• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 4,622 Views, 116 Comments

The Drake Bros. - BrawnyBold

Spike attracts the hearts of certain girls but it is hard for them to get his attention as he spends most of his time with his delinquent brother, Scales. The girls try to win Spike's love while staying on Scales' good side.

  • ...

A Great and Powerful Talent Show!

The halls of Canterlot High were bustling with students as they make their way to class. The Mane Six and the brothers were walking down the main halls to come across new fliers being displayed. The fliers showed an image of a curtained stage with the WonderColts logo at the center of it.

"Ooo!" Pinkie said as she got closer to read the flier. "The Canterlot High Talent Show will be going on again!"

"Too bad that I can't perform at that show anymore." Rainbow pouted.

"Why's that?" Spike asked.

"Rainbow here accidentally caused a large amount of destruction when she performed at last year's talent show." Applejack answered, only to be startled by Rainbow growling at her.

"It wasn't my fault!" Rainbow declared. "I only tripped over when I tried to perform my signature skateboard move!"

"Only to cause a domino effect that broke most of the other performers' props and maybe some of their bones as well." Twilight corrected. The others couldn't help but cringe from remembering that incident. Rainbow groaned while face palming herself.

"Since then, I was banned from performing in talent shows." Rainbow added.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with watching the talent show to see how our other friends will do during their acts." Rarity said. The others nodded before they continued on to their next class. Unknown to them, Trixie was watching the gang at a far distance. A small smile formed on her face as she focused particularly at Spike.

It was the end of Algebra class and the whole class was allowed some free time before the bell rang. Spike was in the middle of packing his stuff when Trixie approached him.

"Greetings, Sir Spike." Trixie said with a bow.

"Oh, hey Trixie." Spike responded.

"How are things with you?" Trixie asked.

"I'm doing great!" Spike replied. "I was able to skateboard better thanks to Rainbow we recently went to the skate park. I was also able to help Rarity hold some of her pin cushions while she sewed up-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, Trixie will get to the point." Trixie interrupted. "As you may have heard, the Canterlot High Talent Show will be very soon and Trixie will once again take part in the show by doing her magical performances." Trixie said as she pulled out a hand full of cards from out of nowhere.

"Whoa! That sounds cool!" Spike said as he was intrigued.

'He took the bait,' Trixie bragged in her thoughts. "Trixie may be a prodigy when it comes to magic and illusions, but Trixie admits that she is not able to perform certain magic acts without some helpful assistants!" Trixie said while she placed the back of her hand on her forehead in a dramatic way. "If only a certain boy I know can become one of my assistants and help me during the Canterlot High Talent Show!" Trixie said giving some winks at Spike.

"A-are you asking me to be your magic assistant?" Spike asked while he was shocked.

"It is your choice if you want to be part of something great and powerful!" Trixie spun her hand to pull out a card out of nowhere. "Contact the Great and Powerful Trixie if you want to accept, but hurry! Some are already offering their services to me." Trixie said as she went back to her desk. Spike looked at the card to see that it had a phone number on it and it was decorated with stars and a crescent moon. The card read:

The Great and Powerful Trixie!
She will wow you with magic!

Twilight overheard Trixie's conversation with Spike and decided to approach him.

"Is everything alright, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah! Trixie just recruited me into being part of her magic show!" Spike answered with excitement. Twilight bit her lips as she wasn't quite comfortable with Spike being involved Trixie.

During lunchtime, the girls and the brothers sat around their usual spot while Spike spoke about what happened with Trixie.

"Wait a minute," Rainbow interrupted. "Trixie recruited you to be her assistant?"

"Yeah! I get to help her with her magic tricks when she performs on the talent show!" Spike answered. Rainbow was silent for a few seconds before she burst out laughing. "T-that has got to be the most hilarious joke I heard! You really crack me up, Spike." Rainbow said while wiping away a tear. She then noticed that Spike's face didn't show any signs that he was kidding. "Wait, for real?!" Rainbow said in disbelief.

"What's the big deal?" Scales asked. "So my little bro will help with some magic tricks, how bad can it be?" Scales then noticed that the girls acted uncomfortable when the topic was brought up.

"There isn't exactly anything wrong, darling." Rarity said before she bit her lip. "Let's just say that Trixie has a rather long accident streak when she performs her magic."

"Here are some of Trixie's past performances!" Pinkie said as she showed the brothers her phone's screen. It played a video of Trixie performing a magic trick where she inserted her hand inside of a top hat. Trixie pulled out what looked like a real rabbit. Everyone clapped in response to the trick until some rabbits hopped out from the top hat. It wasn't long until a swarm of rabbits hopped out and dog piled on top of Trixie. Another video showed Trixie attempting use her hands to levitate one of her assistants. The assistant was able to be lifted up in the air and there was no sign of strings or wires on the assistant. It looked like the trick went well, until the assistant suddenly flew up and crashed on the stage's ceiling. Spike gulped as he feared that could be him next.

