• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 583 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset's Journey - Alphajeager1

Sunset appears on another earth with no memory and the power of a Kamen Rider

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S1E13 Under Seige

Two members of SWAT ran up to a door. One of them placed a charge against it and started to set it up while the other watched their back with a rifle.

In the room that the SWAT personal were trying to get into.

“I think there’s an old tunnel that runs through here. Maybe we can get out that way,” explained Kate as she ran up to a wall.

“You think?” asked Dante.

“That’s not very encouraging,” replied Symbol.

“It’s better than being trapped,” retorted Kate as she started to spray a circle onto the wall with red spray paint.


The whole room shook as a loud explosion came from the door.

“We need another charge!” shouted one of the SWAT personal.

“They’re breaking in!” shouted Dante.

“We noticed!” replied Symbol.

“I’ve got an idea!” panted Kate.

“We’re stuck in the Slip Dimension! We can’t stop them from here!” shouted Dante in frustration.

“Yes you can,” replied Kate.

“HOW?!” shouted Symbol.

“I spray, you bring the roof down,” replied Kate as she sprayed a red circle onto one of the two pillars that held the ceiling up by the door. “There, now pull it!” she ordered Dante.

Dante switched the Nephilim Ring for the Arbiter Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] He turned his wrist back, then forwards, making his Driver’s gate close and open. [OPEN!] The arbiter magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and backed through him, transforming Dante into the Arbiter Style. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] Dante drew the Arbiter Axe and turned its handle. [GRAPPLE MODE!] It transformed into the Demon Pull that Dante used on the square, pulling that pillar to pieces.

But the roof held.

“Do it again!” shouted Symbol as she added the Ice and Bind magic rings to her right glove before pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as Kate started spraying. [ICE BIND PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circles appeared, they passed through her, transforming Symbol into the Active Ice Bind Style. She pressed the right Shift lever twice more. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Orange magical energy started to build up around the Grapple Gauntlet.

“Quickly,” shouted a member of SWAT. “The girl’s in there!”

“Ok,” shouted Kate as she finished the circle. “The same again! Hurry!”

Symbol fired a chain from the Grapple Gauntlet and pulled the pillar apart.

Just as SWAT got the door open.

The roof came down, blocking their way in.

“You ok?” asked Dante.

“Yeah,” panted Kate. “Come on!” she ran over to the wall and finished the circle. “Lets go!”

Dante hooked the Demon Pull but was unable to break through the wall. “Its to hard!” he shouted.

“I’ll give you a hand!” Symbol hit the right Shift Lever once as she ran up to the wall. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as icy white magic gathered around her right glove. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol punched the wall, making it flash freeze over.

Dante was easily able to shatter it with a single, hard yank of the Demon Pull after that.

“Do you know where this goes?” asked Dante as they ran down a slight slope.

“I know this place like the back of my hand,” replied Kate.

“The back of your hand is covered in tattoos. You likely haven’t seen it in years,” commented Symbol.

“Poor choice of words,” winced Kate as she sprayed another circle.

Dante pulled the wall that was blocking their path down with the Demon Pull.

“Come on,” shouted Kate.

They took a right turn and ran up two flights of stairs.

Kate pressed her eye to a terminal and typed in a code, causing a pair of blast doors to open.

They were about to take a left turn when the wall ahead was blasted open by SWAT.

“Hide!” shouted Dante.

“Quick!” ordered Symbol

Kate ran and crawled into a hole in the wall.

“Stay there!” ordered Dante.

“I don’t think he saw you,” comforted Symbol.

The SWAT members ran towards Kate’s hiding place.

All three hoped they’d continue past without noticing Kate.

Their hope was in vain.

“Hey! Wait, I think I saw something!” one of the SWAT officers moved towards Kate’s hiding hole.

“Shit! Kate, stay very still!” ordered Dante.

Symbol’s breath hitched.

Kate managed to move back.

Just as the SWAT officer was about to see Kate, his fellow member of SWAT spoke up. “Leave it! The girl’s up ahead! We need to move!”

The two SWAT officers ran off.

“Their gone,” shouted Dante.

“Let’s go!” ordered Symbol.

Kate got out of her hole and ran up the stairs.

“You ok Kate?” asked Dante as they followed.

“Of course she isn’t!” grumbled Symbol.

“Yeah. I’m ok,” replied Kate.

“Lair,” muttered Symbol.

They ran up a second flight of stairs, took a right turn, ran through a blown open blast door and up another flight of stairs.

Kate pressed her eye to another screen and typed into a touchpad, opening a door another blast door.

They took a right, then a left turn before running up another flight of stairs.

Around the corner was three SWAT personale with a pair of members of The Order on their knees with their hands on their head.

“Hands on your head! FACE DOWN!” shouted one of the SWAT officers before he shot a member of The Order.

“Kate! Get out of fight! Now!” shouted Dante.

Kate ran across the hall and into a computer room.

The remaining Order member panicked and ran.

“He’s running! Get him!” shouted one of the three SWAT members.

“Ah no!” shouted The Order member.


“Argh!” he dropped to the ground as a bullet hit him in the back.


A second shot stopped him from moving.

“Quick, get in that room and hide!” shouted Symbol as she saw that Kate had stopped, staring at the scene in horror.

“I told you not to run,” laughed the SWAT member as he shot the corpse again, just for fun.

“Dammit!” shouted Dante.

“He’s coming in!” warned Symbol as the SWAT member approached the room that Kate was in.

Kate got up and started to spray a circle on a computer bank.

“What are you doing?!” shouted Dante. “Stay hidden!”

Kate did not answer as she finished up the circle.

Just as the SWAT member came into the room. “Hey you! Hands on your head!” he yelled. “I’ve got the girl!” he started to approach Kate as she backed away, slowly so that he didn’t shoot.

“And I’ve got you!” snarled Dante as the SWAT member moved in front of the computer bank. He hooked the Demon Pull into the computer bank and pulled it over onto the SWAT member, knocking him out cold.

“Good work,” commented Symbol. “But they probably heard that, we should go!”

“Come on, it’s this way!” shouted Kate as she ran through them. “Why did they have to kill everyone?” she asked as she ran past several dead bodies.

“We terrorists, remember?” Dante reminded Kate.

“Those were my friends!” whimpered Kate. “I feel sick.”

“Your not the only one,” replied Symbol.

“They’ll pay for this,” Dante promised his sister and friend. “But right now we need to find Vergil and get the hell out of here!”

Kate ran up to another blast door, typed in a code and pressed her eye to the screen. “Through here,” she ordered.

They ran down a flight of stairs, took a left turn, ran down another flight of stairs, took a right turn and then ran down a third flight of stairs. They came to another blast door.

Kate typed a code into it and pressed her eye to the scanner making it open, revealing an office.

They ran through the office and into an octagon shaped room.

Vergil as at the other end, behind some graffiti, in the Slip Dimension and a Butcher Phantom was trying to saw through the barrier to get to him.

“Dante, Sunset! Vergil’s trapped in the Slip Dimension! He’s in trouble!” shouted Kate in worry.

“Thank you captain obvious!” snarked Symbol as they ran forwards towards Vergil and the Phantom.

“Hey you!” shouted Dante.

The Butcher Phantom turned to them.

Vergil noticed them. “Dante? Sunset?! Are you crazy?!” he shouted. “What are you doing here?!”

“Busting you out of here bro!” shouted Dante in reply.

The Butcher Phantom pulled back its saws and fired five buzzsaw constructs at Dante and Symbol. “Get behind me!” shouted Symbol as she switched the Ice and Bind Rings for the Boost and Defend Rings before hitting the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] The buzzsaws constructs were getting closer as Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side, making the two magic circles unfolded and pass through her, knocking the three buzzsaws constructs that would have hit her off course.

“Nice one sis!” shouted Dante has he jumped over Symbol, turning the Demon Pull’s handle as he did so. [AXE MODE!] It transformed back into the Arbiter Axe as Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the base of its handle. [ONE!] The dice appeared and spun before stopping on a one. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante swung the Arbiter Axe down, firing a construct of a spinning axe blade that slammed into the Butcher Phantom’s gut orb, making sparks fly from it as the sound of shattering glass went off. The Butcher Phantom staggered back in pain.

The Butcher Phantom pulled back its buzzsaws and swung one of them upwards, firing a large vertical buzzsaw construct at the siblings. “No you don’t!” Symbol hit the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DEFEND MAGIC PLEASE!] Grey magical energy covered her Defend Shield as she held it up. The construct slammed into the shield and Symbol skidded back several paces with sparks coming from the Defend Shield until the construct lost its momentum causing it to break apart.

While Symbol had been doing this, Dante had closed in on the Butcher Phantom and punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the base of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. [THREE!] The dice warped in and spun, stopping on a three. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante swung the Arbiter Axe around in an upwards swing, then he followed up with an across swing. Both of them hit the Butcher Phantom’s gut orb and made sparks fly from it but before Dante could end the combo with another swing, he was slashed by one of the Butcher Phantom’s buzzsaws. “ARGH!” sparks flew from his armour as he was sent flying and crashed into a wall in a painful impact. Dante looked up, dazed as the Butcher Phantom approached him menacingly.

