• Published 10th Feb 2018
  • 7,668 Views, 339 Comments

The Rise of a Raven - Chemtest

When you work with death for a living, do you even have to question if it will claim you? Just make sure to find any loophole possible, just in case.

  • ...

Paid (rewrite)

Twenty years, such a short time in my immortal lifespan, yet the most eventful time in a while. My body hasn’t changed with the rest of me, that much is true, but with the simple manipulation of bone I can be as tall as a stallion. The war may also weigh upon my mind like nothing else, but I still stand strong. Just as our people have done, and I am so very proud of them.

Music was an industry that was revolutionized by us, a side effect of the war. No longer is it a battle of classical against dubstep with their slow and clashing tones. I brought into this world Swing, Sombra brought into it the Blues, and Sweetie became the leader of Jazz. From the calming tones of the past, into the adrenaline rush of now. Our music reflects our citizens. Sad at times, but always continuing onwards. Upbeat, and screaming our names as we lead them ever further. Unified, even though division pecks at the door of our differences. And it is because of us, my friends and I, that this revolution has come about.

Speaking of friends, they have changed just like music. Apple Bloom became interested in civilian technology, and was quite good at it, shocking everyone around her. She still was an Apple farmer at heart, but realized our need for further resources. One of the greatest inventions she had was the Pip-Buck 3000. It started off as a huge machine made to tell farmers the optimal inputs and outputs to get the most out of their crop. Then, it started to read vitals, and take inventory. It can now do many, many things. From vital scans, aim assisting, maps, a heads up display, it even automatically assigns value to everything and can carry items, all whilst fitting on a hoof. First, it was distributed to us leaders, then soldiers, then Stables, and now civilians. She became the leader of ‘The Ministry of Production’. A Minestry dedicated to producing new technologies and more food to feed our people and soldiers. Sweet Apple Acres and her siblings in general have gladly joined under her, working harder to feed our growing nation. Their chief collaborators are the Stables.

Stables themselves are a bunker system to keep ponies safe should the war escalate. It was made early on in the war, so civilians could hide with the soldiers when the bombing began on our cities. It’s expanded to be there just in case the worse were to happen. Other than making that, Scootaloo has become a symbol for our warriors in the air. She was a diplomat early on in the war, but the need for diplomacy fell quickly. Now she leads the Air Corps, and the Wonderbolts themselves. She ascended to be the leader when Spitfire died in the middle of a spec-ops mission. It was a great loss for us all, and I know Scootaloo tries to be invincible in spirit so as to meet the expectations Spitfire would give her. With the exception of me, she does the most fighting. She always flys out with the Wonderbolts as an elite force, and it’s because of her many fights have been won. She leads ‘The Ministry of Air.’ Many Pegasi that have their talents within flying have joined under her, including her idol, Rainbow Dash. She takes her role more seriously than any of us, and the Pegasi follow her example, being the most nationalist and motivated of any army we have, barring mine.

And then there’s Louis, who is proud to be the diplomat who merged us and the Changeling Hives. The Hives have all started to regrow back to their previous strength under his careful care. He leads his own Blue Hive into battle many times, but not to kill or injure. He founded ‘The Ministry of Healing.’ It is dedicated to healing every soldier they find injured, enemy or ally. Many ponies such as Fluttershy have joined him in effort to stop mass destruction. He has built many new hospitals and clinics in our new land, and created many new medicines as well. Without him, this war would be much bloodier than it already is.

Sombra is our diplomat for the Crystal Empire, using his cunning to have Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor decide to join the Union. With the crystal imports, our economy is booming, and Sombra is to thank for it. One day he visited Ponyville, and found a specific pink pony in a gingerbread house there. Thus, ‘The Ministry of Joy’ was made, with Sombra as leader, and Pinkie Pie as his right hoof mare. Their mission is to make it so our citizens to not give into despair or sadness, but instead move into each day with a smile.

Our main stallion for producing weapons is Black Smith. He took the simple idea of a gun, and expanded upon it in many different ways. Now there are smaller pistols that pack quite a punch, rifles to hit targets from afar, assault rifles to fire accurately and quickly, and even guns that can put out hundreds of bullets in a few seconds. He’s also fashioned armor to protect from these weapons as our enemy gets their hooves on it. His best project is called power armor. It gives ponies the strength of a bear, the durability of a tank, and the mobility of themselves. He also has done experiments with crystals and made laser guns, and plasma guns. Rumor has it that Rarity of all ponies is helping him with the design of his armor. Rumor, and eyesight, also has it that they’re in love. They just have yet to figure it out.

