• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 4,623 Views, 116 Comments

The Drake Bros. - BrawnyBold

Spike attracts the hearts of certain girls but it is hard for them to get his attention as he spends most of his time with his delinquent brother, Scales. The girls try to win Spike's love while staying on Scales' good side.

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The Friendship Games Part 3

It was the second day of the Friendship Games and everyone was getting ready for the events. Spike and the girls were taking a walk through one of CHS's hallways while discussing certain topics.

"It's good to hear that Scales is making good progress on his recovery." Fluttershy said to Spike.

"Yeah, plus he and our parents will be coming to cheer you guys on for the next event." Spike replied.

"I feel sort of bad you won't be competing with us for the next event, Spike." Rainbow said.

"It's alright," Spike said. "The second event required only six competitors and you girls are capable of winning. That won't stop me from cheering all of you on!"

"Ah, thanks Spike. You're the best!" Pinkie said as she gave Spike a big hug. Rainbow opened the doors to the outside and everyone was shocked to see what was in front of them. The entire soccer field was completely renovated to not only have a motocross track, but also a roller-skating track and arrow targets.

"Am I the only one who thinks that this is overkill?" Twilight asked as she looked around the field. Applejack took a closer look at the motocross track.

"Woo wee, it must've taken all night to set this up." Applejack said as she turned to Rarity. "I don't suppose you made us motocross outfits?"

"Oh don't be silly, Applejack." Rarity said before she pulled out two motocross outfits from out of nowhere. "Of course I did!" Applejack just rolled her eyes from Rarity's enthusiasm.

Everyone from Canterlot High and Crystal Prep gathered to the soccer field for the next event of the Friendship Games. Spike sat with his parents and Scales who was sitting on a wheel chair. As the Canterlot High students were getting ready, the Crystal Prep students gathered around Principal Cinch.

"For this event, you will race in pairs." Principal Cinch explained to her students. "Indigo Zap and Sunset Shimmer will take part in the motocross event."

"Yes!" Indigo Zap said as she pumped her fist.

"Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest will take part in the roller-skating race." Principal Cinch said. Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest high-five each other in response.

"The archery challenge will go to Sour Sweet and Sugar Coat." Principal Cinch said as she faced Sugar Coat. "Can I count on you and Ms.Sweet to fire with complete accuracy?"

"I can assure you that we will fire directly on each bullseye." Sugar Coat responded.

"Well that sounds swell," Sour Sweet said before she frowned. "let's hope it will be enough to win against those goody-two shoes."

Principal Celestia stood up from the teachers' tent and she tapped on her microphone. "Welcome to the next event of the Friendship Games: The Trick-Cross Relay!" Everyone on the benches cheered. "All of the remaining competitors will take part in archery, speed-skating, and motocross. The competitors in the archery relay must get through each obstacles and shoot arrows at least two moving bullseyes to start their team's race in speed-skating. After the speed-skating race, the motocross race will be next. If everyone is ready," Principal Celestia pulled out an airhorn and blew it. "Begin!" Sour Sweet and Fluttershy were the first to run through the obstacles while Sugar Coat and Twilight waited for their turn. Sour Sweet had no trouble jumping over the haystacks, swinging over the mud pit, and rolling to grab her bow and arrows to fire a perfect shot at one of the bullseyes. This allowed Sugar Coat to proceed through the obstacles. Fluttershy was able to make her way through the obstacles and started shooting her arrows at the targets. Unfortunately, Fluttershy kept missing the targets due to her lack of experience with a bow. As Fluttershy kept shooting, Sugar Coat got through the obstacles and started shooting her arrows. Sugar Coat took her time as she had to make sure that she fired her arrow with complete accuracy. Fluttershy became nervous as she was running low on arrows and the Crystal Prep students were ahead of the game.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight called out from the starting line. "You can do this! Just calm down and fire at least one bullseye!" Fluttershy nodded before she held her breath and fired her arrow. It flew and it hit one of the bullseye, allowing Twilight to run through the obstacles. Sugar Coat was still taking her time to fire her arrows, but each one kept missing the bullseyes.

"Will you hurry up already!?" Sour Sweet said impatiently. "The losing team is gaining on us!"

"I could be able to hit a bullseye," Sugar Coat replied. "if someone doesn't keep their sour mouth shut." Sugar Coat took a deep breath before she shot her arrow, hitting right on a bullseye. Crystal Prep was able to score one point from the archery event. This also allowed Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare to start their part of the race while Pinkie and Rarity had to wait. Twilight was able to make it through the obstacles and she started shooting her arrows. Just like Fluttershy, Twilight was also having a hard time aiming the arrows at the moving bullseyes.

"Ha ha ha!" Sour Sweet mocked. "Looks like winning this event will be easy peasy!" Twilight felt irritated from Sour Sweet's words. Fluttershy placed a hand on Twilight's shoulder.

