• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 583 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset's Journey - Alphajeager1

Sunset appears on another earth with no memory and the power of a Kamen Rider

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Interlude 2


“...Why does this hurt more each time?” groaned Sunset from where she lay face down on the ground. She climbed back to her feet. “When I get my hands on that fake Dante and Kat. I’m gonna gut the both of them with the blunt side of the Active Blade!”

Suddenly, a white version of Vergil appeared in front of her. “Look at you,” he spat out.

“Who are you?” asked Sunset as she got back to her feet.

“You have failed. Your father gave you everything and now you have nothing,” stated the Fake Vergil.

“At least my brothers are still alive. I’d rather have nothing than either of them be dead!” shouted Sunset

“Everyone you care about, everyone you love has turned their backs on you. How does it feel?” asked the Fake Vergil

Sunset gave him a flat look. “Do I look stupid? You could at least get the colour right if you're going to copy Vergil. No one I care about turned their backs on me!”

The Vergil copy continued to drone on. “You can’t change the past. But what would you do if you had another chance?”

“The same thing!” suddenly Sunset’s world was consumed by a flash of light.

When her eyes cleared, she saw she was outside a block of flats. “Now where am I? What was up with that copy?” looking to the right she saw Kate standing there. “Kate?” questioned Sunset, despite the fact she knew it wasn’t Kate.

She turned to the Kamen Rider. “No, Sunset! Stay back!”

Sunset heard a loud roar and saw a four-armed Phantom standing there. It turned and ran after Kate.

Who fled. “Sunset, help me please!”

That was enough for Sunset to forget this wasn’t Kat. “Kat! I’m coming!”

A barrier blocked her way.

“Of course!” shouted Symbol in anger.

Lesser Blade Phantoms started to burst out of the ground.

“Why am I not surprised that you lot showed up?!” shouted Sunset as she scanned her Driver On Ring over her belt buckle. [DRIVER ON!] A magic circle appeared over her belt buckle as it transformed into her Wizard Driver. [PLEASE!]

Then Sunset pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever, making its Hand Author flip to the left. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] “Henshin!” shouted Sunset as she scanned her left hand and the Active Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Sunset held her left hand out to the side as the active magic circle appeared to her left. [LET’S GO!] Then it moved through her, transforming Sunset Shimmer Sparda into Kamen Rider Style Active Style.

Symbol drew the Active Blade and used it to block a pair of slashes from a pair of Lesser Blade Phantoms. Symbol pulled on the Active Blade’s thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over the Active Blade’s Hand Author as red lightning arched up against the sharp side of the sword. [ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE!] Red lightning crackled around the sword as Symbol knocked both of the Lesser Blade Phantom’s swords into the air. “Red Slash!” she slashed a red line into both of the Phantom’s making the both of them explode.

She added the Slasher and Aqua Rings to her right glove before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as a pair of Lesser Blade Phantom’s charged. [SLASHER AQUA PLEASE!] She held her right glove out to the side and the two magic circles appeared. They moved through Symbol, knocking both of the Lesser Blade Phantoms back.

As the two Lesser Blade Phantom’s got back up, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as water started to gather around the Slasher Tidal Claws. [AQUA MAGIC PLEASE!] Then Symbol slashed down, firing a crescent of water from each of the Slasher Tidal Claws. The crescent cut through the pair of Lesser Blade Phantoms, carving a glowing blue slash through them before they exploded.

Symbol booted a Lesser Blade Phantom, that had been sneaking up behind her, in the chest and struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] The Phantom staggered back as she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and red lightning started to crackle around the Slasher Tidal Claws. [SLASHER MAGIC PLEASE!] She slashed the Lesser Blade Phantom twice, carving three glowing red Xs into it. “Take that!” shouted Symbol as the Phantom fell over and exploded.

All of a sudden, a crossbow bolt slammed into Symbol’s shoulder pauldron, making her shout in pain. She glared up at the Icarus Phantom that had fired the bolt as she switched the Active Blade into the Active Rifle. “You’re not getting away with that!” Symbol pulled on the Active Rifle’s thumb and opened its Hand Author. [COME ON A SHOOTING SHAKE HANDS!] She scanned her right glove over the Active Rifle’s Hand Author as the Icarus Phantom reloaded. [ACTIVE! SHOOTING STRIKE!] Then she let red lightning build up on the end of the Active Rifle. “Red Bolt!” she pulled the trigger and fired the lightning in a bolt that turned the crossbow bolt to ash. It punched a hole through the Icarus Phantom and caused it to explode.

Seeing three Lesser Blade Phantom’s jump out of the ground, Symbol switched the Aqua Ring for the Bind Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove and the two rings on it over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SLASHER BIND PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side as the bind magic circle appeared. It moved over her, transforming Symbol as it knocked the three Lesser Blade Phantom’s back.

Symbol had her opening and struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove and the Rings on it over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as green magical energy raced along the Slasher Restraint Claws. [SLASHER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol slashed downwards. “Ha!” the energy raced off the Slasher Restraint Claws and slammed into the three Lesser Blade Phantom’s cutting glowing green gashes into each of them before they exploded.

Then Symbol saw another pair of Lesser Blade Phantom’s running at her. “I’d better hold them still!” muttered the Kamen Rider as she struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She aligned her right glove with her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the chains on the Slasher Restraint Claws glowed with orange magical energy. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol stabbed them into the ground, out of which shot six orange chains. They wrapped around the Lesser Blade Phantom’s then stabbed themselves into the ground to stop the Phantom’s from moving.

“At least I have a bit more time,” muttered Symbol as she switched the Slasher Ring for the Boost Ring, then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, then held it out to the side. [BOOST BIND PLEASE!] The boost magic circle appeared to Symbol’s right and moved through her, transforming the Kamen Rider as the chain’s glow started to dim.

She took up a stance she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol started to turn as she scanned her right glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and the chains broke. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] From the Boost Locks came an orange chain. It followed the path of Symbol’s spin kick and slammed into the Lesser Blade Phantom’s from the side, throwing them over the edge of the platform.

Noting another Lesser Blade Phantom appearing, Symbol switched the Bind Ring for the Aqua Ring and slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she held her right glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author before throwing it out to the side. [BOOST AQUA PLEASE!] The aqua magic circle appeared toe Symbol’s right and she jumped through it, avoiding a downwards slash from the Lesser Blade Phantom.

She skidded to a halt as the transformation finish and slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Aqua Jets started to leak water. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] She burst forwards as the Aqua Jets fired jets of water. The high-pressure water hitting the ground drove Symbol’s knee guard up as she slammed it into the Lesser Blade Phantom’s chin. The Phantom was sent flying into the air with sparks coming from its body before it exploded while still in the air.

All of a sudden, a bomb slammed into the ground, right next to Symbol’s right boot. “Oh no,” groaned Symbol as the bomb exploded and she was sent flying into the air. Back at the start of her journey, this would have hurt a lot. But she was much tougher and more durable now. Symbol had barely felt the explosion as she switched the Aqua Ring for the Defend Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author before holding it out to the side. [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] The defend magic circle appeared to Symbol’s right and moved through her.

