• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 583 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset's Journey - Alphajeager1

Sunset appears on another earth with no memory and the power of a Kamen Rider

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Interlude 1


“OW!” shouted Sunset Shimmer Sparda as her face impacted the ground. She clutched her sore nose as she got back up. “That hurt!” muttered Sunset. Suddenly, a wave of pain tore through her side. She clutched her ribs and then pulled her hand away to see blood soaking it.

“I must have taken a lot of damage in that fight against the Wiseman Phantom,” muttered Sunset before she looked around. “Not what I was expecting.”

Given the fact that she had just been sucked into a tear in space, Sunset expected to see a golden gate in front of a city of gold on top of clouds, a giant judgment hall or even fire and brimstone.

Instead, she was outside Paradise, Sparda and Eva’s mansion.

But it was not the same.

The sky was red instead of blue with a white sun. But it didn’t feel like the Slip Dimension. ‘Did that collapse on this dimension anyway?’ thought Symbol as she remembered seeing people running away from Phantom’s while she was fighting the Wiseman Phantom. Paradise was a lot more wrecked than before, the damage looked freshly done as appose to the ancient damage than Sunset had seen before and part of the building was still on fire.

“Sunset, Sunset,” came a soft voice.

“What the heck?!” Sunset remembered where she had heard that voice before. “Mother?” questioned Sunset as she got back up. Only to shout in pain as she held her sides. “Come on,” gritted Sunset. “Heal up already!”

“What is this place?” muttered Sunset as she ran up a pathway and past a tree that was on fire. She had to jump to a floating platform, but then she paused before the next jump. “I can’t make that jump in my human form. Active Boost Style would work, but Swift Wing Style would be better,” Sunset held out her wrist and flicked it.

Nothing happened.

There was an awkward beat as Sunset flicked her wrist again and again, then once more. It was only on the third flick that the Active Ring appeared on Sunset’s left middle finger. “Why can’t I summon the Giga, Swift and Burst Rings?!” demanded Sunset.

Then the platform she was on started to collapse.

“Guess Active Style will have to do,” muttered Symbol as she quickly pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then Sunset scanned her left hand over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Sunset held her left hand out to the side and the active magic circle appeared to her left. [LET’S GO!] It moved through the teenage girl, transforming her into Kamen Rider Symbol Active Style.

Suddenly, red lightning sparked over Symbol’s body, driving her down to one knee. “What was that?!” shouted Symbol.

The platform continued to break.

“Figure it out later!” panicked Symbol as she added the Boost and Aqua Rings to her right glove before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST AQUA PLEASE!] She held her right glove out to the side and the two magic circles appeared before moving through her, transforming Symbol into the Active Boost Aqua Style.

As the last of the platform started to crumble away, Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Aqua Jets blasted out streams of water. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol jumped into the air with the water propelling her. She flipped once before landing on the next platform.

Only for the edge that she was standing on to crumble away.

“No!” shouted Symbol as she lashed out with one glove and grabbed onto the platform. Wincing, Symbol pulled herself up to the platform. “This is why Swift Style would have been a better choice,” grumbled Symbol as she lay on her backplate.

Then Symbol arrived at another jump, this one was too far to cross with the Boost Style. “What am I supposed to do now?!” shouted Symbol to the sky. At that moment there was a flash of yellow light from Symbol’s left glove. She looked down and saw the Swift Wing appear in the place of the Active Ring.

“Took long enough!” snarled Symbol. Normally she would have been more grateful, but she was in a bad mood. Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her left glove and the Swift Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove into the air as the swift magic circle appeared over her helmet. [DASH AWAY!] Then it fell through her, transforming Symbol into the Swift Style.

Symbol added the Wing and Blade Rings to her right glove and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING BLADE PLEASE!] She held her right glove into the air as the two magic circles appeared over her helmet, then they fell through her, transforming Symbol into the Swift Wing Sniper Style.

Symbol jumped into the air and fired the six Cutter Wings. This gave her the boost she needed to get over the gap.

Symbol glared at the Lesser Blade Phantom’s that burst from the ground, she was about to draw the Swift Blaster when she winced in pain. Symbol grabbed her chestplate then she found that something was missing. “My amulet! It’s gone!” she looked down at her chestplate as she registered that the yellow amulet, the last thing she had of Eva, her mother was missing.

Symbol snarled at the Lesser Blade Phantoms as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Three Lesser Blade Phantoms ran at Symbol as she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BLADE MAGIC PLEASE!] She dashed between a pair of Lesser Blade Phantom’s, slashing at them with the Cutter Wings as she went past. The Lesser Blade Phantom’s fell over and exploded even as Symbol kicked the third Lesser Blade Phantom in the chest.

As the Lesser Blade Phantom that Symbol had kicked flew backwards, she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol landed back on the ground as she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] She took up a stance, bending her arms inwards as she flapped the Cutter Wings, firing a barrage of feathers from them. They shot through the air and slammed into the Lesser Blade Phantom, resulting in it exploding.

Seeing three more Lesser Blade Phantoms burst out of the ground, Symbol switched the Wing and Blade Rings for the Turbo and Sniper Rings before striking her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [TURBO SNIPER PLEASE!] She held her right glove into the air as the two magic circles appeared over her helmet and dropped through her. Transforming Symbol into the Swift Turbo Sniper Style.

Symbol grabbed the Turbine Shooter as it appeared from the air and pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the twin turbines on the Turbine Shooter started to spin. [SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] Blue magical energy was fed into the gun’s barrel by the turbines as Symbol took aim. She pulled the trigger, firing three beams of blue magical energy that punched through the three Lesser Blade Phantoms. Blue energy crackled over their bodies for a second before they exploded.

Another three Lesser Blade Phantom’s burst from the ground. “This is getting old!” Symbol switched the Turbo Ring for the Wing Ring and punched down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] She thrust her right glove into the air and the wing magic circle appeared over Symbol’s helmet before falling through her. Transforming Symbol into the Swift Wing Sniper Style.

The Lesser Blade Phantom’s got within range as Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She flapped the Flight Wings and rose into the air as the Lesser Blade Phantom’s swiped at the place she had just been standing. Hovering in the air, Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] Then she flapped the Flight Wings, firing another barrage of feathers that shot down through the air and made sparks explode from the Lesser Blade Phantom’s before the Phantom’s exploded.

Then Symbol glanced over her shoulder pauldron as she heard the sound of Phantom’s materializing behind her. Only to see nothing. “What?” asked Symbol in confusion. Seeing a bomb fell to the ground at her boots. “Of course,” the bomb started to flash as Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author just before the bomb exploded. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] Out of the smoke came a blur of yellow, signally that Symbol was moving at super speeds. The three Valkyrie Phantom’s in the air threw more bombs at Symbol, all of which missed.

