slung around her hips on an angle.

“You look like a goth,” deadpanned Dante. “Even more than usual.”

“I like these clothes, they feel nice,” replied Sunset.

“Anyway, I will be coming with you,” suddenly, the Gem Maiden transformed into a pair of energy balls that shot at Sunset and Dante, they were absorbed into their Drivers.

“That was easy,” muttered Sunset.

“My name is Nevan,” came the female’s voice.

“And it was all so easy because I told her who our old man and mom were,” stated Dante proudly.

“Great,” Sunset rolled her eyes.

“Nevan! So you have decided to join us!” greeted Swift Angi as he appeared on Ruby’s hip.

“It will be good to have you along!” added Swift Rudra from the other hip.

"Agni, Rudra," Nevan purred from Sunset’s Driver. "So you two are here, too? What made you leave your posts?"

"They are the Son and Daughter of Sparda and Eva,” Swift Agni explained.

"We are bound by the Master's and Mistress’s will to obey the young Master or in this case the young Mistress!" Swift Rudra added.

“Not to mention they both beat us in combat,” proclaimed both swords-pistols together.

"Oh, I can see he's his father's son," Nevan purred. "It makes me want to-"

"You can flirt with my brother after we’ve stopped our other brother! And when I’m not in the room!" shouted Sunset, cutting the living weapon off.

"Of course, Mistress," Nevan agreed obediently.

Dante groaned as he facepalmed. "Great," he mumbled to himself. "Another voice for the peanut gallery and this one sounds sexy."

"You know it, mister!" Nevan crowed.

"It is good you have joined us, Nevan!" Swift Agni spoke up.

"Yes!" Swift Rudra agreed. "Now we can surely encourage Lady much better for the young Master!"

"Oh, that's going to be fun!" Nevan purred again.

“Balls,” added Giga Cerberus.

“Be quiet puppy,” ordered Nevan.

Dante groaned, hanging his head in despair as he headed back out the door which Nevan had been guarding.

His sister following, giggling at her brother despair as she felt her strength returning.

Comments ( 1 )

Quality aside, it’s impressive how long this is, especially for having been published in the past year. You’ve got dedication.

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