“Time to split!” shouted Symbol as five more bombs were thrown at her by the same amount of Valkyrie Phantom’s. She slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side after scanned it over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] A boost magic circle appeared in front of her glove before moving down under her boots. Symbol slammed the Boost Grieves into the ground as she jumped into the air, easily getting out of the blast range.

While still in the air, Symbol switched the Boost and Defend Rings for the Ice and Aqua Rings as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol aligned her right glove over the Wizard Driver, then she held it out to the side. [ICE AQUA PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared to Symbol’s right and moved through the Kamen Rider.

While she was still in the air, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as frost started to gather around the Frozen Bracer. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol drew a circle of frost in the air which collapsed into her right glove, forming a sphere of ice. “Ice Grenade!” she hurled the sphere and it exploded. When the frost from the explosion cleared, all five of the Valkyrie Phantoms had been frozen. They fell to the ground and shattered.

“That was easy- whoa!” Symbol jumped to the side in alarm as five crossbow bolts pierced through the ground where she had just been standing. Symbol looked up and saw five Icarus Phantom’s hovering in the air. With a growl, Symbol slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as frost gathered around the Frozen Bracer. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] Then she hurled her hand forwards and fired five sharp spikes of ice that shot through the air. Symbol dodge five more crossbow bolts as the spikes pierced through the Icarus Phantoms and caused them to explode.

The Kamen Rider heard more Phantom’s arriving and she saw three Peryton Phantom’s materialize in the air. “No, you don’t!” Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Burst Ring then slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove out to the side, the burst magic circle appeared behind her and moved through her. [CAST THE SPELL!]

The Peryton Phantom’s antlers started to spark with lightning as Symbol struck her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] The Peryton Phantoms fired three lightning bolt as Symbol scanned her left glove and the Burst Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! B RANK SPELL!] She swiped her glove through the air as water particles gathered and froze over. They transformed into four shurikens of water that shot through the air and slammed into the lightning bolts. The shurikens cut through the lightning, but as they approached the Peryton Phantoms their progress was slowed until they melted from the electrical heat, just before hitting the Phantoms.

“Now’s my chance!” the Kamen Rider pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once more. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] The Peryton Phantoms had used up too much energy to stop her as she held her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! C RANK SPELL!] Four sparks appeared in the air and transformed into fireballs. Symbol pointed at the three Peryton Phantoms and the fireballs shot forwards. They hit the Phantoms and exploded, taking out the three Peryton Phantoms.

Abruptly, Symbol was struck across the back by a sword. Sparks flew as Symbol fell onto her chestplate. She looked behind herself and saw a Blade Phantoms raising its sword. Symbol added the Dust and Glass Rings to her right glove before striking her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She held her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Blade Phantom pulled back its sword. [DUST GLASS PLEASE!] She held her right glove out to the side and the two magic circles appeared, they moved through her and transformed Symbol.

The Blade Phantom swung its sword down as Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author just before the sword could make contact with her chestplate. [GLASS MAGIC PLEASE!] A bright flash of silver light blasted out of Symbol’s body. The Blade Phantom was blinded by the bright light and missed Symbol’s chestplate by less than half an inch.

[MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] As the Blade Phantom’s sight returned it heard the sound of Symbol’s Wizard Driver. [DUST MAGIC PLEASE!] Just as its eyes cleared, it wished they hadn’t. A ring of sharp glass shards with their points inwards was circling the Blade Phantom. All at once, they thrust inwards, spearing the Blade Phantom in half a dozen different locations before it exploded.

Then Symbol switched the Dust Ring for the Steam Ring as two more Blade Phantom’s rose from the ground. She slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [STEAM GLASS PLEASE!] She held her right glove out to the side as the steam magic circle appeared and moved through Symbol, right as she jumped to the side, avoiding a pair of blades.

Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and thrust it at the two Blade Phantoms. [GLASS MAGIC PLEASE!] A spear of hot glass appeared from the ground and slammed into the two Blade Phantoms. Sparks exploded from their bodies as they were pierced and burned by the hot glass polearm.

“Final!” muttered Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the two Blade Phantoms recovered. [STEAM MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol waved her right glove and a ring of steaming hot glass formed around each of the Blade Phantom’s. She clenched her fist and the rings slammed closed, piercing the Blade Phantoms in multiple places, causing them to explode.

Symbol noticed that the barrier and come down and made a break for it before anymore Phantoms could show up. She ran through the archway that the barrier had been blocking and looked around. In front of Symbol were several islands that looked to have once been part of walkways or part of a construction site. She looked up and saw Kate being chased through an archway shaped portal by the four-armed Phantom. ‘How did she get up there so fast?’ Symbol mentally questioned.

Shaking it off, Symbol switched the Burst Ring for the Active Ring and slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her left glove and the Active Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove out to the side as the active magic circle appeared to her left. [LET’S GO!] It moved through Symbol, transforming her from the Burst Style to the Active Style.

After which Symbol added the Boost and Bind Rings to her right glove before striking her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She swiped her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [BOOST BIND PLEASE!] Then she held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circle appeared and moved through her.

Then Symbol slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Once that was done, she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Then she spun around, out of the right Boost Lock came an orange chain that speared through an island. Following through with the spin kick’s motion, Symbol dragged the island from right to left. “That should work,” with a jerk of her boot, the chain retracted.

Symbol jumped to the island and saw a ledge sticking out of a block of flats above her. “I need to get up there,” she struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she held her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Purple energy ran into the Boost Locks as Symbol leapt. She grabbed onto the ledge with her gloves and grunted as she flipped herself onto it.

Looking up, the Kamen Rider saw another island, that looked to be a flight of stars, floating above her. “I need that,” she slammed her glove upon her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol stepped back with her right boot as she scanned her right glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol kicked up, firing an orange chain from her right Boost Lock. It shot into the air and stabbed into the island. Grunting with effort, Symbol pulled the island down and to the left so that it was in the gap she needed to jump.

Hoping to the island, Symbol ran up the stairs and found herself at a gap that was too big to jump. She looked around. “Nothing to pull into the gap,” she mumbled as she switched the Active Ring for the Swift Ring then pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] She held her Swift Ring into the air as the swift magic circle appeared over her helmet and dropped through her. [DASH AWAY!]

Now in the Swift Style, the Kamen Rider added the Wing and Zoomer Rings to her right glove before hitting her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING ZOOMER PLEASE!] She held her right glove into the air as the two magic circles appeared before falling through her.

Symbol took a few steps back before running to the edge of the island as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She jumped into the air as she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE!] The Speed Wings ignited, flying Symbol to the other side of the gap, letting her land safely.

Once she was over the gap, Symbol noted the next obstacle as she switched the Swift Ring for the Active Ring, then pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove and the Active Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Once her Wizard Driver had registered the Ring, Symbol held her left glove out to the side. [LET’S GO!] The active magic circle appeared to her left and moved through her, transforming Symbol.

Then she added the Boost and Aqua Rings to her right glove as she hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out to the side. [BOOST AQUA PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared to her right and moved through her.