“They’re never going to hit me with those things,” then Symbol saw a pattern starting to form. “They’re herding me towards the edge!” she realised. Deciding to take a stand, Symbol switched the Wing Ring for the Arrow Ring and the Sniper Ring for the Blade Ring as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol held her right glove into the air after she scanned it over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW BLADE PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared and moved through Symbol, transforming her into the Swift Arrow Blade Style.

While still moving, Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] More bombs approached her as she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol pulled back on the Buzz Bow and fired six blasts of wind from it. They rocketed past the bombs, causing them to detonate in mid-air. The blasts of wind soared towards the Valkyrie Phantom and started to change shape, forming into the shape of spinning buzzsaws. They slammed into the Valkyrie Phantom’s and made all three of the Phantom’s explode.

“That should be it,” muttered Symbol. Then sparks exploded from her right shoulder pauldron. “ARGH!” she clutched her shoulder pauldron before glaring at the three Icarus Phantom's with great hatred. Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Icarus Phantom’s reloaded their crossbows. [BLADE MAGIC PLEASE!] She pulled back on the Buzz Bow and fired three buzzsaws from it. They roared through the air and cut through the arrows, before slicing into the Icarus Phantom’s in a shower of sparks, making the three Phantom’s explode.

Then Symbol saw three Peryton Phantom’s appear in the air. She switched the Blade Ring for the Zoomer Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] As the Perton Phantom’s fired their lightning bolts, Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW ZOOMER PLEASE!] She held her right glove into the air and the zoomer magic circle appeared before falling through her, blocking the lightning bolts as it transformed Symbol into the Swift Arrow Zoomer Style.

Then Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever again. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] After which she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author for the second time in her current form. [ARROW MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol pulled back on the Speed Bow and fired a dozen green energy bolts. They shot through the air and slammed into the Peryton Phantom’s making sparks explode from their bodies. Unlike the other Phantom’s that Symbol had faced in this dimension, they did not explode from a single hit.

“These Phantom’s are stronger than the others,” muttered Symbol as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Peryton Phantom’s fired another barrage of lightning bolts at her. [ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE!] Everything slowed down from Symbol’s perspective as she sped up. Symbol darted to the left as sparks came from the Peryton Phantom’s as a ring of yellow light was formed around them. Symbol was running around the Peryton Phantom’s at speeds fast enough that she now looked like a ring of light as she fired the Speed Bow at the Phantoms.

The damage started to pile up and the Peryton Phantom’s quickly exploded.

Symbol skidded to a halt, panting. “I can’t do many more of them,” muttered Symbol. She glanced to the right and saw a trio of Lesser Blade Phantom’s bursting out of the ground. “Great,” muttered Symbol as she switched the Zoomer Ring for the Sniper Ring then pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW SNIPER PLEASE!] She held her right glove into the air as the sniper magic circle appeared and dropped down through Symbol, transforming her into the Swift Arrow Sniper Style.

The Lesser Blade Phantom’s showed how stupid they were as they charged at Symbol in a straight line. She pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW MAGIC PLEASE!] She took aim with the Sniper Crossbow as green magical energy covered it. Then Symbol pulled the trigger, firing an arrow of wind that shot through the air and pierced through all three Lesser Blade Phantom’s. Green lightning sparked over their bodies as the Phantom’s exploded.

“That took longer than I thought it would,” Symbol ran up a flight of stairs, then took a left turn into the building. For a second she saw ghostly images of herself sparing with her brothers back when they were children and before she was thrown through time.

“Giving up Sunset?” asked the younger Dante.

“You can’t win,” shouted the younger Vergil.

“Not on your life!” replied Sunset, who was a year younger than her current self. She knocked down her younger brothers and disarmed them.

“Those were the times,” muttered the real Symbol.

Suddenly, an evil laugh came out of nowhere. “Poor Sunset, are you lost?”

“I don’t have to humour a Phantom illusion!” shouted Symbol. She took a right turn and arrive at the edge of the manor. There was part of a hallway floating just out of reach. “This is why I’m happy that I kept the Active Style,” Symbol switched the Swift Ring for the Active Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove out to the side and the active magic circle appeared to her left. [LET’S GO!] It moved through her and transformed Symbol into the Active Style.

Then Symbol added a pair of Rings to her right glove before striking her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out to the side. [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] The boost and defend magic circles appeared to her right and moved through her, transforming Symbol into the Active Boost Defend Style.

Symbol slammed her left boot into the ground and jumped the gap, making it halfway before she started to fall. Then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] A boost magic circle appeared just below her. Instead of falling through it, her boots made contact with a solid surface that she jumped off, clearing the rest of the gap.

Then Symbol ran through the section of the corridor and jumped to the next island, only just making the jump. “Whoa!” shouted Symbol as she failed her arms, trying to keep her balance. Her lessons from Eva kicked in as she crouched, stopping herself from falling back. “That was close,” Symbol jumped to another island and then leapt up to a ledge inside the next section of the mansion.

Symbol ran through another hall and then dropped down through a hole. “I remember this,” groaned Symbol as she landed on the bottom level. She ran into a square-shaped room when rocks sprang up, blocking the entrance and exits.

“Why do I get the feeling that I’m not going to like what happens next?” asked Symbol rhetorically.

Crows started to caw.

“That’s not an answer!” shouted Symbol.

Something approached her from behind.

Symbol reached over her backplate and drew the Active Blade, slashing at the air behind her. “WHAT?!” only for some and dark blue crows to go flying past her. ‘Wait, dark blue crows?!’ Symbol spun around and looked in the direction that the crows were flying.

They collected and transformed into a Phantom.

It was humanoid, about eight feet tall and had a long skull-like head. It wore black pants and armour around its hands and forearms, coming from the armour was dull silver blades.

This is the Wisp Phantom.

“Here we go!” muttered Symbol as she pressed down on her Active Blade’s thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol scanned her left glove over the Active Blade’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE!] Red lightning ran up and down the sharp edge of the blade. “Active Slash!” shouted Symbol as she dashed forwards, using the Boost Grieves to give herself and boost as she brought the Active Blade down.

Only for the Wisp Phantom to block it by crossing both blades and then it kicked Symbol in the gut. Sparks came from the impact point as Symbol was sent flying back, shouting in pain. The Wisp Phantom turned into its gas form and blurred forwards, turning solid just in time to slam a fist into Symbol’s faceplate, making more sparks explode from the impact point.

Symbol grunted as she was able to right herself skidded backwards as she landed on the ground, digging furrows into it. Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp came charging at her once more. [DEFEND MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol held the Defend Shield up in front of her with both gloves. A small barrier of grey magical energy appeared in front of her and blocked the Wisp Phantom’s first punch that was aimed at her.

