• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 580 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset's Journey - Alphajeager1

Sunset appears on another earth with no memory and the power of a Kamen Rider

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S1E6 Virility

Dante, Kate and Sunset walked up to the Virility Factory after staring at the creepy mascot for a few seconds they moved on.

“I was here years ago as a child. I explored the whole facility unseen,” explained Kate.

“You have my condolences,” replied Sunset.

“Thanks,” smiled Kate. “I sensed a Phantom under the factory. A Succubus, an ancient one.”

The three of them moved towards an escalator.

“We believe it’s the source of the psychotropic ingredient. That’s what they use to control us,” clarified Kate when she saw the confused looks.

At that moment the Public Address System boomed up. “Welcome visitors to the Virility Factory,” it shouted cheerfully.

Dante winced. “And I thought Sunset was cheerful!”

Sunset twitched. “I’m hating this place already!” she growled.

The PA System continued to drone on. “Virility’s secret ingredient is what makes Virility the number one soft drink in the world! Best of all, it has been scientifically proven to improve weight loss by twenty-one percent and enhance sexual performance by sixty-three percent if drunk daily!”

Sunset could not take it anymore and burst out laughing. “You have got to be kidding me!” she shouted hysterically.

“How do people actually fall for this crap?” Dante asked Kate in complete disbelief that someone would really believe that.

“If your told something is true often enough, you tend to believe it,” replied Kate. “They told me I was crazy for seeing Phantom’s.”

“Yeah, they tried telling me I was a basket case too,” replied Dante.

Kate didn’t seem to have heard him as she continued. “They wanted to put me on drugs. Said it would make me better. They lied. They just wanted to keep me weak and docile,” she mumbled out.

Dante looked at Kate for several seconds before asking. “How did you figure it all out?”

Kate shrugged. “Vergil pulled me out of the nightmares.”

“That explains the loyalty you have to each other,” realised Sunset.

Kate turned to Dante. “You?” she asked.

Dante thought for several seconds before deciding to explain. “When the people you're supposed to trust most, turn out to be Phantom scum. Your eyes really do open up to evil everywhere. I took a stand, fought back, killed. No matter the consequence. So I chose my path and I lived by it. After all that anger, violence and death you have to dig deep. Deep into your own heart. To see if you are still sane, or if you can still call yourself, human.”

“Which you can’t anymore,” pipped up Sunset, although it was easy to see that she was shaken by the story.

“I’ll keep that in mind, minus the cutting open my own chest part,” replied Kate slowly, only slightly less shaken than Sunset.

“I just knew in my heart I wasn’t crazy,” justified Dante.

The three of them walked into a room that had several cylinders filled with liquid coming from the floor. In the cylinders was a tap that several people were drinking from and in the centre of the room was a pillar with a circle shaped holographic sign orbiting it.

“This, ladies and gentlemen, is where the magic ingredients are mixed together to give you the unique of Virility,” the PA System continued to drone on.

“The Succubus is hidden deep within the factor but there’s no physical way to reach it from our world, only from the Slip Dimension,” explained Kate.

“Stops any humans from stumbling on it,” muttered Sunset.

“There’s a rift inside,” Kate lead them through a side door.

Just before they went through the soundproof door, they heard the PA System blare out one last bit of rubbish. “Rest assured that it has been deemed both safe and beneficial by our trustworthy and ethical scientists. Virility truly is a national treasure!”

“Thank goodness we don’t have to listen to any more of that!” snarled Sunset as she punched a wall, denting it.

“Yeah,” Dante agreed with her as they ran after Kate.

The corridor was dark with some green paint on the floor and two thick pipes going along the left wall.

“This way, I think,” said Kate as she took a left turn.

“You think?!” demanded Sunset as they ran down a flight of stairs.

“You said you’d been here before,” Dante pointed out.

“Yes,” Kate hesitated. “But it was during an out of body experience years ago.

“Flying around in spirit form?” questioned Dante.

“Like a ghost?” asked Sunset.

“Yes,” replied Kate. “In the Slip Dimension. Vergil says it could be an effective intelligence gathering tool, but I can’t do it at will.”

“So, how did you do it before?” asked Dante.

“It was triggered by extreme psychosomatic trauma,” replied Kate. “The nightmares.”

“What are, the nightmares?” asked Dante.

“I’m wondering about that too,” added Sunset.

“It’s in the past now,” Kate clearly didn’t want to talk about it.

While they had been talking, the trio had reached what looked like a massive storage room filled with crates.

“This is where they store the merchandise ready for export,” explained Kate.

“Something wrong?” asked Sunset as she noticed Kate looking around.

“It’s funny,” whispered Kate.

“What is?” asked Dante as he and Sunset shared a look. Wondering what Kate could find funny when they were about to go into the Slip Dimension.

“I expected it to be bigger,” replied Kate. “A lot bigger.”

“Weren’t you in the Slip Dimension at the time?” asked Sunset.

“Yes?” replied Kate, wondering where this was going.

“Where the laws of physics barely apply?” asked Sunset.

Kate’s eyes went wide as the understood what Sunset was saying. “Oh, that makes sense, I guess,” she replied. “I was just a child at the time.”

“What were you doing here?” asked Dante.

“Escaping my nightmares,” replied Kate as she continued to look around.

Missing the twin looks of shock that Dante and Sunset gave her.

“You came to the Slip Dimension to escape your nightmares?!” demanded Dante.

“Yes,” replied Kate plainly.

Dante and Sunset shared another look. Just how back were Kate’s nightmares if she came to the place where Phantom’s lived to escape them?!

As they started searching for the Rift Kate explained the plan to them. “Once you're both in the Slip Dimension, all you have to do is retrace your steps back to the mixing room.”

“Should be easy enough,” stated Dante without thinking.

“Yeah, but this room will look a lot different in the Slip Dimension,” argued Sunset.

Dante remained stubborn. “Still should be easy.”

“Also, we’re after one of Wiseman’s main assets so the Phantom’s will be coming in stronger and bigger waves by the score!” shouted Sunset.

“Not so easy,” relented Dante.

Sunset turned to Kate. “What happens once we’ve reached the mixing room?”

“You’ll be able to descend into the factory,” she explained.

Dante cut her off. “Then kill the Succubus.”

Kate found the rift. “Ok, it’s here!” she pulled the roll of paper off her back, spread it onto the floor and sprayed the magic circle onto the ground. “All right, see you on the other side,” Kate stepped back.

Dante and Sunset stepped forwards, into the circle.

“This is gonna suck!” muttered Sunset as the world started to distort.

Crates shot out from the wall, spinning and hovering in the air. The air turned murky as the shelves broke into pieces.

“Woah!” shouted Sunset and Dante as the floor dropped downwards, taking the both of them with it!

“Phew!” muttered Dante as the transition from the real world to the Slip Dimension stopped and everything stopped moving around.

“Dante? Sunset?” shouted Kate from far above them.

“We’re down here!” shouted Dante.

Kate looked down. “Oh, good!”

“You and Sunset were right!” shouted Dante. “It’s a lot bigger in the Slip Dimension. What next?”

“Climb!” shouted Sunset.

Dante rolled his eyes.

“Head back to the mixing room!” ordered Kate. “I’ll meet you there!” with that she vanished back into the real world.

“Told you!” said Sunset smugly.

“Just transform!” growled Dante.

Sunset smirked as she held her Driver On Ring over her belt buckle. [DRIVER ON! PLEASE!] A magic circle appeared in front of the buckle as it grew out into the Wizard Driver. Sunset pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Sunset scanned the Active Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] She held her left hand out to the side and the active magic circle appeared. [LET’S GO!] It moved through her, transforming Sunset Shimmer into Kamen Rider Symbol Active Style.

Dante held his own Driver On Ring over his belt buckle. [DRIVER ON!] A roar came from the buckle as a magic circle appeared in front of it making it grow out into Dante’s Driver. He then punched the Nephilim Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist forwards making his Driver’s gate spring open. [OPEN!] The nephilim magic circle appeared from it then the circle moved backwards through him. [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] Transforming Dante into Kamen Rider Dante Nephilim Style.