Symbol saw this and drew the Active Rifle, then she pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol scanned her left glove across it. [ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE!] Red lightning gathered as an orb in front of the Active Rifle as Symbol braced it against her shoulder guard. “Red Bolt!” five bolts of red lightning shot from the Active Rifle. They raced around and slammed into the Butcher Phantom’s back. Doing no damage but pulling its attention away from Dante and towards Symbol so that her brother could recover.

The Butcher Phantom turned towards Symbol as she hit the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST DEFEND MAGIC PLEASE!] Purple magical energy covered her left boot before grey magical energy formed into a construct of the Defend Shield around her leg. Symbol jumped into the air and came down with a flying kick towards the Butcher Phantom. Which thrust its saws up to meet her charge. There was a flash sparks, purple-grey lightning and a loud explosion.

When Dante could open his visors again, he was met with the sight of Symbol being sent flying away. “Sunset!” shouted Dante. With a snarl he ran forwards, punching the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the bottom of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. [ONE!] The holographic dice appeared from thin air and spun, before stopping when it displayed a one. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante hit the Arbiter Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Dante’s left boot was covered in red energy as he spun around and kicked out. The energy formed into a construct of the Arbiter Axe’s head. “Flush!” it spun through the air and slammed into the Butcher Phantom’s gut orb, making sparks fly from the impact as the Butcher Phantom staggered backwards.

Seeking to keep up the pressure, Dante pressed down on the Arbiter Axe’s trigger. [AXE STRIKE!] Red magical energy surged up the Arbiter Axe’s handle and into its blade as Dante swung it down. “Flush!” he roared as the energy was fired off in the form of a beam. The head of which looked like a spinning axe head. It slammed into the Butcher Phantom’s chest orb and made sparks fly from it as the construct ground into the Butcher Phantom painfully.

Symbol had recovered by this time and switched the Active Ring for the Burst Ring before pressing down on the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove out to the side with the palm facing backwards. The burst magic circle appeared behind Symbol and moved through her. [CAST THE SPELL!] This transformed her into the Burst Style. Symbol hit the left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she swiped her left glove again. [BURST! C RANK SPELL!] Four sparks appeared in the air before bursting into balls of flame that shot forwards and exploded against the Butcher Phantom’s gut orb drawing sparks from the burning damage.

Dante took his opening as he punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the bottom of the Arbiter Axe again. [FOUR!] The red holographic dice appeared and spun until it stopped on a four. [AXE STRIKE!] Red energy was pulled from the air, into the Arbiter Axe’s blade as Dante swung it down. On contact with the Butcher Phantom’s gut orb it released three pulses of red magical energy that sent the Phantom staggering backwards with micro explosions going off around it.

“Now’s my chance!” shouted Dante as he punched the Arbiter Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Red magical energy was pulled into Dante’s right boot as he lashed out with a side kick. “Trinity Smash!” bellowed Dante as his boot made contact making sparks explode from the Butcher Phantom’s gut orb. The Butcher Phantom followed the sparks example as it exploded.

A Frost Knight Phantom and a Rage Phantom burst from the ground.

“I’ll take care of the Rage Phantom!” shouted Symbol. “The Frost Knight Phantom is yours!”

“On it!” replied Dante.

Symbol added the Dust and Mirror Rings to her right glove before pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DUST MIRROR PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side with her palm facing backwards, the two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through her. The Rage phantom curled into a ball and spun at Symbol as she struck the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol swiped her right glove. [MIRROR MAGIC PLEASE!] A mirror wall appeared in front of the Rage Phantom, only for it to smash straight through it. It slammed into Symbol and ground sparks from her body before kicking her in the gut with both of its rear legs and sending her flying back.

Symbol landed on the ground and skidded back as she changed the Burst Ring for the Giga Ring. “Looks like I’ll be needing a bit more power!” shouted Symbol as she pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [GIGA PLEASE!] Then she held the Giga Ring down to the ground, making the giga magic circle appear under her boots and rise up through her. [BREAK THROUGH!] Now in the Giga Style Symbol ran towards the Rage Phantom as it set its claws on fire and lunged at her. Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] Symbol scanned her left glove just as the Rage phantom lashed out at her. [GIGA A RANK SPELL!] Right before the Rage Phantom’s claw made contact, Symbol was covered in a layer of green magical energy that stopped the claw from making contact.

The Rage Phantom gave a howl of anger as it slashed with its other claw, this one being just as ineffective as the last. Symbol struck the left Shift Lever once more. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] Symbol scanned her left glove. [GIGA C RANK SPELL!] Symbol’s right fist glowed with green magical energy as she lashed out, punching the Phantom in the stomach. Sparks exploded from the force of the blow as the Rage Phantom was sent shooting backwards, spiralling through the air.

“I’m not letting you get close again!” growled Symbol as she added the Bombardment and Terra Rings to her right glove before pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove. [BOMBARDMENT TERRA PLEASE!] She held the two rings down to the ground and the two magic circles appeared, rising up through her, deflecting a barrage of quills. Symbol saw the Rage Phantom charging and hit the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] She swiped her right glove. [TERRA MAGIC PLEASE!] The Chain Cannons fired a burst of shotgun shells that made sparks explode from the Phantom, stopping its charge.

“Finale!” shouted Symbol as she hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her right glove. [BOMBARDMENT TERRA MAGIC! THE BEST!] A large rock was pulled from the ground. “Terra Cannon!” shouted Symbol as the rock was shot forwards and slammed into the Rage Phantom, carrying it back into a wall and crushing it, causing the Rage Phantom to explode.

Dante knew full well that anything he did in Arbiter Style would be stopped cold by the Frost Knight Phantom’s shield. So he switched the Arbiter Ring for the Aquila Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards, making his Driver’s door close and open. [OPEN!] The aquila magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him. [A-Q-U-I-L-A!] Transforming Dante into the aquila style. He dodged to the side, avoiding a wave of ice as he punched the Aquila Ring into the Aquila Star’s slot. [FOUR!] The dice appeared and spun until it stopped on a four. [SHURIKEN STRIKE!] The Frost Knight Phantom ran at Dante, only for him to throw the Aquila Stars forwards. They circled around the Frost Knight Phantom rapidly as they cut into it making sparks fly from its body.

Dante then materialised a second pair of Aquila Stars before punching the Aquila Ring into their slot. [TWO!] The dice appeared, spun and lost two numbers. [SHURIKEN STRIKE!] Dante pulled them back and threw them forwards, they circled around the Frost Knight Phantom before moving back towards Dante, pulling the Phantom with them.

Dante made a third pair of Aquila Stars appear in his gloves, he punched the Aquila Ring into their slot again. [FIVE!] The dice appeared and spun until it stopped on a five. [SHURIKEN STRIKE!] Dante was covered in light blue wind and charged forwards, meeting the Frost Knight Phantom with his own charge. He slashed into the Phantom multiple times with the Aquila Stars as he pressed down on their triggers. [SHURIKEN STRIKE!] The Aquila Stars in Dante’s gloves were covered in light blue wind, multiplying the damage that they were doing to the Phantom several times over. “Caliber!” shouted Dante as he slashed into the Frost Knight Phantom several times, sending it flying backwards with an explosion.

Dante quickly punched the Aquila Ring into the slot on the Aquila Stars again. [TWO!] This time the dice appeared and stopped spinning on a two. [SHURIKEN STRIKE!] Dante threw the Aquila Stars forwards, they circled around the Frost Knight Phantom and moved back towards Dante, pulling the Frost Knight Phantom with them.

Dante made another pair of Aquila Stars appear in his gloves and punched the Aquila Ring into their slot. [SIX!] The dice appeared and quickly spun, stopping on a six. [SHURIKEN STRIKE!] Before he did anything else, Dante pressed down on the Aquila Star’s trigger. [SHURIKEN STRIKE!] The light blue wind gathered around the Aquila Stars as Dante pulled them back and threw them forwards, sending them shooting forwards as the light blue wind formed into a tornado that picked up the Frost Knight Phantom. Cracks spread throughout its body as the light blue wind cut away at it until the Phantom went up in an explosion.

Then another Butcher Phantom burst from the ground.

“Oh come on!!” shouted Symbol in anger as the Butcher Phantom crossed its arms and flung them forwards, firing five buzzsaw constructs at Symbol. She hit the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbol took aim with the Chain Cannons as she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOMBARDMENT MAGIC PLEASE!] Out of them roared a pair of blue magical orbs that slammed into two of the constructs and exploded violently, knocking the rest of them off course.

“Cover me!” shouted Dante as he changed the Aquila Ring for the Eryx Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s door close and open. [OPEN!] The eryx magic circle appeared in front of Dante’s Driver and he ran through it, emerging in the Eryx Style. [E-R-Y-X!] Dante ran forwards as he punched the Eryx Ring into the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet. [ONE!] The dice appeared and spun until it stopped on a one. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante ran forwards as both of the Eryx Gauntlets were lit on fire and punched the Butcher Phantom’s gut orb three times. He was going to punch it a fourth time but had to jump back as the Phantom swung at him.

Dante was forced to backpedal as the Butcher Phantom swung at him several times. Dante quickly punched the Eryx Ring into the slot on the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet. [TWO!] The dice appeared and spun before quickly stopping on a two. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante pulled his left fist back and smashed it into the ground, making a tri pointed wall of red energy burst from the ground, stopping the Butcher Phantom’s buzzsaws. But the wall was quickly starting to crack. “Sunset! A LITTLE HELP WOULD BE NICE!” shouted Dante to his sister.

