• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 4,604 Views, 116 Comments

The Drake Bros. - BrawnyBold

Spike attracts the hearts of certain girls but it is hard for them to get his attention as he spends most of his time with his delinquent brother, Scales. The girls try to win Spike's love while staying on Scales' good side.

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Applejack's Sick Day

Spike came out of the lunchline and made his way to the Mane Six's table. He arrived to find that Scales and five of the girls were already sitting in their table. Spike also noticed that the girls had worried expressions on their faces.

"Hey girls," Spike said which caught the girls' attention. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, darling." Rarity replied. "It's just that Applejack was called in sick because of an intense fever."

"We were just concerned if Applejack will be alright." Fluttershy added. "It's not often she gets sick and has to stay home from school. But she does need the rest though. It could be worse as cider season is coming up."

"What's cider season?" Spike asked.

"It's when the Apple family make their well known apple cider that only goes on sale once a year!" Pinkie replied. "That's also when Applejack makes a lot more hard work on her family's apple farm."

"We also know that she will be too stubborn to rest when it involves her family's apple farm or cider season." Rainbow said. Spike remembered Applejack's family did run an apple farm called Sweet Apple Acres.

"So we're going to her house to cheer her up from her sick day!" Rainbow said with high spirit.

"Rainbow is just saying that to make an excuse to get first dibs on the cider." Pinkie whispered to Spike. Rainbow stammered from what Pinkie said even though it was true.

"Am not!" Rainbow tried to defend herself. "I just want to help a friend!" Four of the girls laughed from Rainbow's lie.

"Yeah, that's your 'true' intention." Twilight smirked. Pinkie turned to the brothers and asked,

"Do you guys want to come along?" Spike and Scales looked at each other for a moment.

"Sure, if it means cheering up a friend." Spike replied.

"Then it's settled." Twilight said. "After school, we will go to Sweet Apple Acres!"

School was let out for the day and the brothers met up with the five girls before heading to Sweet Apple Acres. It only took a bus ride and a few minutes of walking before they reached the apple farm.

"Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!" Pinkie said with a cowboy impression. At first glance, Spike was really stunned to see so many apple trees across the fields. It was as if the trees made up an entire forrest. There were also a pig pen and a chicken coop like any farm would have. The one thing that Spike thought stood out was the small carrot farm with the carrot-shaped shack.

'Why is there a carrot farm there if the family's business runs on apples?' Spike thought. The friends made their way to the main house for Twilight to knock on the front door. It opened to reveal an old lady with her hair tied into a bun.

"Good afternoon, girls!" the old lady said.

"Hey Granny Smith!" the five girls said at once.

"I reckon you're here for Applejack?" Granny Smith asked.

"Yep," Pinkie replied. "we're here to make sure she doesn't push herself too hard. Especially, when it's cider season."

"Luckily for us, Applejack's fever made her fall asleep. She's resting in her room for now." Granny Smith said before she noticed Spike and Scales standing next to the girls.

"And who are might you two be?" Granny Smith said as she eyed them.

"These are our new friends, Spike and Scales." Twilight said. "They just moved-in to Canterlot awhile ago." Granny Smith took long looks at each of the boys before she gave a hardy laugh.

"It's good to know Applejack has made some friends who look strong for hard work. Would it be alright if you boys help out with the farm? We need as much help as possible for cider season." Spike gave a smile and waited for Scales' response. Scales just shrugged his shoulders as a sign for an agreement.

"Great!" Granny Smith said. "You boys and Rainbow can help Big Mac get apples from the fields while the rest of y'all can help make the cider!" The group nodded and began their chores. Granny Smith led Rainbow, Spike, and Scales out to the fields where a large guy with orange hair was carrying buckets of apples to a cart.

"Big Mac!" Granny Smith hollered to get the large guy's attention.

"Yep?" Big Mac replied.

"You got a couple of new workers helping you out." Granny pointed at the three standing next to her. Big Mac easily recognized Rainbow but stopped when he saw Spike and Scales.

"These are Applejack's new friends, they'll be helping us for the afternoon." Granny Smith said. Once Granny walked back to the farm, Big Mac told Rainbow to get one bucket and pick some apples from a far direction. As Rainbow left from plain sight, Big Mac shot each of the boys with stern looks.

"Y'all better not hurt my sis and her friends, ya hear?" Big Mac said.

"I would never do such a thing." Spike said politely.

"Only if they strike first." Scales said with a careless expression.

"Just get to work." Big Mac grumbled as he carried another bucket to the apple cart. Spike and Scales followed Big Mac's example and started picking apples from the trees. It was a straight-forward task for Spike and Scales as went from one apple tree to the next. It wasn't long till Spike felt like nature was calling.

