> The Black Snake > by Spirit Lunar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A forest! Why am I here in the middle of the night? Wait a second who am I? Am I alive? Free? Finish this wandering now let's try to see if I can move! After several unsuccessful tryng to move I just realized that I have no members except my head and my trunk. So I try to slip on the ground and I find myself rolling into the grass. Then I finally come to a creek and saw through my reflection a black snake with a golden eyes. To be frank with you and sorry to break the fourth wall but I expected something slightly more… impressive. I continued to looked my new appearance when hearing sounds of hooves towards a nearby clearing. In front of me was a majestic blue alicorne look at the moon. I decided to get closer to her. I heard these frivolous thinking about the meaning of life. Rolling my eyes to the these miserable concerns to be of flesh when my stomach decided to remind me that I had become similar. After many minutes of deliberation, I decided to use the power of alicorne for my goal. Having once been a magical magic heap of dark magic. I remembered how to use my magic, but first of all we had to weaken the creature in question by using what I was learn about her allow me to learn that she was jealous and angry against her older sister. I finally decided to come into play: " Good evening! Delicious night isn't it? " The alicorn was surprised during her daydream and then took a cold expression when she saw me. " Who are you and what do you want we? " " Calm down no need to get angry I'm just glad that others people appreciate the natural beauty of the moon. " " Excuse we, but I had a hard day. " " Like what? " " I don't really want to talk about it! " " It's about a big sister where I'm wrong. " The alicorn took an expression that was both surprising and severe and then after a few moments: " How do you know that? " " I've had brothers and sisters I'm used to! " lie me. " Excuse we but that doesn't explain how you knew it's my big sister. " " I admit to hearing you mumbled about your great sister Celestia. " " We marmonying? " " In fact, he would was hard not to hearded you. " " I would ask you not to exaggerate my case either. " " Anyway, we assume that like every big sister she gets all the honors of your shared tramways, and that's sad to you? " " Just a little bit. " I feel this sweet the scent of rancor, but we still have to wait a little wait until it turns into hatred. " And do you want to talk to her? " " Yes, but she turns a deaf ear as she knows so well. " " It's not the kind of sister who's listening, right? " " Yes it hurts me to admit it Tia spends most of her time giving orders without ever bothering to listen to me as it did week ago she did not listen to me when I told her that the griffins would take the trouble that it does not come to the peace declaration and suddenly we ended up at war with the empire of the griffons. " " Wait, you mean you're a… princess? " " Of course, but everyone knows that we are Princess Luna, the princess of the moon. " « Of the moon… » " But where do you get out so you don't know that? " " Well, I… It would be wise to give a follow-up to your sentence. I've lived all my life in underground. " " Ah, that's for it! " " But let's go back to where we'd like to prove to your sister to show him that your moon and your work deserve a little more respect. " " What do you mean by that? " " If the people of this world sleep during the day maybe should leave the moon in the sky during the day so that everyone can see your beautiful night. " " Maybe you're right. " " Of course I'm right. I am your friend! " " Thank you for these valuable advice. Well now I have to go, I wish you a pleasant night! " " What do you call yourself? " " Call me ...Black Snake! " " It's a strange name! " " Yes, I know. " " Could you see you again? " " Of course do not hesitate to come back here if you have problems where simply want to confide! " " Goodbye Black Snake and thank you again for your valuable advice. " Glowing is her. I pretended to go to a thicket and then when his attention went elsewhere I used a spell to penetrate his mind. Then once inside I saw through Luna's eyes and thoughts flying away in the dim lightof the moon to a castle with a dark appearance. > Luna, the day of banishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna took a deep inspiration and began to fly into the night sky towards the castle. Finally after a few minutes Luna landed on a kind of balcony and once again took inspiration and pushed the doors of the balcony to find themselves in a large room with night colors. After a quick brushing of her mane, Luna trot in the corridors to what looks like a large banquet hall. Then greeted a great white alicorn that I guess being her sister sitting on one of the many chairs. This one soaked a huge piece of pink cake in a cocoa bowl. She quickly lifted her head and greeted her with a Then greeted a great white alicorn that I guess being her sister sitting on one of the many chairs. This one soaked a huge piece of pink cake in a cocoa bowl. She quickly lifted her nodded head and greeted her with a head of head in return. Before refocusing on his task. To that Luna sighed and sat in front of her and took her breakfast leaving an unhealthy silence settled without the room. The white alicorn after finishing apologized to her sister on the number of duties to be performed during the day that she would not have time for her again. I felt one of the many thought held by Luna that she also had stains and that she was alone in order to realize them while Celestia benefits from an army of advisers. Luna felt reclusive, she had no office or throne because she was judged to be too young and immature to have it. It's barely if she talked to her sister for fear of letting her grudge take over while Celestia of what I sense is too busy with these royal duties to pay attention to the evil being of her little sister. Which makes Luna an isolated target so weak for me. Luna once again alone in the banquet room will suspect and start weep. It was the tears and the low head concealing these hidden tears that she returned to her room. Luna looked at dawn and fell asleep. I therefore expected to assess all the possibilities offered at this time. I couldn't her possessed and eliminated it would hardly help me so I ended up concluding that Luna would listen to my advice and leave the moon during the day causing a quarrel that would be the key to my success. Yes, I know ,I'm a monster with deceitful, but what you want to do is to live. After sleeping all day, Luna woke up and went to the banquet room to take a dinner. Coming there, Luna greeted Celestia all the excitement that began to talk about his day and the one in anticipation for tomorrow don’t leaving the smallest alicorn spoken. After having spent his dinner listening to his sister's wonderful day, Luna keeping her anger for her and headed to his usually empty night court, which was no exception that night. She turned to the despicable paperwork she looked after every night. Then she went to the observatory to check whether all the stars are in order. The day wasn't going to be slow when she finally finished the checks. Luna sat in the banquet room waiting for his sister's reaction when the moon wouldn't fall down. A dozen minutes later, a frantic Celestia entered the room and threw himself into a embrace with her sister who pushed her back. " What's happens Luna with you? " " What happens my sister? What's happens with me? But don't you see anything? " " Calm down Luna please and tell me what's going on! " " What happens is that your dear sister in the tidal of always being in the shadow of his perfect great sister that all these ponies worship in the day while at night they sleep all and fear our nights!! You see my sister I'm just sick of it! " " Luna calm down and talk about all this with a rest, I ask you to drop the moon at the moment. " " No! " " Lulu! " " I said no! " " Your big sister orders you! " " If not? " " How else? You'll be punished in your room. " " We're defending you as a capricious filly! " " But that is the case! " Tears began to sink from Luna's face while she pronounced these words: " I hate you! " I felt it was the moment and gathered my remaining black magic and launched my spell. The ceiling collapsed while a sphere of pure black magic wrapped Luna and let me take possession of her body. Once the spell finished I was a beautiful black alicorn as tall as Celestia. When I started my first step I fell immediately on the ground not being used to my new equestrian body. At the other end of the room was Celestia frightened in front of the sinister form front her. " Who are you and what do you have of my sister? " Asked Celestia with a white voice. I'm thinking for a second that I could name myself and a name idea in relation to Luna came to me. " I'm Nightmare Moon, your sister. "I sayed with a dramatic twist " No, that's not possible! " " Shut up and admire your precious sun hidden forever by my moon. " " I wouldn't let you do my sister even if I got to fight you. " " Your desires are orders! "Tell me before I throw myself on her. Celestia easily avoided my surprise attack and sent me a stunning radius. Not familiar with Luna's magic I was the same and had an idea. I took the same spell of Celestia again and I began to climb up with Celestia dizzy to the height of the clouds. After I release her and collapses in one of the many towers of the castle in front of a kind of altar where crystals of all colors rest. " I'm sorry, sister. " Say Celestia activating the crystals. A powerful rainbow jet cast onto me and everything became black. > On the Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Uhm my head, where am I? " I slowly opened my eyes and saw a dusty white ground, I'm on the ... on the MOON !!! I was trying to calm down and end up fainting now that I was provided that feeling. When I woke up I was still here on the moon with Equestria in front of me. I realize now that heavy chain stuck up to my hooves. I try to cancel the possession spell to no longer be stuck but unfortunately I have some sort of thing on my horn preventing me from practicing any magic. In what problem I am frankly stuffed, here I am stuck in a body too feminine for me without being able to practice the least magic and freedom of movement. Finally it was a bad idea. I would like to know how much time I will spend here so I ask the narrator : " Hey, writer, could you give me the storyline please?! " Suddenly, this one materializes in the form of a human old man sitting on the ground with a pile of board game at these feet. " I guess so since you're going to stay there for a while, you can only go to page 5! " " Thank you but why only the page 5? " " Well, it would be no more fun for my readers, already that you break the fourth wall without stopping! " " I only broke it twice! " " For my taste, it's twice too much! " " Forgive me, but your script is full of misspelling! " " It is the fault of this competent of this helper, not to write properly a clean script! " " So you are two to writer? " " No, I manage all the story and him write the storyline that I dictate to him! " " Can you tell me why you turned me into a mare? " " Yes it's just funny. " " And could you tell me how long I will stay here?" " Of course, 1000 years! " " ... " " It's okay ? " " Wait, 1000 years, but what am I going to do during all this time? " " That's exactly the reason for this dialogue, we can also play battle cards if you wish! " " With my hooves ?! " " Let's say you just have enough magic to move a card! " " it works !!! " " Of course, I do what I like in my story! " " Then free me! " " I must still respect a minimum the storyline, so we did this battle? " " Let's go! "Admitting me finally defeated. - - - - - 999 years later - - - - - " Still not finished huh? " " No ! " " Your ban ends in 20 seconds and we still have not finished the first part! " " What a pity! " I say very ironically. Finally I'll be able to leave this madman and go in search of revenge. " Have fun with your revenge! "sayed it " Thank you! "Suddenly my shackles broke and I ended up propelled on Equestria at the speed of a shooting star. The last picture I see of the moon is that of a busy narrator tidying up this horrible cards battle and then all gone far my vision. > Revenge and Judgement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I crashed on a path in a forest clearing Everfree I guess it was. My stay on the moon had made me so thin emaciated that even a mannequin would not get to my hoofs. I put my flank on the ground and then with my hooves anteriorI sat down then I threw on an disgusting intensive grassy grass vainly trying of filling my belly with those thousand years without eating and without food other than this lunar dust. Once a day of grazing (and God knows I hate it). I have a plan of revenge. Listen first: 1. kill or exile the only person who can beat