• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 4,623 Views, 116 Comments

The Drake Bros. - BrawnyBold

Spike attracts the hearts of certain girls but it is hard for them to get his attention as he spends most of his time with his delinquent brother, Scales. The girls try to win Spike's love while staying on Scales' good side.

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Holiday Dates (with Scales)

Spike's first date was with Twilight as they walked passed the stores. Twilight thought it would've been the perfect date with Spike if it wasn't for Scales following from behind. Their first stop was at a bookstore as it was a comfortable area for Twilight's time with Spike. Twilight took a look at the new release section to search for any new books that could feed her never-ending hunger for knowledge. She started to hear an woman's voice from the far back of the store. Out of curiosity, Twilight made her way to the back of the store to see an elderly woman reading out loud to some small children who sat on the floor. Twilight noticed that the book the old woman was reading was The Polar Express based on the picture of a large train on the book's cover. Another thing that caught her attention was Spike as he was sitting with the children while listening to the story. Scales sat on a stool next to him. Spike turned to Twilight to pat on a spot next to him to signal that she could sit besides him. Twilight smiled as she sat down to listen to the part when Santa announces the first Christmas gift.

After their trip to the bookstore, all three of the friends decided to relax at a coffee shop.

"It felt nostalgic to listen to The Polar Express." Twilight said as she took a sip of hot chocolate.

"I know!" Spike nodded. "The Polar Express has always been my favorite Christmas story!"

"Whenever our mom gets done reading the story, Spike would wait by the door on Christmas Eve to be picked up by the Polar Express so he could meet Santa Claus." Scales said, which caused Twilight to chuckle.

"I really wanted to!" Spike said in a pout before he sighed. "But based on the letters Santa gave me, the Polar Express picks up children who really needed the trip. Santa says that I've been a really good boy for letting those kids ride the train." Spike said as he puffed his chest with pride. Twilight lifted a brow from hearing that from Spike. She turned to Scales who quickly put his finger to his lip as a sign to not tell Spike that Santa Claus isn't real. Twilight just nodded before she took another sip of coco.

"I'm glad to know that this will be your first Christmas in Canterlot City." Twilight said. "Any special plans?" The brothers looked at each other for anything special in mind.

"Not really," Scales replied. "just eating food, spend time with family, and open presents."

"We also get gifts from some of our relatives and friends from our old town!" Spike included. An idea popped inside Twilight's mind.

"Why don't you guys come to our annual Christmas party?" Twilight suggested. Scales and Spike looked at Twilight with confusion.

"Every year, the girls and I celebrate Christmas by having a small Christmas party at our houses. Each of us take turns hosting the party. I'm hosting the party for this year." Twilight said.

"That sounds like a great idea, Twilight!" Spike cheered.

"I guess it's better than our usual Christmas tradition." Scales said with a shrug. Suddenly, Pinkie popped out from under the table with a large pocket watch in her hands.

"Ding Ding Ding!" Pinkie hollered which caught everyone's attention.

"Your date is over, Twilight!" Pinkie said as she wrapped her arms around Spike's arm. "Now it's my turn." Pinkie batted her eyes at Spike before she pulled him to another part of the mall.

"Hey wait!" Scales said before he got up to go after the couple. "Thanks for the invite, Twilight." Scales said before he followed Spike and Pinkie. Twilight sighed as her date was already over. Luckily for Twilight, the rest of her friends joined her on the table as they all spend some time together before their dates with Spike.

Pinkie skipped along through the mall while Spike and Scales were following in pursuit.

'I wonder where Pinkie is leading us?' Scales and Spike thought as they walked behind the party girl.

"We're here!" Pinkie said as she motioned to a candy shop.

'Of course.' Scales thought before he started to follow Pinkie while she pulled Spike inside. There were a lot of kids in the store as they ran around to get candy from right to left. Pinkie started to show the brothers all of the best selling candies and some of her favorites. It wasn't until one of the employees approached Pinkie and the brothers with a silver plate with some small chocolates on it.

"May I offer you some free samples?" The employee said as she showed the plate.

"Oh! Don't mind if I do!" Spike said as he picked up one of the chocolates and took a bite. Spike began gag from how awful the chocolate tasted.

