• Published 3rd Mar 2019
  • 582 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset's Journey - Alphajeager1

Sunset appears on another earth with no memory and the power of a Kamen Rider

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S2E7 A Chance Meeting

Kamen Rider Arsenal continued to fall through the air, she got ready to stop her fall against the side of the tower.

With Symbol, Dante, Weapon, Grimm, Mega and X.

The group of Kamen Rider’s reached the outside of the tower and stopped for a break.

Symbol dropped down onto a rock as she shifted back into her human form: Sunset Shimmer Sparda.

Weapon, Grimm, Mega and X took up guarded positions around their Mistress as they separated back into Lightning Dust, Gilda, Lyra, Bon Bon, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fullyshy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

Dante approached the edge of the ledge they were standing on, he was about to release his transformation when he sensed something unexpected.

Dante looked up and saw something that he had never seen before. Given what he was and what he does, that’s saying something. He reached out and grabbed Kamen Rider Arsenal by her booted foot as she fell head first towards the ground.

SEVEN! FIVE! ZERO! TWO! SHOTGUN! She promptly pointed the Arsenal Shotgun at Dante’s chin.

Dante paid the deadly weapon pointed at his faceplate no mind as he demorphed. “Well, well,” he said in amusement. “This is my kind of rain. No wonder the sky looked so funny today.”

“That was horrible,” muttered Sunset.

“Very unusual,” the Swift Agni agreed with Dante as he appeared on Sunset’s thigh. “Isn’t the song: It’s Raining Men?”

“You can come out when I’m not transformed?!” demanded Sunset.

“She is a man,” pointed out the Swift Rudra as he appeared on Sunset’s other thigh. “She is merely a female member of the species.”

“Now look what you’ve done!” Sunset shouted at her Brother.

“But the song refers specifically to the masculine gender,” the Swift Agni explained to his Brother. “She is a Woman!”

“No balls,” the Giga Cerberus agreed as he appeared on Sunset’s back.

Dante groaned, putting his free hand to his face.

Sunset giggled at her Brother’s discomfort. “Serves you right for making such a bad joke,” she turned to the lady, who was still dangling from Dante’s hand and waved. “Yo!”

The lady, for her part, lowered her guns. She had been about to demand that Dante let her go but had been taking off guard by that little comedy routine. “You can put me down now,” she grimaced.

Smiling, Dante took a step back and set her down on the platform, letting her get to her own boots.

She released her transformation to save power.

“Hey, you’re the lady from the bottom of the tower!” Sunset recognized her instantly.

“At your service,” said Dante jokingly.

The lady chuckled and turned to leave.

“Now, now, what’s your rush,” Dante asked, dancing around into her path. “I did just save you from a grisly fate, after all.”

“I had it under control,” she countered.

“I’m sure you did,” teased Dante.

"Brother!" the Swift Rudra spoke up. "The young Master's pheromones indicate he wishes to mate with the female!"

"You are correct!" the Swift Angi agreed with his brother.

Dante groaned, knowing something embarrassing was about to happen.

"As good hosts, we must facilitate his amorous endeavours! The Old Master would wish that of us!" stated the Swift Rudra.

"Indeed!" the Swift Agni concurred.

‘Yeah, my old man would want you to embarrass me if I tried to get anywhere with a pretty girl,’ Dante privately agreed.

"How shall we facilitate?" asked Swift Angi.

"Perhaps some appropriate music?" Swift Rudra suggested.

"Capital idea!" Swift Agni concurred. "Have you a song in mind?"

"Indeed I do!" Swift Rudra proclaimed. "Cerberus! You shall accompany us musically!"

“Oh dear,” groaned Sunset.

Swift Angi, Swift Rudra and Giga Cerberus began to perform a version of Kiss the Girl.

Dante groaned, burying his face in his hands.

Sunset fell off her rock, laughing her ass off.

The lady chuckled again. “Sorry, my life’s crazy enough as it is without joining this crazy train,” she said, turning to leave.

Dante just groaned again in despair.

As the lady left, Swift Agni spoke up. “You think we succeeded, Brother?”

“I do not know!” Swift Rudra proclaimed. “Mistress, what are your thoughts?”

“Bye sister,” Sunset managed to say before she broke down laughing again.

“Success!” Swift Agni proclaimed.

“Indeed!” Swift Rudra agreed. “Young Master? Why are you banging your head against the wall? The head’s of our sword forms make much more effective hammers!”

Dante groaned in response.

“Balls!” Giga Cerberus appropriately commented.

Sunset managed to stop laughing long enough to follow Dante through the door.

Dante held his right hand in front of his belt buckle. DRIVER ON! The magic circle appeared and transformed his belt buckle into the Gate Driver.

Sunset held her right hand in front of her belt buckle as well. DRIVER ON PLEASE! The magic circle appeared and transformed her belt buckle into the Wizard Driver.

Gilda stepped forward, and in a flash of golden light, the Weapon Driver appeared around her waist. She drew the Crescent Rose Whistle and slotted it into the Weapon Driver. C-R-E-S-C-E-N-T R-O-S-E!

Lyra walked forward, and in a blast of black light, the Grimm Driver flashed in around her waist. The Beowulf Whistle appeared in her right hand and she slotted it into the Grimm Driver. B-E-O-W-U-L-F!

Lightning Dust stepped to up Gilda’s left and held out both of her hands. The Dust Knuckle and the Fire Dust Whistle appeared. The Blond haired Gem Maiden slotted the Fire Dust Whistle into the Dust Knuckle. E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T! Then she pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into her right palm. R-E-A-D-Y!

Bon Bon walked up to Lyra’s right, she thrust both hands forward and there was a blast of black light. The Aura Knuckle and the Rose Speed Whistle appeared. She slotted the Rose Speed Whistle into the Aura Knuckle. R-O-S-E S-P-E-E-D! Bon Bon slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into her left palm. R-E-A-D-Y!