“On it!” shouted Symbol as she slammed her glove down on the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] She scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [TERRA MAGIC PLEASE!] The Chain Cannons fired a pair of shotgun shells, which hit Dante’s backplate instead of the Butcher Phantom’s gut orb as he had been standing directly in front of it.

“Sunset! YOU IDIOT!” bellowed Dante. “YOU HIT ME! NOT THE PHANTOM!” roared Dante.

“Sorry! I didn’t think that one through!” Symbol weakly defended herself.

“CLEARLY!” bellowed Dante.

Symbol changed the Bombardment and Terra Rings for the Hammer and Quake Rings, then she pressed the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove. [HAMMER QUAKE PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared under her boots as she held the two rings down to the ground. The circles rose up through Symbol, transforming her into the Giga Hammer Quake Style. Symbol grabbed the Piston Hammer as it appeared in the air and pressed the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbol spun the Piston Hammer twice as orange magical energy gathered around it. [QUAKE MAGIC PLEASE!] She slammed the Piston Hammer onto the ground, making a line of orange energy circle around Dante and explode under the Butcher Phantom’s boots, making it stagger, off balance.

“Now that was helping!” Dante sort of thanked as he punched the Eryx Ring into the slot on the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet again. [SIX!] The red holographic dice appeared and spun several times until it stopped on a six. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante pulled back the right Eryx Gauntlet and punched it forwards. There was a shock wave of red magical energy as it made contact with the Butcher Phantom, sending it flying back with sparks coming from its body.

Symbol ran up to Dante. “Finale?” she asked him.

“Let’s finish this!” shouted Dante.

Symbol drew the Giga Spear and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A STAB SHAKE HANDS!] Then Symbol scanned the Giga Ring across it. [GIGA! STAB STRIKE!] Green magical energy covered the Giga Spear, raging like a fire, making it look like the Giga Spear was covered in green flames.

Dante pressed down on the trigger inside the left Eryx Gauntlet. [FIST STRIKE!] Red flames and red magical energy covered the right Eryx Gauntlet as Dante pulled it back.

“Flaming!” shouted Symbol as she threw the Giga Spear forwards.

“Javelin!” roared Dante as he punched the right Eryx Gauntlet into the back of the Giga Spear.

Red and green magical energy mixed as the Giga Spear turned into a bolt of red and green energy that blasted a hole through the Butcher Phantom’s gut orb, making the whole thing go flying back before it exploded.

Vergil walked up to his siblings. “Thank you Dante, Sunset,” then he saw Kate. “Kate! Your still alive.

“Sorry to interrupt the reunion,” began Symbol.

“But is there a way out of here?!” demanded Dante.

“Yes. There’s an emergency gate. I’ll take you there,” explained Vergil.

“Let’s go,” shouted Dante.

“No, not yet!” exclaimed Vergil.

“What?” demanded Dante not quite believe what his brother had just said.

“There are terabytes of sensitive data here. We cannot let them get their hands on it. It would reveal the locations of the other Order buildings. It would tell Wiseman who our undercover agents were and where we get our monies from,” explained Vergil to his siblings.

“Wait, there’s more than one building in The Order?” asked Symbol.

“Sunset, Wiseman rules the whole planet, you can’t fight someone like that with just one building full of people!” explained Vergil.

“What does it matter?” demanded Dante.

“They’ll know everything about our plans. Everything that I, Kate and the rest of The Order have worked for will be for nothing!” explained Vergil. Vergil turned to Kate. “Kate.”

“Yes?” asked Kate.

“Are the self destruct! I can’t do it from the Slip Dimension!” order Vergil.

Kate ran to a computer terminal, then looked back as sparks started to come from the door. “They’re cutting through!”

“The Phantom’s are breaking in from the Slip Dimension as well!” shouted Symbol in warning.

“We don’t have time for this!” shouted Dante.

“Then make time Dante!” snapped out Vergil. “Letting the Phantom’s get their hands on this data will not only doom the rest of The Order. But will be spitting on the sacrifices of the people who died today! I will not do that in a million years!”

“Shit, Vergil,” snarled out Dante.

“Kate, do it now!” ordered Vergil as he ran up to her. “This won’t take long Kate! I’ll help you!” comforted Vergil.

“How long do you two need?!” shouted Dante.

“Good question!” added Symbol.

“Not long,” replied Vergil. “A couple of minutes at the most!” he turned to Kate. “Ok, boot up the system!”

“They’re in!” shouted Dante as a pair of Ravager Phantom burst from the ground, as did a whole squad of Blade Phantoms.

“I’ll take out the Ravager Phantom’s!” shouted Symbol. “You keep the Blade Phantoms off my back!” she ordered.

“Ok!” replied Dante.

Symbol replaced the Giga Ring for the Active Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned the Giga Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] She held her left glove out to the side, making the active magic circle appear and move through her, transforming Symbol into the Active Style. [LET’S GO!] Symbol drew the Active Blade as one of the Ravager Phantom lit itself on fire. She pulled on the Active Blade’s thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol then scanned the Active Ring. [ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE!] Red lightning ran up the sharp end of the Active Blade as the Ravager Phantom charged. Symbol ran at the Phantom and at the last second she twisted out of the way, slashing the Phantom across the waist. Sparks flew from them both as Symbol was burned by the heat.

Symbol looked up, only to have to throw up the Active Blade as the other Ravager Phantom slashed at her with its chainsaw. Symbol was forced to put her other glove on the back of the Active Blade, just to hold the Phantom back. ‘I’m losing ground!’ she jumped back, just as the Ravager Phantom broke through her guard and slashed a few sparks from her chest plate. Symbol landed on the ground as she added the Boost and Defend Rings to her right glove, then she struck the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove before holding it out to the side, making the two magic circles appear and pass over her. [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] Now in the Active Boost Defend Style, Symbol hit the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she swiped her right glove. [DEFEND MAGIC PLEASE!] Grey magical energy covered the Defend Shield as Symbol used it to block the chainsaw of the first Ravager Phantom. Thanks to this forms increased strength and grip on the ground, Symbol was able to hold the Ravager Phantom back.

Her lenses widened as the other Ravager Phantom came charging at her. Symbol slammed her free glove down on the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Purple magical energy raced into her Boost Grieves as Symbol jumped into the air, over the Ravager Phantom that had been charging at her and then kicked it with both of her boots, making sparks fly from it as her boots made contact with its head.

Symbol landed back on the ground and switched the rings on her right glove before pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she swiped her right glove before holding it out to the side. [ICE BIND PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared and moved through Symbol, transforming her into the Active Ice Bind Style as she hit the the right Shift Lever once more. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove again as she pulled back her left glove. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] White frost gathered around it as Symbol slammed her fist onto the ground, making the floor flash freeze. While the Ravager Phantoms were not frozen to the floor, thanks to them being on fire at the time, they did fall over, stopping their charge.

“I’d better hold you two still!” shouted Symbol as she slammed her right glove down on the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol pulled back the Grapple Gauntlet as she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Orange energy gathered around the Grapple Gauntlet as Symbol threw it forwards, firing an orange chain into the ground that burst out and wrapped around the two Phantoms before shooting back into the ground, anchoring there.

“Finale!” shouted Symbol as she hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her right glove as orange magical energy started to gather around the Grapple Gauntlet. [ICE BIND MAGIC! THE BEST!] She threw the Grapple Gauntlet forwards, firing three chains of orange magical energy that shot into the ground. They burst out of the ground, one speared the first Ravager Phantom, the second chain speared through the second Ravager Phantom and the third chain tore through the both of them. “Chain Surround!” shouted Symbol as the Ravager Phantoms both went up in explosions.

Symbol turned away from the explosion to go and help Dante, when she heard the sound of chainsaws from behind her getting closer! “No way!” snarled Symbol as she drew the Active Blade and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol scanned her left glove. [ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE!] Red lightning surged up the Active Blade and into the sharp side as Symbol spun around and held it over her helmet, using her other glove to brace it. The two Ravage Phantoms slammed their chainsaws down on the Active Blade, instantly driving Symbol to her knees. “How did you two survive that?!” she shouted.

She got no answer as the Ravager Phantoms continued to force their chainsaws down on her. “I shouldn't have asked!” Symbol was just able to switch the Active Ring for the Giga Ring and with a lot of effort on her part, she pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] The Active Blade was still being forced down as Symbol scanned her left glove. [GIGA PLEASE!] Just as the chainsaws were about to touch her shoulder pauldrons, Symbol held the Giga Ring down to the ground, making the giga magic circle appear under her boots and rise up through her. [BREAK THROUGH!] The giga magic circle ran over the Active Blade, transforming it into the Giga Axe as Symbol, with the great strength of the Giga Style, forced the Ravager Phantoms off her. She struck the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] Then she scanned the Giga Ring. [GIGA B RANK SPELL!] Green magical energy covered her right glove as Symbol let go of the Giga Axe and lashed out with a horizontal chop, hitting both of the Phantoms, making sparks fly from their bodies and sending them staggering backwards.

While the Ravager Phantoms were staggering backwards, Symbol pulled on the Giga Axe’s thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SMASH SHAKE HANDS!] Then she swiped her left glove across it. [GIGA SMASH STRIKE!] Green magic ran over the Giga Axe as Symbol spun it around once and brought it down on one of the Ravager Phantoms, making sparks explode from the impact and micro explosions go off around the impact zone before the Ravager Phantom exploded.