"Eww! What flavor is this chocolate!?" Spike demanded.

"It's fruit cake flavored." The employee deadpanned.

"Eww!" Spike repeated.

"I know," The employee sighed as she left while Spike continued to gag and spit out the candy.

"Hey Spike!" Pinkie hollered from another part of the store. "Come over here!" Spike made his way to where Pinkie was. She was holding up a very long piece of red licorice.

"You have got to try this licorice! You can just taste the holiday joy!" Pinkie said as she offered one end of licorice. Spike began chewing the one end of the licorice. Spike thought tasted wonderful as he could kept chewing.

"This is good, Pinkie." Spike said. He noticed that Pinkie was eating the other end of the long licorice. It was shortening which caused Pinkie to get closer to Spike. Soon, Pinkie was about one inch near Spike's face while chewing on the licorice. Spike started to blush from how close he was to Pinkie as her face looked like a hungry lioness ready to strike. Before Pinkie and Spike got any closer, a pair of scissors sudden appeared to snap off the licorice Pinkie and Spike were sharing. Pinkie turned to see that Scales was holding the scissors while giving her the look of a predator.

"I don't think so," Scales said. Pinkie just gulped while giving a nervous laugh. Spike just stared in confusion.

Pinkie and Spike left the store happily while carrying some bags of candy.

"I'm going to have a major sugar rush when I'm done with this bag!" Pinkie said before she was interrupted by a ringing from her phone. Pinkie answered the call for a few seconds before hanging it up.

"Looks like our date is over, Spike." Pinkie pouted, but then returned with smiling. "No prob, I had a great time! Your next date is with Rainbow Dash. Meet her at the center of the mall." Spike and Scales waved to Pinkie before they went off to the next date. The boys were able to make their way to the center of the mall; only to find a large stand with lots of carts that look like animals.

"About time you guys showed up!" Rainbow hollered as she approached the brothers.

"So, why are we here?" Scales asked.

"I rented some animal carts for us to ride for my date with Spike." Rainbow said as she motioned to two animal parts nearby. One was a light blue pegasus while the other one was a gray hippo.

"How come there are only two of them?" Spike asked.

"Funny you should mention that." Rainbow said before she grabbed Spike's arm. "Spike and I are sharing one, bye!" Rainbow pulled Spike on to the pegasus cart where she was driving while Spike sat behind her.

"Hey!" Scales yelled before he hopped on to the hippo cart and began riding to Rainbow. Unfortunately, Scales lost sight of Rainbow and Spike because many people were in the way.

"Damn it!" Scales said as he continued to ride his cart. Rainbow and Spike were next to some vending machines while on their cart.

"I can't believe that worked." Rainbow whispered to herself.

"Um, Rainbow." Spike said. "Didn't Scales say to stay together?"

"Yeah, but this is like a little game he and I are playing." Rainbow answered. "Okay, we can just cruise along the mall. You can just hold tight and enjoy the ride." Rainbow began driving the cart into another part of the mall. As they rode along on their cart, Spike couldn't help but look in awe of how decorated the mall was. Rainbow was also enjoying the ride as she has Spike's arms wrapped around her body. She also felt a little embarrassed as some people were looking at her and Spike weirdly due to the fact that both of them were teenagers riding a single cart.

"How are you so good at riding these carts, Rainbow?" Spike asked curiously.

"I started to ride these things ever since I was a kid. I was with my parents when I visited another mall where they had the carts out and I really wanted to ride them. So, my parents rented one for me and I was able to ride them like it was nothing!"

"That sounds interesting." Spike replied as he continued to look around at the decorations. Rainbow suddenly had an idea popped in her mind. She slowly stopped the cart, which caught Spike's attention.

"Hey Spike," Rainbow said. "Do you want to drive?"

"Really?!" Spike said as his eyes lit up.

"Sure, I had my fun already." Rainbow said as got up to let Spike move to the handles.

"So, how do I do this?" Spike asked as he placed his hands on the handles.

"It's easy." Rainbow said as she placed her hands on top of Spike's. "If you want to go forward, you turn the handles. If you want to slow down, you press the handle's brakes." Rainbow couldn't help but giggle as she felt the warmth from Spike's hands as she touched them. Once Rainbow was done with the instructions, she climbed behind Spike and wrapped her arms around him. Spike started turn the handles and the cart started moving. The cart stopped a few times before Spike was able to drive the cart without any problems. As Spike drove the cart, Rainbow was quiet as she was enjoying having her arms around Spike.