you. 2. Destroy everything she does. 3. Take the power and to reign. Wait, it's so easy ... Well, let's get started! Let me forget to mention that at the same time taking his body I also took some of these habits such as talking with the royal Canterlot. After several hundreddecade failures I finally managed to teleport myself to her room while it was on her balcony. I slowly approached her and I screamed her.Celestia hearing the screamed approaching to the heart attack before she reacted, I exiled her on the Sun. Then I looked in his room something that I could destroy belonging to her. After long hesitations on what I could I opted for a small town called Poneyville where his student fetish resided for the festivities. I raised the Moon and after several teleportations laters, I found myself in the town hall and prepared with the help of the helper of writer, a dramatic entry worthy of the greatest villains disney. I appear behind the curtain to present myself instead of Celestia to the misfortunes of the admirers of the solar princess. I made a disquisition that the night would last forever and that nothing would stop me. This mare just out of adulthood should being the only one to know the story of the return of the mare of the moon.And even before those incapable of guards stop me, I turn into a haze thanks to the narrator having given me a range of powers to make things more interesting. Personally, I did not understand anything. I come back to my form of Nightmare Moon at the top of a hill and watch the terrified ponies scream in terror. I swallowed much of this dark energy when I saw a band of six ponies still accompanied by this purple mare heading for the old place of my defeat. That would not bode well. I decided to stop their progress of the castle now in ruins. I began to fog again and caused a landslide while the cyan pegasus was playing to scared other ponies. Unfortunately, the two pegasus managed to get their friends out of this trap. I saw not far from an authentic manticore that I planted a thorn in the leg that annoyed. I know ponies that will end up eaten. Once again my plan missed, the yellow pegasus coaxed the manticore and abduct the thorn which earned him some licking. I got angry and then search for a new way to stop them. If I scared them they will leave and I'll be tranquil. I cast a spell on the forest making the trees scary but my plan failed miserably again because of this pink pony singing to reassure these cowards of friends. I saw a sea serpent in a river and retented what I had done to the manticore by cutting off a piece of his precious mustache. He began to cry like a vulgar baby. But the white mare cut a piece of her tail and offered it to repair her mustache. He thanked her for helping them through. I used my last asset to bring out the most precious thing in the eyes of the cyan pony so that it does not connect the bridge. Unfortunately, her represented the element of loyalty. Having missed all my other attempts, I had my second and final plan being separated from the group from the group the leaderis an easy target. She as she tri to revive those damn crystals when I teleported her and the crystals to the tower. She tried to charge me and I did the same but using the trick she teleported towards the crystals. I teleported myself to the crystals and pushed her away with my magic. I thought for a moment that these reactivated themselves rising and vibrating under the effect of the magic of the penetrating purple unicorn but ended up falling back to their initial states. I decided to break them and then returned to my role as a big bad guy who wanted to make the night last forever. The friends of the purple mare found us then a flash passed in these eyes. Under my eyes terrified each of the mares represented one of the crystals to finish with a powerful ray rainbow and then I faint. I feel rested and different. I opened my eyes to see the sun come back to me, Celestia was there helping her to get up while the mares who had beaten me hugged together. Then I noticed that I was smaller than before. I wanted to get up and leave but soon all eyes were focused on me. Celestia used her magic and then I felt like sleeping. When I woke I was on a bed with a purple blanket while daylight filtered through the window of the room. I got up and found that I was still a pony yet I had seen Luna so I could not be her. I stood up and noticed a mirror on the right side of the bed. A pretty little black filly with big teal eyes stared at me. I had a bad feeling and I raised a hoof, she raised it too. But I'm this adorable little black alicorne which explained that I was not rotting in a dungeon or not yet. I uttered the cutest cry I heard of my life when one of the guards opened the door and looked at me saying: "What's wrong? " "What is wrong? What is wrong? But I'm an idiot little filly and I do not want to be a child or a girl. " "Ah! " Then this idiot locked the door and went off to warn the princesses. I tried desperately to reverse the possession spell, but I could not do it when the door opened again with the same guard speaking in a formal tone: " Come with me and do not try to escape. " " And if I refuse! " The unicorn guard grabbed me unceremoniously with his magic and dragged me into a room of the golden throne where the two princesses rested to whom I was accountable. Celestia spoke: " Hello, do you know why you are here? " " For my death sentence " Making Celestia even whiter while Luna glared at me. Then she went on: " We do not kill here, but my sister has an idea of ​​punishment that I consider worthy of your cruelty. " " Who is? " " Limitless. " " Not the cruelty, the punishment! " " You're sure Luna? " Speaking to Luna who replied with an evil smile: " Yes dear sister " " Then my sister and I condemn you to ... " At that moment I hid my face under my hooves with my belly on the ground imploring the forgiveness of the sky when the sentence finished I remained the falling jaw. " ... to learn love by becoming Luna's adopted daughter " " What? " Luna pursued : " I decided that having been born of me you are my daughter and that besides being an alicorne you are immortal so I will raise you as such after repairing your foolishness. "Finishing the phrase up on an authoritarian tone, I protested: " But I do not want me ! " To which Celestia replied firmly: " Listen to your mother Moon Stellar! Guards preparing this filly for the excuses she will have to make by putting on a pretty dress ! " " not the dress, please ! " I said, being dragged away while the same guard dragged me out of the room as Luna rolled of laughing to the floor. With Celestia laughing a hoof in front of her mouth more discreetly. > The worst nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the guard finally let go of me, I was in a room covered with purple curtain and where a collection of dress rested on a wardrobe. I was so busy observing the room that Luna's voice behind me surprised me: " It's time to dress up our little Moon Stellar. " " You can't to do that and stop calling me by that ridiculous name! " " Do you think that I loved when you possess me all these years without being able to do anything. "She uttered a long sigh intermixed with some tear and then recovered : " You will call yourself Moon Sellar and will have to do what I ask you to put on a dress. " " But I'm not a mare! " " Stop talking nonsense, guard help Moon Stellar put this pretty purple dress with the bow ties! " " Immediately princess! " After a futile attempt to escape the guard, him force me to put humiliating dress. Luna put me on her back walking I do not know we where are going, while explaining to me that she was going to entrust me to Celestia for the rest of the day to be able to perform these duties. Once in the throne room where Celestia was, Luna put me down and yawned discreetly greeted Celestia and went in the opposite direction. Celestia greeted me and gave a little laugh to the head I was doing in the dress before adding one : " So cute! " Embarrassing me even more than surrounded by four guard where Celestia began to explain to me the program of the day: " First of all, you were sleeping during two weeks while things calm down. So we will start with your apologies for all the ponies coming to visit us then we will have a lunch and you will return to your room with a foalsitter. " " A what? "Me I exclaiming. " An adult to keep you if you prefer! " " But I'm not a child! " " Speak less loudly, we'll talk about it later with my sister if you want. " " But... " " There is no but Nightmare now try to keep you quiet. " " The ponies will kill me! " " Do not worry, you are considered my niece so they will not dare killing you and then most are nice. " He then started for me a long series of excuses for different ponies, thankfully thanks to my new form they could not hold me grudge and accepting the excuses of a shy little filly in a pretty little dress. My dignity was dead and buried. Of all the other demons, I must have been a laughing stock. Tears of rage began to rise in my eyes at this thought. Celestia noticed it and closed the day yard earlier than usual. Then, without a word, lead away me to his room wondering what was wrong : " I'm sick of being a stupid filly with a ridiculous name stuck in this horrible dress. "I screamed halfway. Celestia then took me in a hug and spoke to me in a soft and reassuring voice : " You should take it as a second chance. " " I do not want to be like that up to the end of my life! "I answered my muffled voice between two sobs. Oddly, Celestia did not get angry and suggested in a tone full of kindness : " Can we go picnic in the gardens if it's convenient you? " I nodded realize I had a wolf hunger, I had not eaten for two weeks. I followed Celestia to a large garden where they had plenty of statue of all kinds and all forms, many of which represent it in all its splendor. A guard brought us our food in a basket and went back inside the castle then we start the lunch, Celestia undertook to link a dialogue between two bites of her sandwich : " Do you feel better now? " " Sparsely. " The silence came back but Celestia did not give up determined to learn more about me : " So Luna created you? " I think for a few seconds, better not to say that I was the same serpent who advised him and tried to take power with the body of Luna : " Yes, in somehow! " " In a sense? " " In fact, Luna created me unconsciously and I did not realize the whole situation! " " The whole situation? " " I thought you were tyrannical so I fought you! "I finish, gulping down one of the many apple cakes. " Leave the past behind us, what do you think of starting from zero? " " I think it would be nice. "I lie with a fake smile. Tonight I'll escape and find a way to leave this pathetic body. After lunch, Celestia had to leave because of a meeting with these councilors. The guards escorted me to my room where a doll's house resided with a note on it : Dear Moon Stellar, I found for you a dollhouse that I hope you will enjoy and will start a new chapter together. Signed Luna. I found this gift really humbling to treat me as a child but at the same time touching. A voice in my head told me that after all I had become a child. I decided not to touch it and waited for my foalsitter. I ended up getting bored and started playing with my dollhouse. When the foalsitter finally arrived, she excuse for those few minutes late with the stoic guards, this one found me playing with my toys making me blush with embarrassment : " Hello little princess, I am Bluegrass Serenity your foalsitter, so we have fun? " Bluegrass Serenity is a beautiful unicorn mare with cyan coat, green and yellow mane and her cutie mark representing a yellow ball next to a red book. " Uh ... not at all! " " This lie is true? " " Yes... "Lowering embarrassment. " You're so pretty! Here, I brought you a lollipop. " I did not know what to say after all this waterfall of kindness for me, a being supposed to be despised by all. I found myself with so much kindness despite the many crimes that I committed made me cry : " What's wrong, why are you crying? Come hug. " I picked myself up just in time and replied dryly : " Mind your own business stupid mare! " The mare gets angry and says that I was a little rude filly. What I answered by pulling the tongue. I ended up being punished in the corner after which the foalsitter offered me lots of games that I refused all being too childish to me. Bluegrass Serenity abandoned all interaction with me after half an hour leaving me with coloring. I found the time long and decided to go back to my doll house as shameful as it was which got me a smirk on the part of the mare. Then it was dinner time, the guards took me to a large dining room. I say goodbye to Bluegrass Serenity and follow-ups. Celestia and Luna was already there conversing quietly and when she saw me both smiled at me and the silence was made : " The dollhouse I'm offered to you did you like Moon Stellar? "Quietly asked Luna finishing