Then Symbol added the Punch and Drill Rings to her right glove before striking the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove and held it down to the ground, making the two magic circles unfolded on the floor before they rose up through her. [PUNCH DRILL PLEASE!] Now in the Giga Punch Drill Style, Symbol ran towards the other Ravager Phantom as she slammed her glove down on the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbol pulled back her left fist as she scanned her right glove. [DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] The drills on the left Punch Driller started to spin as Symbol wrapped it in purple magical energy and slammed it into the ground. Out of which burst a rock wall that the Ravager Phantom smashed into at high speed, resulting in a lot of pain.

The Ravager Phantom peeled itself off the wall and started to hack at the blockade, unaware that Symbol and climbed to the top of the wall like a monkey and pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbol jumped into the air as she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE!] Flames wrapped around her right glove as Symbol went shooting down and slammed her right Punch Driller into the Phantom’s head making it fall to its knees from the force of the blow.

Symbol then hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! VERY NICE!] The Ravager Phantom started to get back up as Symbol swiped her right glove. [PUNCH DRILL MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol pulled back the right Punch Driller as the drills on it started to spin red energy covered it. “Magma Smash!” shouted Symbol. The Ravager Phantom could only watch as she punched the ground, right in front of it, out of which exploded a blade of magma that engulfed it and caused the Phantom to explode.

While his sister had been fighting a pair of strong Phantoms, Dante had been fighting a horde of Phantoms that while weak, made up for it in their numbers. Knowing that he would be at a disadvantage with the Eryx Style, Dante made to change forms, but the Blade Phantoms were too close. Changing his plans, Dante jumped into the air and pressed the Eryx Ring into the slot at the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet. [FIVE!] The dice appeared and spun, stopping on a five. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante gathered flames around himself as he shot down and slammed his fist into the ground, creating a shock wave of flame that forced the Blade Phantoms back.

With some room, Dante switched the Eryx Ring for the Nephilim Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards, making his Driver’s door close and open. [OPEN!] The nephilim magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver, then it moved back through him, transforming Dante into the Nephilim Style. [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] Dante dodged away from another slash from a Blade Phantom by jumping back, he punched the Nephilim Ring into the slot at the back of the Rebellion Blade’s handle. [TWO!] The mouth opened to reveal a pair of light blue and blood red circles. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante spun around several times, forcing the Blade Phantoms to back off as they were cut into several times by the Rebellion Blade.

Dante punched the Nephilim Ring into the back of the Rebellion Blade’s handle again. [ONE!] Dante ran forwards as the mouth opened to show a pair of red and blue [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante slashed upwards, sending one of the Blade Phantom’s shooting into the air, he used the sword’s momentum to pull himself after it.

Once Dante had caught up with the Phantom he pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Red and blue magical energy ran into the Rebellion Blade as Dante slashed down. “Helm Breaker!” this pulled both him and the Blade Phantom down to the ground where the Rebellion Blade split the Phantom in half, causing it to explode.

Dante turned around and block a slash from another Blade Phantom as it closed in on him. He blocked the attack with the Rebellion Blade and punched the Nephilim Ring into the slot at the bottom of its handle again. [FIVE!] The mouth opened as Dante jumped back, revealing five light blue and blood red circles within it. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante then ran forwards and stabbed the Blade Phantom in the chest plate, sending it flying back with sparks coming from the impact point.

Dante quickly closed the distance between himself and the Blade Phantom as he punched the Nephilim Ring into the Rebellion Blade’s slot again. [ONE!] The mouth opened and all but one of the light blue and blood red circles had vanished from within it. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante slashed upwards, sending the Blade Phantom shooting into the air as he used the Blade’s momentum to jump up after the Blade Phantom.

Dante pressed the Nephilim Ring into the slot at the base of the Rebellion Blade again. [FOUR!] The mouth closed and then opened again, this time four blood red / light blue circles were revealed in it. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger as he pulled the sword back. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Red and blue magical energy surged up the Rebellion Blade as Dante unleashed three powerful slashes. “Aerial Rave!” shouted Dante as the Blade Phantom was split into three pieces by the attack. It fell back down to the ground as red and blue lightning crackled over its body before it exploded.

Dante landed back on the ground and had to duck as another Blade Phantom swung at him. Once more he slammed the Nephilim Ring into the slot at the base of the Rebellion Blade. [THREE!] The mouth slammed closed and then snapped open to reveal three blood red / light blue circles. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante unleashed a trio of slashes, the first of which blocked a slash from the Blade Phantom and the other two made sparks come from the slashed points.

Dante quickly pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Red and blue magical energy surged up the Rebellion Blade as Dante slashed the Blade Phantom three times. “Hacker!” shouted Dante as he cut into the Blade Phantom, leaving a glowing line of red and blue magic for each cut. Lightning of both colours sparked over its body before the Phantom was sent flying back as the cuts exploded.

Dante noticed another Blade Phantom running at him and punched the Nephilim Ring into the slot at the base of the Rebellion Blade’s handle again. [ONE!] The mouth shut and opened, to reveal a single blood red / light blue dot. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante ducked under the Blade Phantom’s swing as he swung upwards, sending the Blade Phantom shooting into the air while he used the sword’s momentum to pull himself after the Phantom.

Dante pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger as he drew level with the Phantom. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The Rebellion Blade was covered in red and blue magical energy. “Roulette!” shouted Dante as he spun around, slashing at the Phantom five times. Sparks flew from its body as the Phantom was fired further up into the air and exploded.

Dante landed back on the ground, he drew Ebony and Ivory, opening fire on a pair of Blade Phantoms to keep them away. Dante held down on their triggers, a ring of red energy and a ring of blue energy were pulled into each of the hand cannons. A white energy ring was pulled into Ivory while a black energy ring was draw into Ebony. [EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE!] As the hand cannons finished charging Dante let go of the triggers. “Ricoshot!” this fired a pair of bullets that spiralled around each other, creating a drill effect as they tore through both of the Blade Phantoms. White and black lightning crackled over their bodies as the two Blade Phantoms exploded.

Then Dante saw another Blade Phantom running at him. He flipped the Rebellion Blade into a reverse handed grip and held down on its trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Blood red and light blue magical energy raced up the blade covering it. “Drive!” shouted Dante as he swung the blade, firing a wave of mixed energy that slammed into the Blade Phantom and destroyed it in an instant.

Suddenly, Dante looked over his shoulder pauldron and saw another three Blade Phantoms charging at him. He punched the Nephilim Ring into the slot at the base of the Rebellion Blade again. [SIX!] The mouth snapped shut then dropped open to reveal six light blue and blood red circles inside it. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] As the Blade Phantoms got within sword range, Dante unleashed several thousands slashes in the space of five seconds. A storm of sparks came from the Blade Phantoms as they all staggered backwards from the damage.

Seeking to finish the fight, Dante pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The sword started to hum as red and blue magical energy covered it. “Trillion Stabs!” roared Dante as he unleashed a much more powerful version of his last move that made sparks come from the Phantoms as they staggered backwards and exploded.

Dante glanced around and saw that there were still a few Blade Phantoms left. He punched the Nephilim Ring into the left slot of his Driver. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Dante spun around and kicked out with his right boot as it was covered in blood red and bright blue energy. “Drive!” out of his boot roared a crescent of red and blue magical energy. It slammed into three of the last six Blade Phantoms and turned their lower halves to ash, making their upper halves explode.

Then Dante pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante covered the Rebellion Blade in red and blue magical energy as he slashed twice. “One! Two!” with each slash he fired a crescent of red and blue energy that formed an X which slammed into two of the final Blade Phantom. Dante then held the Rebellion Blade like it was a baseball bat as the final Blade Phantom charged at him. “Overdrive!” shouted Dante as he swung, firing a crescent of red and blue magical energy from point blank range that turned the Blade Phantom’s head to ash, causing it to explode much faster than the other two.

Dante and Symbol looked around as what looked like black mini Rage Phantoms started to crawl down the pillars towards them.

“Oh, this is not good,” muttered Symbol.

“Tell me about it!” shouted back Dante as he changed the Nephilim Ring for the Osiris Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s door close and open. [OPEN!] The osiris magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him, transforming Dante into the Osiris Style. [O-S-I-R-I-S!] The Osiris Scythe appeared in Dante’s gloves as he punched the Osiris Ring into bottom of its handle. [ONE!] The holographic dice appeared and spun before stopping when it displayed a one. [SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante started spinning the Osiris Scythe cutting through the Rage Spawn Phantoms, making each one the weapon came in contact with turn to dust. “Hey! These things aren’t real Phantoms! It doesn't even take a finishing move to kill them!” he shouted to his sister.

“Good to hear!” shouted Symbol as she switched the Giga Ring for the Swift Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] She held her left glove into the air and the swift magic circle appeared before falling through her, transforming Symbol into the Swift Style. [DASH AWAY!] Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] As the Rage Spawn Phantoms approached Symbol scanned her left glove. [SWIFT! C RANK SPELL!] She swiped her left glove to the side and five orbs of yellow magical energy appeared. They shot down and slammed through ten Rage Spawn Phantoms each, causing them to explode.