The two of them jumped up to a piece of metal that was coating a block of concrete floating in the air before jumping to another piece of metal that looked like a Y.

“Which way do we go?” asked Symbol.

“Left,” replied Dante.

“We go right,” ordered Symbol as she did so.

“Right, HEY!” shouted Dante as he realised what his sister had done and chased after her.

Symbol laughed as she slid the Ice and Bind Rings onto her right index and ring fingers before pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove over the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and threw said glove out to the side. [ICE BIND PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared before passing through Symbol, transforming her into the Active Ice Bind Style. She pressed the right Shift Lever twice more. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then scanned her right glove. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Orange mana gathered around the Grapple Gauntlet before Symbol threw her arm out, firing a chain of orange magical energy. The spike at the end of it speared through a crate under a piece of concrete before Symbol yanked back pulling the whole thing closer.

“Wait for me!” shouted Dante as he caught up two island’s later.

[MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] “What kept you?” asked Symbol as she fired another chain to pull another piece of concrete closer for them to jump to.

Dante switched the Nephilim Ring for the Angel Ring and punched it onto his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back making his Driver’s gate close then turned it forwards forcing his Driver’s gate to open again. [OPEN!] The angel magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver. [O-S-I-R-I-S!] Then moved back through him transforming Dante into his Angel Style. He picked Osiris off his back and turned the handle. [HOOK MODE!] Transforming the scythe into the hook. “You left me!” he shouted as he pulled them both towards a slab that was higher up. He used the Angel Lift again to pull them to another slab that was a bit lower than the one they were on.

“Details,” replied Symbol. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] She fired another chain of orange mana that she used to pull apart a web of some kind of black goo that was blocking the path.

Dante scowled as he punched the Angel Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [KICK STRIKE GO!] He wrapped his arms around Symbol as he kicked the air behind him, sending both of them shooting forwards on the light blue wind. “If it wasn’t for the fact that having you here makes this a lot easier then I would have left you back there!” he snapped.

“Then I would have made my own way over,” replied Symbol with ease.

Anymore fighting was put on hold as the Phantom’s burst from the concrete slab they had landed on.

“What took you so long?” taunted Dante.

“We were getting bored!” shouted Symbol.

Dante turned the Angel Lift’s handle. [SCYTHE MODE!] Transforming it back into Osiris. Dante ran forwards and punched the Angel Ring into the back of Osiris’s blade. [ONE!] Which opened to reveal a single light blue circle. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante started to spin the scythe, cutting into three Lesser Blade Phantom’s that had made the mistake of surrounding him. Dante kept this attack up for several seconds as he saw sparks come off the Phantom’s. Then he saw a micro explosion detonate around each of the three Lesser Blade Phantom’s. “Got it!” Dante pressed down on Osiris’ trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue mana gathered inside the Osiris blade before bursting out through it. This made a light blue wing construct appear around the scythe blade. “Karma!” shouted Dante as he once more did hundreds of spinning slashes at speeds which made the scythe nothing but flashes of blue light. The construct kept shedding feathers that followed the scythe, appearing as nothing but streaks of light blue light which only added to the damage. Sparks flew from the three Lesser Blade Phantom’s before each of them was engulfed by an explosion.

Dante looked up as several Shielded Icarus Phantom’s appeared in the air and starting shooting crossbow bolts at him. [KICK STRIKE GO!] But Dante ran to the side, trailing light blue wind behind him as he ran circles around the Phantom’s which tried to hit him with no luck or success. Dante jumped off a crate that made up one of the walls and punched the Angel Ring into the back of Osiris’ blade. [THREE!] Which opened to reveal three light blue circles. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante backflipped as his right boot was covered in the light blue wind “Rake!” shouted Dante as his boot made contact with the back of a Shielded Icarus Phantom. It had not had time to turn and raise it’s shield so it exploded.

Dante landed back on the ground before turning to the last two Icarus Phantom’s. “Time to break through those shields!” he switched the Angel Ring for the Demon Ring and punched it into the left slot of his Driver. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist backwards, then forwards making his Driver’s gate open and close. [OPEN!] The demon magic circle appeared from his Driver. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] It passed back through Dante transforming him into the Demon Style. He pulled Arbiter off his back and punched the Demon Ring into the back of its blade. [ONE!] Which opened to reveal a single red circle. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red energy gathered around Arbiter’s blade as Dante swung it down. This fired the energy off and said energy formed into a construct of a spinning axe blade which smashed into the shield of a Shielded Icarus Phantom. The shielded cracked down the middle and then fell into two pieces.

Dante would have grinned if he could as he fired another spinning axe head construct that smashed through the second Phantom’s shield. He pressed down on Arbiter’s trigger. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante spun around and swung Arbiter horizontally. Red energy that had been gathering around Arbiter was fired off in the form of a spinning energy construct that was shaped like an axe head. “Flush!” yelled Dante as the mana which the construct was emitting transformed into a pair of red demonic eye constructs. They shot forwards and paralyzed the two Phantoms which were cut into by the axe blade construct and exploded.

Suddenly, Dante heard the familiar sound of a chainsaw and glanced around to see a Ravager Phantom cutting itself up from the ground. The Phantom set itself on fire and dashed at Dante, cutting him across the chest plate. “ARGH!” shouted Dante as sparks flew, he was sent flying back and was only just able to grab a crate before he fell off the edge.

Dante glanced over his shoulder pauldron. “That was a bit close.” he pulled himself back up and punched the Demon Ring into the back of Arbiter’s blade. [FIVE!] Which opened to reveal five red circles. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante jumped into the air and swung Arbiter down. The Ravager Phantom raised its chainsaw and sparks flew as the two weapons met. Dante would have smirked smugly if he could. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red energy roared through Arbiter’s shaft and up into the war axe’s blade making it blaze with demonic power. “Drop!” shouted Dante as with a screech of tortured metal Arbiter cut through the Ravager Phantom’s chainsaw and through the Phantom, leaving a glowing red gash. That injury sparked for several seconds before the Ravager Phantom fell over backwards and exploded.

Dante walked out of the explosion with Arbiter held over his shoulder pauldron. “Well, that’s my lot done,” he stated smugly as he walked towards the edge before glancing around to see where to go next. “You got your lot done as well?” he asked as Symbol walked up to him.

“I hate twin Frost Knight Phantoms!” snarled Symbol.

Dante winced at that. “Ouch!” one of those things was hard enough to beat. He shuddered at the thought of facing two.

While Dante had been having an easy fight, Symbol’s had been a bit harder. She was facing a pair of Death Knight Phantom, she jumped back as one of them brought its sword down towards her and rolled to the side as the other slashed at her. She pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol placed her left glove against the ground and from which came a sheet of ice that covered the concrete. The two Death Knight Phantom’s slipped, one of them knocking into the other and sending it falling over the edge!

“Ok, now that is funny,” commented Symbol as the remaining Death Knight Phantom tried to get up with no luck. Symbol stood on the ice with ease as she swapped the Active Ring for the Giga Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [GIGA PLEASE!] Then held said glove down to the ground. [BREAK THROUGH!] The giga magic circle appeared under her boots and rose up through Symbol, transforming her into the Giga Style. Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] Then scanned the Giga Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [GIGA C RANK SPELL!] Symbol ran forwards as she pulled back her dimly glowing right fist and slammed it into the Death Knight Phantom. Thanks to the ice having melted it was able to block with its shield, only for said means of defence to crack and crumble. Symbol fist impacted the Death Knight Phantom’s face and sent it flying into a crate.

Symbol quickly ran forwards, closing the distance. But thanks to the slow speed of the Giga Style, the Death Knight Phantom was able to regenerate its shield and block the attack. “Since when could you lot do that?!” shouted Symbol as she looked at the shield in shock. The Death Knight Phantom used the shield to force her off and slashed her in the chest plate several times making sparks fly. Symbol growled as she pressed the left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] Then she scanned the Giga Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [GIGA A RANK SPELL!] The dull glow spread from her arm to her whole body as Symbol trapped the Death Knight Phantom’s sword against her body with her left arm and brought her right arm down in a karate chop, smashing the blade into shards of scrap metal.