drinking her cup of tea. " Yes a lot. "I replied little ashamed. " I'm glad you're pleased! "Luna told me, looking at me as a protective mother, making me shiver with anguish. " Do you have a problem Moon Stellar? " Celestia asked me visibly worried. " Neither " "All the better, what if we start the entry now that we are all here? "Said Celestia reassured. " With joy my sister." Luna asked, still scrutinizing me out of the corner of my eye. The meal ensued from Celestia boasting the merits of a certain mare named Twilight what the subject ensued on a certain Discord and were imminent return then I asked : " Who is Discord? " " He is the reincarnation of chaos." Luna answered calmly. " And what happened to him? " " We had no choice but to change it into stone. "Celestia declared sadly. " Where is he? " " In the garden we went to, tomorrow I'll take you there if you want. " " You ask a lot of questions about him Moon Stellar! "Luna asked suspiciously. " I'm only curious. " " You do not do anything with Discord Nightmare M ... I mean Moon Stellar. " " I am not crazy. "I snapped with this remark. Of course I was lying, this Discord could perhaps help me escape from this body. "I'm not hungry anymore, can I go to bed? " After a nod of the two alicornes and a kiss on the forehead from Celestia and Luna I could finally reach my room. -- Luna -- Nightmare Moon is acting really oddly since she became a filly again but Celestia cut me off abruptly from my thoughts : " You're sure you want to continue little sister, I think that taking care of her will not be easy. We can always trust Twilight if you fear for her. " " Tia I forbid you to separate me from Moon Stellar, she needs her mother you understand? " " Do you really see things like that? Besides when I'm kept this morning, she seemed strange as if she had been anything other than Nightmare Moon. She says she was not always a mare, you do not find that strange? " " Enought Tia, you do not see that she is still traumatized by what happened. She deliriously completely the poor and you all that you find to say is that I should leave it while she needs me. I know she was not nice, but it's all my fault! " I left the room leaving Tia alone with these thoughts slamming through the door. -- Celestia -- Maybe Luna's right and that the old Nightmare Moon losing the mind. If so, Luna is still right, we can not abandon her in full torment despite what she could does in the past. But I still think something is wrong with her. -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- After a series of corridors, I finally arrived in my room into the darkness. Outside it was dark, I quickly brush my teeth under the watchful eye of the guard and then I put myself under the comforters of my bed feigning sleep that ends up leaving me alone. I got up slowly and opened the window. I realized that she did not want to open because of a spell. I finally noticed after ten minutes the latch of the window and opened it. I looked down and understood that I could not get down unless I flying what I did not know how to do. Then I remarked the ivy on the left. I looked to where he was going and saw an open window where I could pass. I began to climb it which proved very difficult with a hooves. After a long climb, I finally got into the room. Despite the total darkness, I managed to discern a vast library. I tried to open the front door but unfortunately it is locked. I went through several shelves and ended up finding interesting books dealing with paralysis in stone statue and how to conjure it. Then, coming to sleep, my eyelids more and more heavier and I fell asleep, collapsing on a shelf, causing her a monstrous noise. I rushed out the window, but did not dare to come down with ivy again. Defeated, I waited until I heard a familiar voice arguing with someone : " Thank you for warning me captain, I hope that in the future we will not have this genre of problem! " I blushed at hearing this and before I had time to hide, the door opened revealing the blue anicorn visibly angry surrounding me with its blue aura. I lowered my eyes and whispered : " Sorry! " Luna stared at me then greeting the lunar guards, took me to a tower where followed a long series of stairs to reach a room that I guessed to be his.My heart stopped beating on seeing a cradle beside the bedroom bed while a slight smile appeared on Luna's face. " If you are not able to sleep alone, you will sleep with me in the cradle so that you will no longer have a night getaway! We will also put a layer in case you have problems. " " I'm Nightmare Moon, Equestria's most terrible nightmare, and I refuse to wear a diaper! " " I do not recommend you to make the capricious filly Moon Stellar filly! " " Stupid mare stop calling me by that ridiculous name. " After two seconds of fighting with Luna I found myself humiliated, my self-esteem died again. Stuck in bed in a cradle. And to add it all, I found myself with a pacifier stuck in the mouth because I had not wanted to keep quiet. Bubbling with rage, I began to sob out. Luna came up to my cradle talking to me tenderly that I had nothing to fear but the temptation was too strong, I kicked Luna's head with all my strength with my hooves and then I heard a loud cry and I collapsed in the darkness -- Elsewhere -- In a universe, a creature turns around with a dramatic look turning to their interlocutor : " General, we have found a dimension containing dark energy gone! " > Friendship in Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I woke up, Celestia helped Luna to get up. Luna, lying on the ground with the red muzzle in front of the wall of the cracked room. Celestia turned to look at me severely ready to kill me when a weak voice was heard : " No, please, my sister does not punish her, it's all my fault! " Celestia softened tenderly hugging her sister with all the affection of a sister, then Luna took off the horrible diaper and pacifier with her aura, then fell asleep with her magic. A small hustle of a blue hoof woke me, I found myself on the back of Luna in the dining room looking at me still red muzzle. Celestia, who was next to me, no longer showing any sympathy towards me, explaining that for the reasons of my recent violence that night, I had to go and learn from Twilight the magic of friendship and socialize myself with other foal. my age. I cautiously descended from Luna and began to eat delicious butter and honey sandwiches. Then we went to a room where there were many chariots. Luna took me in a bear hug and gave the guards of my chariot my suitcase. I tried to beg them not to take me there, promising a thousand and one promise all the more crazy than the last. Celestia used her magic and put me on the chariot starting to fly to my big surprise. I saw Luna start crying again in her sister's embrace. After a few hours of flight with a silent guard, I finally arrived in Poneyville. A city that is very rustic. Then we landed in front of a house tree where I saw the infamous purple mare who had transformed me into this ridiculous little thing. She was waiting for us with a nervous smile at the foot of the tree and without a word the guard put me on the floor with my suitcase and left. I tried to flee to be once again caught in the magical aura of the purple mare that presented itself : " Twilight Sparkle, the princesses have charged me to take care of you so that you can learn the magic of friendship. " I did not believe my ears, this damn purple unicorn is the one who was going to have to take care of me. To my silence and my astonishment, Twilight took me into the house tree and showed me his assistant the little green and purple dragon.He looked at me mortified, waiting for the fateful hour when he would be alone in front of me. Twilight, on the other hand, had talked all the time about the various plays and research topics for the princess. Then she made me visit Poneyville where all the ponies looked at me with suspicion. She ended up stopping at the town hall and asked me a question : " It's okay? Have not you talked since we arrived? If you do not know anymore, I can relearn you with the help of Cherilee. " " Who? " " At last you speak! For the question it's the mistress of the Poneyville school, come on, let's go see the school. " And then after a few minutes of walking I found myself in front of a small shabby building and after some explanations we went back to his house tree.The dinner was silent and then Twilight used a spell to fall asleep under Luna's guidance, preventing me from running away at night. The next day Twilight woke me up excitedly and before I could do anything, it put me in the mouth four huge sandwich the blackberry at the same time explaining the reason for all this : " I woke up a little late this morning and almost forgot to drop you off at school. " " I will not go. " " But it's an order of princesses and ..." " No, I will not go to your rotten school. " Twilight did not bother to reply and put my backpack on my back and me on her. Then came out of the galloping house to the school where the bell had just sounded. She told me that everything was settled with Cherilee and then said goodbye. When I saw three filly without cutie mark all shameful of this lack. I laughed loudly mocking them, seeing that all the ponies had a cutie mark. The three came to me looking at me curiously while another pink filly was approaching too : " Then the white flanks, we do not find its mark of beauty? You should paint one. "I was going to say " Stop." said the little white unicorn. " The news is right, you should paint your marks of beauty it would be simpler. "Said wickedly the little pink filly. Then before we could say more, the bell rang a second ringing for entry into the class : " A little silence the children! Take your usual places. " Cherilee said loudly to the herd. We entered the classroom and Cherilee held me in front of her desk and told the class that there was now a new student in the class. After a brief, chilling presentation, I sat on the desk to the right of Diamond Tiara. The course began, and I was bored to death at the simplicity of their calculations. Recess sounded and I and Diamond Tiara quickly became friends, each of whom had an easy judgment on the withe flanks that were staring at us from the other end of the recess.We went back to class where I languished again. Then we finish school at noon. There was no Twilight at the gate compelling me to stay in this idiot school. I told Madame Cherilee to go to the cabinet and I escaped through her window. I ran for a while in the city and stopped exhausted in front of a bar where a mare bat-ponie talking to the bartender, I quickly caught the conversation : " ... And I found myself stuck in this damn universe in this horrible body! " " You should maybe stop the apple juice ma'am! " " I'm not a lady, did you listen to me or not? " " To tell the truth, I was putting away my counter. " " Whatever. " " Excuse me, did you say that you came from another universe? " I asked curiously. " Yes girl, but I imagine you do not believe me either. " " If I believe you, I'm coming too. " " Really?! " Asked the young bat-ponies now excited. " Of course, my name is Black Snake and you? " " Dark Insidious, former librarian in demonology but here everyone calls me Daydreamer. " " Excuse me, you should not be around with her. "Intervened the bartender " Mind your own business. "I said. " I would like for once that my bar is not filled with crazy people. "Whispered the bartender to himself. " Think about the need of the scenario. " Whisper a voice from the back shop resembling that of the writer. " So you're new as a demon? " Dark Insidious thought ignoring the voice. " Yes, so how did you get here? " " I was traveling from universe to universe with one of my old friends but after a failure of the portal I arrived here in this form and you? " " The essence of the magic in which I was born dropped me here. Do you know a way out of here? " " If I knew I would not be here. Especially since I can not even use magic. No horn so no magic. " " If you know a spell, I could cast it. "" In a few years then the time you become a good magician. " " How long have you been here? " " Six years old and you? " " Thousand years and three days. " " Why are you so young then? " " A long story. " " You're lucky, I'm forced to undergo all these stallions with their love. " " Why? " " It's not obvious enough? " " No, maybe we should try another demon by the name of Discord? " " I have heard of it but I can not get near the royal garden. " " I can if you want, the princesses took me under their protections. " " What are you doing here alone then? " " I'm learning the magic of friendship with Twilight. " I saw for the first time since the beginning of the conversation, Dark Insidious incredulous when I heard the voice of Twilight nearby : " Moon Stellar, I've been looking for you everywhere, me and Cherilee were dead worry and you who are you? " " Daydreamer, I saw that this little filly was lost and I asked her where