But the Wisp Phantom kicked out Symbol’s boots from under and kick punched her in the chestplate once, making sparks come from the impact. Then it elbows her in the faceplate and kicked her away. Sparks came from both of the impacts as Symbol was sent flying through the air, slamming into a wall.

Symbol a growl of anger and pain, Symbol switched the Boost Ring for the Slasher Ring. Then she did the same with the Defend and Aqua Ring before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom transformed into its gas form to rush at her once more. [SLASHER AQUA PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side and the two magic circles appeared before moving through her, transforming Symbol into the Active Slasher Aqua Style.

Before the Wisp Phantom could reach her, Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she swiped her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as green lightning ran through the Slasher Tidal Claws. [SLASHER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol crossed the claws, aiming to block the Wisp Phantom’s fist that was aimed at her faceplate.

But the Wisp Phantom’s fist turned into smoke and passed through Symbol’s guard, it turned solid again just before smashing into her faceplate. Symbol was sent flying back with sparks coming from her faceplate as the Wisp Phantom turned into smoke, got behind her and turned solid again. It grabbed Symbol by the neck and slammed her into the ground repeatedly, before throwing her up into the ceiling.

With a growl of anger, Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Water was pulled in from the air and covered the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [AQUA MAGIC PLEASE!] She pointed the Slasher Tidal Claws down and fired six streams of water towards the Wisp Phantom.

Only for the Wisp Phantom to transform into its smoke form and weave around all of the streams. As it reached Symbol, the Phantom turned solid once more and slammed its knee into her gut. Symbol cough in pain as she was grabbed by her neck and thrown back into the ground with enough force to make a creator. The Wisp Phantom propelled itself down through the air towards Symbol at high speeds.

Symbol noticed this and rolled to the side, just in time for the Wisp Phantom to come screaming down and impact the ground, cracking a large dust cloud as bricks and mortar were sent flying everywhere. Symbol switched the Aqua Ring for the Bind Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author before holding her right glove out to the side. [SLASHER BIND PLEASE!] Symbol dove to the side, through the bind magic circle as it appeared, just in time for the Wisp Phantom to go screaming through the space she had been in.

Then Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She crouched on one knee guard as she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol fired the Slasher Restraint Claws forwards. They shot through the air and aimed to spear the Wisp Phantom, only for it to turn into gas once more, avoiding the attack.

“Oh come on!” shouted Symbol.

The Wisp Phantom turned back into gas and charged at her, slashing Symbol across the chestplate with its left arm blade. Sparks flew from the impact as Symbol shouted in pain before being slashed across the chest plate as second time and punched in the gut. Symbol had no chance to react as she was spin kicked by the Wisp Phantom and sent flying back through the air.

Symbol was able to flip herself back as she switched the Slasher Ring for the Ice Ring and the Bind Ring for the Defence Ring. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ICE DEFEND PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side, making the two magic circles appear and move through her. Transforming Symbol into the Active Ice Defend Style.

As the Wisp Phantom approached, Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom reared its right fist back. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] Frost gathered around Symbol’s right glove as she curled it into a fist before punching the ground. Out of which burst a wall of ice that gained a Wisp Phantom shaped indent as the Phantom was unable to stop in time.

“Yes! That’s the first hit I’ve given this thing!” shouted Symbol.

Then the Wisp Phantom phased through the wall.

“No! That was the first hit I’ve given this thing!” shouted Symbol.

The Wisp Phantom punched Symbol in the chestplate, sparks exploded from the impact as she was sent flying back. Symbol shot through the air and was slammed into a wall, before being forced further into the wall by the twin palm strike from the Wisp Phantom as it phased up to her.

“BACK OFF!” shouted Symbol as she switched the Defend Ring for the Aqua Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author before thrusting her right glove out to the side. [ICE AQUA PLEASE!] The aqua magic circle appeared to Symbols right and moved through her, forcing the Wisp Phantom to back off as it transformed Symbol into the Active Ice Aqua Style.

As the Wisp Phantom phased back towards Symbol, she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Frozen Bracer glowed with light blue magical energy and frost formed in the air around it. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol thrust the Frozen Bracer forwards, firing a barrage of ice spikes at the Wisp Phantom.

Only for it to transform into smoke and phase through the ice spikes. When it turned solid the Phantom did have a few patches of ice where the spikes had passed through it.

“So ice works?” questioned Symbol. “Great!” she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the ice on the Wisp Phantom vanished and it phased forwards. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Frost collected and formed into a ball of ice in Symbol’s hand. She pulled it back and threw the ball forwards. “Ice Grenade!” shouted Symbol as the ball of ice exploded into a cloud of frost. The Wisp Phantom shot into the cloud and did not come out the other side. When the cloud cleared the Wisp Phantom was revealed, frozen over.

“YES!” shouted Symbol. Then she clutched her side as red lightning sparked over it. “Ow! It worked!”

Then the ice around the Wisp Phantom cracked.

“It sort of worked?” questioned Symbol.

Then the ice shattered, revealing a livid Wisp Phantom.

“Ok, it didn’t work at all,” deadpanned Symbol.

The Wisp Phantom surged forwards.

Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the water swirled inwards, forming into an orb in front of Symbol. [AQUA MAGIC PLEASE!] She punched it with both fists and the water transformed into a beam of high pressure that slammed into the Wisp Phantom, driving it into a wall with sparks exploded from the continuous pressure.

“It’s working,” muttered Symbol.

Right before she ran out of the water as the spell ended.

“Nuts!” shouted Symbol before her world became a pain.

The Wisp Phantom phased forwards and turned solid as it slashed Symbol across her chest, then her legs, followed by head butting her.

“Knock it off!” shouted Symbol as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as red lightning crackled down into her right boot. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol spun around. “Lightning impact!” then kicked the Phantom in the gut, unleashing a shockwave of red lightning that it had no time to phase through and was sent flying backwards.

But the Wisp Phantom recovered faster than Symbol could react and rammed its elbow into the side of her helmet. Then it grabbed her and started to choke the Kamen Rider by crushing her neck. While doing this it kept punching her in the gut with its free hand over and over.

“No, you don’t!” Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! C RANK SPELL!] Red lightning covered her right glove as she pulled it back and slammed her palm into the Wisp Phantom’s gut. Only for the Phantom to phase through it.

“Enough is enough!” shouted Symbol, an impressive feat while being strangled, as she switched the Active Ring for the Advance Ring, then she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE PLEASE!] Symbol held out her left glove and the advance magic circle appeared before moving through her. Transforming Symbol into the Advance Style, as well as knocking the Wisp Phantom back.

Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Wisp Phantom recovered. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] The rectangle in Symbol’s left forearm guard released yellow particles that gathered around her elbow. Suddenly, Symbol vanished in a blur of speed and appeared behind the Phantom as she brought her elbow around and slammed it into the Phantom’s back. Sparks exploded as the Wisp Phantom shifted into its gas form a second too late.