Dante punched the Osiris Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Light blue magical energy covered his right boot as Dante spun around. “Karma!” his boot hit several of the Rage Spawn Phantoms as Dante completed his spin, causing each of the Phantoms that he had hit to go up in an explosion. Several more Rage Spawn Phantoms also exploded from the magical energy shooting off Dante’s boot and hitting them.

Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever four times as she was approached by several Rage Spawn Phantoms. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as they approached. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Five orbs of yellow magical energy appeared in the air. “Swift Star!” they shot down and pierced through at least twenty Rage Spawn Phantoms each causing them to explode.

Dante held down on the Osiris Scythe’s trigger as the Rage Spawn Phantoms approached him. [SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue magical energy raced up the Osiris Scythe’s shaft and into its blade, the energy then formed into a construct of a light blue wing. The feathers shot off and followed the movements of the Osiris Scythe’s blade. “Karma!” bellowed Dante as the Osiris Scythe transformed into a circle of light with the feathers forming into five more circles that cut the Rage Spawn Phantoms to pieces just as they leapt at Dante, making them turn to dust.

Symbol drew the Swift Dagger in one glove as she pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Symbol scanned the Swift Ring just as the Rage Spawn Phantom’s leapt at her. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] Symbol vanished into a streak of yellow light as she slashed the Rage Spawn Phantoms to pieces, cutting several of them in half and making them return to dust.

Dante quickly jumped into the air, letting three Rage Spawn Phantoms pass under him as he punched the Osiris Ring into the slot at the base of the Osiris Scythe’s shaft. [THREE!] The dice appeared and spun until it stopped on a three. [SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante extended the Osiris Scythe down and then used it as a hook to split several of the Rage Spawn Phantoms in half.

“This is getting a bit stupid!” shouted Symbol as she ducked under another Rage Spawn Phantom and hit the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol dodged to the side as she scanned the Swift Ring. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Yellow magic energy covered her body as she vanished in a yellow blur that started to run around a group of the Rage Spawn Phantoms. The blur speed up until it formed into a circle. Symbol broke off and ran through the centre of the circle before rejoining it, cutting two Rage Spawn Phantoms in half as she did so. “Swift Attack!” shouted Symbol as she kept doing this picking up speed until she had destroyed all of the Rage Spawn Phantoms within the circle.

“What do you mean?” shouted Dante to Symbol as he punched the Osiris Ring into the left slot of his Driver. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Dante covered his right boot in light blue magical energy as he kicked downwards. “Rake!” this action fired the light blue energy off his boot, it went shooting down and impacted the ground with an explosion that sent several Rage Spawn Phantoms shooting through the air where they exploded.

“I mean how many of these things are their?!” shouted Symbol as she hit the left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Symbol swiped the Swift Ring. [SWIFT! A RANK SPELL!] Six bolts of yellow magical energy shot out of the ceiling and slammed into several of the Rage Spawn Phantoms, piercing all the way through them and making them explode.

“Keep calm sis!” shouted Dante. “We’re thinning the horde!” he yelled as he pressed down on the Osiris Scythe’s trigger. [SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue magical energy raced up the handle and into the shaft. The light blue energy formed into a wing construct that ejected its feathers. “Rake!” shouted Dante as he swung the Osiris Scythe down, firing the feathers down in a pillar of solid magical energy that slammed into several of the Rage Spawn Phantoms and crushed them flat.

“Your right!” Symbol realised as she pulled out the Swift Dagger and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A BLAST SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol took aim as she scanned the Swift Ring across the Swift Dagger’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! BLASTER STRIKE!] Yellow magic built up in front of the barrel. “Swift Barrage!” shouted Symbol as she fired a storm of yellow energy bolts that impacted the Rage Spawn Phantoms and caused several of them to explode.

Dante landed back on ground, but he was not going to be there for long. He punched the Osiris Ring into the slot at the bottom of the Osiris Scythe’s handle. [FOUR!] The dice appeared and spun around, stopping on a four. [SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante crouched down as over a hundred Rage Spawn Phantoms leapt at him. Then he jumped into the air while spinning. The Osiris Scythe emitted the light blue wind that pulled the Phantoms into the air as they were turned to dust.

Symbol dodged to the side and kicked the Rage Spawn Phantom, making it burst apart. She jumped into the air and then stamped on another Rage Spawn Phantom. “I’m going to be over run at this rate,” she muttered as she transformed the Swift Blaster into the Swift Dagger and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A HIT SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol scanned the Swift Ring across the Swift Dagger’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! STAB STRIKE!] The Swift Dagger blazed with yellow magical energy as Symbol ran forwards. “Swift Barrage!” she unleashed a barrage of stabs that made over one hundred and fifty Rage Spawn Phantom burst into black smoke.

Dante was still in the air as he pressed the Osiris Scythe’s trigger. [SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue magic energy surged up its shaft and formed into a wing construct around the blade. Dante spun the weapon like a helicopter, the feathers shot off into the tornado of light blue wind that surrounded Dante, cutting the Rage Spawn Phantoms that had been pulled into the tornado to bits. “Raze!” shouted Dante as he kept up the spinning, pulling more and more of the Rage Spawn Phantoms into the air until there were none left.

Just when they thought it was over, the centre of the floor gave way, revealing several Phantom shards.

“This is getting silly!” shouted Symbol as she switched the Swift Ring for the Burst Ring and pressed down on the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned the Burst Ring. [BURST PLEASE!] Then Symbol held her left glove out to the side, making the burst magic circle appear behind her and move through her, transforming Symbol into the Burst Style as it blocked a Phantom Shard. [CAST THE SPELL!] Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned the Burst Ring as a Phantom Shard approached. [BURST! C RANK SPELL!] Symbol held up her left glove and five sparks appeared in the air, before transforming into balls of fire that shot forwards and destroyed the Phantom Shard.

Symbol saw a pair of Phantom Shard spinning at her and hit the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] She scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] This time ten sparks appeared in the air and transformed into balls of flame. “Fire Swarm!” shouted Symbol as the fireballs impacted the Phantom Shards and destroyed the both of them in large explosions.

Symbol glanced around and saw that four more Phantom Shards had appeared in the air. She drew the Burst Wand and transformed it into the Burst Staff, she pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SPELL SHAKE HANDS] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Burst Staff’s Hand Author. [BURST! SPELL STRIKE!] Symbol held up the Burst Staff and four spears of purple magical energy appeared around her before shooting towards the Phantom Shards. “Burst Spears!” shouted Symbol as the spears made contact and destroyed the Phantom Shards.

Symbol saw another three Phantom Shards appearing in the air. She added the Dust and Mirror Rings to her right glove and hit the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove and held it out to the side with her palm facing backwards. [DUST MIRROR PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through her, transforming Symbol into the Burst Dust Mirror Style. Symbol quickly hit the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove. [DUST MAGIC PLEASE!] A storm of dust surged outwards from her body and slammed into the three Phantom Shards making them explode.

Then Symbol saw another three Phantom Shards appear and start to spin. She switched the rings on her right glove and pressed the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove before holding it out to the side with her palm facing backwards. [STEAM RADIATION PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared behind Symbol and moved through her, transforming her into the Burst Steam Radiation Style. She slammed her glove down on the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove. [RADIATION MAGIC PLEASE!] A ball of green radiation appeared in her glove and went shooting forwards, slamming into the three Phantom Shards and causing them to explode.

Symbol saw five more Phantom Shards burst from the ground as she hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol swiped her right glove as the Phantom Shards started to spin. [STEAM RADIATION MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol waved her right glove around in a circle, it left a trail of green radiation that formed into a ring. “Radiation Burst!” shouted Symbol as the ring was sent shooting forwards and cut through the Phantom Shards, causing all of them to explode.

Symbol quickly hit the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] More Phantom Shards appeared as she scanned her right glove. [STEAM RADIATION MAGIC PLEASE!] An orb of white steam appeared in her left glove while an orb of green radiation appeared in her other glove. Symbol slammed them both together and they transformed into a pair of beams that spiralled around each other. Five more Phantom Shards were destroyed by the beam.

Dante drew Ebony and Ivory, he held down on their triggers. Two rings of light blue magical energy were pulled into each of the hand cannons, a black ring was pulled into Ebony and a white ring was pulled into Ivory. [EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE!] Dante let go of the triggers. “Ricoshot!” he shouted as the two bullets spiralled around each other forming into a drill like effect that zoomed forwards, tearing through a pair of Phantom Shards with ease.

“ARGH!” shouted Dante as a Phantom Shard got through and slammed into his chest plate making sparks explode from it as he was sent flying backwards.

Dante quickly punched the Osiris Ring into the back of Ebony’s hammer [OSIRIS!] Two rings of light blue energy were pulled into the hand cannon as was a ring of black energy. [EBONY STRIKE!] Dante took aim and fired a wide spreader beam that shot through the air. It was coloured light blue and slammed into the Phantom Shards making all of them explode.

“ARGH!” shouted Dante as two Phantom Shards got through and slammed into him from either side. He was sent flying backwards with sparks coming from his body.