Applejack stepped forward and drew the Fire Tune Whistle as the X Driver appeared around her waist. She slotted the Whistle into the Driver and pressed down on it. FIRE TUNE! A pair of chains emerged from the Driver, they stabbed into the chests of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Neither girl did anything as their bodies were broken down into quicksilver and pulled down the chains.

Pinkie stepped forwards and drew the Fire Tune Whistle as the chains wrapped around her waist, turning solid and transforming into the Mega Driver. She slotted the Whistle into the Driver and pressed down on it. WATER TUNE! A pair of chains emerged from the Driver, they stabbed into the chests of Rarity and Fluttershy. Neither girl said anything as their bodies were transformed into quicksilver and pulled down the chains toward Pinkie Pie.

Sunset pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever, turning the Hand Author to the left before she scanned the Active Ring across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! ACTIVE PLEASE! LET’S GO! She held her left hand out to the side, the Active magic circle appeared and moved through her. Transforming Sunset Rose Sparda into Kamen Rider Symbol Active Style.

Dante punched the Rebellion Ring into the Gate Driver’s left slot. SET! OPEN! R-E-B-E-L-L-I-O-N! The Rebellion magic circle appeared as the Gate Driver opened and moved back through Dante, transforming him into Kamen Rider Dante, Rebellion Style.

Janice slotted the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared from Gilda’s Driver and then moved back, combining Lightning Dust and Gilda into Kamen Rider Weapon.

Bon Bon slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour moved out of Lyra’s Driver and slammed into them. Lyra and Bon Bon were combined into Kamen Rider Grimm.

The quicksilver finished its journey and washed over Pinkie Pie, transforming her into Kamen Rider Mega in a flash of fire.

The same thing happened to Applejack, only her transformation took place within a blast of sea green water.

The group ran further into the tower, coming to a room that looked like it went up to the top of the tower and down five stories. There was a magic circle at the corner of the floor the group was on.

“Let’s head up,” stated Dante as he moved toward the magic circle.

“Ok,” replied Symbol. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! SWIFT PLEASE! DASH AWAY! SPEED THROUGH THE FIRE AND WIND! All of a sudden, the Swift and Firestorm magic circles appeared over Symbol’s helmet and fell through her. Transforming her into the Swift Firestorm Style. “What the hell!?”

“Why’d you change forms?” asked Dante.

“I DIDN’T!” Symbol pulled out Swift Angi and Swift Rudra. “Did you two do this?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” replied Swift Agni. “I recommend going down before you head up.”

“There will be something in the next chamber that you will need when you go upward,” confirmed Swift Rudra.

“We have to go down now?” demanded Dante. “After all that climbing?!”

“You will need something from the Divine Library before you can continue,” Swift Angi pointed out.

“Let’s just get going,” Symbol jumped off the edge and down to the ground.

Dante groaned as he followed.

They ran through a door at the bottom of the Heaven Rise Chamber and into a large library. It was shaped as a long corridor with a glowing item at the far end. Posted all around the chamber were Pawn Phantoms.

“Don’t fight them!” ordered Symbol. “Just run!”

They dashed forward, only for the Pawn Phantoms to block their path.

“Well that didn’t work!” shouted Dante as he jumped back to avoid a slash.

“I CAN SEE THAT!” roared Symbol. She jumped over a slash, switching the Swift Ring for the Giga Ring, she hit the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. Symbol rolled under a slash as she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! GIGA PLEASE! BREAK THROUGH! She held her left glove down to the ground as the Giga magic circle appeared under her boots. It rose up through her as the Cerberus Phantom Familiar rose out of a smaller Giga magic circle. He jumped onto the Giga Axe as it materialized and they combined into the Giga Cerberus. Symbol grabbed her new weapon out of the air as the Guardian magic circle appeared under her boots. SMASH THE ICE! It rose up through her, transforming her into the Giga Guardian Style. A Pawn Phantom marched forward and slashed her across the chest armour. Doing no damage thanks to the thickness of the armour. “You’re going to have to do a lot better than that!” Symbol pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. She scanned her left glove as she tanked another slash. Then she knocked a third slash away before holding the Giga Cerberus vertically so that the collar was in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL! GIGA CERBERUS C RANK SPELL! Ice white energy built up around the hammer part of the Giga Cerberus as Symbol pulled him back and slammed him on the ground. The Pawn Phantom had no time to do anything as he found himself flash frozen in a block of solid ice.

Then Symbol pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. She blocked a slash and grabbed the attacking Pawn Phantom, throwing him into another Pawn Phantom, as she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL! GIGA C RANK SPELL! Symbol held up her right glove and clenched it, the limb was covered in green energy. She pulled her fist back and punched the ice cube. Cracks spread through it as the cube shattered, taking the Phantom with it.

Symbol added the Bombardment, Drill, High Speed and Quake Rings to her right glove before hitting the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. She kicked a Pawn Phantom back and then scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! BOMBARDMENT DRILL HIGH SPEED QUAKE PLEASE! Symbol held her right glove down to the ground as the four magic circles appeared and rose up through her. The Bombardment logo appeared in the upper right corner of her chest armour, while the Drill logo appeared in the upper left. The High Speed logo appeared in the lower left of her chest armour and the Quake logo flashed into the lower right of her chest armour. A dark blue cannon with purple outlines and an orange piston on top of it appeared on her backplate. The cannon had four barrels that looked like they were able to rotate and a purple spiral pattern was printed on the outside of each barrel.

Symbol dodged back and punched a Pawn Phantom in the face. “Ha!” she pressed down on the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. Then she kicked the Phantom back as she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! BOMBARDMENT MAGIC PLEASE! “Eat lasers!” shouted Symbol as the Rapid Impact Spiral Cannon took aim and fired four beams of blue energy that joined into a single, larger beam. It slammed into the Pawn Phantom and drove him through a wall. The Phantom sparked before he went up in a large explosion.

