• Published 30th Jul 2018
  • 497 Views, 3 Comments

The Black Snake - Spirit Lunar

An alternative story of the banishment of Luna on his return where a demon will be mixed in history.

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The worst nightmare

When the guard finally let go of me, I was in a room covered with purple curtain and where a collection of dress rested on a wardrobe. I was so busy observing the room that Luna's voice behind me surprised me:
" It's time to dress up our little Moon Stellar. "
" You can't to do that and stop calling me by that ridiculous name! "
" Do you think that I loved when you possess me all these years without being able to do anything. "She uttered a long sigh intermixed with some tear and then recovered :
" You will call yourself Moon Sellar and will have to do what I ask you to put on a dress. "
" But I'm not a mare! "
" Stop talking nonsense, guard help Moon Stellar put this pretty purple dress with the bow ties! "
" Immediately princess! "

After a futile attempt to escape the guard, him force me to put humiliating dress. Luna put me on her back walking I do not know we where are going, while explaining to me that she was going to entrust me to Celestia for the rest of the day to be able to perform these duties. Once in the throne room where Celestia was, Luna put me down and yawned discreetly greeted Celestia and went in the opposite direction. Celestia greeted me and gave a little laugh to the head I was doing in the dress before adding one :
" So cute! "
Embarrassing me even more than surrounded by four guard where Celestia began to explain to me the program of the day:
" First of all, you were sleeping during two weeks while things calm down. So we will start with your apologies for all the ponies coming to visit us then we will have a lunch and you will return to your room with a foalsitter. "
" A what? "Me I exclaiming.
" An adult to keep you if you prefer! "
" But I'm not a child! "
" Speak less loudly, we'll talk about it later with my sister if you want. "
" But... "
" There is no but Nightmare now try to keep you quiet. "
" The ponies will kill me! "
" Do not worry, you are considered my niece so they will not dare killing you and then most are nice. "

He then started for me a long series of excuses for different ponies, thankfully thanks to my new form they could not hold me grudge and accepting the excuses of a shy little filly in a pretty little dress. My dignity was dead and buried. Of all the other demons, I must have been a laughing stock. Tears of rage began to rise in my eyes at this thought. Celestia noticed it and closed the day yard earlier than usual. Then, without a word, lead away me to his room wondering what was wrong :
" I'm sick of being a stupid filly with a ridiculous name stuck in this horrible dress. "I screamed halfway.
Celestia then took me in a hug and spoke to me in a soft and reassuring voice :
" You should take it as a second chance. "
" I do not want to be like that up to the end of my life! "I answered my muffled voice between two sobs.
Oddly, Celestia did not get angry and suggested in a tone full of kindness :
" Can we go picnic in the gardens if it's convenient you? "
I nodded realize I had a wolf hunger, I had not eaten for two weeks. I followed Celestia to a large garden where they had plenty of statue of all kinds and all forms, many of which represent it in all its splendor. A guard brought us our food in a basket and went back inside the castle then we start the lunch, Celestia undertook to link a dialogue between two bites of her sandwich :
" Do you feel better now? "
" Sparsely. "
The silence came back but Celestia did not give up determined to learn more about me :
" So Luna created you? "
I think for a few seconds, better not to say that I was the same serpent who advised him and tried to take power with the body of Luna :
" Yes, in somehow! "
" In a sense? "
" In fact, Luna created me unconsciously and I did not realize the whole situation! "
" The whole situation? "
" I thought you were tyrannical so I fought you! "I finish, gulping down one of the many apple cakes.
" Leave the past behind us, what do you think of starting from zero? "
" I think it would be nice. "I lie with a fake smile.

Tonight I'll escape and find a way to leave this pathetic body. After lunch, Celestia had to leave because of a meeting with these councilors. The guards escorted me to my room where a doll's house resided with a note on it :

Dear Moon Stellar, I found for you a dollhouse that I hope you will enjoy and will start a new chapter together.
Signed Luna.

I found this gift really humbling to treat me as a child but at the same time touching. A voice in my head told me that after all I had become a child. I decided not to touch it and waited for my foalsitter. I ended up getting bored and started playing with my dollhouse. When the foalsitter finally arrived, she excuse for those few minutes late with the stoic guards, this one found me playing with my toys making me blush with embarrassment :
" Hello little princess, I am Bluegrass Serenity your foalsitter, so we have fun? "
Bluegrass Serenity is a beautiful unicorn mare with cyan coat, green and yellow mane and her cutie mark representing a yellow ball next to a red book.
" Uh ... not at all! "
" This lie is true? "
" Yes... "Lowering embarrassment.
" You're so pretty! Here, I brought you a lollipop. "
I did not know what to say after all this waterfall of kindness for me, a being supposed to be despised by all. I found myself with so much kindness despite the many crimes that I committed made me cry :
" What's wrong, why are you crying? Come hug. "
I picked myself up just in time and replied dryly :
" Mind your own business stupid mare! "