Symbol took a running start as she hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Just as Symbol jumped, the Aqua Jets each fired four blasts of water and propelled her to a lamppost that stuck out of some rocks. Another blast of water sent Symbol to the next island.

She dashed for the portal when a swarm of flying Phantoms appeared from the air.

“Just great!” muttered Symbol as the battle started.

One of the Icarus Phantom’s fired a crossbow bolt at her that was dodged as Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Burst Ring, then pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she jumped over another crossbow bolt as she scanned the Burst Ring across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] She held her left glove out to the side as the burst magic circle appeared behind her. [CAST THE SPELL!] Then it moved through her, blocking a third crossbow bolt.

Seeing another crossbow bolt screaming towards her, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the crossbow bolt drew closer. [BURST! A RANK SPELL!] Symbol slapped her left glove onto the ground and a burst magic circle appeared, out of which burst a wall of solid rock, blocking the bolt.

Now that she had some cover, Symbol added the Dust and Radiation Rings to her right glove and hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DUST RADIATION PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circle appeared behind her and moved through her.

The Icarus Phantom floated around the rock wall as Symbol struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author before holding it up as green magical energy collected within her palm. [RADIATION MAGIC PLEASE!] The Icarus Phantom reloaded its crossbow. “Take this!” Symbol threw her right glove forwards and the magical energy was fired in a column-sized beam. It washed over the Phantom and caused it to explode.

At that moment a pair of Shielded Valkyrie Phantoms appeared. Symbol drew the Burst Wand and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A CAST SHAKE HANDS!] She pointed the Burst Wand at the Phantom as she scanned her left glove over its Hand Author. [BURST! CAST STRIKE!] Purple magical energy gathered in front of the Burst Wand. “Burst Beam!” shouted Symbol as the magical energy was fired forwards in a giant beam. It slammed into the shields and drove the Phantoms back, after a few seconds cracks spread through the shield. Eventually, the shields both exploded, cancelling out the bream.

Symbol looked over her shoulder pauldron. “More of you?!” she demanded as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She glared at the two Valkyrie Phantoms that had appeared as she scanned her right glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DUST MAGIC PLEASE!] Green magical energy gathered in front of her right palm, it formed into an orb as Symbol thrust it forwards. The orb fired multiple blasts of energy that pelted the two Valkyrie Phantom’s until the both of them exploded.

Suddenly, a pair of bombs rolled to a stop at Symbol’s boots. She glanced at the other two Valkyrie Phantoms. “I forgot about you two,” the bombs exploded, sending Symbol flying. “Nuts!” she saw that she had been sent flying over the edge by the twin explosions. Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times as the Burst Dust Radiation Style dispelled, leaving her in the Burst Style. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as purple magical energy started to gather around her. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol was covered in the energy before in a bright flash of purple light, she vanished. In an identical flash of light, Symbol appeared back on the island.

Then, she transformed the Burst Wand into the Burst Staff as she pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SPELL SHAKE HANDS] She shook hands with the Burst Staff’s Hand Author as purple magical energy gathered in an orb on the top of it. [BURST! SPELL STRIKE!] The orb transformed into four spears of purple magical energy. “Burst Spears!” they shot forwards and stabbed through both of the Valkyrie Phantoms, making both of them explode.

Symbol gave a loud growl as a Wisp Phantom appeared out of thin air. “Not one of you again!” she changed the Burst Ring for the Advance Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author before thrust in forwards as the Wisp Phantom phased at her. [ADVANCE PLEASE!] The advance magic circle appeared in front of Symbol, the Wisp Phantom slammed into it and was repelled. Then the magic circle moved back through Symbol, transforming her from the Burst Style to the Advance Style.

Seeing the Wisp Phantom phasing at her again, Symbol winced as she slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitter on her right shoulder started to emit yellow particles. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] They gathered around Symbol’s right elbow as she struck out, aiming to hit the Wisp Phantom in the face. Only for it to retreat away.

With the opening she had gotten, Symbol moved Advance Ring onto her left index finger and placed the Breaker Ring into her left ring finger before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom phased at her once more. [ADVANCE BREAKER PLEASE!] She held out her left glove and the breaker magic circle appeared in front of her before moving back through her.

Symbol had no time to do anything as the Wisp Phantom punched her in the faceplate, she staggered back with sparks coming from the injury.

‘That hurt a lot more than the blows from the other two Wisp Phantoms,’ Symbol thought as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom phased at her again. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] The emitter on her right forearm emitted red particles as Symbol pulled back her fist and slammed it into the Phantom’s gut. Sparks exploded from the wound as the Wisp Phantom shrieked in pain from the force.

Suddenly, black magical energy covered the Wisp Phantom’s blade as it swung them, making a score of sparks shot out of Symbol’s chestplate. The Wisp Phantom slammed its fist into her abdomen, sending her flying back. It grabbed her by the boot and slammed her into the ground several times. Then it staddled her before punching her across the faceplate several times over.

While she was being beaten, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She managed to scan her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters started to leak red particles. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] With a surged of strength, Symbol was able to force the Phantom off her as she slammed her glowing red fist into its jaw, sending it shooting into the air as it screamed in pain.

The Wisp Phantom phased down at Symbol, slamming its knee into her chestplate and sending her flying into a rock. It phased over and punched Symbol in the abdomen, driving her into the rock. Then it repeated the process about five more times, each blow gaining a storm of sparks from Symbol’s body.

‘This Wisp Phantom is different from the other two that I’ve fought’, thought Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The Wisp Phantom charged its fist with black magical energy as Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and covered her right fist with red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] The two of them threw their fists forwards, bypassing each other and hitting their opponent in the cheek, sending them flying backwards.

Symbol panted as she pulled herself up to one knee. “I’m not going to last,” she muttered as the Wisp Phantom got back up with much more ease than she had. Suddenly, a blue light shone from her left glove. When it cleared, the Breaker Ring had been replaced with a new Ring. It was identical to the Breaker Ring, only the gem was dark blue and displayed the numbers zero two.

“This will be helpful,” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and thrust it out in front of her. [ADVANCE BLOCKER PLEASE!] A new magic circle appeared, it was identical to the breaker magic circle, only it was coloured blue with the numbers zero two in the centre of it. It moved back through Symbol, transforming her into the new Advance Style.

It was identical to the Advance Style. Only the emitters were all coloured dark blue, the circle on her chestplate was also dark blue. In the centre of it was the numbers 02 in black while the upper left light on her robe had turned dark blue. The outside of the robe had also turned dark blue and become much thicker. “Kamen Rider Symbol, Advance Blocker Style!” announced Symbol.

The Wisp Phantom roared as it charged at Symbol, phasing towards her. “Nice try!” Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom got closer. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] Symbol held out her left glove and a shield of blue magical energy appeared in front of her. The Wisp Phantom kept charging onto to slam into the shield like a bug on a windscreen.

The Wisp Phantom roared as it phased around behind Symbol. Only for her to calmly slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom charged black magical energy into its arm blades. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] Right before the Wisp Phantom’s arm blade was able to make contact with Symbol, a circle shaped shield appeared, deflecting the attack.