“Shit!” growled Dante as he got back to his boots. “They’re getting faster!” He switched out Ebony for Ivory and punched the Osiris Ring into the back of its Hammer. [OSIRIS!] Two rings of light blue magical energy were pulled into the hand cannon, they were quickly joined by a white ring of magic energy. [IVORY STRIKE!] Dante let go of the trigger, firing a large powerful beam that was coloured white and light blue. It smashed through three Phantom Shards before exploding powerfully, taking out three more.

“This is bad,” muttered Dante.

“Dante!” shouted Vergil.

He turned to his brother just in time to catch something. Looking at it he saw that the object was a silver double barrelled shotgun. It had no stocks and a sawn off bore. It had a simple grip with an engraved handle under the barrel. Dante looked at the shotgun and then back at Vergil.

“It’s called Revenant!” shouted Vergil. “I thought it might help!” he turned back to Kate, helping her with the computer.

“Nice,” muttered Dante as he pulled open the barrel and noticed that instead of shotgun shells it had the same slot as his Driver’s left slot in the back of each barrel. “This is gonna be good!” he punched the Osiris Ring into left slot. [OSIRIS!] Then Dante snapped the barrel closed. [HALF CHARGE!] Dante took aim and fired. Out of the Revenant Shotgun’s left barrel roared a beam of light blue magical energy that slammed into one of the Phantom Shards and blew it up.

“This thing can destroy Phantom Shards in a single shot?!” demanded Dante. “Hell yeah!” he pulled open the Revenant Shotgun again and punched the Osiris Ring into the left slot. [OSIRIS!] Then Dante snapped the barrel closed. [HALF CHARGE!] Just before he fired, he looked at the Revenant Shotgun. “If it’s that powerful with just one slot, then what happens with both slots?” he pulled open the Revenant Shotgun again and punched the Osiris Ring into the right slot. [OSIRIS!] Dante snapped the barrel closed once more. [FULLY CHARGED!] Dante took aim and pull the trigger, firing a pair of light blue bullets that tore through half a dozen Phantom Shards.

“Let’s see what it does with the Nephilim Style,” Dante punched the Nephilim Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s door close and open. [OPEN!] The nephilim magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and he ran through it. [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] Emerging in the Nephilim Style. He pulled open the Revenant Shotgun and pressed the Nephilim Ring into its left slot. [NEPHILIM!] Then Dante snapped the Revenant Shotgun closed. [HALF CHARGE!] He took aim at one of the Phantom Shards before firing. Out of the Revenant Shotgun’s left barrel soared a black bullet that impacted the Phantom Shard. Causing it and three other shards around it to go up in explosions.

“Finale!” shouted Dante as he pulled open the Revenant Shotgun’s barrel, punching the Nephilim Ring into the left slot again. [NEPHILIM!] Then Dante snapped the Revenant Shotgun closed. [HALF CHARGE!] Before Dante pulled open the barrel once more and punched the Nephilim Ring into the right slot. [NEPHILIM!] Then Dante slammed the barrel closed. [FULLY CHARGED!] Dante took aim and fired another blast that destroyed the rest of the Phantom Shards.

“They’re almost through,” muttered Kate.

“Let’s go, Sunset, Dante,” ordered Vergil.

“Wait!” shouted Dante.

“What?” asked Vergil.

“What about Kate?!” demanded Dante.

“We can’t just leave her here!” shouted Symbol.

“There’s no way out for me in the real world,” explained Kate.

“No. We can’t help her,” explained Vergil. “Let’s go,” he repeated.

“We can’t just leave her!” shouted Dante.

“Think, Dante!” shouted Vergil. “We’re in the Slip Dimension! She’s in the real world! There is nothing we can do from here!”

At that moment the Phantoms arrived.

“Looks like I get to fight alongside you for once,” commented Vergil.

Dante ran towards a Blade Phantom and punched the Nephilim Ring into the bottom of the Rebellion Blade’s handle. [ONE!] The mouth snapped open to reveal a singled red and blue dot. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante slashed upwards, sending a Blade Phantom shooting into the air.

Then, as the Phantom came falling back down, Dante pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Red and blue magical energy raced up the Rebellion Blade. “High Time!” another powerful upwards slash sent the Blade Phantom shooting back into the air with sparks coming from its body as it was split in half before exploding in a ball of fire.

Dante jumped into the air, getting level with a Icarus Phantom that had been about to hurl a bomb at him as he punched the Nephilim Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Dante covered his right boot in red and blue magical energy as he kicked down. “Helm Breaker!” the heel of his boot made contact with the Phantoms head and caved it in as the Phantom exploded.

Dante landed back on the ground and saw a Death Knight Phantom charging at him. He switched the Nephilim Ring for the Eryx Ring and punched it onto his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante twisted his wrist back, then turned it forwards, making his Driver’s door close and open. [OPEN!] The eryx magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver, it slammed into the Hell Knight Phantom, throwing it back as it moved through Dante. [E-R-Y-X!] Dante ran at the Hell Knight Phantom as he punched the Eryx Ring into the slot at the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet. [ONE!] The holographic dice warped in and spun once, stopping when it displayed a single blood red dot. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante covered both of his fists in red energy as she punched the Phantom’s shield three times until sparks came from it and the shield exploded.

“ARGH!” shouted Dante as the Hell Knight Phantom slashed him across the chest plate making sparks come from the cut. He punched the Eryx Ring into the slot on the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet again. [THREE!] The holographic dice started to spin until it stopped when it displayed a three. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante ran forwards, ducking under a slash from the Hell Knight Phantom and punching it into the air with a powerful uppercut.

Dante punched the Eryx Ring into the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet once more. [FOUR!] The dice spun, changing its numbers from three to a four. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante got slightly above the Hell Knight Phantom and punched down, sending it shooting back into the ground with enough force for the ground to crack on impact.

Dante punched the Eryx Ring into the slot of the right Eryx Gauntlet once again. [FIVE!] The numbers on the dice changed as it spun, stopping on a five. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante quickly punched the Eryx Ring into his Driver’s left slot and turned his wrist forwards. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Dante covered his right boot in red magical energy and burning red flame as he shot down. “Stomp!” his boot slammed into the Hell Knight Phantom and caused it to explode.

Dante quickly punched the Eryx Ring into the left slot of the Revenant Shotgun as he pulled it open. [ERYX!] Dante slammed the Revenant Shotgun closed as it started to charge. [HALF LOADED!] Then he opened it once more as he punched the Eryx Ring into its right barrel. [ERYX!] Then Dante closed the Revenant Shotgun once more as the right barrel began to charge along with the left barrel. [FULL CHARGED!] Dante took aim and fired a pair of bullets that shifted into a pair of red constructs of the Eryx Gauntlets that shot forwards and slammed into a pair of Death Knight Phantom, tearing through their shield and forcing the Phantoms to drop them as the shields exploded, stunning the Death Knight Phantoms.

Dante quickly punched the Eryx Ring into the slot at the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet. “Take this!” shouted Dante as he ran forwards. [SIX!] The holographic dice appeared and spun, stopping on a six. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante pulled back his fist as he punched one of the Death Knight Phantoms in the face, sending it flying backwards until it crashed into a wall.

“ARGH!” shouted Dante in pain as the other Death Knight Phantom recovered and slashed him across the chestplate. He punched the Eryx Ring into the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet as he recovered. [SIX!] The dice did not move this time as Dante dodged another slash. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante pulled back his right fist as he avoided a slash and punched the Phantom in the face, sending it flying back and smashing into the wall, next to the other Death Knight Phantom.

Dante quickly punched the Eryx Ring into his Driver’s right slot and twisted it forwards. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Red magical energy covered Dante’s right boot as he jumped into the air, flipped once and came shooting down with a flying kick. “Snake Eyes!” shouted Dante as his boot made contact with the two Death Knight Phantoms both of which went up in explosions.

Suddenly, a Rage Phantom jumped out of the ground and lunged at Dante, slashing him across the thigh with a pair of glowing red claws. “ARGHH!” Dante shouted in pain as he switched the Eryx Ring for the Arbiter Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s gate close and open. [OPEN!] The arbiter magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him, transforming Dante into the Arbiter Style. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] He drew the Revenant Shotgun and pulled it open before punching the Arbiter Ring into its left slot. [ARBITER!] Then Dante snapped the Revenant Shotgun closed again as the left barrel started charging. [HALF CHARGE!] Dante took aim at the Rage Phantom and fired a single red bullet that slammed into its shoulder and made the Rage Phantom stagger back, stunned.

Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the base of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. [TWO!] In a flash of red light the holographic dice appeared and spun around twice, stopping on a two. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante took aim and slammed the Arbiter Axe into the ground, from the impact point came a pair of red energy lines that threw the Rage Phantom up into the air.

This was a mistake, the Rage Phantom started to spin as it fired quills at Dante. He staggered back several steps as sparks came from his armour. Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the base of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. [SIX!] The dice appeared and spun, stopping on a six. [AXE STRIKE!] Then Dante pressed down on the Arbiter Axe’s trigger, making red magical energy surge up the shaft and into the blade. [AXE STRIKE!] The Rage Phantom came shooting down towards Dante as a spinning ball of death. “Batter Up!” shouted Dante as he swung the Arbiter Axe around and hit the Rage Phantom. It was sent shooting back into the air before it exploded.

Suddenly, Dante jumped into the air as a Ravager Phantom passed under him, having attempted to slash him with its chainsaw. Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the bottom of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. [FIVE!] The dice appeared and spun until it stopped on a five. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante went shooting down as he slammed the Arbiter Axe down into the Ravager Phantom’s head, making sparks explode off it.