Sweetie Belle and I have flourished over the years. I find every time I’m around her to be the best moments of my long life, and I seem to never tire of her presence. Even the most interesting creature in Tel’la De Rus doesn’t hold a candle to Sweetie. We try the best we can to be together as much as we can, and I always savor the time we meet next. No matter how sparce our meetings are now, with how work tears us apart, I think I might propose to her soon. However, work comes before us, so that is a while to come. She has created ‘The Minsitry of Voice’, a surprising choice for her. She not only creates music, but seemed fascinated with the voice. She talked with Pot Hitter, and he shared in her fascination. She decided to help with the war when she saw how I stressed with it, and now has a following of mages who use their voice. Necromancers, Pyromancers, anyone. They go out onto the field, and weave their strife upon the enemy with their voice. Then they go home, and make their songs, so our citizens can hear and be inspired.

It was a meeting with two individuals that made her decide to go down this path. Before then, she led Music, not Voice. But there are these two warriors. Orcs, from Tamriel. Dovahkin and Ghorbash the Iron Hand. Dovahkin has the ability to cast magic by shouting, a thing he calls the Thu’um. This, combined with the strange Orcish language they spoke, inspired Sweetie to change to Voice. These two warriors have proven themselves invaluable, producing a new race of warrior rivaled only with the Red Hive. They have traveled with Mass Offense all over the war, allowing him to grow to be the head of an army. These two seek the dragon, Alduin, and have searched for him with my help. Last week we found him, and I believe they shall be fighting today. My best wishes traveled with them, even if they wield such archaic weapons.

As far as I am concerned, my Ministry is dedicated only to the war. I was always the most warlike of any of us, so when the time came to make a Ministry, it was an obvious choice. I am the leader of ‘The Ministry of Death’ for that is what we bring upon our enemy. Raven’s Reapers, my elite group of power armor wearing death dealers. The Necromancer Guild, a group of Necromancers led by Twilight Sparkle that produce skeletons to fight in the war. Twilight took a liking to my knowledge, and so did many others. Now, they make soulless puppets to fight in the war.

The war is almost over. There only are a few more places that we have yet to break. Today we take the most important. As of now, Fillydelphia and Baltimare should be taken over. This war has produced many horrors. Robots are a minor one, but nothing as bad as the nukes. Some strange combination of magic and science has made a bomb that will destroy everything in a ten mile radius. Somehow, the enemy got it after we made it. I think there is a spy somewhere in the higher tiers.

We are now the rulers of this land as well. Luna disappeared into her room two years ago, and seems to be in a broken state of despair, only being able to take care of herself. With her gone, leadership fell to me and my friends. We already were seen as the real leader before, but now we actually have full command of Equestria. It’s a position I never thought I would have, and I hope we can bring Luna back.

I’m sitting in my Ministry building, waiting for a transmission. I see a message pop up on my terminal, “Put that up on the screen.”

On it is a soldier wearing power armor, saluting me, “Sir! Head Paladin Mass Offense reporting!”

I nod, “Good. What is your report? Good news, I should hope.”

He snaps his leg back down, and nods, “Both in Fillydelphia and Baltimare our offense has worked. We await your order to storm the nuclear bunkers!”

I nod, “Permission-“ I’mcut off by a roaring sound in the transmission.

I see him stumble around, and turn around to face the bunker. Out of the bunker, a missile comes flying out. He collapses to his knees, “Dear Luna. They’ve done it. They’ve launched the nukes.”

I slam my hoof down on the intercom button, “Code Red! Everyone run for the Stables!

I look up to see Mass Offense salute me, one last time, “It was an honor to serve, Raven. This is Head Paladin Mass Offense signing-“ he’s cut off as an explosion rings sounds out behind him.

Everyone behind me is rushing out as quick as possible, hoping beyond hope to get to the Stable five minutes away. I sigh, and press a button to hop onto an emergency broadcast.

