• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 4,623 Views, 116 Comments

The Drake Bros. - BrawnyBold

Spike attracts the hearts of certain girls but it is hard for them to get his attention as he spends most of his time with his delinquent brother, Scales. The girls try to win Spike's love while staying on Scales' good side.

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Spring Break Part 2

Rainbow and Pinkie ran as fast as they could while Scales was chasing them. Both of the girls didn't slow down based on how angry Scales looked.

"Get back here!" Scales yelled at Rainbow and Pinkie.

"We said we're sorry!" Pinkie whined as she continued to run.

"Yeah! Can't you take a joke!" Rainbow added while trying to pass Pinkie.

"I'll have your rear ends cut off and mounted over my fireplace!" Scales threatened. The rest of the girls ran in pursuit so Scales doesn't fulfill his threats.

Spike laid on the mattress floaty while he breathed heavily from exhaustion. He attempted to paddle his way across the ocean, but there was nothing but endless ocean. What's worse, is that the sun was roasting Spike like sizzling bacon.

'I can't believe I'm stranded' Spike thought as he laid one hand over his eyes so the sunlight doesn't shine on it. His exhaustion was getting the better of him as he slowly passed out. While Spike was asleep, a large, white yacht was sailing at a far distant from him. The captain of the yacht noticed a strange object drifting somewhere far away. He took out a pair of binoculars to get a closer view. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a boy floating on a mattress floaty.

"Man overboard!" The captain called out before he began turning the yacht's helm. The yacht began making its' way to where Spike was sleeping.

Back at the beach, Applejack held on to Scales while he tried to break free from her grip. Rainbow and Pinkie cowered behind Fluttershy and Rarity as if they were human shields.

"Will you calm down, Scales!" Applejack grunted. "You're like Winona when it's her bath time!"

"Not until they pay!" Scales responded while growling like a wild animal. Twilight came back to the rest of her friends.

"I just spoke with the coast guards. They'll have a boat out to search for Spike." Twilight said as some of the girls felt a bit at ease. Scales continued to try and get out of Applejack's grip.

"Enough!" Twilight yelled, which caught everyone's attention. "Scales, I understand what Rainbow and Pinkie did was extremely harsh-"

"Hey!" Rainbow and Pinkie complained before Twilight glared at the both of them, causing the two to go silent.

"But what's done is done. The only thing we need to do now is to wait patiently while the coast guards look for Spike." Scales slowly calmed down and breathed heavily.

"Fine." Scales said. Applejack thought Scales was telling the truth and let him go.

"Whew, thanks Twilight." Rainbow said before she was interrupted.

"That still doesn't change the fact that you and Pinkie were the cause of all of this! You still have to pay for your actions." Twilight said as she and the rest of the friends crossed their arms and looked at Rainbow and Pinkie with disapproving looks. Rainbow and Pinkie hung their heads with shame. Pinkie's deflated hair added to her guilt.

Spike slowly woke up to see some blurs around him. He noticed that the light he sees wasn't as intense as the sun because it was from a light from a ceiling. His vision became more clear and he sees three girls looking down on him. One girl had orange hair that was extremely poofy. Another girl had long, light blue hair that was tied into a long ponytail. The third girl had long, purple hair that was tied into long pigtails. Spike also couldn't help but notice how pretty the girls looked.

"Are you three mermaids?" Spike spoke out. The three of the girls looked at each in surprise before they chuckled.

"Of course not, cutie." The orange haired girl answered.

"Although, it would be so cool to be one!" The blue haired girl said with a wide smile.

"Keep dreaming, Sonata." The purple haired girl said while rolling her eyes.

"Sorry," Spike said while rubbing the back of his head. He looked around to see that he was inside some kind of room with a circular couch and a plasma screen TV. "How did I end up here?"

"Our captain spotted you floating in the ocean." The orange haired girl said.

"Why were you in the middle of the ocean? Did you party so hard that you collapsed and drifted into the sea?" the blue haired girl asked. Spike tapped his chin while he was thinking.

"I honestly can't remember. One minute, I fell asleep on the beach while my friends went to get some snacks. When I woke up, I found myself on a floaty and couldn't find any land." Spike answered.