The Wisp Phantom recovered and phased at Symbol, bringing its forearm blades around cutting a small line of sparks from her chestplate before it was punched in the face and sent flying backwards.

Symbol winced as a blast of pain tore through her helmet and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The Wisp Phantom phased at Symbol as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] The rectangle in her left forearm guards emitted yellow magical energy that gathered around her right fist. Just as the Wisp Phantom turned solid, Symbol belted it in the gut. The energy on her fist was fired forwards in a beam of yellow magical energy that erupted out of the Wisp Phantom’s back. The Phantom fell to the floor with sparks exploded from the beam’s entrance and exit points as microexplosions went off around it.

Before Symbol could finish it off, the Wisp Phantom transformed into smoke and phased around behind Symbol. She turned around, just in time to get punched in the faceplate and then kneed in the stomach. The Wisp Phantom brought up both of its arms, clasped its hands together and brought them down on Symbol’s backplate. She was smashed into the ground, forming a crater.

Symbol felt another blast of pain tear through her helmet as she jumped back up and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the rectangle in her right forearm guards emitted yellow particles. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] The particles gathered around her left fist as Symbol uppercutted the Wisp Phantom in the chin. Only for it to turn back into gas.

Symbol stiffened as the outside of her visors turned grey while the inside of them stayed yellow. She pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the rectangle in her right forearm guard emitted yellow particles. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right forearm as Symbol pulled back her right glove and punched at the Wisp Phantom, making a beam of yellow magical energy shot out of her fist.

The Wisp Phantom turned into its gas form and flew at Symbol, turning solid as it grabbed her helmet and slammed her into the ground before it kicked her in the ribs and slashed with both of its forearm blades.

Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the orbs on her shoulder pauldrons started to emit yellow particles. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Symbol lunged forwards as the energy covered her arms. She lashed out, trying to bury her elbows into the Wisp Phantom’s body. Only for it to block the first blow with its forearm blades while phasing through the second blow. Then Symbol ended the combo by jumping into the air and bringing both of her forearms down on the Wisp Phantom’s shoulders, only for it to phase through them.

The Wisp Phantom reappeared and started to spin at a high speed as it approached Symbol.

Who pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as particles of yellow magical energy were leaked from the rectangles in her shin guards. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] The yellow magical energy gathered around Symbol’s fists as she thrust both of them forwards towards the Wisp Phantom. Only for it to completely overpower her. Sparks flew from her body as the Wisp Phantom forced her arms away and slashed at her chest plate several dozen times while it was spinning. Micro Explosions went around Symbol and in a large explosion, she was sent flying back and smashed into a wall. She fell to the ground as her Advance Style dispelled, leaving her in the Active Style, no longer able to remain intact after the amount of damage that it just took.

“Unbelievable!” shouted Symbol in anger. “It was able to force me out of my Advance Style!” suddenly, the Wisp Phantom grabbed her by the neck and pulled Symbol up as it pulled back its right hand. “This is gonna hurt!” muttered Symbol as the Wisp Phantom threw its fist forwards. All of a sudden, there was a flash of bright light from Symbol’s left glove that threw the Wisp Phantom backwards.

Symbol landed on her boots and looked at the new Ring on her left ring finger, she noted that the Advance Ring had moved to her left index finger. The Ring was grey with a yellow framework and the gem was red with the numbers 01 engraved into it. “Let’s hope this works!” muttered Symbol as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BREAKER PLEASE!] Symbol held out her left glove in front of her as two magic circles appeared, the first was the advance magic circle but the second was new.

The second magic circle was a grey X inside a red B, inside a yellow eight-pointed star, which was inside a yellow two layered circle with red runic text between the two layers. The magic circles moved through Symbol. First, she was transformed into the Advance Style, then the second magic circle moved over her and changes happened. The orbs in her shoulder pauldrons and the rectangles in her forearm and shin armour shifted from yellow to red. The upper right circle on Symbol’s robe turned red as the robe opened, revealing a silver chestplate with a yellow circle in the middle. The circle changed from yellow to red as it displayed the numbers 01 in black.

She was now Kamen Rider Symbol, Advance Breaker Style.

“Ok, now this is cool!” commented Symbol as she looked down at her body.

The Wisp Phantom roared in anger as it transformed into smoke and charged at Symbol.

“Nice try!” Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] The rectangle on the back of her left forearm guards emitted red particles that gathered around Symbol’s fist. She punched forwards and her fist slammed into the Wisp Phantom’s head, making contact even though the Phantom was still in its smoke form. Sparks exploded from the Wisp Phantom as it was sent flying backwards and forced back into its solid state.

“So I can hit Phantom’s with phasing abilities?!” shouted Symbol. “Yes!”

The Wisp Phantom recovered and roared, charging at Symbol, slashing her across the chest plate with its arm blades. A storm of sparks came from Symbol’s chest plates from each of the slashes.

“Argh!” shouted Symbol. “That hurt a lot more than normal. So I guess for increased attacking power, I lose a bit of defence,” she muttered as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the rectangle in her right forearm guard started to emit red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] It gathered around Symbol’s fist as she threw it forwards and slammed it into the Wisp Phantom’s chin, shooting it up into the air.

While the Wisp Phantom was in the air and stunned, Symbol jumped up after it and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!​] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] The rectangle on her right forearm guard emitted particles of red magical energy that gathered around Symbol’s right glove. She punched downwards, sending the Wisp Phantom shooting down like a meteor, it impacted the ground and kicked up a cloud of dust.

Symbol landed back on the ground and saw the badly injured Wisp Phantom get back up and phase towards her. “Final!” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Red magical energy swirled inwards around her right glove. “Breaker Impact!” shouted Symbol as she pulled back her fist and punched the Wisp Phantom in the face. Sparks exploded out of the impact point as red lightning crackled over the Wisp Phantom’s body before it exploded.

The barrier came down as Symbol switched her Advance and Breaker Rings for the Active Ring, then pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] “At least I got a new Ring out of that,” Symbol held her left glove out to the side and the active magic circle appeared. [LET’S GO!] It moved through Symbol, transforming her into the Active Style.

She ran out of the room and took a right turn. She ran through a door and arrived outside the mansion, in front of her was a light blue energy orb.

“Sunset, my daughter. You’re, you’re dead!” came Eva’s voice from the orb.

“Nice to hear from you too Mom,” hissed Symbol as she clutched her side in pain, all of that fighting had just increased the damage from the singularity.

“You’re trapped here, just like me! But you can still escape, you still have a chance. The light! Find the light and get out of here!” instructed Eva as her voice faded away.

“The light? OK,” replied Symbol.