"Wow, that Trixie really is prone to magic accidents." Scales stated in disbelief. Spike was silent as he was conflicted with being part of Trixie's show.

"Even when Trixie made those accidents, how come I was the one who got banned!?" Rainbow complained.

"At least Trixie's magic acts didn't cause as much damage as you did." Twilight reminded. This made Rainbow cross her arms and grumble.

"We're just worried that you might get hurt, Spikey." Rarity said as she placed her hand on Spike's. "It's up to you to decide if you want to help Trixie. If you do accept, we'll support you. Right, girls?" Rarity asked. Some of the girls nodded in agreement. Spike looked at Trixie's card as he thought hard on his decision.

The next day arrived and the girls were walking down the hallways.

"Hey girls!" Spike said as he and Scales approached the Mane Six.

"Hey Spike!" Twilight replied.

"Guess what? I'm an official assistant of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Spike said as he puffed his chest. The girls looked at Spike in shock once they have heard that announcement.

"Yeah, Spike called Trixie last night and she accepted him." Scales included.

"Me, Trixie, and her other assistants will start practicing our magic acts in one of the club rooms until the talent show!" Spike explained. "I think it's going to be great!" The girls looked at one another before nodding.

"We'll be cheering you on during the talent show, Spike." Applejack said while giving an assuring smile.

"Thanks!" Spike said before he felt his phone vibrating. He took a look to read a text. "Well, I better get to practice! Can't keep the Great and Powerful Trixie waiting!" Spike said as he waved his friends and brother goodbye.

"You think he is going to be alright?" Fluttershy said while concerned.

"Spike will be fine." Scales assured. "If something were to happen, Trixie will be dealing with me." Scales said before he cracked his knuckles, making the girls shiver as they were glad they weren't Trixie.

Trixie first introduced Spike to her two other girl assistants by the names of Lavender Lace and Fuchsia Blush. Lavender had blonde hair and Fuchsia had dark pink hair. They all began to practice their magic acts in one of the club rooms whenever school was over. There were some mishaps that occurred during the practices, but Trixie was able to motivate her assistants to recover quickly and redo the magic acts. In the process, Spike was able to pick up on how to do certain magic tricks thanks to Trixie's tutoring. After each practice session, Trixie and her assistants were improving on the magic acts until they all knew how to do each act by heart. It was one day before the talent show when Trixie's group were rehearsing their magic acts for the talent show. They were able to perform each act without any mishaps.

"Good job, everyone!" Trixie said as she clapped to her assistants. "Trixie is delighted that all of you have improved so much since we started. Now we must rest before tomorrow's show! Our spectacular magic won't wow the crowd unless we get a good night's sleep! Remember to meet at the school's auditorium at 4:00 p.m. The talent show won't start until 6 p.m. and it will give us time to rehearse our magic acts for one last time." Spike, Lavender, and Fuchsia nodded before they picked up their things and made their way to the exit. Spike was about to head on out until Trixie placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Spike, can I speak with you for a moment?" Trixie asked.

"What is it, Trixie?" Spike asked.

"I was thinking of changing the final act with a surprise at the end and I want to hear your feedback." Trixie informed.

"Okay," Spike said as he paid attention. When Trixie was done explaining her plan, a wide smile formed on Spike's face. "That sounds amazing, Trixie!"

"You really think so?" Trixie asked. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't have the stomach!"

"I do!" Spike praised. "This act would leave everyone completely shocked! It will make your show so phenomenal!" Trixie smiled as she leaned in to give Spike a hug.

"Thank you so much, Spike!" Trixie said as she held Spike tight.

"It's no problem." Spike replied. The hugging went on for a few seconds until Trixie broke it off out of embarrassment. "Oh right! We should text your other assistants about your plan." Spike said as he pulled out his phone. Only for Trixie to placed her hand on top of it.

"Let's just keep this between you and us. It would be more entertaining if this is between you and I." Trixie said.

"Oh, okay." Spike said as he picked up his pack. "See you at the talent show, Trixie!" Spike said as he waved goodbye. Trixie also waved goodbye while feeling really happy that she got to spend time with Spike.

The Next Day

People were coming into Canterlot High's auditorium before the talent show started. Parents also came to support their children whether they were performing on the show or not. At the backstage, the contestants were getting ready before they perform their acts for the talent show.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" Vice Principal Luna said to get everyone's attention. "I'm now going to call out the order of performers who will do their acts. When the show begins, be ready to come on stage and prepare for your acts. If any of you start to feel hesitant and want to forfeit, please let me know and we'll skip you!" Luna began to read the order of performers. Trixie's act was the last one of the show and this made Trixie feel relieved as she didn't have to feel so nervous. Luna checked her watch to see that it was almost time for the talent show. "The show will begin shortly! Please prepare to line up near the stage until we announce you!" The performers lined up as hey were told. Trixie was taking some deep breaths in attempt to calm down.