The Wisp Phantom roared in rage as it turned into smoke that surrounded Symbol. “What on earth?” the Kamen Rider shouted in pain as she was struck across the chestplate and then kicked in the jaw guard. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as a blow to the leg brought her down to one knee. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] The blue square shaped shield appeared in front of Symbol, only for another blow to strike her in the back.

“Let’s give this one a go!” she struck her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author right before she took a blow to the side of her helmet. [ADVANCE BLOCKER A TIER SPELL!] A blue magical energy shield wrapped around Symbol, blocking several blows that came from all sides. Then Symbol released the energy in a shockwave that dispelled the smoke and sent the Wisp Phantom flying with sparks coming from its body.

As the Wisp Phantom rolled along the ground, Symbol slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Blue magical energy built up around her gloves as she aligned her left glove with her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLOCKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol thurst both of her hands forwards. “Containment Cube!” just as the name of the move implied, a cube of blue magical energy appeared around the Phantom. It tried to phase out of the cube, but each attempt only ended with it getting shocked by its cell.

“Final!” Symbol switched the Blocker Ring for the Breaker Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out in front of her. [ADVANCE BREAKER PLEASE!] The breaker magic circle appeared in front of her and moved back through her.

As the Containment Cube started to weaken, Symbol slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters started to leak red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] It gathered around her left glove as Symbol clenched it into a fist. “Breaker Impact!” Symbol ran forwards and slammed her fist into the Containment Cube. Red magical energy mixed with blue magical energy, starting a deadly reaction that caused the clue to implode, destroying the Wisp Phantom.

“Few,” Symbol switched the Advance and Breaker Rings for the Active Ring, then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] The Kamen Rider held her left glove out to the side. [LET’S GO!] The active magic circle appeared to her left and moved through her.

Symbol ran to the portal and jumped through it. For several seconds she found herself in a tunnel of blue light before skidding out of the other side of the portal “What a rush!” she cheered. Before wincing as she clutched her side.

Symbol took a left fork and added two Rings to her right glove before pressing her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she aligned her right glove with her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST AQUA PLEASE!] She held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circle appeared before moving through her.

She took a running start towards the ledge as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Aqua Jets started to leak water. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] They each fired four streams of water that shot Symbol into the air. She flipped around and landed on the underside of a ledge. Before gravity had a chance to kick in, Symbol jumped. Eight more streams of water shot her to the top of a platform that looked to have once been part of a street.

Looking around, Symbol switched the Aqua Ring for the Bind Ring, then slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out to the side. [BOOST BIND PLEASE!] The bind magic circle appeared to Symbol’s right and moved through her.

Symbol took up a kicking stance as she struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol swiped her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Boost Locks glowed. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] She threw a spin kick, firing an orange chain that shot through the air and stabbed into an island. Symbol grunted as she pulled the island over and into the gap she had to cross.

Yet the gap between the two islands was still too big to jump. “Why me?” Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Swift Ring and slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever in anger. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] Then Symbol held her left glove into the air and the swift magic circle appeared. [DASH AWAY!] Then it fell through her.

Symbol added the Wings and Zoomer Rings to her right glove before pressing her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Drivers Hand Author before thrusting it up into the air. [WING ZOOMER PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared and fell through Symbol.

Just before she jumped off the edge, she slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE!] The Speed Wings ignited. “Whoa!” letting Symbol clear the gap with ease.

Then she saw what was ahead of her. “Oh no,” Symbol switched the Swift Ring for the Active Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol held her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Then she held it out to the left. [LET’S GO!] The active magic circle appeared and moved through Symbol.

She added the Boost and Defend Rings to her right glove before pressing her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove then held it out to the side. [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared and moved through Symbol.

Then Symbol ran to the edge of the island as she slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Purple magical energy ran into the Boost Grieves as she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol leapt into the air, rocketing up until she reached an overhanging rock. She twisted around in mid-air letting the Boost Grieves stick to the rock.

Symbol saw had already seen that the gap was too big to jump as she switched the Active Ring for the Burst Ring while pressing her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] She held her left glove out to the side and the burst magic circle appeared behind her. [CAST THE SPELL!] Symbol jumped back off the island and through the circle.

As she started to fall, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as purple magical energy started to gather around her. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] The magical energy covered Symbol completely. “Burst Teleport!” she vanished in a blast of purple light and appeared on the next island.

She was able to hope to the next island with ease and groaned as she saw what was ahead of her as she switched the Burst Ring for the Active Ring then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Then she held the Active Ring out to the side as the active magic circle appeared and moved through her. [LET’S GO!]

Symbol added the Boost and Aqua Rings to her right glove as she slammed it down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST AQUA PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared to Symbol’s right and moved through her.

She pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she jumped. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] The Aqua Jets each fired four jets of water that shot Symbol through the air.

While she was in the air, Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Swift Ring and slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Next, she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove out and the swift magic circle appeared in her flight path. [DASH AWAY!] She shot through it, emerging in the Swift Style.

Symbol, flipped around, getting ready to land on a sideways island. She added the Wing and Sniper Rings to her right glove before pressing her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared in Symbol’s flight path and she shot through them, landing on the side of the island.

While her momentum kept her on the side of the island, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] With a mighty flap from the Flight Wings, Symbol went shooting through the air, leaving a silver trail.

She flipped and landed on the ground before nearly screaming when she saw a pair of boost circles on opposite walls. “Let's get this over with!” she switched the Swift Ring for the Active Ring before pressing her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove out to the side as the active magic circle appeared and moved through her. [LET’S GO!]

Once the transformation was finished, Symbol looked down at herself and if she had been in her human form, she would have frowned. “Actually, the mana cost is worth it this time!” she switched the Active Ring for the Burst Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] She held her left glove out to the side as the burst magic circle appeared behind her and moved through her. [CAST THE SPELL!]

Then Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as purple magical energy started to gather around her. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol vanished in a blast of purple magical energy, appearing on one of the boost circles. She vanished again and appeared on the second boost circle. “Burst Teleport!” her final teleport left her on the island where the boost circle would have taken her.

Symbol panted for several seconds as she had to lean on an archway or fall over. “I’m never doing that again,” muttered the Kamen Rider as she switched the Burst Ring for the Active Ring then pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Symbol thrust her left glove out to the side as the active magic circle appeared and moved through her. [LET’S GO!]

Then she added the Boost and Aqua Rings to her right glove before pressing her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out to the right. [BOOST AQUA PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared and moved over Symbol.

She took a running start as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] The Aqua Jets started to leak blue water as Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Just as she jumped, the Aqua Jets each fired four blasts of water that propelled Symbol into the air and onto the higher island.

There was another archway portal inside a nearby building. But before Symbol could go to it she heard the familiar sound of a chainsaw. “I was wondering when I’d see something more than cannon fodder and the new Phantoms,” she turned to see a Ravager Phantom pulling itself out of the ground.

Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Swift Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Ravager Phantom set itself on fire. [SWIFT PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove up into the air and the swift magic circle appeared over her helmet before falling through her. [DASH AWAY!]

The Ravager Phantom charged as Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, just before the Ravager Phantom was able to strike her, Symbol’s visor flashed purple. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] A second before the Phantom’s chainsaw made contact, Symbol vanished a blur of speed.