Suddenly, Symbol was slashed by three Pawn Phantoms, doing a little bit of damage. “That will not work!” Symbol pressed the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice as she kicked one of the Pawn Phantoms back. Then she scanned her right glove over her Driver’s Hand Author as she uppercutted another of the Pawn Phantoms into the air. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! DRILL MAGIC PLEASE! The Rapid Impact Spiral Cannon took aim and fired four beams of purple magic energy. They joined together and merged into a single beam that smashed into the Pawn Phantom which Symbol had not hit away. Sparks were ground out of the Phantom as he was driven back before the beam drilled a hole straight through his chest. The Pawn Phantom looked down at the hole and then exploded.

Symbol noticed that the two Pawn Phantoms she had hit away had gotten back up and were running at her. She pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times and then used a leg sweep to kick the Phantoms away again. She scanned her left glove over the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she punched a third Pawn Phantom in the face. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! GIGA! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Green energy started to build up in the Rapid Impact Spiral Cannon as Symbol grabbed the Pawn Phantom by the head. “Go join your friends!” she threw him into the other two Pawn Phantoms, that had just gotten back up, knocking them over like bowling pins. Symbol took aim, she got down on one knee to stabilize the cannon and held it with both gloves. “Now! Spiral Blast! Fire!” ordered Symbol as the Rapid Impact Spiral Cannon started spinning, then it fired four beams of green energy that merged into a single beam which shot up through the air. Then the beam arced down, unravelling into four beams that tore through the three Pawn Phantoms. Mico explosions went off around them, sparks bled from their wounds before the Phantoms fell over and each of them went up in an explosion.

At that moment, Dante punched the two Rings on the Eryx Angi into the Eryx Rudra’s slot. THREE! FIST STRIKE! Dante slammed the two weapons together as two Pawn Phantoms lunged at him. Dante raised the swords over his helmet and started spinning them. This generated a whirlwind of wind powered fire. The two Phantoms were pulled into it and burned into ash.

“Hey!” shouted Symbol. “Watch it!”

“Sorry,” replied Dante as he landed back on the ground. “I’m still getting used to these!” he held up the Eryx Agni and the Eryx Rudra.

“Well, be more careful in the future!” shouted Symbol as she blocked a slash with her knee guard and palm struck the Pawn Phantom in the face.

“I said I was sorry!” shouted Dante as he dashed forward and slashed a Pawn Phantom over a hundred times with one hundred and eighty degree swings. Then he ended the combo in a kick that sent the damage Pawn Phantom flying back, where he shattered against the ground. Dante quickly punched the Rings on the Eryx Agni into the back of the Eryx Rudra. FOUR! FIST STRIKE! Dante ran forward and slashed a Pawn Phantom into the air. “Blast off!” the Kamen Rider jumped after the Phantom and slashed him four times before rolling in the air, slashing the Pawn Phantom dozens of times, causing the Phantom to shatter in the air.

Dante landed on the ground. “These Phantom’s might not be strong, but there sure are a lot of them!”

“Tell me something I don’t know!” Symbol pointed out.

Suddenly, a red rock appeared out of thin air.

“All that for a rock?” demanded Dante.

“It might come in handy later,” pointed out Symbol.

“Bah! We should have just ignored that crazy blaster!” growled out Dante.

MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! SWIFT PLEASE! DASH AWAY! Suddenly, the Swift magic circle appeared over Symbol’s helmet and fell through her. The Swift Blaster dropped out of a smaller Swift magic circle as Symbol finished transforming into the Swift Style. A small Swift Magic circle appeared, the Angi and Rudra Phantom Familiars jumped out of it and combined with the Swift Blaster when Symbol caught it. SPEED THROUGH THE FIRE AND WIND! The Firestorm magic circle appeared above Symbol and dropped down through her, transforming her into the Swift Firestorm Style as the Swift Blaster transformed into the Swift Angi and the Swift Rudra.

“You are correct, Daughter of Sparda,” explained Swift Rudra.

“That Orihalcon Fragment will be useful near the top of the tower,” added the Swift Angi.

Symbol gave her brother a pointed looked.

“I’ll believe it when I see it,” snorted Dante.

Symbol rolled her eyes.

They ran out of the Divine Library and back into the Heavens Rise Chamber.

Symbol used the magic circles to bounce to the top of the Heaven Rise Chamber. Then she nearly died from laughter as Dante kept crashing into walls on the way up.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” muttered Dante. “I’ll find it funny when something like this happens to you.”

Symbol just giggled as the group ran through the Pitch Black Void. They took a right turn, ran up some stairs and then darted through a blue door.

The door lead to the Skull Spire Corridor, where Phantoms had been awaiting their arrival.

“Let’s do this!” shouted Symbol. She added the Wing, Sniper and Zoomer Rings to her right glove as she dodged back. Symbol pressed down on the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever as she jumped over a slash, she landed on the ground and scanned her right glove in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! WING SNIPER ZOOMER PLEASE! Symbol held her right glove into the air as the three magic circles appeared and fell through her. The Wing logo appeared in the upper right of her chest plate, while the Sniper logo flashed into the upper left of her chest armour, finally the Zoomer logo winked into the bottom of her chest armour. Two white wings burst out of her backplate with a pair of thin cannons appearing over her shoulder pauldrons. The cannons and wings were both coloured red, these are the Fast Wing Shooters.

“Oh! Oh! YEAH!” shouted Symbol as she flew to the side, kicking a Pawn Phantom in the butt. She hit the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever as she flew into the air. Symbol scanned her right glove over her Driver’s Hand Author as she zoomed down and swept under a slash. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! WING MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol landed on the ground and spun around as her wings turned to solid steel. She crossed them and blocked a slash from a Pawn Phantom before she used the opening to kick the Phantom back.

“Let’s see how you like this!” Symbol fired both of the cannons at the Pawn Phantom as she hit her Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. She darted forward and punched the Phantom in the face as she held her right glove in front of the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol backflipped, kicking the Pawn Phantom in the chin, sending him flying into the air. She aimed both of the cannons and fired two bolts of blue energy that cut through the air and then through the Phantom. Blue lightning sparked over the Pawn Phantom before he shattered.