Faces start to pop up on the big screen.

“This is Sweetie Belle reporting in!”

“This is Scootaloo reporting in!”

“This is Apple Bloom reporting in!”

“This is Louis reporting in!”

“This is Sombra, reporting in.”

I sigh, “Ravens Breath reporting in. Good, we’re all here. This... this is goodbye.”

Then Apple Bloom speaks up, “I do hate to say it, but it seems like I’m gonna have to leave first. Nuke looks about five seconds out.”

Her channel goes out after five seconds. Scootaloo tears up a bit as she looks to her side, “Welp, not gonna lie, there’s one headed right for me as well. Should’ve built in the air. Goodbye, everyone. It’s time for me to leave.”

Then her channel goes down as well. Louis slams his hoof down, “Those bastards! Do they not know how many will die from this? All of my efforts... the Hives... the lives saved... wasted.”

His channel cuts out, and I can hear the explosion in the distance. Sombra smiles sadly, “Nuke on me as well. Maybe... I remember the tests of it’s power against crystal. If I make a bubble of crystal around the city, I can save it.” I can hear a grunt of exertion, and Sombra pants on screen as his horn lights up, “I can protect myself as well. Ponies from the Stable can find the city and me when the radiation clears.” He turns to look at me once more, “Estoy orgulloso de ti. Llegaste a mí con tristeza en tus ojos y vacilación en cada paso y palabra, con gusto saltarías a la muerte. Y ahora, tu muerte viene y la odias. Aprendiste a amar la vida, y los que te rodean. Dejaste de sobrevivir, y comenzaste a vivir. Y me siento muy orgulloso.”

I smile back, “Sombra, sabes que eso es solo por ti. Me enseñaste tanto con una simple sonrisa. Nunca tendré otro amigo como tú, nadie podría comparar.”

He starts to have his crystal crawl up his body. In his final moments before crystalisation, he smiles at us, “Nunca he visto un par más adecuado el uno para el otro. Adios Amigos.”

His screen shuts off, just like all the others. Sweetie looks out of her window, and slightly smirks, “Well, saving me for second to last? I’m flattered.”

I lean into the screen, “Sweetie Belle.”

She turns back to me, “Yes, Raven?”

I look out my own window as a nuke approaches, “I love you Sweetie Belle, I haven’t said it enough. Our death may approach quick, but it has given me new found confidence. Sweetie Belle, will you marry me?”

I hear her laugh, and see a single tear fall from her eye, “Yes, it would’ve always been yes. I love you Raven.”

I lean in once more, and look her in the eye best I can, “This is not goodbye, Sweetie Belle. This is see you later. I will find you after this, and I will bring you back. I will not allow destiny to steal you away for eternity.”

Her channel goes down as she gives me one last smile.

I see the nuke slowly approach, and I think. Why? Is this what happens when I do the right thing? Is this what Celestia would have wanted? Why leave me last, to torture me?

I can feel my flesh disappear with the nuke’s blast. And one resounding thought goes through my head.

I will find them. I am Ravens Breath, and I will not allow destiny to take me.

This is not the end, no matter what any god has to say.

Comments ( 45 )

huh, didn't see this coming; proceed~

Well, it was an idea I had ever since the whole ‘I will get revenge’ plot. I mean, war makes weapons grater.

:trixieshiftleft:hmmm... continue:trixieshiftright:

Woah well the sequel is going to be intresting that is for sure fallout time here we go

Yep, although I may wait a bit to do it.
I had another idea for a story, and I would prefer to have a buffer between story and sequel.

Like what happens during the time the elements are out of order seeing what is left of the world how new things will emerge from the ashes of a ruined world

No, the story idea has nothing to do with this world.
But if that’s not what your talking about, like, it’s Fallout, that’s all.

I was listening to this as I was reading.

That seems to fit kinda.
I started off by listing to some Wasteland Wailers swing songs, then when into Fallout themes after he stopped remembering.

I enjoyed reading this story.

Well thank you.
If you wish, you can check out my other works. Not nearly as good to my eyes, but still good.
And make sure to stick around for other great stories and a sequel!

This sequel will be one of the few Fallout Equestria stories I will read. You done good.

And Sombra, who leads ‘The Ministry Of Smiles.’