Symbol appeared behind the Ravager Phantom and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Ravager Phantom turned towards her. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol covered her left boot in yellow magical energy. “Swift Beam!” she balanced on her right boot as she kicked the Phantom in the chest. Energy gathered as the Phantom was sent flying backwards.

With the room she had gotten, Symbol added the Arrow and Blade Rings to her right glove before pressing her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] The Ravager Phantom recovered as Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW ZOOMER PLEASE!] She threw her left glove into the air and the two magic circles appeared before falling down through her.

Symbol slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as yellow magical energy gathered around the Buzz Bow. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Then she swung the Buzz Bow. “Arrow Cutter!” shouted Symbol as the Buzzsaw Bow fired six arrows made from the yellow wind. They pierced the Ravager Phantom in four places and caused it to explode.

Symbol looked around as several Lesser Blade Phantoms burst from the ground. “I should have seen this coming,” she muttered as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once after changing Rings. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Lesser Blade Phantom’s charged. [WING BLADE PLEASE!] She held her right glove into the air as the blade magic circle appeared and dropped down through her.

She boosted forwards as at the three Lesser Blade Phantoms that were coming at her from the front as she struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BLADE MAGIC PLEASE!] The Cutter Wings were both covered in red magical energy as Symbol slashed each of the three Lesser Blade Phantoms with a single Cutter Wing. This cut a red slash mark through them before they all exploded.

Symbol spun around and curled the Cutter Wings around herself just in time to block three slashes from the Lesser Blade Phantom’s that had been coming at her from behind. As the Lesser Blade Phantoms continued to try and get through the Cutter Wings, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Silver magical energy surged through each of the Cutter Wings as Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol forced the Lesser Blade Phantoms back by quickly uncrossing the Cutter Wings, this fired a barrage of feathers from them. Sparks exploded out of the Lesser Blade Phantoms with each hit until all three of them exploded.

Then Symbol saw another three Blade Phantoms burst from the ground. She changed the Rings on her right glove and pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author then thrust it into the air. [ARROW SNIPER PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared and fell through her, transforming Symbol.

Symbol grabbed the Sniper Crossbow as it appeared out of the air and slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as blue magical energy ran up the Sniper Crossbow. [SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] She pulled the trigger after taking aim at the Blade Phantom. A high powered beam shot out of the Sniper Crossbow and slammed into the first Blade Phantom, tearing through it and causing it to explode.

After taking a slash across her chestplate from the second and third Blade Phantoms, Symbol switched the Swift Ring for the Burst Ring. She let loose a blast of wind that forced the Blade Phantoms back. Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever after getting some room. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] Then she thrust her left glove out to the side as the Blade Phantoms started to get back up. [CAST THE SPELL!] The burst magic circle burst into existence behind Symbol and moved through her.

Then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] The Blade Phantom’s charged as Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! C RANK SPELL!] Four sparks appeared in the air and transformed into fireballs that shot at the Blade Phantoms. They were forced to halt their charge when the fireballs exploded in their faces.

Symbol added the Dust and Mirror Rings to her right glove as she hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out to the side. [DUST MIRROR PLEASE!] The two magic circles burst into being behind Symbol and then moved through her.

The Blade Phantoms shook off the blast and charged at Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Blade Phantoms leapt at her. [MIRROR MAGIC PLEASE!] Only for a wall of mirrors to appear in front of them and their reflections to leap out and slash them both cross their chest. Sparks explode from the cuts before the Blade Phantoms followed and exploded.

Symbol groaned when she saw a pair of Blade Phantoms pulling themselves out of the ground along with a Ravager Phantom. “Of course!” she switched the Dust Ring for the Steam Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out to the side. [STEAM MIRROR PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through her.

The Ravager Phantoms both set themselves on fire and charged at Symbol with the Blade Phantom following close behind. Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [STEAM MAGIC PLEASE!] The Ravager Phantoms both swung at Symbol. Only for a wall of glass to appear in front of them. They swung, shattering the glass with ease, only for the Symbol behind the glass to vanish.

[MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] The three Phantoms turned towards where the sound was coming from and charged at Symbol as she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [MIRROR MAGIC PLEASE!] A wall of mirrors appeared in front of the Phantoms, forcing them to end their charge as they were blocked in.

While the Phantoms were attempting to break the mirror wall, Symbol switched the Mirror Ring for the Glass Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] As cracks spread through the mirror wall, Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [STEAM GLASS PLEASE!] She held her right glove out to the side as the glass magic circle appeared behind her and then moved through her.

The mirror wall broke. As the Phantoms were charging across the ground towards Symbol, she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She aligned her right glove with her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as shards of glass appeared around the Phantoms. [GLASS MAGIC PLEASE!] They swirled inwards, drawing sparks from the two Ravager Phantoms while making micro-explosions go off around the Blade Phantom.

‘That one’s nearly finished,’ thought Symbol calmly as she hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she ducked under a pair of slashes from the Ravager Phantoms. [STEAM MAGIC PLEASE!] A circle of steaming hot glass shards appeared around the Blade Phantom with their points inwards. Symbol swiped her right glove down and the glass shards shot inwards and skewered the Blade Phantom, making it explode.

Sparks explode from Symbol’s chestplate as one of the Ravager Phantoms rammed its chainsaw into her chestplate. With a shout of pain, Symbol was sent flying back, right into a horizontal slash from the other Ravager Phantom. “Ok,” grumbled Symbol as she got back up. “That hurt!” [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] The Ravager Phantom ran towards Symbol as she threw her right glove forwards. [BURST! B RANK SPELL!] Water particles in the air collected and froze over, forming into four shurikens made of ice. They shot towards the Ravager Phantom.

The Ravager Phantoms swiped at the shurikens with their chainsaws. A few days ago that would have been it. Now? Symbol gestured with her right glove and the shurikens flew around the chainsaws, digging themselves into the Phantoms, which bleed sparks while micro-explosions went off around them.

“Final!” muttered Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as purple magical energy covered her. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] In a blast of purple light, Symbol vanished into thin air and appeared on the other end of the ledge in an identical blast of purple light.

“That should be far enough,” Symbol drew the Burst Wand and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A CAST SHAKE HANDS!] She shook hands with the Burst Wand’s Hand Author as purple magical energy built up on the tip of it. [BURST! CAST STRIKE!] The Ravager Phantoms both set themselves on fire and charged at Symbol. “Burst Beam!” she stabbed the Burst Wand forwards and fired a column-sized beam that halted the two Ravager Phantoms. After several seconds an explosion rippled through the area they were in.

Symbol attempted to keep the beam going, but was forced to stop as the spell ended. This revealed the second Ravager Phantom was badly hurt but still alive. Then Symbol saw it light up with red flames instead of the normal orange ones. “Oh no!” was all she had time to shout as the Ravager Phantom closed the distance in a second and slammed its chainsaw into her chestplate, drawing sparks and triggering micro-explosions. Symbol rolled along the ground, she could feel it, one more it had she’d change back into her human form; Sunset Shimmer Sparda.

