• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 4,604 Views, 116 Comments

The Drake Bros. - BrawnyBold

Spike attracts the hearts of certain girls but it is hard for them to get his attention as he spends most of his time with his delinquent brother, Scales. The girls try to win Spike's love while staying on Scales' good side.

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Accidents Happen

It was night time when the Drake family were done eating at a family restaurant and they were now riding back home. Scorpan was behind the wheel while Jade was riding shotgun. Scales sat in one of the passenger seats while Spike was fast asleep on his seat.

Scorpan looked at the front mirror and smiled when he saw Spike sleeping. "Spike must be really full from all of those nachos he ate." Scorpan said.

"Yeah, Spike wanted to enjoy all of what he ordered." Scales replied.

"If Spike doesn't wake up, you and your dad will have to carry him to bed." Jade added.

"Yeah, I know." Scales said while smiling.

"Oh God!" Scorpan yelled while turning the wheel very hard. Scales' mind suddenly went black after he heard the sound of cars crashing and glass shattering. Spike slowly woke up to be startled from what he saw. His family's car just crashed into another car and all of the glass windows were broken. Spike turned to see police sirens blinking and getting closer to where the Drakes' car was. Spike then turned to be horrified to see Scales completely unconscious and his head was leaking large amounts of blood.

"Scales," Spike whispered in hopes that his big brother was hearing. Spike began to panic as he assumed that his brother might be possibly dead. "Scales!" Spike yelled out as he tried to wake his older brother.

"Spike...Spike?" A female voice called out to him. Spike's mind came back to reality from that terrible memory. Spike saw that he was inside the office of Vice Principal Luna and Luna herself was sitting in front of him.

"W-What?" Spike asked.

"We were just talking about what happened two days ago." Luna answered.

"Oh," Spike said as he looked back down.

"I apologize that you had to go through such an event, Spike."

"Yeah," Spike said with no emotions.

"Is your brother making any progress?" Luna asked.

"He's still not waking up at the hospital." Spike responded. "Mom and Dad come by daily to check up on him to see if he's alright."

"I see," Luna responded. "How are you doing?"

"I don't know," Spike replied.

"I understand how you feel." Luna nodded. "I too would be devastated if anything were to happen to my older sister." Luna got up to lower herself to be at the same eye-level as Spike. "But you're not alone on this, Spike. Me and all of Canterlot High are praying and hoping that Scales will pull through. Just stay strong for Scales, he would want you to do that."

Spike wiped some snot from his nose before he looked at Luna. "Okay,"

Luna nodded, "Come by my office if you want to talk again, Spike." Luna suggested. Spike nodded before he left the room.

As the day went by, Spike was silent while attending classes. Almost all of the students approached Spike to say that they hope that Scales will get better. Spike responded by simply nodding and focused on his schoolwork. It was around lunchtime when Spike made his way to his usual table where he met up with the Mane Six. All of the girls showed looks of concern.

"Hey Spike," Fluttershy said as she approached Spike.

"Hey girls," Spike replied sadly and took a seat.

"We heard what happened to Scales." Twilight said. Before Spike could say anything, Rarity went up to give Spike a much needed hug.

"The last thing I want is to see you so gloomy, Spikey-Wikey! I do hope that Scales recovers!" Rarity spoke dramatically. Pinkie joined in on the hug.

"Spike, I'm gonna hug you until all of your sadness goes away!" Pinkie said while hugging.

"Me too!" Fluttershy claimed as she also joined in on the group hug.

"Don't worry, Spike." Rainbow assured. "I got to know Scales for a while and he's a tough guy. He'll recover before you know it!" Rainbow then gave a thumbs up as a sign of encouragement.

"The best thing you can do is to hang on for a little while until Scales gets better." Applejack advised. "These kinds of things take time." Spike just looked down and nodded in agreement.

"If you want, Spike, we could all go visit Scales at the hospital once school is out." Twilight suggested. "This could show Scales that we're all rooting for him to get better."

"Oh! And I could bring Scales some balloons and some goodies to cheer him up!" Pinkie said.

"Will it be alright, Spike?" Fluttershy asked as she and the girls looked at Spike in anticipation.

"Alright, you can come." Spike said with a weak smile. The girls cheered as they couldn't wait to visit Scales at the hospital.

When school was over, Spike and the girls went their separate ways to get gifts for Scales. An hour passed until Spike arrived to the hospital to see his friends there.

"I'm glad you girls made it!" Spike said as he approached them. "Do you have everything?"

"Indeed," Rarity replied as she pulled out a lovely looking vase full of flowers. "Fluttershy and I did our best to pick out the best flowers as a gift for Scales."

"I got Scales all the balloons I could get my hands on!" Pinkie claimed as she showed everyone that she went overboard by buying a whole bunch of colorful balloons that said: Get Well Soon! on each of them.

"I went back to Sweet Apple Acres to get Scales a basket full of fresh-picked apples." Applejack said as she showed everyone her basket full of apples.

"I also went to Applejack's farm to get some bottles of apple cider." Rainbow said as she held up a case that contained some bottles of apple cider. "I just thought that Scales might get thirsty while staying in his hospital room."

"And I bought a big Get Well card that Scales might enjoy." Twilight said as she pulled out the said card. "Make sure you all sign this." Everyone followed Twilight's request and signed the card.

"What did you bring, Spike?" Twilight asked. Spike pulled out his Burnferno action figure.

"I just thought that Burnferno could help Scales stay strong despite the condition he's in." Spike answered.

"I'm sure Scales will appreciate it." Rarity assured.

"Thanks," Spike said before he and the girls entered the hospital. One of the nurses escorted the group to the room Scales was in. As they all entered, Scales was resting in a hospital bed while being hooked up to some equipment. The heart rate machine kept beeping as a sign that Scales was fine.

"Man, I can't believe that Scales would be out of it for this long." Rainbow said in disbelief.

"Let's put the gifts at a far distant so it doesn't disturb the medical equipment." Twilight suggested. Everyone agreed and put their presents on a small table at the other side of the room. Spike slowly approached his sleeping brother.

"Hey Scales, I'm here for another visit." Spike said. There wasn't a response from Scales. "The girls and I came to bring you some Get Well Soon gifts. I bet you'll feel extremely happy to wake up to see how much stuff you got for just sleeping." Spike said with a small chuckle. He then pulled out his Burnferno action figure. "I'm leaving Burnferno here to help you get better. I'll be fine without him for a while as he will be by your side, Scales." Spike waited for Scales to respond, but got nothing. Spike then turned to his friends. "Hey girls, is it alright that I get some alone time with Scales?"

"No problem, Spike." Twilight said as she and the girls left the room. Once the door was closed, Spike continued to speak. "You actually remind me of Burnferno, Scales. I admire you both as you guys are strong and aren't afraid of a lot of things. I remember this one part from Burnferno's story where he was severely injured while rescuing some baby dragons. Although Burnferno was hurt, he stayed strong until those baby dragons were saved. I hope that you'll stay strong just like Burnferno, Scales. Have a good rest." Spike said before he exited the room. As Spike shut the door, he saw that the girls were staring at him. This was because large amounts of tears were pouring down his face as he began to cry. The girls reacted by giving Spike a large group hug in attempt to make their friend feel better.