Symbol then swung her right arm in a backhanded blow, ripping the Death Knight Phantoms shield from its grasp and sending it flying. Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] She scanned the Giga Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [VERY NICE!] The green mana around her body got thicker. [GIGA! S RANK SPELL!] Then the mana started to pulse. [THE BEST!] The pulsing got quicker before: “Giga Embodiment!” Symbol threw out her arms as the magical energy pulsed outwards. The attack slammed into the Death Knight Phantom, sending it flying over the edge of the platform with sparks coming from its body. After about five seconds of the Death Knight Phantom being out of sight, there was thump and an explosion indication that the Phantom had slammed into the floor face first then exploded.

Symbol looked to her right as a Frost Knight burst from the ground, then she looked to the left and saw that another Frost Knight had appeared. “Just great,” she grumbled as she saw that Dante would not be able to help her. He was tied up in his own fight.

Symbol block an attack with her shoulder pauldron but quickly found ice starting to spread from it. She jumped back as she switched the Giga Ring for the Swift Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] She held that same glove up into the air, letting the swift magic circle appear. [DASH AWAY!] It fell through her, transforming Symbol into the Swift Style. She dodged three swings and then rolled to the side, avoiding a wave of ice before pressing the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned the Swift Ring. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] Symbol was covered in yellow magical energy and time looked to have slowed down from her point of view. Symbol then pressed the left Shift Lever one more time. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned the Swift Ring once more. [SWIFT! C RANK SPELL!] Five orbs of yellow mana appeared around Symbol. “Boy, do I hope this works!” growled Symbol as the orbs were fired. Only they had been affected by the B command and moved much faster. The twin Frost Knight Phantoms were struck over and over brutally by the five orbs making a huge amount of sparks burst of their bodies.

“I hope that you stay down after that!” commented Symbol, only to be ignored as the two Frost Knight Phantom’s got back to their feet. “Of course I’m ignored!” growled Symbol. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] She was covered in yellow mana again as she pressed the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author reset. [VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her left glove across it. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL!] The yellow mana around her grew in power. [THE BEST!] Her visors glowed as Symbol sprinted forwards and started punched one of the Frost Knight Phantom’s as she blurred around it. “Swift Attack!” shouted Symbol as she attacked the Phantom from all sides before skidding to a halt. “How’d you like that!” she taunted the downed monster.

Suddenly, her left boot was frozen in a line of ice! “I got cocky!” shouted Symbol in anger as she was slashed across the back by the other Frost Knight Phantom, the ice around her leg broke but now frost covered her back plate and her left leg. “This is bad!” muttered Symbol as she pressed the left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned the Swift Ring. [SWIFT! A RANK SPELL!] Symbol fired six beams of yellow mana in the formation of an inverted triangle from each of her gloves. They slammed into the Frost Knight Phantom’s sending the two of them skidding backwards from the force behind the beams.

With the time she had gained Symbol slid the Wing and Sniper Rings onto her right glove then pressed the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned both of the rings across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] Symbol threw her right glove into the air, letting the two magic circles appear over her helmet and fall through her, transforming her into the Swift Wing Sniper Style. Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol gave the Flight Wings a hard flap, sending several feathers shooting off, they transformed into beams of silver magical energy that arced through the air and slammed into the Phantom’s making explosions and sparks detonated around them. The heat from the explosions also had a side effect: It melted the frost that had been creeping over Symbol. “That’s better,” she sighed in bliss now that she was free.

Symbol pulled open the Swift Blaster’s Hand Author. [COME ON A BLAST SHAKE HANDS!] Then she scanned the Swift Ring over it. [SWIFT! BLASTER STRIKE!] Yellow energy gathered around the Swift Blaster as it charged. “Bullet Barrage!” shouted Symbol as she pulled the trigger. Out of the Swift Blaster’s barrel roared a barrage of yellow mana bullets which slammed into one of the Frost Knight Phantoms making sparks and micro explosions explodes from its body until the Phantom itself exploded.

“That did the trick,” muttered Symbol. “ARGH!” sparks exploded out of her back plate as she was slashed across the back by the other Frost Knight Phantom. “I forgot about you!” grunted Symbol as she turned around, only to be slashed again, this time across the chest plate. She tried to move away from the third slash but the frost which was spreading over her body had slowed her down by a huge amount. Meaning that the attack landed, making the frost creep over her further.

Just before Symbol was frozen over she was able to transform the Swift Blaster into the Swift Dagger and pull open its Hand Author. [COME ON A HIT SHAKE HANDS!] She scanned the Swift Ring across it. [SWIFT! STAB STRIKE!] The dagger part of the Swift Dagger blazed with energy as Symbol threw it into the air as she froze over completely. The Frost Knight Phantom gave her a dry look as it glanced up at the Swift Dagger before taking one step back. The Swift Dagger stabbed into the ground tip first where the Phantom had just been standing. The Frost Knight Phantom moved to shatter Symbol, then the Swift Dagger exploded! The mana around it arcing outwards in a dome that slammed into the Frost Knight’s back, sending it flying forwards and causing yellow lightning to crackle across its body before it exploded. The force and heat of the explosion defrosted Symbol.

She shook herself as she tried to warm up. “Brrrr, that didn’t work as I hoped, but I’ll take what I can get,” she reached down and grabbed the Swift Dagger as it repaired itself before moving towards Dante.

This brings us up to now.

Dante turned Arbiter’s handle. [GRAPPLE MODE!] Transforming it into the Demon Pull, which he used to pull a crate from a wall. This made a pair of improvised steps which the two of them jumped up.

[MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [ACTIVE PLEASE!] [LET’S GO!] Symbol transformed back into the Active Style before sliding the Boost and Defend Rings onto her right glove then pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove out to the side and the two magic circles appeared before moving through her. Symbol grabbed Dante and jumped to a rock, then to another rock before leaping to a third rock and from that rock onto a platform.

“Here we go!” shouted Symbol as she jumped to the next rock. Dante used the Demon Pull to rip open a container door.

[MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [SWIFT PLEASE!] [DASH AWAY!] Symbol transformed into the Swift Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] Then into the Swift Wing Sniper Style and gave her Flight Wings a hard flap to propel them into the container.

The two Kamen Riders ran through the container into an arena that was walled by containers. Which suddenly flew from their shelves moving so that several of them blocked off the top of the arena meaning that there was no way out.

The floor cracked as a new Phantom pulled itself up from the ground. It was identical to the Death Knight Phantom’s only unlike the white Frost Knight Phantom this one was red and on fire!

“Hell Knight Phantom it is,” stated Symbol.

“Hey, can you point us to the mixing room?” asked Dante as he charged. Already having guessed that since this Phantom was red, only red weapons would work on it. He punched the Demon Ring into the back of Arbiter’s blade. [THREE!] Which opened to reveal three red circles. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red energy flashed along the blade as Dante brought it around in a downwards swing. The Hell Knight Phantom blocked but it’s legs buckled. Dante swung Arbiter in a horizontal arc which was blocked but the Hell Knight Phantom staggered from the force. Dante slashed Arbiter upwards, making sparks fly as the Hell Knight Phantom had been unable to recover in time. “Yes! It works!” shouted Dante, not noticing the Hell Knight Phantom stabbing its sword into the ground.

Symbol’s visors widened as she saw flaming red cracks started to spread through the ground in a circle with the Hell Knight’s sword being the centre point of it. “DANTE MOVE!” she screamed. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] Symbol was covered in yellow mana and blurred forwards. She grabbed Dante and pulled him out of the circle, but was not able to get herself out in time.

“Sunset what the-?!” demanded Dante in confusion before the circle exploded in flames. “RUBY!” he screamed. Symbol came tumbling out of the circle, rolling across the ground to put out the flames on her body as sparks flew from her armour.

Dante looked at the Hell Knight Phantom with an enraged expression. “DIE!” he punched the Demon Ring into the back of Arbiter's blade. [FOUR!] Which opened to reveal four red circles. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red energy gathered around Arbiter's blade. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] The energy grew in power as Dante slammed Arbiter down on the ground, unleashing nine pulses of red energy that sent the Hell Knight Phantom skidding backwards.