these parents were. " " Twilight, delighted, Moon Stellar when the princesses hear about your fugue ..." " The poor crying when I saw her, you do not think she suffer enough like that? " Twilight's face flushed when he looked at me and excuse for being carried away with me, then Dark Insidious gave me a wink and I added : " Twilight you could take Daydreamer as foalsitter, she's my new friend and she could keep me while you continue your research. " " I guess it would be a good idea if Daydreamer and okay of course. " " With joy, I was looking for a job in Poneyville but my appearance has always disabled me so far. " " You're welcome, but I prefer to warn you that I do not have a lot of money for you to pay. " " Money does not matter to me, but do you have a place where I can sleep and eat? I'm new here and people do not seem to like bat-ponie! " " Dont worry. When they see that you are a mare like the others, they will stop. In the meantime it is ok to offer you the lodging and the cover. Could you also drop and pick up Moon Stellar from school? " " Whatever you like, Mrs. Sparkle. " " Please call me Twilight. " " How you want Twilight. "Then we went to the house tree forgetting that Cherilee was still desperately looking for Moon Stellar across the city. Late at night on the first floor while Moon Stellar and Daydreamer sleep on the ground floor, Spike tries to convince Twilight that she should not trust Daydreamer : " ... Twilight, trust me this bat-ponie makes me cold in the spine, we can engage another if you want a person to take care of Moon Stellar during your experiences. " " Spike, Moon Stellar seems to have befriended her, and then Daydreamer is looking for a job and a bed to sleep in, but she can not do it with the people of Poneyville who are scared of her. If I engage her, they might see that she is not naughty. You could give him a chance too. " " Exactly, if Nightmare Moon has befriended her it's not clear. " " It's a good thing that Moon Stellar is making friends even if you're scared of being friends and stop calling her that. Good night now. " "And so ended chapter 6, if you are eager to learn more about my other works find me on social networks such as ..." " You can shut up the guy in the broom closet. There are people who would like to sleep. And no ads here is clear? "Dark Insidious said. > News Enemies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- elsewhere -- " Mr. Solar Flare, the results indicate that this world is compatible with life. " " Thank you Blood Moon for this information. Spell Book, are you ready? " " Forgive me, General, but we should not expect more information before we go. I have a bad feeling. " " We know there is ground and life, what more do you want? The more time passes, the less chance we have to find this energy. Now follow me. " "As you please my general. " Spell Book made a low wink at Blood Moon making her blush. Spell Book was a demon surrounded by a large hooded cape followed by a plastron where in the center, an emerald stands. Equipped with two scimitars in each hand and a book tied by a silver chain to his thick mantle. Solar Flare, he is a powerful fire demon still fully covered with armor. His helmet made of black metal horn resembles the wood of a deer. " They minions of the abyss have done their job for once. The portal is finished and will apparently take us to a forest exit. "Said Solar Flare to Engineer Shade's, which earned him a proud smile from his favorite mechanic. The gate looked like a huge boiler due to the fact that it was an old boiler. " Ready? "Asked Solar Flare " Always my general. " Then the two walked into the gateway where a series of small shakes began. -- Spell Book -- I woke up lying on the exhausted floor of my teleportation. When I opened my eyes, I saw a yellow mare unicorn with blue eyes and a fiery mane. I stepped back quickly and noticed that I was covered with pink hair.I tried to get up but fell on all fours. My hands were now hooves and a purple mane was blocking my eyes with a horn on my forehead. I started to cry out, realizing that my voice sounded feminine. The other yellow mare do the same thing and I could not believe my eyes as I noticed she was wearing the Solar Flare communication headset : " You receive me? We have apparently become unicorn females, we begin the localization of a civilization close to our location. " " That's not true, we can not stay like that, how am I going to do now that I'm a unicorn and the opposite sex with Blood Moon." " Shut up and calm down, we are the elite of the goddess, we must not be destabilized by our feelings and even less our privacy. Let's follow this path there. " " Well, my general. " After a few minutes of walking where we both stumbled, we finally arrived at the exit of the wood.Then a response from his headset to his message came to him : " We managed to make pictures of your news forms. " " Well, it's better to know what we look like before going further. Send me Blood Moon. " "At your general orders. Good luck for the continuation of your mission my general. " A 3D image appeared before our eyes of our silhouette, I heard Solar Flare grumbling at that. Then we continued until we reached the end of an orchard. Solar Flare put me a headset and I was asked to find a trace of civilization in the orchard. I ventured to this one but was surprised by a red male pony looking at me with open mouth : " Hello. " "H ... Hello. " " These beings therefore speak our language. Ask him some questions. "I heard Solar Flare through my headset. " Do you know where we are? " " Yep, you're at Sweet Apples Acres Farm. " " In what city? " " Ponyville, but you do not know where you are? " " No. " " Do not say anything about my presence until we know more. " " Where are you from, Mrs...? " " ...Sugar Belle. I come from the country of Erathia "Remembering a game I play often when I have time. " Big Macintosh, do you know where to sleep? " " No. " " I can invite you for the night. " " I do not know. " " Can I invite you to the restaurant at least? " This stallion pinched really scared me but the forest where we were did not tell me anything worth it. " Accepts, the more we learn about this world, the easier it will be to find energy. " " It's not you who find yourself flirting with another species in the opposite sex my general. "I whispered in a whisper. " You say? " " It's OK. " " Tell him you have a friend, I'd like to eat too, and it might help you not to be alone with him I'm coming. " " I have a friend with me, would you agree to welcome him too? " " Yep. What is her name? " I read the disappointment in those eyes. " Her name is ... Sunset Shimmer. " " Seriously. This is not your niece's name? " Then she arrived in the orchard. " Hi Sugar Belle! Hello sir. "Say Solar Flare when arriving. Then we pretended Solar Flare was not aware of anything. We are all going to the restaurant with a certain Caramel. To our misfortune, Big Macintosh separated us into two groups. Caramel who I thought was him in love with Solar Flare settled with her. I found myself with Big Macintosh face to face in a candlelit restaurant in a very rose-water atmosphere. While going there a lot of stallion on our passage turned to look at our rumps making me blush like a tomato, Solar Flare feigned indifference just to keep these distances with Caramel who looked at it intensely. Big Macintosh suggested that I go out with him tonight. I politely refused to sleep. Solar Flare, who was on the next table with Caramel, blushed after Caramel's declaration and set off at a speed leaving Caramel alone at his table. After this very embarrassing meal, I saw Solar Flare waiting for us still red in front of the entrance, Caramel watching these hooves followed us. Then we are at the farm where we met a lot of Apple family member and then we went to sleep. Ironically there was no other bed left than that of Big Macintosh and Caramel who volunteered to sleep together and leave us a bed of ours. Solar Flare into the bed with me began to speak in a low voice : " Highly the end of this mission, I do not really like to be a mare! " " I feel like Caramel is cracking on you Solar Flare. " " Unfortunately for him, yes, but I do not want to give him false hopes. " " How are we going to get our bodies back after the mission? " " One of our machines is designed to keep our appearance in mind. Dont worry. " " Good night, General. " " Good night. " -- Elsewhere -- In a nightclub in the middle of a carnival, a writer wearing a sombrero hat remembers that he forgot to appear in this chapter to make jokes of bad taste. He drunk alcoholic drink in one go and shrugs : " Another time maybe! Waiter, like the pink mare on my right, please. " > Daydreamer and Punishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Daydreamer/Dark Insidious -- The day was coming up when Twilight woke me up, looking discontented, she repressed me when I woke up late. After a brief excuse and the idea of ​​going to buy an alarm clock. I stood up noticing Black Snake sitting at the table watching me chew the cereal noisily. I sat next to her and started my breakfast thanking Twilight again for welcoming me to her home. Then I quickly prepared Moon Stellar's business who did not know what to pack for school and escorted her to school. Then I came back and did all the household chores that Twilight asked me to do under Spike's watchful eye.When someone knocked on the door. I opened and found myself face to face with Princess Luna looking at me at full height : " Hello, I guess you're Daydreamer Twilight tells me in his letter? " " Indeed, my sincere greetings to you. " " May I come in? " " Of course, your highness. " " Princess Luna? "I heard Twilight say as she appeared coming down the stairs. " Hello Twilight Sparkle. Daydreamer, as I said after the letter from Twilight saying that you get on well with Moon Stellar. I came to propose to you to come to the castle with her so that she is with someone in whom she has confidence. I know your current situation is I am ready to offer you everything he will accommodate you. " " All? Would be nice if you do not mind Twilight. " " Do not worry about me. It is your decision. " " It's okay, I accept. " " It's good news. How is Moon Stellar? She's not here? " " She is at school for the moment and I assure you that there were no problems during her sojourn. " " Well, I'm sorry I missed it but Daydreamer, I did not tell you but Moon Stellar and you'll leave at the end of the week. Goodbye. " Then Luna left closing the door. Twilight watching me anxiously lying to a princess. After a few minutes to reassure her, Twilight offered me to relax, the spots being all finish : " To relax? " "Yes, with friends where lying down. " " I do not know. " " We could go to the spa? " " Yes, but what are we doing at the spa? " " You do not know? We are massed, it is very nice you will see. " " Okay. " We both went to the spa where there were two sisters mares, one pink and the other blue. After paying, Twilight and I massaged our back what to my surprise, I found it nice. Then Twilight began to ask me a lot of questions : " Where are you from ? " " From a village of bat-ponies why? "I had a cup of the best liar of the year when I was shut up by this crazy Solar Flare. " Forgive me, but we do not know much about your species. Why did you leave? "" Problems with my parents. Ahh. Excuse me. "Groaning with pleasure at the rubbing of the cream on my wings. " Do you seem to have never taken the time to be massaged, or are you hypersensitive on the wings, on the other hand, the bat-ponies? " " I do not know. I never pay attention. " " Too bad, forgive my question but have already done ... with another bat-pony? "After which she and I both blushed. " No, romantic relationships never interested me even if it was not the case of some male. " Remembering my meeting with this drunken bat-pony stallion a few days after I arrived in this universe. " It's okay? " " Of course. " Then after another burst of question and embarrassing moments. We went out of the spa. I went straight for Moon Stellar to school and crossed two mares with stallions in the distance entering a restaurant. This thought reminded me of the desires of this body that I still struggled to master. At the school gate, I saw Cherilee visibly very angry retaining Moon Stellar and another little pink filly. Cherilee, aware that I was taking care of Moon Stellar, asked me to tell Twilight to come at 2 pm for an appointment with Moon Stellar. Like what she would have bothered her and the pink filly of unmarked fillies. I took him home and then we started talking on the way : " What did you do Black Snake? There is more mature behavior! " " Please do not say anything to Twilight, I will still be punished. " " Sorry but I want this job. In addition, Princess Luna came this morning to propose to accompany you to the castle. This is good news, no? " " Very good, but please protect me if she becomes hysterical. " " Twilight is not that kind of thing. " Black Snake reminded me