"Oh, you poor boy." The orange haired girl said as she held Spike's cheeks, causing him to blush. "You must've been so scared while stranded at sea." The blue haired girl sat next to Spike to wrap one arm around the back of his neck.

"Don't worry, kid. We can take you back to where you came from. By the way, where are you from?"

"Sandy Shores." Spike answered. The orange haired girl got up to make her way to the stairs.

"I'll let the captain know so he could set the course." The orange haired girl said.

"I appreciate it, I'm Spike Drake." Spike said.

"I'm Adagio Dazzle and I'll be right back, sweetie." Adagio said with a wink before she left to find the captain.

"I'm Sonata Dusk!" the blue haired girl said as she shook Spike's hand.

"Aria Blaze." the purple haired girl replied. Soon, Spike and the two girls spoke with each other.

The sun was setting and the rest of the group were gathered in Scales and Spike's room. Pinkie decorated the room with balloons and other party supplies she brought out of nowhere. She tries to make it up to Scales by throwing him a We're Sorry We Let Spike Drift Off into the Ocean party. Pinkie sang and dance to cause Scales to smile, but he frowned more from each of Pinkie's attempts. Pinkie decided to stop and just sat and eat party food with her friends, who were also silent from the awkwardness. Applejack approached Scales as he sat and looked out the window.

"Hey Scales," Applejack said.

"Hey AJ," Scales responded while still looking out the window.

"How are you holding up?" Applejack asked.

"I'm doing alright, I'm still itching to strangle Rainbow and Pinkie for what they did." Scales said in a calm manner.

"I would feel the same way if it were Apple Bloom stranded out there. The best thing to do is to have patience."

"I guess," Scales said before he noticed his phone ringing. He pulled it out to see an unknown number is requesting a video chat with him.

'That's strange, I don't usually get video calls from unknown numbers.' Scales thought as he accepted the call.

"Hey Scales!" Spike said as he appeared on Scale's phone screen.

"Spike!" Scales hollered and all of the girls began gathering around to see Scales' phone.

"You're okay!" Scales said in relief.

"Yeah, I'm glad I'm okay too. Sorry if I worried you." Spike said while rubbing his neck.

"It's alright, bro." Scales said while smiling.

"Where are you? And how are you able to call?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I woke up to find myself in the middle of the ocean. I tried to swim with the floaty, but I got too tired and passed out. It was lucky for me that a passing yacht noticed me and brought me on board. The captain said he can drop me off on Sandy Shores by tomorrow afternoon."

"That's great, Spike. We're see you tomorrow." Scales said as he felt more relieved that his little brother will come back soon.

Spike hung up and gave the phone to Adagio.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your phone, Adagio." Spike said.

"It's no problem. It's sweet of you to call your brother to let him know you're alright." Adagio replied.

"Well, I didn't want to worry him." Spike replied.

"Since you'll be on board until tomorrow, want to have some fun?" Aria asked.

"What kind of fun?" Spike asked curiously. Spike and the girls played volleyball while in the yacht's pool. Adagio had on a dark purple two-piece bikini, Aria had on a light green two-piece bikini, and Sonata had on a light blue two-piece bikini. While they played, Spike got to know more about his new friends. Apparently, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria were sisters and they were riding their family's yacht while on spring break. Spike guessed that the girls' family was wealthy judging from how luxurious the yacht looked. After a couple of volleyball matches, the girls and Spike went inside for some dinner. Spike was delighted as he ate some freshly cooked lobsters.

"Mmm! These are delicious!" Spike praised as he took a bite from his lobster.

"Have you ever had lobster before, Spike?" Adagio asked.

"Only when my family and I go to one of those seafood restaurants." Spike replied as he took another bite. Adagio moved a little closer to Spike to pick off a piece of food from Spike's cheek and eat it. She licked her lips in satisfaction while giving Spike a wink. Spike raised a brow as he didn't know why that piece of food was tasty to Adagio. Sonata and Aria gave looks of jealously as Adagio made a bold move. When dinner was done, the girls made their way into a hot tub where bubbles were foaming up.

"Care to join us?" Adagio asked.

"Okay!" Spike cheered as he and the girls slowly entered the hot tub. Everyone sighed as they felt the bubbles and heat relax their bodies. "Wow, this feels so refreshing!" Spike commented.