Return soon for: Fallout Equestria; The Reaper.


Ah, thank you. But I shall do that at another time, till then I shall put a ‘buffer story’ of sorts so people get hyped and not tired of Raven.

The idea is interesting but in the first chapter you seem to almost seem to give the main character Gary Steu levels of 'look how nice I am'. This is very strange to read, though it's probably because you need him to be nice for the story idea to work.

He’s not what I call ‘nice’ I mean, look at how he treats the racists in Dodge Junction. He is a man with a moral code, like all of us, just because he doesn’t want to kill, and wants to treat skeletons fairly is not exactly ‘gary stue’ as it is what most would believe.

I more so meant that it sounded that way with the skeletons and the last words, plus why do skeletons have lunch?

Heeeeey! That's what I thought!

Well it is a story about a nice necromancer meeting cartoon horses from a kids tv show so I guess that's a relatively good explanation.

Yes, it’s magic, I ain’t gotta explain shit.

First chapter. The “heroes” hate him, then at the end they respect him and even seem like they’re his friends. Their personalities take a 180

What, a Dwarf who says he can have final words? A Griffin doing what they do to every opponent?
And by the end, only the Dwarf is what he gets, and he saw what happend when the Necromancer died. He likes this world, and knows that without the Necromancer it falls apart.

I’m sorry, that second part about the dwarf made no sense. He knows the world falls apart without the Necromancer yet kills him anyway? What?

The dwarf killed him the first time, then the world fell apart. The Dwarf saw this, and didn’t kill him the second time, knowing the same would happen.

...but he did just kill him?

No, the Dwarf only killed him one time.

But the first chapter? In the first chapter they kill the Necromancer. You’ve gone and completely confused me.

Okay, they kill him in the first chapter, and the world falls apart because of it.
The hero’s survived and created a new world, the Dwarf became king of Changelings.
The Necromancer met with the Changling king (the Dwarf) And he aggred to help him that second time because he knew the world was going to fall apart if the Necromancer dies.

Wait, so you’re saying the Necromancer after dying is still in the same world after the first chapter, it’s just everything’s changed?

Like, the world in the first chapter became Equestria after his death?

Look, the chapter Discord’s Dissucion explains what happend to all the hero’s, read that as it is quicker.

That’s bad writing. It shouldn’t be so difficult for the reader to understand. Also, I stopped reading because of the errors. Hard to read a story like this, I’m afraid.

It doesn’t seem like anyone else had a problem.

Just because others don't comment doesn't mean they don't have a problem.

If they have a problem and don’t comment then that problem shouldn’t exist.

That's the wrong mindset to have considering the 35 downvotes

If they dislike something they should tell me, if not then fuck them.

Oh, damm. Yeah, spelling for me is a bad thing because of how my mind works. If I see anything my mind will automatically correct it without me noticing, so seeing mistakes in grammar and spelling is just hard.

Alright, I can understand a character caring, and I'll continue to read it, but this problem with lack of story, had appeared in another story of yours, The surivior.

I hope to enjoy this story

Yes but we declared independence almost 250 years ago. That caused the difference in Grammar, among other things.

This felt like I was watching a recap episode or maybe an abridged series. definitely could have been more fleshed out. Read it all in about 4 or so hours. Thiss has been fun though
Did not see fallout equestria coming though
That was amusing

Do keep in mind that you are reading an updated, rewritten version with a lot different from the old version. If you didn’t know that, you are. While I haven’t quite gotten a proofreader yet, I do think my grammar and spelling has improved, and my quality of writing, even since the rewrite of this. And yeah, I like people pointing out problems they have. I don’t condone people who try and protect me from criticisms by saying ‘you’ve never posted’. It’s sort of childish to do, and makes people afraid to give honest feedback (which I want).

That's understandable and very good habit. Every young needs to take feedback if they have any hope nm of improving and....in some case build a thicker skin (I honestly can not tell you how many thin-skinned writers, who couldn't take criticism, even when they're constructive in nature).

Well, like I said you a decent writer, just need to improve on pacing your stories. It's very important to allow your readers time to process what they read, while at the same time don't drag a story for too long or they're lost interest. It's a delicate balance. Just keep practicing. Other than that you're doing fine in your other works. 😄

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