Suddenly, Symbol was slashed across the backplate by another Pawn Phantom. She shouted in pain as she hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever three times. Symbol dodged a slash from the Pawn Phantom as she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE! The cannons glowed as she dodged another slash and grabbed the Pawn Phantom’s arms, stopping him from attacking her again. The cannons took aim and unleashed beam bullet hell on the Phantom. Multiple explosions ignited across the Pawn Phantom’s body as one shot landed after the other. Sparks flew from the Phantoms body before he shattered into fragments.

Suddenly, Symbol was struck across the backplate. “Argh!” she spun around and saw, nothing. “What on-?!” suddenly, she was hit across the knee and then across the arm. All she was able to see was a blur. Symbol turned around, just in time for the Phantom to blur toward her and punch her in the chest plate. Sparks were released from the impact point as she was sent flying back, crashing into a wall. Silver, blue and red light was released from her body as she transformed back into her default Swift Style.

Symbol looked up and saw a Phantom dressed in black knight armour appear in front of her. His armour was thin and was clearly built for speed, he held a black broadsword for a weapon.

This is the Knight Phantom.

“Shit!” muttered Symbol as the Phantom raised his sword and was about to bring it down on her helmet.

S-H-I-E-L-D! Only for Kamen Rider Weapon to appear in front of her with the Kite Shield. L-I-G-H-T D-U-S-T P-O-W-E-R-E-D! She blocked the attack with a barrier of light that turned the kinetic energy into light energy, firing it back at the Knight Phantom. He dodged out of the way and charged at the Kamen Rider.

Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver. She switched the Light Dust Whistle for a new Whistle, it was coloured red and the head was in the shape of a black flame. C-O-M-B-U-S-T-I-O-N D-U-S-T! Weapon pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into her right palm as the Knight Phantom blurred forward. R-E-A-D-Y! Then she slotted the Knuckle back into the Weapon Driver, the Phantom swung his sword toward Weapon. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared from the Weapon Driver and knocked the Phantom back before it slammed into her. The yellow light background of Weapon’s chest plate turned into a fiery red background that was tinted black at the edges. The cross on her faceplate slammed closed.

Weapon was cut several times by a streak of blue light that zipped around her while slashing at her armour. She quickly pressed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. S-W-O-R-D! The Knight Sword appeared in her right hand after a flash of white light occurred. C-O-M-B-U-S-T-I-O-N D-U-S-T C-H-A-R-G-E! Red-black energy covered the Knight Sword as Weapon stabbed it into the ground. She was surrounded by a sphere of red-black fire that exploded outward. It smashed into the Knight Phantom, sparks flew from the heat as the Phantom was sent flying through the air.

The Knight Phantom got back up and ran to the end of the Skull Spire before running forward, building up speed rapidly. Weapon pressed the Aura Knuckle into the Weapon Driver twice. S-H-I-E-L-D! The Knight Sword vanished in a flash of white light and was replaced by the Kite Shield. C-O-M-B-U-S-T-I-O-N D-U-S-T P-O-W-E-R-E-D! Weapon held up the shield as red-black fire gathered around it. The heat energy was blasted forward in a giant beam. It shot forward and washed over the Phantom, a powerful explosion rippled through the area as the Knight Phantom was burned to death.

“Mission accomplished,” spoke up Kamen Rider Weapon.

“Are you ok, sis?” asked Dante as he helped Symbol back to her boots.

“Yeah,” replied Symbol. “I’m just annoyed that I got caught off guard like that.”

“Happens to all of us,” replied Dante.

They ran to the end of the Skull Spire, but the door was locked by a blue barrier.

“You will need to come back here later,” explained Swift Agni.

“We know that!” snapped Dante as they ran through the door on the left, entering the Room of Tranquil.

At the end of the room was a statue of a naked woman that was surrounded by candles.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” commented Symbol.

“At least it’s not as ugly as that statue back in the first chamber,” commented Dante.

“Agreed,” replied Symbol.

At that moment another new Phantom appeared. He was humanoid and looked like a human wearing a prisoner uniform, he held a large black coffin and wore a black mask.

This is a Greed Phantom.

“You must be careful!” spoke up Swift Agni.

“This is a Greed Phantom,” added Swift Rudra.

“He is capable of summoning Pride, Lust, Wrath, Gluttony and Sloth Phantoms,” continued Swift Agni.

“But he cannot attack directly!” proclaimed Swift Rudra.

“Destroy him before you are overwhelmed!” they shouted at the same time.

“I’ll take out the Greed Phantom, you take out the rest of them!” shouted Symbol as she ran forward. The Greed Phantom slammed his coffin onto the ground as Symbol pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. Glowing energy started to rise of the Greed Phantom’s coffin as Symbol held her left glove in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Yellow energy covered her body before being pulled into the cannons and her wings. Symbol took aim. “Extreme Flight!” Symbol zipped forward and kicked the Greed Phantom into the air, she took aim and fired both of the cannons on her shoulder pauldrons. Two beams of yellow energy shot through the air and slammed into the Phantom. He fell to the ground, smoking but was still able to get back up.

“I’m not doing enough damage in this form,” muttered Symbol as she switched the Swift Ring for the Giga Ring, she pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever as the Greed Phantom slammed his coffin onto the ground. She scanned her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author as the Phantom started his summoning. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! GIGA PLEASE! BREAK THROUGH! Symbol held her left glove down to the ground and the Giga magic circle appeared under her boots, it rose up through her, transforming her into the Giga Style. “Come! Giga Axe!” Symbol held her left glove down to the ground, a Giga magic circle appeared and she pulled her glove up, making the Giga Axe appear. “Now appear! Cerberus!” the Cerberus Phantom Familiar jumped out of a small Giga magic circle that appeared on the ground. He jumped onto the Giga Axe and howled as his body broke down into light blue light. The Giga Axe shone with green light that combined with the blue light. When the light cleared, the Giga Cerberus was revealed. Symbol spun the weapon and pointed him down to the ground. “Let’s protect!” the Guardian magic circle appeared on the ground and rose up through her. SMASH THE ICE! Transforming Symbol into the Giga Guardian Style.