"Especially after eating a fine meal." Aria said as she and her sisters scooted over until they were very close to Spike.

"What's going on?" Spike asked in curiosity.

"We just wanted to move closer to each other. It will cause more warmth in the hot tub." Adagio said.

"Oh, okay." Spike said as he laid back on the hot tub. He saw how beautiful the night sky looked from the hot tub. It what made Spike feel more relax. His gaze went back to the hot tub to see that Sonata was no where to be found.

"Where's Sonata?" Spike asked as he and the rest of the sisters looked around.

"Huh, I could've sworn she was next to me a second ago-" Aria suddenly yelped and moved her body deeper in the water. Her face blushed in embarrassment.

"What's wrong, Aria?" Adagio said before she also yelped and dipped her body deeper into the hot tub. Adagio's face also had blush on it.

"Did something happen?" Spike asked as he too was concern.

"Someone removed and stole our swimsuits!" Aria cried out.

"W-what!" Spike yelled as he also blushed. Sonata splashed out from the hot tub while laughing hysterically.

"You should've seen the looks on your faces!" Sonata continued to laugh while she held out her sisters' swimsuits.

"What was that for!" Aria yelled to Sonata.

"I just wanted to give our guest a little fan-service." Sonata replied innocently.

"That's it!" Aria yelled before she and Adagio rose from the hot tub and went after Sonata. Luckily for Spike, he covered his eyes to prevent himself from seeing Adagio and Aria naked. Spike was able to hear the sisters fight among themselves as two of them tried to get their swimsuits back. Several minutes passed before there were less noises and someone was approaching Spike.

"You can look now, Spike." Adagio said. Spike opened his eyes to see that Adagio and Aria had their swimsuits back on and they sat back down in the hot tub. Sonata looked gloomy as she sat outside of the hot tub while tied up in rope. Spike was confused from what happened while he had his eyes shut.

It was time for everyone to get some shut eye. Spike was going to sleep on the living room's couch as it can transform into a comfortable bed. Everyone said their goodnights and turned off the living room's light. As Spike attempted to fall asleep, he noticed that something was approaching him from under the blanket. It revealed to be Adagio while wearing a pink nightgown.

"Adagio?" Spike said in response.

"Hey there, cutie. I thought it would be best if I lay besides you to keep you company." Adagio whispered. Spike felt his heartbeat increasing from laying so close to Adagio that he could smell her fragrance. It smelled similar to oranges with a hint of flowers.

"Umm, alright." Spike replied as he relaxed for a bit.

"Did you have a good time today?" Adagio asked.

"Yeah, even though I was stranded in the middle of the ocean for some parts of it." Spike replied sheepishly. "Plus, I got to meet you and your sisters. All three of you are really nice for helping me return back to shore." Adagio giggled.

"It's the least we could do. Plus, it's nice to get to know you too." Adagio replied.

"Really?" Spike asked.

"It's not often we meet a boy who acts so polite to us. Especially when you covered your eyes when me and Aria went after Sonata. Boys would usually take the first chance to see us naked."

"I-I just thought it would be wrong for me to watch." Spike said while blushing.

"And that's what I like about you, Spike." Adagio said with a smile. The two of them looked at each other while smiling as they were having a tender moment. It was cut short when Sonata and Aria suddenly appeared from behind Spike.

"Aww! No fair for hogging Spike all to yourself, Adagio!" Sonata whined while snuggling closer to Spike.

"Sonata?! Aria?! What are you two doing here?!" Adagio demanded.

"We spotted you sneaking from your room and crawling in Spike's bed. We just came here to join in on the fun." Aria smirked. Adagio gritted her teeth in irritation.

"Do you really have to leave tomorrow, Spike?" Sonata asked in a sad tone.

"Sorry, I got to head back to my bro and my friends. They must be really worried about me." Spike replied.

"Can you hang out with us whenever they're not around? It's so fun to have you with us." Sonata said with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course! We can even text or call each other if you want to." Spike answered.

"Alright, could I at least give you a gift to remember me by?" Sonata requested.

"What is it?" Spike asked before Sonata leaned in to give Spike a kiss on his cheek. Adagio and Aria gasped from the sudden kiss. Spike shook in confusion while Sonata giggled.

"That's my perfect gift." Sonata said while blushing. Adagio quickly grabbed Spike by the shoulders and gave his cheek a big kiss. Aria joined in by also giving Spike a kiss on the cheek.

"It's a gift from ALL of us." Adagio corrected. Spike felt so embarrassed from all of the kissing that he fainted into slumber.

It was afternoon when Scales and the girls were waiting by the docks. Scales was able to cool his head during the night and tried not to harm Rainbow and Pinkie. It was about 2 o'clock when they spotted a large yacht making its' way towards the docks. Everyone also spotted Spike near the front of the boat while waving towards them.

"Hey guys!" Spike hollered while he continued to wave.

"Spike!" Scales and the girls cheered as they ran on the docks. The yacht slowly approached the dock and the crew set up preparations to allow the passengers to exit. Spike was the first person walking off of the boat and went towards his friends. Scales gave Spike a strong hug when they reached each other.

"I was so worried about you!" Scales said as he continued to hug his brother.

"Sorry about that." Spike replied while he also returned the hug. "I just suddenly woke up in the middle of the ocean."

"It's alright now." Scales said as he let Spike go so the girls could also give him a hug. Pinkie and Rainbow were the first to give him a hug.

"We're so sorry, Spike!" Pinkie cried while her eyes poured out streams of tears.

"About what?" Spike asked.

"Pinkie and I wanted to do a small prank by having you float off and get spooked. But we got careless and let you drift off further into the ocean!" Rainbow admitted.

"We were such bad friends to you! Could you ever forgive us?" Pinkie pleaded.

"It's alright, I would've thought it was a good prank." Spike smiled. Pinkie and Rainbow hugged Spike harder as they felt joy knowing that he forgave them. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria made their way towards Spike and the rest of the group.

"I'm glad to see that you reunited with your friends, Spike." Adagio said. Scales and the girls turn to see the three sisters.

"Um, Spike. Who are these three?" Rarity asked.

"Oh right! Everyone, this is Adagio, Sonata, and Aria. They helped me make it here with their boat." Scales made his way towards the sisters and shook Adagio's hand.

"Thank you so much for helping my brother." Scales said politely.

"It's no problem. It was actually a blessing to have him aboard our boat." Adagio said with a wink to Spike. The girls glared at the three sisters as they knew what Adagio's wink meant. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria just stuck their tongues out in a teasing manner. "We better be going now." Adagio said to her sisters. The sisters turned and made their way back to their yacht.

"Bye Spike! Thanks for giving us your number! We'll keep in touch!" Sonata yelled out while she and her sisters waved goodbye as the yacht sailed away.

"I look forward to see you again!" Spike replied and waved back. He turned to the girls to see them glaring at him for some unknown reason. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing." the girls said all at once.

"We should probably head back to the hotel and rest. I had one crazy day." Spike suggested.

"Before we do, Spike, Pinkie and I need you to come up with our punishment." Rainbow said.

"Girls, it's alright. No harm came to me." Spike reminded.

"But it was still cruel of us to let you get lost at sea. We just want to make up for it." Rainbow replied. "Just say the word and we'll do it." Spike rubbed his neck as he couldn't think of a proper punishment.

"Mind if I give you a suggestion, bro?" Scales said. Pinkie and Rainbow gulped as they remembered Scales' threats when he chased them. "I promise it won't be as bad as you think." Scales whispered something in Spike's ear.

"I don't think that is a bad idea." Spike replied. Pinkie and Rainbow felt worried about what they might have to do to make things right.

On the next day, everyone was in the ocean and splashed water at each other. Pinkie and Rainbow were buried in the sand with only their heads sticking out. They wore sunhats to prevent sunburn on their faces, but that didn't stop them from feeling so humiliated.

"Well, at least it's not as bad as Scales cutting off our rear ends. Right, Pinkie?" Rainbow said before she heard a yelp from Pinkie. "Pinkie?" Rainbow said when she turned and saw a crab pinch Pinkie by her nose. The crab noticed Rainbow and made its' way towards her. "Uh oh." Rainbow said before she also yelped from the crab pinching her nose.