• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 4,604 Views, 116 Comments

The Drake Bros. - BrawnyBold

Spike attracts the hearts of certain girls but it is hard for them to get his attention as he spends most of his time with his delinquent brother, Scales. The girls try to win Spike's love while staying on Scales' good side.

  • ...

Quality Time with Bro and Friends!

Spike felt excited when he woke up to another Saturday morning. This means that there was no school today and he could have fun. He checked his phone to see what messages he received. Spike read that the girls were busy with various activities: Rainbow is teaching soccer to middle schoolers, Twilight is attending a science awards ceremony, Applejack is visiting some relatives out of town, Pinkie is babysitting the Cakes' twins, Rarity is working on some designs, and Fluttershy is taking part in bird watching with some of her animal-caring friends. Despite Spike feeling a bit disappointed, he didn't care as he can still have fun without the girls. Spike got dressed and made his way to the dining room where his family was setting up for breakfast.

"Morning, everyone!" Spike said as he entered.

"Good morning, sweetie!" Jade replied as she placed a plate of pancakes on the table. "I've made your favorite!"

"Yay!" Spike cheered as he sat down along with the rest of his family.

"Any plans, boys?" Scorpan asked. "Your mother and I will be doing some errands throughout the day."

"The girls are busy so I can't think of anything." Spike replied.

"It's alright," Scales replied. "Spike and I can hang out around town."

"Just make sure both of you get home before nighttime." Jade said cautiously.

"Okay, Mom!" Spike said before he stuffed some more pancakes into his mouth.

After breakfast, the brothers made their way through the streets of Canterlot to look for things to do.

"It feels like a millennium since you and I spent some time by ourselves, huh Spike?" Scales asked.

"Yeah," Spike replied. "it's probably because we spend most of the time with the girls. It almost feels strange without them."

"We've been spending time with girls," Scales replied. "it would be good to hang out with some guys." Spike suddenly thought of an idea as he dialed on his phone.

"Hey, Feather!" Spike said on his phone.

"Any plans for today?" Spike listened for a reply. "My brother and I are out of our house and I was wondering if you want to hang out with us." Spike continued to listen.

"Great!" Spike replied. "Meet us at the arcade!" Spike hung up and turned to Scales.

"Let's go!" Spike said as he ran ahead of Scales. Scales put the pieces together on who was on the phone with Spike. When the brothers made it to the arcade, they saw Feather Bangs who was keeping his distance from Bulk Biceps.

"Hey guys!" Spike hollered as he ran up to his friends.

"S'up Spike!" Feather said as he gave Spike a high five. "Glad that you're here!" Feather then got closer to Spike to whisper.

"You would not believe how many times this muscle-bound jock kept saying 'yeah', it was agonizing!" Spike raised a brow from Feather's weird comment.

"Well, at least we're all here!" Spike said before Scales made his way to the guys.

"S'up dudes," Scales said to Spike's friends.

"Oh yeah!" Spike said. "I also brought my brother, Scales."

"S'up." Bulk and Feathers said at once.

"Let's get started on our guys' day out!" Spike said as he made his way into the arcade.

"Yeah!" Bulk said as he and the rest of the guys followed in pursuit. The guys played a few of the arcade machines until Spike noticed a new game. It was a punching game that gives scores on how many points you can make when you hit the punching bag.

"We have got to try this game!" Spike said as he inserted some coins to start the game. When the machine turned on, a robot voice was heard from the speakers.

"Throw the hardest punch you can make to show your strength!" the machine said as the punching bag was lowered. The guys gathered to watch Spike as he took a deep breath. Spike swung his fist to make a direct hit on the punching bag. The screen showed that Spike made a score of 50 points from the game.

"Not bad, bro." Scales said as he inserted his money into the machine.

"I'll give it a go." Scales also took a deep breath before he punched the bag with all of his might. The screen showed that Scales made a score of 73 points.

"Awesome, bro!" Spike said before he inserted more money into the machine.

"Your turn, Feather!" Feather's eyes popped out when he was offered a turn.

"I-I'm not really into these kind of games." Feather said nervously.

"No worries! This is just for fun!" Spike cheered as he pushed Feather closer to the machine. Feather gulped before he threw his hardest punch on to the punching bag. The screen showed 10 points were made. The guys just stared at the screen while Feather blushed in embarrassment.

"Umm...at least you tried?" Spike said with a nervous smile. Feather hung his head in shame as Bulk made his way to the punching machine.

"Yeah!" Bulk hollered before he threw a punch. The score was 100 points and trumpets were played from the speakers.

"It's a new record!" The machine said as lights were flashing. The rest of the guys clamped from Bulk's amazing score.

"Aw, it was nothing." Bulk said while he acted embarrassed. The guys were done with the arcade and decided to stop by a diner for lunch.

"So how is it with you and those girls, Spike?" Feather asked.

"Oh, it's been great!" Spike took a bite from his burger. "I got to help them with a lot of their occasions!"

"I helped too." Scales included while he sipped his drink.

"Man, you must be super lucky for being friends with them." Feather said with a sigh.

"I just keep being me." Spike replied.

"I have to ask," Feather leaned closer to Spike. "which one of the girls would you prefer to as a possible girlfriend?"

"Um..." Spike responded.

"I'm just asking if one of your friends became something more like someone you would date." Feather explained. "Who knows when a friendship can turn into something more." Spike pondered for a moment as he tries to figure out an answer.

"It's really hard to say." Spike replied. "Each of the girls have their special traits: Twilight is really smart and cares for her friends, Rarity shows both beauty and generosity, Rainbow is really cool, Applejack is hard-working, Pinkie brings out my best smile, and Fluttershy shows kindness to animals and people." Feather smiled from Spike's response. Goes to show that Spike doesn't play favorites when it comes to the girls.

"Ahem," Scales interrupted with a fake cough. "I know it's normal for us guys to talk about girls, but can we get back into our guys' day out?" The rest of the guys nodded in agreement.

"I'm still single because I don't need a girlfriend to keep me going, right Bulk?" The muscular guy nodded.

"Yeah, " Bulk agreed. "even though I don't have a date, it gives me more time to lift weights." Bulk then gave a peck on one of his muscular arms. The guys chuckled from Bulk's response and decided to continue with their day.

The Drake parents drove up to their home and made their way to the front door.

"We're home!" Jade said as she opened the door. She was surprised to see her sons and two other boys play video games in the living room.

"Hey mom!" Spike said while pushing buttons on his controller.

"How was your day out?" Scales asked as he was also on his controller.

"It was fine." Scorpan replied. "But I see that you boys and your friends had a good day?"

"It was great," Spike replied.

"I wished this could go on longer," Jade said as she looked at the clock. "but wouldn't now be a good time for your friends to head home? It is getting late." The boys hurried with their game before Feather and Bulk got up.

"Thanks for hanging out with us, you guys!" Feather said to the brothers before he turned and held Jade's hand. "And it's was an honor to meet a beautiful mom like you!" Feather then gave a small peck on Jade's hand, much to Scorpan's jealously. Jade just giggled from Feather's silly gesture before he and Bulk left the house.

Author's Note:

This chapter was written as an intermission from Spike spending time with the girls. Boys gotta have fun, am I right? :raritywink: