• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 4,623 Views, 116 Comments

The Drake Bros. - BrawnyBold

Spike attracts the hearts of certain girls but it is hard for them to get his attention as he spends most of his time with his delinquent brother, Scales. The girls try to win Spike's love while staying on Scales' good side.

  • ...

Scales' Secret Admirer

On the way to CHS, Spike was doing his best not to drop a large pink box he was carrying.

"Are you sure you don't need help, bro?" Scales asked as he walked next to Spike.

"No, I'm good!" Spike replied as he lifted the box a bit. "I really want to bring these to our friends since it's Valentine's Day!" Spike smiled.

"Of course you would." Scales commented. "By the way, thanks for the early morning Valentine's Day breakfast you made for us." Scales said as he remembered what his brother did earlier in the morning.

Scales slowly opened his eyes from sleeping on his bed. When Scales' vision cleared, the first thing he saw was Spike at a very close distant while grinning.

"Gah!" Scales yelped before he slid from his bed and down to the floor.

"Happy Valentine's Day! I made everyone breakfast" Spike cheered as he held up a plate of heart-shaped pancakes. Scales grumbled from the way his brother woke him up.

"That was one way to start off the morning, huh?" Spike said as the brothers arrived to CHS. Once Scales and Spike arrived to their lockers, the girls made their way towards them.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Spike!" Pinkie cheered as she ran up to give Spike a hug.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you, Pinkie!" Spike said as he opened the pink box to pull out a napkin-covered brownies. "I made these for you!" Pinkie just looked at the brownie in bewilderment before she took it and started chewing on it.

"It's so good!" Pinkie said while her mouth was full of brownies.

"I especially knew you would, Pinkie!" Spike said as he started passing out brownies to his female friends.

"Mmm! These are delicious!" Twilight said as she chewed her brownies.

"Indeed!" Rarity nodded. "I appreciate the sweets, my Spikey-Wikey!" Rarity cooed as she pinched Spike's cheek which made him blush. She then pulled out a glittery bow tie from her purse.

"Here you go! I made this bow tie especially for you for Valentine's Day!" Rarity said as she gave Spike the bow tie.

"Thank you, Rarity!" Spike said as he tried his tie on.

"Don't forget about us!" Rainbow said as she and the rest of the girls gave Spike and Scales some Valentine's Day cards and chocolates.

"Ah, thanks girls!" Spike said as he hugged his cards and chocolate like a teddy bear.

"You girls sure know how to charm a boy," Scales teased as he opened his locker to let a pink envelop fall to the ground. Scales picked it up to notice a red heart sticker attached to the front of the envelope's opening. He opened it and began reading the letter.

Dear Scales,

Lately, You have been catching my attention and I couldn't help but feel very attracted to you. Since today is Valentine's Day, I think it would be best that you and I meet somewhere so I could express my feelings toward you. Meet me behind the school building by the end of the day. I really hope you will come!


Your Secret Admirer

Little did Scales knew, Spike and the rest of the girls were behind Scales and they too were reading the letter. Rarity and Pinkie formed excited grins on their faces.

"Oh my goodness!" Rarity said in excitement. "You have a secret admirer!" Rarity and Pinkie cheered in glee.

"Isn't it a bit rude to read another person's letter?" Scales said bluntly. Rarity and Pinkie reduced their excitement to replace it with embarrassment.

"I'm quite surprised someone has the hots for you, Scales." Rainbow smirked while she nudged Scales' arm.

"Yeah, I guess certain people have their attractions." Applejack added.

"Are you going to meet this person?" Spike asked his brother. Scales responded by crumbling up the letter and tossed it in the trash can. Spike and the girls gasped from such actions while Scales picked up his backpack and walked down the hall. Spike quickly grabbed the wad up letter and followed Scales.

"B-but you got to meet your admirer, Scales!" Spike said.

"Why? It could be just somebody wanting to play a prank on me." Scales replied.

"Psst, who would want to pull such a prank like that?" Rainbow said in denial.

"Says the girl who went on a nonstop pranking spree and ended up doing school community service for a whole semester." Twilight replied with a serious look. Rainbow just laughed nervously.

"But what if this isn't a prank and a girl wants to be with you?!" Rarity pleaded.

"I'm not into dating." Scales said as he went into his class, leaving Spike and some of the girls with worried looks on their faces.

"If Scales refuses, that is his choice." Applejack said as she, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy turned and went to their classes. Spike, Pinkie, and Rarity looked at each other with determined looks on their faces.

In Cheerilee's Biology class, the students were observing microorganisms through microscopes. Scales was observing through one microscope while jotting down his worksheet. Spike made his way to his brother.