[THREE!] [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] The Hell Knight Phantom looked up. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Just in time to see Arbiter arcing towards its face. It blocked with its sword but the afterimage of red mana that was following the axe slammed into its face. It staggered back and was unable to block the following two swings from both the axe and its after image.

Dante punched the Demon Ring into the back of Arbiter's blade. [TWO!] Which opened to reveal a pair of red circles. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante jumped into the air as he punched the Demon Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Red energy covered his right boot as he came shooting down. “Drop!” the Hell Knight Phantom blocked with its sword only for the said weapon to shatter. Sparks flew from its body as Dante's boot made contact before the Hell Knight Phantom was consumed by a giant explosion.

At that moment a second Hell Knight Phantom burst out of the ground and ran at Dante, while ten Lesser Blade Phantoms and five Blade Phantoms appeared before running at Symbol.

“I’ll take care of this lot!” shouted Symbol. “You deal with fire breath!” she jerked back to avoid a slash from a Lesser Blade Phantom then jumped on the head of a second Lesser Blade Phantom, using it as a springboard.

“Got it!” shouted Dante as he jumped back. [ONE!] Energy started charging around Arbiter. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante swung the red axe down and fired the energy off in a spinning construct of an axe head. It slammed into the Hell Knight Phantom and cracked its shield before a second and third construct forced the shield to shatter into hundreds of pieces.

Dante punched the Demon Ring into the back of Arbiter’s blade. [TWO!] Which opened to reveal a pair of red circles. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante pulled back Arbiter and slammed it into the ground, out of it came two lines of red energy that moved around and closed in on the Hell Knight Phantom. The Phantom quickly stabbed its sword into the ground making a circle of red cracks appear around it. Just before the lines reached it the cracks exploded in a circle of fire that intermixed with Dante’s energy, stopping his attack.

[THREE!] Dante growled as he ran forwards. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] He swung Arbiter’s blade around in three strikes, the first one was blocked, but the second made the Hell Knight Phantom stagger before being hit in the face and stunned. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Dante covered his right and left boots in red energy before kicking the Hell Knight Phantom with his right boot, then cutting across with his left boot. He jumped back and then ran forwards kicking the Hell Knight Phantom with a flying kick from both of his boots that made sparks burst from the Phantom’s chest where the boots had made contact with it.

[TWO!] [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Seeing that it was still standing Dante changed Arbiter’s setting and punched the Demon Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante jumped into the air and stomped on the ground as he came back down. “Tremor!” a wave of red energy erupted from the ground where he had stomped and roared towards the Hell Knight Phantom. The energy transformed into a pair of walls that slammed closed around the Phantom.

“That should do it,” muttered Dante.

Right before both of the wall had fire leaking out of them and exploded, revealing the Hell Knight Phantom was still alive. It had red lightning crackling across its body with sparks bleeding from the damage.

Dante held down on Arbiter's trigger. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Red energy ran up the handle and into the blade as Dante pulled it up and slammed it into the ground. A crescent of red energy exploded from it and roared forwards. “Drive!” shouted Dante as the attack slammed into the Hell Knight Phantom and caused the thing to explode.

[MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Yellow mana covered Symbol’s body. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] She blurred to the side, avoiding a slash from one of the Lesser Blade Phantom’s and kicked it in the gut. Her boot was moving at such speed that when the kinetic force was transferred the Lesser Blade Phantom went flying into an identical Phantom and both of them exploded.

Symbol jumped into the air, pressing down on the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol pulled out the Sniper Shooter and fired a single blue bullet that spiralled through the air and pierced through two of the Lesser Blade Phantom’s before being stopped by a third. All three of them fell over and exploded.

Symbol landed on the ground and was struck in the back by a Blade Phantom. She had not fully recovered from the damaged the Hell Knight Phantom had done to her and fell over, letting the ten Phantom’s attack her from all sides.

[MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [GIGA PLEASE!] [BREAK THROUGH!] Only to be forced back as the giga magic circle rose up through Symbol. She added the Punch and Drill Rings to her right index and ring fingers before pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [PUNCH DRILL PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared under Symbol’s boots and rose up through her, transforming her into the Giga Punch Drill Style. She pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Then scanned her left glove across it. [PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE!] The drills on the Punch Drillers started to spin as Symbol charged forwards and punched two of the Lesser Blade Phantoms. Sparks flew from their bodies as cracks spread through them until they both exploded.

Symbol spun around. “ARGH! Just in time to be slashed across the chest plate by a pair of Blade Phantom’s. “Take this!” Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Then scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] The drills on her Punch Drillers spun as she pulled them back and slammed them into the ground. Making a wall of earth burst from the metal floor. This had happened just as the two Blade Phantom’s slashed again, blocking both of their attacks. Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author reset. [VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned the Drill and Punch Rings across it. [PUNCH DRILL MAGIC!] The drills on the Punch Drillers roared to life as Symbol pulled them back. [THE BEST!] She punched the drills into the wall and pulled it from the ground. “Wall Charge!” shouted Symbol as using the wall as a club she crushed the two Blade Phantom’s and the remaining three Lesser Blade Phantoms making each of them explode.

With three Blade Phantom’s left Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] She scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [PUNCH DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] Flames and purple mana appeared around her arms before the Punch Drillers started to spin, making the flames also start to spin forming into a pair of red and purple drills around her arms. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] The flames around her right arm were pulled into her left arm. [VERY NICE!] Making that drill get much thinner and longer. [PUNCH DRILL MAGIC!] Suddenly, it balloon in size. [THE BEST!] Symbol ran forwards. “Merged Giga Drill Breaker!” she screamed as she rammed the drill through all three of the Blade Phantom’s making each of them erupt in an explosion which destroyed them.

Then a Tyrant Phantom burst from the ground.

“I should have known that one of you was going to show up soon,” muttered Symbol as she moved to fight the Tyrant Phantom.

[MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbol pulled back her fists as the Tyrant Phantom charged before punching them into the ground. [DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] The Tyrant Phantom swung at Symbol only for a wall of solid rock to appear in front of its fist, stopping the attack cold. The Phantom gave a frustrated growl and after two more punches, the wall was shattered into fragments.

[MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] But while it was in recovery. [PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol ran out from behind the walls remains and punched the Tyrant Phantom in the back. Sparks flew as the Punch Drillers painfully ground into the Tyrant Phantom’s back. The flames were doing just as much damage to the Phantom.

The Tyrant Phantom roared in pain as it stumbled forwards and swung its arm back, backhanding Symbol. But she was able to block with the Punch Drillers.

She flew through the air and landed on the ground, before sliding several paces and slamming into the wall of the arena. Before Symbol had a chance to get back up a shadow fell over her. She looked up. “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!” she screamed as she saw the Tyrant belly flopping onto her. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] The Tyrant Phantom slammed down. [PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE!] After a few seconds it was forced back up. Symbol was revealed to have set her gloves on fire and was holding the heavy Phantom over her helmet with great difficulty. “You really need to go on a diet!” she muttered as she threw the Phantom off.

[MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] The drills on the Puncher Drillers started to spin. [VERY NICE!] They picked up speed. [PUNCH DRILL MAGIC!] Before bursting into brilliant bright red flames. [THE BEST!] Symbol pulled back her fists. “Flame Lance!” then punched forwards. The flames flew off and transformed into ten drill-shaped lances that spiralled around each other before merging into a single giant flaming lance that slammed into the Tyrant Phantom which had just gotten back to its feet. It blocked the attack with its hands but was quickly being driven back as the powerful flames ground out sparks from the Phantom’s limbs.

[MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol ran through the active magic circle. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Transforming into the Active Style. [LET’S GO!] She pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then scanned the Active Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! A RANK SPELL!] Her body was covered in red lightning as she ran at full speed, blurring around behind the Tyrant Phantom as she pulled open the Active Blade’s Hand Author. [COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS!] Then she scanned the Active Ring across it. [ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE!] Red lightning covered the Active Blade. “Red Slash!” bellowed Symbol as she swung it down. A crescent of red lightning was fired from the sword that slammed into the back of the Tyrant Phantom. Which roared in pain flinging its arms to the side. Three of the lances were dispelled but the other seven slammed into the Phantom with huge explosions, making it fall over from the amount of damage it had taken. Symbol then slashed the Tyrant Phantom twice with the Active Blade which was all that was needed to push it over the edge and explode.