The Greed Phantom sneered as he slammed his coffin into the ground again. Symbol hit her Driver’s left Shift Lever twice as the Phantom began his summoning. She scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author as the summoning took place. MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL! GIGA CERBERUS B RANK SPELL! Symbol held the Giga Cerberus so that he’s collar was in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. Icy white energy covered the axe part, she spun him around and slammed her weapon onto the ground. “Let’s you summon if you can’t move to do your ritual!” bellowed Symbol as she fired a line of ice spikes that locked the Greed Phantom’s limbs, stopping him from summoning. Only for the Phantom to break the spikes with his coffin. “It didn’t work!”

“Sunset! Not to sound worried, BUT COULD YOU HURRY IT UP!?” roared Dante.

Symbol glanced over, seeing that her Brother and her Gem Maiden Servants were starting to get overpowered. Symbol did a double take when she saw the sheer number of Phantoms. “This is bad!” she added the Bombardment, Drill, Terra and Quake Rings to her right glove before hitting her Driver’s right Shift Lever. The Phantom summoned again and Symbol held her right glove in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! BOMBARDMENT DRILL TERRA QUAKE PLEASE! She held her right glove down to the ground as the four magic circles appeared under her boots and rose up through her. The Bombardment logo appeared in the upper right corner of her chest plate while the Drill logo flashed into the upper left of her chest armour. The Terra logo appeared in the lower left of her chest plate and the Quake logo flashed into the lower right of her chest armour. A blue cannon appeared on her right shoulder pauldron, it had a barrel that was purple and was built in a spiral design. An orange piston appeared from the back of the cannon and on either side of it was a pair of brown tank treads. This is the Chain Impact Spiral Cannon.

“This is going to be fun!” Symbol gazed at the Greed Phantom with cruel intentions as she pressed her Driver’s right Shift Lever once. The Phantom gulped as Symbol scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! BOMBARDMENT MAGIC PLEASE! She took aim and fired a wide blue blast that slammed into the Greed Phantom and sent him flying through the air. He slammed into the wall and slid down it, flopping onto the ground.

Symbol dashed forward and punched the Phantom in the gut as she struck the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. She kicked the Phantom in the nuts, driving him into the air as she held her right glove in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! DRILL MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol took aim and fired a wide blast of purple aura that smashed the Phantom through the air and drilled sparks out of his body as the beam washed over him.

“Still not enough?!” Symbol hit the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever three times as she grabbed the Phantom out of the air and slammed him into the ground. Then she scanned her right glove over her Driver’s Hand Author as she kicked the Phantom through the air. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! TERRA MAGIC PLEASE! The Phantom shot through the air and slammed into the wall. “Final!” Symbol took aim and fired a blast of chainsaw shaped magic energy. Sparks flew in every direction, the Greed Phantom screamed in pain as he was cut in half.

G-O-L-I-A-T-H B-I-T-I-N-G! Grimm used the Elephant Shield to block a slash from a Pride Phantom. D-R-A-G-O-N R-A-G-E A-T-T-A-C-K! Then the shield burst into red-yellow flames as Grimm pulled it back and punched the Pride Phantom in the face with it, he was sent flying back and exploded while still in the air.

Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver, she removed the Dragon Rage Whistle and switched it out for a new Whistle. This one was pink with the head in being in the shape of a lightning bolt. She slotted it into the Aura Knuckle. L-I-G-H-T-N-I-N-G C-H-A-N-N-E-L! Grimm pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into her left palm as she kicked a Phantom back. R-E-A-D-Y! She slammed the Aura Knuckle back into the Grimm Driver, she kicked a Lust Phantom back. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour flew out of the Grimm Driver, knocked a Sloth Phantom back and slammed into her. The golden dragon with red eyes on her chest plate transformed into a pink lightning bolt.

Grimm pressed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver as all five Phantoms charged at her. G-O-L-I-A-T-H B-I-T-I-N-G! She held out her right glove and in a flash of black light the Elephant Shield appeared in her grasp. She punched the Sloth Phantom in the face as he teleported in front of her. L-I-G-H-T-N-I-N-G B-O-L-T! Pink lightning sparked around the shield before being fired forward in a bolt that split into five more bolts. They each tore through a Phantom and caused them to explode.

Grimm pressed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver again, she ducked under a slash from a Lust Phantom. G-O-L-I-A-T-H T-E-A-R-I-N-G! The Elephant Shield vanished. There was a blast of black energy that condensed into the Trunk Sword. Grimm locked her sword with a Lust Phantom’s scythe and quickly started to overpower him. L-I-G-H-T-N-I-N-G S-T-O-R-M! Lightning covered the Trunk Sword as Grimm forced it down, cutting a glowing pink line through the Lust Phantom. Energy built up and caused the Phantom to explode.

Grimm spun around and cut another Lust Phantom in half before slicing into a Wrath Phantom.

She realised her mistake just as the Phantom exploded, sending her flying back and crashing into a wall.

With that Wrath Phantom’s death the battle was over.

With all of the Phantom’s beaten, the group was rewarded by the statue in the centre of the chamber dropping a crystal.

MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! SWIFT PLEASE! DASH AWAY! SPEED THROUGH THE FIRE AND WIND! Suddenly, the Swift and Firestorm magic circles appeared over her helmet and fell through Symbol, transforming her into the Swift Firestorm Style.

“This is the Siren Shriek!” Swift Angi informed them.

“It has the power to destroy any form of flame,” explained Swift Rudra.

“Wasn’t there a door blocked by fire back in the first chamber?” asked Dante.

