• Published 30th Jul 2018
  • 497 Views, 3 Comments

The Black Snake - Spirit Lunar

An alternative story of the banishment of Luna on his return where a demon will be mixed in history.

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The trial

-- Moon Stellar/Black Snake --

The days passed, a trial to judge Sunny Happy, Solar Flare and Spell Book was organized. Fortunately, for helping us fight Sunny Happy and Solar Flare, Spell Book was not going to jail and will most likely be on parole.The fate of Solar Flare and Sunny Happy on the other hand was still in question as a result of their different crimes. No lawyer wishing to be their defenses, Crown of Winter proposed himself. The latter was suspected of being a double agent by the nobles of Canterlot who wanted the eradication of all demons, which is in principle the reason why Crown of Winter took place in the debate.It must be said that this one to a certain ease with the crowds. I think of all this at the window of my room fixing the progress of the work on the setting sun. Behind, Dark Insidious pats my shoulder in order to get my attention :
" Black Snake, I'm going to see Spell Book! I will finally see my sister again! And we'll have to talk about this marriage between her and Spell Book. It's funny to think of Spell Book as my future brother-in-law. Do you want to come? "
" No. " I said, staring at my hooves.
" Something is wrong? "
" No! " I replied now more angry.
" You know ... I think of you as my family now and I see that something is wrong. Please, let me help you! "
" Really!!! " All my anger disappearing giving way to surprise.
" Really what? "
" Do you consider me as your family? "
" Of course. I would love to introduce you to my sister, Blood Moon. " And without another word, I jumped on him and gave him a huge hug.
" I love you! "
" Me too. "

-- Crown of Winter --

The day of the trial arrived with great difficulty. It was necessary to rebuild a whole court room in order to be able to bring in Sunny Happy. Yet his presence will not be useful because of his madness. A multitude of guards dragged him into the room. The smile and look of Sunny Happy dive into the distance. From time to time, he had a clear moment of lucidity to try to free himself or demand food where yet to ask blood for his sweet smell he said thrilling the jury. That was not going to help me. Fortunately, I have to deal only with his case. Solar Flare is intellectually capable of thinking, he could defend himself alone. Yet this court will not be easy to convince. These noble and aristocrats of Canterlot do everything to get Sunny Happy's execution.

An orange pony with blue glasses asked me to come in. So I entered and in front of a large arched room from which came a hole in the ceiling, a ray of light illuminating the center of the room. All around, raised seats place in a circle in the remaining darkness of the room. Several seats facing the door were larger and ornate than the rest of the others. This show captivated me and then many hoofbeats echoed behind me. A crowd of ponies moved around in the big one too busy looking for a good place to enjoy what could be a chapel with all the illuminations of the room. Sunny Happy chained arrived followed by an escort and the princesses herself. I bowed quickly and took a seat next to my client.

A quarter of an hour later, after everyone entered and silence finally reigns. The trial began. A stallion in green with a dark blue mane in a black suit with a golden monocle, which no doubt was of the great nobility of Canterlot, stood in the middle of the assembly and spoke :
" My colleagues, princesses, if we are here to judge this monster of metal! "
All nodded, then he went on.
" Do you think a creature more monstrous than Tirek existed? That's what I thought before seeing this ... thing and those charming friends! This horror does not even deserve the Tartarus! No, she deserves something worse. The death! "
At this word, half of the ponies became pale. Some were becoming green and were struggling to vomit. Nevertheless, the nobility of Canterlot seemed in no way unmoved except two, three.
" We can not imprison him and we can not let him go. I know that for many the sentence seems monstrous but perhaps you would rather let him kill the foals and innocent fillies. "
After the utterance of this last idea, the green unicorn pony returned to its place, always in its extreme attitude of exaggerated snobbery.

It was therefore the turn of the defense that is to say me alone. I stood up and noticed that most of the ponies looked at me scared, no doubt that I am a demon myself, that I can exonerate him or something else. I placed myself like this stallion in the center of the room in the ray of light to be seen by all and began :
" My friends, the hour is serious, we want to kill a life without having known all the details of what is called life! You sir, want to kill Sunny Happy not by justice but by revenge. But do vengeance and justice go from peers? I believe in this case that the walls of Canterlot would be covered with blood. Let's resonate my friends, please. Sure, Sunny Happy has to be judged and he will be judged but let me tell you his story... "
After a quick account of Sunny Happy's story, most of the ponies refused to kill him slowly. is a first victory in the fog of war that is this trial.