“How do we get out of here?” asked Dante after looking around for a few seconds.

“This way!”

Dante turned to see Symbol run out of an opening. “Sunset, wait for me!” he ran after her and they jumped up a flight of crates that were positioned like makeshift stairs. Dante arrived to see Symbol looking at something on the other end of a void. “What are you looking at?” he asked.

“Over there,” pointed Symbol.

Dante looked and after a second saw four brown veins going into a tunnel. “That must be the way back to the mixing room,” he stated.

[MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] “I thought that too,” replied Symbol as she transformed. [ICE BIND PLEASE!] Orange mana gathered around the Grapple Gauntlet. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol threw her arm forwards. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Firing a chain that pulled a shelf close enough to jump too.

As she was doing that three Icarus Phantom’s appeared around them.

[GRAPPLE MODE!] Dante transformed the Arbiter Axe into the Demon Pull and used it to yank all three of the Phantom’s into axe range. Then he turned the handle. [AXE MODE!] Transforming the Demon Pull back into the Arbiter Axe. [THREE!] [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante swung Arbiter in a horizontal arc, cutting through all three Icarus Phantom’s, making a glowing red line appear through them as sparks exploded from the line before the Phantom’s themselves exploded.

“Woah!” shouted Dante as Symbol pulled on the chain, making the platform them were on rocket forwards. “A little warning next time!”

“I didn’t know it was going to do that!” defended Symbol. “Besides, now we’re even.”

[SET!] Dante growled. [OPEN!] He ran through the angel magic circle. [O-S-I-R-I-S!] Before tackling Symbol as he kicked the air behind him. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Dante was covered in the light blue wind as they both went shooting off the platform and into the next four.

[MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] “Dante you jerk!” shouted Symbol. [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] She pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Purple mana ran into the Boost Grieves as she jumped into the air and landed on a higher platform.

“Payback’s a bitch!” shouted Dante. [HOOK MODE!] He followed after his sister.

[MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [ICE BIND PLEASE!] Dante landed just in time to see Symbol switch out Substyles. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Then she fired a chain of orange energy that pulled a crate from a shelf. The two of them jumped to it. Then they jumped up two more shelves and landed near the door which the four rust-coloured vein/pipes lead into.

Then a Hell Knight Phantom, as well as a Frost Knight Phantom, burst from the ground.

Suddenly, a bright light shone from Symbol’s left fingers. “Already?!” she shouted as she covered her visors. “Normally I have to fight and start to lose before getting a new Substyle!” shouted Symbol.

“Must be because you're still healing from the fight against Wiseman!” shouted Dante. “As you recover the process get’s fast and faster!”

[MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] The giga magic circle appeared. [GIGA PLEASE!] Then it rose up through Symbol transforming her into the Giga Style. [BREAK THROUGH!] As the transformation finished, Symbol was able to see the new rings on her right index and ring fingers. The index ring was green with a grey gem in the centre of it that had a black hammer etched into it. The second ring was green with an orange gem in the centre of it that had a yellow crack logo engraved into it.

“Let’s give these a shot!” Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [HAMMER QUAKE PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove down to the ground and two new magic circles appeared. The first was a black hammer logo inside a black square inside a black eight-pointed star, inside a black two layered square, between the two layers was black runic text. The second magic circle was an orange crack logo, within an orange square within an orange eight-pointed star, within an orange two layered square, between the two layers was yellow runic text.

Both of the magic circles rose up through Symbol, transforming her into the new Giga Substyle. Her boots turned burnt orange and the armour on them became thicker. Her anklets turned into solid dark yellow armour with a sharp upwards pointing triangle in the centre of them. Her shin armour turned dark orange before expanding so that it circled around each of her lower legs. The knee armour turned dark yellow and transformed into a dark yellow diamond. Dark orange armour appeared around her upper legs, it was identical to her lower leg armour. The armour on the back of Symbol’s right glove turned black and became much more solid. Her right wristlet transformed into a black thick bracer and her right forearm guard went under the same process. Her forearm turned grey and her right shoulder pauldron turned black before shifting into the shape of a square with the two upper outside corners extending outwards. The bronze square in the centre of her chest plate turned into a pair of block logos, one was a black hammer logo and the other an orange crack shaped logo. A grey bell hammer appeared in her right glove, it had an orange piston on each side that was shaped like a square and a black shaft. This is the Piston Hammer. Kamen Rider Symbol had transformed into her Giga Hammer Quake Style.

“Nice!” chirped Symbol as she looked at the Piston Hammer. She ran forwards as the Hell Knight Phantom stabbed its sword into the ground. Cracks spread through the ground as it started to leak flames in a circle. “Not this time!” shouted Symbol as she pressed the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [QUAKE MAGIC PLEASE!] The pistons on the Piston Hammer pulled back as Symbol raised the weapon up and then slammed it into the ground. Spikes of earth burst out of the ground around her in a circle. Several of them stabbed into the Hell Knight Phantom, making it lose its focus and stagger back with sparks coming from it.

Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author reset. [VERY NICE!] She scanned her right glove across it. [HAMMER QUAKE MAGIC!] The Piston Hammer was covered by orange mana. [THE BEST!] The pistons pulled back as Symbol slammed the Piston Hammer into the ground. “Rock Rush!” she shouted as several rocks rose up from the ground, they were covered in orange mana and sent shooting forwards at the Hell Knight Phantom. Which blocked with its shield only for the shield to crack and shatter.

“Let’s keep up the pressure!” shouted Symbol as she pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [HAMMER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol ran forwards and brought the Piston Hammer around, slamming it into the sword of the Hell Knight Phantom. Unseen by Symbol a crack spread through the sword as she pulled back and was slashed across the chest plate, making sparks fly.

“ARGH!” grunted Symbol as she clutched her chest plate. She pressed the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Then scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [HAMMER QUAKE MAGIC PLEASE!] She spun the Piston Hammer three times as black and orange mana gathered around it. The pistons pulled back as Symbol slammed the Piston Hammer into the ground, sending out a shockwave of orange and black energy which slammed into the Hell Knight Phantom as it tried to block with its sword, but was sent flying backwards as a second crack appeared in the sword.

This time Symbol saw it. “Is that-?” she quickly understood what she was seeing. “Perfect!” shouted Symbol as she ran forwards. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] The pistons pulled back. [VERY NICE!] Orange mana covered the Piston Hammer. [HAMMER QUAKE MAGIC!] Black mana joined the orange mana. [THE BEST!] Symbol swung the Piston Hammer down. “Downfall Hammer!” she shouted. The Piston Hammer impacted the ground and fired, creating a ball of black and orange mana Symbol then used the Piston Hammer to send it flying. It impacted the sword of the Hell Knight Phantom and caused it to shatter into pieces.

The Hell Knight Phantom staggered backwards and Symbol knew that it might have the ability to regenerate its weapons. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] “I’m not going to chance it!” she muttered as she changed forms. [PUNCH DRILL PLEASE!] Symbol jumped into the air. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] [PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE!] She came down with her right fist on fire and slammed it into the Hell Knight Phantom making sparks explode off its body. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] The drills on the Punch Drillers started to spin. [VERY NICE!] Then they burst into flames. [PUNCH DRILL MAGIC!] Symbol pulled back her fists. [THE BEST!] Then she threw them forwards, firing five flame lances off each fist. “Fire Lance!” she screamed. The flames turned into ten drills of fire that spiralled around each other into a giant drill that slammed into the Hell Knight Phantom’s chest and made sparks explode from it.

Seeing that it hadn’t gone down Symbol muttered. “This thing is rather tough!” then she saw that Hell Knight Phantom’s sword repair itself. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] “Sometimes I hate being right!” muttered Symbol as the drills on the Punch Drillers started to spin. [DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] She pulled back her arms and slammed her fists into the ground. Out of which a rock wall exploded, blocking the blade of the Hell Knight Phantom. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbol started to build up power. [VERY NICE!] She pulled back her fist. [PUNCH DRILL MAGIC!] Before slamming it into the rock wall. [THE BEST!] The wall went shooting forwards and slammed into the Hell Knight Phantom. “Wall Charge!” shouted Symbol as the Phantom was smashed into a wall. Then she realised something. “Shoot! I should have done it the other way and that thing would have fallen off the edge!” she shouted.