With a growl, Symbol switched the Burst Ring for the Advance Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE PLEASE!] She held her left glove out in front of her and the Advance Magic circle appeared, knocking the Ravager Phantom back as it moved back through Symbol.

Symbol winced as a blast of pain tore through her helmet. “I’ve gotta end this, fast!” she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The Ravager Phantom charged, only to miss as Symbol stepped to the side and scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] The yellow rectangle and orb-shaped emitters on her body emitted yellow particles. They gathered around Symbol’s right fist as she slammed it into the Ravager Phantom’s back. Out of the form of the Phantom roared a beam of yellow magical energy. Sparks came from the entrance and exit points as the Ravager Phantom exploded.

Symbol winced as she switched the Advance Ring for the Active Ring, before pressing her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Symbol threw her left glove out to the side. [LET’S GO!] The active magic circle appeared to her left and moved through her.

Symbol ran through the archway portal. Only to find herself between two apartment buildings, there was no ground in front of her. But she could see several lock-on points around her.

“I can work with this,” Symbol added the Boost and Bind Rings to her right glove as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out to the side. [BOOST BIND PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared to her right and moved through Symbol.

Symbol ran towards the edge of the gap and slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as purple magical energy ran into the Boost Locks. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol jumped to the first lock-on point. Then she leapt to the second one, before jumping across to the third lock-on point. There was still a gap and no more lock-on points.

Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Swift Ring then pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove into the air as the swift magic circle appeared. [DASH AWAY!] It fell through her, transforming Symbol into the Swift Style.

As she lost her grip on the lock-on point, Symbol added the Wing and Zoomer Rings to her right glove, then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, then she thrust it up into the air. [WING ZOOMER PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared over her helmet and dropped through her.

As she started to fall through the air, Symbol slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once more. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE!] The Speed Wings fired, shooting Symbol across the gap and letting her land on the island.

Symbol saw the Phantom chasing Kate, it leapt at her, causing Kate to let out a scream of pure fear.

‘For a Phantom copy, that thing sure can scream,’ Symbol thought as she shouted: “Over here!”

The four-armed Phantom turned towards her.

The Fake Kate looked back before running through an archway shaped portal.

The four-armed Phantom roared at Symbol as it pulled back one arm and slammed it onto the ground. Making it start to break into pieces as it ran through the portal.

“This isn’t good,” muttered Symbol as the Phantoms arrived.

Symbol shot into the air with the Speed Wings as she barrel rolled, avoiding a pair of crossbow bolts. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol shouted in pain as a pair of crossbow bolts slammed into her shoulder pauldron, she was still able to scan her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE!] Red magical energy ignited around the Speed Wings as Symbol vanished in a blur of speed. The two Icarus Phantoms that had been shooting her, look around. Only for Symbol to come shooting out of the sky and slam her boots into the Phantom’s backs making both of them slam through the breaking apart island and explode.

Suddenly, sparks exploded from Symbol’s backplate as another pair of crossbow bolts slammed into it. “Die!” shouted Symbol as she drew the Swift Blaster and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A BLAST SHAKE HANDS!] She shook hands with the Swift Blaster’s Hand Author as a swift magic circle appeared in front of the gun’s barrel. [SWIFT! BLASTER STRIKE!] Symbol took aim. “Swift Blaster!” she pulled the trigger, firing a barrage of yellow bullets that made the two Icarus Phantoms explode as they slammed into them.

The Kamen Rider landed back on the ground as she switched the Wing Ring for the Arrow Ring, then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as a pair of Valkyrie Phantoms appeared. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and threw it into the air. [ARROW ZOOMER PLEASE!] The arrow magic circle appeared over Symbol’s helmet and fell through her.

As the Valkyrie Phantoms each threw an orb, Symbol slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as red magical energy glowed around her. [ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol vanished in a burst of speed, blurring into a yellow and red ring around the Valkyrie Phantoms. Sparks explode from their bodies as Symbol fired at them so fast they could not see her or the arrows. The Phantoms quickly exploded.

Symbol stopped running as a Shielded Valkrie Phantom appeared, she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She pulled back on the Speed Bow after scanning her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol released the Speed Bow’s shaft and fired a dozen energy arrows at the Phantom. Sparks exploded from the Shielded Valkyrie Phantom’s shield before it was destroyed, leaving the Valkyrie Phantom with no shield.

“Time to end this!” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Speed Bow glowed with yellow magical energy. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol raced up towards the Valkyrie Phantom, running on the air as if it was solid ground. She blurred into a ring of yellow light as she ran around the Valkyrie Phantom. Sparks explode from the Phantom’s waist as it was cutting in a circle by a continuous assault. “Arrow Slasher,” in reality, Symbol had dug the tip of the Speed Bow into the Valkyrie Phantom’s waist as she ran around it. The Phantom quickly exploded.

Symbol looked into the air as a Peryton Phantom appeared. She slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she pulled back on the Speed Bow. [ARROW MAGIC PLEASE!] She fired a dozen energy bolts that shot through the air and slammed into the Phantom, making sparks explode from its body.

The Valkyrie Phantom threw another bomb that exploded the second it hit the ground, Symbol was blown back and the Speed Bow was destroyed. It shattered into pieces which were pulled inside Symbol’s hammerspace to heal. She drew the Swift Blaster and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A BLAST SHAKE HANDS!] “Where was the countdown?!” shouted Symbol as she shook hand with the Swift Blaster’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! BLASTER STRIKE!] A swift magic circle appeared in front of the Swift Blaster. “Bullet Barrage!” Symbol pulled the trigger, firing a barrage of yellow bullets that slammed into the Valkyrie Phantom, causing it to explode.

Suddenly, sparks exploded out of Symbol’s side. “Argh!” shouted the Kamen Rider in pain. She glared at the Wisp Phantom as she switched the Swift Ring for the Advance Ring. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom phased at her. [ADVANCE PLEASE!] The advance magic circle appeared in front of Symbol and knocked the Wisp Phantom back as it moved through her.

The Wisp Phantom lunged at Symbol, striking her across the faceplate. She staggered back as it slammed an elbow into her check guard before throwing her into a rock. Symbol looked up to see the Wisp Phantom charging at her.

She was able to roll out of the way and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters ejected yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Symbol threw her arms out to the side and let the energy collect around her gloves as she clenched them into fists. She lunged forward slamming her left fist into the Phantom’s jaw and then grabbing the Wisp Phantom by the head with her right glove and slamming it into the ground with enough force to make a crater.

The Wisp Phantom phased back in pain, dazed.

While it did this, Symbol moved the Advance Ring into her left index finger. Then she added the Breaker Ring to her left ring finger as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom recovered and phased at her. [ADVANCE BREAKER PLEASE!] Symbol threw up her left glove, the breaker magic circle appeared in front of her and sent the Wisp Phantom flying back as it moved through her.

Then Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice as the Wisp Phantom lunged at her once more. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her body emitted red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] The energy wrapped around Symbol’s right glove as she ducked under a punch, then leaned back to avoid a second fist. Symbol’s fist snapped up and slammed into the Wisp Phantom’s jaw, sending it flying into the air with sparks coming from the impact point.