"Are you alright, Trixie?" Spike asked in concern.

"Of course Trixie is alright," Trixie lied. "Trixie has performed many magic acts in front of large crowds. Yet, this time feels different." Spike placed a hand on Trixie's shoulder.

"We'll do our best, right girls!" Spike turned to Trixie's other assistants who simply nodded in agreement. Trixie took one last deep breath before she smiled at Spike.

"Thank you, Spike." Trixie whispered. The stage curtains opened to reveal Cheerilee with a microphone in her hand. Cheerliee cleared her throat before she began to speak.

"Greetings everyone! Welcome to the annual Canterlot High Talent Show!" Everyone clapped in response. "For this year's show, we have many students performing a variety of acts to show how amazing they are!" Everyone clapped again. "Contestants will perform their acts while Princpal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Mr. Trenderhoof will judge how well the contestants do!" The spotlight moved to show Celestia, Luna, and Trenderhoof sitting at the judges' table. "With all that said and done, let's bring out our first contestant!" The show started with students performing their acts. Snips and Snails were performing some kind of rap that made almost everyone cringe from how terrible it was. Pinkie didn't cringe as she was shaking her head to the rhythm of the music. The judges showed no facial reactions and just wrote things down on their papers. The next one was Bulk Biceps and he was performing by playing a violin. Everyone was shocked as Bulk was an amazing violin player. The judges looked impressed and wrote down on their papers. Feather Bangs's act was reading poetry that he wrote himself. When he was done, he did his iconic mane flip and some of the girls sitting at the front couldn't help but swoon. Octavia and Vinyl changed the pace by performing an orchestral remix that everyone enjoyed. Everyone gave loud cheers to the duo for their amazing performance. "That was quite a show, huh folks?" Cheerilee said through her microphone. "For our final act, please give a warm round of applause to the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Everyone clapped as they waited for Trixie and her assistants to come out on stage. Puffs of smoke appeared on the floor to catch everyone's attention. The smoke disappeared to reveal Trixie wearing her hat and cape.

"Greetings, everyone!" Trixie yelled out. "Prepare to be shocked and awed by the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie nudged her head to the side of the stage. Her assistants immediately came out and began setting up the magic acts. Lavender and Fuchsia wore blue sparkling dresses that matched Trixie's outfit. Spike was wearing a formal vest that was also blue and sparkly. Trixie's first act was to have Lavender attached to a spinning wheel while Trixie wears a blindfold and throws some knives in attempt to avoid hitting the assistant. Trixie took some deep breaths before she threw all five knives at the spinning wheel. Spike and Fuchsia turned the wheel to reveal that the knives didn't hit anywhere on Lavender. Everyone cheered from how good Trixie aimed. The next act involved the assistants bringing out a pair of long boxes that were the size of a person. Spike and Fuchsia entered the boxes while Trixie and Lavender closed the boxes and locked them. Trixie then pulled out a magician's wand and began to wave it around. "Magic oh magic, don't make these two dead, the least I could do is switch their heads!" Trixie chanted. Trixie and Lavender opened both boxes to reveal that Spike and Fuchsia had indeed switched heads. Both of them and the audience were completely shocked from the magical switch. Spike and Fuchsia quickly went back into the boxes while Trixie and Lavender closed the boxes again. Trixie waved her wand once again and the boxes opened to reveal that Spike and Fuchsia were completely back to normal. The audience gave another round of applause from Trixie's amazing performance. "Thank you! Thank you!" Trixie said while bowing. "Now we will move on with the grand finale!" Trixie said as the assistants brought out a large object that was covered with some curtains. Trixie opened the curtains to reveal a large glass box with a chair inside. On top of the box was a large digital clock and a water tank filled with what looked like piranhas. "Spike, would you be a dear and come inside?" Trixie said as she opened the box. Spike bowed and entered to take a seat. The other assistants also entered the box and tied up Spike with some chains. "My wonder assistant, Spike, will have two minutes to break free of his chains and escape the box before the timer runs out." Trixie motioned to the large digital clock on top. "If he doesn't get out one time, he will become those piranhas' dinner!" Trixie announced. The audience was getting concerned from how dangerous that sounds. Scales specially was starting to panic from seeing his little brother in such a dangerous situation. The assistants exited the glass box and shut the door. "Are you ready, Spike the Brave and Glorious?" Trixie asked.

"Ready!" Spike said in anticipation.