The Hell Knight Phantom stabbed it’s blade into the ground once more. Cracks started to spread out from the point which the sword was stabbed into, forming a circle around the Hell Knight Phantom that was quickly expanding. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] [DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] But it was cut off when Symbol punched the ground and made a wall of earth burst from the ground, shielding Symbol. She ran forwards and threw the Hell Knight Phantom off the edge. Symbol glanced over the edge as the Phantom fell, spiralling over and over as it struggled to grab onto something. Cracks started to spread through its body before the Hell Knight Phantom exploded.

“You are not a very nice person,” stated Dante as he ran up.

“Like your one to talk!” snipped back Symbol.

While Symbol had been battling against the Hell Knight Phantom, Dante had been locked in a fight with the Frost Knight Phantom.

[HOOK MODE!] He hooked the Angel Lift onto the Phantom and yanked himself towards it. Midway through the attack, he turned the handle of the Angel Lift. [SCYTHE MODE!] Transforming it back into Osiris as he punched his Angel Ring into the back of its blade. [SIX!] Dante zoomed forwards. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] He slashed around with Osiris ending on a forwards stab that rammed Osiris into the gut of the Frost Knight Phantom making sparks fly from it. Dante jumped back and punched the Angel Ring into the left slot of his Driver. [KICK STRIKE GO!] He ran forwards as his right boot trailed light blue wind. “Streak!” Dante shouted as he kicked the Frost Knight Phantom in the gut, it staggered backwards with sparks coming from the impact point before stabbing its sword into the ground, firing a line of ice at Dante.

Who rolled to the side. “Close one,” he commented as he punched the Angel Ring into the back of Osiris again. [THREE!] Dante jumped over the next line of ice as Osiris’ blade opened to reveal three light blue circles. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] He used the scythe as a fishing hook to pull the Frost Knight Phantom into the air where it was helpless as he slashed away at the Phantom, Osiris was moving so fast that it looked like nothing but a streak of blue light.

The Frost Knight Phantom fell back to the ground as Dante pressed down on Osiris’ trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] He spun the scythe several times as light blue mana formed into feather constructs. Dante swung the scythe down. “Rake!” shouted Dante as the feathers shot down, forming a pillar which then broke into pieces, sending the Phantom flying into the air with sparks coming from its body.

While the Frost Knight Phantom was in the air and thus helpless, Dante punched the Angel Ring into the back of Osiris’ blade. [ONE!] The blade opened to reveal a single light blue circle. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante spun, slashing the Frost Knight Phantom several times with Osiris, the blade of which appeared as a circle of light blue light that surrounded Dante. Seeing a chance to do more damage he pressed down on Osiris’ trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue mana gathered around the blade and formed around it in a wing construct. The feathers shot off and surrounded Dante as he spun, forming a second, third and fourth circle around Osiris that multiplied the damaged several times over.

Sadly, as Dante fell back to the ground the Frost Knight Phantom was still alive and in one piece. “This thing is tough!” muttered Dante as he punched the Angel Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Dante jumped into the air and came down in a spinning kick that slammed into the Frost Knight Phantom’s sword. The Phantom was able to block the kick but sparks still came from its body as it was damaged by the wind surrounding the boot. The Frost Knight Phantom surged as it forced Dante back with a single hard shove from its blade.

Dante backflipped through the air and landed on the ground with a bit of ice clinging to his body. “Brrr!” he shivered. “That’s cold,” muttered Dante, then he saw the Frost Knight Phantom charging at him. “No you don’t!” he pressed down on Osiris’ trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante spun Osiris several times before ripping the scythe up through the ground. “Drive!” he shouted as Osiris fired a vertical crescent of angelic mana which roared towards the Frost Knight Phantom. Said Phantom blocked with its sword but was still sent skidding backwards before dispelling the attack.

Dante saw that it was still in recovery and pressed the Angel Ring into the back of Osiris’ blade. [FIVE!] Which then opened to reveal five light blue circles. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante ran forwards and performed half a dozen slashes on the Frost Knight Phantom in less time than what it took to breathe. He punched the Angel Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Light blue wind wrapped around Dante’s right boot as he jumped into the air, flipped once and came down with an axe kick that slammed into the Frost Knight’s blade and shattered it when the Phantom used its weapon to block.

Dante could see from the number of sparks that the Frost Knight Phantom needed only one more attack to finish it off. “Almost there!” he muttered as he punched the Angel Ring into the back of Osiris’ blade. [FOUR!] The blade opened to reveal four light blue circles. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante took up a crouched stance as light blue energy was charged into Osiris. Deciding to be safe, Dante slammed his glove down on Osiris’ trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] The light blue energy grew in power. “Raze!” screamed Dante as he jumped into the air spinning. Osiris generated a tornado of light blue wind that cut into the Frost Knight Phantom as Dante jumped into the air while spinning, pulling the Phantom with him. The Frost Knight Phantom was flung over the edge of the platform and then exploded.

Dante ran up to Symbol and the two of them ran into the corridor. They followed it around to the left, then to the right, into a room that they were suddenly, sealed into.

“I’m almost insulted,” commented Symbol as a number of Lesser Blade Phantom’s burst from the ground.

“Just start fighting!” ordered Dante as he punched the Angel Ring into the back of Osiris’ blade. [ONE!] Which then opened to reveal a single light blue circle. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante started to spin around, cutting into several of the Lesser Blade Phantom’s with the scythe. After a few seconds, he saw that several of them had micro explosions going off around their bodies so he pressed down on Osiris’ trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue energy covered Osiris then formed into a wing construct around the scythe’s blade. Dante started spinning once more. “Karma!” he shouted, the feathers flew off and formed three circles of light as they followed Osiris’ blistering fast path, causing all five of the Lesser Blade Phantom’s to fall over with lightning crackling over them before they exploded.

Symbol switched the Giga Ring for the Swift Ring and pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she scanned the Swift Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] She threw her left glove into the air and the swift magic circle appeared over her helmet before falling through her. [DASH AWAY!] Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then scanned the Swift Ring. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] Five Lesser Blade Phantom’s jumped into the air and came down towards Symbol, before she vanished, appearing several paces away as the Phantom’s landed back on the ground. Symbol flicked the Swift Dagger and sparks burst from the Lesser Blade Phantom’s painfully. She pressed the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author reset. [VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her left glove. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL!] Yellow mana built up around her body. [THE BEST!] Before Symbol vanished. “Swift Attack!” came her loud shout from everywhere and nowhere before all of the Lesser Blade Phantom’s exploded.

Dante swapped the Angel Ring for the Nephilim Ring and punched it into his Drivers’ left slot. [SET!] He turned his wrist back, then turn it forwards, making his Driver’s gate open and close. [OPEN!] The nephilim magic circle appeared and moved back through her. [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] Transforming Dante into the Nephilim Style. Dante punched the Nephilim Ring into the back of the Rebellion Blade. [SIX!] The mouth opened. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante stabbed one of the Blade Phantom’s fast enough that his arm was a blur and it was sent staggering backwards, stunned.

Then Dante pressed the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante slashed the sword once, firing a wave of red and blue energy in the shape of a crescent. “Drive!” it smashed into the second Blade Phantom and caused it to explode.

Dante turned back to the other Lesser Blade Phantom and punched the Nephilim Ring into the back of the Rebellion Blade’s handle. [ONE!] The mouth opened to reveal a single red and blue circle. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Then Dante pressed the trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] He pulled back the Rebellion Blade as it was covered in red and blue energy. “High Time!” Dante slashed upwards, cutting the Blade Phantom in half and causing it to explode.

Symbol replaced the Swift Ring with Active Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned the Active Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Before holding her left glove out to the side and letting the active magic circle pass through her. [LET’S GO!] Symbol pulled open the Active Blade’s Hand Author. [COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS!] Then scanned the Active Ring across it. [ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE!] Red lightning built up in the Active Blade. “Red Slash!” as Symbol slashed across, the two Blade Phantom’s, cutting a red line through the both of them that sparked with red lightning as they both exploded.