“Now’s my chance!” Symbol leapt into the air, getting above the Wisp Phantom as it started to fall. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] The emitters on her body emitted red magical energy that wrapped around her right glove. The energy converged around her right fist as Symbol brought it down. A circle shaped shockwave of red energy was emitted as Symbol’s fist came into contact with the Wisp Phantom and sent it shooting back down to the ground.

The Wisp Phantom struggled back to its feet as Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters started to make red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] The energy wrapped around her right glove as she cocked her fist back. The Wisp Phantom brought its own fist back and the two of them bypassed each other, slamming into the other’s cheek.

With a growl, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] The emitters on her body started to emit red and yellow particles as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol sprinted forwards as her fist shone with red and yellow magical energy. The Kamen Rider and Phantom threw their fists forwards, cross-countering each other. Symbol leaned her helmet to the side, the Wisp Phantom’s fist went past her helmet while the Kamen Rider’s fist slammed into its face. “Breaker Impact!” roared Symbol as the Phantom was sent flying back where it exploded.

Suddenly a storm of sparks exploded out of her chestplate. Symbol was sent flying forwards and smashed into a rock with enough force that it was smashed to rubble. She pried herself out of the rock and glared at the second Wisp Phantom. “My luck cannot be this bad!” snarled Symbol as she switched the Breaker Ring for the Blocker Ring and hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLOCKER PLEASE!] She held her left glove out in front of her as the blocker magic circle appeared and moved back through her.

The Wisp Phantom roared as it phased at Symbol, punching her in the chestplate. A small number of sparks was drawn and Symbol slid back a step.

“My turn,” she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] As the Wisp Phantom charged its forearm blades with black magical energy, Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] Blue particles were emitted from the emitters on Symbol’s body. The particles gathered, forming a shield of blue magical energy that was in a square shape, blocking the X shaped slash that had been aimed at her.

The Wisp Phantom gave a roar as black fog surrounded Symbol. She was struck from behind, then in the faceplate. An uppercut hit her in the jaw guard as a knee smashed into her shin.

“Enough of this!” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLOCKER A TIER SPELL!] The emitters on her body emitted blue magical energy that gathered around Symbol and formed into an aura of magical energy. Multiple blows hit it but had no effect. “Let's finish this!” Symbol released the magical energy in a pulse the blew away the fog and sent the Wisp Phantom rolling back with sparks coming from its body.

The Wisp Phantom got back up and roared as it phase towards Symbol.

“No, you don’t!” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters started to glow with blue magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] The energy formed into a circle shaped shield in front of Symbol which the Wisp Phantom slammed into. “Let’s see how you like this!” Symbol drew back her left glove and slammed the palm into the shield. It surged forwards at high speed, trapping the Wisp Phantom in front of it and slammed the Phantom into a rock.

“Almost there,” muttered Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever as the emitters shone. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] The Wisp Phantom charged towards Symbol. Only to slam into a square shaped blue energy that exploded, sending it flying backwards.

“Just a little more,” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLOCKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Light blue magical energy surged from her gloves. “Containment Cube!” the Wisp Phantom tried to phase out of the way. Only for the beam to form a cube of blue energy that kept it trapped in one place.

“Final!” Symbol switched the Blocker Ring for the Breaker Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out in front of her. [ADVANCE BREAKER PLEASE!] The breaker magic circle appeared in front of Symbol and instead of it moving through her, she walked through it.

Symbol slammed her left glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever as she ran forwards. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] The Containment Cube started losing power, Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, the emitters started to leak red and yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol gathered the energy in her right glove as she reached the Containment Cube. “Breaker Impact!” roared Symbol as her fist slammed into the Containment Cube. The reaction was started as the red, yellow and blue magical energy mixed, causing the cube to implode, crushing the Wisp Phantom.

“Phew,” Symbol switched the Advance and Breaker Rings for the Active Ring, then she struck her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] She held it out to the side as the active magic circle appeared to her left and moved through her. [LET’S GO!] Transforming Symbol into the Active Style.

Then she ran through the portal and ended up at a nice bright over the endless drop that led to what looked like a church. “Finally, something nice for once.”

Then a meteor fell out of the sky, smashing the bridge into several floating island.

“Should have kept my mouth shut!” she added the Boost and Bind Rings to her right glove before pressing her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST BIND PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side and the two magic circles appeared, they moved through her.

Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she leapt off the edge of the platform. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Purple magical energy ran into the Boost Locks as Symbol jumped into the air and landed on a spire.

“There isn’t a lock-on point and the gap’s too big to jump,” Symbol groaned as she changed the Active Ring for the Swift Ring then pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned the Active Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] Then she held it up into the air. [DASH AWAY!] The swift magic circle appeared and fell through Symbol.

Symbol added the Wing and Sniper Rings to her right glove then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove into the air as the two magic circles appeared and fell through her.

Symbol spread the Flight Wings as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol spread the Flight Wings and jumped, giving them one solid flap, shooting her over the edge of the gap and landed on the island.

Then she jumped to the next island. “Whoa!” narrowly avoiding a meteor. She jumped up the island’s next level. “Watch out!” she jumped back, nearly being hit by another meteor. “That was close,” Symbol ran up a flight of stairs, only for them to be destroyed by another meteor.

“This is starting to get kinda stupid,” muttered Symbol as she changed the Swift Ring for the Active Ring, then pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the stairs she was on started to shake. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove out to the side and the active magic circle appeared. [LET’S GO!] After which it moved through her.

Then Symbol slid the Boost and Aqua Rings onto her right glove before hitting her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST AQUA PLEASE!] Then she held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circles appeared and moved through her.

Symbol took several steps back as the stairs she was on started to break apart. She pressed her right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Aqua Jets started to leak water. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] “Here we go!” Symbol ran forwards and jumped. The Aqua Jets fired eight streams of water that shot her into the air. Symbol grabbed onto the edge of the island and pulled herself up.

She ran towards the church doors when they suddenly slammed shut. The Phantoms arrived.

Hearing the sound of a chainsaw behind her, Symbol dropped onto her backplate, avoiding a slash from an on fire Ravager Phantom. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over it as the Aqua Jets started to leak water. [AQUA MAGIC PLEASE!] She spun on her backplate, firing eight streams of water that slammed into the Ravager Phantom. It screamed in pain, as a fire type Phantom, the water felt like acid to it.

Symbol switched the Boost Ring for the Slasher Ring, then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SLASHER AQUA PLEASE!] She held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circles appeared and moved through her.

Symbol slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever as she avoided a slash from the enraged Ravager Phantom. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [AQUA MAGIC PLEASE!] Water gathered around the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol slashed them down, firing six crescent of water that slammed into the Ravager Phantom, cutting six blue lines into its body.

“Now’s my chance!” Symbol saw micro-explosions go off around the Ravager Phantom and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] She ran at the Ravager Phantom as she scanned her left glove over the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Red lightning ran through the Slasher Tidal Claws. “Slashing Burst!” Symbol slashed the Ravager Phantom several times. Sparks came from each of the cuts until the Ravager Phantom exploded.