'Spike feels so huggable, he is almost like a teddy bear: short and soft.' Rainbow thought. It wasn't long before Spike and Rainbow decided to stop the food court to get some pretzels. While they eat near the cart, Scales approached them while riding his hippo cart.

"There you are!" Scales said sternly as he got off the cart and marched towards Rainbow. "Luckily for me, I used my locator app again to track Spike's phone. What do you have to say for yourself?" Spike approached his brother with a pretzel.

"Will this make it up to you?" Spike asked. Scales stayed silent as he took the pretzel and took a huge bite from it. Rainbow got her phone out to read a text.

"Looks like my date is up, next one is Fluttershy." Rainbow said with a sigh.

"What about the animal carts?" Spike asked.

"Don't worry, Pinkie is on her way to help me drive them back to the cart booth." Rainbow answered. "Meet Fluttershy at the ice ring near the west part of the mall."

"There's an ice ring here?!" Spike gasped as he made his way to the ice ring with Scales following in pursuit.

The brothers arrive to a large ice ring where a lot of people were skating across the ice. Scales spotted Fluttershy sitting by a booth besides the ring.

"Hey Spike, hey Scales." Fluttershy said as she got up. "This is what we will do." Fluttershy said as she offered the brothers some ice skates.

"Yay!" Spike said as he started to tie his laces to his ice skates.

"I'm surprised that you of all people would suggest this place for a date." Scales said while putting on his ice skates.

"I just thought it would be fun for Spike." Fluttershy replied.

'Plus, I also have some other intentions of inviting Spike here.' A sinister-like voice said in Fluttershy's mind. The brothers and Fluttershy began ice staking around the ring along with the other skaters. Spike was having a good time while Scales skated while his hands were in his pocket. Soon, Spike noticed that Fluttershy was having difficulties skating along in the ring.

"Are you alright, Fluttershy?" Spike asked as he skated to her.

"I'm fine," Fluttershy said while trying to keep her balance. "It's been a while since I skated at all-" Fluttershy yelped as she almost collapsed on to the ice floor if it wasn't for Spike catching her.

"Woo, that was close." Spike said as he helped Fluttershy get back up. "Should we leave this ice ring?"

"Maybe there is a better way." Fluttershy said as she wrapped her arms around Spike's arm. "Can I hold on to you while we skate."

"Umm, sure." Spike said while blushing. Fluttershy giggled as she snuggled in Spike's arm as they skated. As they skated, Scales was giving a stern look at Fluttershy for making such a bold move. But he let it slide as Spike might disagree with letting go of Fluttershy as she 'struggles' with ice staking.

The final date was with Applejack and she told the brothers to meet her by the mall's large water fountain. When the brothers reached there, they were surprised to see that the area was set up for a small piano concert.

"Over here!" Applejack hollered as she was sitting on one of the seats. The brothers made their way to sit next to Applejack.

"Is there some kind of concert playing?" Spike asked.

"Yup," Applejack replied. "the pianist plays a variety of Christmas songs to help people feel the holiday cheers." The pianist made his way to the piano and began playing a song.

As the song played Applejack blushed as she slowly placed her hand on top of Spike's without his or Scales' knowledge. Just the music and the warmth from Spike's hands made this a great date for Applejack.

It was around nighttime when the group left the mall and it continued to snow.

"Thanks for showing us a great time, girls!" Spike said to the Mane Six.

"No problem," Rainbow said.

"It was the least we could do to show you boys a good time." Applejack included.

"We better be going then," Scales said. "we got to wrap our gifts up and spend some time with our folks."

"Merry Christmas!" Pinkie said as she waved the brothers goodbye.

"You too," Spike replied. "See you guys at the party!" The brothers and the girls made their way home to enjoy Christmas with their families.

Author's Note:

I couldn't find a piano cover for Days Gone By. This video was all I could find. I thought it would be best to post the holiday chapters now instead of during the holiday season as I don't know if I will have time to work on this fanfic while doing stuff that goes on during the holidays.