Dante saw a Ravager Phantom saw its way out of the ground and swapped the Nephilim Ring for the Demon Ring before punching it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] He turned his wrist back making the Driver’s gate close before turning it forwards to make his Driver’s gate open. [OPEN!] The demon magic circle appeared from his Driver and moved back through Dante. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] He pulled Arbiter off his back and punched the Demon Ring into the back of his blade. [ONE!] The blade then opened to reveal a single red circle. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante spun Arbiter around as he pressed down on its trigger. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red energy gathered around Arbiter as he slashed down, forming an energy construct of a spinning axe head as he punched the Demon Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Red mana gathered around Dante’s right boot as he spun around and kicked the construct. “Mega Flush!” he shouted as the construct surged in power then surged forwards, slamming into the chainsaw of the Ravager Phantom as it tried to block. But with less than half a second delay, the chainsaw snapped in two followed by a red vertical line being sawed into the Ravager Phantom before it went up in a giant explosion.

Symbol was also confronted by a Ravager Phantom and growled as she switched the Active Ring for the Giga Ring then pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned the Giga Ring. [GIGA PLEASE!] The magic circle appeared under her boots and rose up through Symbol. [BREAK THROUGH!] She grabbed the Giga Axe and pulled open its Hand Author. [COME ON A SMASH SHAKE HANDS!] Before scanning the Giga Ring across it. [GIGA SMASH STRIKE!] Green energy gathered around the Giga Axe as Symbol sidestepped the Ravager Phantom which had set itself on fire and charged. “Giga Strike!” Symbol brought the Giga Axe down on the Ravager Phantom’s back as it lost its protective coat of fire. The Giga Axe cut a glowing green coloured vertical line in the Ravager Phantom which then fell over and exploded.

Dante meanwhile had to deal with a Hell Knight Phantom. Thankfully he was already in Demon Style. He pulled out the Arbiter Axe and turned its handle. [GRAPPLE MODE!] It transformed into the Demon Pull and Dante used the grapple to rob the Hell Knight Phantom of its shield before turning the handle once more. [AXE MODE!] The Demon Pull transformed back into the Arbiter Axe. “No you don’t!” shouted Dante as he saw the Hell Knight Phantom pull up its sword, he punched the Demon Ring into the back of Arbiter’s blade. [TWO!] Which opened to reveal a pair of red circles. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Then Dante held down the Arbiter Axe’s trigger. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] He pulled back the Arbiter Axe. “Tremor!” bellow Dante as he slammed the axe into the ground and sent out a shockwave of red energy that clashed with the flame circle from the Hell Knight Phantom. The two moves cancelled each other out.

Dante ran forwards and punched the Demon Ring into the back of the Arbiter Axe’s blade. [THREE!] Which opened to reveal three red circles. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante then held down on the Arbiter Axe’s trigger. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red energy covered the Arbiter Axe. “Judgment!” shouted Dante as he brought the axe down. The Hell Knight Phantom blocked with its sword, only for the weapon to shatter as Dante brought the axe around in an across swing and then an upwards swing. This cut a red cross into the Hell Knight Phantom, sparks bled from the cross before the Hell Knight Phantom fell over backwards and exploded.

“Let's try this!” shouted Symbol as she swapped the Giga Ring for the Burst Ring. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned it across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] She held her left glove out to the side and the burst magic circle appeared behind her. [CAST THE SPELL!] Symbol then pressed the left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned the Burst Ring. [BURST! C RANK SPELL!] Four flames appeared around the Frost Knight and blasted through its barrier with ease.

“So this thing is affected by heat and wind?” questioned Symbol. “Makes sense,” muttered Symbol. She added the Steam and Radiation Rings to her right index and ring fingers before pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove. [STEAM RADIATION PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through her. “Turning into steam didn’t work last time, but this did,” mused Symbol as she pressed the right Shift lever twice more. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol held up her left glove. [RADIATION MAGIC PLEASE!] Out of it shot a beam of radiation that clashed with the line of ice from the Frost Knight Phantom. The hot and cold attacks mixed as created a cloud of dense steam as the heat flash melted the ice.

[MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] The Frost Knight Phantom looked around desperately as it tried to find the Kamen Rider. [VERY NICE!] But thanks to her Steam Style, Symbol could see through the steam with ease so she didn’t have that problem. [STEAM RADIATION MAGIC!] Not only that, but the Frost Knight Phantom was taking a bit of damage from how hot the steam was, whereas Symbol was not. [THE BEST!] Suddenly, a green glow came from the left and the Frost Knight Phantom turned towards it. “Radiation Burst!” came Symbol’s voice.

From behind the Frost Knight Phantom.

It spun around just in time for a ring of pure green flames to come rocketing out of the mist and slam into it with a thunderous explosion that sent the Frost Knight Phantom flying backwards with sparks coming from its body. [COME ON A CAST SHAKE HANDS!] It did its best to get back up, but was only able to look up at the tip of the Burst Wand. [BURST! CAST STRIKE!] “That wasn’t bad. Burst Beam!” shouted Symbol as the attack fired, the Frost Knight Phantom’s barrier had been destroyed and it was unable to stop the beam of purple mana that engulfed it and caused it to explode.

The two Kamen Rider’s met up and started running through the corridors.

“Where the hell is that mixing room?!” shouted Dante after five minutes of getting lost.

“This way!” shouted Symbol as she found the vein/piping once more. Suddenly, she skidding to a halt, holding out an arm to block Dante.

“What’s the matter?” he asked his sister.

She pointed down.

Dante looked and saw that the pipes were leaking what looked like some sort of green fluid. He reached down towards it.

But Symbol grabbed his arm to stop him.

“How else are we going to find out if its dangerous?” asked Dante.

Symbol replied to that question by pressing the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned the Burst Ring. [BURST! B RANK SPELL!] She flicked her wrist and a mirror of ice appeared in the air before spinning into the liquid, it instantly started to melt.

Dante winced as he swapped the Demon Ring for the Angel Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Symbol’s ice mirrors were thicker than steel. [OPEN!] If one was starting to melt that fast. [O-S-I-R-I-S!] He didn’t even want to know what that stuff was made off. He jumped over the puddle.

Symbol followed, making an ice mirror to use as a stepping stone.

They jumped over three more puddles before running around a corner and arriving at a door.

“This is that door we came in!” realised Symbol.

“So the mixing room is on the other side!” realised Dante as he ran through the door.

Symbol rolled her visors as she ran after him.

The mixing room looked a lot different in the Slip Dimension. In the centre was a mass of veins looking like some sort of plant that came down from the ceiling. Dotted around the room were several veins that looked like human fetus’ with taps that were embedded in their stomachs and the veins leading into their mouths.

For a second Dante’s vision flashed as he replaced the plant with the pillar.

Then he realised what the fetus’ were in the real world.

He had to fight the urge to hurl.

The sound of vomiting told him that Symbol had fought that battle and she had lost.

Dante summed up both of their thoughts in one statement. “What in the shitting hell is going on here?”

For once, Symbol did not mind the swearing as she agreed with him.

“The mixing process,” explained Kate as she appeared. “But it’s the source we’re interested in.”

“I'm guessing the Succubus is on the other end of that?” guessed Dante, really hoping that he was wrong.

“That’s right,” replied Kate much to Symbol’s despair. “This way,” she walked past them.

Only for the doors to suddenly seal themselves.

Suddenly, another Phantom dropped from the ceiling. This one was humanoid and six feet tall. It had grey skin and beady black eyes along with an orange beard in dreadlocks. Over its head it wore a meal Viking helmet, it’s torso was covered in a grey leather shirt with a brown leather bracer around its left arm. It wore a pair of black trousers, a brown pelvis cape and black leather boots. It held a silver Viking axe in its right hand and a brown circle shaped shield in its left hand.

This is the Draugr Phantom, the guard of the Succubus Phantom.