She ran to the left when a Blade Phantom burst from the ground. “Oh please,” muttered Symbol. She pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! C RANK SPELL!] Red lightning covered her left palm as Symbol used the Active Blade to deflect the Blade Phantom’s sword. She slammed her left palm into its chest, there was a flash of red lightning as the Phantom was sent flying backwards and exploded.

Then, as another pair of Blade Phantom approached, Symbol slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Blade Phantom’s pulled back their blades. [ACTIVE! A RANK SPELL!] Red lightning covered her body as Symbol threw her arms out to the side, unleashing a burst of lightning that threw both of the Blade Phantom’s backwards with sparks coming from their bodies before they exploded.

Sensing something, Symbol added the Boost and Bind Rings to her right glove before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She aligned her right glove with her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST BIND PLEASE!] Then she held her right glove out to the side. “Nice try!” the two magic circles appeared and knocked the pair of Blade Phantoms, which had been about to attack her from behind, away from her.

As the two Blade Phantom’s got back up, Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Autor as the two Blade Phantom’s charged at her. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol spun around and kicked out, firing an orange chain construct that pierced through one of the Blade Phantoms before looping back around and doing the same to the second Blade Phantom.

As they both exploded, Symbol jumped into the air. A Blade Phantom had just slashed at the place where she had been standing. Symbol backflipped over the Blade Phantom and landed on the ground as she slammed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, firing an orange chain construct at the Blade Phantom. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] The chain construct wrapped around the Phantom and pulled it back towards Symbol. The Blade Phantom was then kicked over the edge of the island and into the endless drop. The Phantom exploded shortly after.

Then Symbol glanced over her shoulder and saw five Blade Phantom’s jump out of the ground. “This is getting silly,” she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as red lightning crackled over the Boost Locks. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol kicked out, firing a chain construct that was made of red lightning. “Spike Chain!” shouted Symbol as the chain branched off into five lightning bolts that tore through all five of the Blade Phantom’s. The red lightning crackled over their bodies for a second before they exploded.

“Whoa!” Symbol ducked under a blade from the next Blade Phantom that passed through the place where her neck had just been. The Blade Phantom swung its blade down at her as Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! B RANK SPELL!] Red lightning covered her arms as she crossed them over her faceplate and blocked the sword. The lightning surged up the sword and into the Blade Phantom causing it to explode.

Symbol switched the Boost Ring for the Ice Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as five more Blade Phantom’s burst from the ground. [ICE BIND PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side and the ice magic circle appeared before moving through her, transforming her into the Active Ice Bind Style.

Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove as three Blade Phantoms ran at her. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol threw the Grapple Gauntlet forwards and fired an orange chain construct made of magical energy. It shot forwards and wrapped around all five of the Blade Phantom’s. Symbol dug her boots into the ground and spun around, swinging the tied up Phantoms around in a circle before she hurled them over the edge of the island and into the endless drop where they exploded after a few seconds.

“Argh!” Symbol was slashed across her backplate by another Blade Phantom and fell down to one knee guard as red lightning crackled over her body. “BACK OFF!” Symbol lashed out and kicked the Blade Phantom with her left boot. The Phantom was sent flying, but luckily for it, it smashed into a tree.

The Phantom got up and started to run at Symbol once more. She pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] The Icy Bracer was covered in frost as Symbol slammed it into the ground. The floor under her boots flash froze. The Blade Phantom flailed its arms as it slipped and fell over. It slid around and over the edge of the island into the endless drop. About ten seconds later an explosion sounded off.

Then Symbol saw another three Blade Phantoms running at her. She pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as red lightning arched over both of her arms. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol clasped her gloves together and slammed them into the ground. Out of which burst spiked chains made of red ice. They surrounded the Blade Phantom’s in a circle. “Ice Chain!” before they spread through the Phantom’s. Sparks flew from their bodies until the three Blade Phantoms exploded.

Symbol noticed another Blade Phantom running at her and switched the Active Ring for the Swift Ring before she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove and the Swift Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] She held her left glove into the air as the swift magic circle appeared and fell through her. [DASH AWAY!] Transforming Symbol into the Swift Style.

Then she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Blade Phantom got within sword range. [SWIFT! C RANK SPELL!] Symbol crossed her right arm over her chestplate, then swung it to the side, out of it came five orbs of yellow magical energy that shot forwards and slammed into the Blade Phantom. It was sent flying backwards before it exploded.

Symbol looked around and saw that there was another Blade Phantom running towards her as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! A RANK SPELL!] Symbol joined her thumbs and index fingers in a triangle shape. Yellow magical energy built up between them and was fired forwards in a beam that slammed into the Blade Phantom and caused it to explode.

Suddenly, the final Blade Phantom slashed Symbol across the backplate. “ARGH!” she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] Symbol was covered in yellow magical energy as she sped at the Blade Phantom and threw it over the edge of the island causing it to explode.

Symbol used her increased speed to run to the edge of the island and jump to the next island, kicking another Blade Phantom into the endless drop in the process. “I just switched too!” Symbol switched the Swift Ring for the Active Ring, then pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove out to the side and the active magic circle appeared and moved through her. [LET’S GO!] Transforming Symbol into the Active Style.

Then Symbol added the Ice and Bind Rings to her right glove before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ICE BIND PLEASE!] Then she held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circles appeared to her right and moved through her, transforming Symbol into the Active Ice Bind Style.

Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she threw the Grapple Gauntlet forwards. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] The Grapple Gauntlet fired an orange chain construct that shot through the air and latched onto the island, pulling it closer. Symbol jumped to the island, then to a second island. She leapt to a third island before coming to a gap that was too big to jump across.

“Oh come on!” shouted Symbol as she switched the Active Ring for the Swift Ring then she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] Symbol held the Swift Ring into the air as the swift magic circle appeared over her helmet and dropped through her. [DASH AWAY!] Transforming Symbol into the Swift Style.

Symbol added the Wing and Zoomer Rings to her right glove before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING ZOOMER PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove into the air as the two magic circles unfolded over her helmet and dropped down through her.

Then she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice as she took a running start. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author right as she jumped. [ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE!] The Speed Wings ignited and sent Symbol zooming over the gap. She landed on her boots and took off running.

“This is getting stupid!” shouted Symbol as she switched the Swift Ring for the Active Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] She held her left glove out to the side as the active magic circle appeared. [LET’S GO!] It moved through her, transforming Symbol into the Active Style.

Then Symbol added the Ice and Bind Rings to her right glove before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ICE BIND PLEASE!] She held her right glove out to the side, the two magic circles appeared and moved through Symbol, transforming her into the Active Ice Bind Style.

Then Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she threw the Grapple Gauntlet forwards. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] The Grapple Gauntlet fired an orange chain construct that pierced through an island that Symbol dragged closer.

“At least it’s not a complete style change,” muttered Symbol as she jumped to the island and switched the Ice Ring for the Boost Ring before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST BIND PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side, the boost magic circle appeared and moved through her.

She pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol slammed her left Boost Lock into the ground as she dashed forwards and jumped up to a rock, before leaping off it and back into the mansion.

“I’m getting closer to that orb,” Symbol groaned as she saw the next island was too far to jump. She switched the Active Ring for the Swift Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] She held the Swift Ring into the air and the swift magic circle appeared over her helmet and fell through her. [DASH AWAY!] Transforming Symbol into the Swift Style.

Symbol added the Wing and Sniper Rings to her right glove, before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] She held her right glove into the air as the two magic circles appeared and fell through her.

Then she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she ran to the edge of the mansion and jumped. [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] Spreading and locking the Flight Wings, Symbol glided down to the next island.

At that moment several Icarus Phantom’s appeared in the air. “Not you lot again!” shouted Symbol as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol spread the Flight Wings as she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol flapped the Flight Wings and fired a barrage of dart like feathers. Micro-explosions went off around the Icarus Phantom’s before they exploded.

Then Symbol let the Sniper Shooter materialize as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as yellow magical energy started to channel up the barrel of the Sniper Shooter. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol took aim and fired a pillar sized beam that was comprised of yellow feather constructs. “Sniper Sun!” they slammed into several of the Icarus Phantom’s and caused them to explode.

Symbol took flight, avoiding a bomb from a Valkyrie Phantom as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as silver light started to collect around her Flight Wings. [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol flew around in a circle, her Flight Wings left trails of silver light as they cut through five of the Valkyrie Phantoms.

Symbol landed back on the ground as she switched the Sniper Ring for the Blade Ring, then she struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author then held it up into the air. [WING ZOOMER PLEASE!] The zoomer magic circle appeared and fell through Symbol.

Five Icarus Phantom’s took aim and fired their crossbows at Symbol, who pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand author just before the crossbow bolts were able to hit her. [ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol vanished and appeared on the other side of the island, after a second the delay on the five hundred punches she had delivered ended. All five Icarus Phantom’s exploded.

Then Symbol switched the Wing Ring for the Turbo Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as three Peryton Phantom’s appeared in the air. [TURBO ZOOMER PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove into the air and the turbo magic circle appeared before falling through her, blocking three lightning bolts in the process.

Then Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE!] Then vanished as three more lightning bolts slammed into the ground where she had just been standing. The Peryton Phantom’s looked confused.

Symbol appeared behind them and leapt towards the Peryton Phantom’s as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the left Turbo Gauntlet started up. [TURBO MAGIC PLEASE!] The Peryton Phantom’s turned around just in time for all of them to get punched across the face by Symbol's left hook. Sparks exploded out of all three Phantom’s before each of them went up in an explosion.

At that moment another five Peryton Phantom’s appeared in the air. Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Yellow magical energy surrounded Symbol as the Turbine Gauntlet’s roared to life. “Zoomer Kick!” Symbol ran forwards and using the Turbine Gauntlet’s she boosted herself towards the Peryton Phantoms. Only for all five of them to fire bolts of lightning that combined into a massive lightning bolt. It slammed into Symbol and sent her crashing back into the ground as it overpowered her.

“It’s too dangerous to get close to them anymore!” shouted Symbol. Suddenly, a bright flash of light came from her left glove and when it cleared, the Swift Ring had been replaced by the Burst Ring. “It’s about time,” muttered Symbol fondly as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] She held her left glove out to the side as the burst magic circle appeared behind her and moved through her. [CAST THE SPELL!] Transforming Symbol into the Burst Style as it blocked another beam of lightning.

Then Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! C RANK SPELL!] Four sparks appeared in the air and shot forwards as they transformed into fireballs. They slammed into the Peryton Phantoms and caused each of them to explode.

Suddenly, Symbol looked up and saw three bombs being thrown at her by an equal number of Valkyrie Phantom’s. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned her left glove of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! A RANK SPELL!] Symbol slammed her left palm on the ground and a wall of rock burst out of it, blocking the bombs, even though it cracked badly when they exploded.

“You’re not getting away with that!” Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as frost started to appear out of the air. [BURST! B RANK SPELL!] Symbol thrust her left glove forwards and the frost turned into four shurikens made of ice that shot forwards and cut the Valkyrie Phantom’s in half, making all of them go up in explosions.

Sparks exploded from Symbol’s backplate as another crossbow bolt slammed into it. With a snarl, she added the Dust and Glass Rings to her right glove before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DUST GLASS PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side, the two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through her.

Then Symbol rolled to the side, avoiding another pair of crossbow bolts as she struck her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as four more crossbow bolts came screaming towards her. [GLASS MAGIC PLEASE!] A storm of glass appeared around Symbol, cutting the crossbow bolts to pieces and doing the same to the four Icarus Phantom’s that had been firing them at her.

Suddenly, three Shielded Icarus Phantom’s appeared in the air. Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as they loaded their crossbows. [DUST MAGIC PLEASE!] A bright flash of white light blasted out of Symbol’s body. The Shielded Icarus Phantom’s blind fired and ended up hitting each other with their crossbow bolts, destroying their shields.

“Now’s my chance!” Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as dust particles started to collect around her. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] The particles transformed into four spears. “Glass Flash!” shouted Symbol as they speared through the Icarus Phantoms. Sparks came from the entrance and exit points before the Phantom’s exploded.

A Lesser Blade Phantom burst out of the ground and charged at Symbol. “Really?” muttered the Kamen Rider as she drew the Burst Wand and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A CAST SHAKE HANDS!] Then she scanned her left glove and the Burst Ring over the Burst Wand’s Hand Author. [BURST! CAST STRIKE!] A sphere of purple magical energy appeared on the tip of the Burst Wand. “Burst Beam!” Symbol fired a beam from the tip of the Burst Wand that swallowed the Lesser Blade Phantom until an explosion rippled through the area.

“Whoa!” shouted Symbol as a rock smashed into the side of the island she was on, making it start to break apart. “Not good!” she jumped to another island and ran to the edge of it as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] She vanished in a blast of purple magical energy and appeared on the other platform.

Symbol looked around and saw an island above her, but it was too high to teleport to and too far to jump. “Not this again!” Symbol switched the Burst Ring for the Active Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] She held her left glove out to the side as the active magic circle appeared to her left. [LET’S GO!] It moved through Symbol.

Symbol added the Boost and Bind Rings to her right glove before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, before holding it out to the side. [BOOST BIND PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared to her right and moved through Symbol as the dimension she was in started to shake again.

“This is bad!” shouted Symbol as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Purple magical energy ran into the Boost Locks as Symbol slammed them into the ground. There was a pulse of purple magical energy as Symbol jumped to the edge of the island.