Symbol thought back. “Yeah,” a look of dread would have appeared on her face if she had been in her human form. She looked at her guns.

So did Dante.


“Of course not,” replied Swift Angi.

“There is a lift in the next chamber,” elaborated Swift Rudra.

“It will take you all the way back to the Chamber of Echoes,” added Swift Angi.

“You just need to power it,” explained Swift Rudra.

“You’d better be right,” muttered Dante.

The two Kamen Riders went into the next Chamber which was called the Lift Room.

Dante pressed the button to call the lift. “It’s not working!” he shouted.

Symbol ran over to the side and set the Orihalcum between two prongs.

The lift hummed to life.

Symbol gave her Brother a look as she joined him in the lift.

“Alright, you were right,” conceded Dante.

Symbol held up her guns.

“Sorry you two,” added Dante after several seconds of hesitation.

“Apology accepted,” Swift Angi replied.

“No offence was taking,” added Swift Rudra.

The group rode the lift back to the Chamber of Echoes.

Dante used the Siren’s Shriek to put out the flames that were blocking the door.

They ran into the Entryway and were ambushed by more Phantoms.

“I’m no longer surprised!” shouted Symbol. As she pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times, she ducked under a slash from a Sloth Phantom. Then she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author, she punched the Sloth Phantom in the face when he teleported behind her. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! A RANK SPELL! Symbol aligned both the Swift Agni and Swift Rudra with her Driver’s Hand Author as their respective elements built up around them.

“Ashes to ashes,” began Angi.

“And Dust to dust!” finished Rudra.

Symbol darted forward. “Let’s end this!” she unleashed a barrage of slashes that chopped the Sloth Phantom into confetti. The Phantom had no time to react as she had attacked the second he came out of his teleport.

Symbol noted an Enigma Phantom pulling back his bow. “Not a chance!” she pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever while dodging a trio of blue arrows. She jumped over a red arrow as she scanned her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. Then she avoided another red arrow as she held Swift Angi in front of her Driver. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! B RANK SPELL! The Kamen Rider pointed the gun in the air and lowered it as she took aim.

“Oh yeah!” shouted Swift Agni.

“Die!” roared Swift Rudra.

Symbol pulled the trigger and fired a single bolt of red fire from Swift Angi. Her arms jerked back as the bolt of energy shot through the air. It pierced through the Phantom, red lightning crackled over the Phantoms body until he went up in an explosion of fire.

Symbol jumped from wall to wall as she tapped the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. She jumped up to the rafters as she scanned her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. Then she pulled herself up, crouching on a rafter as she held Swift Rudra in front of her Driver. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! C RANK SPELL! Symbol pointed the gun down as blue energy gathered around him.

“Ha! Ha! Ha!” laughed Swift Agni.

“Oh, yeah!” cheered Swift Rudra.

“Guys please be quiet!” shouted Symbol as she fired Swift Rudra in rapid succession. The bolts of wind flew through the air and sparks came from the Sloth Phantom when he made the poor choice of teleporting in front of Symbol. The Phantom fell back down to the ground and was covered by an explosion.

“Let’s take this up a notch!” Symbol added the Wing, Blade and Turbo Rings to her right glove before pressing the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. She kicked a Lust Phantom back as she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! WING BLADE TURBO PLEASE! The Lust Phantom lunged in as Symbol held her right glove into the air, the three magic circles appeared and fell through her, knocking the Lust Phantom back. The Wing logo appeared on the upper right corner of Symbol’s chest plate, the Blade logo warped onto the upper left corner of her chest armour, finally, the Turbo logo appear on the bottom of her chest armour, forming an inverted triangle on her chest plate. A pair of turbines appeared on her shoulder blades, while four metal wings appeared from her backplate. These are the Boosted Blade Wings.

Symbol dove forward and slashed the Lust Phantom’s legs with her Boost Blade Wings as she pressed the Wizard Driver’s right Lever Shift Lever. She spin kicked the Phantom and scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! WING MAGIC PLEASE! Silver magic energy covered all four of the wings, Symbol darted forward and slashed the Lust Phantom a dozen times in a second. Silver cuts were carved into the Phantom, they shone with silver energy before causing the Lust Phantom to explode.

Symbol dodged a slash from a Pride Phantom and elbowed him in the face as she struck her Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. “Let’s see how you like being surround!” Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she drop kicked the Pride Phantom back. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! BLADE MAGIC PLEASE! Three spheres of orange energy appeared around the Phantom before they started to shine with power. When the light cleared, they had transformed into three buzzsaws that spun around the Phantom, cutting an orange line through his waist. The gash glowed before going up in a brilliant sparkling explosion.

Mega jumped over a slash from a Pride Phantom and punched him in the face as she drew a new Whistle. It was red and the head of it was shaped like a spinning top. Mega kicked the Pride Phantom away and slotted the Whistle into the Mega Driver. She pressed down on her Driver as three Pride Phantoms lunged at her from all directions. TOP SPIN! Mega spun like a top, hitting all of the Phantom, knocking them away and causing them to explode as their bones shattered from the force of her attacks.

LIQUID TUNE! Water covered Mega’s body as she transformed into the Liquid Tune. She threw a bomb that exploded when it hit a Sloth Phantom, Mega pulled out a new Whistle. She jumped over a slash from the Sloth Phantom as he teleported behind her, the Whistle was blue and the head looked like a snake. Mega belted the Sloth Phantom across the face, slotted the Whistle into her Driver and pressed it. SEARCH SNAKE! Blue energy covered Mega’s left palm as she slapped it on the ground. From the light came a blue snake the slithered along. The Sloth Phantom teleported, only to be wrapped around and crushed by the snake.