The Phantom was stunned. Dante drew the Revenant Shotgun and pulled it open as he punched the Arbiter Ring into the left barrel. [ARBITER!] Then Dante snapped the Revenant Shotgun closed. [HALF CHARGE!] Before pulling it back open as the left barrel started to charge and punching the Arbiter Ring into the right barrel. [ARBITER!] Then Dante slammed the Revenant Shotgun closed again. [FULLY CHARGED!] Dante took aim, just as the Ravager Phantom recovered and fired a shot between its eyes. Cracks spread through the Ravager Phantom as red lightning crackled off its body and micro explosions went off around it before the Phantom exploded.

Symbol switched the Burst Ring for the Active Ring and hit the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove out to the side, making the active magic circle appear and move through her. [LET’S GO!] Now in the Active Style, Symbol hit the left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] She ran towards a Lesser Blade Phantom as she scanned her left glove. [ACTIVE! C RANK SPELL!] Red lightning covered her right glove as she slammed her palm into the Lesser Blade Phantom and sent it staggering backwards with red lightning cracking over its body.

Symbol quickly struck the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] As the Lesser Blade Phantom started to recover, she scanned her left glove. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Red magical energy covered her right palm and mixed with the red lightning that surrounded it. “Active Strike!” shouted Symbol as a beam of lightning leapt from her glove and through the Lesser Blade Phantom. Sparks came from the entrance and exit points before the Lesser Blade Phantom went up in an explosion.

Symbol added the Slasher and Aqua Rings to her right glove and pressed the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author then held it out to the side, making the two magic circle appear and move through her. [SLASHER AQUA PLEASE!] Symbol ran towards the two Blade Phantoms that had just burst out of the ground and hit the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she approached the Phantoms. [SLASHER MAGIC PLEASE!] Red lightning covered both of the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol spun around and slashed at the Phantoms. They blocked her attack which proved to be a mistake as the red lightning leapt from her weapons and into the Phantoms electrocuting both of them.

Both of the Phantoms stumbled back as Symbol hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she leapt at the two Blade Phantoms. [SLASHER AQUA MAGIC THE BEST!] Red lightning shot down from the ceiling and into the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol slashed at both of the Blade Phantoms. “Slasher Burst!” shouted Symbol as in a flash of red light both of the Blade Phantoms were split in half.

Symbol then hit the right Shift Lever twice more as a pair of Valkyrie Phantoms appeared in the air. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She ran away from a bomb as she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [AQUA MAGIC PLEASE!] Water was pulled from the air and into the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol swung them forwards, firing three blobs of water that shifted into crescent. They impacted the Phantoms and made the bombs they had been about to throw go off in their hands, damaging them.

Seeing her opening to finish them off, Symbol slammed her right glove down on the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol aligned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SLASHER AQUA MAGIC THE BEST!] Blue water was pulled in from the air and into the Tidal Slasher Claws. “Aqua Slash!” shouted Symbol as she threw both of her arms forwards, firing six orbs of water forwards. They transformed into six crescents of water that smashed into the aerial Phantoms and cut straight through them with the water pressure.

At that moment a Butcher Phantom pulled itself up from the ground. “You have got be be kidding me!” shouted Symbol. “I thought these were supposed to be rare Phantoms, not Phantoms that jumped up every five seconds. At least this cannot get any worse,” Symbol sighed, then she winced as she heard three more Phantoms burst from the ground. “I just had to say that, didn’t I?” she looked up and alongside the Butcher Phantom were three Tyrant Phantoms. She switched the Active Ring for the Advance Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held her left glove out in front of her. [ADVANCE PLEASE!] The advance magic circle appeared in front of her and then moved back through Symbol, transforming her into the Advance Style.

The Butcher Phantom started the fight by crossing its arms and firing five buzzsaw constructs at Symbol. She struck the left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] She vanished and appeared in front of the Butcher Phantom with her elbow drawn back, only to be hit in the side by one of the Tyrant Phantoms.

“ARGH!” shouted Symbol in pain as sparks flew from her armour. She was sent flying and slammed down by a double hammer blow from another Tyrant Phantom, then the third Tyrant Phantom did a body slam on top of her. “This is bad,” muttered Symbol as she hit the left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she struggled, scanning the Advance Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] She uppercutted the Tyrant Phantom that was pinning her down into the air with great force. Only for it to be sent flying back down by another of the Tyrant Phantom, pinning Symbol down once more.

“There overpowering me in the Advanced Style?!” shouted Symbol in shock. She looked to the side and saw the Butcher Phantom firing a large vertical buzzsaw construct. Looking around for a second Symbol had an idea. “Let’s hope this works!” she hit the left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the construct approached. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] She slammed her fist into the Tyrant Phantom, lifting it off her slightly. Then Symbol smashed her other fist into the side of its face, sending the Phantom flying back into the buzzsaw. Sparks exploded from its body until the Tyrant Phantom was cut in half by the buzzsaw and quickly exploded.

“Huh? I’m shocked that really worked! OW!” Symbol clutched her helmet in pain as a blast of pain lanced through it. “Not much time left,” she slammed her left glove down on the left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as one of the Tyrant Phantom set itself on fire and charged at her. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol pulled back both of her gloves and curled them into fists. She slammed both of them down in a hammer blow. “Advance Hammer!” shouted Symbol as her fists made contact with one of the Tyrant Phantoms, cracks spread through its body but it did not explode and was able to swat Symbol out of the air, only to be cut in half by one of the Butcher Phantoms buzzsaws as it had gotten in the way.

“This lot don’t care about each other!” shouted Symbol in shock. Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind by the last Tyrant Phantom and put into a choke hold. “Hey! What are you!?” she saw the Butcher Phantom set itself on fire and fire five buzzsaw constructs that blazed through the air and slammed into both Symbol as well as the Tyrant Phantom. Which exploded, adding to the damage that Symbol had to endure!

“ARGH!” shouted Symbol as she was sent flying out of the explosion with yellow lightning crackling over her body as she tried desperately to hold onto her transformed state. After a few seconds she got a handle on herself and got back to her boots. “I’m ending this now!” Symbol struck the left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She vanished in a burst of speed after scanning her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Symbol appeared in front of the Butcher Phantom and slammed her elbow into its gut orb sending it staggering back with sparks coming from it.

[TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] The Butcher Phantom looked up at Symbol. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Just in time to see her appear in front of it and charge her arms with yellow magical energy. “Cross Guard Counter!” roared Symbol as she uncrossed her arms and cut a yellow X into the Butcher Phantoms gut orb. Symbol jumped back as yellow lightning sparked over it before the Butcher Phantom fell over and exploded.

Vergil pulled the handle of his cane out slightly to reveal it as a single sided katana called the Yamato: The Space Cutting Sword. He pressed down on the first button on the Space Sheath. [ONE!] Then he pressed the left Shift Lever of his Driver. [KATANA STRIKE! NOW!] Vergil ran forwards as he pulled the Yamato from the Space Sheath. He slashed one of the Lesser Blade Phantoms twice before ending on a powerful downwards strike. Sparks flew from all three cuts as the Phantom staggered back.

Vergil sheathed his blade as he ran his left glove up the Space Sheath, charging it with red and blue magical energy. [YES! KATANA STRIKE!] Vergil ran forwards as he pulled the Yamato from the Space Sheath. [UNDERSTAND?!] Vergil slashed the Phantom twice before ending his combo on a powerful downwards strike. “Slasher!” he shouted as the Lesser Blade Phantom sparked and then exploded.

Suddenly, Vergil scanned his left glove across his Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [YES! KICK STRIKE!] Vergil vanished in a blur, leaving behind a burst of blue energy as he teleported a short distance. [UNDERSTAND!?] The Blade Phantom that had been attempting to strike him from behind looked around, confused. Vergil pressed the second button on the Space Sheath. [TWO!] He ran towards the Blade Phantom as he started to pull the Yamato Katana out of the Space Sheath. [KATANA STRIKE! NOW!] Vergil slashed the Blade Phantom with an upwards diagonal slash, then a downwards diagonal slash. He placed the Yamato Katana back in the Space Sheath before drawing it again and repeating the move. He spun around and performed a downwards diagonal slash, then an upwards diagonal slash before repeating the downwards diagonal slash. He slid the Yamato Katana back into the Space Sheath as the delay on the damage was lifted and the Blade Phantom staggered back with sparks coming from its body.

Then Vergil placed his left glove on the base of the Space Sheath before sliding it up. [YES! KATANA STRIKE!] The Yamato Katana within the Space Sheath was charged with energy as Vergil’s glove reached the top. [UNDERSTAND?!] Vergil drew the Yamato Katana and lunged at the Blade Phantom. He unleashed a barrage of slashes that made sparks explode from the Phantom. Vergil stopped after unleashing several thousand slashes in the space of ten seconds. “Cross Cut!” he whispered as he slowly slid the Yamato Katana back into the Space Sheath. When the Yamato Katana clicked home the delay on the damage wa lifted and the Blade Phantom went up in a massive explosion.