a bit of my little sister that I had not seen for eight years when I went exploring the universe. Tears began to flow under the bewildered gaze of the inhabitants of the thundering city Moon Stellar who they believed was his fault. Black Snake turned his head to the other side of the street, certainly seeing my crying as a sign of weakness.A white pegasus with purple eyes like her beauty mark of three balloons caught me by surprise and gave me a hug what other people in the city did like. People were finally afraid of me anymore. I thanked them all warmly then me and Moon Stellar entered the house tree.After quickly explaining the situation to Twilight it went to meeting with Moon Stellar leaving me with Spike still monitoring me very closely. -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- I did not understand why Dark Insidious started crying so suddenly. I'll have to take advantage of our next meeting alone with him to find out more. Lost in my thoughts, we arrived at school along with Diamond Tiara's father and herself. Twilight did not say anything, looking me angry from time to time. Cherilee, who no doubt saw us through the window, came out of her office and let us in, begging us to sit down. She explained to Twilight and Diamond Tiara's father our harassment on the three unmarked fillies, both angry. Then Cherilee proposed a punishment outside school hours that our legal officials agreed to help Mrs. Cherilee organize a party for a Ponyville resident. The parents left then Diamond and I followed Cherilee to a house remodeling to so many others in the city. Inside, a group of multicolored ponies were putting balloons next to a banner saying clearly: Happy Birthday Piña Colada. A purple mare was leading everyone. Cherilee introduced it to me as Piña Colada's older sister Berry Punch. She barely took the time to greet us that we had to help the mare who was with Twilight when I was beaten. She introduced herself as Pinkie Pie. She asked us to pass the ingredients without even looking to see if it matched her request. Then we had to serve the guests with the Berry Punch drink at the buffet. When Piña Colada came in, everyone wished her a happy birthday but when she saw us, she was at first very afraid hiding behind Berry Punch with big eyes. Piña Colada did not yet have her cutie mark explaining her visible fear. Berry Punch quickly explained the situation and she resumed her festive complexion deliberately ignoring us. Other friends of the class came shortly after eating lunch. After this long party where a nice mare named Bonbon and Lyra relayed us so that we can still enjoy the party. We stayed a little bit and then we went back home. Dark Insidious was quietly reading a newspaper about the Nightmare Night festivities. He greeted me and went to cook in anticipation of the approach of the meal. Tired as ever I fell asleep on a log next to mine. -- Elsewhere -- Nothing happened except for a multi-dimensional war between the armies of the goddess and demons. > Reality is not what you think > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Daydreamer/Dark Insidious -- The next day after a breath of fresh air in front of the rising sun, I prepared the breakfast and did the dishes of the day before. Twilight was the first to come out of her sleep and congratulated me for waking up at dawn, although it was not necessary to get up as early to prepare everything as she quickly made me understand. Moon Stellar got up two hours later. Always angry with Twilight since the school incident. Then I accompanied her back to school, but when I came back, I saw the two mares last time in front of the house tree. It seemed visibly wait I do not know what. As I approached, the two come at me : " Hello, Forgive us for disturbing you but know when will open this library? " " I can open you if you want, I live here! " " Are you the librarian? " " No, but I'm currently taking care of her ... niece in Ponyville for a few days. " After which we are all three entries. I noticed a word from Twilight saying that she was going to the market with Spike and that I had to open the shop when I returned. The two unicorns had each been sitting on a side-by-side chair reading with great seriousness a multiple books on equestrian history that I had never taken the time to do. I began to clean up when they asked me many questions about equestrian history. Knowing nothing, I told them to ask these questions to an expert. The two of them looked at each other, then, with the same movement of their heads, looked at me with suspicion on their faces : " How long have you lived in this city? " " Five years why? " " It's weird that you really do not know anything about this world? " " I lived a long time reclue with my family. " " We have to go but I'm sure we'll meet again soon! "declared the yellow unicorn before placing a room with a rose on the table. Then without another word, both left the library. This rose was the mark of the goddess. Thinking of paying the library for reading, the two unicorns trapped themselves. They did not come from this universe either. I resumed my calm that they had not discovered my sham. I took the coin and hid it in my pillow. After that I had a visit from another mare named Daisy and then Lyra, who was followed ten minutes later by a certain Bonbon making me a complete interrogation if I had seen Lyra. Then it was the turn of Amethyst Star and finally Twilight with Spike and a small mountain of shopping bags. When she asked me to put them in the fridge while she was going to see these friends I wan especially when we knew my disgust for sports activities in my old body but it was even worse. Wearing with a bag on each side of my body, I tried to move towards the kitchen but crushed me on the floor without strength. Fortunately Spike and Amethyst Star came to my aid to get the pile of bags back into the kitchen. I thanked both of them and then asked me how all this food would go into the fridge. When I opened the fridge, I found myself in front of what could be a bottomless corridor because it was so big. After twenty minutes of storage, I collapsed with fatigue. I was really not athletic but without even an ounce of magic it was horrible. Twilight finally came back to wake me up to pick up Moon Stellar from school. I started walking down the street with the impression of being followed. The two yellow and purple mares followed me visibly. I took many detours until finally sow them. These two strange unicorns did not tell me anything good. I arrived in front of the school a few minutes late and explained to Madame Cherilee the reason for my delay and my fears about these two ponies. Cherilee promised me that they would not let Moon Stellar go and recommended me to be careful. Maybe they wanted me? The most important thing is that nothing happens to Black Snake. -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- After a boring school day as usual despite my friend Diamond Tiara, I noticed that Dark Insidious was late and when he arrived seemed very stressed about two unicorns having followed. Then we went back by the indirect roads to Twilight's house. When I got there, I sat on the little table and started my schoolwork. Dark Insidious, more and more distressed, told Twilight what she thought was a movie in her head. In spite of my diminished talent, I could still read something small in the minds. Dark Insidious seemed to have recognized a symbol belonging to the sworn enemy of the demons: The Goddess. I suddenly had a flash before even having existed of my former holder where at least the creator of the black energy that I am if I can say had managed to make forget to its very existence to the Goddess so much its magic was powerful but ended up dying when the demons learned of it and attacked it. His name was ... Arcane Alchemist. At the thought of his name, I felt a presence around me and another flash of an all-white city where there was a huge storm of black magic all around and a powerful voice rang out : " My son, you called me and here I am. What do you want? " Looking around me no one moved as if time had stopped. " It's the case. " A blue shadow of human form appeared before me the icy glance. " What do you want my thing? " "Are you Arcane Alchemist? " " Indeed, and you are my creation. Can you join me? I could teach you what I know. " " But you are dead and why would you? " " It's normal for a father to learn rudimentary things to his son no? " Avoiding the subject of his death. " You are not my father, I read a different thought in your mind, although I do not know what you know. I saw what you had done to all those people you so kindly treated in the past. " " I could kill you so easily, do not tempt me please where if you prefer I could spend my nerves on your charming friend Dark Insidious ?! " Then came out a chain of silver ready to hit him while he was not aware of what could happen to him being motionless. " So? "He asked with a satisfied smile illuminating his shady face. " No, please do not do that. " " Very well then listen to me, if I am here it is to warn you that you must not die here and especially not be recovered by the Goddess or the Inferno ... " " Inferno? "I cut myself quickly. " The demons working on the death of the Goddess, beware of unicorns that Dark Insidious is talking about, she's looking for you. " " Why do not you kill them and try to kidnap me? " " I can not now, but as soon as my Tawakens are awake, they will come and get you. And one last thing even if I should not. " He took his silver chain and hit Dark Insidious. The chain passed through his body and he looked at me : " Illusion, my dear Snake. One last thing, do not talk to anyone about this discussion or it will end very badly for Dark Insidious! " And he disappeared suddenly, time regained its temporality. Dark Insidious looked at me strangely in front of my haggard look at the apparition. We had no more enemies but three. After lunch, I went for a walk with Dark Insidious to find out who the Inferno and the Goddess are : " The Goddess is a magician of great power who gathered many followers to exterminate the Inferno and reigned supreme in the multiverse. " " Why do you call her the Goddess? " " Her can only kill by the blade of an extremely rare crystal that only the so-called Phoenix, the leader of the Inferno can create. " " Why did not he kill her? " "The Goddess just as he is elusive, there are billions of universes each containing billions of planets without counting parallel universes, so the probability that they will meet is very small. " " Who exactly are the Inferno? " " Demons wanting to kill the Goddess and those acolytes and take the power to rule as I told you by Phoenix. " " Why is it called Phoenix? " " It is said that after being dead, Phoenix has come back many times to life, we do not really know how. " "Are you an Inferno? " " No, me and my friend The Crown of Winter are demons wanting peace and equality in all the universes besides that's how I met him. He had built a wall between two armies to prevent them from fighting each other and to convince humans to make peace with the creatures they had been tracking for decades. The emperor of the humans of this world was no other than a demon named Spirit Aethereal, who had created an empire and counted with the help of an amulet charged with bloody energy hence the reason for this war to open a door to another dimension filled with so-called Vertarnites, gigantic monsters destroying the world that he wanted to launch on the capital of the Goddess and Inferno.He had managed to open one, a Vertarnites was coming out of the gate. But we finally beat Spirit Aethereal dying skewered by the defense of Vertarnites that we repulse in its dimension and closed the portal. " " You have had a lot of adventure there. " " In fact it's only a small part of it, if I told you how I came out of The Ether you would not believe me. So... " " So this ended chapter 9 and soon will start chapter 10. "So spoke the narrator perched on a tree with binoculars spying the conversion between the two demons in front of a beautiful sunset like all stalkers. > Meet and Departure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- Today is Friday, was my last day in Ponyville and I did not have school so I obviously planned to sleep all morning. But Twilight suddenly woke me from my dreams at the Terminator to tell me that we were both going to see these friends before I left Canterlot. I sighed loudly, making it clear to Twilight that I did not care about those friends, but she did not give up and I had to eat under the eyes of my preceptor. Daydreamer, herself, was sleeping deeply on these blankets. I envied him to the highest point but I was expelled out by Twilight who took me by holding my hoof tight to prevent me from escaping. We started with the yellow pegase and the pink mane on the edge of the wood called Fluttershy from what Twilight had told me. We knocked at the door, which opened slowly, but closed again abruptly after