A Lust Phantom dashed toward Mega, slashing her body twice. THUNDER TUNE! Only to be forced back as Mega transformed into her Thunder Tune. She drew a new Whistle, it was green and the head was shaped like a ball of lightning. Mega fired a blast of energy as she slotted the Whistle into the Mega Driver. The Lust Phantom dodged as Mega pressed down on her Driver. SPARK SHOCK! Just before the Lust Phantom was able to hit her, Mega fired a ball of lightning that struck the Phantom and sent him flying back. Green lightning crackled over his body as he was destroyed.

A Pride Phantom dashed at Mega. LIGHT TUNE! Only to be blinded by a flash of orange light. Then he was slashed several times by Mega’s sword. She added an orange Whistle with a shuriken head to her Driver. Mega slashed the Phantom twice more and pressed down on her Driver. SHADOW BLADE! A shuriken of light formed in her right glove, Mega threw it forward, it pierced the Phantom’s head and caused him to die.

FIRE TUNE! Mega returned to her default form as a Gluttony Phantom breathed sand at her. Mega punched the ground, unleashing a shockwave that cancelled out the beam. She slotted a red Whistle with a blast of light for a head into the Mega Driver. The Phantom charged at her as she pressed down on her Driver. FLASH STOPPER! Mega released a blast of fire from her body that turned the Phantom to ash in less than a second.

Symbol facepalmed.

Dante snickered

Symbol glared.

The group ran through the door.

Only to find themselves in front of a wall.

“Is this some sort of joke?” asked Dante.

“No, that is a wall that must be broken,” explained Swift Agni.

“Doing so will reveal the real chamber,” added Swift Rudra.

Symbol switched the Swift Ring for the Advance Ring and then pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever, she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS! ADVANCE PLEASE! Symbol held her left glove out in front of her as the Advance magic circle moved back through her, transforming her into the Advance Style. Symbol hit the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times, then she scanned her left glove over her Driver. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE A TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shin guards glowed as Symbol pulled back her left fist and punched the wall, breaking it into pieces.

“Overboard?” asked Dante.

“I don’t think so, COME ADVANCE TIMER!” bellowed Symbol.

YES! MY MISTRESS! The Crow bit Phantom came shooting out of the air and slammed into her right forearm guard. He started to shine with yellow light as he shifted into the Advance Timer.

Symbol grabbed the dial and turned it before hitting the thumb part. ADVANCE TIME! SET UP! START! The device’s first clock hand started ticking forward.

Dante pointed to the Fire Wheel puzzle at the other end of the chamber. “I’m guessing we have to light that,” he stated dryly.

“That is correct, younger Master,” replied Swift Angi, the Advance Timer’s red section glowed as he talked.

“You are getting better at this,” added Swift Rudra.

Symbol pressed down on the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever as she dashed toward the fire wheel puzzle. Then she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author as she skidded to a stop. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE B TIER SPELL! Her left elbow was covered in yellow energy as her shoulder emitters hummed. She slammed her elbow into the fire wheel puzzle, igniting all of the prongs.

“What’s supposed to happen? WOAH!” Dante dodged to the side as a huge metal ball dropped from the ceiling. “What the hell is this?” demanded Dante as kicked it.

Sending the ball toward Symbol.

“Woah!” shouted Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. She scanned her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE A TIER SPELL! Yellow magic energy came from her shin guards and formed into a circle shaped shield, blocking the ball and causing it to shatter. “Watch it!” Symbol roared at Dante.

“My bad!” replied Dante.

Symbol noticed something in the wreckage, she reached in a pulled out a skull made of crystal.

“This is-” began Swift Agni.

“The Crystal Skull?” asked Symbol dryly.

“Yes, how did you know?” asked Swift Rudra.

“Lucky guess,” replied Symbol drly.

“Another key?” asked Dante.

“Likely,” replied Symbol.

Then the Phantoms arrived.

Symbol hit the Advance Timer’s thumb twice. BREAKER ADVANCE! BLOCKER ADVANCE! Two magic circles appeared in the air, the Advance Breaker and the Advance Blocker Energy Clones jumped out of it and landed in front of Symbol.

Three Greed Phantoms appeared.

“Not you lot again!” shouted Symbol as she pressed her Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. She dodged a swing from the Phantom and scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE B TIER SPELL! The shoulder emitters glowed as Symbol darted forward and punched the Phantom in the face with her elbow. The Greed Phantom’s head snapped to the side as he stumbled back in pain.

Advance Breaker jumped into the air and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. She landed on the ground and punched the Greed Phantom with an uppercut that was blocked by the coffin. She jumped up and scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shin guards summoned red energy that wrapped around her right glove. She turned it into a fist and punched down, slamming her fist into the Greed Phantom’s head, slamming him into the ground.

Advance Blocker saw a Lust Phantom approaching Symbol from behind and a Sloth Phantom teleport behind Advance Breaker.

Neither of them had noticed.

She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice before scanning her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons lit up as a circle shaped shield appeared behind Advance Breaker, it surged forward and pinned the Sloth Phantom to the wall.

Then she slammed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever before scanning her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL! The emitters on her forearm guards glowed as Advance Blocker threw her arm to the side, summoning a square shaped barrier behind Symbol. The Lust Phantom slashed the barrier, causing it to explode and send the Phantom flying back through the air.

Symbol glanced from the Phantom to Advance Blocker. “Thanks!” she thanked.

Advance Blocker nodded as she moved off to help the other Kamen Riders.

Advance Breaker pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. She punched the Sloth Phantom in the throat and scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL! Then she covered her left glove in red energy, she curled it into a fist and punched the Phantom in the face, crushing his head against the wall.

Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. “Take this!” she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author as she tripped the Lust Phantom. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE A TIER SPELL! Yellow energy emerged from the shin guard emitters and gathered around her gloves. Symbol curled them into fists and punched the Lust Phantom with both of them, sparks spread from the impact points before the Phantom howled in pain and exploded.

“SUNSET! HURRY UP WITH THOSE GREED PHANTOMS!” shouted Dante as he saw around twenty Pride Phantoms staggering toward him.

“Working on it!” Symbol shouted back.