The mare gets angry and says that I was a little rude filly. What I answered by pulling the tongue. I ended up being punished in the corner after which the foalsitter offered me lots of games that I refused all being too childish to me. Bluegrass Serenity abandoned all interaction with me after half an hour leaving me with coloring. I found the time long and decided to go back to my doll house as shameful as it was which got me a smirk on the part of the mare. Then it was dinner time, the guards took me to a large dining room. I say goodbye to Bluegrass Serenity and follow-ups. Celestia and Luna was already there conversing quietly and when she saw me both smiled at me and the silence was made :
" The dollhouse I'm offered to you did you like Moon Stellar? "Quietly asked Luna finishing drinking her cup of tea.
" Yes a lot. "I replied little ashamed.
" I'm glad you're pleased! "Luna told me, looking at me as a protective mother, making me shiver with anguish.
" Do you have a problem Moon Stellar? " Celestia asked me visibly worried.
" Neither "
"All the better, what if we start the entry now that we are all here? "Said Celestia reassured.
" With joy my sister." Luna asked, still scrutinizing me out of the corner of my eye.
The meal ensued from Celestia boasting the merits of a certain mare named Twilight what the subject ensued on a certain Discord and were imminent return then I asked :
" Who is Discord? "
" He is the reincarnation of chaos." Luna answered calmly.
" And what happened to him? "
" We had no choice but to change it into stone. "Celestia declared sadly.
" Where is he? "
" In the garden we went to, tomorrow I'll take you there if you want. "
" You ask a lot of questions about him Moon Stellar! "Luna asked suspiciously.
" I'm only curious. "
" You do not do anything with Discord Nightmare M ... I mean Moon Stellar. "
" I am not crazy. "I snapped with this remark.
Of course I was lying, this Discord could perhaps help me escape from this body.
"I'm not hungry anymore, can I go to bed? "
After a nod of the two alicornes and a kiss on the forehead from Celestia and Luna I could finally reach my room.

-- Luna --

Nightmare Moon is acting really oddly since she became a filly again but Celestia cut me off abruptly from my thoughts :
" You're sure you want to continue little sister, I think that taking care of her will not be easy. We can always trust Twilight if you fear for her. "
" Tia I forbid you to separate me from Moon Stellar, she needs her mother you understand? "
" Do you really see things like that? Besides when I'm kept this morning, she seemed strange as if she had been anything other than Nightmare Moon. She says she was not always a mare, you do not find that strange? "
" Enought Tia, you do not see that she is still traumatized by what happened. She deliriously completely the poor and you all that you find to say is that I should leave it while she needs me. I know she was not nice, but it's all my fault! "
I left the room leaving Tia alone with these thoughts slamming through the door.

-- Celestia --

Maybe Luna's right and that the old Nightmare Moon losing the mind. If so, Luna is still right, we can not abandon her in full torment despite what she could does in the past. But I still think something is wrong with her.

-- Moon Stellar/Black Snake --

After a series of corridors, I finally arrived in my room into the darkness. Outside it was dark, I quickly brush my teeth under the watchful eye of the guard and then I put myself under the comforters of my bed feigning sleep that ends up leaving me alone. I got up slowly and opened the window. I realized that she did not want to open because of a spell. I finally noticed after ten minutes the latch of the window and opened it. I looked down and understood that I could not get down unless I flying what I did not know how to do. Then I remarked the ivy on the left. I looked to where he was going and saw an open window where I could pass. I began to climb it which proved very difficult with a hooves.

After a long climb, I finally got into the room. Despite the total darkness, I managed to discern a vast library. I tried to open the front door but unfortunately it is locked. I went through several shelves and ended up finding interesting books dealing with paralysis in stone statue and how to conjure it. Then, coming to sleep, my eyelids more and more heavier and I fell asleep, collapsing on a shelf, causing her a monstrous noise. I rushed out the window, but did not dare to come down with ivy again. Defeated, I waited until I heard a familiar voice arguing with someone :
" Thank you for warning me captain, I hope that in the future we will not have this genre of problem! "
I blushed at hearing this and before I had time to hide, the door opened revealing the blue anicorn visibly angry surrounding me with its blue aura. I lowered my eyes and whispered :
" Sorry! "
Luna stared at me then greeting the lunar guards, took me to a tower where followed a long series of stairs to reach a room that I guessed to be his.My heart stopped beating on seeing a cradle beside the bedroom bed while a slight smile appeared on Luna's face.

" If you are not able to sleep alone, you will sleep with me in the cradle so that you will no longer have a night getaway! We will also put a layer in case you have problems. "
" I'm Nightmare Moon, Equestria's most terrible nightmare, and I refuse to wear a diaper! "
" I do not recommend you to make the capricious filly Moon Stellar filly! "
" Stupid mare stop calling me by that ridiculous name. "
After two seconds of fighting with Luna I found myself humiliated, my self-esteem died again. Stuck in bed in a cradle. And to add it all, I found myself with a pacifier stuck in the mouth because I had not wanted to keep quiet. Bubbling with rage, I began to sob out. Luna came up to my cradle talking to me tenderly that I had nothing to fear but the temptation was too strong, I kicked Luna's head with all my strength with my hooves and then I heard a loud cry and I collapsed in the darkness

-- Elsewhere --

In a universe, a creature turns around with a dramatic look turning to their interlocutor :
" General, we have found a dimension containing dark energy gone! "