Fluttershy by the frame had seen me. Twilight tried in vain to convince her not to be afraid of me. Nothing was done, so we went off to see Pinkie Pie, whom I had quickly seen at the feast of the unmarked filly, cooking very good cupcakes. When we arrived at Pinkie Pie's bakery, we asked Mr. and Mrs. Cakes if she was there what they said she went with Rainbow Dash to joke. We looked for Rainbow and Pinkie without finding anything. Then we went to Rarity, a white pony with a blue mane and red glasses. This one, despite her apparent concern, agreed to receive us. While she and Twilight were talking over a tea, I was forced to try the whole collection of Rarity's summer filly dresses made of all-patterned dress and all the colors under her watchful eye. I think it's her way of avenging Sweetie Belle. She wanted to offer me when I was bigger evening dresses to better showcase me and she told me meet the stallion of my dreams at the Grand Gala Equestrian.What almost choked me imagining myself mating with these creatures in the female sex and having little foals with him made me sick. I asked where was the toilet what surprised them and the rest in the toilet is not worth reading.I finally came to understand Dark Insidious now, almost forgiving him for being in bed while I have to support Twilight and those friends or not. Finally, after this discovery, we went to visit Twilight's last friend. Where she lived, I think it's a farmer. I was not mistaken when I saw the gigantic barn in front of me. When I arrived, I apologized to Applejack's sister. Then for punishment I had to help Applebloom harvest the apples from the apple trees while the adults were talking. While going there I noticed the two mares resembling the description of Dark Insidious. They looked at me with a knowing smile and approached me when two stallions came to stick to her. -- Sunset Shimmer/Solar Flare -- We were once again discussing how to unmask this demon and force him to tell us everything he knew about black magic if he really happened to be one. As we headed to the main building for dinner after tedious research, I felt a strong black magic presence and finally we saw it. I did not believe my eyes. The magic was a little alicorne filly. Either she had taken possession of her or she had become physical and intelligent. What does it matter, if I dare say without any other defense than this other filly without magic. But it was necessary that these stupid ones that these big stooges of stallions come at this precise moment to make us once again their advances. We had finally located the target, they only had to capture it and send it to the Goddess to leave this stupid place. -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- At the agreement of the thoughts of the mare I blanched and took advantage of their jostling with the newcomers to flee in the direction of Applebloom hiding me in the labyrinth of apple trees. Applebloom looked at me strangely and then sighed and guided me happily away from those two demons for apple picking. The goal was to drop as many apples as possible with these anterior hooves. What I could not do without balance. Then after giving up and being scolded for not helping Applebloom we went home. -- Sugar Belle/Spell Book -- We had been looking for them for hours around the farm without even finding it. In order not to appear too suspicious, we dared not ask where the filly was, and pretended to pick some apples.Of course it was up to me to hold the basket filled with apple in my mouth. I noticed a strange mare coming out of the farm reading a newspaper. I noticed that it was an orange mare with purple mane and the mark of a manuscript unfolding. I felt myself pushing toward her as if an invisible force commanded me. The same phenomenon took place on Solar Flare. We walked towards her and asked her : " Good evening, excuse me for disturbing you, could you tell us if you would have seen a black alicorne filly? " " Good evening, of course, she lives with the librarian of the city and will leave tomorrow at 7:47. " " Thank you, but how do you know all that? " " A funny jerk told me to pretend to read here while waiting for two people asking me that question. He paid me and warned me that you were going to ask me this question. He said : Need the scenario then move you that he can finish the chapter and go to sleep. On this good night ladies! " The mare put her diary on her back and left for Ponyville. It landed on a bench with Lyra and Bonbon discussing. A bipedal creature passed by her wrapped in a broad coat and a hat covering her face and every other part of the body. The creature gave a pot of peanut butter to the orange mare named Purple Amethyst saying he had too much at home and would give it to the first person to come. Purple Amethyst accepted it knowing that it was actually money promised by the funny thing that had asked him. Then without a word went home with the money. Tomorrow -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- I woke up at dawn in a hurry to finally return to the castle and get rid of Twilight. I hopped on everyone's beds to wake them up. After a few grunts from everyone as a sign that he understood. Dark Insidious got up and started preparing breakfast. Twilight helped me with my suitcase picking up all my belongings scattered around the house. She told me that she was also leaving to attend the Grand Gala Equestre in Canterlot. Dark Insidious did not have a suitcase with no business to take him. Once we had eaten the delicious pancakes of it. We left locking all possible entrances towards the station. All these friends were quick to join her at the station singing idiotic songs on the Gala making us sigh Dark Insidious and me. At the station, a troop of lunar guards carefully monitor the train passengers showing their ticket and the contents of their luggage. Princess Luna waited impatiently on the platform of the travelers, constantly watching the hour of the clock at the station. Then when she saw me, she pounce on me to hug me in one of those bear hugs. Then greeted the whole troop. This one led us into the wagon of the VIP where she did not stop to ruffle my hair and to kiss me on the cheek. It was only a week and it looked like a reunion after many years. Dark Insidious meanwhile at the back of the troop was being flirted by three of the Lunar Guards who no longer had that formal air once Luna left. Fortunately for him, Luna noticed the scene and scolded the guards. Then we finally entered the train. Arrived in, I did not believe my eyes, in front of me hundreds of dolls and soft toys in the mountains awaited me. Luna told me that she should not have behaved like that and wanted to be forgiven. Then she left me to my toys and went to sit with the rest of the troop leaving only a guard in case of problems. -- Daydreamer/Dark Insidious -- All those guards looking at me hungry scared me. I would not leave Luna for anything in the world that would leave me alone with them. Luna dismissed Twilight and these friends to be able to talk with me privately in one of the train's suite where we sit face to face with the train starting to roll : " I just want you to clear things up one last time if you do not mind? " " No, continue princess. " " You will be the company of ... my daughter when she wants it or will be alone. You will have room and board in addition to 2000 bits per month. You will have to show yourself operating 24 hours a day for Moon Stellar included? If you have any doubt about an activity she wants to practice let me know or wait for my return. We will improvise later, are you ok? " " Of course princess but could you send half of my money to the orphanages and the poor. That would make too much money for one person. " " This is very generous from you Daydreamer and I will do it. Can I tell you about another topic that is close to my heart? " " Of course princess. " " Here, for a few generations now, bats ponies are endangered. There are only about ten female nowadays I wondered if you would be ready to repopulate the species? "Luna said visibly embarrassed. I became white as a towel to this horrible suggestion making me tremble with terror. " No, sorry princess but I'm not really interested. " " I implore you to accept, the needs of the species requires it, you are beautiful and intelligent, you will seek for a moment a companion, you need time and I understand it but you will extinguish a species for your only desire? I ask you as a friend and princess, I beg you once more. You could choose the stallion you want and I'm sure none of those you choose will stand up to your many charms. " " But princess I do not wish to mate with ... " " I must, I understand that for now you're still shocked by this request and I will not talk about it today but whether you like it or not you will have to do it. " " But ..." " Enough now let's enjoy the trip. " > Castle, Ennemies and Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- As we arrived towards the station, Luna asked me to come with her. We find ourselves in a part of the isolated wagon and without making an attempt, Luna put on a yellow dress with a pink bow tie. I tried to remove it but nothing was done then I tried to tear it unfortunately it did not work either. Luna looked at me amused and my murderous gaze told me that I absolutely had to look good in front of the nobles of the castle by putting on the dress and that after that I would not have to put it of the day any more. Dark Insidious joined us white as a ghost and dumb as a grave. I tried to get him out of this condition but nothing was done. The train finally stopped and a crowd of ponies carrying a camera photographed us from every possible angle. Luna greeted them calmly and guided me to a carriage hidden behind the crowd pulled by two bats ponies. Luna insisted that Dark Insidious get to know them, much to his regret. The night-colored coach decorated with small multicolored stars reminded me in every respect of the Princess's tastes. We left, and after a good quarter of an hour we arrived in the courtyard of the castle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my former foal-sister named Bluegrass Serenity taking care of another foal, who greeted me with a smile, which I did the same. A large crowd of well-dressed ponies stood on the stairs. I went down to catch Luna who did not stop talking about how she would catch up and would be a good mother for me what I stopped listening to a good dozen minutes ago. The nobles approached me to shake my hoof. All had with them their children of the same age as mine. A good way to get the favors of the princesses. After what looked like several hours of discussion, everyone went to the dining room. Not having learned the good manners at the table, Luna who was on my left did not stop to correct me on how I had to eat what made laugh many nobles in a low voice. After a while, Luna let go and asked a private teacher to teach me how to eat well. Then little by little everypony left the meal. I saw Dark Insidious in the middle of the male bats ponies each looking at his rump with appetite. I had a great pity for him and tried to draw from it by claiming he absolutely needed him to look for a toy that I had lost by taking the opportunity to leave the table. Luna said nothing to me and continued her discussion with the remaining nobles. Once alone with Dark Insidious in the corridors of the castle towards my room where the servants have left my belongings. Dark Insidious told me what Luna wanted him to do with the other bat ponies. This idea, as I could easily understand, made him very uncomfortable. I reassured him and with Luna's consent later in the evening, we fell asleep together in my room. The rays of the sun had just dawned and it reminded me that strangely I still had not seen Celestia. I pulled away from the still insidious Dark Insidious hoof and admired the beautiful sunrise. After several minutes, we knocked on the door and Luna's voice rang out : " May I come in? " " Of course. " Luna opened the door and noticed amused Dark Insidious asleep. " I came to see if everything was fine before going to bed. I notice that Dark Insidious is not as early as you? " " Yes, he ... I mean she loves to sleep. " " Celestia would also like to talk to you once breakfast is over. Have a good day! " " Have a good day. " Then after a good quarter of an hour, Dark Insidious finally woke up after a nightmare that he suspected the author but he did not want to talk. So we went downstairs to eat with Celestia, and after that she wanted to talk to me alone : " Moon Stellar, I wish we could agree on some points about my sister! " " Which ones? " " I prefer to warn you that if you break her heart Nightmare Moon, the moon will be a holiday colony compared to what I would do you filly or not! " " Calm down! I do not care to hurt her and I'm ready to promise not to hurt her anymore. " " Really? " " Yes. " " Well, then it's settled. I am now reconsidering you again as my niece. " " Thank you. " Then after