Vergil jumped back as a Rage Phantom jumped out of the ground and slashed at him with its front claws on fire. Vergil quickly hit the third button on the Space Sheath. [THREE!] He dashed forwards and drew the Yamato Sword. [KATANA STRIKE! NOW!] In the same motion as him drawing it, Vergil slashed upwards, sending the Rage Phantom shooting into the air. That proved to be a mistake as the Rage Phantom ejected its quills and fired them at Vergil.

“GAH!” shouted Vergil as sparks flew from his armour. He pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [YES! KICK STRIKE!] Then he scanned the Nephilim Ring across his Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [UNDERSTAND!?] A sword made of crystal appeared in the air and shot forwards, slamming into the Rage Phantoms shoulder and making it howl in pain as it spiralled around and slammed into the ground.

With his opening, Vergil switched the Nephilim Ring for a silver ring that had a silver gem shaped like a pair of angel wings in the centre of it. Vergil pressed the left Shift Lever and scanned his left glove across his Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ANGEL!] He held his left glove into the air and a magic circle appeared, falling down through him. It was a pair of silver angel wings, inside a silver triangle. At each of the triangles points was a circle with a pair of silver angel wings wings it. The triangle was within a silver eight-pointed star, within a second triangle. This one had two layers and silver text between the two layers. [NOW!] The magic circle fell through Vergil, transforming the bronze outlines on his armour, bodysuit and robe into silver outlines. This is Kamen Rider Vergil Angel Style. The Space Sheath Flashed as it transformed into a second katana called the Space Katana.

Vergil dashed towards the recovering Rage Phantom just as it started to get back to its feet. He pressed the first button on the Space Katana. [ONE!] Then he charged silver energy into both the Space Katana and the Yamato Katana making them glow slightly with silver energy. [KATANA STRIKE! NOW!] Vergil lunged forwards as he held both of his katana’s parallel to each other and started to spin, cutting into the Rage Phantom repeatedly with each spin, making sparks come from its body.

Vergil quickly pressed the second button on the Space Katana. [TWO!] He channelled silver energy into the Space Katana and the Yamato Katana, making both of them glow slightly with silver magical energy. [KATANA STRIKE! NOW!] Vergil got ready as the Rage Phantom jumped into the air and started spinning towards him. At the last second Vergil spun, cutting the Rage Phantom repeatedly with both of his katana’s making sparks fly from their bodies.

Vergil quickly threw the Space Katana into the air and ran his glove over the Yamato Katana. [YES! KATANA STRIKE!] Silver magical energy raged around it as he reached up and caught the Space Katana. He slammed the two of them together at the pommels making silver magical energy run into the Space Katana from the Yamato Katana. [UNDERSTAND?!] Vergil waited patiently as the Rage Phantom jumped into the air and spun at him again. “Flare!” he shouted as he spun around, cutting the Phantom in half with his two katanas.

Then a Death Knight Phantom burst out of the ground behind Vergil. He pressed the left Shift Lever and scanned the Angel Ring across his Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [YES! KICK STRIKE!] Vergil dashed forwards, vanishing in a burst of silver smoke that the Death Knight Phantom cut through. [UNDERSTAND!?] Vergil reappeared several feet away and vanished in another burst speed, getting a bit of distance.

Vergil switched the Angel Ring out for his Demon Ring. It was golden with a gem that was shaped like a pair of golden demon wings in the centre of it. Vergil hit his Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever and scanned his left glove across it. [DEMON!] Vergil held his left glove down to the ground and a new magic circle appeared. It was a pair of golden demons wings inside a golden triangle. At each of the triangles points was a circle with a pair of golden demon wings within them. The triangle was inside a golden eight-pointed star, inside a second golden triangle that was identical to the first golden triangle except that it had two layers were runic text between the two layers. [NOW!] The magic circle rose up through Vergil, turning all of the silver outlines on his armour, bodysuit and robe into golden outlines.

Now that Vergil was in his Demon Style, the Space Katana transformed back into the Space Sheath. Vergil slotted the Yamato Katana back into the Space Sheath which then transformed. It gained a golden blade on the outside of it transforming into the Space Yamato Katana.

Vergil pressed the first button on the Space Yamato Katana. [ONE!] Then he ran to meet the Death Knight Phantom’s charge with one of his own. [KATANA STRIKE! NOW!] Vergil slashed the Death Knight Phantom’s shield three times, quickly making it crack and then fall to pieces.

Vergil ran his glove up the back of the Yamato Space Katana. [YES! KATANA STRIKE!] Golden energy ran up the weapon and twisted around it covering the Space Yamato Katana. [UNDERSTAND?!] Vergil jumped back a pace and then unleashed a single heavy slash on the Death Knight Phantom, then a downwards horizontal slash. “Divorce!” he roared as he slammed the Space Yamato Katana down, cutting the Death Knight Phantom in half and making it explode.

“Ok! Lets go!” shouted Vergil when no more Phantoms appeared.

Just as Vergil and Dante got into another argument about Kate, Symbol blacked out.

Unknown place:

Symbol opened her visors and looked around before slamming them shut again as a bright, blinding light blasted into her vision. “Where the heck am I now?!” shouted Symbol. As the light cleared she was able to see that she was inside what looked like a living room. “Wait a minute!” a well dress man was sitting at on the sofa but no matter which way she looked at his face she could only just make out the outlines. “Dad?”

“Sunset if your hearing this message then it means the time has come for me to release the seal,” explained Sparda.

Symbol tilted her helmet to the side. “Seal?”

The message continued. “When you first arrived you had a form that you called Prototype Style, along with four sub styles and your active style, which was your most powerful form at the time. During your time with us you gained three more styles. But the Prototype Style had an extra power and that was to combine sub styles. You could mixing and match them at will, with few limits.”

“Whoa,” gasped Symbol, that would have been seriously useful.

“One day, you were tricked by Dante to try and combine sub styles while in your most powerful style. You screamed in pain the second you transformed and passed out. The only way that your mother and I could stop your own powers from killing you was to seal the Prototype Style and the combiner powers away. For this I am sorry,” Sparda apologised to his daughter.

“I want to be mad at him, but I can’t be if he did it to save my life,” growled Symbol.

“Now that you have regained your Advance Style and completed your four normal styles I can undo the seal and with it will come new power. That power is the ability to enter and exit the Slip Dimension at will. I can only hope to one day be forgive for the harsh life that will come with being my Daughter. Know that I could not be more proud of you,” finished Sparda.

“I already have, thanks dad,” whispered Symbol as the vision faded to white.

Slip Dimension

Symbol opened her visors as saw something that horrified her. Kate was on the ground being beaten by SWAT thugs as Dante held her hand from the Slip Dimension. “KATE!” screamed Symbol.

“Where the hell have you been?!” shouted Dante.

“Sorry, but this might make up for it!” Symbol channelled her new power into her visors as they started to glow silver before in a bright flash of silver light, she vanished from the Slip Dimension and into the real world.

Dante stared. “HOW THE-?! WHAT THE-?!” he shouted in shock.

Real world

“Where the hell did you come from?!” shouted one of the SWAT thugs as Symbol finished materialising.

“Get down on the ground!” shouted another.

Symbol blurred in front of them and grabbed one of them by the neck before throwing him into another.

One of the SWAT officers opened fire on her, only for the bullets to bounce off her armour. “WHAT THE HELL! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!” he screamed in fright at this happening.

“Monster?! Me?! YOUR THE PEOPLE WHO JUST KILLED OVER FIFTY PEOPLE!” shouted Symbol in fury.

“T-T-They were just terrorists!” stammered out the SWAT thug.

“IT’S STILL HUMAN LIFE! WHICH IS WHY I HAVEN’T KILLED ANY OF YOU DESPITE BEING WELL WITHIN MY RIGHTS TOO!” Symbol pulled back her fist and punched him into the ground.

At that moment several more members of SWAT ran into the room and pointed their guns at Symbol.

Her visors narrowed.

In the Slip Dimension

Dante winced as Symbol lunged at the SWAT officers he almost felt sorry for them.


“What’s the hold up?” shouted Vergil as he ran back in and stared. “Er Dante?” he asked.

“Yes?” asked Dante not taking his visors off the beat down.

“Arm doesn’t bend that way! Arm doesn’t bend that way!”


“Now it does!”

“How did Sunset get out of the Slip Dimension?” asked Vergil.

“Not the face! Not the face!”


“Yes the face!”

“No clue!” replied Dante.

“Give me back my gun!”



“Not there!”

Symbol turned away from the broken bodies of the SWAT officers. “Go! I’ll meet you on one of the roofs outside!” she picked up Kate and ran out the door.

“Now can we go?” asked Vergil.

“Sure!” replied Dante. He no longer had an argument as Kate was safe.

There was no way SWAT could get to her now that she was with his sister.

At that moment the place started to explode!

Now Dante really didn’t have an argument.

“Quick! Get in!” shouted Vergil as they ran to a magic circle that was painted on the floor and appeared back in the real world.


“Do you think she’s going a little overboard?” asked Dante as he sidestepped a police officer that had just been thrown over a building.

“They killed all the friends I’ve made in the last several years, so no,” deadpanned Vergil. He watched as his sister picked up a SWAT van and used to to bat another SWAT van into the side of a house.

“You had your fun?” asked Dante as Symbol joined them.

Symbol transformed back into Sunset. “I feel so much better now,” she replied with a big grin on her face.

“Then come on you two. This isn’t over yet,” stated Vergil as they ran off.