"Hey Scales," Spike said.

"Yeah?" Scales said while looking through the microscope.

"Are you going to meet your admirer?" Spike asked. Scales took his eyes off of his microscope and turned to his brother.

"No," Scales said as he turned back and looked through his microscope. Spike just pouted and left his brother.

Unfortunately, Scales takes Algebra class with Pinkie and they were sitting next to each other. While Scales was working on his math assignment, he was tapped on the shoulder by Pinkie. He turned to notice that she was showing a piece of paper that says:

Scales + Girlfriend = Happy Life!

Scales turned to write something down on a piece of paper. When he was done, he pulled it up to Pinkie and it says NO. He then turned to continue with his work, leaving a hair deflated Pinkie feeling really sad.

Scales' next class was Home Economics and the class was working on making chocolate since it was Valentine's Day. Rarity was in the same class and she thought she could convince Scales to consider meeting his admirer to hear what this person had to say. She approached Scales and was about to say something until Scales interrupted her.

"If you're gonna tell me some gushy speech about returned a reply to my admirer, forget it." Scales said, making Rarity turn and walked away in defeat.

School was over and everybody was heading home. At the back of the school, Rarity, Pinkie, and Spike were hiding behind some bushes.

"Any luck?" Spike said to his two friends. Both of the girls hung their heads in defeat.

"Man, I'm gonna feel sorry for the admirer when Scales doesn't show up." Spike said until he noticed someone was approaching. All three of the friends saw a short, teenage girl with long, black hair that covered her eyes. She was wearing a long black dress that had long black sleeves with spider patterns on them.

"That must be the admirer!" Pinkie whispered.

"Possibly," Rarity said. "why else a girl like her would be here." Rarity whispered as she and the rest of her friends watched as the girl waited for Scales to show up. Twenty minutes have passed and the friends noticed the girl started to look down.

"Poor dear," Rarity whispered. "I can't believe Scales would just leave his admirer hanging like that!"

"I'm gonna go and apologize to her." Spike said before he attempted to get up. It wasn't until he was pulled back down by Pinkie and Rarity.

"What's-" Spike was cut off when Pinkie and Rarity hushed him and pointed to show that Scales was making his way to the area.

"Scales actually came?!" Spike said in surprise.

"Hey!" Scales said to get the girl's attention. "You wanted to meet with me?" The girl blushed as she did her best to pat her skirt and fixed her hair.

"Y-yes, I was the one who sent you that letter." The girl replied. "I'm Cobweb, a freshman here."

'She's so cute!' Spike, Pinkie, and Rarity thought at the same time.

"So, what to do you want to say?" Scales asked. Cobwebs took a deep breath before she started talking.

"I just thought that you look really cool since you first came to CHS. From how you dressed to the way you talked, you just give off that bad boy vibe that I like a lot."

"Umm....thanks?" Scales said in confusion.

"I also like how you were always staying by your little brother's side like any great big brother would do." Cobweb said as she blushed while twirling her hair.

"Yeah, he is my bro. I gotta stay by his side." Scales said.

"With all of your traits, I just wanted to ask you something." Cobweb said before she bowed her head. "Will you please go out with me?" The friends in the bush were really shocked to hear Cobweb's confession. They looked at Scales who was trying to come up with an answer.

"I'm sorry, I'm not into dating." Scales said as he also bowed his head. Spike, Pinkie, and Rarity had their jaws dropped from Scales' blunt response. Cobweb formed a face of shock from hearing the response.

"W-why?" Cobweb asked.

"Like I said, I'm not into dating." Scales responded. "It's just that I'm alright with what I have now. If you want to find someone to date, then you should probably find someone that isn't me. Sorry about the rejection." The bush friends turned to Cobweb who formed a smile on her face.

"Alright, thanks anyway." Cobweb said as she ran off from the area. As Scales watched Cobweb leave, he turned to the bush where Spike, Pinkie, and Rarity were hiding.

"You can come out now." Scales said which startled the three friends. All three of them came out with guilty looks on their faces.

"How did you know?" Spike asked his brother.

"I didn't, but it was one way to reveal yourselves." Scales said with a sly look on his face.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Scales?" Spike asked.

"It's like I said to Cobweb." Scales said as he patted Spike's head. "I'm okay with what I have right now. That involves you." Spike couldn't help but give his brother a tender hug.

"Welp," Pinkie said as she clapped her hands together. "Time to make plans for Cobweb's Love Rejection Party!" Pinkie then skipped away while the rest of the friends made their way home.