Symbol jumped up to another island as it started to turn while the one she was on started to break apart. Symbol jumped up to another rock, then to a second rock. She kicked off the rock and dashed through the air towards a third rock. “Nailed it!” shouted Symbol as she jumped from that rock, into the light blue orb.

Only to find herself in front of the gate of Paradise.

“WHAT THE-?!” Symbol looked over her shoulder pauldron and then back at the gates. “How did-?!” she pointed at the gates and then back over her backplate. “When did-?!” she looked at the gates. “How-?!” she shouted. Taking a deep breath Symbol roared: “HOW DIFFERENT IS THIS PLACE?!” she screamed.

This was clearly one of the dimensions where directions were reversed and gravity had become wonky.

Which would explain the floating islands?

Symbol growled. “I hate these kinds of dimensions!” she stomped towards the gate of Paradise.

Only for them to slam shut.

“Of course!” Symbol threw up her arms in anger.

At that moment, Lesser Blade Phantom’s burst from the ground. “You lot again?!” shouted Symbol as she switched the Active Ring for the Burst Ring, then pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] Then she held her left arm out to the side as the burst magic circle appeared behind her and moved through her. [CAST THE SPELL!] Transforming her into the Burst Style.

As five Lesser Blade Phantom’s surrounded her, she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Lesser Blade Phantom’s leapt into the air. [BURST! A RANK SPELL!] She placed her left glove down on her ground and a wall broke from the ground, blocking the Lesser Blade Phantom’s from reaching the Kamen Rider.

Symbol added the Dust and Mirror Rings to her right glove and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DUST MIRROR PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through her. Just as the Lesser Blade Phantom’s finished breaking down the wall and leapt at the Kamen Rider.

“No you don’t!” shouted Symbol as the Lesser Blade Phantoms charged at her. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Phantom’s leapt at her. [MIRROR MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol held up her right glove and a mirror appeared in front of her. The Lesser Blade Phantom’s slammed into the mirror, only to be sent flying backwards as their kinetic energy was reflected.

Then Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author just as the Lesser Blade Phantoms were haling themselves back to their feet. [DUST MAGIC PLEASE!] Dust collected around Symbol as the Lesser Blade Phantom’s charged. A cocoon of dust was formed around Symbol before exploding outwards and sending the Lesser Blade Phantom’s flying with micro explosions going off around them before each of them exploded.

Then Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever as another Lesser Blade Phantom burst out of the ground and charged at her. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol blocked the Phantom’s sword with her right glove and scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] She kicked the Phantom back and fired a spear made of dust from her right glove. “Dust Storm!” shouted Symbol as the spear split into five spears that pierced the Lesser Blade Phantom in five places before it exploded.

Suddenly, Symbol tensed as she dispelled her Burst Dust Mirror Style for her Burst Style and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] A Lesser Blade Phantom thurst its sword at Symbol’s back, only for her to vanish in a blast of purple light. Symbol reappeared behind the Lesser Blade Phantom and got ready to attack.

Only for sparks to explode out of her backplate as she was attacked by an Icarus Phantom from behind. The Lesser Blade Phantom spun around and slashed Symbol across her robe. “Ok, that is it!” shouted Symbol as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] The Icarus Phantom reloaded its crossbow as Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! C RANK SPELL!] Two sparks appeared in front of each of the Phantoms before they ignited into fireballs that slammed into the Icarus Phantom and the Lesser Blade Phantom. They exploded violently, along with the Phantoms.

Symbol glanced to her right as a pair of Lesser Blade Phantom’s broke through the ground. “Not again!” she switched the Mirror Ring for the Radiation Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] The Lesser Blade Phantom’s charged as Symbol scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DUST RADIATION PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circles appeared before moving through her.

As the Lesser Blade Phantom’s got closer, Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [RADIATION MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol threw her right glove forwards and fired a cloud of green radiation. The Lesser Blade Phantom’s ran through it with no trouble, but the second they were clear of the cloud both of them exploded.

Symbol glanced over to her right. “Whoa!” ducking under a slash as a Blade Phantom attacked her. Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once as she rolled away from another slash. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she backflipped away from a pair of slashes. [DUST MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol held out her left glove as a green orb formed. “Take this!” Symbol ran forwards and rammed the orb into the Blade Phantom’s gut. It fired a beam of green energy through the Phantom sparks exploded from it before the Phantom itself exploded.

Symbol switched the Dust Ring for the Steam Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [STEAM RADIATION PLEASE!] Symbol held out her right glove as the steam magic circle appeared behind her. It moved through her, transforming Symbol and knocking a pair of Blade Phantom’s back.

Both of the Blade Phantoms recovered swiftly and ran at Symbol, slashing at her with an X shaped slash. Symbol calmly pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Before scanning her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [STEAM MAGIC PLEASE!] Just as the swords were about to strike her, Symbol transformed into steam. Sparks exploded from the two Blade Phantoms as they were attacked by the blistering heat until both of them blew up.

Suddenly, an Icarus Phantom appeared in the air. Symbol gazed up as the Phantom and pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Phantom fired a crossbow bolt at her. [RADIATION MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol held up her right glove and fired a green beam of energy that soared through the air and slammed into the Icarus Phantom after turning the crossbow bolt to ash. An explosion echoed through the area as the Phantom died.

Symbol drew the Burst Staff and used the shaft of it to catch the blades of four Lesser Blade Phantoms. “Not bad,” grunted Symbol as she struggled under the combined strength of the four Phantoms. “But not good enough!” she was able to pull on the thumb of the Burst Staff, opening its Hand Author. [COME ON A SPELL SHAKE HANDS] She scanned her left glove and the Burst Ring over the Burst Staff’s Hand Author. [BURST! SPELL STRIKE!] Symbol shoved the Lesser Blade Phantom’s off as four spears of purple magical energy appeared and zipped through the Phantoms. Causing each of them to explode.

At that moment three more Lesser Blade Phantom’s emerged from the ground. “Enough is enough!” shouted Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Lesser Blade Phantom’s charged at her. [BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] A ring of green energy appeared around the Lesser Blade Phantoms. “Radiation Burst!” commanded Symbol. The ring snapped inwards, cutting through all three of the Lesser Blade Phantoms, making all four halves explode.

“Is it over?” Symbol asked no one.

A Wisp Phantom appeared.

“Of course it isn’t!” grumbled Symbol as the Wisp Phantom hissed at her. “Why did one of you have to show up?!”

The Wisp Phantom hissed louder.

Symbol growled.

The Wisp Phantom phased at Symbol.

She quickly switched the Burst Ring for the Advance Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Symbol rolled to the side, avoiding the Wisp Phantom as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE PLEASE!] She held her left glove out in front of her as the advance magic circle appeared and moved through her.