"On your mark....get set.....go!" Trixie said as the timer began counting down. Spike struggled as he did his best to get out of his chains. Everyone else watched in suspense as they weren't sure if Spike will get out on time. Seconds went by and there weren't any signs of progress with Spike's attempt in escaping. The judges weren't writing anything down on their papers as they were busy watching Spike trying to break free. The timer continued to count down until it goes to zero and those piranhas get unleash. Spike was able to break out of his chains right when the timer was ten seconds. He struck a pose and everyone cheered. As Spike was about to exit the glass box, he noticed that the glass box's door won't open.

"Trixie, we have a problem!" Spike said as he was getting scared. Trixie and her assistants hurried over and tried to open the box's door. The assistants tried to slam against the door in attempt to break it open. When they hit the door a third time, the piranha's tank suddenly opened and spilled on top of Spike. He screamed in pain and the piranhas were swimming down and possibly chomping on him. Everyone screamed in terror as they saw the color red filling up the tank, indicating that it was Spike's blood. Trixie panicked as she rushed to the side of the theater and used a sledge hammer to smash the glass box open. All of the water and piranhas spilled out and Spike was nowhere to be seen. The entire auditorium was silent as they realized that they just witnessed a person's death.

"Boo! That was terrible!" Spike's voice called out. The spotlight moved to show Spike all wet while sitting in the middle of the front row. Everyone was shocked from seeing Spike completely out of harm's way. The entire room cheered loudly from such a thrilling performance. Spike got up on stage to join with Trixie and her assistants in their bowing.

After the stage was cleaned up, Cheerilee walked up on stage while carrying a small envelope. "The judges have made their votes." Cheerilee said as she opened the envelope and began reading what was inside. "The third place winner for the talent show is....Bulk Biceps!"

"Yeah!" Bulk said as he ran up on stage while everyone cheered. He received a small bronze trophy that he then hugged dearly. Cheerilee continued reading the results.

"Our second place winner, or should I say 'winners', are none other than Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch!" Everyone cheered as the musical duo made their way up one stage and claimed their sliver trophy. "Now we will announce who will be the first place winner for the talent show." Everyone watched in suspense on who will be the winner. "And the first place winner is....The Great and Powerful Trixie!" Cheerilee announced. Everyone cheered louder than usual as they all agreed that Trixie and her assistants deserved it. Trixie and her assistants made their way to the stage as they were given a gold trophy for their performance. "Give another round of applause for everyone who have performed in this year's Canterlot High Talent Show!" Everyone continued to cheer and give applauses to the performers for doing their best tonight.

The auditorium was almost empty as the show was over and people were already heading home. Trixie, Spike, and the girl assistants were still on stage as students were praising how spectacle the magic show was. The students ended up leaving along with Lavender and Fuchsia. From out of nowhere, Trixie gave Spike a big hug.

"Trixie can not thank you enough for performing that last trick!" Trixie said sheer happiness.

"It was no big deal." Spike said in embarrassment.

"It is such a big deal!" Trixie countered. "Trixie feared for a bit that she might have ended up causing another magical disaster! That was until you helped Trixie out! It's as if you were a good luck charm to Trixie!" Trixie continued while still giving Spike a hug.

"Ahem," Rarity cleared her throat. Spike and Trixie saw that the Mane Six and Scales were staring daggers at the two of them. Trixie reacted quickly and broke off her hug with Spike.

"So umm....here for an autograph?" Trixie asked while chuckling. Twilight and Scales marched up to Trixie to confront her.

"I cannot believe that you put Spike at such a dangerous risk!" Twilight expressed.

"You're lucky that my little bro got out." Scales included. "Otherwise, there were a few things I would've done to you." Trixie started to sweat in fear.

"Guys, wait!" Spike interrupted. "It was me who agreed with performing the last trick. Trixie gave me warnings about the risks and I still wanted to participate!" The others looked at each other. "I'm sorry that I scared you guys, I promise it won't happen again." Spike said while bowing to his brother and friends.

"Well, alright." Rainbow said while pouting. "Even I have to admit that was so insane."

"Yeah!" Pinkie agreed. "I was afraid that I would have to make a funeral party for Spike if he did get eaten by those piranhas!"

"Alright Spike, we forgive you." Rarity said before she wiggled her finger. "But no more putting yourself at risk like that!" Rarity then glared at Trixie. "Especially from the likes of you!" Trixie laughed nervously from Rarity's warning.

"What are we waiting for?!" Pinkie asked. "Let's head on over to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate, my treat!" Pinkie lead the way while the gang followed. Spike was about to join in until he was stopped by Trixie. She pulled him in to give Spike a big smooch on his cheek.

"Thanks for all that you have done, my number one assistant." Trixie whispered. Spike blushed a bright red from how flustered he was. He thought he should've been used to having girls kissing his cheeks by now.

Author's Note:

Sorry this fic took so long!