“Incoming boss fight!” shouted Symbol as she pressed the right Shift lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] The Draugr Phantom gave a bellowing roar that fired several shards of ice at them. [DUST MIRROR MAGIC PLEASE!] Instantly a mirror appeared in front of the two Kamen Riders that absorbed the ice and fired millions of dust particles at the Phantom which exploded across its body.

But the Draugr Phantom was able to block most of the attack with its shield and charged forwards, smashing through the mirror with ease as it brought its axe down towards Symbol. [SET!] [OPEN!] [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] Only for Dante to use Arbiter to block the attack. But the arc of the axe pulled him off his boots and sent him flying through the air spinning over and over.

“DANTE!” shouted Sunset in concern.

Dante was able to land on his boots and skidded back several paces. “I’m fine!” he shouted. Then he saw something. “LOOK OUT!”

Symbol turned back to the Draugr Phantom just in time to be slashed across the chest plate by its axe. “ARGHH!” she screamed as sparks flew from her chest plate. “Let’s see how you like it!” she switched the Burst Ring for the Active Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] The active magic circle appeared to her left and moved through Symbol. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Knocking the Phantom back. [LET’S GO!] She then pressed the left Shift Lever once more. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] She pulled back her arm as it was covered in red lightning. [ACTIVE! C RANK SPELL!] Symbol ran forwards and punched the Draugr’s shield. Some sparks flew from its body as the electrical heat did damage to it.

Dante ran around behind the Phantom as he punched the Demon Ring into the back of Arbiter’s blade. [FOUR!] Red energy gathered around the axe's blade. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante brought it down, unleashing three pulses of red energy that made sparks explode from the back of the Draugr Phantom.

It gave a roar of pain as it broke the lock with Symbol and kicked her in the chest plate before turning around to attack Dante. It slashed down with its sword and when Dante blocked he got a shield bash to the face from the Draugr Phantom’s shield and was sent skidding backwards. He looked up just in time to see the Phantom’s axe heading towards his faceplate. [SET!] [OPEN!] [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] He was only just able to get the Rebellion Blade up in time to block the axe.

The Draugr Phantom unleashed a barrage of slashes at Dante, giving him no time to do anything other than frantically defend, then he rolled under a slash and punched the Nephilim Ring into the back of the Rebellion Blade’s handle. [TWO!] The mouth opened to reveal a pair of red and blue circles as Dante spun around. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The Rebellion Blade met with the shaft of the axe as the two of them struggled. Dante pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The eyes flashed as the energy around the Rebellion Blade exploded outwards. Igniting micro explosions across the Draugr Phantom’s body as it stumbled backwards in pain from the damage.

[MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [ACTIVE! A RANK SPELL!] Symbol had recovered by this time. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [VERY NICE!] [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL!] [THE BEST!] Symbol jumped into the air as the red lightning around her body focused in her right boot. “Lightning Strike!” her boot slammed into the Draugr Phantom’s back and sent a bolt of lightning through it, making the Phantom roar in pain as micro explosions ignited around it.

The monster roared in pain as it shield bashed Dante then stabbed Symbol in the gut, both staggered backwards with sparks coming from the impact points. It turned and slashed down at Symbol, making more sparks come from her body. “ARGH!” grunted Symbol from the pain. She looked up as the Draugr Phantom raised its axe to bring it down once again and pressed the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SLASHER AQUA PLEASE!] She crossed the Slasher Tidal Claws and blocked the axe just before it could make contact. Symbol let go with her right glove and pressed the right Shift Lever again. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SLASHER MAGIC PLEASE!] Green lightning raced up and down the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol forced the axe away and got to her boots she slashed the Draugr Phantom several times making sparks fly from its body.

The Draugr Phantom gave a loud roar and to Symbol’s concern armour of ice formed around it. “That’s not good,” she muttered.

Dante had gotten back up, he switched the Nephilim Ring for the Demon Ring and punched into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] He turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s gate close and then open. [OPEN!] The demon magic circle flew out from his Driver then back into Dante. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] He pulled the Arbiter Axe off his back and punched the Demon Ring into the back of the blade. [ONE!] Dante swung the Arbiter Axe around as red energy gathered around it. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] He spun it down, sending a red mana construct in the shape of an axe head at the Draugr Phantom. Which whipped around and used its shield to block.

“Then we just have to smash straight through it!” shouted Dante has he pressed down on the Arbiter Axe’s trigger. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red energy surged up the shaft and into the blade as Dante swung it down. “Flush!” a beam of red mana was fired from the Arbiter Axe, the front of which shifted into the form of a spinning axe head which smashed into the Draugr Phantom’s shield, making it crack.

Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Giga Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then scanned the Giga Ring. [GIGA PLEASE!] The giga magic circle appeared under her boots and rose up through Symbol. [BREAK THROUGH!] She pulled the Giga Axe off her back and pulled open the Hand Author. [COME ON A SMASH SHAKE HANDS!] Then she scanned the Giga Ring as green mana gathered around the Giga Axe’s blade. [GIGA SMASH STRIKE!] The Draugr Phantom spun around and blocked the downwards swing with its shield. “Giga Strike!” bellowed Symbol as in an explosion of green mana the shield shattered.

Symbol then switched the Giga Axe into the Giga Spear and pulled open its Hand Author. [COME ON A STAB SHAKE HANDS!] She scanned the Giga Ring across it. [GIGA! STAB STRIKE!] Symbol spun the Giga Spear around several times, letting green mana gather in the blade. “Piercing Giga!” shouted Symbol as she stabbed the Giga Spear forwards and fired a large beam of green mana that caused the Draugr Phantom’s armour to crack in a shower of sparks.

Dante punched the Demon Ring into the back of Arbiter’s blade. [FIVE!] He jumped into the air as the blade opened to reveal five red circles. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Dante reached the arc of his jump as he pulled the trigger on the back of the Arbiter Axe. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red mana roared through the Arbiter Axe as Dante went shooting down. “Drop!” he slammed it into the Draugr Phantom’s axe with a loud clang that made the Phantom’s knees buckle.

Dante jumped back and punched the Demon Ring into the back of the Arbiter Axe’s blade once more. [FOUR!] The blade opened to reveal four red circles. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red energy was pulled from the air, it formed three red rings that were pulled into the Arbiter Axe’s blade.

Symbol saw what Dante was about to do, she raced around to his side then added the Hammer and Quake Rings to her right index and ring fingers before pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove. [HAMMER QUAKE PLEASE!] The two magic circle appeared below her and moved up through her. Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Then scanned her right glove over the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [HAMMER MAGIC PLEASE!] The pistons on the Piston Hammer pulled back as they got ready to fire.

Both of the Kamen Rider’s swung their polearm weapons upwards while the Draugr Phantom swung its axe down. The three weapons made contact, locking together. Dante pulled Arbiter’s trigger. [DEMON AXE STRIKE!] Red energy roared around the axe as Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author flipped to the left, then back to the right. [VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her right glove across it. [HAMMER QUAKE MAGIC!] Black mana blazed around the Piston Hammer. [THE BEST!] Cracks started to spread through the axe as it was damaged by both of the powered weapons.

The two Kamen Rider’s looked at each other and nodded. “Trinity Power!” the axe shattered, making the Draugr Phantom stagger backwards in shock.

Dante punched the Demon Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Red energy roared around his right boot as Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] Then she scanned the Giga Ring. [GIGA C RANK SPELL!] Her right fist started to glow with green mana as Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever four more times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned the Giga Ring. [VERY NICE!] The mana around her right fist blazed. [GIGA! S RANK SPELL!] Symbol and Dante pulled back their right fist and boot. [THE BEST!] “Giga Trinity!” shouted both of the Kamen Riders as they thrust their energized limbs into the chest of the Draugr Phantom.

Sparks exploded from the impact point as the Phantom staggered backwards. It flinched at each of the micro-explosions that went off around it. The Draugr Phantom fell to its knees before cracks spread through its body from the impact points. Then it was consumed by a mighty explosion, sparks rained down like fireworks.

The two Kamen Riders looked at each other and fist bumped.

Kate ran up. “Are you two ok?” she asked. “That looked hard.”

“Too right it was,” replied Symbol.

“Nah!” replied Dante. “That was just a big fat joke.”