“Work faster!” roared Dante.

The group ran out of the room and back into the Chamber of Echoes before getting back into the lift.

“This makes things much easier,” commented Symbol.

“You got that right,” replied Dante.

They arrived back in the lift room and went back into the room of Tranquil.

Barriers and Phantoms appeared.

One of which was a Vanguard.

“Not one of you again! I’m glad I’m already in this form!” Symbol struck the Advance Timer’s thumb. BOUNDER ADVANCE! BLASTER ADVANCE! ADVANCE WEAPON TIME! It had been ticking down the whole time. Which was why two magic circles appeared in the air and two Advance Style Energy Clones jumped out of them.

Advance Blaster landed on the ground and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once then scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL! The emitters on her forearm guards glowed as six spheres of purple energy appeared in the air around Symbol. They shot forward and zoomed through the air toward the Vanguard Phantom.

The Phantom warped away and appeared behind Advance Blaster. Bounder saw this and hit her Driver’s left Shift Lever three times, she scanned her left glove across her Driver. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BOUNDER A TIER SPELL! The emitters in her shin guards glowed as she shot forward and rammed into the Vanguard Phantom’s side, sending him skidding away from Blaster.

Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once before scanning her left glove across her Driver. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE C TIER SPELL! The emitters on her forearm guards summoned yellow energy that wrapped around her right fist. “Take this!” Symbol punched forward, firing a fist sized beam at the Phantom.

The Vanguard Phantom teleported away and Symbol noted that the Advance Timer’s second clock hand had reached the red section. She tapped it’s thumb. BREAKER ARTEMIS! “WHAT?!” demanded Symbol.

Advance Breaker reached into the Breaker magic circle and pulled out a grey hunting rifle with red outlines, the bottom of the barrel was a blade shape and the stock was small enough to be grabbed like a handle. This is the Breaker Artemis. Breaker saw that there was a revolver chamber on the back of the barrel. She pulled the Sword-Gun open and saw that there were three images. A claw and a bubble, an icicle and a chain, a boot and a shield. She knew they could be used for special moves.

She took aim and pulled the trigger. BREAKER MATCH STRIKE! A kite shield shot out of the Breaker Artemis’s barrel. It arced up into the air and then expanded, slamming down on where the Vanguard Phantom had been less than a second ago. He had teleported away and appeared behind Breaker.

Symbol saw this. “Oh! No, you don’t!” she pressed the Advance Timer’s thumb inwards. BLOCKER ARTEMIS!

Blocker reached into the Blocker magic circle and pulled out a weapon that was identical to the Breaker Artemis, only the outlines were blue. The revolver chamber had the images of a blue cannon and a black tread. A black hammer and an orange crack. A red fist and a purple drill. She snapped the chamber closed on the cannon and tread image before taking aim. BLOCKER MATCH STRIKE! She fired a column sized beam that roared through the air and struck the Vanguard Phantom across the back. Sparks were sprayed from his back. The beam sounded like a chainsaw on metal as Blocker swept it over the Phantom’s back before he vanished in a teleport.

The Phantom came out of his teleport behind Blocker with his scythe raised to reap her. “Bounder incoming!” Symbol saw this and pressed the Advance Timer’s thumb inward again. BOUNDER ARTEMIS!

Bounder reached into the Bounder magic circle and pulled out a Hunting rifle, it was identical to the other two Artemis combo weapons, but had green outlines. The revolver barrel had the images of an arrow and a blade. A turbine and a boot. A pair of wings and a sniper rifle. This is the Bounder Artemis. Bounder snapped the barrel closed on the arrow-blade logo. BOUNDER MATCH STRIKE! She took aim and fired a green arrow with a buzzsaw on the end of it. It smashed into the Vanguard Phantom and cut sparks out of his body.

The Phantom screamed and teleported again, appearing behind Bounder. Symbol saw this. “Not a chance!” she struck the Advance Timer’s thumb inwards. BLASTER ARTEMIS!

Advance Blaster reached into the Blaster magic circle and pulled out an Artemis combo weapon with purple outlines. The chamber had three images, a piece of dust and mirror. A piece of sand and a shard of glass. A blast of steam and a radiation logo. This is the Blaster Artemis. Blaster snapped the chamber closed on the dust and mirror logo. BLASTER MATCH STRIKE! She took aim and fired a blast of purple energy, it stopped behind Bounder and transformed into a mirror. The Phantom slammed his scythe into the mirror, resulting in it exploding into a storm of dust that ground sparks from him.

He teleported away and appeared behind Blaster. “My turn!” Symbol hit the Advance Timer’s thumb. ADVANCE ARTEMIS! She reached into the Advance magic circle and grabbed a grey hunting rifle with yellow outlines. The chamber had the Active, Burst, Giga and Swift logos inside it. This is the Advance Artemis. “Final!” She snapped it closed on the Active logo and took aim. ADVANCE MATCH STRIKE! She fired a blast of red lightning that tore through the Phantom’s head and caused him to teleport behind Symbol.

Only for a blast of energy to tear through him as X fired on the Phantom from behind.

“No kill stealing!” shouted Symbol good naturedly.

The group ran into the Skull Spire and found two pillars, the first of which contained a Crystal Skull, while the other did not.

“So that’s what this is for,” Symbol placed the Crystal Skull into the second pillar, opening the door.

They ran across a narrow walkway called the Moonlight Mile. “Good job we’re not scared of heights,” commented Dante.

“Yeah,” replied Symbol.

Dante ran through a door and onto a walkway that curled around the outside of the tower called the Peak of Darkness.

The door slammed closed behind him.

“SUNSET!” shouted Dante.

“You go on ahead!” ordered Symbol.

“I’m not leaving you!” shouted Dante through the door.

“Who said anything about that? We’ll find another way through or figure out why this door shut. Then we’ll catch up!” replied his Sister

“Ok!” shouted Dante as he ran up. He paused, looked back and then continued on.

He had faith in his sister.