Symbol looked around, only for another Ravager Phantom to burst out of the ground, already on fire and slam its chainsaw into her chestplate. She went flying backwards but was able to slam the Slasher Tidal Claws into the ground. She switched the Slasher Ring for the Ice Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She held her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ICE AQUA PLEASE!] Then she held her right glove out to the side, the two magic circles appeared and moved through her.

She slammed her right glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she sid-stepped a charge from the Ravager Phantom. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] The ice magic circle appeared to her right and slammed into the Ravager Phantom, sending it flying.

As Ravager Phantom recovered, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] Frost gathered around the Frozen Bracer before Symbol thrust it forwards. Out of which came six ice spikes that slammed into the Ravager Phantom and made sparks explode from its body.

The Ravager Phantom recovered and set itself on fire. Symbol calmly pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [AQUA MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol slammed the glove with the Frozen Bracer behind it onto the ground, flash freezing the floor and making the Ravager Phantom fall over.

“It's over!” shouted Symbol as she dispelled the Ice Aqua Style, leaving her in the Active Style. She pressed her Wizard Drive’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as red lightning surged around her body. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] The lightning collected in Symbol’s right arm. “Lightning Impact!” she threw her fist forwards and fired a beam of lightning that slammed into the Ravager Phantom, causing it to explode.

At that moment, several Lesser Blade Phantoms burst from the ground. “Here we go!” Symbol switched the Ice Ring for the Slasher Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SLASHER AQUA PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared to her right and moved through her.

Then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Five Lesser Blade Phantom leapt at her as Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Red lightning crackled through the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol spun in a circle. “Slashing Burst!” creating three circles of red lightning around her that surged outwards, cutting through all five of the Lesser Blade Phantoms. Red lightning crackled over their bodies for several seconds before they exploded.

Symbol switched the Aqua Ring for the Defend Ring, as three more Lesser Blade Phantoms emerged from the ground she struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SLASHER DEFEND PLEASE!] Then she held her right glove out to the side as the defend magic circle appeared and moved over her.

The three Lesser Blade Phantoms lunged at Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as grey magical energy covered the Slasher Defend Claws. [DEFEND MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol slammed them together, forming a wall of grey magical energy that blocked the Lesser Blade Phantoms from reaching her. They slammed into the wall and were dazed, long enough for Symbol to reabsorb the walls energy and slash all three of the Phantoms, making them explode.

Seeing another pair of Lesser Blade Phantoms jump out of the ground, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as grey magical energy ran through both of the Slasher Defend Claws. [SLASHER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol spun in a circle, cutting into both of the Lesser Blade Phantoms and making them both explode.

Seeing two Blade Phantoms burst from the ground, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Red lightning surged through the Slasher Defend Claws as Symbol leapt into the air. “Fortress slash!” she locked the Slasher Defend Claws over her helmet like a drill. Red lightning was emitted from her body, transforming her into a tornado of red lightning that slammed into the two Phantoms. Red lightning sparked over their bodies as sparks were drill out of them until they both exploded.

Symbol dispelled the Slasher Defend Style, leaving her in the Active Style as she drew the Active Blade and turned to face a pair of Blade Phantoms. Symbol pulled on the Active Blade’s thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS!] She scanned her left glove over the Active Blade’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE!] Red lightning thundered up and down the Active Blade as Symbol ran forwards. “Red Slash!” she slashed both of the Phantoms diagonally, red lightning crackled over their bodies as they both exploded.

Then Symbol turned to a pair of Blade Phantoms that had just jumped out of the ground and transformed the Active Blade into the Active Rifle, she pulled on the thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SHOOTING SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol scanned her left glove over the Active Rifle’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! SHOOTING STRIKE!] Red lighting ran up the gun as Symbol pulled the trigger. “Red Bolt!” the Active Rifle discharged a beam of red lightning that shot through the air and slammed into the two Phantoms. Both of them twitched and exploded.

Then another Wisp Phantom appeared from thin air. “Not again!” Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Advance Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. Symbol rolled away from a blow and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE PLEASE!] Then Symbol held her left glove out in front of herself as the Wisp Phantom phased. The advance magic circle appeared in front of her and sent the Wisp Phantom flying back while it moved back through Symbol, transforming her into the Advance Style.

While the Wisp Phantom was down, Symbol winced as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] The emitters summoned yellow particles that collected around Symbol’s right fist. She dashed forwards and tried to slam her fist into the Phantom’s face. Only to wince at the last second and that gave the Wisp Phantom enough time to spin around her fist and punch her in the faceplate, making sparks explode.

Symbol slid back and was attack relentlessly by the Wisp Phantom it cut her across the chestplate five times as she managed to press the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters ejected yellow particles. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] They gathered around Symbol’s legs as she winced. “Back off!” Symbol threw out a spin kick that slammed into the Wisp Phantom. Or at least it would have if it had not dodged at the last second. However, the kick did still clip the Wisp Phantom with enough force to drive it back.

With the room she had gained, Symbol added the Breaker Ring to her left glove and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever again. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom phased at her. [ADVANCE BREAKER PLEASE!] She held her left glove forwards and the breaker magic circle appeared in front of her, then it moved back through her after the Wisp Phantom had bounced off it.

The Wisp Phantom hissed in anger as it phased at Symbol once more. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom turned solid and swung at her with its forearm blade. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] The emitters on her body emitted red magical energy that gathered around Symbol’s right fist as she ducked under the blade. Symbol slammed an uppercut into the Phantom’s chin, sending it flying into the air.

The Wisp Phantom recovered and phased at Symbol again, kicking her in the chestplate. Symbol grunted in pain as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters glowed. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy wrapped around her right fist as Symbol threw it forwards. The Wisp Phantom countered with a fist of its own and the two impacted. A shockwave of red and black energy roared outwards, shattering all of the church’s windows.

“Final!” shouted Symbol. The Wisp Phantom agreed as it clenched its right hand into a fist and charged it with black energy. Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] The emitters fired red and yellow magical energy that wrapped around Symbol’s left fist as the two charged at each other. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Just as it looked like they were going to cross counter each other, Symbol weaved to the side and slammed her fist into the Wisp Phantom’s side. “Advance Impact!” shouted Symbol as, in a shower of sparks, the Phantom was sent flying backwards and exploded.

Symbol switched the Advance and Breaker Rings for the Active Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Then she held it out to the side. [LET’S GO!] The active magic circle appeared and moved through Symbol.

The church doors opened and Symbol dashed inside to see the Fake Kate being cornered by the four-armed Phantom.

“Sunset!” she shouted.

“Kate!” yelled Symbol.

The Phantom picked up the girl and threw her onto the floor, before running through a portal.

Symbol ran up to the Fake Kate “Kate! Are you ok?”

She got back to her feet, as a dark aura appeared around her. “I’m fine, but you're dead!”

“Oh great, another demon disguised as my friend!” stated the Kamen Rider flatly, as she pressed the left shift lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! C RANK SPELL!] Lightning gathered in her palm

The Fake Kate backed up. “Wait! You would kill your old friend?!”

“If you were the real Kate, then no. But since your just a Phantom impersonating her, YES!” Symbol slammed her palm into the Fake Kate’s chest, making red lightning course through her body, destroying her.