"Hey Big Mac!" Spike called out to get Big Mac's attention. "Where is the restroom?"

"The outhouse is broken, so you'll have to go inside of the house to use the bathroom." Big Mac replied.

"Alright! Be right back!" Spike said as he made his way to the house. Spike entered through the kitchen entrance where Granny Smith and the rest of the girls were making cider or apple pastries.

"Hey Spike!" Twilight said as she was writing on a clipboard. "Having fun out on the fields?"

"You bet!" Spike replied. He stopped when he noticed a new person was helping Granny with a large pot of cider. She looked younger than the rest of the girls and she had long red hair that was tied up with a large pink bow. She wore a plain green shirt with long blue jeans.

"Oh hello." Spike said to the girl. When she looked at Spike, she suddenly blushed and turned away.

"This here is Apple Bloom," Granny Smith said as she patted Apple Bloom's back. "She's the youngest of the Apple siblings."

"Um..it's nice to meet you." Apple Bloom said while continuing to blush.

"I'm Spike! I really like your bow." Spike said. Apple Bloom to blushed even more from Spike's compliment.

"T-thank you!" Apple Bloom cried before she ran to the halls. The girls and Granny Smith looked at each other with confused glances.

"Oh right!" Spike said in realization. "Where is your restroom, Granny Smith? I really need to go."

"It's around the corner on the left." Granny Smith pointed to the hallway.

"Thank you!" Spike said as he went to the restroom. After a few minutes, Spike came out of the restroom to feel relieved. Before he left, he suddenly heard a thud coming from upstairs. He curiously went upstairs to see what was causing that sound. He saw that Applejack was trying to move slowly across the hallway while Apple Bloom was trying to stop her.

"Applejack! You got to go back to bed!" Apple Bloom hollered. Applejack still won't stop limping.

"Got...to help....cider season!" Applejack gasped before she collapsed to the floor. The girls and Granny Smith heard the thud and hurried upstairs. They were shocked and carried Applejack back to her room.

"Gosh darn it, Applejack!" Granny Smith complained. "You always do this when you're ill." Unfortunately, Applejack was already passed out to hear Granny Smith's comment.

"I did my best to stop her." Apple Bloom said with her head down.

"It's alright," Fluttershy placed a hand on Apple Bloom's shoulder. "all that matters is that you're there for your big sister." Apple Bloom smiled from such a praise.

"Maybe each of us should take turns to help Apple Bloom with taking care of Applejack." Twilight suggested.

"I'll take first watch." Fluttershy said. "I have a lot of experience treating sick animals. This shouldn't be any different." The others looked at each other before nodded for approval. Fluttershy quietly sat with Apple Bloom as they watched over Applejack while she was resting. Everyone else went back to their tasks in hand. After each passing hour, the girls changed positions on who watches over Applejack. It wasn't long till Rainbow and the guys entered the living room from picking apples.

"Woo!" Rainbow said from exhaustion. "Now that was a workout." She collapsed on one of the Apple family's couches. Granny Smith came into the living room while carrying a tray with mugs of cider.

"I thank y'all for your hard workin'. How about some freshly made cider?" Rainbow immediately grabbed the first mug and drank the whole thing down.

"So awesome!" Rainbow squealed. The guys just took small sips from their mugs.

"This tastes great!" Spike praised. "No wonder this farm makes lots of profit!" Spike then saw Twilight coming down the stairs.

"Is Applejack alright?" Spike asked Twilight.

"Luckily, Applejack hasn't moved from her bed ever since her last attempt. When she is awake, she just grumbles out of boredom."

"Is it alright if I took a turn in watching her?" Spike suggested. "Watching over a sick friend can be a good way to cool off from outside chores." Twilight thought about it before she agreed. Spike slowly walked upstairs to Applejack's room. He saw that Apple Bloom was reading while sitting next to her big sister. Apple Bloom looked up and suddenly blushed when she saw Spike.

"Hey Apple Bloom," Spike whispered. "I'm help with Applejack. Do you mind?"

"N-not at all!" Apple Bloom whispered while she shook with nervousness. There was nothing but silence between Spike and Apple Bloom while they watched Applejack.

"So, Apple Bloom," Spike said to break the ice. "I recall that you're a freshmen at CHS?"

"Y-yeah," Apple Bloom replied. "I heard that you and your brother transferred to CHS not too long ago."

"That's true." Spike answered.

"I also heard from Applejack that your brother threatened Fluttershy. Why did he do that?"

"It was a misunderstanding." Spike replied strongly. "He thought some stalker was after us and he just wanted to give a warning. He tends to be overprotective over me."

"Are you kidding," Apple Bloom said in disbelief. "I couldn't handle some of the farm chores with Applejack trying to put a safety helmet on my head."

