• Member Since 24th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen March 28th

Wandering Pigeon

I came here to eat breadcrumbs and indiscriminately shit on cars. And I'm all out of breadcrumbs...

Comments ( 36 )

This is what happens when you put all the quiet ponies in one room. It was inevitable. :heart:

It's always the quiet ones. :raritywink:

Wow...that had to be the cutest, most adorable one shot with Marble, Coco, and Fluttershy that I've read:heart:! Not only that, but it's the first one the I've read too, which makes it even better:pinkiehappy:! I loved every moment, the cat suit, the dresses, especially the diapers:rainbowkiss:! if there are three mares that I know who will looked adorable in them, its these three:raritywink:!

Also, Pinkie's group name for them, The 'Council of Shy', takes the cake:ajsmug:!

Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it. Writing this one almost gave me diabetes, but I knew it'd be worth it in the end.

I'll openly admit that I'm not into every fetish on display.....though I did enjoy enough of it; helps it was the Council of Shy in a threesome. n//n

I'm honestly surprised there aren't more stories of Coco and Marble in diapers. I really liked the dynamic all three characters had with each other and it only made me eager to read more stories with these three.

>to pluck a spoon free from it’s burial in the sugar bowl.
Common mistake, "it's" is a contraction of "it is", while "its" is the possessive version. It's the only word that defies the usual apostrophe s 'rule' to the best of my recollection.

>warm but not scorching.
Warm implies it wouldn't be. If the distinction was hot but not scorching there would be reason for it.

>she noticed the hoof-sized indents left on her welcome mat
Nice touch with the callback.

>letting it settle against her main
I think you can spot this one.

Overall, a well-written story by and large with some minor typos scattered throughout (beyond what I already listed). Nothing too distracting, though, but it does increasingly feel like these are byproducts of an author's blindness to their own work rather than a lack of skill on their part. Your grasp on the intricacies of style has grown noticeably and is worth commendation, with many pleasant play on words and flourishes.

The story also does an excellent job of "Starting as close to the ending as possible" with the smooth interweaving of the establishing backstory and comes to a solid conclusion (even if the content wasn't entirely my thing, but that's purely subjective). You also did a good job of incorporating some conflict with Fluttershy's inner turmoil, which is something I'm sure many can relate with in regards to this fetish, although it did feel like you beat that drum maybe one or two more times than strictly necessary without really changing what was said.

Marble's characterization was strong, especially with how she became more talkative as the story went on. I will admit I was hoping she would be on a slightly different wavelength than the others in regards to how she enjoyed her diapers; they all sort of felt the same at the end.

Coco was okay. She doesn't really have much to work with based on the show to the best of my recollection, though, so that isn't so much something you lack. She fulfilled her role sufficiently.

Looking forward to seeing your next project :)

Lovely work. Looking forward to more.

I'm always surprised there's barely any stories with these three. Glad you both were able to find things to like about it!

Thanks for catching some of my errors for me. It's great to hear you were able to enjoy the story overall, even if some of the content wasn't to your tastes. Looking back, I do wish I could've made the three of them more distinct while still keeping the basic premise of the fic. I'll be keeping that in mind, especially if I do another fic with these three in it in the future.

Thanks, I try :twilightsmile:


I'm always surprised there's barely any stories with these three.

It's a crying shame.

I'll be keeping that in mind, especially if I do another fic with these three in it in the future.

I hope you do. I'd certainly be interested in seeing how the dynamic between these three has changed thanks to this incident.

Always love your work, Pigeon!

I kind of want to, I'll admit. But it'll be a while before I do it, just because of what I have planned soon.

Thanks! I really appreciate it:pinkiehappy:

This one goes straight into my favorites. I've seen a few of your stories before, but now I have to keep a close eye on your work, so I'll follow you.

That's great! I hope my future stories will live up to your expectations.

Oh don't be like that. The stuff I have coming up will be well worth it, I assure you.:raritywink:

9093563 Okie-dokke-lokie! :pinkiesmile:


Nicely paced and such perfect characters to put together in such a way. Seeing Flutters be the least shy was definitely different. I also had never thought much on Coco's timidness.

Definitely a cute idea. They were very naughty but at least they were able to be honest with each other. :)

Fluttershy being the boldest of the shy ponies was a lot of fun to write. I'm glad you liked this. :twilightsmile:

This was very fun, well done.

Fantastic story, I agree, that's going in my favorites as well :pinkiehappy:

Aside from a few grammar mistakes, the writing was as fantastic as always, and the use of Flutters internal dialogue was very nice touch, just like how she was the first to react in any given situation between the three, it was natural to hear her conflicting thoughts on this brand new world they'd gotten themselves into. Maybe if given a sequel, you can explore Marble's reactions to these elevated tea parties?

As a side note, as a coupling, what do we call this decadently sweet bundle of padded floof?
Cobleshy? Like the pastry? :twilightsheepish:

Thank you!

Cobleshy sounds suitably adorable for these three. Really glad to hear you liked this. :twilightsmile:

I knew my waiting wouldn't be in vain :yay:

Great story and character synergies and loved the outfits!

Props to you and your work. Its always great :twilightsmile:

Thanks! It always makes my day to hear people like my stuff.:yay:

Mmnm, that was quite the enjoyable story.

Awesome! Glad to hear you liked it.

Very nice. I have to say, aside from having best Element here, this is memorable for being a well-writen diaper based one-shot. Very unique and interesting.

Thanks, it's good to hear this one's a winner in your book.:pinkiehappy:

How do you come up with such brilliant ideas?

By coming up with a ton of ideas constantly and keeping only the good ones. :twilightsheepish:

Again well written but I do think it's one of your weaker stories. It just has so little energy to it because of how little is happening.

This is great and all. But we need to kill chaos

that...was...hot... -faints- unh bleh X_X

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