a hug with the white alicorn, Celestia gave me a list of all the obligations of the day which was quite long. -- Sunset Shimmer/Solar Flare -- After getting into the train, making sure to blend in with the crowd of the train, we arrived in the capital of these colorful ponies. It must be said that he had good taste but no matter with the information we have this dear black magic or rather Moon Stellar will be our. Spell Book had proposed to follow the royal coach directly, but we would have been quickly suspected. I preferred to take a marker technique. We are now in front of the wide doors of the open castle where a hundred ponies are waiting in line. Following a conversation Spell Book and I heard an announcement of household ponies. We quickly introduced ourselves as such and could enter the castle teeming with activity, especially deliveries of pastries. Our tracking could begin. Although in reality it would be rather Blood Moon who advised me the plan of ponies of household. -- Daydreamer/Dark Insidious -- The sun was declining visibly from the window of the dining room. Luna offered me a glass of grenadine apologizing for his abruptness in the train rather. Black Snake decided to sleep alone that night and I did the same while going to my room. When I opened the door, I suddenly found myself kissed by one of Luna's guards that I had the strength to push back before he tried anything else : "What are you mad about? " " But the letter said you were in love with me and found me in your room. You do not love me anymore? " " Forgive me for being so brittle, but I'm not in love with you. " " Princess Luna told me that I could take my night because it is not every day that such a beautiful mare has a crush on you. " " I especially believe that it is us to deceive everything! " " But why? " " Princess Luna absolutely wants me to mate to save the species from extinction! " " And so she invited you to this meeting in the hope that ... " " I think. " An awkward silence settled in the room but the brave guard wanted to make up for his mistake and offered to go eat somewhere. Despite the fact that it looked like a desperate attempt to drag, I was delighted to discover Canterlot. Fortunately my long years here have allowed me to discover how my wings work. We flew towards the city bathed in light under the beautiful ivory moon. Guards bats ponies on patrols on one of the castle towers " Fortunate. " " Sure. " " Nothing is played my friends. I am sure that this battle will withstand these charms. After all beautiful ponies but with a hollow in the head. " The ponies laughed at this joke in a loud voice, attracting their captain. " Shut up and go back to the usual patrol! " " Good chef! " -- Sugar Belle/Spell Book -- While we were cleaning the thousandth room easily since the beginning of the day after finding this stupid job unworthy of our people. We finally found it, thank the Goddess for having the keys to all the rooms. This charming little filly snoring like three. I felt Solar Flare whisper softly. " This garden in front of the window will be perfect for the exfiltration area. " Then without any other form of trial, we put it in a potato bag after drugging and gagging our magic. It hurt me to kidnap a child what Solar Flare did not seem to fear. He put the bag on my back and we began our descent towards the dark garden of the statues. Despite the reassuring speeches of Blood Moon in my ear, I hated this body for always having to put everything on my back. If at least I still had my demonic strength to carry but no. Moreover, this cursed body is incredibly sentimental. At the least thing I touch, I feel like I feel it a hundred times as if I were going down those stone steps. -- Narrator -- " Damn, I had to get lost in this damn castle. How am I going to appear in this chapter now? And now I'm talking to myself! If only I could find one of the main characters, I could follow him and go back to the story. In short, this is the end of the chapter and I wish you good reading even if it would have been necessary for me to start with it because now you are finished and ... " -- Writer Out of respect for the readers of this chapter, the narrator's monologue has been greatly diminished during this chapter. Thank you for your reading and look forward to seeing you again in the next chapter. > Titanic fight (or almost) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sugar Belle/Spell Book -- Solar Flare and I finally arrived at the ground floor and after a few minutes to find our way, we finally see the entrance of the gardens. We were going there when a band of Pegasus on patrol blocked our way. I would say nothing is ever sure he was looking for the filly. It must be said that we could only look suspicious with this potato bag struggling and our stealthy steps. I saw in the eyes of Solar Flare surprise, fear, then anger and finally hatred. This one or now her, called to the surprise of Blood Moon and myself, Sunny Happy, this gigantic colossus of the size of a house of three floors of which we could only see the head. Although I digress, rumors in our team floated about the origin of crazy giant because it must be said it is a little if not completely. It was said that this scientist named Test Zero after many experiments made this demon, a real war machine but it apparently had psychological sequelae. It must be said that having these arms replaced by two infamous hooks must not be easy to live with. Blood would soon flow. -- Daydreamer/Dark Insidious -- We were drank and chatting cheerfully on the place of a beautiful restaurant me and this keeper named Silent Night what was wrong with his name because he is really noisy. A disturbing yellowish gleam, however, invades the sky. There was a moment of long silence and I recognized falling heavily from the sky towards the castle the sinister silhouette of Sunny Happy. Silent Night and I looked at each other as panic spread across Canterlot. Then without a word we flew quickly towards trouble. I suspected that Black Snake did not tell me everything when its nature because it emanated from him a kind of magic that we demons were made. If the Inferno and the Goddess were so keen to seize him, they had to be stopped. And then it's my friend, I see it almost with everything we've seen as my family. It must be said by my sister, I had little family left. -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- " Excuse me for disturbing you the stupid narrator but I'm stuck since the end of last chapter and I would appreciate if your mind is not too idle to get me out of here! " " It's okay! I got lost in these damn corridors, I can finally find the exit just to be brimer by something that does not exist! "" You do not exist either, you know? " " This dialogue has no meaning, you want to be free? Now you are! " The bag at his age tore up suddenly releasing the filly but unfortunately still tie from head to toe. Spell Book grabbed her and laid her on his back and ... that's all. " Great! " Moon Stellar said although Spell Book did not understand anything because of the gag. Two dark shapes from the sky melted on my captors throwing them a few steps now dazed. Dark Insidious and a guard bat pony released me quickly and then before the mares wake up, we rise in the air towards the top of a tower. A few meters away I notice the armored colossus throwing the guards as well as Celestia and Luna de Canterlot as Sauron. Then came behind us (again) the narrator provided a radio projecting the music of the Lord of the Rings in the mines of Moria. Surprisingly, Dark Insidious nearly kicked the narrator but recovered just in time. The guard jumped at him with a little cry of surprise before recovering. In short we ignored this small incident and we began to think to counter the attack of Sunny Happy. Down below, my kidnappers desperately searched the chaos of the battle for my trail. " This one I'll kill him if he continue! " Said lowly Dark Insidious. The narrator runs away from the tower landing on a pegasus and runs away towards the clouds. So strange for me. Suddenly hopping on his own, Dark Insidious announced he had an idea. It was absolutely necessary to send a signal to Crown of Winter, his friend who had already beaten Sunny Happy. The guard intervened : " I'm not sure I understand everything, but we can try Princess Celestia's invocation portal. " " Thank you so much Silent Night, you save your life! " Dark Insidious said, kissing her on the cheek, both of them blushed and lowered their heads. " So let's go! " Seeing that the situation was not moving forward. After the time arrived here to guide by the guard, we entered without difficulty to the big mess outside. A huge pentagram stood on the floor to my astonishment. What the heck without a bad word, does Celestia with a pentagram? I will have to consult her on this subject. Dark Insidious launched the ritual to the great shock of the guard no longer understanding anything that I had to get out of the deconcentrating room by its absence of Dark Insidious reaction. It started to get very cold then a female robotic voice spoke : " The number you are trying to reach is unavailable, please try another call again and leave a voice message after the answering machine beeps. " Dark Insidious then sent a voice message and after a minute or two, a powerful magical explosion echoed through the pentagram and finally appeared a creature in armor and ice. He looked at us and asked : " Dark Insidious? " He said hopefully. " It's me Crown of Winter. " Almost Dark Insidious shouted at him and both hugged themselves after spending so much time apart. " You could answer on your mail anyway! " Dark Insidious growled at his long-time friend. " You know I do not answer unknown numbers. " " We have big problems to solve, could you help us. " I meddle " I will do everything in my power to help you but you will have to explain the situation! " After a brief account of the events, Crown of Winter immersed himself in these reflections then: " I can try to get his attention, I have a little bit of petrification powder of limited duration obviously, it would be necessary for one of you to put him. " " Why not you? " Asked the guard suspiciously, whose name I could not remember. " Try to climb that colossus in armor by being stealthy, you'll see after. " He answered in a neutral tone to the insinuation of the guard. " I will not let you use this mare in your stratagem if she risks anything! " Said visibly upset the stallion putting himself in a defensive position protecting Dark Insidious hamper. Crown of Winter cast a surprised glance at the bat pony mare and turned her attention to her interlocutor. " You are nice, but someone would have to do it. " " Not to mention Solar Flare and Spell Book. " Dark Insidious said. " Listen, I have a plan! " I said firmly in spite of my still childish voice to which I received very different attitudes: Crown of Winter gave me all his attention with an excessively serious look, Dark Insidious took advantage of it to shift from the guard while smiling at me and guarding him. rolled her eyes in exasperation. " These are big little filly stuff, so do not worry about that! " After long minutes of debate, I could expose my plan. Everyone nodded for lack of anything better. This colossus and these acolytes was sorry to have attacked us. So we went out into the garden or should I now call it the battlefield. Bodies littered wherever it was possible to see uncomfortable all our small group yet close to the colossus, again pony attacked hoping he probably tired but he kept his smile scar on the face. Crown of Winter turned to us and without another word walked to Sunny Happy shouting his name : " Sunny Happy! " " Who dares? " " Sunny Happy! " " This voice ... I know it! " " You take a long time to answer! " On this statement, Sunny Happy swept the Pegasas with a reverse of the hook, chasing them like flies, then slowly turned to his corpulence and saw the wretched little knight of ice, his eyes getting bloodshot : " You !!! " " Yes, me and the Verum Universalis will defeat you by ... something. " " A thing? Really!? You are pathetic my poor but you will not rebate me. You should have killed me last time because now you're going to die. " " You know that I only kill if I am forced because I am ..." " Verum Universalis. I know, you still sing me the same song. " Meanwhile, the rest of the team and I were moving towards Solar Flare and Spell Book to focus on the appearance of Crown of Winter. The guard threw himself on the pink mare who had just enough time to see him coming and using his horn sent him to throw himself against a tree. I went on Solar Flare slower passing between these legs making her fall. Dark Insidious threw himself on Spell Book who was less fortunate this time uttering a plaintive squeak when my friend cleared her. Solar Flare lifted me into his magic and hung me by ropes that were there at the tree and propelled Dark Insidious into his magic slowly starting to strangle him : " Whoever you are, you will die! " " Dark Insidious! " I cried, unable to hold back my tears vainly trying to get me out of the ropes tying me to the tree. " Dark Insidious !! " Repeated Solar Flare and Spell Book exchanging a look. " If you knew how long I've been waiting for that. " Said Solar Flare, smiling. -- Sugar Belle/Spell Book -- Hold on! But Dark Insidious is not the name of Blood Moon's brother? This one who heard everything from my microphone shouted almost in my ears : " My brother? " Then began to sob and I tried to reassure her in vain : " I beg you Spell Book in the name of all that exists prevents him from dying. " " But ... " " You are ready to let your future brother-in-law die. You're a monster if you let that happen! " I think intensely seeing little by little the life leave the poor wretch with the filly shouting and struggling in an ultimate hope of saving him. I never like to kill but my life has not really helped me so far. It was time for the massacres to stop once and for all. I saw a big branch and with the help of my magic I put a good blow to the back of Solar Flare's head which in shock collapsed knocked out. The blow made him let go and Dark Insidious could breathe. I untied the filly and helped everyone get back on their feet and then firmly tied Solar Flare to the tree and the pony uniformed pony stallion put a magical iron something on the horn of Solar Flare. I turned around and contemplated the battle between Sunny Happy and Crown of Winter. He avoided the enormous blows of the giant in armor with difficulty and gave a swift blow to the legs of the colossus. What I guessed to be a guard by his uniform could not fly after the break that I had made him for the moment. Dark Insidious looked at me by a strange look and then flew over and over Sunny Happy who unfortunately saw him arrive blowing on him with a colossal force sending him against one of the ramparts of the castle. -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- I rushed with all my might towards the place of the crash and saw Dark Insidious lying unconscious. I examined it quickly then took the bag containing said paralyzing powder and headed quickly and furtively unnoticed between all the ponies stunned under the terrible blows of the monstrosity. Arrived at these feet, I skilfully climbed the armor and arrived near his head in no time. I threw the powder all over her face, noticing me when it was too late. His body stiffened in a few seconds and collapsed backwards. Spell Book had just enough time to remove all the unconscious ponies before they were crushed. I started to fall with him when Crown of Winter caught me flying and curled up around me protecting me from the hand. Then once the fall was over, we disengaged ourselves and went to help the survivors. Crown of Winter blew into a horn that broke the next moment regenerating the most wounded and literally reviving the dead to life. Dark Insidious limping a little, the crumpled wings stood at my side : " Is someone you do not find? " " Sure. " Then I threw myself to his stroke.It was not long before we saw the two princesses getting up, helped by a crowd of other ponies." Now we will have to judge these people! " Proclaimed Crown of Winter, taking the bust of Sunny Happy as a platform.Some ponies who had not noticed him turned his attention to him like the princesses. The judgment of Solar Flare, Sunny Happy and Spell Book could begin. > The trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- The days passed, a trial to judge Sunny Happy, Solar Flare and Spell Book was organized. Fortunately, for helping us fight Sunny Happy and Solar Flare, Spell Book was not going to jail and will most likely be on parole.The fate of Solar Flare and Sunny Happy on the other hand was still in question as a result of their different crimes. No lawyer wishing to be their defenses, Crown of Winter proposed himself. The latter was suspected of being a double agent by the nobles of Canterlot who wanted the eradication of all demons, which is in principle the reason why Crown of Winter took place in the debate.It must be said that this one to a certain ease with the crowds. I think of all this at the window of my room fixing the progress of the work on the setting sun. Behind, Dark Insidious pats my shoulder in order to get my attention : " Black Snake, I'm going to see Spell Book! I will finally see my sister again! And we'll have to talk about this marriage between her and Spell Book. It's funny to think of Spell Book as my future brother-in-law. Do you want to come? " " No. " I said, staring at my hooves. " Something is wrong? " " No! " I replied now more angry. " You know ... I think of you as my family now and I see that something is wrong. Please, let me help you! " " Really!!! " All my anger disappearing giving way to surprise. " Really what? " " Do you consider me as your family? " " Of course. I would love to introduce you to my sister, Blood Moon. " And without another word, I jumped on him and gave him a huge hug. " I love you! " " Me too. " -- Crown of Winter -- The day of the trial arrived with great difficulty. It was necessary to rebuild a whole court room in order to be able to bring in Sunny Happy. Yet his presence will not be useful because of his madness. A multitude of guards dragged him into the room. The smile and look of Sunny Happy dive into the distance. From time to time, he had a clear moment of lucidity to try to free himself or demand food where yet to ask blood for his sweet smell he said thrilling the jury. That was not going to help me. Fortunately, I have to deal only with his case. Solar Flare is intellectually capable of thinking, he could defend himself alone. Yet this court will not be easy to convince. These noble and aristocrats of Canterlot do everything to get Sunny Happy's execution. An orange pony with blue glasses asked me to come in. So I entered and in front of a large arched room from which came a hole in the ceiling, a ray of light illuminating the center of the room. All around, raised seats place in a circle in the remaining darkness of the room. Several seats facing the door were larger and ornate than the rest of the others. This show captivated me and then many hoofbeats echoed behind me. A crowd of ponies moved around in the big one too busy looking for a good place to enjoy what could be a chapel with all the illuminations of the room. Sunny Happy chained arrived followed by an escort and the princesses herself. I bowed quickly and took a seat next to my client. A quarter of an hour later, after everyone entered and silence finally reigns. The trial began. A stallion in green with a dark blue mane in a black suit with a golden monocle, which no doubt was of the great nobility of Canterlot, stood in the middle of the assembly and spoke : " My colleagues, princesses, if we are here to judge this monster of metal! " All nodded, then he went on. " Do you think a creature more monstrous than Tirek existed? That's what I thought before seeing this ... thing and those charming friends! This horror does not even deserve the Tartarus! No, she deserves something worse. The death! " At this word, half of the ponies became pale. Some were becoming green and were struggling to vomit. Nevertheless, the nobility of Canterlot seemed in no way unmoved except two, three. " We can not imprison him and we can not let him go. I know that for many the sentence seems monstrous but perhaps you would rather let him kill the foals and innocent fillies. " After the utterance of this last idea, the green unicorn pony returned to its place, always in its extreme attitude of exaggerated snobbery. It was therefore the turn of the defense that is to say me alone. I stood up and noticed that most of the ponies looked at me scared, no doubt that I am a demon myself, that I can exonerate him or something else. I placed myself like this stallion in the center of the room in the ray of light to be seen by all and began : " My friends, the hour is serious, we want to kill a life without having known all the details of what is called life! You sir, want to kill Sunny Happy not by justice but by revenge. But do vengeance and justice go from peers? I believe in this case that the walls of Canterlot would be covered with blood. Let's resonate my friends, please. Sure, Sunny Happy has to be judged and he will be judged but let me tell you his story... " After a quick account of Sunny Happy's story, most of the ponies refused to kill him slowly. is a first victory in the fog of war that is this trial. The attack began to debate and this time a blue pegasus with a white coat with a clear blue mane arrived at the bar : " There is no question of suffering here, but of the quick and painless death of a person who, despite his sad past, is a murderer in cold blood! Ponies, will you believe a filth like a demon where an honest pony who only asks that these monstrosities return to their creators! Let Equestria get rid of these defilements and purify what must be purified! " Applause broke out all over the room. The princesses themselves could not keep silent with their Royal Canterlot Voice. I have heard about Black Snake. The session was suspended and all went to eat. Princess Luna came near me and claimed to give her voice in the name of Sunny Happy's survival.After two hours of waiting, the trial resumed. All the ponies looked at me with pure hatred while others gave me clumsy smiles to give me courage. I took a seat and started : " So you are racist !? I thought I was dealing with people who had common sense, who would have said : After all, he did not choose to be a demon, to be the embodiment of what you call Evil. No, you prefer to imagine that we are exactly like Sunny Happy, bloodthirsty brutes devoid of heart. So maybe for you to show that I'm not a monster, I should tell you that I had an adopted son? That I loved him and that I cried him a death not a day but my life asking me why every morning he is no longer there! " Tears flowed from my eyes, but I went on. " Do you really think that Sunny Happy acts do not disguise me as much as you! That I am only a pile of iron and ice? Please, as I would ask you every time you can save a life today of a being who has only known suffering and misery. Give him a chance to be nice, give him the chance to experience happiness. " Sunny Happy, who was standing there by the stoic side, began to cry with long sobs like a little child. I knew at that moment that the trial was won. The ponies, as I had noticed at home, are very sensitive beings. I do not say that I was doing comedy but sometimes feelings are above reason. All the nobles except one of the name of Blue Blood who persisted joined my opinion. I explained my idea of ​​making him amnesic and giving him a foal appearance. The idea was accepted and with the help of the princesses, we went through the anti-magic protections of his armor and did as agreed. A mare named Fleur de Lys adopted it with a stallion. Then after the social worker has passed. Sunny Happy became Morning Happy. I learned later that Solar Flare was not so lucky and it was decided that he would become a maid for a period of 5 years at the court of a certain princess Cadance where he was obliged to do everything that was said. When I saw him for the last time at the station. She was a gray-haired mare, a maid-servant. I found it special as a treatment but frankly, this one was not only all his head to do this but he had not had a painful childhood. She gave me a look of pure hatred. Many festivities were preparing for Canterlot.I'll make it short but good. Spell Book and Blood Moon were married to Canterlot in their initial forms to the relief of Spell Book. Dark Insidious decided with the agreement of Black Snake to adopt it and left with the guard of the name of ... Silent Night I think. They formed an adorable family and I became a part of Black Snake. Luna also found love with a stranger in my eyes and had children. Finally, I'm happy to have been able to help but sad at not being able to stay.I greeted everyone with big cuddles and then I shut myself up in the countryside now completely black and prepared the ritual to leave the universe. I left instructions to follow to Dark Insidious if he wanted to leave one day although I think it will be in a lot of time. I am happy to see even jealous of his happiness. I was looking at my son's pendant and then cried for a while. Even after all these years, the pain is too much. But soon I could see him again, Door a Dream will help me at least I hope so. A ray of blue light appeared in the sparkling countryside of the light of the twinkling stars on this beautiful summer night. Far off on his balcony, Dark Insidious melancholy says to no one in particular : " Good luck, Crownie. " Carried away by the silence of the night. END (Bonus) In the royal court of Canterlot " Narrator for breaking the fourth wall and for failing to turn the palace into a club, I condemn you 1000 years on the moon! " " Can I bring board games please? " "..."