"It's alright, Twilight. You got this." Fluttershy said with a smile. Twilight took a deep breath before she pulled the bowstring back and released the arrow. The arrow was able to land on a bullseye, allowing CHS to also score a point. With the archery completed, Pinkie and Rarity started skating on the track. Pinkie and Rarity did their best to catch up to the other two Crystal Prep students who were in the lead. However, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare noticed this and started to skate faster to make sure they stayed in the lead. Pinkie and Rarity also weren't able to get ahead due to Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare keep blocking their way. All of the skaters have to skate one more lap before the motocross race would begin. Rarity and Pinkie grew frustrated as they were almost to the finish line but can't get through the other two skaters. Rarity suddenly came up with an idea.

"Pinkie, grab my leg!" Rarity said as she lifted one of her legs.

"Huh?" Pinkie said in confusion.

"Just do it!" Rarity demanded. Pinkie grabbed on to Rarity's leg before Rarity flung Pinkie forward, causing Pinkie to skate faster and get pass Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare. Pinkie skated through the finish line, allowing CHS to score a point before Crystal Prep did. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, and Indigo Zap started up their motorbikes before they rode on the dirt track. Rainbow did her best to drive ahead of the other bikers to make sure she was in the lead. That wasn't until Indigo Zap rode passed Applejack and bumped into Rainbow. Luckily, Rainbow was able to keep her balance to prevent herself from falling. She turned to Indigo Zap who showed an arrogant face.

"Whoops, my bad." Indigo Zap said sarcastically before she moved further from Rainbow.

"She is so going down!" Rainbow said under her breath before she twisted her bike handle to drive faster. Applejack did her best to drive her bike while watching Rainbow to make sure she doesn't get too short-tempered.

"It must be hard, huh?" Sunset said as she drove next to Applejack. "Having to deal with that egotistic athlete, it must be really tiring. Indigo Zap is a bit like that, but at least she is still better." Sunset then drove ahead, making Applejack follow in pursuit. All four of the riders drove at full speed in attempt to take the lead. They were making their way towards a right turn in the track. Both Rainbow and Indigo Zap made sharp turns to allow themselves to make it further in the race. Sunset and Applejack also made sharp turns. Sunset's sharp turn was too sudden that it caused her and her bike to slide off from the track. Sunset was able to roll on the grass safely, but her bike crashed on one of the sign poles. This caused one of the large signs to collapse and land right on top of Sunset. Everyone on the benches gasped as they didn't know if Sunset was still alive under there. Spike immediately got off from his seat and hurried towards the fallen debris.

"Sunset! Sunset!" Spike cried out. "Are you alright!?" He heard coughing and saw Sunset was trying to crawl out.

"Help...me!" Sunset whispered as she winced from pain. Spike got closer to try to lift some of the debris off of Sunset. He wasn't alone as some of the CHS students and the audience joined in on clearing debris. Rainbow and Applejack were shocked to see the sign collapsing. Indigo Zap on the other hand just turned away and continued riding her bike towards the finish line. Applejack quickly stopped her bike, making Rainbow stop as well.

"Rainbow, you go on ahead!" Applejack yelled as she turned her bike rode towards where the fallen sign was.

"What?!" Rainbow asked in surprise.

"You need to finish the race! I'll take care of helping the others." Applejack said. Rainbow looked back to see that Indigo Zap was getting further ahead. Rainbow shook her head before she turned her bike to follow Applejack.

"What are you doing?!" Applejack asked.

"I'll feel more of a jerk for not helping out my friends." Rainbow answered. Applejack couldn't help but smile as she and Rainbow went to help rescue Sunset. Indigo Zap passed the finish line, but she didn't get any cheers as everyone else was busy helping Sunset. The medics arrived to help Sunset on to their gurney.

"Thank you," Sunset said to Spike as she was taken to an ambulance. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna made their way towards the crowd.

"Is everyone alright?" Principal Celestia asked with concern.

"We're fine," Twilight responded. "The medics already took Sunset away."

"That is a relief." Vice Principal Luna said. "It was a good thing everyone here came to help Sunset."

"I'm sorry that Applejack and I went to help instead of finishing the race, Principal Celestia." Rainbow said as she rubbed her neck.

"It's alright, Rainbow." Principal Celestia said. "The games will be postponed for now."

"What do you mean the games will be postpone?" Principal Cinch said as she made her way to the crowd. "Indigo Zap passed through the finish line. That would be considered an obvious win for Crystal Prep." The crowd glared at Crystal Prep's principal for her comment.

"Principal Cinch," Principal Celestia said sternly. "Friendship Games rules say that if a competitor gets injured during an event, then the games will be postponed. If you're not following this rule, then I'll have to report this to the school board." Principal Cinch was shocked to hear Principal Celestia's threat. Principal Cinch responded by straightening her jacket and leaving the crowd. Principal Celestia turned to the crowd. "I apologize for Principal Cinch's behavior. All of you can return home. As I said, the Friendship Games will be postponed for now." Everyone in the crowd agreed and cleared the field. Although there wasn't any victory on this day, at least someone was saved.