The attack began to debate and this time a blue pegasus with a white coat with a clear blue mane arrived at the bar :
" There is no question of suffering here, but of the quick and painless death of a person who, despite his sad past, is a murderer in cold blood! Ponies, will you believe a filth like a demon where an honest pony who only asks that these monstrosities return to their creators! Let Equestria get rid of these defilements and purify what must be purified! "

Applause broke out all over the room. The princesses themselves could not keep silent with their Royal Canterlot Voice. I have heard about Black Snake. The session was suspended and all went to eat. Princess Luna came near me and claimed to give her voice in the name of Sunny Happy's survival.After two hours of waiting, the trial resumed. All the ponies looked at me with pure hatred while others gave me clumsy smiles to give me courage. I took a seat and started :
" So you are racist !? I thought I was dealing with people who had common sense, who would have said : After all, he did not choose to be a demon, to be the embodiment of what you call Evil. No, you prefer to imagine that we are exactly like Sunny Happy, bloodthirsty brutes devoid of heart. So maybe for you to show that I'm not a monster, I should tell you that I had an adopted son? That I loved him and that I cried him a death not a day but my life asking me why every morning he is no longer there! " Tears flowed from my eyes, but I went on.
" Do you really think that Sunny Happy acts do not disguise me as much as you! That I am only a pile of iron and ice? Please, as I would ask you every time you can save a life today of a being who has only known suffering and misery. Give him a chance to be nice, give him the chance to experience happiness. " Sunny Happy, who was standing there by the stoic side, began to cry with long sobs like a little child.

I knew at that moment that the trial was won. The ponies, as I had noticed at home, are very sensitive beings. I do not say that I was doing comedy but sometimes feelings are above reason. All the nobles except one of the name of Blue Blood who persisted joined my opinion. I explained my idea of ​​making him amnesic and giving him a foal appearance. The idea was accepted and with the help of the princesses, we went through the anti-magic protections of his armor and did as agreed. A mare named Fleur de Lys adopted it with a stallion. Then after the social worker has passed. Sunny Happy became Morning Happy.

I learned later that Solar Flare was not so lucky and it was decided that he would become a maid for a period of 5 years at the court of a certain princess Cadance where he was obliged to do everything that was said. When I saw him for the last time at the station. She was a gray-haired mare, a maid-servant. I found it special as a treatment but frankly, this one was not only all his head to do this but he had not had a painful childhood. She gave me a look of pure hatred.

Many festivities were preparing for Canterlot.I'll make it short but good. Spell Book and Blood Moon were married to Canterlot in their initial forms to the relief of Spell Book. Dark Insidious decided with the agreement of Black Snake to adopt it and left with the guard of the name of ... Silent Night I think. They formed an adorable family and I became a part of Black Snake. Luna also found love with a stranger in my eyes and had children. Finally, I'm happy to have been able to help but sad at not being able to stay.I greeted everyone with big cuddles and then I shut myself up in the countryside now completely black and prepared the ritual to leave the universe. I left instructions to follow to Dark Insidious if he wanted to leave one day although I think it will be in a lot of time. I am happy to see even jealous of his happiness. I was looking at my son's pendant and then cried for a while. Even after all these years, the pain is too much. But soon I could see him again, Door a Dream will help me at least I hope so.

A ray of blue light appeared in the sparkling countryside of the light of the twinkling stars on this beautiful summer night. Far off on his balcony, Dark Insidious melancholy says to no one in particular :
" Good luck, Crownie. "
Carried away by the silence of the night.



In the royal court of Canterlot

" Narrator for breaking the fourth wall and for failing to turn the palace into a club, I condemn you 1000 years on the moon! "
" Can I bring board games please? "

Author's Note:

I think that this song will go well in end credits. Tell me what you thought about it and if you like it please. :derpytongue2:

Thanks you for reading.

Comments ( 2 )

The Black Snake

a young


Hello! The Black Snake is considered young due to age difference with other demons. This one has not reached the maturity of the demons if one takes into account the passage of the time difference from one world to another.

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