"But hey, that what makes older siblings great!" Spike smiled. "They do things to help their younger siblings. You can say that we have that in common." Apple Bloom's face suddenly blushed more red from Spike's comment. She realized that she found a common connection with Spike. Before the younger siblings' conversation continued, Granny Smith slowly opened the door.

"Apple Bloom," Granny Smith whispered. "I need your help with something." Apple Bloom was disappointed as she couldn't continue to talk to Spike.

"It's alright," Spike whispered. "we'll talk later." Apple Bloom felt a little better as their interruption didn't go as bad as she thought. She left the room, leaving Spike alone with a sleeping Applejack. A few minutes passed before Applejack started to wake up.

"Uhh," Applejack moaned while feeling groggy. She looked around the room and noticed that Spike was sitting next to her while she was asleep. She reacted by getting up and throwing one of her pillows at Spike.

"What in tarnation are you doin' here?!" Applejack said with a hint of anger.

"I heard you were sick so the girls, my brother, and I came to Sweet Apple Acres to help you with cider season."

Applejack thought of something before she covered her chest and said, "You weren't doin' anything sneaky while I was asleep, did you?"

"What do you mean by 'sneaky'?" Spike tilted his head. Applejack just then remembered that she was talking to a boy who wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

"Nevermind." Applejack grumbled. She looked at the window which showed that it was sunset. "Ah shucks! The day's almost over and I wasn't able to help with cider season!" Applejack tried to get out of bed, only for Spike to stop her.

"You can't!" Spike pleaded. "You're still too sick to work!"

"You don't have a say in the matter of my health!" Applejack talked back.

"I thought I did since we're friends. And friends are willing to help out friends."

"You're no friend of mine!" Applejack yelled. "Are you really a friend to us or are you just some desperate boy getting attention?" There was nothing but silence between Spike and Applejack. It wasn't long till Spike got up from his chair and walked out of Applejack's bedroom. Apple Bloom heard the yelling and saw Spike walking out of the room with tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong with ya!" Apple Bloom hollered at Applejack. The girls, Scales, and the rest of the Apple family were enjoying some cider before they saw Spike crying and running out of the house.

"Spike?!" Scales said with concerned as he ran after Spike. He got up and turned to the five of the girls. "What did you guys do!?" Scales said sternly before he ran after Spike. The girls looked at each other before they went upstairs to find out what happened. They saw Apple Bloom looking angrily at Applejack.

"What happened here?" Twilight asked.

"Applejack just yelled at Spike for trying to help her!" Apple Bloom yelled before she ran to her room. The rest of the girls looked at Applejack with disapproving looks.

"Why would you do that?!" Pinkie asked with exaggeration.

"Oh come on!" Applejack defended. "Spike could have done something to me while I was asleep."

"No, he wouldn't." Twilight said with crossed arms.

"How would you know that?" Applejack said.

"Because we got to know him enough to trust that he wouldn't do such a thing." Rarity said.

"I don't get why are you guys defending a boy whose brother tried to scare Fluttershy."

"Did it not occur to you that Scales scared me because he was protecting Spike. Wouldn't you do that if it were for Apple Bloom." Fluttershy said with her serious stare. It took seconds for Applejack to understand that Scales intentions on that day could have been similar if she needed to protect Apple Bloom.

"Oh boy." Applejack said as the realization hit her.

The next day arrived and everyone went on their usual routine at CHS. The only difference was Spike as he was feeling very sad from yesterday. Scales did his best to stay with Spike as he had to deal with such sadness. Even some of the girls tried to cheer him up when he was in their classes. Lunchtime came around and Spike sat with Scales outside. It wasn't long till Applejack and the rest of the girls approached the Drake brothers.

"What do you want, cowgirl?" Scales said with a stern expression as if he was ready to kill.

"I just want to apologize to you and Spike." Applejack said as she took her hat off. "Scales, I shouldn't have misjudged you for your actions against Fluttershy. You were just protecting your little brother." Applejack then turned to Spike.

"I'm sorry Spike for judging you because of your older brother. You're nothing like Scales and that's okay." Applejack sighed before she continued.

"Being girls and friends meant that we were easy targets for boys to flirt with us to see if they could score all of us. I guess that those past experiences made some of us prejudice against boys." the girls nodded in agreement.

"But after remembering the times we spent with you Spike, it proves that you're more special than other boys. Can we start over as friends?" Spike took some time before he smiled.

"I would love that!" Spike said as he gave Applejack a caring hug.

"Group hug!" Pinkie said as she and the other girls joined in. Although one apology doesn't make the bad memories disappear, the best thing to do is to work hard to make up for it. Luckily, Applejack knows a thing or two when it comes to hard work.