Seeing the Wisp Phantom turn towards her, Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The rectangle shaped emitter on her right forearm guard started to emit particles of yellow energy. Symbol winced in pain as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around Symbol’s right glove as she punched it forwards. A beam of yellow magical energy was fired, it roared forwards and the Wisp Phantom was forced to transform back into its gas form.

This gave Symbol enough time to swap the Advance Ring to her left index finger, add the Advance Breaker Ring into her left ring finger and press down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] Then Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and held it out in front of her. [ADVANCE BREAKER PLEASE!] The advance breaker magic circle appeared in front of Symbol and moved back through her, transforming Symbol into the Advance Breaker Style.

Symbol gave a sigh of relief as she felt the pain in her helmet clear up. ‘Wiat a minute! I’m not in pain anymore?!’ she realised. “That means no more losing control!” cheered Symbol. Now she was finally on the same level as her brothers since she could now control her upgraded style.

The Wisp Phantom gave a hiss as it phased at Symbol, punching her in the chestplate and making sparks come from the impact before the Phantom spun around and threw a knee at her helmet.

Symbol staggered back from the punch but was able to raise her right forearm guard, blocking the knee. Symbol grabbed the Phantom’s leg and slammed it into the ground.

Only for the Wisp Phantom to burst into smoke and then shift back to normal above Symbol. The Wisp Phantom came down with its left forearm blade aimed at Symbol’s back.

Sensing the attack coming, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitter on her right forearm started to release red particles. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around Symbol’s right fist as she spun around, letting the Wisp Phantom’s blade miss her by an inch, throwing an uppercut into the Wisp Phantom’s face. Sparks exploded from the impact as the Phantom was hurled back into the air.

As the Wisp Phantom fell back down to the ground, Symbol jumped into the air and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitter on her right forearm guard started to emit red energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] Symbol covered her left glove in red energy as she came shooting down with a punch aimed at the Wisp Phantom. Her fist impact and sparks exploded from the Wisp Phantom’s gut as it was hit.

Suddenly, the Wisp Phantom slashed an X into Symbol’s chestplate. Sparks exploded as the Wisp Phantom turned around and kicked her in the gut, before delivering a rising knee kick to the bottom of her helmet.

“That hurt!” shouted Symbol as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. The emitter on both of her forearm guards started to emit red particles as the Wisp Phantom phased towards her. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] Symbol covered both of her gloves in red energy and as the Wisp Phantom turned solid once more she punched it in the gut with both of her energized gloves. Sparks exploded from the impact point as the Wisp Phantom was catapulted backwards.

The Wisp Phantom recovered quicker than Symbol would have thought it would. It phased towards her and did a flying kick as it turned solid once more. The Phantom grabbed Symbol and threw her into a wall before trapping her with its arm and punching her in the faceplate several times with its free fist.

While she was being punched, Symbol was able to press her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her body started to leak red particles. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol swung her right fist at the Wisp Phantom as it was covered in ranging red magical energy. “Breaker Impact!” roared Symbol.

Only for the Wisp Phantom to phase out of the way and then phase back to its previous position, aiming to continue its assault.

Just as Symbol planned.

She pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, just as the Wisp Phantom finisher phasing. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy collected around Symbol’s right glove as she threw an uppercut that struck the Wisp Phantom in the chin, sending it flying upwards with sparks coming from where Symbol’s fist had struck it.

The Wisp Phantom recovered in the air and transformed back into smoke before phasing at Symbol again.

Seeing this, Symbol pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitter on her left forearm guard started to emit red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] The energy wrapped around Symbol’s right glove as she threw a downwards punch the impacted the Wisp Phantom’s face, sending it smashing into the ground and carving a long trench through it.

Symbol saw that the Wisp Phantom was still down and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three more times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitter on her right forearm guard started to emit red particles. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] Symbol pulled her right fist back as she jumped into the air and covered it in red magical energy. She went shooting down and slammed her fist into the Wisp Phantom's face, making a crater.

The Wisp Phantom kicked Symbol off and punched her in the faceplate before kneeing her in the gut. It spun around and kicked her away with sparks coming off her body.

Symbol landed on the ground and charged towards the Wisp Phantom as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitter on her left forearm started to flow red particles. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] They gathered around her right fist as Symbol punched the Wisp Phantom in the face, sending it flying backwards.

The Wisp Phantom pulled itself out of the wall and with a look that could kill, phased back towards Symbol. It turned solid and punch her in the faceplate before grabbing her and slamming the Kamen Rider down on the ground several times over.

As she was being slammed into the ground, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitter on her right forearm started to leak red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] Symbol covered her right glove in red magical energy as she belted the Wisp Phantom in the face, sending it flying into the air.

The Wisp Phantom gave a loud roar as it transformed into smoke and phased down towards Symbol.

She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she spun around. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy blazed around Symbol’s right fist as she slammed it into the side of the Wisp Phantom’s face, sending it flying into another wall.

The Wisp Phantom got up and gave off a livid roar as it held up its hand and curled it into a fist. Blade smoke leaked over the fist as it was covered in a black glowing light that gave it a wrong feeling.

“Final,” muttered Symbol as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her body started to leak red particles. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] They wrapped around Symbol’s left fist as she charged.

The Wisp Phantom met her charge with one of its own.

Two fists roared with energy as they arched past each other and slammed into their wielder's opponent's faces.

“Breaker Impact!” shouted Symbol as energy roared and the two tried to overpower each other.

Symbol broke through as she twisted her boots into the ground. The Wisp Phantom was sent flying back with red lightning crackling over its body and micro-explosions going off around it until it exploded.

Symbol sighed into relief as she turned towards the gate of Paradise, which had opened.

“Sunset! Wait!” called out a familiar voice.

Symbol turned and saw. “Kate?!”

The young girl that Symbol had met several days ago was standing there.

“You're in danger!” shouted Kate.

“From what?!” demanded Symbol. [TWO!] She heard the sound of a familiar Driver behind her. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Symbol spun around. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Just in time to see a boot covered in blood red and light blue energy spin kicking towards her. Symbol threw up her left arm and was able to block the attack, getting sent skidding sideways in the process.

Symbol looked at the figure that had attacked her. “D-Dante?!” she stammered in shock.

It looked like Dante, but the Kamen Rider’s body was chalk white.

“You’re not Dante,” spat out Symbol as her visor narrowed.

“Hey, Sunset,” the fake Dante drew a Fake Rebellion Blade and pressed down on its trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Red and blue magical energy covered the sword as the Fake Dante dart forwards and slashed Symbol across her chestplate. Sparks came from the cut as Symbol was sent flying over the edge.

Her transforming deactivated in the process, transforming her back into Sunset Shimmer Sparda.

“How does it feel sister?” asked the Fake Dante. “To be beaten again!”

“One, you are not my brother!” shouted Sunset as she fell. If she was about to die then she’d go out with one last snarky comment. “Two, Dante has never beaten me in a fight!”